What are the signs of health. Signs of human health

How do you determine that you are completely healthy? Experts give a lot of conflicting information on this score. Some say that a normal body mass index is correlated with health, others insist that this condition is not a decisive factor. Someone says that the main indicator is digestion, which works like clockwork, while someone focuses on the rejection of junk food. The criteria that we will list today could well indicate that your body is completely healthy. You have no prerequisites to refute them.

Strong shiny hair

Brittleness, dryness, hair loss and thinning are signals of a malfunction in the internal systems (hypothyroidism or stress), and also indicate a lack of vitamins or poor absorption of nutrients. On the other hand, you will never think about problems if you are the owner of luxurious thick and shiny hair. Too much effort is required from the body in order to create new cells in the hair follicles or on the scalp. A good balanced diet provides the best chance for growth. strong hair. If you're forced to stick to a strict diet without enough protein, vitamins, and healthy fats, your internal systems will go into austerity mode. This will certainly affect the condition of the hair.

strong nails

Another indicator of health is located at your fingertips. It's about nails. If the nail plates change their color, acquire characteristic spots of pitting, this may indicate systemic or skin ailments. Any changes in color, structure, or excessive brittleness indicate some kind of local disease (fungal infection, lupus, or anemia). In the event that your legs can be considered ideal, you can be congratulated on excellent health.

Healthy teeth and gums

Oral health is a key indicator of the condition internal organs. Healthy gums do not have inflammation and redness, and teeth should show perfect whiteness, strength and absence of caries. Poor oral hygiene and cravings can lead to poor oral health. sweet food. However, bacteria that multiply rapidly in an acidic environment oral cavity, freely enter the esophagus, into the stomach, and then into the intestines. Although most of these microorganisms are completely harmless, there are groups that cause heart disease and are very dangerous for the development of the fetus in pregnant women. To avoid such troubles as periodontitis, gingivitis and caries, stock up on dental floss, and visit the dentist every six months.

Waist circumference

A few years ago, a normal body mass index was considered the standard of health, but now doctors have found new criterion, which is a sign of your physical well-being. It's about the size of the waist. There are reasonable explanations for this. Visceral fat that surrounds organs abdominal cavity contains many potential health risks. A 2008 scientific study found that excess waist fat was associated with a high risk of premature death. This is due to the increased metabolic activity of visceral fat cells. They secrete hormones that adversely affect the biochemical balance of the body.

Good dream

When you don't get enough sleep, the next day you feel like a broken trough. But if insomnia torments you on a regular basis, you run the risk of ailments such as type 2 diabetes, of cardio-vascular system and obesity. Studies show that lack of sleep leads to increased levels of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for appetite. That's why complete night sleep It has importance for your health and longevity. Go to bed earlier - and you will increase the function of the immune system, improve metabolism, memory and other vital functions. During sleep, the cells of the body are completely restored. Therefore, if you wake up in the morning in a great mood, this can be considered a sign of good health.

The work of the intestines

"Not better way to learn about what is happening inside your body than to see what comes out of it, ”these are the words of gastroenterologist Vasudha Dhara. According to the expert, there is a wide range of normal bowel movements. At the same time, feces can come out at different intervals (not necessarily once a day or only in the morning). There is no " correct form", and strong smell does not speak about the development of pathogenic bacteria in the intestine. Every person's gastrointestinal tract works differently. However, any long-term changes - constipation, heaviness, diarrhea, bloating - indicate that you need a visit to a gastroenterologist.

Social support

This criterion is important for mental well-being. According to a study published in the journal Health and Social Behavior, strong social ties help to get rid of advanced level stress, protect coronary arteries, boost immune functions and improve bowel function. Next time, don't forget to thank your friends for extending your life.

Language status

AT Chinese medicine not in vain much attention is paid to the state of the language. This is not a replacement for standard diagnostics, but indicates the status of internal systems. If the tip of the tongue is red, this indicates emotional tension, heart palpitations and insomnia. A thick light coating in the back of the organ indicates problems with digestion. Teeth marks on the sides of the tongue signal low energy levels and constant thinking.

Balanced Diet

You can't achieve perfect health by eating trans fats, fast carbs, and processed foods. But you can count on it if you have enough vegetables, fruits, and monounsaturated fatty acids in your diet. fatty acids. A diet based on plant fiber, fish, nuts, and seafood reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, certain cancers, gastrointestinal problems, and regulates blood sugar levels. One recent scientific study showed that if you add healthy foods to your diet, your physical well-being will dramatically improve within a year.

Normal blood pressure, heart rate and physical activity

Other important indicators of health are blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate. When you come to see a doctor, the first thing he picks up is a blood pressure monitor. Arterial pressure a middle-aged adult should not exceed 140/80, the pulse at rest should be no more than 70 beats per minute, the normal respiratory rate should vary from 16 to 20 breaths per minute. In addition, each person needs to regularly pay attention to physical activity and sports. If you practice moderate physical activity (for example, 30-minute walks in the fresh air 5 times a week), you can consider the activity plan completed.

mental health

Emotional health is directly related to physical well-being. Clinical trials show that depression exacerbates some chronic diseases A: Diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and also provokes cancer. Therefore, pay attention to meditation, yoga, deep breathing practice. Maintain your mental and emotional well-being and your body will thank you.


October 31, 2015 18:02

By Fabiosa

Most of us see and identify only flaws in ourselves. Here the weight does not suit, here the appearance let us down, here we put ourselves wrong. In general, everywhere needs to be improved, on all fronts! But sometimes, what's there, often we just wind ourselves up in vain. While with us, with our body and health, everything is in order. So, in order to clearly determine the level of your health, there are 17 points - simple and understandable.

1. You don't overeat.

It's certainly great when you finish everything that is on your plate, but, according to nutritionists, it's better to act like children: they eat when they are hungry and stop eating, feeling full, no matter how much food is left. This approach ensures that you will neither starve nor overeat. As we age, our eating habits can become very nightmarish, we can gain weight. And then many resort to diets, sometimes even risky ones. Everything is good in moderation.

wrangler / Depositphotos.com

2. You move throughout the day

Not all of us have the opportunity or time to go to a fitness club and train hard there. But in order to move, you do not need a subscription. Walking our pets, doing the cleaning, going to the store, we are already on the move, and this makes us healthier. The saying that movement is life was not invented in vain. Indeed, for those who move more, the day is brighter and more active. The more we sit or lie down, the more congestion in the body. The blood does not circulate properly, the metabolism slows down, it is difficult for us to think long and fast.

3. You have enough energy

There are many factors that make us alert and energetic. Among them are vitamins, caffeine, "live" foods such as vegetables, cereals and fruits. But if you feel great when you wake up, it means that your sleep is absolutely healthy, and even with moments of insomnia, you do not lose this charge during the day. And this is a very good indicator of the work of the body.

4. You have strong pink nails

There is a belief that white dots on the nails appear for success, and stripes for a gift. However, doctors do not share this opinion. Marigolds are a litmus test of your condition. Healthy, they have a pleasant pink hue. But unnatural yellowness speaks of a weak liver, or even jaundice. The bright red color hints that it is time to check the blood, most likely there is an excess of red blood cells in it. A gentle bluish gamut, alas, does not speak of a noble origin, but indicates heart problems. If the color of the nails turned white, anemia may have begun.

5. In a healthy body - a healthy weight

Maniacal tracking of weight is an extremely tedious business. Have you gained an extra 500 grams or a kilogram? In fact, the question should be put differently. In a healthy person, the weight fluctuates +/- 5 kg from the ideal. Your healthy weight may differ from friends and family, often even if you are the same gender and height. You should not compare yourself to others because we are all different and you run the risk of aiming for a body weight that is either too high or too low. The ideal figure is calculated according to numerous formulas, which are influenced by various factors, including age, gender, skeletal type, bone density, muscle, fat, ratio general condition health and growth.

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6. You remember the date of the last medical examination

Opinions medical professionals come down to becoming or being healthy, you need to undergo a full medical examination. Today, in many government and commercial institutions, employees undergo annual medical examinations. As a result, any diseases are detected, and oncology is often found. It is good if the diagnosis is made and there is time to undergo a course of treatment for a full recovery. When you keep your finger on the pulse, you can accurately assess your condition.

7. You enjoy your favorite foods.

Here it is important to clearly understand the difference between the fact that you can afford to eat chips, fried chicken, a sausage sandwich or a hamburger without a twinge of conscience, but do it sometimes, and when you shamelessly eat it. You can eat your favorite food, the main thing is to know when it is possible and in what quantities. And there is absolutely nothing shameful in the fact that with a normal diet 3 times a day with healthy food, you suddenly take and eat something tasty, but harmful. It is much worse for health to eat oneself for an innocent delicacy.

8. Regular chair

The human body is polluted both from the outside and from the inside. It is very easy to get rid of external manifestations. It is much more difficult to remove toxins that are in the body itself. Regular stools help solve most of the problem. All harmful substances are simply excreted from the body. But this is only in the case when bowel movements occur at least once every two days. Although for the most part it is individual for everyone and an indicator of health is not the number of trips, but their regularity.

9. You have a healthy libido

Like appetite, weight, and stools, your libido is a state of the art and completely unique to each individual. This health factor is influenced by age, stress level and the general background of the body. If both you and your other half feel that everything is in order in the bedroom, everything suits both of you, then congratulations, there are no problems with libido. The only thing is that in women who have reached premenopause, it is reduced. However, this is physiology, and there is nothing terrible here.

10. You have a normal heart rate

Of course, all people are different - this also determines the activity of the heart at rest and during physical activity. The frequency of contractions in the range of 60-80 beats per minute indicates the normal functioning of the body, but a higher rhythm signals that you should consult a doctor and take measures to prevent the development of various diseases and reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Mykola_Samoilenko / Depositphotos.com

11. You are energetic

How clearly do you think when you wake up, do you feel a surge of vigor and strength? If so, that's a great sign. Morning fatigue can be caused by a variety of factors (from insomnia to nutritional deficiencies) and should not be a cause for concern when it occurs, but don't ignore it when it becomes chronic.

12. Your lips are soft and tender.

A natural, slightly pinkish tint and good skin condition of the lips are a sign of health. Cracks on its surface and roughness may indicate a lack of B vitamins and zinc, as well as irregular care - in most cases, a softening balm and a review of eating habits will return it to tenderness and silkiness.

13. You have clear skin

Skin condition can be affected by diet, stress, hormonal cycling, and even external factors. If daily care does not require the use of a large number funds and comes down to cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing - this is also a good sign, as is the ability to quickly regenerate.

14. You have healthy hair

The body is always signaling problems. Healthy hair- shiny, strong, silky, they lend themselves well to combing, do not become thinner even with frequent washing, and their tips do not split or dry out. Good condition is also indicated by the absence of such problems as dandruff, itching of the scalp, loss.

Subbotina / Depositphotos.com

15. You rarely get sick

The immune system, when functioning normally, effectively protects us from infectious diseases and viruses. A healthy person is rarely taken by surprise even by banal colds, and the period of struggle with them is quite short and is not accompanied by various complications.

17. Your character is gold

Calmness and the ability to manage your emotions is another sign of a good state of the body and a low level of stress. This is evidenced by the ability for rational thinking and analysis, the absence of problems with memory and concentration, as well as the ability to stop in time in order not to escalate the conflict situation, but to find a worthy way out of it.

17. You manage daily tasks

Hard days and "Mondays" happen to everyone, but if the usual routine does not turn into a terrible burden and an unbearable burden for you, then you are a strong and hardy person. According to doctors, here health has a greater influence than psychological attitude. If you feel bad, then the burden of worries begins to press heavily from above. And one more thing: if you clearly see the meaning and purpose in everything you do, you are undoubtedly a healthy, normal person!

Health is one of the greatest treasures in our lives. Attention to feelings, a sense of self-satisfaction, the ability to cope with stressful situations and moderation in everything will help to maintain it. You should not look for far-fetched flaws and fight them - it is quite possible that you are the version of yourself that can be considered ideal.

A person can live without getting sick and without getting old, very long and happily

"Sarve suhrino bhavanti!" "May all living beings be happy!" The first commandment of Ayurveda.

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, each person is a cell of our universe, a cell associated not only with the "living" objects of our universe, but with absolutely all other cosmic bodies (stars, planets, ... etc. We did not accidentally take the word Alive, because according to Vedic philosophy, all objects around us are no less, and often more, alive than you and I). Therefore, everything that happens around is necessarily reflected in a person, and everything that happens inside a person is reflected in the world around him. Therefore, the Ayurvedic Vaidyas said, we must increase our sense of responsibility for everything that comes from us, and learn to distinguish between good and evil so as not to fall under bad influence. Each person has his own unique development program, each person has a certain dharma, a duty to his state, clan, planet on which he lives, to God, finally.

Each person in his life must constantly learn, pass all kinds of tests, and fulfill certain lessons. And when he finally comprehends his nature, he begins to constantly give all his energy, all his strength to the service of the common good. But true bestowal comes only through the heart. This is the law of energy exchange.

Ayurveda doctors not only declared this - they showed by their own example, by the example of their whole life, that a person can live without getting sick and without aging, very long and happily. Studying the structure human body, they found the so-called energy-information centers, or chakras, and determined that each chakra is characterized by its own specific frequency, which corresponds to the energy-information characteristics of various planets and other space objects. On Earth, this manifests itself in the correspondence of the rhythms of the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms. They knew this law of correspondence and took it into account in all spheres of life. Only according to the law of correspondence did they use herbs, compounds and other preparations for the treatment of diseases in their very initial stage. But, most importantly, they showed that the root of all diseases lies in the fact that a person's heart is closed.

Ayurvedic doctors said that a person should live with an open heart, because this is his natural state. If the heart is open, then he lives harmoniously, in accordance with his nature. If the heart closes, the energy-information exchange of a person with the Universe stops and various vices are activated: pride, envy, greed, anger, hatred. They not only destroy his body, giving rise to numerous diseases, but they have a corrupting effect on the whole society as a whole. Anyone who came to the Ayurveda Doctors and asked: “What should I do, why am I sick?” He heard answers unusual for us: “You are sick because you are too greedy.” Or: “You are jealous. Get rid of it, and your illnesses will pass.

In Ayurveda, the word diagnosis has a completely different meaning. According to Ayurvedic doctors, diagnosis means knowing and understanding the patient, not the disease. When the true nature of the patient is known, then and only then can the disease be understood and treated at the most fundamental level.

From the point of view of Ayurveda, the highest form of health care is not just to cure a patient's disease, but to help a person live in such a way that the disease never comes out in the first place.

Therefore, the Ayurvedic approach to health begins with a simple question: who are you? It doesn't just mean, "What kind of heart do you have?" or “What is wrong with you?”. This means: what are your physical, emotional and spiritual characteristics? How does the energy and information of the Universe get into your flesh and blood, into your hopes and dreams? How does this affect your work, your relationships with people, the nature of the food you eat, your response to stress, and even when you go to bed in the evening and get up in the morning? What makes you different from other people, and what do you have in common with them? What are your innate strengths and weaknesses? According to Ayurveda, the answers to all these questions can be expressed through your individual constitution, your unique connection between mind and body.

If there is love in a man's heart, he has nothing to fear. Love is able to burn everything negative in our body. That is why true knowledge has always come from people who were considered saints, from those people who did not create any religions or parties, but sought to teach people about Love.

Now we have lost the Law of Love. Therefore, our most important task is to return to the observance of the Law of Love, to rise to the level of consciousness of Love. This is the main task of Ayurveda at the current stage, and everything else: diagnostics, medical preparations, methods of their application and nutrition are secondary. We encourage you, every person, to live with an open heart. Love each other! Love never involves attachment. Love is acceptance of what is. Love will help you conquer fear. If you conquer fear, then the impossible becomes possible for you. Because you have everything to be happy. Open heart is the foundation of fearlessness, and Love is your best protection. Happiness does not depend on health, beauty, wealth, fame or power. Happiness depends only on Love! Happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think.

Modern Western medicine has almost completely lost the vision of man as an integral spiritual and material system and has lost its connection with the source - Ayurveda. The main thing with which we find it difficult to reconcile in modern approach- this is the transformation of a person into a "patient" - a passive observer who punctually fulfills the instructions of "certified" doctors and does not bear any responsibility for his own health. Meanwhile, the main idea of ​​Ayurveda, in our opinion, is: “Health is in your hands!”

From the point of view of Ayurveda, a sign of health is not just the absence of disease.

Signs of a healthy person are:
1. Good digestion - the presence of Agni (digestive fire) in the body. Agni is one of the basic concepts in the Ayurvedic concept of health. If in the world that surrounds us, Agni is the energy of the sun, then in the human body it is internal energy, biological fire, which is responsible for all metabolic processes. It can be considered a manifestation of Pita, since the thermal energy contained in this Dosha is the metabolic fire. The author of one of the oldest Ayurvedic treatises, Charaka, says this: “There is no Agni in the body without Pita, Pita is Agni.”
Agni exists in every tissue and every cell of our body, it maintains immune system, destroying foreign microorganisms, removes and neutralizes toxins, initiates and carries out metabolism, breaks down food into components in the stomach and intestines, and also ensures the transport of nutrients and their absorption. To a large extent, Agni is responsible for the work of the intellect. In addition, the biological fire is connected in a subtle way with Vata, with its movement, since the bodily air ignites the bodily fire.
2. The appearance of hunger in due time - a feeling of hunger with a good appetite. For good assimilation of food, at least 5 (five) hours should pass between meals.
3. You fall asleep immediately when you go to bed.
4. You immediately get out of bed when you wake up.5. You do not snore - no snoring. Snoring is the main symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that causes a brief pause in breathing when the tissues in the larynx contract and block the passage of air. In severe cases, this can happen 60-70 times an hour. Sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, memory problems, obesity, and depression. An 18-year study showed that people who do not have obstructive sleep apnea live 3 times longer than humans with severe sleep apnea.
6. Normal functioning of 5 (five) sense organs - vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch. what was normal for you early childhood, should be preserved and weaken minimally throughout life.
7. Normal urination.
8. Normal defecation.
9. Normal sweating. All secretions must be TIMELY removed from the body, regularly and in the right amount.
10. Peace of mind - peace, kindness, benevolence to ALL living beings.
11. Preservation of natural strength - efficiency.
12. Preservation of immunity.
13. Preservation of natural skin color.
14. Good memory.
15. The desire to live - the presence of a goal in life.

In general, Ayurveda defines health as biophysical and physiological well-being, a satisfactory state of consciousness, sense organs and mind.

All suffering and illnesses of a person have one single cause - GROWTH (Skt. “raga”, passion).

The life of one who lives happily has the following characteristics:

  • Absence of bodily and mental illnesses
  • youthfulness
  • Enthusiasm
  • Strength, patience, strength, perseverance
  • Energy, perseverance
  • Good name, dignity, honor
  • Excellence in Action, Humanity, Devotion to God
  • Courage, resourcefulness, enterprise, proactivity
  • Spiritual and material knowledge
  • Spiritual knowledge based on scriptures and personal experience, wisdom
  • Strong and healthy sense organs focused on strong and healthy objects
  • Presence in the present
  • Feeling of wealth, abundance, beauty and support
  • Achievement of all desired results and goals
  • Ability to go where you want

An unhappy life is characterized by opposite manifestations. A wholesome, useful life (hitayu) is healthy life benefiting the person himself, those around him and the world as a whole.

Signs that life is useful are:

  • Concern for the good and benefit of all beings
  • Lack of desire to appropriate someone else's property
  • Honesty, Truthfulness, Sincerity
  • Humility, calmness and balance
  • Performing any act only after careful consideration of the consequences
  • Attention, sensitivity, vigilance
  • Harmonious striving to achieve the first three goals of human life - destiny (dharma), abundance (artha) and fulfillment of desires (kama), without conflicts between goals and without causing harm and disturbance environment and surrounding beings
  • The mood of serving and helping others “as oneself” and an expression of respect for the worthy
  • Constancy, peace and tranquility, virtue and piety, arising from spiritual knowledge and personal spiritual experience
  • Serving the Elders
  • Mind free from passion, anger, envy and pride
  • Constant varied gratitude to others and God, generosity, generosity
  • Humility gained through knowledge acquired through voluntary repentance, abstinence and austerity
  • The ability to see the spiritual principle in oneself and in everything
  • Distinguishing and recognition of the material and spiritual worlds
  • Excellent practical memory and wisdom to act correctly

Useless, and therefore unhealthy and harmful to the person himself and those around him, is characterized by opposite signs and manifestations. It leads to sickness and suffering.

There are several aspects that the concept of a “healthy person” includes. All of them can be divided into three groups:

physiological (biological).

The last factor is the most obvious. It reflects the state of the organs and systems of the body, which manifests itself not only at the functional level, but also externally.

Appearance of a healthy person

Researchers identify a number of appearance features that can be used to judge that everything is in order with human health or something is wrong. Among the most pronounced external pointers are:

Skin: it should be saturated in color, elastic, elastic, smooth and without any kind of rashes; dull, reddened, flabby, excessively oily skin- a sign of violations;

Nails: first of all, they must be strong, with a smooth surface and not exfoliate; color - pink, and in the regrown part - white or ivory;

Hair is an indicator of health nervous system and vital energy; density and brilliance - features that you should focus on; the presence of hair on the legs is also an important indicator of health;

Eyes: should be even, smooth, evenly pigmented and free of blemishes; spots, redness of the pupil, yellowish color around it, bruising under the eyes and other changes may be evidence of problems with the stomach, heart, kidneys, etc.;

And the chin: in a healthy person they are well expressed; this is a sign of good psychological endurance;

Shoulders: they should be proportional; shoulders one above the other indicate a greater development of organs located on the side, which is lower, or problems with the musculoskeletal system.

All these are the most obvious signs of a healthy person.

What factors influence the health and appearance of a person?

Among the factors that most strongly affect the state of human health (and, accordingly, its appearance), the following:

ecology of the area of ​​residence;

If the first two aspects do not depend on a person, then the third one is completely in his hands. Maintenance healthy lifestyle life includes:

physical activity;
compliance with the rules proper nutrition;
sleep lasting at least 6-8 hours;
rejection bad habits– taking drugs, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, etc.;
good psychological climate in the family.

Compliance with these rules is the key to a healthy appearance.

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Do not confuse the two concepts:

  1. Mental disorder;
  2. Mental illness.

get upset can anyone, due to hormonal levels, body restructuring, a bad situation, total bad luck, and for many other factors and reasons.

The main indicator that is in "upsetting" is temporality.

With illness, everything is much worse, here “temporality” is replaced by “timelessness”. It is almost impossible to cure mental illness.

If a person is sure that he is Napoleon, it is forever. At best, it can be stuffed with drugs, treated with current and turned into a vegetable. But the vegetables are just silent and do not move. That's why we don't know what's in their head.

To determine in advance whether a person is sick, you need to know the main signs of the disease. We will talk about this in the article.

A radical change in personality

We all change little by little, and the environment, time, experience and interests change us. This is normal: a person loses something, gains something.

But if in an instant a person has changed dramatically, then this is an alarming signal.

For example, a bank clerk who left work like this and came to work the next day dressed as a Pokemon. Of course, it can be a joke, an answer to a lost argument, or a costume party.

If a visible reasons there is no cardinal reincarnation, there are hidden motives.

You don’t know about them, but if a person is not just in a Pokemon costume, but considers himself to be one, then the matter is serious. Let him enter the role and prove to everyone his artistry, but soon his fuse should end.

If the fuse does not end, this is clearly the first sign of a mental illness.

At first, it may seem that a person has given up on duties and on his daily functions. He simply forgot that he has to do something and does not remember how to do it at all.

The bank clerk who came to work, but at the sight of the reports that he did halfway yesterday, comes to a complete stupor. He does not understand how he did it yesterday. He completely lost the skill.

absurd ideas

All signs need to be taken by the company, and not to pull out one of them and draw hasty conclusions based only on it. It's about this feature. The absurdity in the idea can be seen by the surrounding society, if it is simply not mature enough to understand such an idea.

Many geniuses are said to be born before their time. The world was not yet ready to accept their ideas.

Consequently, such people were considered not just eccentrics, but madmen, sorcerers and devils.

  • In my time Giordano Bruno made a number of discoveries ahead of the era in which he lived. He talked about the fact that the stars are the suns of other galaxies, and there are an infinite number of galaxies in the universe. Only after 300 years, a monument was erected at the place of execution in honor of the legendary scientist.
  • Galileo was the same, but lived to be 77 years old, as he renounced his discoveries in time. He denied that the earth is round and revolves around the sun, which at one time is motionless.
  • BUT Nikola Tesla? Only recently have they begun to “go crazy” with electric vehicles, and it was invented almost a hundred years ago. Tesla died in 1943 in complete poverty, leaving 300 inventions to his descendants.

There are an infinite number of examples, we think that the essence is already clear. We cross out geniuses who were not born in their age from this sign.

A clerk dressed as a Pokémon wanders around the office, glaring blankly at every folder, report, and colleague. Then he starts coming up with crazy ideas. He dismisses objections and informs that he has come up with a spell.

But it is realistic for a healthy person to distinguish absurd ideas from those that are not without meaning.

deepest apathy

A healthy person tends to. The main thing is to go into yourself for a while and come out on time and full of strength.

It happens that a healthy person confuses day with night. There are certain reasons for this. But when a person sleeps during the day, stays awake at night, eats every 10 minutes or does not eat for days - this may be a neurosis, but in combination with other signs - a mental illness.


Hatred for everything and everyone. When everything said and done, and not said and not done, infuriates.

Mentally ill people hate everyone because everyone does not fit into the reality of the sick.


They can be both auditory and visual. A person sees something and hears something. There are mediums, psychics and sorcerers who have this ability. They hear the voices of dead people and see ghosts. Another thing is when a person is talking to an imaginary friend.

A sick person does not realize what death is. He plays. For example, he may decide that he is leaving tomorrow, so today he must say goodbye to everyone, complete all his affairs and distribute things.