How to lower white blood cells in a smear in women. A smear on the flora in women - leukocytes are elevated: causes, signs and treatment

Every woman, when visiting a gynecologist, takes a smear, which reflects the presence of not only bacteria, but also leukocytes. With an increased concentration of leukocytes, it can be assumed inflammatory process pelvic organs, prescribe an examination and timely treatment.

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What are leukocytes

Leukocytes are white blood cells, they are produced immune system organism to destroy pathogenic microflora.

White cells are concentrated in places of inflammation, absorbing infectious agents, they are able to penetrate through the walls of blood vessels and enter all places of the human body.

By the number of leukocytes, one can judge the state of health of a woman: if there are a lot of them in a smear, then an inflammatory process of the pelvic organs is possible.

Having absorbed a large number of bacteria, white cells are destroyed, causing a local increase in temperature and swelling of the tissues. The presence of leukocytes in biological material indicates that the immune system is fighting infectious agents or allergens.

What does a smear show

A smear on the flora in women is taken not only for diagnostic purposes, but also after drug therapy during pregnancy and after childbirth. If a woman is pregnant, the analysis is taken several times. For maximum accuracy of the analysis result, it is necessary to prepare:

  • two days to give up sexual intercourse;
  • do not douche;
  • do not use suppositories, vaginal tablets and other means;
  • do not empty bladder two hours before the test;
  • at night, before the day of the smear, you should wash yourself without using detergents.

On the days of menstruation, a smear is not taken: the microflora changes, and the result may be unreliable.

A smear is taken with special disposable instruments on a gynecological chair using a mirror. Material is collected from three different locations:

  • U - from the urethra;
  • C - from the cervical canal (cervix);
  • V - from the posterior fornix of the vagina.

The taken material is examined microscopically in the laboratory, the result is indicated in the direction. Depending on what the smear shows, the doctor confirms the diagnosis or order additional testing. With the help of microflora analysis, the following can be established:

  • inflammatory processes, vagina and urethra;
  • fungal diseases;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • precancerous pathologies;
  • oncological processes.

If the leukocytes in the smear are elevated, this indicates that an inflammatory process of the genitourinary system is developing in the body.

When deciphering the result, it is necessary to indicate where the material was taken from.

Normal indicators also differ depending on the place of material sampling.

Norm in women:

  • urethra - 0-5-10;
  • cervical canal - 0-30;
  • vagina - 0-10-15.

Attention! White blood cells in a smear during pregnancy can be increased to 20 units per field of view in the vagina. This indicator is considered normal.

Causes of elevated leukocytes

If the leukocytes in the smear are elevated, it may be both the inflammatory process and the infectious disease.

The higher the level of white blood cells, the more acute the process is, their concentration can increase up to 100 units. Such indicators occur with the following pathologies:

  • cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix;
  • colpitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • urethritis;
  • inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus;
  • violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • oncology of the pelvic organs;
  • hormonal disorders during puberty, endocrine changes;
  • injuries of the mucous membrane of the vagina;
  • abuse of hygiene products;
  • use of tampons;
  • an allergic reaction to the biological fluid of a partner, medications, douching;
  • lack of intimate hygiene, wearing synthetic underwear;
  • venereal diseases;
  • sexually transmitted infections.

Inflammatory process does not always have pronounced symptoms, often the disease is detected after a routine examination and a smear on the microflora.

Important! If leukocytes are elevated in the cervical canal, the cause may be a serious pathology of the cervix or body of the uterus, up to malignant neoplasms.

The result of a smear during pregnancy is very important. The microflora of the vagina may change due to the hormonal background, the number of leukocytes may be slightly increased, this is normal.

But if there are mucous secretions and a bad smear during pregnancy, you must follow all the doctor's recommendations and undergo a course of treatment.

This will allow eliminate the risk of infection of the baby during childbirth with a bacterial or viral infection.

Elevated leukocytes in a smear during pregnancy are for the following reasons:

  • a change in the general hormonal background of the body, increased production of hormones - and estrogen, which contribute to an increase in the acidity of the vaginal microflora and an increase in the concentration of leukocytes;
  • a decrease in immunity to maintain pregnancy contributes to the activation of latent infections, which causes an increase in white cells;
  • thrush, which begins to progress during pregnancy.

The cause must be eliminated otherwise the inflammatory process will spread further, a elevated white blood cells in the cervical canal can cause uterine disease or infection of the fetus, which will provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

Smear grades

To determine the degree of purity of a gynecological smear, material is taken for a separate analysis, the fence is made from the walls and placed on a special glass, which is then studied under a microscope. There are 4 degrees in total, but only the first two are normal:

  • 1 - 0-5 leukocytes, a smear of perfect purity, white cells are normal, the microflora is inhabited by lactic acid bacteria, a small number of epithelial cells, there are no inflammatory processes.
  • 2 - 5-10 leukocytes, the norm in women, opportunistic microflora may be present in the smear, but at the same time a sufficient amount beneficial bacteria, a minimum of mucus and epithelial cells.
  • 3 – 10-50 elevated level white cells, mucus in large numbers, a lot of epithelium, the level of lactobacilli is lowered, the opportunistic flora is increased, an obvious inflammatory process is diagnosed.
  • 4 - a lot of leukocytes, they cannot be counted, there are bacterial or viral infectious agents: Trichomonas, gonococci, chlamydia. Dederlein sticks are absent, mucus and epithelium are abundant. With such indicators, one can assume not only inflammation, but also an infectious disease.

If a woman has a smear purity of 3-4, then an additional examination is prescribed and the causes of the pathology are identified.

Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, most often prescribed suppositories for elevated leukocytes in a smear; if an infection is detected, then antimicrobial or antibacterial drugs.

If the degree of purity of the smear is less than two, an appeal to a specialist and specific treatment is not required. Such an increase can be observed in the norm.

Diagnosis and treatment

Most common cause elevated leukocytes in the female microflora are diseases of the genitourinary system, which are accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • cramps and pain when urinating, frequent urges - all these are signs of urethritis or;
  • diarrhea and discomfort in the anus - a violation of the microflora of the vagina and intestines;
  • vaginal discharge with a pungent odor, itching and burning in the vagina - bacterial vaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis, inflammation of the appendages;
  • discharge of a purulent nature with foam or in the form of cottage cheese - a fungal or venereal infection;
  • pain syndrome during intercourse - a pathological process in the uterus, cervix or appendages, there may be a tumor;
  • if violated menstrual cycle and elevated white bodies - problems with the ovaries or appendages.

If the smear is bad, the doctor prescribes a more detailed examination, and having found out what it means, he prescribes treatment.

Depending on the etiology of the inflammatory process, treatment is prescribed:

  • Miramistin, potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine are used for vaginal douching. This allows you to reduce the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
  • Candles with elevated leukocytes in a smear are used twice a day for 10 days, the most popular are the following drugs: Terzhinan, Genferon, Viferon, Hexicon.
  • Fungal infection is treated with Flucostat or Fluconazole. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.
  • Candles with elevated leukocytes in the smear are used and to treat a bacterial infection, but antibiotics and antimicrobial agents are prescribed in parallel - Metronidazole, Tsiprinol.
  • To normalize the microflora of the vagina, eubiotics are prescribed - Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Vagilak.

Advice! Do not self-medicate: uncontrolled reception antibiotics can cause bacterial resistance, and the disease will become chronic.

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Almost always, leukocytes in a smear in women (whose norm is exceeded several times) indicate the development of serious inflammation in the body.

What kind of pathology it is and for what reason it arose, doctors can only establish based on the results of an additional examination.

Therefore, in no case should you self-medicate, which can cause negative consequences.

If the rate of leukocytes in a smear in women is significantly increased, then the reasons for this behavior of the body may lie in a pathological change in the reproductive organs.

In addition, an increase in white cells in a smear and urine is possible due to disturbances that have occurred in the work of other vital systems of the body.

In the list of the main reasons for the increase in leukocytes in a general smear in women, there are:

  • pathology of the cervical canal;
  • pathology of the uterine appendages;
  • endometritis and colpitis;
  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • neoplasms in the internal genital organs;
  • violation of the microflora of the vagina or intestines;
  • venereal diseases;
  • latent genital infections.

The reasons why white blood cells in a smear in women may be elevated are associated with pathogenic bacteria, in most cases these are conditionally dangerous microorganisms.

It is difficult to detect microscopic pathogens only with the help of a urogenital smear, therefore, a detailed examination method, PCR, is used to detect them.

In this case, we are talking about the study of blood tests, urine and vaginal discharge.

In the course of such a study, chlamydia, gonococci, Trichomonas, fungi of the genus Candida, viral infection, developing against the background of suppressed immune antibodies of the body, and genital herpes.

Other common causes of leukocyturia in a smear in women are:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • allergy to medications;
  • irritation of the external genital organs;
  • installation of an intrauterine device;
  • period of pregnancy.

A condition such as bacterial vaginosis may be a consequence of puberty or be a sign of the decline of childbearing function.

The occurrence of vaginal dysbacteriosis is associated with a weakening of the general immunity of the body, microtrauma of the vaginal passage and an imbalance in the microflora in the intestine.

If the reason for the increase in white cells in a smear in a woman is reduced to allergic reaction, then the body's response may occur not only to medicinal pharmaceutical preparations, but also for herbal decoctions prepared according to folk recipes.

In addition to these factors, there may be such a reason as intolerance to the sperm of the sexual partner.

Often, an increased level of leukocytes in a smear is a consequence of irritation of the vaginal passage, which can occur if a woman neglects intimate hygiene, with hypothermia or overheating, with a chemical burn - this means douching with pharmaceutical drugs.

If not one of the items listed in the list is the cause of the increase in white cells in the general smear of a woman, then the patient is prescribed an additional examination of the body, including oncology of the reproductive organs.

Norm of white bodies

In a smear, a woman always has increased leukocytes before menstruation, which is considered the norm. Permissible deviation from the norm in the form of 15 - 20 cells in the field of view is associated with the period of pregnancy.

An analysis of a vaginal smear for microflora in a woman carrying a child is done in the first trimester of pregnancy, when registering at a antenatal clinic, then at 30 and 36 weeks.

If the leukocyte count in the smear is too high, then the pregnant woman should definitely be examined for the presence of a latent infection or pathology that could worsen due to hormonal changes.

A moderate increase in white cells in the analysis can be caused by too active sex life.

Material for diagnosing the level of leukocytes is taken from the cervical canal, urethra and vaginal passage.

At the same time, there is a norm for smears made in different areas of the female genital organ.

Bioelements Valid values

(from vagina)


(cervical canal)



Leukocytes0 – 10 0 – 30 0 – 5
squamous epithelium5 – 10 5 – 10 5 – 10
key cells
MicrofloraGram-positive Dederlein rods
Slimemoderate amount

There is no single answer to the question of what is the ideal rate of leukocytes in a smear.

Fully conforming smear - a rare event, especially when it comes to the results of the analysis from the vagina.

And if in this case a small error is allowed, then it should be absent in smears taken from the ureter and cervix, which is possible only in the absence of pathologies.

The degree of sterility of the vaginal approach is determined using an additional swab. The sampling of the biomaterial is carried out from the mucous walls of the vaginal passage, after which the fragment under study is dried on a special glass.

There are four degrees of sterility of the internal genital organ of a woman, but only I-II are the norm:

  • the first degree involves the number of leukocytes from 0 to 5, approximately 95% of the microflora is lactic acid bacteria;
  • at the second level of purity of the vagina, the smear contains from 5 to 10 units of white cells. In a general smear, a woman may have singly yeast-like fungi and cocci that belong to the opportunistic flora. Lactobacilli predominate, mucus and white cells are present in a minimal amount, the epithelium is normal;
  • the third degree of sterility of the vagina has from 10 to 50 units of leukocytes, it is distinguished by the presence of a large amount of mucus and epithelium in the smear. Due to the increase in opportunistic microflora, a decrease in the level of Dederlein sticks is noted;
  • in the description of the smear of the fourth degree of sterility of the vagina, there is no count of leukocytes, their number is marked by the term "completely", i.e., they cannot be counted. In addition to leukocytes, a woman's smear contains pathogenic microflora, represented by Trichomonas and gonococci.

When diagnosing the III and IV degree of sterility of the vaginal smear, the cause of the inflammation is established, after which an effective treatment can be prescribed to the woman.

Diagnosis of leukocyturia problems in women

Having found an excess of the norm of white cells in smears made in different places of the internal genital organs of a woman, the attending physician first establishes the cause of this condition, then chooses the direction of treatment.

In specific cases, the level of leukocytes in the analysis made on the vaginal flora may be exceeded, but at the same time, activation and growth of conditionally dangerous microflora is not observed, and most importantly, there are no pathogens in the analysis. In such a case, the woman is prescribed a second smear.

If it turns out that the level of leukocytes in a smear in a woman is really increased, then to establish the causes of this condition, there is a need for an extended examination, which includes:

  • delivery of smears for bacterial culture;
  • PCR diagnostics of sexually transmitted infections;
  • ultrasound examination internal organs pelvis
  • examination of the cervix by colposcopy;
  • visits to related specialists.

When bacteriological seeding of secretions from the female genital organs on a wide range of nutrient media, colonies of bacteria of a conditionally dangerous and dangerous type are detected.

The type of pathogen is identified and its sensitivity to different kind antibiotics to improve the effectiveness of treatment.

PCR or polymerase chain reaction is a high-precision method for detecting sexually transmitted infections of a latent nature, which cannot be detected by external symptoms.

If latent infections are not diagnosed and treated in time, they can cause infertility.

Ultrasound examination of the internal organs of the small pelvis using a transvaginal sensor allows you to obtain information about the condition of the walls of the uterus and its appendages (inflammation, neoplasms, seals).

Colposcopy allows diagnosing diseases of the internal genital organs with accuracy.

This method makes it possible to examine the cervix by multiplying its walls and identifying early stage oncology, leukoplakia and dysplasia, which provoke an increase in the level of leukocytes in smears.

The attending physician appoints a visit to related specialists upon completion of the above examination methods.

In the list of specialists from whom patients are recommended to get a consultation, there is an endocrinologist.

If the increase in leukocytes in smears occurred due to diabetes overweight or disease thyroid gland, then the endocrinologist will help to normalize the disturbed indicator by prescribing the necessary therapeutic treatment.

A consultation with a specialist nephrologist will come in handy with the development of pathology in the urinary system.

Patients are referred to an allergist in whom irritating factors have affected the increase in leukocytes in smears.

A neurologist will help to cope with a neurotic disorder, which may be the cause of an increase in the level of white cells in the microflora of the genital organs.

How to cure leukocyturia?

After the cause of the increase in leukocytes in smears is established, the doctor chooses a treatment: the direction depends on the type of pathology, which may be inflammation, latent genital infection and disruption of the microflora.

What medications to treat the inflammatory process, the doctor decides after studying the results of the tests.

As a rule, anti-inflammatory treatment is formed from local and general therapy, culminating in the normalization of the microflora in the vaginal passage.

Local treatment involves douching for 4-5 days using herbal decoctions, chlorhexidine or potassium permanganate solution, after which anti-inflammatory suppositories are used.

If the inflammation is provoked by a microorganism of the genus Candida, then suppositories with an antifungal effect are prescribed for use.

Candles are administered daily for two weeks. Local treatment gives a quick result, provided that the inflammation is not started.

If the female body was attacked by a latent infection, venous disease or virus, then a patient with a similar diagnosis is prescribed antibacterial drugs or taking antiviral drugs. medicines. The choice of drugs is based on the etiology of the disease.

Upon completion of local and general therapy, funds are prescribed to normalize the vaginal flora. In order to increase the level of lactic acid bacteria, vaginal suppositories with probiotics are attributed to patients - due to them, the course of treatment is extended for another three to four weeks.

Some women do not consider it dangerous to increase the level of leukocytes in gynecological tests and refuse treatment altogether or try to remove the inflammatory process with folk remedies, take various vitamin complexes (group B vitamins, vitamins A, C, D, E).

Neglect of their health threatens such women with infertility or ectopic pregnancy, pathological changes walls of the uterus, violation of the cycle of menstruation and the formation of malignant seals.

If the level of leukocytes exceeded the permissible value in a smear in a woman carrying a child, then she should take the treatment prescribed by the gynecologist as responsibly as possible.

Otherwise, the risk of premature birth increases, in addition, there is a possibility of intrauterine infection of the fetus and the appearance of purulent formations.

Given these factors, you should not plan a pregnancy with elevated white cells in the tests until the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor has been completed.

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Women, unlike men, have to visit a doctor who treats the genitourinary system more often. So, during pregnancy, the expectant mother should regularly go to the gynecologist and take some tests. When applying for a job or an educational institution, now they also require the conclusion of a gynecologist. In this article, we will talk about what leukocytes are in a smear. The rate of content of these bodies will also be indicated below. You will find out why a smear is taken for flora and how this procedure goes.

Vaginal swab

This analysis is given at each visit to the doctor. It is worth noting that the study is carried out quite simply and quickly, but nevertheless it can say a lot about the state of the female reproductive system. That is why gynecologists prescribe this analysis in the first place.

How is a smear taken for flora?

A swab is taken at least three times during pregnancy (the rate of leukocytes will be indicated below). If there are any deviations and treatment is required, then a re-analysis is always taken a few weeks after the course of drug therapy.

The analysis is very simple. The woman is offered to sit on the gynecological chair and relax. The doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina and takes material from the cervix, from the walls of the vagina and from the urethra. When deciphering the result, the place where the material was collected from is necessarily taken into account.

The timing of the study and the data obtained

A smear for flora is examined quite quickly. Within one or two working days you will be provided with the results. Remember that it is the doctor who must decipher them. Surely a woman alone will not be able to understand all the data and correctly interpret the conclusion.

Usually, the result always indicates the names of the studied elements and the resulting value. So, the number of leukocytes and the state of the epithelium are necessarily established. The analysis examines the presence or absence of cocci and pathogens of trichomoniasis.

Further studies are more detailed. They are carried out only when necessary.

Leukocytes in a smear: normal

After receiving the result, we can confidently draw a conclusion about the state of the female reproductive system. When decoding, it is necessary to take into account the day of the cycle, the presence of pregnancy and colds. So, what is the rate of leukocytes in a smear in the fairer sex?

Usually the number of white cells in the field of view should not exceed 10. So, if the analysis says that single leukocytes were found, the smear is “normal”. In women who have just finished menstruating, the number of these cells may be slightly higher. In this case, it does not exceed 25 units in the field of view. These data are also considered absolutely normal. However, it is worth notifying the doctor in advance about a recent menstruation.

In expectant mothers, the level of white bodies can also be increased. If you are expecting a baby and passed a smear on the flora, the norm allows leukocytes in an amount of no more than 30 units in the field of view. This applies to all sites from which the material was collected.

In the presence of a viral or bacterial disease, the level of white cells may increase slightly. Moreover, the more acute the infection, the higher the value will be. That is why doctors do not recommend taking a smear on the flora during an illness. If there is no other way out, then you need to warn the doctor about the existing pathology.

The degree of purity of the vagina

After receiving the result, you can preliminarily draw some conclusions. Most often, doctors subdivide the representatives of the weaker sex according to the degree of purity of the vagina. This classification directly depends on the number of leukocytes and other impurities. So, if leukocytes are found in a smear, is this a norm or a pathology?

First degree

In this case, the result of the analysis is the following data. Leukocytes are found in the amount of several units in the field of view. The microflora is represented by beneficial bacteria. There are no cocci, pathological mucus and Trichomonas. In conclusion, it will be indicated: smear analysis (leukocytes) - "normal".

Second degree

There are also single cells of white bodies in the field of view. However, beneficial microflora is presented on a par with cocci and yeast fungi. Usually, in the absence of complaints of itching and unusual discharge, a woman is recognized as absolutely healthy. However, if there are unpleasant symptoms, then minor treatment is required. If such a microflora is found in a future mother, then she is prescribed therapy without certain symptoms.

Third degree

In this case, the result of the analysis may be the following data: the number of leukocytes exceeds the norm (more than 30 cells in the field of view), there are cocci, yeasts and other pathogens. Such a result is always recognized as a deviation from the norm. The woman is being treated.

Degree four

This is the very last step. In this analysis, a large number of leukocytes are present. Useful microflora is depleted, pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms are detected. Upon receipt of such a result, additional diagnostics is necessary, after which the woman is prescribed appropriate treatment.

Leukocytes in a smear: deviations

If you passed a smear for flora and leukocytes were found in it in large numbers, then this is a deviation. In this case, a woman is assigned a number of additional tests. In this case, it is imperative to take into account the presence of a permanent sexual partner and the method of protection. If the fair sex is not "friends" with such a means of protection as condoms, then there is a possibility of an infection that is transmitted through sexual contact.

So, with an increase in the level of leukocytes, it is recommended to pass a detailed analysis of the flora, conduct a study for the presence of sexual diseases, and also do a bacterial culture. After receiving the results, you can talk about the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. What can cause an increase in the level of leukocytes in a smear?

  1. Bacterial infections obtained through sexual contact (mycoplasma, trichomonas, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and others).
  2. An inflammatory process in the vagina against the background of a decrease in immunity (with colds during pregnancy, etc.).
  3. Diseases of the uterus and appendages (endometritis, salpingitis, adnexitis).
  4. A decrease in the level of beneficial bacteria against the background of the reproduction of cocci and fungi (thrush, gardnerellosis, and so on).
  5. The development of tumors of a benign or malignant nature.


Now you know what white blood cells are in a smear. The norm is always indicated on the form with the result of the analysis. If you deviate from it, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible and carry out appropriate treatment. Otherwise, you may get serious complications. Take your tests on time and be healthy!

Before you decide what elevated white blood cells are in a smear in women, the causes of their appearance and ways to reduce them, you need to understand some medical and anatomical terms.

Leukocytes are colorless blood cells that differ in appearance and the functional purpose of the human cellular blood structure. The main functional purpose of leukocytes is to protect the body from internal and external pathogenic agents. Mandatory testing of the general state of the microflora in a woman's body during a gynecological examination is a laboratory test, or a smear from the vagina, the results of which can determine an increased number of leukocytes in a smear or, conversely, their normal number.

What does it mean - leukocytes in a smear are increased?

Causes in a woman of an increased number of leukocytes with laboratory research can be very different, ranging from physiological changes in the body, for example, associated with pregnancy, and ending with diseases caused by infectious and / or viral pathogens. Here are just some of the possible causal factors that determine elevated white blood cells in a smear:

1. The result of bacterial infection:

  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • tuberculosis of the female genital tract;
  • syphilis;
  • inguinal granuloma;
  • urogenital mycoplasmosis.

2. Protozoal infection, for example, trichomoniasis caused by an infectious vaginal pathogen - Trichomonas.

3. Viral infection:

  • cytomegalovirus;
  • papillomavirus;
  • genital herpes.

4. Fungal infections:

  • actinomycetes;
  • candidiasis, or thrush and others.

Among other reasons that determine elevated leukocytes in a smear in women are:

  • bacterial vaginosis, or vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • irritation of the organ of the reproductive system as a result of mechanical, thermal or chemical damage, violation of general sanitary and hygienic standards, as well as in some somatic conditions of the body, for example, diabetes, urinary tract diseases, kidney disease, hepatitis and other pathological conditions;
  • allergic to dosage forms in vaginal douching, lubricants, and in some cases on male sperm.

As you can see, the palette of various causal factors that determine that the leukocytes in the smear are elevated is quite extensive.

The norm of leukocytes in a smear

Vaginal microflora is determined by special laboratory testing. When deciphering the analysis for a smear, leukocytes, the norm for women of which is no more than 15 units, it is most convenient to use a special table that allows you to give a more informative picture of the general state of the microflora of the female reproductive organ. For convenience, use the following notation:

  • C - smear from the mucous membrane of the uterine cervical canal;
  • V - a smear taken from the mucous membrane of the female vagina;
  • U - a smear that determines the condition of the mucous membrane of the urethra, or urethra.

Leukocytes in a smear, the norm in women (table for example):

Laboratory indicator Vagina, V Cervix, C Urethra, or urethra, U
Leukocytes 0-10-15 0-30 0-5-10
Epithelium no more than 10 no more than 10 no more than 10
Candida (yeast) No No No
Trichomonas No No No
Gonococci No No No
key cells No No No
Slime No moderately No
Other flora moderately No No

A lot of leukocytes in a smear, that is, an excess of 15 units, indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the vagina associated with a violation of its microflora. This symptomatic sign needs to be investigated further, through a more thorough diagnosis. A slight deviation from the norm can be observed during the premenstrual cycle. A separate category is pregnant women.

A gynecological smear is a mandatory procedure when examining the physiological state of a woman during pregnancy. It can be definitely said that in a laboratory study, leukocytes in a smear during pregnancy are determined with a significant change in their functional tasks. Immune protection at this time in a woman is weakened, and, accordingly, the protective reactions of the body are minimized, which is a hidden threat in front of various infectious lesions of the body. The permissible concentration of leukocytes in a smear of a pregnant woman should not exceed 20 units.

If after laboratory examination it was determined that there are a lot of leukocytes in the smear, what does this mean, and how to proceed in the future? Depending on the physiological state of the woman, taking into account all individual characteristics and contraindications, the observing gynecologist determines the causes of this condition and selects the appropriate method for further treatment. If leukocytes are found entirely in a smear of a pregnant woman, then a special additional examination for a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) will be required, which will determine the presence of infectious pathogens with maximum accuracy.

What to do and how to treat?

A gynecological vaginal smear was taken, leukocytes were increased, what does this mean for a woman, and how to react in the future? First of all, you should not panic, but surrender to the hands of qualified specialists who will conduct an adequate diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment. There are various therapeutic approaches to this clinical problem. At the initial stage, it is determined general state health of a woman, or the duration of her pregnancy, the sensitivity and reaction of microorganisms to medicines and so on.

With thrush, effective use antifungal agents medical impact. Preference is given to the following pharmacological combinations:

  • sertaconazole;
  • nystatin;
  • pimafucin and others.

If gonorrhea is diagnosed, then pharmacological preparations antibacterial action, such as:

  • erythromycin;
  • cefixime;
  • ceftriaxone;
  • azithromycin and other drugs.

Syphilis in women is a particularly complex disease that is most dangerous during pregnancy. The main "fighters" with the disease are pharmacological agents from penicillin group. For pregnant women, the treatment of syphilis is provided by the method of specific therapy, which takes place in several stages.

Antiviral drug combinations have proven themselves well in the treatment of genital herpes.

How can traditional medicine help?

In addition to official medical treatment, with a decrease in the number of leukocytes in a smear, traditional medicine does an excellent job. All of the recipes below folk treatment can be carried out at home, in consultation with the attending physician. The only limitation is the reaction of the woman's body to one or another remedy in terms of allergic indicators, since everything folk recipes based on the use of various medicinal herbs and fees.

Recipe number 1. Two tablespoons of dry chamomile are poured into 500 ml of water and brought to a boil. Vaginal douching, can be started at a temperature herbal decoction no more than 37ºС. This method of treatment can be compared with a solution of furacilin prescribed by a doctor as a prophylaxis. All medical procedure It is recommended to take it twice a day, in the morning and in the evening before going to bed.

Recipe number 2. In absolutely equal proportions, bee honey and aloe juice are mixed. Having moistened a cotton swab in such a solution, it is necessary to further introduce it into the vagina. Experience suggests that after 5-7 days of daily two-time treatment, the number of leukocytes at the second examination is significantly reduced.

  • chamomile (dry);
  • St. John's wort;
  • oak bark (pharmacy);
  • red root;
  • nettle.

All prepared medicinal components are taken in equal proportions, one tablespoon each, and poured with boiling water in an amount of 500 ml. The entire broth is cooled to an acceptable temperature for the body and the douching procedure can begin. After two weeks of daily treatment (once a day), some improvement in the state of the microflora is noticeable in laboratory testing.

Recipe number 4. Excellent prophylactic, will become brewed lime blossom tea. It will take one tablespoon of medicinal raw materials per glass of boiling water. After filtering, it is recommended to drink this tea at least 2-3 times a day.

Recipe number 5. You can reduce the number of leukocytes with the help of oats. To do this, you need two tablespoons of unpeeled oats and two cups of boiling water. After insisting for 15 minutes, the remedy is ready. It remains only to strain the broth and drink ½ cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is designed for at least 30-40 days, after which it is recommended to undergo a second examination.

Recipe number 6. To normalize the level of leukocytes, herbal collection will help, which includes:

  • strawberries - 2 tablespoons;
  • nettle leaves - 30 g;
  • rose hips - 50 g;
  • nettle leaves - 50 g.

All ingredients are crushed, poured with half a liter of boiling water, and infused for 1.5 hours. After straining, take half a glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

You can also boost your immunity with the help of some foods:

  • natural honey;
  • citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit and others);
  • blackcurrant, raspberries, apples, mountain ash, cranberries, blueberries;
  • wheat germ, peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, beets.

However, it is worth warning that it is unlikely that it will be possible to reduce the number of leukocytes only with the help of folk remedies. Preference should be given to traditional methods official medicine, which will conduct adequate treatment, with appropriate diagnosis and general clinical condition female patients.

Decrease in white blood cells in a smear in women: prevention

The following measures can be attributed to preventive measures that contribute to a decrease in the quantitative composition of leukocytes in a vaginal smear:

  • elimination of promiscuity;

The delicate system of balance in the genital area of ​​a woman can fail in the presence of an inflammatory process caused by exposure to various pathogens.

An increase in the level in the sample becomes an indicator of the presence of a disease. The detection of an excess of the number of white cells becomes the basis for an in-depth study in order to identify the source of the disease and prescribe targeted treatment.

Smear on flora - effective diagnostics assessment of the nature of inflammation of the urogenital canal

Usually, a smear is taken from a woman at every visit to the gynecologist, both during a routine examination and in case of complaints of incomprehensible discharge, dryness, burning, itching, irritation and pain during sexual intercourse.

In some cases, infections do not manifest themselves external manifestations and can only be detected by checking the smear.

An example of such a "hidden" disease is chlamydia, which is asymptomatic and often detected by accident.The basis for prescribing a smear, in addition to the presence of complaints, is the discovery, in another type of examination, of grounds for suspecting the presence of trouble in the female genital area, as well as pregnancy.A smear on the flora gives many indicators, it demonstrates not only the number of white cells, but also the possible infection with various microorganisms, and also indicates the state of the hormonal status of a woman.

The analysis consists in taking a smear from different places - the urethra, and, in some cases, from the rectum and oropharynx.

It is taken with a special disposable spatula, and the samples are individually applied to special glasses. Then the samples are marked in order to know exactly from which zone the material was taken for analysis.

The finished glasses are sent for microscopic examination, which is performed by an experienced laboratory assistant. It counts the amount, and also detects the possible presence of pathogenic microflora.

A smear is a fairly simple and quick test that can quite accurately determine the presence or absence of an inflammatory process and indicate the existing source of infection.

The analysis checks for the presence of the following indicators:

  • Leukocytes
  • squamous epithelium
  • Gonococci
  • Trichomonas etc.

If it is done, and the leukocytes are elevated, this means that the specialist counted more than 15 cells in the sample from the cervix in the field of view, 5 in the scraping from the urethra, and 10 from the vagina. This is usually evidence of an inflammatory process in the genitals of a woman, and the higher the test values, the more intense the inflammation.

Causes of an increase in the level of leukocytes

The main reason for the indicators, significantly exceeding the norm, is the presence of an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the genitourinary organs.

There can be several diseases that cause such symptoms:

  • Dysbacteriosis of the vagina and / or intestines
  • Colpitis is an inflammatory process that develops in the mucous membrane of the vagina
  • Cevicitis - inflammation localized in the cervical canal
  • Endometritis - inflammation of the lining of the uterus
  • Adnexitis - inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes
  • - process affecting the urethra
  • Oncological lesions of the urinary organs

If a smear on the flora shows that the leukocytes are elevated, and the numbers are very high, this is a reason to sound the alarm and immediately apply for an in-depth study and the appointment of the necessary treatment.

Useful video - Pap smear from the cervical canal in women.

In some cases, leukocytes are present in the sample, but the pathogen is not detected. This can be caused by the fact that the process has just begun, as well as by severe stress of a psychological or physiological nature. The most unpleasant option is an increase in indicators provoked by intestinal dysbacteriosis, since this condition is often extremely difficult to treat and the level of white cells in the smear does not decrease even with intensive drug exposure.

Sometimes the cause of a stable increase in the number of leukocytes can even be an intense sex life. In a fairly common number of reported cases, leukocytosis is slightly higher normal is detected by a variation of the woman's habitual state and is not an indicator of the disease.

Signs of the disease

In most cases, inflammation of the urogenital area manifests itself quite rapidly. Pain may be noted varying degrees intensity, scanty, profuse or frothy discharge, with an unpleasant odor, in color very different from the usual daily discharge.

Often inflammation is accompanied by itching, severe discomfort, swelling, redness. Such manifestations disturb a woman, make her nervous, interfere with a normal sexual life, affect behavior, affect the quality and duration of sleep.

It should be noted that all these signs indicate an infection, and not an increase in leukocytes - the appearance of these cells is one of the symptoms of the inflammatory process.In some diseases, no symptoms are noted. The woman feels healthy, outwardly everything is also in order - no pain, no itching or discharge.

Only a timely swab can reveal the presence of a lurking disease and allow you to start proper treatment preventing the development of a dangerous disease.

When performed - leukocytes are increased, and according to other analysis data, it is impossible to give precise definition causes of the disease, the doctor must send the patient for an in-depth examination to finally determine the exact cause of the appearance of these cells in the sample.

Treatment Method

Since changes in the smear are associated with various reasons, then the treatment itself is always profile. This means that the appearance above the norm in a smear is just an indicator of trouble, and not the disease itself, so the main goal of treatment is to cope with the pathogens that caused inflammation. Since they can be different (bacteria, viruses, fungi, as well as various combinations of these pathogens), then specific treatment will be prescribed.

Most often, leukocytosis is caused by bacterial vaginosis, which is successfully treated with a course of appropriate antibiotics. Other diseases will require an accurate selection of drugs, and if several types of infection are combined at once, then the use of a whole range of drugs.

With candidiasis, it is necessary to fight a fungal infection, and chlamydia, gardnerellosis and many other diseases are caused by protozoa. They are also treated with specific drugs. The large number of pathogens that can cause changes in smear indicators suggests that there is simply no single universal medicine to combat them, each reason requires a “personal” drug.

It is extremely important to complete the entire course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, without skipping medication or arbitrarily reducing the dose and duration of therapy.

If you stop treatment after the symptoms disappear, the infection can simply be "healed". It will not go anywhere, it will “doze off” in the body until the next convenient opportunity. As soon as something happens and the immune system decreases and cannot resist the onslaught of infection, the disease will return at the most inopportune moment.

It is especially risky if it turns out to be this inopportune moment. Some infectious diseases, especially, can extremely negatively affect the development or even cause involuntary termination of pregnancy. Treatment of such infections in a pregnant woman is very difficult, since drugs can also have a detrimental effect on the fetus and the gestation process.It is much wiser to diligently complete the treatment and rid yourself of the risk of a recurrence of the disease.