Aphthous stomatitis is caused. How to deal with aphthous stomatitis

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa, which is accompanied by the formation of small aphthae like ulcers on its surface. The principle of treatment of aphthous stomatitis depends on the cause of its occurrence, the age of the patient, the severity of the course of the disease and requires mandatory medical intervention.

Causes of aphthous stomatitis

Aphthous ulcers on the oral mucosa look like white spots with a red rim. Such formations can be round or oval in shape. Ulcerations occur singly or in the form of extensive foci. Most often, the inflammatory process affects the front of the mouth: inside cheeks, lips This is due to the fact that it is this area of ​​​​the oral cavity that is most exposed to damage: bites during meals and scratches. Less often, the mucous membrane of the tongue becomes the location of the aphthae.

The average period of the course of the disease is 8-10 days. Usually aphthae heal quickly without leaving scars.

Experts call such causes of aphthous stomatitis:

  • Low immunity. According to doctors, this is the main reason for the development of the disease. Aphthae inside the mouth are formed in people who often suffer from colds and viral diseases against the background of reduced immunity.
  • The disease often occurs with a complicated course of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Sometimes the cause of aphthous stomatitis is the penetration into the body of such pathogenic microorganisms as L-form staphylococci, herpes viruses, measles, adenoviruses, diphtheria bacillus.
  • Mucosal inflammation can result from allergic reaction body for certain foods, medicines.

Provoking factors in the development of the inflammatory process are also: hypothermia, hereditary predisposition to the disease, beriberi, diseases of the teeth and gums. One or several unfavorable factors can provoke the formation of aphthous ulcerations.

Types of aphthous stomatitis

In children, aphthous stomatitis is much less common than in adults. This is primarily due to the absence of serious pathologies of the digestive system, the better condition of the teeth and the body. In adults with constant malfunctions immune system the acute form of the disease becomes chronic.

The description of these two forms in dentistry is as follows:

  • Acute gingivostomatitis. Acute aphthous stomatitis develops against the background of diseases of viral origin. It usually affects children under three years of age after they have been ill with diphtheria, measles, rubella, whooping cough.
  • Recurrent chronic aphthous stomatitis. The reasons for the transition of the inflammatory process into a chronic form are staphylococci, viruses, impaired immunity and allergies. Persistent recurrences are also seen in people with gastrointestinal disease or those who have a genetic predisposition to oral inflammation.

There is another classification of the disease: according to the nature and severity of the mucosal lesion. In addition to acute and chronic aphthous stomatitis, the following types of this pathology are distinguished in dentistry:

Each of these types of aphthous stomatitis has its own characteristic symptoms.

Symptoms of aphthous stomatitis

Symptoms of aphthous stomatitis largely depend on the type and form of the course of the disease. If the disease has light form, the symptoms at the initial stage can not always be noticed. Sometimes it is so insignificant that patients do not attach importance to it. For the entire period of the disease, only 1 aphtha can form in the mouth. But more often the inflammatory process gives a person a lot of painful and uncomfortable sensations.

Acute aphthous stomatitis arises suddenly and is characterized by pronounced symptoms. At first, the patient complains of general malaise, characteristic of colds and viral diseases, an insignificant increase in temperature may soon occur.

The acute form of aphthous stomatitis is also manifested by such symptoms:

  • severe headaches;
  • enlarged lymph nodes that are painful on palpation;
  • temperature increase up to 38 °C;
  • foul smell from the mouth due to the presence of sores;
  • violation of the stool: constipation is replaced by diarrhea.

With the development of herpetic aphthous stomatitis, a slightly different clinical picture is observed:

  • strong fever (this is how the disease manifests itself in young children and infants);
  • pronounced pain, because of which the child is constantly naughty;
  • night sleep disturbance due to poor health;
  • loss of appetite, the child may refuse to eat for several days.

When chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis develops, the following symptoms occur:

  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased salivation;
  • swelling lymph nodes;
  • bouts of vomiting (in children);
  • the formation of irritations in the corners of the mouth.
With any form of the disease, a person feels pain while eating. When visually examining the tongue, you can notice a white coating on it, and bubbles or ulcers on the inside of the cheeks and lips.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis depends on the form of its course. If the inflammatory process has a viral nature of origin, therapy is carried out at home. It is based on a sparing diet with the exception of spicy, salty, sour and hard foods that irritate the already inflamed mucosa.

Mechanical removal of tartar

A mandatory action in the treatment of aphthous stomatitis, regardless of its form, is the removal of plaque and calculus. These deposits may contain a large number of pathogenic agents, which became the cause of the development of pathology. The lack of such an action on the part of a specialist is the main reason why a patient cannot be cured of stomatitis.

To treat foci of inflammation, dentists recommend lubricating ulcers with boric acid, hydrogen peroxide, or rinsing your mouth with chamomile decoction. In the presence of ulcerative formations in the throat, rinsing with these agents is also recommended.

For the relief of pain syndrome are used:

  • Lidochlor.
  • Hexoral.
  • Anestezin.
Patients with a predisposition to allergies are prescribed a suspension of Diphenhydramine for rinsing the mouth and throat.

To cure chronic recurrent stomatitis, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with Chlorhexidine and treat ulcers with local glucocorticosteroids. For this, dentistry uses:

  • ointment Clobetasol;
  • ointment Fluocinonide;
  • Dexamethasone solution for rinsing.

Often, dentists prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs with an anesthetic effect to patients: Kamistad, Clobetasol, Trasilol, Xicaine and Benzocaine. You can’t do without them when a severe pain syndrome appears, but long-term use of these medicines is unacceptable, since side reactions are possible.

With the recurrence of signs of aphthous stomatitis, it becomes advisable to use local preparations antibacterial action: Tantum Verde, Oracept. In the fight against aphthae, regardless of their origin, Stomatofit-A balm has proven itself well. The medicine consists of medicinal extracts and an anesthetic. It needs to be applied cotton swab to the places of localization of aft.

When the ulcers heal, it is necessary to continue treatment with epithelializing drugs that will restore the mucous membrane. Among such means in dentistry, Solcoseryl-gel is actively used.

Allergic stomatitis should be treated with oral antihistamines. Ointments, solutions and suspensions of local action with an anti-inflammatory effect are also used. For rinsing the mouth and throat, decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, sage, calendula and other soothing herbs are used.

How to treat aphthous stomatitis in children

Treatment of children's aphthous stomatitis has its own characteristics. When characteristic symptoms you should visit the office of the pediatrician and dentist. A mandatory action should be the observance of a sparing diet, which will eliminate irritation of the already inflamed mucous membrane.

Children are prescribed antihistamines to relieve swelling and reduce an allergic reaction:

  • Tsetrin.
  • Diazolin.
  • Claritin.
  • Telfast.
  • Zodak.
  • Suprastin.

Immediately after the elimination of severe inflammation, when the acute phase subsides, Actovegin-gel is included in the treatment of aphthous stomatitis in children. The action of this drug is aimed at accelerating the process of regeneration of damaged cells, wound healing and restoration of the mucous membrane.

Treatment is not complete without immunomodulators. From this group of drugs, children are prescribed the use of toothpaste with lysozyme, glucose oxidase, lactoferrin. Enzymes favorably act on the affected mucous membrane, increasing its resistance against viruses and bacteria.

The tactics of therapy should be prescribed by a specialist, self-treatment of aphthous stomatitis can cause serious complications.

Given that the patient may experience a deterioration in the use of irritating food, it is important to adhere to a sparing diet. It is built on the following rules:

  1. Food should consist of finely chopped and pureed food.
  2. All products must be thermally processed, before use they must be boiled or poured over with boiling water.
  3. Do not eat hot or cold food, food should be at room temperature.
  4. Every time after eating, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with water or a decoction of herbs to remove food debris.
  5. If aphthous ulcers are so inflamed that eating is uncomfortable, a wide tube should be used while eating.

To prevent the onset of the disease, it is recommended to regularly visit the dentist's office, monitor oral hygiene, treat diseases that can lead to a decrease in immunity in a timely manner.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in adults and children is carried out after a thorough diagnosis, taking into account all the main accompanying symptoms, it is worth noting that this form of the disease is one of the most common. This is evidenced by international statistics of interviewed patients.

Aphthous stomatitis- a disease that violates the mucous surface of the oral cavity and is accompanied by the appearance of multiple or single ulcers (aphtha).


AT modern medicine there is no single approach to determining the causes of stomatitis, including ulcers. The etiology, according to experts, may lie in the following factors:

  • diseases of the digestive system that provoked disorders in the oral cavity and caused the appearance of aphthae;
  • viral diseases;
  • allergy to certain substances that enter the mucous membrane of the oral cavity;
  • various injuries of the mouth and mucous membranes;
  • genetic predisposition, in combination with other factors, can contribute to the appearance of stomatitis;
  • bacteria that have become the causative agents of the disease;
  • malnutrition, lack of certain vitamins or substances in the body;
  • hormonal changes in the body (eg, pregnancy, puberty)

There is no definite answer to the question of why stomatitis occurs, it can be either one specific factor or a number of reasons. Due to this number possible causes the appearance of the disease, anyone can suffer from it.


The aphthous form of stomatitis can carry symptoms that affect not only the oral cavity, but the entire body. The course of the disease is divided into phases:

  1. At the first stage, the body will be weakened, the temperature can rise significantly. A person feels a certain discomfort in the oral cavity, loses appetite. After some time, redness appears on the mucous membrane of the mouth, which can be distinguished not only by color, but also by temperature, over time they turn into sores, which is accompanied by painful sensations.
  2. At the second stage, aphthae already clearly manifest themselves - ulcers that can be both ordinary and multiple in nature, they clearly stand out against the background of other areas of the oral cavity not only with a grayish color and a bright red rim. It has a regular round or oval shape and is up to half a centimeter in size. At this stage, painful sensations at the site of the appearance of aphtha increase significantly, and the general condition of the body worsens.
  3. At the third stage, the body recovers, until this moment, from the onset of the disease, it takes approximately 1 - 1.5 months. The ulcer gradually disappears, in its place there is a clear redness, while there is also an improvement in the condition of the whole organism.

As you can see, at all stages of the course of the disease, the whole body suffers, which undoubtedly worsens the healing process. In any case, when ulcers appear on the mucous membrane, you should consult a doctor, because this disease often gives complications and needs complex treatment.


To determine the presence of aphthous stomatitis, the doctor just needs to look at the affected area. Also, the dentist can indicate the nature of the disease: chronic, acute or recurrent.

More difficulties in the process of diagnosing stomatitis are the determination of the causes of its occurrence, as mentioned above, the etiology of this disease remains not fully understood.

The doctor may ask the following questions:

When did the first signs appear?
– what were the symptoms;
- were there any injuries of the oral cavity;
- whether there were similar diseases in relatives;
- whether there is an allergy.

If such an inquiry does not shed light on the problem of the appearance of aphthous stomatitis, then the doctor can send the patient to a variety of additional studies. Laboratory tests will give a clearer picture, which can greatly simplify treatment, make more effective prevention illness.

A photo

For a better understanding of the extent and nature of aphthous stomatitis, several photographs can be taken with the most common forms and types of the disease in order to understand how it looks.

Forms and types

Such a subspecies of stomatitis as aphthous, in turn, is also divided into various forms and types. Depending on all sorts of criteria, there are several classifications of this disease:

  1. The nature of the course of the disease:
  • acute - a form of the disease, the cause of which is most often viral infection. In this case, one or more ulcers may appear.
  • chronic - a form of the disease that manifests itself over several years. It is characterized by periods of exacerbation and attenuation of the disease, while aphthous ulcers at different stages of development can be found in the patient's oral cavity. Doctors believe that the most likely cause of such a disease is a decrease in immunity along with other factors.
  1. The nature of the lesion of the oral mucosa (forms):
  • deforming - is considered the most dangerous form of aphthous stomatitis, it is characterized by a severe course of the disease, deep damage and a change in the shape of the oral mucosa;
  • grandular - a disease associated with impaired activity salivary glands;
  • scarring - also occurs on the salivary glands, however, it can be much larger in diameter and be more difficult, in the process of healing, noticeable scars remain on the oral mucosa;
  • necrotic - the cause of the appearance may be complex disease organism. With this form, necrosis appears in the oral cavity at the site of aphthae, the healing process takes about 1 month.
  1. By place of origin:
  • on the inside of the lips and cheeks (most often);
  • in the language ;
  • on the throat ;
  • in the sky.

All these forms of the disease proceed in different ways, and require individual and complex treatment. Therefore, if any type of aphthous stomatitis is detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis

Depending on the age of the patient and general condition his body, the process of treating stomatitis will be different, but in any case, it is necessary and you need to know how and how to do it. After all, if this disease is started, then it can entail not only discomfort with facial expressions of the lower part of the face and eating, but also give serious complications.

In adults

  • for anesthesia (Lidocaine, Anestezin, Hexoral Tabs);
  • for direct treatment (sprays - Lugol, Hexoral, Ingalipt; gels - Actovegin, Holisal);
  • for healing (folic acid, propolis spray, sea buckthorn oil, as well as drugs Vinylin, Karatolin).

After these measures, ulcers usually begin to heal, but this does not mean that treatment should be stopped. Until the aphthae are completely eliminated, it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity for some time with solutions that have a healing effect.

It is a complete treatment that reduces the chance of a recurrence of the disease. Also, complex treatment may include taking antibiotics and other medications prescribed by your doctor. All patients are recommended to prescribe a complex of vitamins.

In children

Aphthous stomatitis in children can be much more difficult than in adults, accompanied by severe pain, difficulty in diagnosing.

If signs of ulcerative stomatitis are found in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor, he should pay maximum attention to the treatment of ulcers, the improvement of the entire oral cavity of the child. It is also necessary to determine the cause of the disease as soon as possible.

There are significant differences in the organization of treatment and selection of drugs from the same process in adults. Preparations should be less aggressive, natural origin. This, of course, can increase the terms of treatment, however, it will certainly have a positive effect on the child's body.

Effective means:

  • vitamin C (we recommend giving the child in a non-acidic version);
  • multivitamins containing zinc;
  • pribiotics like acidophilus, bifidoc;
  • aloe (a cut leaf is applied to the wound, you can also chew it if there are a lot of ulcers);
  • juice from carrots or cabbage (dilute with water 50/50);

Particular attention, in the event of aphthous stomatitis in a child, should be given to its prevention, to do everything possible so that the disease does not progress and does not go into a chronic stage.

At home

All measures taken at home to get rid of ulcerative stomatitis should be of an additional nature, while the main treatment should be entrusted to a specialist. Folk remedies effective for antiseptic action and we recommend that you use the following solution:

At home, you can use a wide variety of solutions:, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme, calendula, etc.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that tinctures that are sold in pharmacies can also be diluted, because aphthae are very painful and sensitive, especially in children.


Prevention of aphthous stomatitis consists, first of all, in the correct and comprehensive care for oral cavity. If you have ever had ulcerative stomatitis, then you should systematically approach the process of preventing it.

For example, try to avoid physical damage to the oral mucosa, increase your immunity level, since the first appearance of aphthae could mean problems with it.

Highly great importance also has a definition of the causes of stomatitis. If they lie in the gastrointestinal tract, or in other body systems, then you need to contact the appropriate specialists, otherwise the disease will become chronic and cause much more problems.

If aphthae began to appear too often, then it is worth switching to a special diet - avoiding too solid food.

Video: aphthous stomatitis - inflammation of the oral mucosa (“Live healthy” with Elena Malysheva)

Other questions

Infectious or not?

As already mentioned, the etiology of this disease has not been clearly defined, but most experts agree that aphthous stomatitis is not contagious, unlike some other types of this disease.

Is aphthous stomatitis transmitted by kissing?

If the cause of aphthous stomatitis was caused by trauma, complex problems the body of the patient, then it will not be transmitted during kisses. If the cause of aphthae is a virus, then the transmission of the disease in this way is quite possible.

What doctor treats?

Depending on the causes of aphthae, different specialists can deal with stomatitis, but first of all, you should always contact your dentist.

How much is treated?

Depending on the type and form of the disease, it can be treated, from one week (usual acute form) to several months (deforming form).

What to do during pregnancy?

Contact your doctor and report your situation. In the process of treatment, use only natural preparations.

ICD code 10?

By International classification diseases aphthous stomatitis has the code K12.0 (Recurrent aphthae of the oral cavity)

Aphthous stomatitis is an unpleasant disease that is very painful. It often makes it difficult to eat due to the formation of ulcers.

Treating this problem with folk methods is dangerous and unreasonable, since stomatitis can become chronic.

There are many types of this disease, so a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided.

What you need to know about the disease

The name of the disease comes from the word "aft", which means "ulcer". This type of stomatitis is manifested by lesions of the oral mucosa with the formation of ulcers. They can appear separately or be localized in a group, affecting a large area of ​​\u200b\u200btissue.

The most common localization of aphthae is the anterior part of the oral cavity, on the inside of the lips and cheeks. This is due to the fact that this area is much more likely than others to be damaged, for example, by accidental bites or scratches from food.

Less commonly, aphthous stomatitis appears on the tongue. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by weakness and a slight increase in temperature.

The average duration of the course of the disease is 8-10 days.

Aphthae are round or oval erosive areas of the skin, covered with a white or gray coating and surrounded by an inflamed, bright red halo. The size of the aphtha does not exceed a centimeter in diameter.

In the normal course of the disease, one sore appears, in rare cases, the number reaches three. When touched, aphthae evoke severe pain so eating is often difficult.

Causes and provoking factors

Experts in the field of studying aphthous stomatitis still cannot come to a consensus about what exactly this form of the disease provokes. Various reagents have been identified that are equally capable of causing other forms of stomatitis.

Often the disease occurs due to the appearance of an infection in the human body or is a residual phenomenon. viral disease due to a weakened immune system. Popular infections include:

In addition, pathology is often the result of an allergic reaction to food, drugs, or microbes that have entered the body. chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract also contribute to the occurrence of aphthae.

In addition to the main catalysts for the disease, ideal conditions for the development of stomatitis should form in the body. These include:

At least one of the factors described can push reagents to action, why the first symptoms of aphthous stomatitis will appear, requiring treatment already at the initial stage.

Disease classification

In medicine, there is a division of aphthous stomatitis into two types: acute and chronic:

There is a classification of the disease depending on the nature of the lesion of the oral mucosa.

Aphthous stomatitis can be:

Pictured is a necrotic aphtha

  1. Necrotic aphtha is an accumulation of dead cells of the mucous membrane, which in the course of the disease are covered with epithelium. Most often, this subspecies of aphthous stomatitis is found in patients with blood pathology.
  2. granular stomatitis is caused due to trauma to the mucous membrane, as a result of which bubbles appear first, then painful sores in their place.
  3. During scarring stomatitis aphthae are covered with connective tissue. With intensive treatment, the connection is broken - the tissue resolves.
  4. Deforming is the most severe form of those presented, since aphthae change the surface of the gums. After their healing, noticeable scars will remain.

The degree of mucosal damage and the type of disease can only be determined by a doctor after an analysis. Only on the basis of these data, it is possible to prescribe a full-fledged treatment that will effectively cope with the disease.

The main symptoms and duration of the course

The symptomatology of the disease directly depends on the form of its course.

Acute form of the disease - everything is unexpected and abrupt

Acute aphthous stomatitis appears unexpectedly. The patient begins to complain of malaise, sometimes a slight increase in temperature is noticeable.

Already at the initial stage, pain in the mouth is felt, which is aggravated during eating or during a conversation. Vesicles form on the mucous membrane, quickly developing into erosion, covered with a gray-white coating.

Around the aft, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, becomes loose. You can see a white coating on the tongue.

With an increase in the number of sores, it becomes difficult to eat solid food, you have to switch to mashed potatoes and pastes.

The duration of this type of disease usually does not exceed two weeks, at the end of which the mucosa is restored to its previous state. Very rarely, in the case of a complicated form, minor scars remain.

Chronic form

In chronic aphthous stomatitis, as in the photo on the right, the mucous membrane swells, becomes pale.

Ulcers are located on the inside of the lips, cheeks, under the tongue. Less commonly, aphthae are localized in the palate and gums.

The size of the lesion reaches a centimeter, the halo swells, becomes red, a dirty-gray coating appears. In the case of extensive necrosis, the sores become more inflamed and protrude above the surface.

Chronic aphthous stomatitis usually lasts 12-15 days. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, aphthae will begin to grow in depth, affecting the mucous membrane.

At this stage, the sores will begin to bleed, causing even more pain. In addition, this condition is dangerous infection. Deep aphthae can leave scars after healing.

What you need to know about the treatment of the disease

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis should be complex and under the supervision of a physician. Even after the disappearance of visible signs, you should not stop taking the prescribed drugs. This is due to the fact that the disease can return and subsequently develop into a chronic one.

Local processing of aft

For local treatment in adults, antiseptic rinses and anti-inflammatory gels are prescribed. The drugs may vary depending on the type and duration of the disease, the otolaryngologist or dentist will be able to give recommendations on the choice of drugs:

Antiallergic drugs

Treatment of allergic stomatitis, accompanied by the use antihistamines. These include Diazolin, Claritin, Suprastin, Tavegil.

You can use other medicines that relieve allergy symptoms. Usually the course of treatment with desensitizing drugs lasts 10-12 days.

Sanitation of the oral cavity

Aphthous stomatitis develops against the background of diseases of the gums and teeth, for this reason, during the treatment of sores, it is necessary to carry out a complete sanitation of the oral cavity.

Elimination of foci possible appearance erosion on the mucous membrane will reduce the duration of the course of stomatitis, as well as reduce the likelihood of its secondary occurrence.

It is especially important to carry out the sanitation of the oral cavity, if it has not been done before, in the chronic form of stomatitis. The presence of tartar, caries, pulpitis favorably affect the formation and development of aphthae.

Increasing local immunity

Fermented toothpastes are prescribed as immunostimulating drugs of local action. They should include the following substances: lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin, lysozyme or glucose oxidase. These enzymes help to increase the resistance of the mucous membrane and destroy bacteria and viruses.

You can buy Imudon lozenges for resorption. They are used six times a day, adhering to the course of 10 days.

Good immunomodulators are: ginseng, echinacea, propolis, thymogen, immunofan. Do not forget about vitamins.

The violation is manifested by strong painful sensations when touching the sores. For this reason, liquid and mushy foods should be preferred.

Pates, soups, mashed potatoes, cereals are dishes with which you can create a completely balanced diet. You need to eat right, saturating the body with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so that the immune system can fully resist the disease.

Cabbage, carrots, potatoes, peaches, parsley, olives, sea buckthorn juice - all these are desirable foods that help increase immunity, restore healthy microflora and have an antibacterial effect.

Treatment at home

When the first signs of stomatitis appear, it is urgent to take action using the means that are in every home. Until the diagnosis is established, it is necessary to monitor hygiene and often rinse the mouth. An antibacterial effect is provided by a solution prepared on the basis of salt or soda.

It is also good to use a solution of hydrogen peroxide with a low concentration for irrigation. You can dilute a tablespoon in a glass of water and rinse your mouth after each meal.

Often, solutions of furacilin or chlorhexidine are used for the disease.

Effectively helps with the disease honey water. By adding a tablespoon of honey to a glass of water, you can get an antiseptic and antiviral agent that will stop the development of the disease until a course of treatment is prescribed.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent, dentists recommend following the principles of healthy lifestyle life. Excessive consumption of spicy, sweet, sour and salty foods adversely affects oral health. Diseases can develop that change the environment in the oral cavity.

If you still can’t change your eating habits, you should not forget about the rules of personal hygiene. Clean hands, caring for the oral cavity are important components in maintaining good health.

What to say about bad habits? It's no secret that they have a detrimental effect on the entire body, starting their negative impact from the oral cavity.

The use of multivitamins, especially during hypovitaminosis, will help increase the body's resistance. hardening and physical exercises contribute to overall health.

The main rule to avoid aphthous stomatitis is timely treatment infectious diseases, which in an untreated state cause the appearance of aphthae in the oral cavity.

The seriousness of the disease is beyond doubt, therefore, its treatment must be approached comprehensively, based on the recommendations of specialists. By following preventive measures, you can protect yourself from unwanted diseases for a long time.

Aphthous stomatitis in children and adults is a type of stomatitis, the development of which is associated with infection of the body with the herpes simplex virus.

Another name for the disease is. As a result of the activity of the pathogen, aphthae appear in the mouth - pathological foci. They make it difficult to eat and cause discomfort to the patient.

It is necessary to treat aphthous stomatitis, because. it signals other disorders in the body - colitis, gastritis, helminthic invasions, hormonal instability, malignant neoplasms and other pathological conditions.

Causes of aphthous stomatitis

Aphthous stomatitis causes not only herpes. Among the reasons for its development, doctors single out the recent incidence of influenza, chicken pox or measles, weakening of the body's defense reactions and concomitant dental ailments - caries, gum disease, pulpitis. In some cases, AS is associated with an abnormal course of digestive processes, diseases of the stomach or intestines.

In adult women, aphthous stomatitis can appear during pregnancy and menopause, when the body undergoes hormonal changes. In adolescent children, they are registered in transitional age for the same reason - a change in hormonal status.

The development of the disease is also facilitated by factors such as:

  • Bad habits.
  • Insufficient or excessively meticulous oral hygiene.
  • Prolonged use of toothpastes with sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Nervous tension. Strong and frequent stresses negatively affect the body, which worsens its immune capabilities.
  • Injury to the oral mucosa. Careless handling of cutlery, the presence of poor-quality fillings or damaged teeth, the habit of eating too hot food contribute to damage to the thin mucous tissues of the oral cavity and the invasion of pathogenic strains.
  • Taking medications that suppress salivation.
  • Unbalanced diet with deficiency of folic acid, zinc, selenium, iron.

Aphthous, or herpetic stomatitis, is most susceptible to people with very weak immunity. If the body is powerless against the virus, the disease takes on a chronic form and periodically recurs.

Clinical signs of aphthous stomatitis

On the different stages development symptoms of aphthous stomatitis are not the same. In the initial period, the disease manifests itself with signs of SARS:

As the pathology develops, aphthae are formed in the oral cavity - small separately located or grouped ulcers with a diameter of up to 5 mm. The edges of the ulcers are distinguished by a reddish tint with a gray coating. External signs aphthous stomatitis are shown in the photo below.

The presence of defects in the mouth creates discomfort during a conversation, eating, any movement of the tongue. The patient complains of increased salivation and the inability to fully perceive the taste of food.

Aphthae are areas of the mucosa with impaired integrity, which are clearly demarcated from healthy tissues. The shape of the ulcers is oval or round.

In children

Herpes stomatitis (aphthous) in children is often diagnosed at the age of 1 to 5 years. During this period, babies actively learn about the world around them and drag toys into their mouths and miscellaneous items, exposing the oral mucosa to the risk of injury and infection. In addition, young patients are more prone to infectious diseases than adults due to imperfect immunity.

As in an adult patient, aphthous stomatitis in a child proceeds with signs of SARS. Attentive parents will also notice the baby's salivation and bad breath, refusal to eat and restlessness, tearfulness and irritability. Aphthae with herpes stomatitis in children can first form in the corners of the mouth, and then spread to the oral mucosa.

In severe pathology, nausea, vomiting, indifference to what is happening appear.

Forms of aphthous stomatitis

Acute aphthous stomatitis is spread by airborne droplets, so it is easiest to catch it in a team environment. The causative agent of the disease can be not only herpesvirus, but also a strain of streptococcus, staphylococcus and diplococcus.

Symptoms of an acute form of herpetic stomatitis will be all pathological changes characteristic of influenza, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and measles in children:

  • Hyperthermia.
  • Headache.
  • Defecation disorder (constipation, diarrhea).
  • Soreness of the lymph nodes on palpation.

Signs of chronic aphthous stomatitis do not differ from defects associated with acute form. The difference is only in the duration of the disease. In the acute period, aphthae heal within 5 days from the moment of appearance without tissue scarring.

If stomatitis is not treated and the predisposing factor is not eliminated, the healing of sores occurs within a month. Due to long-term non-healing ulcers, the tissues are partially scarred, but subsequently the process develops again. Adults and children with chronic appendicitis, colitis, and helminthic invasions are prone to chronic aphthous stomatitis.

With an allergic origin of aphthosis, the sensitivity of the oral mucosa increases to all irritants. The state of oral hypersensitivity is characteristic of migraine, urticaria and bronchial asthma.


How to cure herpes stomatitis

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis of a viral nature is carried out at home. The therapeutic regimen for adults is based on a diet with the exclusion from the diet of rough, traumatic food for the mouth and allergen products.

For external treatment of aphthous stomatitis in adults, dentists recommend using boric acid and chamomile. Rinse the mouth with the preparations several times a day.

For the same purpose, a solution of furacilin, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide is suitable (the peroxide is diluted with water 1: 1). You can lubricate aphthae with Kalanchoe juice, peach and sea buckthorn oil. If aphthous stomatitis is allergic in nature, it is treated with intravenous injections of sodium thiosulfate.

Since AS therapy in an adult patient lasts from 7 to 30 days, it is important to quickly eliminate soreness and discomfort in the oral cavity. In this patient will help drugs:

In chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis, treatment is carried out in the form of rinsing the mouth with Chlorhexidine gluconate and treatment with local glucocorticoids:

  • Ointment Clobetasol.
  • Ointment Fluocinonide.
  • Dexamethasone rinse.

Treatment of children

With aphthous stomatitis in children, treatment also begins with a diet. If the disease arose as a reaction to the reception medicinal product, parents should consult with a doctor about the advisability of canceling it.

Complex therapy of herpetic stomatitis in children includes antihistamines:

  • Tsetrin.
  • Diazolin.
  • Telfast.
  • Suprastin.

Local treatment of sores is carried out with the help of antiseptics and anti-inflammatory gels (Miramistin, Holisal). Irrigation and lubrication do up to 4 p. per day. As soon as the acute phase subsides, Actovegin-gel is added to the treatment. It accelerates the epithelialization of aphthae and relieves soreness.

Of the local immunomodulators, children are prescribed toothpaste with lysozyme, glucose oxidase, lactoferrin. Enzymes strengthen the immunity of the oral cavity and increase the resistance of the mucosa to viruses and bacteria.

Aphthous stomatitis is a disease accompanied by bright clinical picture. Pathology makes it difficult to eat and affects the quality of human life. Lack of treatment leads to the transition of the disease into a chronic intractable form. There are many varieties of the disease, each of which requires its own approach to treatment. For this reason, it is necessary to deal with aphthous stomatitis under the supervision of a doctor.

What is aphthous stomatitis

The name of the disease comes from the word "aft", or ulcer. characteristic feature problems - damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth with the formation of ulcers, various in shape and size. Formations occur in the mouth separately or in groups with lesions of large areas of mucous structures.

Aphthae are more often localized in the anterior part of the oral cavity, on the inside of the lips and cheeks. These areas are more susceptible to damage, friction and accidental bites. Less commonly, wounds have stomatitis on the tongue. The disease may be accompanied by a slight increase in temperature and general weakness. Aphthous stomatitis lasts an average of 8-12 days.

Aphthae in the mouth are round and resemble erosions with a white or gray coating, surrounded by a bright red shell. The size of the wounds does not exceed 1 cm in diameter. With a mild course of the disease, 1 sore appears in the mouth, with a severe one - from 3. Touching the affected areas gives a person sharp pain and discomfort, so eating with a problem is very difficult.

Development mechanism

Medicine has not established the exact mechanism for the development of stomatitis of the species in question. Two factors contributing to the development of the disease have been identified: autoimmune disorders in the body and the influence of pathogenic microflora.

In its development, aphthous stomatitis goes through several stages. Pathogenic flora, getting into the oral cavity, provokes a change in the composition of saliva. The condition is not accompanied by characteristic symptoms due to the fact that immune cells do not recognize the pathogen. At the next stage, the body begins to produce lysocytes that attack the foreign substance. As a result, erosions appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth.

The following factors are of great importance in the mechanism of development of stomatitis:

  • malnutrition;
  • use of oral hygiene products with aggressive chemical composition;
  • non-compliance with the regime of work and rest;
  • bad habits - smoking, biting the inner surface of the cheeks;
  • lack of vitamin D in the body;
  • violations in the work of the digestive tract;
  • uncontrolled intake of antibiotics and non-steroids.

An advanced form of aphthous stomatitis caused by carious lesions of the teeth


Apart from chronic course diseases, there are several more types of aphthous stomatitis:

  1. fibrinous. Ulcers on the mucous membranes have a grayish tint and disappear on their own after 1-2 weeks. In the chronic form of the course, the pathology recurs 3-4 times a year.
  2. Necrotic. It develops due to infectious and viral pathogens. When the disease occurs, the death of mucous cells. In the recurrent form, the size of the aphthae increases with each new exacerbation, making it difficult to eat and speak. healing process big wounds lasts up to 1 month.
  3. Grandular. Occurs with damage to the salivary glands. Neoplasms are large and reappear after healing.
  4. Scarring. Aphthae reach 1 cm in diameter, and after healing leave visible scars on the surface of the mucous membranes. Erosions heal long time- from 3 months.
  5. deformable. It is considered one of the most severe types of pathology. Ulcers deeply affect the mucous membranes, which causes scarring and changes in the structure of the oral cavity. Recovery takes a long time - from 2 months.
  6. Herpetic. It is more often diagnosed in children who become infected with the virus from the mother in utero or during childbirth. Aphthae are small bubbles and appear in the plural (up to 30 pieces at a time). The mucous membranes of the mouth in a child become inflamed and acquire bright red hues.
  7. Recurrent. Often diagnosed aphthous stomatitis in adults. In children this species pathology is almost non-existent. Wounds merge with each other, forming large lesions. Ulcers are covered with a white coating and are accompanied by pain and burning.
  8. Spicy . It is more often observed in children under 3 years of age and occurs against the background of infectious diseases - whooping cough, diphtheria or measles. Acute aphthous stomatitis is accompanied by increased salivation and bad breath.
  9. Mixed . Common among children over 4 years of age. Erosions in the disease cause burning and pain. With each relapse, the disease manifests itself brighter.

The photo shows changes in the structure of the mucous membranes resulting from the deforming form of stomatitis

The danger of the problem and how it spreads

Is the disease contagious? The answer to this question depends on the cause of aphthous stomatitis. An illness of viral, infectious and fungal etiology is easily transmitted from one person to another through common items: dishes, toys, etc. The viral type of the disease can be infected by airborne droplets: when talking, while sneezing.

Infectious aphthous stomatitis is dangerous for children, since the local immunity of their mucous membranes is not sufficiently formed. The infection is transmitted in the same way as the virus: by contact and airborne droplets. Adults become infected with pathology if they have abrasions and microdamages in the oral cavity.

Fungal stomatitis is not transmitted by airborne droplets. This type of disease develops when shared utensils, water and food are used with the patient. People with a weakened immune system and diabetes are especially vulnerable to a fungal pathogen.

Fungal stomatitis is characterized by extensive areas of damage and the formation white plaque in the language

Aphthous stomatitis, provoked by beriberi, mechanical damage and stress, is not contagious. Forms of the disease transmitted from one person to another are especially dangerous for infants. Their immunity cannot fully cope with the introduction of a foreign agent. That leads to severe forms course of the disease with damage to internal organs.


Symptoms of aphthous stomatitis vary depending on the stage of its development. Initially, the condition is accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes, malaise, fever and worsening temperature. Then, reddening of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and the appearance of ulcerative rashes up to 5 mm in diameter are noted. As the pathology progresses, erosion becomes covered with a yellowish or gray coating. General symptoms disease, hyperthermia and malaise persist.

The initial stages of the disease are characterized by severe inflammation and redness of the mucous membranes.

The signs of the problem disappear in the final stage of stomatitis: the patient stops feeling burning and itching in the mouth. Usually, after the acute stage, the person's condition returns to normal, and after the wounds there are no scars (with the exception of the deforming form of the disease).

Aphthous stomatitis in adults begins abruptly. The disease is accompanied by:

  • the formation of small bursting bubbles that leave behind aphthae;
  • soreness in the mouth when consuming foods with a pronounced taste;
  • general weakness and rise in temperature up to 39 degrees;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes and looseness of its structure;
  • the appearance of a white coating on the tongue.

The problem under consideration is recommended to be treated under the supervision of a dentist, since there is a possibility that the problem will become chronic (recurrent) form. In this case, the mucous membranes swell and acquire pale shades. Ulcers affect the inside of the cheeks, the area under the tongue and lips, less often the palate and tongue. Lesions can be up to 1 cm in diameter and become red. With extensive damage, aphthae protrude above the surface.

Extensive lesions at the merger of several aphthae into one

An exacerbation in the chronic form of the problem is observed for 12-15 days. Without proper treatment, erosion with each relapse affects the deeper layers of the oral cavity. In this case, the wounds can bleed, causing the person even more discomfort. The condition is dangerous with the possibility of infection. In addition, deep erosion leaves behind non-healing scars.


An experienced doctor will be able to make a correct diagnosis after a visual examination of the oral cavity. To confirm the assumptions, the dentist collects detailed information about the disease: the time of onset of the first symptoms, the intensity of the symptoms, the presence of mechanical and thermal injuries of the oral cavity, allergies to food and drugs, the presence of similar problems in the next of kin.

To identify the causative agent of aphthous stomatitis, resort to laboratory methods diagnostics - a smear on the flora. It is important to diagnose stomatitis with herpes lesions, since these diseases have a similar clinical picture.

Treatment methods

It is necessary to treat aphthous stomatitis in adults comprehensively and under the supervision of a specialist. Therapy is not stopped even after the disappearance of visible signs of the problem. This can provoke a repeated exacerbation of the disease and its transition to a chronic form.

Medical treatment

For local treatment of the oral mucosa, patients are prescribed antimicrobial sprays and gels with anti-inflammatory action. Medicines are prescribed depending on the type of aphthous stomatitis and its severity. For irrigation of aft, dentists prescribe Miramistin spray. It suppresses the reproduction of viral and infectious pathogens and normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity.

The choice of antiseptic agents for a problem depends on the age of the patient and his sensitivity to the components of the drugs.

To lubricate wounds at the initial stage, Holisal gel is recommended. The drug is used after antiseptic treatment with aft sprays or solutions. The procedure is performed 3-4 times a day. In addition to Cholisal, other ointments with an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect can be prescribed: Kamistad, Kalgel, Trasilol, Clobetasol, Benzocaine. Treatment with ointments should not last more than 7-10 days, as these drugs have adverse reactions.

With the secondary manifestation of signs of aphthous stomatitis, the treatment of mucous membranes is carried out with antibacterial sprays: Tantum Verde, Oracept, Geksoral. For fast and effective treatment aphthous stomatitis use Stomatofit-A gel. It contains medicinal herbs and an anesthetic. The gel is applied to the lesions with a cotton swab.

After the disappearance of wounds, agents with a regenerating effect are used, for example, Solcoseryl. The drug prevents the occurrence of scars after pathology. Therapy of stomatitis is supplemented with the reception antihistamines- Diazolin, Claritin, Tavegil. The course of taking drugs for allergies is 10-14 days.

Sanitation of the oral cavity

A common cause of aphthous stomatitis is dental diseases of the oral cavity: gingivitis, periodontal disease, advanced caries. For this reason, treatment of the problem should begin with sanitation infectious foci in the mouth. Their elimination will reduce the duration of stomatitis and prevent its recurrence.

Sanitation of the mouth is especially important in cases of a chronic form of the problem. Dental deposits, caries - favorable conditions for the propagation of pathogenic flora.

Sanitation of the oral cavity is an important aspect in the treatment of aphthous stomatitis

Strengthening local immunity

As immunomodulatory agents, patients are prescribed fermented pastes. The composition of hygiene products includes lysocin, lactoferrin or lactoperoxidase. Substances contribute to the strengthening of the protective forces of the mucous membranes and accelerate the death of the pathogenic flora.

For the same purpose, candies are purchased, for example, Imudon. The drug is absorbed up to 6 times a day, for 10 days. Medical treatment can be carried out using natural plant components: ginseng, echinacea and propolis or preparations containing these plants (Immunal).


Due to the fact that the sores are accompanied by pain, preference is given to warm and liquid food. With aphthous stomatitis, you can eat: soups, liquid cereals, pate, vegetable puree. The diet is saturated with proteins and carbohydrates so that the body can fully fight the pathogen.

During therapy, the intake of foods with a pronounced taste is excluded: sour, sweet, bitter. A prerequisite for treatment is a complete cessation of smoking and alcoholic beverages.

The microflora of the mouth is restored by the following types of products:

  • olive oil;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • carrot;
  • greens;
  • potato;
  • oatmeal;

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in adults is similar to the treatment of pathology in children. You can learn more about the treatment of problems in younger patients.

Honey accelerates the regeneration of wounds in stomatitis and contributes to the death of pathogenic flora in the mouth

Methods of struggle at home

How to treat aphthous stomatitis at home? Folk methods the fight against aphthous stomatitis is used as an addition to the main therapy regimen. Some natural ingredients have an anti-inflammatory effect, which speeds up the healing process.

  • Chamomile tincture. Quickly helps in the treatment of any inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, including chronic stomatitis. Decoction recipe: 1 tsp. dry plant pour 200 ml of boiling water and incubated until cool. The liquid is filtered from the cake, 2 tsp are added to it. honey and drink 30 minutes after eating.
  • Raw potatoes. The vegetable is peeled, chopped on a fine grater and put in cheesecloth. The resulting slurry is applied to erosion 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes. For each procedure, a new mixture is used.
  • Garlic. A few cloves of the plant are squeezed through a press and mixed with 2 tbsp. l. curdled milk. The resulting mixture is kept in the mouth for 2-3 minutes, and then spit out. The procedure may cause burning of wounds, but this is not a reason to stop the procedure. Treatment of the oral cavity is performed 3 times a day after meals.

Preventive actions

Prevention of aphthous stomatitis consists in careful care of the oral cavity. Mechanical damage to the mucous membranes should also be avoided.

Important in the prevention of pathology is the identification of the cause of the disease. Chronic stomatitis cannot be cured without eliminating provoking factors, for example, diseases of the digestive tract, beriberi.

At frequent appearance aft, you should visit specialists of several profiles - a psychologist, a gastroenterologist, a dentist. To prevent chronic stomatitis, it is important to follow a diet and exclude too solid foods from the diet.