Phage release form. Pio bacteriophage liquid: instructions for use

The preparation of staphylococcal bacteriophage is a light yellow liquid, odorless and tasteless. Distinctive feature of all bacteriophages is the ability to selectively destroy a specific type of pathogens, biting into a bacterial cell and feeding on its life-supporting structures, thereby contributing to the rapid death of the cell. Staphylococcal phage thus acts on staphylococcal bacteria.

The bacteriophage cell includes a head containing single- or double-stranded RNA with a deactivated transcriptase in the amino acid shell, and a tail that is approximately 3 times longer than the head.

Attaching to a staphylococcus cell, the phage secretes lysozyme, which destroys the cell wall, while calcium is released and activates ATP. The phage injects its RNA into the cell and from that moment the control of the bacteriophage over the genetic apparatus of the cell begins. Thanks to the synthesis of multiple enzymes, it becomes possible to form many new copies of the phage that capture new bacterial cells.

Is it possible to give to children

The drug is approved for use in children from six months old. When using and selecting a dosage, the instructions in this manual must be strictly observed.

If a child has an adverse reaction to the syringe test, it is not recommended to give the drug. The bacteriophage does not provoke changes in the intestinal microflora, therefore, when using it, there is no need to resort to antibiotics.

Indications for use

  • infectious inflammatory diseases ENT organs.
  • Infections of the genitourinary system.
  • Intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis.
  • Other purulent-inflammatory processes, the diagnosis of which revealed the presence of staphylococci.

Forms of release of the drug and conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is produced in the form of a solution for oral and external use in opaque glass vials with a capacity of 20, 50 or 100 ml. Vials with a capacity of 20 ml are packed in cardboard boxes of 4 vials, with a capacity of 50 and 100 ml - are produced in individual packaging. All packages have instructions for use inside.

The solution is also available as aerosol, in a 25 ml bottle with instructions for use.

Tablets are produced in blisters of 10, 25 and 50 pieces, packed in a cardboard box. One box contains one blister and instructions for use.

Candles are produced in packs of 10 pieces in a cardboard box.

Ointment Produced in tubes of 10 and 20 grams, in a cardboard box with instructions for use.

All forms of the drug are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription.

Instructions for use

The course of treatment with bacteriophage is 6-9 days and involves a combination of rectal and oral administration of the drug.

For rectal use, children under 6 months of age are supposed to inject 10 ml of phage, from 6 months to a year - 20 ml, from one to three years - 30 ml, for older children - 50 ml.

Dosage for oral administration: up to 6 months - 5 ml, from 6 months to a year - 10 ml, from one to three years - 35 ml, from 3 to 8 years - 20 ml, older - 30 ml. Children up to a year in the first two doses are given half the indicated dosage of the drug, mixed with milk or water.

Aerosol with phage is used for irrigation of the oropharyngeal cavity in case of angina, pharyngitis, for irrigation of purulent and inflamed areas of the skin and mucous membranes.

With festering wounds, a combination is required local application(bandage with ointment, change twice a day) and tablets (up to 4 pieces per day). Before taking be sure to check with your doctor!


1 ml of solution contains up to 1 ml active substancephagolysates of staphylococcal bacteria.

Excipients: preservative 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate - about 0.1 ml.


AT pediatric practice there are practically no contraindications for the use of bacteriophage preparations. An exception is the occurrence of pathological reactions after a test enema during the use of bacteriophages for infants.

Side effects

When administered subcutaneously into the body, short-term swelling and redness of the surface may be observed.

Otherwise, undesirable effects when taking the drug are possible only if there is an increased individual sensitivity to active substance. Before starting to use the product for a child, it is advisable to test for a pathological reaction by placing a microclyster with a bacteriophage solution. When adverse reactions occur oral administration drug is not allowed.


  • Cubicin
  • Trobicin
  • Nitroxoline
  • Dioxidine

bacteriophage- filtrate phagolysate of pathogenic strains of S. aureus. It tends to directly selectively act on S. aureus strains of various origins and cause their lysis.
It has the ability to specifically lyse staphylococcal bacteria.

Indications for use:
A drug bacteriophage is intended for the treatment and prevention of purulent-inflammatory and enteral diseases caused by bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus in adults and children.
- diseases of the ear, throat, nose, respiratory tract and lungs (inflammation of the sinuses, middle ear, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy);
- surgical infections (suppuration of wounds, burns, abscess, phlegmon, boils, carbuncles, hydradenitis, felons, paraproctitis, mastitis, bursitis, osteomyelitis);
- urogenital infections (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, colpitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis);
- enteric infections (gastroenterocolitis, cholecystitis), intestinal dysbacteriosis;
- generalized septic diseases;
- purulent-inflammatory diseases of newborns (omphalitis, pyoderma, conjunctivitis, gastroenterocolitis, sepsis, etc.);
- other diseases caused by staphylococci.
In severe manifestations of staphylococcal infection, the bacteriophage is prescribed as part of complex therapy.
For prophylactic purposes, the drug is used for the treatment of postoperative and freshly infected wounds, as well as for the prevention of nosocomial infections according to epidemic indications.
An important condition for effective phage therapy is the preliminary determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen to the bacteriophage and the early use of the drug.

Mode of application

A drug bacteriophage used for oral administration (through the mouth), rectal administration, applications, irrigation, introduction into the cavity of wounds, vagina, uterus, nose, sinuses and drained cavities. Before use, the bacteriophage vial must be shaken and examined. The drug should be clear and free of sediment.

Treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases with localized lesions should be carried out simultaneously both locally and by taking the drug orally for 7-20 days (according to clinical indications).
If chemical antiseptics were used to treat wounds before using the bacteriophage, the wound should be thoroughly washed with a sterile 0.9% sodium chloride solution.
Depending on the source of infection, the bacteriophage is used:
In the form of irrigation, lotions and plugging in a volume of up to 200 ml, depending on the size of the affected area.

In an abscess after removal of purulent contents by puncture, the drug is administered in an amount less than the volume of the removed pus. In osteomyelitis, after appropriate surgical treatment, a bacteriophage is poured into the wound in 10-20 ml.
When injected into cavities (pleural, articular and other limited cavities) up to 100 ml, after which capillary drainage is left, through which the bacteriophage is injected for several days.
With cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, the drug is taken orally. If the cavity of the bladder or renal pelvis is drained, the bacteriophage is administered through a cystostomy or nephrostomy 1-2 times a day, 20-50 ml per day. bladder and 5-7 ml into the renal pelvis.
In purulent-inflammatory gynecological diseases, the drug is injected into the cavity of the vagina, uterus at a dose of 5-10 ml once a day, with colpitis - 10 ml by irrigation or tamponing 2 times a day. Tampons are laid for 2 hours.
In purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, the drug is administered at a dose of 2-10 ml 1-3 times a day. The bacteriophage is used for rinsing, washing, instillation, the introduction of moistened turundas (leaving them for 1 hour).
With enteral infections, intestinal dysbacteriosis, the drug is taken orally 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. It is possible to combine two-time oral administration with a single rectal administration a single age dose of bacteriophage in the form of an enema after a bowel movement.
The use of bacteriophage in children (up to 6 months)
With sepsis, enterocolitis of newborns, including premature babies, bacteriophage is used in the form of high enemas (through a gas tube or catheter) 2-3 times a day at a dose of 5-10 ml. In the absence of vomiting and regurgitation, it is possible to use the drug through the mouth. In this case, it is mixed with breast milk. Perhaps a combination of rectal (in the form of high enemas) and oral (through the mouth) use of the drug. The course of treatment is 5-15 days. With a recurrent course of the disease, repeated courses of treatment are possible. In order to prevent sepsis and enterocolitis in case of intrauterine infection or the risk of nosocomial infection in newborns, the bacteriophage is used in the form of enemas 2 times a day for 5-7 days.
In the treatment of omphalitis, pyoderma, infected wounds, the drug is used in the form of applications twice daily (a gauze cloth is moistened with a bacteriophage and applied to the umbilical wound or the affected area of ​​the skin).

Side effects

From the side immune system: possible reactions hypersensitivity.


It is contraindicated to use the drug bacteriophage with individual intolerance or sensitivity to any of the components of the drug.


It is advisable to use the drug bacteriophage in the presence of infections caused by phage-sensitive strains of staphylococci (on the recommendation of a doctor).

Interaction with other drugs

A drug bacteriophage It is used in combination with other antibacterial agents, as well as in the form of monotherapy - in case of intolerance to antibiotic therapy by the patient with resistance of strains of the causative agent to antibiotics.


No data available.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C
Keep out of the reach of children.

Release form

Liquid oral, oromucosal, dermal, rectal, vaginal.
Packaging: 20 ml in a bottle or 100 ml in a bottle. 10 vials or 1 bottle per pack.


1 bottle (20 ml) or 1 bottle (100 ml) of the drug bacteriophage contains a sterile bacteriophage solution that lyses microorganisms of the Staphylococcus aureus species, with an activity of at least 10 5 ;
Excipients: chinosol 0.0001 g / ml.

main parameters

ATX code: J01XX -

Staphylococcal bacteriophage: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Bacteriophagum Staphylococcus

ATX Code: J01XX

Active substance: Staphylococcal bacteriophage (Bacteriophagum staphylococcum)

Manufacturer: Biopharma (Ukraine), NPO Microgen (Russia), Biomed (Russia)

Description and photo update: 15.05.2018

Staphylococcal bacteriophage - medical immunobiological preparation for the treatment of diseases caused by staphylococci.

Release form and composition

Dosage form - solution for oral administration, local and external use: clear liquid yellow color different intensity(20 ml in vials, in a carton box 4 or 8 vials; 100 ml in vials, in a carton box 1 bottle).

1 ml of solution contains:

  • active substance: sterile filtrate phagolysates of bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus - up to 1 ml;
  • additional component: preservative-8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate or 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate monohydrate.

Pharmacological properties

Staphylococcal bacteriophage is a drug that has a specific bactericidal effect against staphylococci - strains that are most significant in the etiology of the development of inflammatory and purulent diseases.

The drug causes specific lysis (dissolution) of bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus. The mechanism of its action is due to the ability of phage particles to attach to the membrane of sensitive bacteria, penetrate into cells and multiply at the expense of their resources, as a result of which these cells die and mature phage particles come out that can infect other sensitive bacterial cells.

Staphylococcal bacteriophage does not affect other bacteria, does not violate the natural microflora.

Indications for use

Staphylococcal bacteriophage is intended for the treatment and prevention of purulent-inflammatory and enteral diseases caused by Staphylococcus bacteria. In particular, it applies in the following cases:

  • generalized septic diseases;
  • surgical infections: abscess, boils, carbuncles, panaritiums, hidradenitis, phlegmon, burns, suppuration of wounds, bursitis, paraproctitis, osteomyelitis, mastitis;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • enteral infections (gastroenterocolitis, cholecystitis);
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract, respiratory tract and lungs: tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, inflammation of the middle ear and sinuses, tracheitis, pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • urogenital infections: colpitis, salpingoophoritis, endometritis, cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases of newborns, including sepsis, gastroenterocolitis, pyoderma, omphalitis, conjunctivitis;
  • other diseases caused by staphylococci.

For preventive purposes Staphylococcal bacteriophage is also used to treat wounds (postoperative and freshly infected).

According to epidemic indications, it is prescribed for the prevention of nosocomial infections.


According to the instructions, Staphylococcal Bacteriophage is contraindicated in hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug.

Instructions for use Staphylococcal bacteriophage: method and dosage

The solution is used orally, rectally, in the form of applications and irrigations, for injection into the cavities and sinuses of the nose, into the cavities of the vagina and uterus, as well as into drained cavities.

Before use, the vial should be shaken and inspected for cloudiness and sediment.

  • 0-6 months - 5 ml;
  • 6-12 months - 10 ml;
  • 1-3 years - 15 ml;
  • 3-8 years - 15-20 ml;
  • from 8 years and older - 20-30 ml.
  • 0-6 months - 5-10 ml;
  • 6-12 months - 10-20 ml;
  • 1-3 years - 20-30 ml;
  • 3-8 years - 30-40 ml;
  • from 8 years and older - 40-50 ml.

With intestinal dysbacteriosis and enteral infections, the solution is taken orally 3 times a day one hour before meals. It is also possible to use the following treatment regimen: 2 times a day ingestion and 1 time per day rectal administration of a single dose, appropriate for age, in the form of an enema after a bowel movement.

For the treatment of urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis, the bacteriophage is prescribed orally. If the cavity of the renal pelvis or bladder is drained, the drug is administered through a nephrostomy or cystostomy 1-2 times a day, 5-7 ml into the renal pelvis or 20-50 ml into the bladder.

In purulent-inflammatory diseases with localized lesions, the drug is prescribed both topically and orally: 2-3 times a day 1 hour before meals for 7-20 days (depending on the clinical situation).

Methods of application of Staphylococcal Bacteriophage, depending on the nature of the focus of infection:

  • in the form of plugging, lotions and irrigation in a volume of up to 200 ml (depending on the size of the affected area). In osteomyelitis, after surgical treatment, the solution is poured into the wound in an amount of 10–20 ml. In an abscess after removal of purulent exudate, the drug is administered by puncture in a volume less than the amount of the removed contents;
  • in the form of instillation, washing, rinsing, introducing moistened turundas. In case of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs, the drug is administered in 2-10 ml 1-3 times a day. Turunds soaked in a solution are administered for 1 hour;
  • injection into cavities (articular, pleural and other organic cavities) in a volume of up to 100 ml. In the future, capillary drainage is left, through which the bacteriophage is injected for several more days;
  • introduction into the cavity of the vagina and uterus. In case of purulent-inflammatory diseases, the drug is administered 5-10 ml 1 time per day, with colpitis - it is used in the form of tampons 2 times a day for 2 hours or 10 ml in the form of irrigation.

In cases where chemical antiseptics were used to treat wounds before bacteriophage was prescribed, the wounds should be thoroughly washed with a sterile solution of sodium chloride 0.9%.

The use of bacteriophage in children under 6 months

With enterocolitis and sepsis in newborns, including premature babies, Staphylococcal Bacteriophage is used in the form of high enemas (through a catheter or gas tube) 5-10 ml 2-3 times a day. If the baby does not vomit or spit up, bacteriophage can be given orally mixed with breast milk. Possible combination of oral and rectal application. The duration of therapy is from 5 to 15 days. In the case of a recurrent course of the disease, repeated courses are carried out.

For the prevention of enterocolitis and sepsis in cases of intrauterine infection or the risk of developing a nosocomial infection, the drug is used in the form of enemas 2 times a day for a course of 5-7 days.

In infected wounds, pyoderma and omphalitis Staphylococcal bacteriophage is used in the form of applications: a gauze napkin moistened with a solution is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin or umbilical wound 2 times a day.

Side effects

The drug does not cause side effects.


Cases of overdose were not noted.

special instructions

An important condition for effective phage therapy is to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to the bacteriophage and prescribe the drug as early as possible after the appearance purulent-inflammatory signs.

In severe manifestations of infection, Staphylococcal bacteriophage is used as part of complex therapy.

The preparation contains a nutrient medium in which bacteria can develop from environment causing the solution to become cloudy. In this regard, the following rules for use and storage must be observed:

  • wash your hands thoroughly;
  • treat the cap with an alcohol-containing agent;
  • do not put the cork on the table or other objects with the inner surface;
  • do not leave the vial open;
  • after the first opening of the vial, store the drug only in the refrigerator.

After opening the vial, subject to the above rules and in the absence of turbidity, the drug can be used during the entire expiration date.

Extraction of the required amount of solution from the vial should be carried out with a sterile syringe by puncturing the stopper.

It is forbidden to use Staphylococcal Bacteriophage if the expiration date of the drug has expired, the solution has become cloudy, the labeling or the integrity of the vial is broken.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

Not installed.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Staphylococcal bacteriophage can be used as prescribed by a doctor during pregnancy and lactation in the presence of infections caused by phage-sensitive strains of staphylococci.

Application in childhood

There are no age restrictions on the use of the drug.

drug interaction

May be used in combination with other drugs, including antibiotics.


There is no information about analogues of Staphylococcal Bacteriophage.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store and transport in accordance with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules in a place protected from light at a temperature of 2–8 °C. Transportation is allowed in temperature conditions of 9–25 °С, but not more than 1 month. Keep away from children.

Shelf life - 2 years.

The word is formed from two: bacterium (microbe, microorganism) and phagos (eating). So, bacteriophages are "microbial eaters". Phagocytes are also present in the human body, being part of human immunity. The phage recognizes the desired bacterium and acts destructively on its wall, often settling inside it. In this article, we will consider bacteriophages and the reviews available about them.

"Staphylococcal bacteriophage" - what is it?

This is a virus (devourer) that specifically destroys causative agents of staphylococcal infection, such as:

  • staphylococcus auratilis (Staphylococcus aureus);
  • staphylococcus pneumoniae (the causative agent of pneumonia);
  • staphylococcus epidermiale (causing infections of the skin and soft tissues), etc.

Instructions for use "Staphylococcal bacteriophage"

Reviews "Staphylococcal bacteriophage" collects only positive. Let's take a closer look at the instructions for it.

Dosage form - solution for external and internal use.

Release form: 100, 50, and 20 ml in glass bottles packed in a cardboard box of 1, 4, 10 pcs.

Composition: filtered lysate of pathogenic strains of staphylococcus, preservative with quinone.

Description: colorless transparent or slightly colored liquid without sediment. It is an immunobiological preparation.

This is confirmed by numerous reviews. "Staphylococcal bacteriophage" has the following effect on microbes and the human body. The phagocytes contained in the solution have the ability to differentiate bacteria and select microorganisms sensitive to the bacteriophage, causing their destruction, and multiply, generating new cells similar to themselves. On cells human body phagocytes do not have a detrimental effect, do not harm them.


For the preparation "Staphylococcal bacteriophage" instructions for use indicate that it is used for diseases caused by staphylococcal infection:

  1. Ophthalmology: conjunctivitis, blepharitis.
  2. Otorhinolaryngology: otitis media (inflammation of the external, middle or inner ear), tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils), laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx), pharyngitis (inflammation of the throat), rhinitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity).
  3. Pulmonology: respiratory diseases (tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia).
  4. Gynecology: vaginitis, inflammation of the cervix, uterine mucosa.
  5. Urology: pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis.
  6. Surgery: treatment of infected wounds, abscesses, inflammatory processes in the joints (arthritis, bursitis), stoma care, bacterial infections of the skin and soft tissues (furunculosis, carbunculosis, mastitis, hidradenitis, proctitis, paraproctitis).
  7. Burn surgery: treatment of poorly healing infected burns.
  8. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, enterocolitis, colitis, cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis (prevention and treatment).

This drug is also used to treat inflammatory processes in the body of newborns, generalized staphylococcal infection (sepsis), in order to prevent nosocomial infections, prevent acute respiratory and viral infections caused by staphylococcus aureus (to increase local immunity).

It is important to remember that staphylococcal bacteriophage destroys only pathogens of staphylococcal infections.

Methods of application and required dosage

For the preparation "Staphylococcal bacteriophage" instructions for use indicate that it is used depending on the localization inflammatory process. Before use, make sure that there are no sediments and foreign particles in the vial with a solution, shake the container thoroughly.

  • In ophthalmology, a bacteriophage is used in the form of instillation of 1-2 drops of a solution into the conjunctival sac.
  • In otorhinolaryngology, 2-3 drops are instilled into the ear, irrigate the nasopharyngeal mucosa, and gargle with a solution of the drug.
  • In pulmonology, the drug can be used in the form of inhalations using compressor inhaler, as well as oral administration drug (detailed below).
  • In gynecology, it is used by introducing a solution of the drug into the vaginal cavity of the order of 100-200 ml.
  • In urology - the introduction of the drug into the bladder through a catheter, washing the urethra, in the case of pyelonephritis, the drug is taken only inside.
  • In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the solution is taken orally and in the form of enemas.
  • In surgery, staphylococcal bacteriophage is used for washing wounds, infected cavities (after removing the purulent contents, an amount of solution is injected that is slightly less than the volume of the substance removed from the wound), drainage surgical wounds swabs soaked in a solution of staphylococcal bacteriophage.

To the drug "Bacteriophage staphylococcal" analogues will be described below.

You need to know that if any antiseptics were used to wash the infected area, then before using the bacteriophage, these areas must be washed with a sterile physiological solution of sodium chloride 0.9%. In case of purulent lesions of the skin and its layers, chipping of the desired area with a sterile solution, lotions and applications are used. Here's how "Staphylococcal bacteriophage" is used for Staphylococcus aureus.

In the case of a generalized infection, the drug is used orally as part of complex therapy. . In order to prevent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavity are irrigated several times a day and in contact with a large number of people.

For the most effective treatment along with external use, "Staphylococcal bacteriophage" is taken orally.

The exact dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient, the location and method of administration of the drug, the severity of the pathological process. Can be used for children from the very first hours of life. The duration of the course of treatment also depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and varies from 1 week to 1 month. In case of relapses, the drug can be repeatedly used during the year.

It should be noted that this article is for informational purposes only. For correct and effective treatment, prescription and adherence exact dosages and the advisability of using the drug, you should seek help from a doctor. This confirms the instructions for the medication "Staphylococcal bacteriophage".

For children, this requirement must be met first.


A contraindication to the use of the described medicinal product can only be individual intolerance to the components of the drug. There are no other contraindications.

Side effects were not found.

Overdose: So far there has been no information on overdose.

Storage conditions and features: in a dark place at a temperature of +2 0 С to +8 0 С. It is necessary to know the rules for working with preparations containing living organisms, namely: observe the sterility of hands, vial caps (open only with clean hands), put the cap on only on the outer part; use a syringe with a sterile needle to pierce the vial cap in order to extract the necessary part of the drug; prevent any particles from entering the vial.

If the solution is clear and has no sediment, it can be used during the entire shelf life.

This is how a staphylococcal bacteriophage is used for Staphylococcus aureus as well.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles

At the moment, there is no data on the harmful effects of bacteriophages on the ability of a person to control vehicles as well as automated mechanisms.

Dropping out of pharmacies without recipe.

Dosage form:  

solution for oral administration, local and external use


In 1 ml medicinal product contains the active substance - a sterile filtrate of phagolysates of bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus up to 1 ml.

Excipients: Preservative-8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate - 0.0001 g/ml (calculated content);or 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate monohydrate - 0.0001 g / ml (in terms of 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate, the content is calculated).


The drug is a clear yellow liquid of varying intensity.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:MIBP bacteriophage ATX:  
  • Other different drugs
  • Pharmacodynamics:

    The drug causes specific lysis of Staphylococcus bacteria.


    Treatment and prevention of purulent-inflammatory and enteral diseases caused by bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus in adults and children.

    Diseases of the ear, throat, nose, respiratory tract and lungs (inflammation of the sinuses, middle ear, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy);

    Surgical infections (suppuration of wounds, burns, abscess, phlegmon, boils, carbuncles, hydroadenitis, felons, paraproctitis, mastitis, bursitis, osteomyelitis);

    Urogenital infections (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, colpitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis);

    Enteral infections (gastroenterocolitis, cholecystitis), intestinal dysbacteriosis;

    Generalized septic diseases;

    Purulent-inflammatory diseases of newborns (omphalitis, pyoderma, conjunctivitis, gastroenterocolitis, sepsis, etc.);

    Other diseases caused by staphylococci.

    In severe manifestations of staphylococcal infection, the drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy.

    For prophylactic purposes, the drug is used for the treatment of postoperative and freshly infected wounds, as well as for the prevention of nosocomial infections according to epidemic indications.

    An important condition for effective phage therapy is the preliminary determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen to the bacteriophage and the early use of the drug;


    Individual intolerance or sensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    It is advisable to use the drug in the presence of infections caused by phage-sensitive strains of staphylococci (on the recommendation of a doctor).

    Dosage and administration:

    The drug is used for oral administration (through the mouth), rectal administration, applications, irrigation, injection into wound cavities, vagina, uterus, nose, sinuses and drained cavities. Before use, the bacteriophage vial must be shaken and examined. The drug should be clear and free of sediment.

    Treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases with localized lesions should be carried out simultaneously both locally and by taking the drug orally 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals from the first day of the disease for 7-20 days (according to clinical indications).

    AT If chemical antiseptics were used for wound treatment prior to the use of the bacteriophage, the wound should be thoroughly washed with a sterile sodium chloride solution of 0.9%.

    Depending on the nature of the focus of infection, the bacteriophage is used:

    1. In the form of irrigation, lotions and plugging in a volume of up to 200 ml, depending on the size of the affected area. In an abscess after removal of purulent contents by puncture, the drug is administered in an amount less than the volume of the removed pus. In osteomyelitis, after appropriate surgical treatment, a bacteriophage is poured into the wound in 10-20 ml.
    2. When injected into cavities (pleural, articular and other limited cavities) up to 100 ml, after which capillary drainage is left, through which the bacteriophage is injected for several days.
    3. With cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, the drug is taken orally. If the cavity of the bladder or renal pelvis is drained, the bacteriophage is administered through a cystostomy or nephrostomy 1-2 times a day, 20-50 ml into the bladder and 5-7 ml into the renal pelvis.
    4. In purulent-inflammatory gynecological diseases, the drug is injected into the cavity of the vagina, uterus at a dose of 5-10 ml once a day, with colpitis - 10 ml by irrigation or tamponing 2 times a day. Tampons are laid for 2 hours.
    5. In purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, the drug is administered at a dose of 2-10 ml 1-3 times a day. Bacteriophage is used for rinsing, washing, instillation, introduction of moistened turundas (leaving them for 1 hour).
    6. With enteral infections, intestinal dysbacteriosis, the drug is taken orally 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. It is possible to combine a double oral administration with a single rectal administration of a single age dose of bacteriophage in the form of an enema after a bowel movement.

    The use of bacteriophage in children (up to 6 months).

    With sepsis, enterocolitis of newborns, including premature babies, bacteriophage is used in the form of high enemas (through a gas tube or catheter) 2-3 times a day at a dose of 5-10 ml. In the absence of vomiting and regurgitation, it is possible to use the drug through the mouth. In this case, it is mixed with breast milk. Perhaps a combination of rectal (in the form of high enemas) and oral (through the mouth) use of the drug. The course of treatment is 5-15 days. With a recurrent course of the disease, repeated courses of treatment are possible. In order to prevent sepsis and enterocolitis in case of intrauterine infection or the risk of nosocomial infection in newborns, the bacteriophage is used in the form of enemas 2 times a day for 5-7 days.

    In the treatment of omphalitis, pyoderma, infected wounds, the drug is used in the form of applications twice daily (a gauze cloth is moistened with a bacteriophage and applied to the umbilical wound or to the affected area of ​​the skin).

    Side effects:



    Not marked.

    Interaction: The drug may be used in combination with other medicines including antibiotics. Special instructions:

    The drug is not suitable for use in vials with impaired integrity or labeling, if expired suitability, with turbidity.

    Due to the content in the preparation of a nutrient medium in which bacteria from the environment can develop, causing clouding of the preparation, it is necessary to observe the following rules when opening the vial:

    Wash your hands thoroughly;

    Treat the cap with an alcohol-containing solution;

    Remove the cap without opening the cork;

    Do not put the cork with the inner surface on the table or other objects;

    Do not leave the vial open;

    Opened vials should only be stored in the refrigerator.

    Opening the vial and extracting the required volume of the drug can be carried out with a sterile syringe by puncturing the stopper. The drug from the opened vial, subject to the storage conditions, the above rules and the absence of turbidity, can be used throughout the entire period suitability.,

    Influence on the ability to drive transport. cf. and fur.:

    Not installed.

    Release form / dosage:

    Solution for oral, topical and external use.