Injections to improve brain function. How to choose drugs for the vessels of the head

Memory is the ability to accumulate and reproduce information. From 25 to 45 years old, it works in full activity mode, then it begins to gradually worsen.

Studies show that 25% of the world's population has certain problems with the accumulation of information.

Let's figure out what medicines exist to improve memory and cerebral circulation and which one is the most effective.

The causes of memory impairment can be divided into four categories:

  • brain damage;
  • diseases internal organs;
  • lifestyle features;
  • age-related changes and pathologies.
With brain damage, memory problems are pronounced. There may be amnesia, hallucinations, false memories, and so on. Main reasons:
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • stroke;
  • tumors and metastases in the brain;
  • diseases occurring with damage to the central nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis).

Various somatic diseases indirectly affect memory functions: they provoke hypoxia of brain tissues and slow down metabolic reactions. Mnestic disorders are manifested in a decrease in concentration and excessive forgetfulness. Possible preconditions:

  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • disorders in the work of the kidneys;
  • endocrine diseases - diabetes, hypothyroidism.

Certain lifestyle habits can lead to memory loss. external factors, for example:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of sleep, overwork, stressful situations;
  • information overload;
  • chronic intoxication - smoking, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, medication, heavy metal poisoning.

Memory loss in old age is associated with damage to brain vessels. Difficulties with the accumulation of information are experienced by almost all people after 50 years. In some diseases, they are especially pronounced, the main ones are:

Establishing the factor that provoked memory impairment is the main criterion for choosing therapeutic methods.

Will pills to improve memory and attention help adults?

There are no drugs that directly increase mnestic abilities.

But a number of medications are being produced that affect blood circulation in the brain, as well as processes that are associated with the perception of information, concentration of attention and other elements of mental activity. They are prescribed for certain memory problems.

The main groups of drugs:

  • nootropics - compounds that stimulate metabolic reactions in the brain and improve signaling between nerve cells;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain by reducing blood viscosity and increasing the strength of vessel walls;
  • fortifying drugs and vitamins.

The choice of remedy is carried out by the doctor based on the causes and degree of mnestic disorders, the age of the patient, as well as his general condition. As a rule, medications are one of the components of therapy.

Pills to improve brain activity and memory


The composition of the tablets "Glycine" includes aminoacetic acid. It is a metabolic regulator and a central neurotransmitter.


  • reduction of psycho-emotional stress and aggressiveness;
  • mood improvement;
  • increased mental performance;
  • sleep normalization.


  • memory loss;
  • stressful situations;
  • various diseases of the central nervous system;
  • ischemic stroke.

Method of application: 1 tablet sublingually 3 times a day. The term is 14-30 days. Released without a prescription. Price - 37 rubles. for 50 tablets. Analogues - "Glikokol", "Glikosten", "Amiton".


Capsules and syrup "Intellan" contain extracts of ginkgo biloba, centella asiatica, coriander, emblica and other plants. The composition of these herbs includes amino acids, alkaloids, trace elements and glycosides, which affect the central nervous system.

"Intellan" is a neurohumoral modifier of the transmission of nerve impulses and a stimulant of metabolism in the cerebral cortex.


  • improving brain activity, including increasing the ability to concentrate;
  • activation of blood circulation in the brain;
  • increase in working capacity;
  • elimination of toxic substances;
  • reduced anxiety;
  • neutralization of free radicals that destroy cells.


  • violation of cerebral blood flow;
  • memory disorders;
  • decrease in intellectual abilities;
  • asthenia (lethargy);
  • depression, anxiety;
  • developmental delay in children.

How to use: 1 capsule or 2 teaspoons of syrup after meals 2 times a day. The term is 28 days. Released without a prescription. Price - 189 rubles. for 20 capsules. There are no structural analogues.

The drug to improve brain function and memory "Piracetam" is available in the form of tablets, syrup and injection. It contains the substance of the same name, belonging to the group of nootropics.


  • stimulation of metabolic processes in the brain - increased utilization of glucose, synthesis of ribonucleic acid, increased reserves of adenosine triphosphate;
  • activation of blood microcirculation, suppression of platelet accumulation;
  • improved interaction between the hemispheres of the brain;
  • restoration and stabilization of cerebral functions.
  • lack of psychostimulating and sedative actions.


  • vascular insufficiency leading to memory impairment;
  • Alzheimer's, Parkinson's diseases;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • coma.

Method of application: 30-160 mg/kg of body weight per day, divided into 2-4 doses. Term - 40-60 days. Released without a prescription. Price - 76 rubles. for 60 tablets. Analogues - "Lucetam", "Memotropil".


Tablets "Phenotropil" - a nootropic agent of a new generation with the same name active substance.

The active ingredient of the drug is a derivative of piracetam, therefore, it has a similar effect to it.

The difference is that "Phenotropil" has a psychostimulating effect (improves mood, relieves anxiety). In addition, the effect of its reception becomes noticeable immediately.

Method of application: 200-300 mg per day, divided into 2-3 doses, after meals. The term is 2-12 weeks. Released by prescription. Price - 403 rubles. for 10 tablets. There are no structural analogues.

"Vitrum memory"

The active substance of the drug "Vitrum memory" is an extract of the leaves of ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba).


  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • increased supply of glucose and oxygen to brain cells;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • blood thinning, prevention of thrombosis;
  • expansion of small vessels, increased tone of their walls;
  • anti-edematous action;
  • improving learning ability.

The main indication is a decrease in memory and mental activity.

How to use: 1 tablet 2 times a day. The term is 3 months. Released without a prescription. Price - 582 rubles. for 60 tablets. Analogues - Bilobil, Gingium, Ginkgo Biloba.


Solution and tablets "Tanakan" contain extract of gingko biloba. This drug is an analogue of the Vitrum memory described above. They differ in excipients, release forms and the concentration of the active ingredient in 1 tablet:

  • "Tanakan" - 40 mg;
  • "Vitrum memory" - 60 mg.

Method of application: 1 tablet (1 ml of syrup) 3 times a day. The term is 1-3 months. Released without a prescription. Price - 608 rubles. for 30 tablets.

Proper nutrition is the key to health, we all know about it from school. And for sick people, diet is especially important. Diet in multiple sclerosis will help improve the quality of life of the patient and slow down the progression of the disease. Here you can get acquainted with the basic principles of the diet for this disease.


"Phenibut" is available in the form of tablets and powder. His active ingredient is aminophenylbutyric acid - a derivative of phenylethylamine (nootropic) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (tranquilizer).


  • relief of anxiety, fear, tension;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • improvement of blood circulation in the brain;
  • decrease in the severity of speech and motor disorders;
  • increased mental performance and speed of reactions;
  • anticonvulsant action.


  • asthenia;
  • anxiety-neurotic states;
  • phobias;
  • tics;
  • violations in the work of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Parkinson's disease.

Method of application: 250-500 mg 3 times a day after meals. The term is 2-6 weeks. Released by prescription. Price - 424 rubles. for 20 tablets. Analogues - "Anvifen", "Noofen".


Tablets "Aminalon" contain a nootropic - gamma-aminobutyric acid.


  • strengthening of energy processes in nerve cells;
  • activation of the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • restoration of neurocytes;
  • mild psychostimulant effect;
  • normalization blood pressure;
  • improving mental performance and concentration.


  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • age-related dementia;
  • vegetative disorders.

How to use: 3 g per day before meals. The term is 1-4 months. Released by prescription. Price - 257 rubles. for 100 tablets. Analogues - "Gammalon", "Ganevrin".


"Pantogam" - nootropic and anticonvulsant, produced in the form of syrup, capsules and tablets. The active substance is calcium hopantenate.


  • increasing the resistance of the brain to a lack of oxygen;
  • sedative effect;
  • decrease in motor excitability;


  • decrease in various functions of the brain, including mnestic;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • extrapyramidal disorders;
  • schizophrenia;
  • epilepsy.

Method of application: 1.5-3 g per day after meals. The term is 1-4 months. Released by prescription. Price - 399 rubles. for 50 tablets. Analogues - "Pantocalcin", "Gopantam".


"Pikamilon" is produced in the form of a solution for injection and tablets. The main component of the drug is a nootropic, tranquilizing and psychostimulant substance nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid.


  • expansion of cerebral vessels;
  • passion for the speed of cerebral blood flow;
  • suppression of platelet aggregation;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • reduced anxiety;
  • increase in working capacity;
  • antioxidant action.


  • ischemic stroke;
  • circulatory failure in the brain;
  • neuroinfections;
  • depression;
  • migraine;
  • senile psychoses.

Method of application: 20-50 mg g 3 times a day. The term is 1-2 months. Released by prescription. Price - 91 rubles. for 30 tablets. Analogues - "Pikanoil", "Amilonosar".


Memoplant tablets contain ginkgo biloba extract. The drug is an analogue of "Tanakan". The peculiarity of Memoplant is that it is available in three dosages: 40, 80 and 120 mg of the active ingredient in one tablet. The first two versions of the drug are sold without a prescription, and the third is available only by prescription. Price - 908 rubles. for 60 tablets (40 mg).

The modern pace of life requires a good memory, because there are so many things to keep in mind. using various techniques, we will consider in the next topic. Let's talk about the techniques of working with attention: focusing, contemplation, peripheral vision.

For information about the life expectancy of people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, see the link. Influence of psychological factors on life expectancy.


"Vazobral" - combination drug to improve cerebral and peripheral circulation, produced in the form of tablets. It contains alpha-dihydroergocriptine mesylate, which is an ergot derivative, and caffeine.


  • activation of blood flow and metabolic reactions in brain cells;
  • inhibition of the process of gluing platelets;
  • decrease in the permeability of the vascular walls;
  • increasing the resistance of tissues to hypoxia;
  • activation of mental and physical performance.


  • weakening of concentration of attention and memory in old age;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • migraine.

Method of application: 0.5 tablets during meals 2 times a day. The term is 2-3 months. Released by prescription. Price - 1079 rubles. for 30 tablets. There are no structural analogues.

"Biotredin" - tablets that help improve metabolic processes and increase the level of energy supply to tissues. Its formula contains L-threonine (an essential amino acid) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6). In the body, these substances are converted into glycine and acetic acid.


  • reduction of psycho-emotional stress;
  • increased mental performance and memory;
  • relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.


  • weakening the ability to concentrate and remember;
  • alcohol addiction.

How to use: 1 tablet 3 times a day. Term - 3-10 days. Released without a prescription. Price - 128 rubles. for 30 tablets. There are no structural analogues.

The described drugs should be used only as prescribed by the doctor in the dosages determined by him.

The main contraindications to their use are intolerance to the components, pregnancy, lactation, pathologies of the kidneys, liver and blood coagulation system. Possible side effects- a violation of the psycho-emotional state, allergies, headaches, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

K relatively safe means include "Glycine", "Biotredin" and herbal medicines.

Other medicines to improve brain function

In addition to these drugs, there are many other means to increase mental performance. Among herbal medicines Ginseng tinctures and tablets are considered the most effective. Its root contains glycosides, essential oils, vitamins and other valuable substances.

Preparations based on ginseng increase the body's resistance to stress and infections, and also activate brain activity.


  • "Phezam" (active ingredients - piracetam and cinnarizine);
  • "Cavinton" (Vinpocetine);
  • "Encephabol" (pyritinol);
  • "Cortexin" (polypeptide fractions and glycine);
  • "Cerebrolysin" (a complex of peptides synthesized from pig brain tissues).

"Cavinton" and "Encephabol" are nootropics, that is, they improve cerebral circulation and the speed of transmission of nerve impulses. "Phezam" has a similar effect, and also dilates blood vessels and eliminates blood viscosity.

"Cortexin" and "Cerebrolysin" protect brain neurons, improve metabolic reactions in tissues, and also help restore impaired cognitive functions. These drugs to improve memory are used in old age and with various brain lesions.

How else can memory be improved?

Improving the ability to remember information is possible not only thanks to medicines. With absence serious illnesses brain activity is easy to activate through proper nutrition, memory training and increased concentration.

Techniques and working with attention

Attention is the concentration of thoughts on something. The ability to focus on information is a prerequisite for memorization.

Otherwise, the brain considers certain information insignificant and does not perceive them.

It is possible to learn how to manage your attention. But this requires constant training. It is important to do them in a calm period: stress and tension interfere with concentration. Here are some exercises.

  1. Focusing. You should sit down and concentrate on the subject. As soon as thoughts switch to something else, you need to make an effort on yourself and focus again. Then you can shift the focus of attention to another subject and return to the first.
  2. Line. It is necessary to take paper and start drawing a line on it with a pencil, focusing only on it. At the moment of distraction, you should make a small peak (angle) on the line and continue it further. It is necessary to strive to ensure that there are as few peaks as possible.
  3. Peripheral vision. Standing or sitting in a quiet place, you should try to look around and focus on the rails located on the periphery - on the sides, above, below.
  4. Breath. You need to sit with your back straight and breathe deeply. You should fully concentrate on the process of breathing: look at the tip of the nose and imagine how the air enters and exits through the nostrils. The exercise helps not only to develop the ability to concentrate, but also to eliminate the excitement of an important matter.

Training should be done every day for half an hour. Each exercise should take 3-5 minutes.

Foods that improve memory

Many foods contain active substances, which have similar pharmacological agents action.

Their properties are less pronounced than those of drugs, but with constant use, the effect will be noticeable.

Main Memory Boosting Foods:

  1. Garlic. It thins the blood and improves its microcirculation.
  2. Walnuts. They contain B vitamins, fatty acid, tocopherol, zinc and magnesium. They stimulate the brain and protect its cells from age-related changes.
  3. Milk. It contains vitamin B12, which helps to remember information.
  4. Honey. It is a source of glucose - the main "fuel" for nerve cells.
  5. Seaweed. It contains iodine, with a deficiency of which significantly worsens brain activity.
  6. Dark grapes, blueberries, red onions, red apples. These foods are rich in antioxidants that prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease - quercetin and anthocyanins.
  7. Rosemary. It helps to expand the lumen of blood vessels and activate blood flow in the brain.
  8. Salmon and fatty fish. They are rich in omega-3 acids that protect brain cells from inflammation.

In addition, the productive work of the brain is impossible without drinking enough fluids per day - 6-8 glasses of water.

Methods for the elderly

At a respectable age to improve memory drug therapy must be supplemented with brain training.

Their essence is to activate the work of nerve cells, create new connections and associations, as well as to involve different parts of the brain.

  • Acquire new knowledge and skills foreign language, to master an interesting type of needlework or work on computer keyboard blindly.
  • Perform familiar activities in a new way eyes closed, left hand (for right-handers).
  • Guess logical problems, puzzles, crossword puzzles, put together puzzles, play chess and so on.
  • Read a lot and retell someone the information received.
  • Learn poetry.
  • Play table tennis (this activity improves communication between the hemispheres of the brain).

In case of difficulties with memorization, mnemonic methods should be used - to form associations between abstract concepts and visual, auditory or tactile images.

In an effort to improve memory and brain activity, it is important not to forget about proper rest. The ability to be distracted from certain thoughts for a while is no less important than the ability to focus attention.

Prevention of memory problems

The main directions for the prevention of memory disorders:
  1. A balanced diet that implies restriction fatty foods and simple carbohydrates.
  2. Memory training - games, reading books, puzzles.
  3. Stop smoking and large doses of alcohol.
  4. Timely treatment of diseases leading to disorders in the brain.

The choice of a way to improve memory is determined by the reason for its decline. In some cases, rest is enough proper nutrition and work to increase concentration. In others, you can not do without potent drugs.

Increasing episodes of forgetfulness and absent-mindedness, severe difficulty learning new information, memory lapses, false memories - all these are good reasons to visit a doctor and conduct an examination.

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The brain is the main center of life regulation. The lack of oxygen affects the state of nerve cells, the speed of transmission of impulses.

Severe hypoxic damage leads to irreversible changes in the cerebral cortex, which outwardly manifest themselves as the loss of various functions and abilities, from motor to speech and consciousness.

Minor damage can be eliminated if you use drugs that improve cerebral circulation and memory. Medicine has developed several ways to influence brain processes.
The action of drugs is due to the ability to change some of the mechanisms that disrupt blood flow.

The main groups of drugs

It is possible to increase blood flow and the ability to memorize through the impact on the following processes:

  • increase blood flow;
  • expand the vessels so that there are no obstacles to blood flow, and metabolism occurs more intensively;
  • reduce blood viscosity;
  • increase the uptake of glucose by cells;
  • adjust the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition;
  • normalize the transmission of nerve impulses.

Taking pills for brain activity and memory on your own is fraught with consequences.
Before prescribing a medicine, the doctor must conduct an examination and find out the causes of impaired blood flow and memory.

Some pathologies of the medulla require emergency measures, otherwise the consequences of the damage will be irreversible.

Herbal preparations

Tablets for memory recovery are produced on the basis of plant alkaloids. Ginkgo biloba and have proven themselves well.

Vinpocetine (Cavinton, Telektol, Bravinton) made from the ginkgo tree.
Able to improve blood flow in the brain in acute or chronic insufficiency circulation. Expands blood vessels, reduces the risk of thrombosis, makes brain tissue resistant to hypoxia.
The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and simultaneously with heparin.
This combination will increase the risk of bleeding.
Take Cavinton courses for 2 months.
You can not cancel abruptly, you need to gradually reduce the dosage. The cost of packaging is from 43 rubles for Vinpocetine, from 230 for trademark Cavinton.

Tanakan - tablets based on ginkgo biloba.
It affects, normalizes vascular tone, increases the saturation of the cortical regions with oxygen and glucose, prevents the aggregation of blood cells, and has antioxidant protection. Also used in long courses from 1 to 3 months. Pregnant, lactating and children are not prescribed, because there is not enough data.
Analogues are Bilobil, Ginocaps, Venescin, Vitrum memory. Price from 560 rubles.

Vincamine (Oxybral) made from vinca alkaloid.
Raises cerebral blood flow, oxygen utilization by tissues, reduces the resistance of the vascular bed, lowers blood pressure, calms, improves memory.
Available in the form of solutions for intravenous or intramuscular injection, syrup, capsules.
Approved for use in childhood but contraindicated in pregnancy. Price from 140 rubles.

Fibrinolytics and anticoagulants

Fibrinolytics are used to improve blood flow and dissolve fresh blood clots. Fibrin is a protein, a component of the coagulation system. It unfolds in the form of threads in places of damage, and blood cells get stuck in it, a blood clot forms.

  • expand the lumen of blood vessels;
  • restore impaired functions by enriching the blood with oxygen;
  • facilitate blood flow by thinning the blood;
  • restore neck joints.

Attention! The following groups of drugs and their examples are provided for informational purposes only and in no case are they a call to take or buy them.

The following are usually used to improve cerebral circulation with cervical osteochondrosis:

  1. Drugs that improve cerebral circulation. Their intake will lead to vasodilatation, improve blood flow, blood rheology, and excretion of venous blood. They also prevent the aggregation of blood cells. These are Cavinton, Tanakan, Vinpocetine.
  2. A group of antioxidant drugs reduces fat peroxidation and disruption of the integrity of the cell membranes of nerve cells - and vitamin E.
  3. Nootropics. They help in improving metabolic processes in the brain tissues, are able to restore thinking, memory, speech in case of their disorders. This group of drugs also enhances the resistance of neurons to the negative effects of ischemia and hypoxia - Phezam, Cerebrolysin, Piracetam, Ceraxon, Citicoline.
  4. Venotonics. Their use leads to an improved outflow of venous blood and helps to restore microcirculation. They also have an angioprotective effect. These include Diosmin, Phlebodia, Detralex.
  5. The appointment of diuretics and osmodiuretics is necessary only when there are signs of an acute development of a complication of this disease - cerebral edema. These include Furosemide and Mannitol.
  6. The appointment of histaminergic agents related to artificial analogues of the histamine mediator is necessary for the activation of histamine receptors, which are located in inner ear. This leads to a decrease in the severity of symptoms of vestibular disorders (frequent dizziness and unsteady gait). They also improve the conduction of impulses along the nerve endings. These include Betaserc, Betahistine, Vestibo.
  7. Vitamin preparations are necessary to improve metabolic processes in neurons and restore cognitive (cognitive) functions - Milgamma, Cytoflavin, Neurobeks.
  8. Chondroprotectors are necessary to restore articular surfaces that are affected by a destructive pathological process. Teraflex, Artron and Chondroitin are used.

Attention! In no case do not buy on your own and do not prescribe the listed drugs to yourself, except for vitamins. Approach this issue wisely and do not go to the pharmacy, as for bread. Any drug is Chemical substance therefore only a knowledgeable specialist can advise you on the necessary pharmacological therapy.

Surgical treatment

How to improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis when a prolapsed intervertebral disc or its break? For this, it is used surgical treatment. Once the cause is removed, blood flow improves and clinical manifestations pathologies are eliminated.

Doctors use radical methods surgical intervention for:

  • determining the acute course of blood flow disorders in the brain,
  • severe pain,
  • signs of paralysis upper limbs and cerebral edema.

This type of treatment involves the complete removal of the causative intervertebral disc. The operation is called a laminectomy.

To restore impaired blood circulation, if necessary, angioplasty of the arteries is performed, which leads to a rapid improvement and restoration of cerebral circulation in osteochondrosis of the neck.

Non-drug therapy

Methods non-drug treatment for the most part, they are general prophylactic and are recommended for patients with this pathology only during the period of stable remission.

Such treatment requires compliance with the following requirements:

  • Gradual transition to a healthy lifestyle. First you need to completely abandon any alcoholic beverages and nicotine addiction. And the rest of the recommendations of the attending physician on nutrition and physical activity will depend on the existing concomitant diseases: arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity.
  • Performance

The ability to memorize and master information is an ability that absolutely every person needs. It is possible to possess such a skill only when memory does not fail. If incoming data is quickly processed and remembered, a person has a clear mind and can achieve a lot.

Everyone needs a good memory. It helps schoolchildren and students to quickly master educational material and successfully pass exams, employees of various fields to cope with their duties and qualification tests, and the elderly to maintain active brain activity and arrive in good physical shape.

Daily loads do not go unnoticed. They have a direct impact on the thought process when there is too much information, most of which is unnecessary. As a result, a person begins to forget most of the important “little things”, for example, when going shopping, they do not remember what they intended to buy, or whether the gas was turned off in the house when they left. Forgetfulness cannot be ignored at any age, as the situation will only get worse with age.

Among the available ways to improve memory and brain activity, the following are considered the best:

  • Enrichment of the diet with carbohydrates. The structure of these nutrients is converted into glucose. To replenish the supply of this substance, it is enough to have breakfast with an omelet, a slice of bread baked from whole grains, and an omelette.
  • Dances and sports. You don't have to practice for hours. It is enough to perform some exercises that allow you to stimulate blood flow to the brain. Scientific studies have shown that people who actively move, the assimilation of information occurs 20% faster than those who neglect physical exercise.
  • Typing. Memory development is well facilitated by texts typed in unusual text, but the effect is noticeable not immediately, but gradually.
  • Search for information. You should not miss the chance to comprehend more, and not just fulfill your job responsibilities. This will undoubtedly help stimulate brain activity.
  • Fix places in memory. People parking their car in the parking lot can stand nearby for a while, look to the left or right to remember where the car is.
  • A small amount of quality alcohol. A small portion before dinner is good for memory development, as it stimulates blood circulation.
  • High-quality teeth cleaning with dental floss. During the day, a large amount of bacteria remains on the gums from the food consumed during the day. And if you do not get rid of them carefully, they have a bad effect on the work of all organs.

These simple and available ways to improve memory is quite simple to implement in your life.

Pills to improve brain activity - TOP10

Modern pharmacology offers many medications that stimulate the brain and memory:

The tool normalizes brain activity, metabolic processes, reduces intoxication. These tablets improve the quality of sleep. They are a kind of vitamins that have a certain metabolic effect, contributing to the transformation of reactions occurring in the body, support the basic processes of life.

Taking pills increases concentration, improves memory, and normalizes brain activity. The drug contains piracetam and other auxiliary compounds, is a nootropic. Its reception helps to memorize information well, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves consciousness. Tablets do not lead to arousal nervous system.

Tonic preparation, which contains natural minerals and vitamins. Regular intake of these tablets stimulates metabolism, enriches the brain with valuable substances, reduces the degree of fatigue, is indispensable during depression, stress and anxiety.

A drug with a nootropic effect, which is used to improve concentration, restores memory, relieves dizziness, hypertension, atherosclerosis, lethargy. The action of the tablets is aimed at normalizing the work of the vestibular apparatus, reducing depressive states.

These nootropic pills improve the state of memory, the functioning of brain cells, greatly facilitate the process of mastering and remembering new incoming information, help in passing exams, reports and certification. The drug supports the rapid exchange of information between the right and left hemispheres, as well as cells in an active state, improves mood.

It is a phytopreparation that helps improve blood circulation, as it nourishes the cells of the body with glucose. Tablets prevent thrombosis, eliminate tinnitus, restore visual acuity. They normalize blood circulation, which helps to increase the brain's ability to process learning.

Refers to nootropics and is taken to normalize the blood supply after suffering head injuries, strokes, migraines, and glaucoma. The drug helps to withstand mental and physical stress, and also reduces the manifestations of irritability and anxiety.

It is a pill prescribed to improve memory and brain activity who have suffered diseases of cardio-vascular system and suffer from elevated high blood pressure, as well as constant dizziness, atherosclerosis, developmental retardation in childhood, panic attacks, intoxication from the use of alcoholic beverages and medicines. Like many other drugs, it is a nootropic.

it medication, which is prescribed to people suffering from epilepsy, schizophrenia. The drug is also taken by those who are constantly exposed to large physical activity, has diseases associated with changes in cerebral vessels. Nootropic pills can be prescribed to children with mental retardation with attention deficit disorder and stuttering.

The drug is an angioprojector. The tool is developed on the basis of components plant origin. It tones blood vessels, normalizes metabolic functions. Memoplant is taken to relieve headaches, dizziness, noise not only in the ears, but also in the occipital region, as well as in case of insufficient blood supply to the extremities.

Drugs sold in pharmacies improve memory, brain activity and increase the capabilities that the body has.

Pills that stimulate memory and brain activity can bring much greater efficiency and no harm if you follow some of the nuances:

  • Glycine has no toxic side effects, so you can purchase the product without a prescription from your doctor.
  • Nootropil, on the contrary, cannot be bought on the open market. The body of a person who has suffered an injury or some kind of illness may react differently to taking the drug, which requires careful and careful handling.
  • Without consulting a specialist, you should not drink pills such as Intellan. It is better to start taking this remedy after consulting a doctor, following all the recommendations.
  • The effectiveness of Piracetam directly depends on the regimen of administration. It is recommended to take this drug only according to the recommendations of a specialist. The remedy is released exclusively by prescription.
  • Taking Phenotropil stimulates the work of brain cells responsible for memorization, but has many contraindications. Only a specialist is able to determine the effect of tablets on the body, so the remedy is dispensed by prescription.
  • Tanakan, produced in tablets, is dispensed by prescription, and in liquid form can be purchased over the counter.
  • Dosages of Memoplant from 40 to 80 mg can be bought without prescription from a specialist. When the amount of the purchased product is 120 mg or more, it is not released without a doctor's prescription.

In a pharmacy in free sale, you cannot buy drugs such as Pantogam, Picamilon and Aminalon.

Folk ways to improve brain function

You can activate and stimulate the work of memory not only with the use of tablets, but also with various folk remedies:

  1. Clover tincture. To prepare a home-made preparation, it is necessary to pour 500 ml of vodka into clover inflorescences, put in a cool place for 14 days. a tablespoon of this home remedy before going to bed is enough to improve the clarity of consciousness and mind, getting rid of the noise in the head.
  2. Horseradish with lemon. The tool is easy and simple to prepare. It cleanses the blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation. Juice made from 3 lemons is mixed with a jar of horseradish and 3 tablespoons of honey. This mass is left in the refrigerator for 3 weeks, and then taken in a teaspoon twice a day.
  3. Pine young buds. They bloom in the spring. You don’t need to cook anything from the kidneys, they just chew before eating, which allows you to restore memory and slow down the aging process.

Nutrition has a positive effect on the body and memory. It should be rich in protein. The diet must contain dried fruits, baked apples or potatoes, stewed carrots, walnuts, sunflower seeds cooked on olive oil salads, and dark chocolate. Frozen blueberries and fresh blueberries provide positive influence on visual acuity and cerebral circulation.

It is useful to start doing exercises for the mind at absolutely any age. There are quite a few simple tricks for brain training:

  • Say words starting with each letter of the alphabet from the first and so on. This must be done as quickly as possible.
  • Repeat foreign words, which were memorized while studying at school or institute.
  • Count numbers in reverse order. You can start over from fifty to zero, and then gradually expand the limits.
  • Play towns when they call names by the last letter of the previous one.
  • Come up with synonyms for a variety of words.

It is useful to solve crossword puzzles, memorize poems, solve complex problems.

There are many unconventional ways to restore memory. They sound rather strange, but some speak of them quite well.

"Golden Water" is one of the non-traditional means, the effectiveness of which many speak quite positively. Scientists do not confirm the fact that the noble metal reacted with water, but people who took it speak positively about this remedy.

To feel the effectiveness precious metal, you can prepare a special remedy. In a half-liter bowl filled with water, put golden decoration without any gemstones. Further, the container is put on fire, the liquid is boiled so that the volume is halved, the resulting remedy is taken three times a day, one teaspoon. Already after two weeks, according to reviews, memory improves and the heart muscle strengthens.

What factors negatively affect memory?

The abundance of information and a huge amount of advice that a modern person has to deal with daily, for the most part, do not carry anything useful. Understanding this, unfortunately, usually comes much later. The abundance of information flows overloads the brain, which begins to malfunction, expressed in the fact that useful information begins to be forgotten.

  • Do not eat a large number of flour and sweet products, pickles, which lead to the fact that the accumulated fluid in the body is poorly excreted, constipation and headaches begin. These Negative consequences lead to the fact that the blood supply to the brain is disrupted.
  • Stop leading a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, as the blood begins to circulate poorly when the internal organs and brain no longer receive enough nutrition.
  • Don't spend all your time at home as your brain needs enough oxygen.
  • Refuse to take medications that are not prescribed by a doctor, as side effects adversely affect health and can be addictive.

The use of a large number alcohol.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the key to a good memory

Regular physical activity, proper balanced diet and avoidance of bad habits, especially from smoking, have been shown in studies to help improve and stimulate memory.

Correct posture also plays an important role. Try to keep your back straight even when there is some stoop. Straightened shoulders and a neck tilted back improve blood circulation in the brain. Digestion should be carefully monitored, which largely depends on proper nutrition.

live healthy and long life allows you to work exclusively on yourself, when necessary, even overpowering yourself, to engage in regular sports, take walks, eat fresh food, develop mental potential. And if you stay healthy, it means to be always happy.

To maintain the vital activity of neurons with a lack of oxygen caused by injuries, diseases of the nervous system or internal organs, improve blood circulation in the brain using vascular preparations several groups.

Drugs to improve the condition of blood vessels

Nerve cells are different hypersensitivity to the level of oxygen in the blood. The slightest failure in the delivery of oxygen to neurons turns into hypoxia and impaired brain function.

Uninterrupted oxygen supply nerve cells It is provided by healthy vessels and an efficient blood supply system. One of the ways to improve the overall blood circulation in the brain is the use of drugs such as nootropics, thrombolytics, vasodilators.

Improving the condition of the vessels is achieved by using drugs:

  • nootropics - normalize metabolism, increase resistance to oxygen starvation(Cinnarizine, Piracetam);
  • improving blood flow
    • antiplatelet agents - prevent platelets from sticking together (aspirin, Trental, Curantil, Memoplant, Ginkgo Biloba, Tanakan);
    • anticoagulants - reduce blood clotting (Warfarin, Fenilin, Heparin);
  • correctors of cerebral circulation - Vinpocetine (Cavinton);
  • vasodilators - calcium channel blockers, antispasmodics, ACE inhibitors;
  • statins - drugs against atherosclerosis of blood vessels;
  • strengthening vascular walls- Askorutin, Tanakan, nicotinic acid, Detrolex;
  • vitamins for the brain - tocopherol, retinol, B3, B6, B1, rutin.


Nootropic drugs include drugs that stimulate mental functions, improve nutrition and blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. Nootropics affect brain metabolism, enhance the implementation of glucose as an energy source for neurons, stimulate the synthesis of ATP - the main energy depot of the cell.

The most effective nootropic drugs:

  • Piracetam;
  • Actovegin;
  • Pyritinol;
  • holantenic acid;
  • Cerebrolysin;
  • Sodium oxybate;
  • Omaron;
  • Phenibut;
  • Phenotropil;
  • Semax;
  • Glycine;
  • Derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Nootropic drugs have a relaxing effect on blood vessels, contribute to the inclusion of reserve capillaries in the bloodstream, stimulate the restoration of blood vessels in the ischemia (lack of oxygen) zone of the brain.

Piracetam tablets, Cerebrolysin injections are prescribed to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain in Alzheimer's disease, ischemic stroke, senile dementia.

The nootropic drug Omaron has the property to positively influence the state of the brain vessels and dilate the vessels. This drug of combined action is used to improve the blood circulation of the brain, it contains, in addition to the nootropic piracetam, the vasodilator drug cinnarizine, which is a calcium channel blocker.


To stimulate the blood supply to the brain, statins are used - drugs that improve the condition of blood vessels and help clear atherosclerotic plaques.

From the group of statins, drugs are used:

  • Atorvastatins - Liptonorm, Atorix, Atomax;
  • Fluvastin - Leskol Forte;
  • Lovastatins - Cardiostatin, Choletar;
  • Rosuvastin - Crestor, Rosucard, Tevastor, Akorta.

Statins latest generation with the active ingredient rosuvastin are considered safer and more effective than their predecessors of the first three generations. Statin tablets, which improve blood circulation in the brain by cleansing blood vessels, are used to treat adults who do not suffer from myopathy (muscle atrophy), and are prescribed with caution in patients with diabetes.

Correctors of cerebral circulation

Correctors of cerebral circulation include herbal preparations periwinkle, ginkgo. These drugs have a combined effect, as they differ in both vasodilating properties and the ability to positively influence general state blood vessels and vascular walls.

The vessels of the brain are highly sensitive to metabolic disorders. The condition of the vessels is especially affected in case of metabolic disorders of gamma-aminobutyric acid and calcium.

In tablets and injections, drugs are produced to improve the blood supply to the cerebral cortex, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels:

  • with gamma-aminobutyric acid;
    • Amilonosar;
    • Picamilon;
    • PicogM;
  • made from Ginkgo Biloba extract;
    • Bilobil Forte;
    • Tanakan;
    • Ginkio;
    • Ginos;
  • with the active ingredient vinpocetine;
    • Vinpocetine;
    • Korsavin;
    • Cavinton;
    • Bravinton;
    • Telektol;
    • Vitrum Memory;
  • containing nimodipine;
    • Breinal;
    • Nimotop;
  • with vincamine;
    • Oxybral;
  • with cinnarizine;
    • Stugeron;
    • Cinnarizine;
    • Cinnaron;
    • Vertizin.

Vitamins for brain vessels

The metabolism of nerve and auxiliary (glial) brain cells depends on the presence of rutin, ascorbic acid, coenzyme Q10, vitamin PP, folic acid, tocopherol, vitamins D, A.

Improves blood circulation in the brain taking vitamins:

  • vitamin P (routine) - has an antithrombotic effect, strengthens the walls of capillaries, makes them more elastic, which prevents fragility of blood vessels
    • contains - in buckwheat, chokeberry, black tea, plums, apples, spinach, onions, raspberries, blackberries;
    • is destroyed - when smoking, using ethanol, aspirin, painkillers, some antibiotics, resistant to heat treatment;
    • effectiveness increases when taken with vitamin C;
    • drugs - Ritosidum, Farutin, Eldrin, Rutavit, Ruvit, Rucetin;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - participates in the formation of connective tissue, strengthens blood vessels
    • contains - fruits, berries, citrus fruits, leafy greens;
    • Asvitol, Celascon;
  • vitamin PP ( nicotinic acid, vitamin B3) - lowers cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of blockage of small vessels with a high level of lipoproteins, lowers triglyceride levels
    • contained - in rye flour, legumes, meat, mushrooms;
    • the action is enhanced in combination with vitamin C;
  • vitamin B6 - lowers cholesterol
    • found in fish, legumes, rice;
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine) - necessary for blood microcirculation
    • contained - in cereals;
    • drugs - Neuromultivit, Aescusan;
  • tocopherol - strengthens the vascular walls
    • contains - in vegetable oil, egg yolk, liver;
    • drug - Vitrum Cardio;
  • vitamin A - helps cleanse the walls of blood vessels;
    • found in pumpkin, fish oil;
    • complexes Vitrum Centuri, Duovit.

In addition to vitamins, minerals are required to strengthen the walls of blood vessels in the brain. The brain experiences a high need for potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus.