The first signs of chickenpox in children: how it starts. Everything you need to know about chickenpox in children: symptoms, treatment methods, prevention methods Chickenpox in a child of 6 years

Chickenpox in a child is a common disease that often develops between the ages of 2 and 7 years. At risk are children attending kindergartens. The clinic can be a dangerous place. The causative agent of chickenpox (ICD-10 disease code - B01) is herpes simplex virus type 3 (HSV type 3).

A newborn baby, as well as a baby up to 6-7 months. unlikely to get chickenpox due to maternal immunity after birth. Upon reaching the age of 7, the disease is rare, but usually proceeds more severely than at a year old.

The causative agent of the disease is the herpes simplex virus type 3, which is extremely volatile. Infection of children occurs by airborne droplets. The microorganism literally "moves with the wind", which explains the peculiar name of the disease.

You can catch a nasty virus while in a room with an infected person. However, the transmitted disease childhood leaves behind a strong immunity, which almost eliminates the risk of re-infection, but does not reduce it to zero.

The microorganism easily moves to a distance of up to 20 m. Children at 1.5 years old get sick less often than those who are 2.8 years old or about 4 years old, because the latter spend a lot of time in a team where type 3 HSV can be caught .

Chickenpox is characterized by spring-autumn seasonality. In hot weather, the causative agent of the disease cannot exist. In adults who have not had time to get chickenpox, it is more severe than in children.

The incubation period of the disease in a child

A watery pimple is sometimes the first sign of chickenpox. A peculiar rash quickly spreads throughout the body. However, its appearance is not considered as the initial stage of the disease.

The incubation period in children is from 13 to 17 days. At this time, the virus multiplies in the cells circulatory system and epithelium, after which it begins to manifest itself. An infectious child is dangerous from the end incubation period until the crust falls off.

The acute stage of the disease proceeds with pronounced clinical symptoms. Sometimes it is preceded by a prodromal period lasting 1-2 days, in which there is a deterioration in well-being.

After acute stage recovery begins. The duration of this period is up to 3 weeks. The child ceases to act as a carrier of the disease on the 5th day after the last spot appeared.

In children, the disease lasts 2-3 weeks, then recovery occurs and there is no dangerous consequence, but in rare cases, chickenpox pneumonia develops. Adolescents and premature babies are at risk.

Clinical picture of the disease

How chickenpox begins in children, its symptoms and treatment should be known to each parent in order to notice the disease in time and cope with it. Chicken pox most often begins with a fever up to 39-40 degrees. Additionally, there are headaches, weakness, conjunctivitis, loss of appetite, cough.

A characteristic sign of chickenpox in a child is a kind of rash, which at first looks like pink spots with a diameter of 2-4 mm and after a while it turns into papules ("nodules"). Some of the "nodules" become vesicles. The latter have a single-chamber structure, the skin around them is red.

After 1-3 days, the vesicles dry up, and brown or dark red crusts remain in their place, which fall off in a period of 2 to 3 weeks. With the active stage of the disease, rashes reappear, so different types of them are often present on the skin area.

Simultaneously with skin lesions, the child develops an enanthema on the mucous membranes (the mouth, tongue are also affected). It presents with vesicles that macerate and transform into ulcers with a yellowish-gray bottom surrounded by a red rim. The enanthema consists of 1-3 elements and heals after 1-2 days.

Chickenpox in children has different symptoms, the most unpleasant of which is severe itching at the site of the formed bubbles. When combing the affected areas, scars remain, called "pockmark". In adults, the rash is more massive than in babies, and is accompanied by severe intoxication.

Signs of chickenpox in young children during the formation of a rash are not always very pronounced. Body temperature rises during the mass appearance of bubbles. Since the rash occurs from time to time, there is an undulating fever (i.e., after normalization of body temperature, its repeated increase occurs).

Hyperthermia lasts from 2 to 5 (in rare cases up to 8-10) days, depending on the number and duration of the appearance of blisters, which can form from 2 to 9 days. In most cases, chickenpox in young children ends without consequences. It is extremely rarely complicated by pyoderma, lymphadenitis (behind the ear), and other pathologies.

Forms of chickenpox in a child

Children between 2 and 12 years old sometimes have atypical form disease, which is characterized by the absence of fever and profuse rash. Adolescence dangerous for the development of a moderate or severe form of the disease. Those adults who did not have chickenpox in childhood are at risk of developing complications.

There are 3 forms of chickenpox:

  1. Light, in which single rashes are observed, the temperature remains within the normal range, normal health is maintained. Pimples caused by HSV type 3 form within 2-3 days.
  2. Moderate, common. At the same time, sleep disturbances, skin itching, fever, headaches are observed. Rashes are formed 5-7 days.
  3. Severe, which is characterized by hyperthermia up to 40 degrees, vomiting, nausea, headache, delirium. The period of appearance of pimples is from 7 to 10 days.

Diagnosis of the disease

How cure chicken pox

An effective approach to the treatment of chickenpox in a child is determined by the characteristics of its course. A mandatory consultation with a pediatrician is required. Reduce high temperature antipyretic drug(baby ibuprofen or paracetamol). If a complication of the disease is a bacterial skin lesion, then antibiotics are indicated.

Medicines of the following groups are prescribed:

  • Bath with yarrow solution. Preparation and method of application: pour 200 g of dry grass into 5 liters of boiling water, pour the infusion into water and bathe the baby for at least 15 minutes.
  • Bath with decoction of barley. Preparation and method of application: Pour 1 kg of grain with 5 liters of water, bring to a boil, cool and pass through a sieve. Decoction to wipe the body of the child, do not rinse.
  • Rinse solution. Preparation and method of application: pour 20 g of sage into 250-500 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Rinse the mouth and throat with the cooled infusion.
  • Honey compress (after the approval of the doctor and in the absence of allergies). The multiplicity of the procedure - 2-3 times a day.

Features of the habitual lifestyle

Since with the appearance of bubbles the child begins to itch a lot, you need to tell him that damage to the skin is fraught with scarring. Sweating is observed due to fever, which contributes to increased itching. A small patient needs to maintain a normal temperature in the bedroom, provide him with clothes made from natural fabrics and change them regularly.

Habitual bathing in the bath with chickenpox is unacceptable. However, at normal body temperature, warm showers are allowed. This will reduce the intensity of skin itching. When bathing, do not use soap and washcloths, as this can damage the rashes. For the same reason, it is undesirable to wipe the baby's skin with a hard towel. It is better to use a sheet or terry cloth.

A proper diet during an illness helps to transfer it more easily. It includes healthy and light meals for the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to drink more fluids. If the child refuses to eat, then you should not insist. Sweets should be limited, and sour, salty, spicy, smoked and spicy foods should be discarded until recovery. The menu should include cereals, lean meat and fish, broths, vegetables, fruits and berries.

The onset of the disease is acute, but soon the child recovers. You can walk only after you feel better. At the same time, a baby who can infect others should know that he should not interact with healthy children. You should not be in direct sunlight. It is allowed to go to kindergarten after the doctor approves.

Windmill before vacation

A child may have chickenpox before a planned vacation (for example, a holiday in Thailand). If adults and a child have tickets on hand, then they will most likely be allowed on board the aircraft, but here we are talking about the ethical side of the issue. Chickenpox - infectious disease, it can be difficult for those who did not encounter it in childhood. Therefore, the following is appropriate. recommendation: in order not to infect vacationers, it is better to postpone the trip.

A child infected with HSV-3 type poses a danger to healthy people:

  • 2 days before the formation of the first rashes;
  • 5 days before the last pimple forms.

Infection occurs by airborne droplets (in rare cases, when interacting with the affected skin). The plane has a closed ventilation system, so if a passenger with chickenpox flies in it, other people who have not had chickenpox are likely to become infected. Outdoors, the risk of contracting HSV-3 is much lower.

You can fly to rest if you have a certificate from a pediatrician about non-infectiousness. At the same time, residual skin manifestations will not pose a threat to others. Despite this, conflicts between the parents of an ill child and other passengers are not ruled out.

In practice, a sick child can be allowed on a plane, but according to Art. 107 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the carrier has the right to terminate the agreement at its own request if the passenger's state of health poses a threat to the safety of other people or creates inconvenience for them.

Chicken pox and current vacation

It happens that the child and parents flew to another country, where it was discovered that the little traveler had chicken pox. What to do? You will probably need to undergo treatment. In this case, the trip home will be delayed. However, it depends on the country in which the vacation took place.

So, a child with chickenpox may be allowed on board the aircraft. This is due to the rules regarding the measures taken in the event of infectious diseases vacationers. Therefore, parents are advised to learn what to do. It is possible that the little traveler will be sent to a hospital for treatment.

To safely fly to Israel, Turkey or another country, it is better that the baby has been vaccinated. The vaccine appeared not so long ago, however, it is the prevention of the disease. If the child does not have a vaccination, then you should not worry, because chickenpox in children has a mild or moderate course.

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During the newborn period, children are very vulnerable. It is not for nothing that mothers are worried that their child can become infected with chickenpox - both from someone else's sick child, and from household members.

Chickenpox is highly volatile - the virus is able to penetrate even through closed doors from the next room. But at the same time, chickenpox cannot be “brought” on clothes from a clinic, store or from the street, since the virus dies in the external environment. Therefore, chickenpox in children under one year old can appear only through personal contact or in the vicinity of the patient. In a word, if someone in the family gets sick, there is a high risk of infection of the newborn.

On the other hand, if the baby's mother once suffered from chickenpox and is now breastfeeding the baby, this significantly reduces the risk of infection, even with constant contact with the patient. At breastfeeding woman passes antibodies to baby, and this supports his immunity, which, however, will disappear by about six months.

Chickenpox is very difficult for a child up to 3 months old, so during this period, parents should protect him from contact with patients, as well as with people who have herpes on their lips. These rashes are taken for 1 form of chicken pox.

How does chickenpox manifest in infants?

Of course, the first sign of chickenpox in a child under one year old is rash on the skin . The disease has a wave-like character - that is, rashes appear in "batches", there may even be relief, followed by a deterioration in the baby's condition.

With a mild form of chickenpox, symptoms in children under one year old look like a rash, alternately intensifying and subsiding. Rashes are accompanied slight fever , which increases as the rash spreads. However, the temperature may not rise if the rash is localized.

The rash begins as small red spots, transforming as the disease progresses into transparent blisters filled with liquid, with a red halo around. When the blisters burst and dry up, crusts called scabs form on the surface of the skin. The behavior of the child during this period is characterized as capricious, restless, irritable.

There are certain nuances of infection and the course of the disease in infants.

Not surprising, because even a mild form of chickenpox in children under one year old provokes severe itching , which interferes with normal sleep and reduces appetite. It is easiest to transfer the disease to children who are breastfeeding at this time.

Babies who are receiving complementary foods may refuse fruit puree or juice. No need to insist. It's better to just breastfeed your baby whenever he wants to.

And don't forget to drink. It is much more difficult for artificial people, because sometimes they cannot eat at all. Mom needs to know that with chickenpox, you can’t force-feed the baby. It is better to drink it with water, unsweetened compote or very weak tea.

Unfortunately, children under one year old also have a severe form of chickenpox. It is usually very difficult to alleviate this condition on your own. The first symptoms of this form are temperature around 40 o and power failure .

Many mothers do not understand what is happening with the child and are very worried. Only the next day, when a profuse rash appears, the picture clears up. This form also flows in waves. With severe chickenpox, a child's larynx and sinuses may dry out, which sometimes leads to suffocation and false croup .

Of course, only a specialist can identify chickenpox in a child at 1 year old and determine the form of the disease. Therefore, at the first sign, it is necessary to call ambulance and not resist hospitalization if the doctor insists on it.

Diagnosis is half the cure

Parents usually suspect chickenpox when they have a rash, but doctors need a more complete picture. Therefore, the doctor will ask the mother in detail how the child behaved in the last couple of weeks, whether there were contacts with those infected with the varicella-zoster virus.

Perhaps you and your baby were in the epicenter of the epidemic - the hospital, kindergarten, sanatoriums, among other children or adults suffering from chickenpox. In most cases, examination of the skin and a survey of the mother is enough to make a diagnosis.

In controversial cases, the doctor may prescribe a serological blood test or electron microscopy of the virus taken from the patient's tissues. But, most often, everything ends with a visual inspection.

Features of the treatment of babies

With chickenpox in children under one year of age, special treatment is not required. The pediatrician prescribes complete rest, plenty of fluids and antipyretic drugs. For itching relief for children from one month old, Fenistil drops can be used. The dosage usually coincides with the number of months the baby has lived - at 3 months - 3 drops, at 6 months - 6 drops, etc.

To dry the bubbles, you can use brilliant green in the old fashioned way or smear the rashes with Fenistil gel. The gel is applied locally, it is advisable not to cover healthy skin with it and use only a clean finger for application, not a cotton swab. Swab fibers can easily spread the infection through the epidermis.

Parents can also use the antiseptic Calamine Lotion, which is widely used in the West. The lotion not only reduces itching and cools the skin, but also reduces the risk of scarring.

For temperature drop paracetamol is usually prescribed, which can be used both in the form of tablets and in the form of rectal suppositories. The second form has great advantages, since it is very difficult for young children to give medicines orally, and suppositories can be administered even during sleep.

Please note that it is advisable not to use these drugs at temperatures below 38-38.5 ° C. Ibuprofen is not taken for chickenpox. The medicine can cause serious complications.

It is very important to ensure that the little one does not scratch himself, tearing the blisters and contributing to the spread of the rash over healthy skin. To do this, you need to put on a baby vest and scratches. It is unlikely that this will appeal to a child suffering from itching.

But first of all, you need to take care of your recovery. So parents need to be patient and not get annoyed about the whims of the baby, who is already having a hard time. Try with all your might to calm and support the baby, as a peaceful state contributes to a speedy recovery.

In addition to this, it is necessary carefully observe personal hygiene measures - often change diapers, sliders and undershirts, having previously ironed them with a hot iron.

Children who are already eating lure need to consume more fermented milk products, fresh pureed vegetables and fruit and berry fruit drinks.

What not to do during treatment

Of course, every mother wants to alleviate the condition of her child as soon as possible. But recovery will not come sooner than it should if you abuse ointments and medicines.

Do not think that the more often you treat the wounds with brilliant green, the faster the rash will disappear. A solution of brilliant green does not kill the chickenpox virus, but only dries up inflammation and disinfects.

Zelenka abuse can lead to an imbalance of beneficial and harmful microorganisms on the surface of the epidermis and, as a result, scars will appear.

Besides, cotton swab or a disk, you run the risk of spreading the infection and making the rash worse. But it is impossible not to treat the skin at all. Try to limit yourself to two procedures per day.

Soviet, and many modern doctors insist that chickenpox in a child under one year old is a serious reason. do not bathe and do not walk . It is known that the varicella-zoster virus does not survive in the external environment, so the infected baby does not care.

Complete rejection of hygiene procedures won't do any good either. Try to at least wipe the child's folds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or quickly wash it in the shower, and do not be afraid to use talcum powder.

What absolutely can not be done in the treatment of chickenpox in children under one year old is abuse antipyretic drugs . The doctor must prescribe a daily dose of the drug, which is strongly not recommended to be exceeded.

Also, do not give your child pills more often than indicated in the prescription. Understand that temperature is a sign that the body is fighting to kill the virus. An overdose of paracetamol is much worse than a temperature of 37.7 ° C.

Vaccinations to prevent chickenpox

The best treatment is prevention, any doctor will tell you. The prevention of chickenpox is vaccination, which is usually not performed until the age of one. How then to secure baby? Vaccinate mom and all household members, especially if they are often in places where you can get infected.

Children are vaccinated according to the schedule, but what about adults? If you have been in contact with an infected person and know about it, you must be vaccinated within three days of contact. This will help reduce the likelihood of the disease, or at least translate the disease into a milder form.

Contraindications to chickenpox vaccination are pregnancy, but not lactation, as well as an allergy to gelatin or neomycin. However, many varicella vaccines, such as Okavax or Varivax, can be given to adults with chronic varicella. serious illnesses and even AIDS.

Other ways to prevent

Since it is almost impossible to vaccinate against chickenpox for a child under one year old, it is worth protecting him from possible infection.

To do this, it is necessary to limit contacts with sick children or adults, especially if the baby's mother did not have chickenpox. If someone in your family has become infected, suggest that they be treated in a hospital. It is also worth disinfecting the premises if there is a patient in the house.

Feel free to tell friends and family that you are stopping visits to your home until the child is a little older. The health of the baby, while rather fragile, should be a priority in your life.

Dr. Komarovsky about chickenpox in children

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Chickenpox, also known as chickenpox, is a highly contagious disease. More often affects children attending educational institutions. It is easy to contract the disease in places where there are many people. Treatment in children is easier than in adults: the child is less likely to develop complications. It is important to know how many days chickenpox is contagious and not to spread the disease. The patient infects others 2 days before the rash becomes visible, and is a carrier of chickenpox for the first 5-7 days after the onset of the rash.

Causes of chickenpox

The causative agent of chickenpox is herpesvirus type 3, spread by carriers and transmitted by airborne droplets. Having been in the same room with the patient, it is easy to get infected. After chickenpox, lifelong immunity is formed, but occasionally there are cases of re-infection. For years, the virus stays in the body of a person who has already had chickenpox in a “sleeping” state, and starts at once. Stress can be an activator. An adult gets shingles, spreading classic chicken pox.

Draft, any air flow can spread the virus to a distance of up to 20 m. When there is a baby in the same apartment with the patient, among others, you should not worry about him. The baby is safe if he is breastfed and the mother has already had chickenpox. The mother passes antibodies to him with her milk. Otherwise, grounds for concern remain: chickenpox in infants is difficult, it can give complications, since immunity has not yet been formed.

The first signs and symptoms of the disease

Chicken pox in children begins to manifest itself with the fact that the temperature jumps sharply to 39 or 40 degrees. Complaints of headache, weakness begin, accompanied by refusal to eat. Nausea and diarrhea are possible. Then a rash appears: at first these are single small red spots. They are able to recognize those people who have encountered this disease before. In the next few hours, bubbles filled with liquid form on these spots. The rash covers most of the body and mucous membranes, accompanied by unbearable itching.

How chickenpox manifests itself further: after 1-2 days, the bubbles break through, after which ulcers remain. The skin is covered with a crust that itches and gradually falls off (convalescent stage). If you do not comb the crusts, there will be no traces of rashes. Otherwise, the likelihood of scars and scars is high. In children older than two years and younger than 12, a mild form of chickenpox occurs, without fever and multiple rashes. This is one of the atypical manifestations of the disease. Teenagers get moderate or, in some cases, severe chickenpox.


Chickenpox is diagnosed based on an external examination. The diagnosis is made already in the presence of a rash. Rashes are a symptom of many diseases, so other factors are taken into account. The doctor excludes the patient:

Laboratory tests quickly help confirm the diagnosis. There are specific methods for diagnosing chickenpox:

  • light microscopy of the components of the rash (silvering of reagents is used);
  • serological studies paired blood sera (RTGA - to detect the virus itself, RSK - to identify the activity of antibodies against the pathogen).

How to treat chickenpox in a child

Children are given drugs to normalize the temperature, use drugs to reduce itching. Treatment is alleviation of the symptoms of the course of the disease, there is no such thing as a “cure for chickenpox”. The best remedy- this time. By itself, the disease completely disappears in 10 days. The patient is isolated from others until the crusts disappear. This happens approximately on the fifth day after the rash of the last pimples.

Children who accidentally came into contact with a sick person and do not have immunity to chickenpox are sent to a three-week quarantine, closely monitoring their condition. In a kindergarten where chickenpox is recorded, a 21-day quarantine is also established. During treatment, attention is paid to the nutrition and hygiene of a small patient. The diet must necessarily include fruits, dairy products and vegetables. It is better to feed the patient with puree soups, decoctions, especially with a rash in the mouth. Offer a one-year-old baby semi-liquid porridge, grated cottage cheese.

Plentiful drink

An important condition necessary for compliance with the treatment of chickenpox in children is to provide the patient with plenty of fluids. Against the background of dehydration, most complications occur, the disease can affect the nervous system. Drinking plenty of water will help remove the decay products of viruses, toxins. You need to drink boiled water, mineral water without gas, unsweetened compotes, weak teas, herbal decoctions. Dilute freshly squeezed juices by half with water.


It is widely believed that the patient should not be in contact with water. This is not true. Hygiene is vital for such a patient. It needs to be bathed, but after the bath, do not wipe the skin with a towel, but blot it so as not to irritate the rash. Do not use a washcloth when washing, soap too: enough potassium permanganate (weak solution). It is important not to let the bubbles fester, to constantly treat them. There are options for smearing pimples other than brilliant green. It:

  • an aqueous solution of fucorcin;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • Castellani liquid;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Medical treatment

The use of medications depends on the severity of the disease. At a temperature of more than 38 degrees, antipyretics based on paracetamol, ibuprofen are given. Unbearable itching often causes scratching on the skin. Through them, an infection enters the body, and if this happens, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. They do not act on the virus - the causative agent of chickenpox, but only deal with "newbies" against the backdrop of the main problem.

Antiherpetic drugs

Antiviral drugs are almost never prescribed. There are drugs of the antiherpetic group: they are based on acyclovir. They help to cope with the virus, but such funds are rarely prescribed for preschoolers for two reasons:

  1. High chance of side effects.
  2. With a typical course of the disease, without complications, the body of a small child (2-7 years old) quickly copes with the virus on its own.

With a complicated course of the disease or a lack of immunity, Acyclovir, Leukinferon - the same interferon, but the next generation, Vidarabine, Viferon candles, can be prescribed. When the mucous membrane of the eyes is affected by a rash, Acyclovir eye gel is prescribed. The appointment of interferon in any form helps the body fight infection more successfully and reduces the risk of developing complications after chickenpox.

Antihistamine medicines

Itching with chickenpox can be so severe that it disturbs sleep. To cope with an unpleasant symptom, antihistamines are prescribed, in tablets and ointments. It is not recommended to use anti-allergy tablets and antipruritic ointments at the same time, an overdose may occur. Children are assigned:

  1. First generation drugs: Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin. In addition to anti-allergic, they also give a sedative effect (sedative). Babies should be given these medicines with caution because of the potential side effects.
  2. 2nd and 3rd generation allergy medicines: Loratadine or its more expensive version - Claritin ( active substance- loratadine), "Cetirizine" or "Zyrtec".


Children infected with the virus often become excitable and moody. It is allowed to prescribe mild sedatives. When choosing them, it is necessary to consider whether antihistamines are prescribed for the baby, and which ones. Perhaps they already have a sedative effect. If not, then it is better to focus on homeopathy, medicinal herbal preparations. Popular sedatives for children:

  • "Valerianahel" - for children 2-6 years old - five drops, 6-12 years old - 10 drops, 3 times a day half an hour before meals;
  • "Nervochel" - for children from 1 to 3 years old, 1/2 tablet per day (crush), from 3 to 6 - 3/4 tablet per day, after 6 years, 3 pcs. daily;
  • drops "Nott" - use 3 times daily, for patients aged 1-12 years, dilute 5-7 drops in a tablespoon of water, up to 1 year: 1 drop per tablespoon of water, milk;
  • syrup "Edas 306" - three times a day, for babies aged 1-3 years - 1/2 teaspoon, from 3 to 15 years - a whole.

Folk remedies for treatment at home

There are various ways to get rid of itching in traditional medicine:

  1. Put the patient in cool water every 4 hours for 15 minutes. Dissolve half a cup in water baking soda, or pour oatmeal into the sock, tie it, put it in the bath.
  2. Pour 200 grams of dry yarrow into 5 liters of water, leave for 3 hours, pour into the bath. Bathe the patient for 15 minutes.
  3. With itching in the mouth, brew 20 grams of dry sage in 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Strain and rinse your mouth.
  4. Boil 5 liters of water, cook 1 kilogram of barley in it, strain. Decoction wipe the child, let dry without wiping.
  5. Herbal bathing decoction. It will take 3 tablespoons of chamomile (flowers), the same amount of calendula or celandine, 5-6 drops of essential fir oil. Application:
  • grind grass;
  • pour a liter of water;
  • boil, reduce heat, simmer for 10 - 15 minutes;
  • strain;
  • pour into bath fir oil;
  • bathe the child 5-10 minutes twice a day.

Incubation period

The latent, initial period of the disease is called incubation. This means that the person will look healthy, but the infection is already spreading throughout the body. With chickenpox, the incubation period is from 10 to 21 days of infection. Three phases are distinguished:

  1. The virus that causes chickenpox enters the child's body through the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, and pharynx.
  2. The causative agent of the disease multiplies, accumulates in the body. The primary focus is localized in the upper mucosa respiratory tract, then the infection spreads further.
  3. The final stage - the causative agents of chickenpox are spread throughout the body, appear in the skin, begin to multiply intracellularly there, which is why a rash will appear later. In this phase, the first antibodies to the chickenpox virus are formed in a person.

Possible complications and consequences

A common complication after chickenpox is a secondary bacterial infection. It occurs due to scratching an itchy rash with unwashed hands. The bubbles burst, the surface of the skin becomes wet, inoculated with microorganisms, the child becomes infected with a secondary infection. Staphylococcus or streptococcus, other bacteria cause purulent inflammation, which, if you do not sound the alarm, will develop into something serious. At a minimum, scars and scars will remain.

A rare and most serious consequence of chickenpox is encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain. This disease develops a week after the onset of rashes. There are few such cases, but the danger is there. In a small percentage of those who have been ill, the virus “falls asleep” in the nervous system, and years later it can suddenly wake up, bringing new troubles.

Prevention methods

Only vaccination can protect against the chickenpox virus - the introduction of a weakened virus into the body. This is the main method of disease prevention. It is difficult to protect yourself from airborne infection in another way. The best way to fight chickenpox is a stable immune system. Its strengthening will help the child, having become infected with chickenpox, to recover easier and faster, to endure the disease without complications.

Chickenpox (chickenpox) - infection, distinctive feature which is the formation on the skin of a specific rash in the form of small bubbles. Those who have been ill with chickenpox acquire a strong immunity to the disease.

The nature of the infection in chickenpox

Chickenpox is an infectious disease of a viral nature. The herpes simplex virus that causes chickenpox has the ability to infect only cells of the skin and mucous membranes.

Causes of chickenpox

Chickenpox is caused by the herpes virus, which has a very high ability to be transmitted by airborne droplets from sick to healthy healthy children. Therefore, if during the last three weeks (the incubation period is from 10 to 21 days) the child could contact the patient (in kindergarten, school, in transport and other public places), then the likelihood of getting chickenpox increases significantly. Unfortunately, chickenpox is contagious before the rash appears, so it's not always possible to tell for sure if there has been such contact. The patient begins to be contagious to others 2 days before the rash appears and is contagious for another week after it appears.

Susceptibility to chickenpox is especially high in children under 5 years of age. However, infants (up to 6 months of breastfeeding) practically do not suffer from chickenpox, since the mother passes her own immunity to them through the placenta in utero and from breast milk(unless, of course, my mother had chickenpox as a child). Children after 10 years of age also rarely get chickenpox, but if they get sick, the infection can be more severe and complicated in them and the treatment is longer, since only older children with reduced immunity become infected.

Chickenpox - predominantly childhood disease, but adults who were not ill as children can also become infected with chickenpox.

Signs of chickenpox in children

Once you noticed that a pimple appeared on the body of your child, but did not attach much importance to its appearance - maybe a mosquito bit, or maybe it just jumped up. The pimple quickly began to grow, increase in size, became dense to the touch and turned into a blister with watery contents. Moreover, such a rash appeared all over the body, pimples popped up on the arms and legs, on the stomach and back. At the same time, the child is somehow hot, lethargic (however, there may not be a temperature), he began to eat worse, he may even feel sick - and it all started a couple of days before the first pimple appeared. Well, parents, your child may chickenpox, or scientifically - chicken pox.

The number of pimples - elements of a rash - can increase at lightning speed, or maybe slowly over several days. As a rule, a new rash appears in waves in 1 - 2 days for a week or less - it all depends on the immunity of the child at the moment. Each element of the rash from a small pink dot turns into a rounded or irregular shape a dark pink spot rising above the skin, with a seal inside and a bubble with liquid outside. Over time, the bubble bursts and dries up with a crust that falls off, leaving no scars on the child's skin. At the same time, a pink hard spot on the skin remains and will go away for a long time - about 2 weeks. Newly appeared rash pimples are not so scary, they are smaller in size, because the child has already begun to produce antibodies to the herpes simplex virus that causes chickenpox, and they resist the growth of the rash.

With chickenpox, the child's lymph nodes can be enlarged, especially behind the ears and on the neck, which means that the child's body is fighting the chickenpox virus. Lymph nodes may remain enlarged for some time after chickenpox has been cured.

Symptoms of chickenpox in a child

Chickenpox usually starts with a mild fever (usually a mild fever of 38-39°C) and malaise. After a day, a rash appears. At first, these are small red spots on the body, arms, legs and face. Soon the spots thicken, swell and fill with liquid, forming bubbles. In this case, the child feels intense itching, as a result of which he constantly strives to comb the affected skin. It is up to the parents to keep an eye on him and prevent scratching, because this way you can introduce additional infection. The fluid in the chickenpox blisters is highly contagious because it contains live chickenpox viruses.. There may be several waves of rash during the week in 2-3 stages with an interval of 1-2 days. Each such stage is accompanied by a repeated rise in temperature, which then decreases again. At this time, the child feels weakness, irritability, his sleep and appetite are disturbed. The bubbles dry up and become covered with a crust. On the 7th-10th day, all the blisters are covered with a crust, the temperature drops and the patient ceases to be contagious.

With chickenpox, the appearance of new elements of the rash against the background of existing old ones is characteristic, so the rash has different kind on the same area of ​​​​the skin (and spots, and vesicles, and scabs).

A similar rash can be on the mucous membranes and conjunctiva, which causes the child quite severe pain. Rashes on the palms and feet with chickenpox are usually NO. This is more typical for enterovirus infection, and even doctors sometimes confuse these diseases. And then mom wonders why my child gets "chicken pox" for the second time. Fortunately, the treatment for these diseases is almost the same, and this saves doctors.

The course of chickenpox in children

The latent incubation period of the disease in children lasts an average of 2 weeks, less often 10-21 days. The onset of chickenpox is acute, with fever - 1-2 days. The rash period is 1 week or a little more. At the end of the period of rashes, the crusts remain on the skin for another 1-2 weeks, after which they disappear, leaving a slight pigmentation. Scars in uncomplicated chickenpox are not formed. If, when combing, a pyogenic infection was nevertheless introduced, the vesicles degenerate into pustules, and then after their disappearance, residual effects are possible in the form of lifelong small scars, outwardly similar to smallpox.

The recovery of the child occurs no earlier than the 10th day from the moment of the first rash. The isolation of the virus stops after the last elements of the rash have dried.

Features of the rash with chickenpox

Sometimes inexperienced doctors unjustifiably diagnose chickenpox, confusing a chickenpox rash with allergic (atopic) dermatitis. How to distinguish chickenpox from allergies? To begin with, exclude all possible allergens from the menu and the environment of the child, while the intensive increase in the number of rashes with allergies should slow down, but this measure will not affect chickenpox. With chickenpox, the size of new rashes is smaller than the previous ones, with allergic dermatitis, new rashes are more intense and larger in size, and the old ones do not go away after the crust falls off, increase, may become wet or crack. On the palms and soles of the rash with chickenpox, as mentioned earlier, no.

Almost every adult, having been ill with chickenpox in childhood, can find traces of her dirty deeds - small scars on the skin. How can this be explained when it is written everywhere that the chickenpox rash does not leave scars on the skin? It's simple: doctors advised our mothers to open blisters and intensively cover them with brilliant green several times a day, while swimming was strictly forbidden, and not to walk for 3 weeks. Well, this is a mockery of a child and contradicts all logic in the treatment of chickenpox in a child! Most local pediatricians have not advanced much in the logic of treating chickenpox and give the same advice as ... twenty years ago.

To prevent the layering of a purulent infection, the elements of a rash with chicken pox in ancient times were recommended to be treated 2 times a day with an alcohol solution of brilliant green (brilliant green) or a dark aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. Many of you firmly believe that brilliant green kills the causative agent of chickenpox, but this is far from the case. Zelenka dries up rashes on the skin and disinfects the wound left after the bursting blister before the appearance of scabs. If green paint is smeared several times a day, it is possible to achieve an imbalance of beneficial and harmful microorganisms on the child's skin and overdrying the wound, which leads to scarring. Another important negative factor of lubrication with brilliant green - with a cotton swab, you transfer herpes viruses from a fresh rash to healthy skin, thereby re-infecting the child with his own viruses and spreading the rash throughout the body. If the skin is not treated with anything at all, pimples will become inflamed from the ingress of opportunistic microbes from the skin, increase in size, itch more and, as a result, scars on the skin again.

With a high temperature that rises again and again after the next tablet of paracetamol, the doctor who came to your "help" without thinking can prescribe a dose of aspirin + paracetamol. With infections in children under 15 years of age, this should not be done in any case! Taking aspirin with chickenpox threatens with Reye's (or Reye's) syndrome - acute hepatic encephalopathy due to swelling of the brain and liver. No treatment can stop this syndrome, treatment is aimed only at maintaining vital functions.

How to properly treat chickenpox

In typical cases, chickenpox is treated at home. In the usual course, only the symptoms of chickenpox are treated. To alleviate the condition of a sick child, he is usually given antipyretic drugs, the bubbles are lubricated with antiseptics, the itching is removed antihistamines. A solution of brilliant green (brilliant green) in Russia is used for chickenpox as a standard antiseptic for disinfection. It is enough to lubricate each new speck of chickenpox once, with a clean cotton swab, or smear only combs.

At a child's temperature, give paracetamol or ibuprofen at an age dosage; for babies, these drugs are in the form of rectal suppositories that can be used even when the child is sleeping. But keep in mind that the temperature below 38.5 degrees C should not be knocked down if the child tolerates it without complaints. The temperature helps kill the chickenpox viruses in the body.

At home, during treatment, the child should observe bed rest for 6-7 days, while it is desirable to change bedding more often. It is necessary that the patient drank as much liquid as possible, a diet of a predominantly milk-vegetarian nature (milk porridge, mashed vegetables, pureed fruits and fruit juices).

An important factor influencing the severity of chickenpox symptoms is hygiene. Change your child's underwear and bedding more often, and even home clothes should be cotton, with long sleeves and trousers. This prevents scratching and infection of healthy areas of the body. But dress your child so that he does not sweat.

During chickenpox, you need to give your child to drink more often, especially at a temperature. At a temperature above 38, give the child an antipyretic. The temperature in chickenpox can rise in waves: before the first rashes, during a wave of new rashes, the temperature may rise again, there may be a high temperature for the entire period of rashes.

Washing a child in the bath during chickenpox is not worth it, this will only increase the number and size of the rash. Maximum - a quick shower. But in no case should you leave the child dirty, do not let the crusts soak, then blot with a towel (do not rub). There is no need to be afraid of washing your hands, wash your hands and face of the child gently, blot dry with a towel.

Protect your child from drafts and infections, colds, which can further reduce immunity. Help immunity, give your child vitamin C, fruits, juices, be outdoors more often, but away from children so as not to infect them.

Children with weakened immune system If they are at risk of contracting the varicella-zoster virus, they are given immunoglobulin (protective protein antibodies) to prevent the disease. The decision on hospitalization is made by the doctor (in rare cases, extremely severe symptoms).

Often, chickenpox in children proceeds without any special consequences, unlike chickenpox in an adult, but if complications suddenly appear, you need to sound the alarm! It is important not to overlook the threatening symptoms.

Dangerous complications of chickenpox

Complications of chickenpox are rare, as a rule, the course of the disease is favorable. When recognizing the disease, there are usually no difficulties. But God forbid you catch chickenpox shortly after vaccination, when the child's immunity is extremely reduced, or a child with existing chronic diseases and receiving any treatment. In this case, irreparable consequences are possible, up to death (it happens with the hemorrhagic form of chickenpox).

Hemorrhagic form of chickenpox, 6 days from the onset of chickenpox

If such a rash appears, urgently call an ambulance or take the child to the hospital, minutes count!

You should act quickly and call a doctor if you notice at least 1 of the following symptoms of complications of chickenpox in your child:

    If the spots of the rash increase in size, grow, look like the onset of a "cold on the lips", become covered with numerous vesicles, turn blue, become bloodshot, new rashes appear 10 days after the first signs of chickenpox (only the appearance of small rash like prickly heat, which does not increase in size and quickly disappears),

    if the temperature stays above 37 for more than a week or the temperature rises every day, despite the fact that the bubbles dry up and the crusts fall off,

    if the rash spreads to mucous membranes: eyes, oral cavity, or on the genitals (similar changes can be on the internal organs),

    with the appearance of a cough or runny nose (snot and cough during chickenpox can be caused by herpetic eruptions in the nasopharynx), nosebleeds,

    with diarrhea and frequent vomiting; nausea and vomiting, as well as respiratory failure, drowsiness, convulsions, fontanel tension in babies, can be signs of a fatal dangerous syndrome Rhea

    those. in all cases where chickenpox is atypical.

In any case, as soon as you notice the first signs of the child's malaise and a rash, immediately call a doctor. Only he will accurately determine whether a child has chickenpox or another disease (it is quite difficult to distinguish the symptoms of chickenpox from allergies or other diseases with a rash to an inexperienced eye), and will control the course of the disease.

When is a person with chickenpox not contagious?

A patient with chickenpox becomes contagious when he does not yet know about it - 2-3 days before the rash appears, and the rash appears about 2 weeks after infection. A patient with chickenpox ceases to be contagious when no new rashes appear, and the old ones become covered with a crust and the crusts fall off (when the bubbles heal, the virus is no longer released into the external environment). On average, chickenpox quarantine for an individual child is 2-3 weeks from the first rash.

How can you get chickenpox?

The virus - the causative agent is very volatile, but lives in the external environment for no more than an hour. The source of infection is a sick person, and direct contact with him is not necessary for infection: the virus easily penetrates into neighboring rooms and even adjacent apartments. However, it does not have stability in the external environment, therefore, it cannot spread through third parties and objects. You can become infected by airborne droplets from a patient with chickenpox, by direct contact with a patient with chickenpox, or through secretions. respiratory system or liquid contained in skin rashes infected people. Although classic chickenpox (type 3 herpes virus) and "cold on the lips" (type 1 virus) are caused by different types herpes simplex virus, chickenpox in a child may also appear after contact with an atypical herpes virus, that is, with a person with a cold on the lips, in these cases the disease is more severe.

Chickenpox prevention

At the moment, a specific prevention of chickenpox has been developed, in Russia these are the vaccines okavax and varilrix. The vaccine is given to children older than a year in the absence of contraindications. The protective effect of the vaccine lasts, according to some reports, up to 20 years. There are plans to introduce such vaccination into the vaccination calendar due to the disappointing statistics on the incidence of chickenpox not only among the child population, but also among adults.

Answers to questions about chickenpox:

1. A child was diagnosed with "chicken pox" simply after being examined by a doctor, is it legal to make such a diagnosis without taking tests?
If a child has a rash characteristic of chickenpox, the diagnosis can be made after examination and collection of complaints. Analyzes are necessary only for a protracted or complicated course of the disease.

2. The child has a fever and pimples appear all over his body and in his hair. Is it chicken pox?
The diagnosis of chicken pox can only be made by an experienced doctor after a full-time examination of the child.

3. The child has chickenpox, which folk remedies can we use to make him recover faster?
For any infectious disease, including chickenpox, vitamin berry fruit drinks or herbal teas will be appropriate to help the main treatment, but you need to be sure that the child is not allergic to them (that is, the child has already tried such tea and there was no allergy)

4. Do I need to feed the child if he is eating (he has chickenpox)?
The body fights infection, and it needs strength to do this, so you definitely need to feed. But digesting food also takes a lot of energy. Therefore, during chickenpox, if the child refuses the usual food, replace it with chicken broth and jelly.

5. A friend's baby has chicken pox. I went to visit them when he first got chicken pox. Can I "bring" chickenpox to my child?
If you are not infected, then you will not infect your child. Chickenpox is not transmitted through third parties.

Pediatrician Novikova T.P.

Parents must know how chickenpox begins in young children in order to recognize in a timely manner and not miss the first signs of the disease, the transition to a complex form. In childhood, chickenpox is much easier to carry than in adulthood, and leaves behind immunity forever.

Often the disease goes according to a typical scenario and manifests itself on the 14th day after infection. At the same time, it is observed:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature up to 38-40 degrees;
  • the appearance of flat pink spots almost simultaneously with the onset of fever;
  • an increase in the number of rashes within a few hours;
  • transformation skin manifestations in convex vesicles with liquid contents;
  • deterioration in well-being, increase lymph nodes, headache, weakness;
  • restless behavior, sleep disturbances, food refusal.

The rash covers the child's body (except for the palms and feet) and is accompanied by itching, but it is dangerous to comb it, because it is possible to infect.

Features of the disease:

  1. The rashes that appeared first dry up after 3 days, becoming covered with a red crust. With an interval of 1-2 days for skin the baby has new spots, at the same time the body temperature rises.
  2. The active phase of chickenpox in children lasts 6-8 days and ends after the last rash appears. Spots on the skin spontaneously open, and in their place red crusts form, which fall off after 1-2 days.

If during the active phase the baby scratched the rash, and a bacterial infection has joined, then after recovery, scars or scars will remain on his skin.

The first signs of chickenpox in a small child are not difficult to recognize. Having done this, you need to provide the baby with bed rest, and limit communication with household members.

How does chickenpox start in children?

The first symptoms of chickenpox in young children are typical of infectious diseases. During the incubation period, which lasts from 1 to 3 weeks, the virus multiplies in the body.

The prodrome (the onset of the disease) is not accompanied by manifestations or has the following symptoms:

  • an increase in body temperature (usually insignificant);
  • malaise and headache;
  • decreased appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting, sometimes diarrhea;
  • feeling of scratching in the throat;
  • sometimes - the appearance of quickly disappearing reddish rashes.

Next, the child begins the active stage of chicken pox, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees. The stronger the fever on the first day, the larger the skin area will be affected by rashes. In some babies, the disease is mild. In this case, the temperature rises slightly, but there is a rash.

Remember! The first signs of chickenpox in children may be completely absent or manifested by a sharp increase in temperature up to 40 degrees. In any case, only a doctor can recognize the disease and prescribe competent treatment!

Features of the rash

Acne with chickenpox appears quickly, rapidly disperses through the skin and mucous membranes, without affecting only the palms and feet. First, they are converted into bubbles with liquid contents, which burst after 8-10 hours. After some time, the affected areas become covered with a crust. At the same time, new rashes appear, provoking an increase in body temperature.

In especially severe cases, pimples with chickenpox in children may appear on the palms and feet. The rash can last from 4 to 8 days, then there is a period of recovery. The crusts fall off in about a week. If the baby did not comb the affected skin, then there is no trace of them. Otherwise, "pockmark" is observed.

Temperature with chickenpox

Chickenpox in children is characterized by a high temperature, but its range is variable. It all depends on the form of the disease:

  1. With a mild form, the temperature is low. At the same time, fever, headaches and malaise in the baby are practically absent.
  2. The moderately severe form is characterized by a temperature not higher than 39 degrees. Rashes develop over 5-6 days.
  3. Severe form in children is rare. It occurs in adults who did not have chickenpox in childhood. At the same time, the temperature rises to 40 degrees.

Symptoms of atypical dangerous forms of chickenpox in a child:

  1. Hemorrhagic. Accompanied high temperature, intoxication, sometimes - nasal and gastrointestinal bleeding.
  2. Visceral. Characterized by defeat internal organs, nervous system, high fever and severe intoxication. Premature babies are at risk.
  3. Generalized. It usually develops in people who have taken drugs that depress the immune system.
  4. Gangrenous, in which the rashes in a child merge into erosion and ulcers, and the skin tissues gradually die off.

The onset of chickenpox in children usually has a typical character. Light form occurs in individuals with strong immunity or with hereditary resistance to the disease.

Nausea and diarrhea as the first signs of chickenpox in children

At the initial stage, the manifestations of the disease become obvious, but sometimes the child's well-being worsens already in the prodromal period. Then there is a poor appetite, a feeling of scratching in the throat, and malaise. However, reluctance to eat is also observed at the beginning of the pathology. Poor appetite is not a specific sign of chickenpox and does not allow you to understand that the child has this disease.

Vomiting and diarrhea indicate intoxication of the body, as a result of the penetration of the virus into it. If they disturb the child 1-2 times, then this indicates that the body is getting rid of toxins. The patient is given plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

These signs represent the normal reaction of the body to the pathogen, provided that they are observed at the initial stage of the disease. Often vomiting, loss of appetite occurs in a child under one year old. In children under 3 years of age, gastrointestinal symptoms sometimes indicate that the disease has acquired aggravated manifestations and passed into a complicated form.

Weakness, sleep problems and moodiness

These signs appear at the initial stage of chickenpox in children. bad dream due to fever or severe itching that causes a rash. Deterioration of well-being is caused by intoxication of the body.

In newborns, the disease does not occur if they are breastfed, providing natural protection.

Other first manifestations of chickenpox in a child

Understanding how chickenpox begins in children helps you not to miss the first signs of the disease. In addition, it is important to detect complications in time, which include the following:

  1. Gangrenous chicken pox is characterized by the fact that the rash is converted into flabby vesicles with manifestations of necrosis. Ulcers form on the skin, into which the infection penetrates, blood poisoning begins.
  2. secondary infection. In this case, foci of purulent dermatitis appear on the skin.
  3. Otitis, pneumonia, gingivitis, stomatitis and other diseases caused by weakened immunity.
  4. Hemorrhagic chickenpox, in which blood accumulates inside the vesicles, after which bleeding from the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and nose occurs.
  5. Chickenpox encephalitis, when there is a strong fever and severe headaches.

These complications develop with the use of certain medicines, including hormonal and glucocorticosteroid.

How to distinguish chickenpox in a child from other skin diseases


With chickenpox, the rash spreads rapidly throughout the body. In addition, it is undulating. This means that new spots appear at intervals of several days. Moreover, at the same time, semi-dry vesicles and fresh rashes are on the skin of the child.

Unlike allergies, chickenpox is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being and fever. In this case, the spots appear first on the face and head, and then disperse throughout the body, without affecting the palms and feet.

Besides, allergic manifestations have a clear location, often pass by the type of urticaria, occur after interaction with the allergen and disappear while taking antihistamines.

With scabies, as with other skin diseases, rashes are localized on the hands, which is not observed with chickenpox. Measles and rubella are characterized by a single appearance of spots on the skin.

Chickenpox is well tolerated in childhood and does not leave behind any negative consequences. In babies with normal immunity and infants who have received maternal antibodies, it proceeds easily.

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