Masked face. Meaning of a mask face in medical terms If people have a mask face

A person's physical appearance can tell an experienced clinician just about everything from physical to mental health. Here are 25 unconditional, confirmed by medical practice, manifestations of various diseases on the face.

Many transverse wrinkles on the forehead (accordion-shaped forehead), the manner of raising eyebrows as if in surprise - is typical for people prone to alcoholism.

A “bitter” fold between the eyebrows (especially in combination with tightly compressed lips) indicates that a person has been suffering from some kind of chronic pain syndrome for a long time.

Slightly protruding shiny eyes that attract and drive you crazy are a sign of diseases. thyroid gland.

The yellowness of the sclera of the eyes indicates a diseased liver.

Long, curved, beautiful, fluffy eyelashes are a sign of a pulmonary patient or a person prone to pulmonary pathologies and asthma.

Bags, dark circles under the eyes - diseased kidneys or bladder.

Increased hair loss is a symptom of a serious decrease in immunity after or against the background of a serious illness.

Amimic, mask-like face, facial expressions do not correspond to ongoing events - a symptom of a severe mental illness, especially schizophrenia.

Wrinkled face even in a young man - endocrine disorders.

Red streaks in the sclera are a signal of nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue.

Elastic facial skin is a sign of health. And flabbiness speaks of premature aging skin. This happens in diseases of the metabolism and the gastrointestinal tract.

General puffiness of the face diseased heart.

An earthy complexion, a “lowered” face is a sign of the development of a tumor disease.

The capillary mesh on the cheeks is a signal of high blood pressure and a tendency to stroke - apoplexy type.

Light spotty pigmentation on a woman's face is a sign of pregnancy.

The appearance of yellowish-brown age spots on the face speaks of renal pathology.

Pink, red cheeks and at the same time bluish lips - mitral defect hearts.

A bluish pallor of the face is a symptom of anemia or pulmonary pathology. Waxy pallor is a sign of tuberculosis.

Coquettishly ajar mouth is a sign of adenoids, sinusitis.

The lowered corners of the mouth and eyes are an external manifestation of depression.

The lower lip sinks, the volume of the upper lip becomes larger - a sign of oncology.

Dry lips with jams in the corners signal gastritis or a stomach ulcer.

Brittle hair - metabolic insufficiency, beriberi.

Fat, tow hanging hair is a sign of endocrine problems, diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Characteristic brown spots - "bear" skin - in the iris - a sign of a predisposition to oncology.


L. with smoothed folds and lack of facial expressions; characteristic of parkinsonism, some mental illnesses.

Medical terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is a MASK-LIKE FACE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • FACE in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    Seeing in a dream a beautiful open face with a simple look means that you can participate in entertainment without any fear, ...
  • FACE in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - a philosophical concept, through which, within the boundaries of a number of concepts of the philosophy of postmodernism, one of the potentially conceivable content components of multidimensional categories is designated ...
  • FACE in the Dictionary of Yoga:
    (Face) See Relaxing the Face...
  • FACE
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  • FACE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • FACE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • FACE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • FACE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    STATELESS (stateless) - a person. who is not a citizen of this state and who does not possess appropriate evidence that could establish affiliation ...
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  • FACE in Medical terms:
    (facies, pna, bna, jna) anterior section human head, limited from above by the edge of the scalp, from below - by the corners and the lower edge ...
  • FACE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • FACE
    LEGAL PERSON (in civil law), an enterprise, an organization that is, by law, subjects (carriers) of civil law. rights and obligations. In ros. right L.Yu. …
  • FACE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    PHYSICAL PERSON (in civil law), a term used to refer to a person (citizen) as a participant ...
  • FACE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    PERSON (lingu.), a language category, the forms of which express an attitude towards participation in a speech act: 1st L. indicates the speaker, 2nd - ...
  • FACE
    face", face" tsa, person", li" ts, lyu", li" tsa, person", li" tsa, person "m, tsa, tsa, person", ...
  • FACE in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    face", face" tsa, persons", li" ts, lyu", li" tsam, person", li" ts, person "m, faces" tsami, face "...
  • FACE in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    - a grammatical inflectional category of a verb (in some languages ​​also a name in the position of a predicate), denoting the attitude of the subject of the action (process, quality) (sometimes ...
  • FACE in the Popular explanatory-encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language.
  • FACE in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    face, physiognomy, little face, muzzle, mug, mug, image. She has a pretty muzzle. Wed See view, unit, wrong side, person || authority figure...
  • FACE in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    1. cf. 1) The front of the human head. 2) a) trans. Individual appearance, distinctive features of smth., smth. b) The most indicative, expressing ...
  • FACE in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    individual appearance, distinctive features Do not have your own face. person person, personality Individuals. Forged l. The current l. (in the theater: character). …
  • PERSON in the Dahl Dictionary:
    face cf. little face, little face, face; in the sublime. face, in abusive mug, mug; the front of the human head (rarely talk about ...
  • FACE in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    a language category, the forms of which express the attitude towards participation in a speech act: the 1st person points to the speaker, the 2nd - to the addressee ...
  • FACE
    faces, pl. faces, cf. 1. the front of the human head. The face is round, oblong, pale, ruddy, beautiful, ugly. The official's face was pale, ...
  • FACE in explanatory dictionary Efremova:
    face 1. cf. 1) The front of the human head. 2) a) trans. Individual appearance, distinctive features of smth., smth. b) The most revealing, ...
  • FACE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    I cf. 1. The front of the human head. 2. trans. Personal appearance, distinctive features of someone or something. ott. The most indicative, expressing the essence ...
  • FACE in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I cf. 1. The front of the human head. 2. trans. Individual appearance, distinctive features of someone or something. ott. The most demonstrative, expressing ...
  • POISONING in the Encyclopedia of Biology:
    , effects on the body of toxic substances (poisons), causing a violation of its vital functions. Toxic substances include salts of heavy metals, acids, alkalis, ...
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  • SCHIZOPHRENIA in the Medical Big Dictionary:
    Schizophrenia is a mental illness of a continuous or paroxysmal course, begins mainly at a young age, is accompanied by characteristic personality changes (autization, emotional-volitional disorders, ...
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    masklike, masklike; masklike, masklike, masklike (bookish). Like a mask, inexpressive, lifeless. Masked …

Almost most often, changes in pupil reactions signal dorsal tabes, progressive paralysis, syphilis of the brain, or epidemic encephalitis (parkinsonism). In the first case, after the discovery of the Argyle-Robertson symptom, attention should have been directed to other manifestations, such as: a decrease in superficial (often pain) sensitivity at the level of the nipples (DV), loss or lethargy (sometimes only unevenness) of the Achilles and knee reflexes, " rheumatism" (shooting pains) in the legs, etc.

In the case of the consequences of epidemic encephalitis, when there can be any combination of changes in pupillary reactions, but most often there is convergence paresis and lethargy of pupillary constriction during accommodation, sometimes with a live reaction to light (as opposed to Argyle-Robertson's symptom), the motility of the subject should be carefully assessed.

A mask-like face, hypomimia, a deaf, monotonous voice, poverty of motor initiative, small trembling in the distal parts of one or another limb, sometimes not reaching sharp degrees, create, in general, a typical picture mild form parkinsonism. Complaints of such patients about periodic “rolling of the eyes” and salivation, behavioral features (tendency to molest) are extremely significant.

After examining the pupils, attention is drawn to the position eyeballs and their movements. Strabismus (converging or diverging) does not always indicate a lesion oculomotor nerves(III, IV, VI) and often turns out to be a congenital defect or is caused by visual anomalies. In the latter case, there is no double vision, while with paralysis of one of the oculomotor nerves, the patient complains of diplopia when looking towards the affected muscle.

When questioning the subject regarding double vision, one should be very careful. Leading questions are undesirable.

In particular, it must be borne in mind that in response to a directly posed question:“Is it not double vision”, we often get an affirmative answer in cases where there is no data for diplopia. Valuable is the independent statement of the patient about his existing double vision. when looking in a certain direction. Sometimes a detailed questioning about the nature of diplopia reveals that there are visual rather than oculomotor disorders.

We remind you of the technique used to distinguish true from hysterical diplopia. After declaring the presence of diplopia in a certain direction of gaze, one eye is covered with a palm, after which true diplopia naturally disappears. An accurate study of diplopia is performed by an ophthalmologist using colored glasses.

"Topical diagnosis of diseases nervous system”, A.V. Triumfov

Unilateral loss of tendon reflexes lower extremities(or one of them) indicates in most cases organic changes in the nervous system, peripheral or central. The non-uniformity of reflexes is also of this importance. Therefore, in the study of tendon reflexes, one should check not only the presence, but also their uniformity. The research technique must be impeccable so as not to get an erroneous difference in reflexes. Several…

Scheme of a short and quick study of the nervous system I. The subject approaches the doctor undressed to the waist, stands opposite him, facing the light source - examination of the external appearance. II. “Look into the distance or slightly up, do not close your eyes or blink” - an assessment of uniformity and correct form pupils, the study of reactions to light, first one, then the other pupil. III….

At the slightest suspicion of one or another deviation from the norm, the patient should undergo a detailed study in one direction or another, depending on the changes found. Of course, such reduced research requirements are not applicable in cases where the doctor has to approach the patient with the task of determining an accurate diagnosis. However, in practical outpatient work, does it take place in…

Excluding the issues of forensic medical examination, we will briefly dwell on the difficulties and general guidelines of the practically important examination of “health and working capacity”. On this path, we can meet diametrically opposite phenomena: the desire to convince the doctor of the presence of a non-existent disease state (or exaggerate the existing one) or, conversely, the desire to hide or downplay the existing painful phenomena. We only mention the possibility of aggravation, perseveration and...

The technique of studying the nervous system in all its complexity and consistency often turns out to be unfeasible in the conditions of practical medical work. The situation, possibilities and tasks of the study sometimes do not allow and do not require a clinically complete study of the nervous system. Working conditions often make it necessary to quickly inspect a number of persons in a limited time. Naturally, in the latter case, the study of the nervous ...

A person's physical appearance can tell an experienced clinician just about everything from physical to mental health.
Here are 25 unconditional, confirmed by medical practice manifestations of various diseases on the face:
Many transverse wrinkles on the forehead (accordion-shaped forehead), the manner of raising eyebrows as if in surprise - is typical for people prone to alcoholism.
A “bitter” fold between the eyebrows (especially in combination with tightly compressed lips) indicates that a person has been suffering from some kind of chronic pain syndrome for a long time.
Slightly protruding, shiny eyes that attract and drive you crazy are a sign of thyroid disease.
The yellowness of the sclera of the eyes indicates a diseased liver.
Long, curved, beautiful, fluffy eyelashes are a sign of a pulmonary patient or a person prone to pulmonary pathologies and asthma.
Bags, dark circles under the eyes - diseased kidneys or bladder.
Increased hair loss is a symptom of a serious decrease in immunity after or against the background of a serious illness.
Amimic, mask-like face, facial expressions do not correspond to ongoing events - a symptom of a severe mental illness, especially schizophrenia.

Wrinkled face even in a young man - endocrine disorders.
Red veins in the sclera - a signal nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue.
Elastic facial skin is a sign of health. And flabbiness speaks of premature aging of the skin. This happens in diseases of the metabolism and the gastrointestinal tract.
General puffiness of the face - a sick heart.
An earthy complexion, a “lowered” face is a sign of the development of a tumor disease.
Capillary mesh on the cheeks - a signal high blood pressure and prone to stroke - apoplexy type.
Light spotty pigmentation on a woman's face is a sign of pregnancy.
The appearance of yellowish-brown pigment spots on the face indicates a renal pathology.
Pink, red cheeks and at the same time bluish lips - mitral heart disease.
A bluish pallor of the face is a symptom of anemia or pulmonary pathology. Waxy pallor is a sign of tuberculosis.
Coquettishly ajar mouth is a sign of adenoids, sinusitis.
The lowered corners of the mouth and eyes are an external manifestation of depression.
The lower lip sinks, the volume of the upper lip becomes larger - a sign of oncology.
Dry lips with jams in the corners signal gastritis or a stomach ulcer.
Brittle hair - metabolic insufficiency, beriberi.
Fat, tow hanging hair is a sign of endocrine problems, diseases of the stomach and intestines.
Characteristic brown spots - "bear" skin - in the iris - a sign of a predisposition to oncology.
What will the skin, nails and face tell the doctor?
Oriental diagnostics is a special, very ancient medical art that has been formed over thousands of years. Today, reflexologist, specialist in Chinese and Tibetan medicine, Boris Gezentsvey, tells us about some ways to find out the state of human health.

Pulse diagnostics
This diagnosis, as they say, is within the reach of very few European specialists - Eastern medicine distinguishes as many as 27 types of pulse! Each deviation from the norm corresponds to some disease. The doctor also takes into account the patient's age, gender, constitutional features, emotional state, time of year, day, and much more.

For example, the pulse is faster than younger man. In women, the pulse beat is lighter and faster than in men. Muscular people of high stature have a slower and deeper pulse. Thin people usually have a superficial pulse, fat people have a deep-lying pulse.

By the way, men measure the pulse on right hand, women - on the left.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will be able to tell you what kind of music, the smell of aromas, the taste of food, and even the color scheme of clothes at the moment will give you a healing effect.

Nail diagnostics
The Chinese believe that each finger has a connection with a specific organ. Thumb is associated with the brain, the index finger with the lungs, the middle finger with the intestines, the ring finger with the kidneys, and the little finger with the heart. The nails on the fingers are a real mirror of the whole organism.

Nail color. Pale nails are with anemia, excessively pink - with hypertensive patients, bluish nails indicate heart disease, and yellowish - the liver. Stripes on the nail indicate diseases of the spleen and small intestine, and white specks on the nail plate - a lack of zinc or calcium.

Nail shape. At congenital diseases respiratory system the nail is flat and curved, and with diabetes- elongated, for diseases of the spine and spinal cord the nail is triangular in shape. Bitten nails mean neurosis, gastritis, helminthic invasion, sexual dysfunction in women.

Surface. A flat or concave nail indicates an iron deficiency. The wavy surface of the nails indicates a violation of the absorption of food and advanced diseases.

face diagnostics
It is believed that there are about 600 biologically active points on the face, and the state of health is immediately reflected in the facial features. So, the lips and tongue are the "mirror" of the digestive tract, the eyes - the liver, the ears - the kidneys and urination, the nose - the respiratory system.

Face colour. A yellowish skin tone gives out a chronic smoker and liver disease, a grayish one - heart disease, insomnia or oncology, a red face gives out hypertension. A change in the color of the nose and cheeks in the form of a butterfly indicates kidney disease or a violation of digestion and absorption of iron and folic acid.

Wrinkles. Between the eyebrows on the right side - the suppression of your emotions affects the liver. The same fold on the left - for problems with the spleen.

Cheek shape. People with a slow metabolism usually have plump cheeks, with an overly accelerated one - sluggish and sunken.

Odor diagnostics
The doctor listens to the smells from the patient: breath, sweat, pus, etc. Sometimes they pay attention to the smells of sputum, urine, feces.

For example, with a diabetic coma or anorexia, the patient smells of acetone from the mouth, with a uremic coma - urine, with an abscess or lung cancer breath smells of decay. Diagnosticians distinguish many odors and their nuances corresponding to various diseases.

Diagnostics by language
According to the theory Chinese medicine, the tongue is divided into four sections: tip, middle part, root and edges. Diseases of the heart and lungs are manifested at the tip of the tongue. In the middle part - diseases of the spleen and stomach. The root corresponds to the kidneys, and the edges to the liver and gallbladder.

The specialist carefully examines the patient's tongue and notes the color, moisture, surface, veins, condition of the papillae of the tongue and, on the basis of this, makes a diagnosis.

Urine diagnostics
In Tibetan medicine, it is believed that before midnight urine comes “from food”, and after midnight - “from illness”, and it is precisely this that the doctor examines early in the morning. Urine is examined three times: the first time - while it is hot, the second time - after the disappearance of steam, the third time - after cooling.

Urine healthy person has a not very intense smell, vapors come from the entire surface of the vessel with urine evenly, the precipitate also falls out evenly, foam and bubbles cover the entire surface of the vessel. After the disappearance of the vapor, the urine is transparent and has light yellow color. Each deviation from the norm indicates the presence of a particular pathology in the body.

More about self-diagnosis
About some, sometimes exotic, diagnostic methods human body coming from ancient times, says reflexologist, specialist in Chinese and Tibetan medicine Boris Gezentsvey

Sound diagnostics
Specialist pays Special attention the sound of breathing (the patient breathes often or rarely, easily or with difficulty, whether he has difficulty inhaling and exhaling air). If the patient coughs - determines if there is whistling and sputum gurgling. Hiccups, belching, rumbling in the stomach, a person’s voice and even his intonation indicate to a knowledgeable diagnostician certain “malfunctions” in the body.

Diagnostics of the lips and teeth
Teeth can also tell a lot about our health. It is believed that the incisors show the state of the stomach, the premolars - the intestines, the molars - the heart.

Eye diagnostics
Symptoms of ill health also affect the condition of our eyes. Everything matters - the condition of the eyelids, eyelashes, sclera, iris. Here is some of them.

Lower eyelids full and swollen indicate a violation of the kidneys. Hanging upper eyelid or frequent blinking - for chronic anxiety and depression. Brilliant and sensitive to light eyes are nearsighted people. Bulging eyes indicate problems with the thyroid gland.

If the conjunctiva of the eyes is pale, this indicates anemia, if yellow, it indicates liver disease. A small iris indicates joint weakness. The white circle around the iris speaks of an excess of salts in the body, if this ring stands out strongly - fragility and degeneration of the joints, arthritis. Brownish-dark dots on the iris indicate that the intestine does not absorb iron well.

Diagnosis in the abdomen
The abdomen is first examined from the outside, and then the deeper layers are probed. At the same time, attention is paid to the shape of the abdomen, skin condition, thickness abdominal wall, its mobility during breathing, tension and elasticity of muscles, their protective contractility, the noise of fluid movement, the presence of dense knots in abdominal cavity etc. Deviations from the norm can indicate many diseases internal organs and metabolic diseases. (Source: Komsomolskaya Pravda)

I recognize your pain by walking!
15 signs of various ailments that can be recognized by appearance human
There is such a thing - a picture of the disease. Many internal ailments are literally drawn on our appearance - sometimes with rough strokes, sometimes with subtle halftones. And the assessment of how a person looks, moves, what kind of gait, posture, manner of sitting and standing he has, in many ways helps the specialist to make the correct diagnosis, and then back it up with various studies.
Well, let's get started?

When walking, the shoulders are bent forward, as if protecting chest and the stomach, the head is slightly drawn in (like a ruffled sparrow), the manner of clasping hands in a lock on the stomach is a sign of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers.

When a person is standing or sitting, he often changes his position, fidgets - a sign of a back problem: osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia.

He walks as if on prostheses, trying to bend his knees as little as possible, takes small steps, he has to make efforts to sit down and especially stand up - problems with the joints: arthrosis, arthritis.

A person walks holding his head like a crystal vase, turns not his neck, but the whole body - cervical osteochondrosis. In combination with general pallor - severe headaches, migraines. If at the same time the head is tilted slightly to one side, we can talk about myositis - inflammation of the neck muscles.

A person is held excessively straight, bends over with his whole body, without bending his back - a sign of Bekhterev's disease.

An uncertain gait, as if a constant search for support, is characteristic of those who suffer from dizziness due to problems with pressure, vegetovascular dystonia.

A shuffling gait, along with lowered shoulders and head, is a symptom of deep depression.

Nervous, as if on hinges, gait, excessive gesticulation even during a calm conversation is a sign of neurosis, psychopathy.

Inhibition of movements, low mobility, stiffness of the hands are a sign of a serious mental disorder up to schizophrenia.

Even a barely noticeable trembling of the head speaks of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels or neurological problems (in young people this is often post-traumatic parkinsonism). Hand trembling speaks more of a vascular pathology.

It is easy to "calculate" a person who has had a microstroke by walking on one side and characteristic movements: the arm is pressed to the body, the leg is laid aside.

Cautious gait, fear of hurting something, hands pressed to the body - some kind of chronic pain syndrome.

A trembling gait, as if a person is stepping on hot coals, is a sign of gout or polyarthritis.

A person walks with legs apart, as if on stilts, sits mostly sideways - a sign of hemorrhoids.

Self-diagnosis of the body by language
How to learn about malfunctions in the spine, stomach, liver by the language and prevent them?

CURVATURE OF THE FOLD AT THE TIP OF THE TONGUE signals about cervical osteochondrosis. Most likely, this is the result of a sedentary lifestyle, long work with a computer or at a desk.

BEND OF THE FOLD IN THE MID OF THE LANGUAGE - lumbar osteochondrosis, professional drivers and people who spend a lot of time driving usually suffer from it. To avoid osteochondrosis, you need to regularly do a warm-up: a few squats, head rotation are simple but very useful exercises.

REDdening of the tip of the tongue - a sign of weak cardiac activity, starting coronary disease. About diseases pulmonary system can be judged by changes at the edges of the tongue, closer to the tip. Smokers most often suffer from heart and lung diseases, so such changes in the tongue are a serious reason to quit smoking.

YELLOW ON THE LANGUAGE AND PALATE speaks of liver diseases, chronic cholecystitis.

BY THE PLAQUE AT THE BASIS OF THE LANGUAGE, disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys are judged.

IMPRINTS OF TEETH ON THE LANGUAGE - a sign of dysbacteriosis, slagging of the body. In this case, it is worth changing the diet, eating less fatty and fried foods. To tidy up the body, you can take different infusions of herbs. For example, brew 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort with 1 cup of boiling water, leave warm for 30 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals for 2-3 weeks.

Trembling of the tongue - a manifestation of neurasthenic syndrome. Here the advice is this: try to improve the psychological situation at home, at work, change your lifestyle.

CRACKS IN THE LANGUAGE can talk about various blood diseases, endocrine system, kidney pathology. This is where it needs to be looked into the most seriously. A sign of failures in the body is a decrease in taste sensations. There are zones on the tongue that are responsible for the reaction to sweet, sour, salty, bitter. If a person ceases to feel any of these tastes, then we can talk about diseases of the nervous, endocrine systems.

Pimple on the forehead and self-diagnosis
It is believed that the zones of the face are a projection of the internal organs, and a pimple is a signal of a malfunction.

Forehead area - projection small intestine.
Whiskey - gallbladder.
Upper lip and cheeks - large intestine.
Corner mandible(from ear to chin) - genitourinary system.
Chin (lateral part) - gynecology.
The chin (central part) is a projection of the thyroid gland.
The wings of the nose and the transition to the cheeks - the pancreas.
But the pimple on the tip of the nose (according to signs) indicates that someone has fallen in love with you.

Our diseases are written on the face
When something is wrong with our health, we usually run to the doctor and start taking a bunch of all kinds of tests. Or, on the contrary, we go around the clinic as far as possible, without attaching importance to the malfunctions that appear in the body. Perhaps it will pass! But it turns out that at least a preliminary diagnosis can be made on your own, just by looking at your own reflection in the mirror. True, for this you need some special knowledge.

All this, in general, is not new. The great Aristotle was engaged in physiognomy or the science of the face. Some people have innate skills to quickly determine by the face what we have "behind the soul." We are surprised when a fortuneteller on the street quickly and almost accurately determines our emotional state, and sometimes even guesses the diseases that we suffer from. The main "hint" to her in this lesson is our own face. With the emotional state, everything is more or less clear. Representatives of a round, oblong, square, triangular and trapezoidal face have very specific character traits and this has been known since time immemorial. But how can diseases be diagnosed by facial features?
It turns out that diseases leave their indelible imprint on the face of the patient. At one time N.I. Pirogov even compiled an atlas "The face of the patient." He argued that almost every disease leaves its characteristic mark on a person's face. However, the facial diagnostic method has received particular distribution in the countries of the East (especially in China and Korea). No experienced doctor trained in Tibetan medicine will make a diagnosis without a thorough examination of the patient's face. Since then, many followers of physiognomy have appeared.
Let's start with the most common diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Facial features can, for example, predict myocardial infarction. The most reliable diagnostic sign a possible cardiac "catastrophe" is a violation of sensitivity, up to numbness of the skin zone between the chin and lower lip. If you rise higher from this zone, then the presence of a deep wrinkle between the lip and nose indicates a defect in the heart valve. Beginning heart failure is manifested on the face by periodic blue lips. If you notice this in yourself, this is a serious reason for contacting a doctor.
An important sign of increased stress on the heart and circulatory organs is a deep and elongated nasolabial fold on both sides. The narrow back of the nose testifies to the neurosis of the heart.
A red bumpy nose with streaks of blood vessels indicates a high level blood pressure. Low blood pressure is often manifested by a blue-red color of the nose.
The wings of the nose, which have a blue-red color, are reminiscent of heart disease, and pallor is a sign of circulatory disorders. auricles with a characteristic waxy tint.
An important diagnostic zone is whiskey. The curved temporal artery protruding under the skin with sharp contours, combined with periodic reddening of the face, indicate a frequent and sharp increase in blood pressure. These people are at high risk of a hypertensive crisis.
Cheeks can be one of the signs of heart problems. With a hollow left cheek, one can suspect heart disease. An indirect sign of early circulatory disorders at a young age is premature graying of the hair.
A short neck indicates a predisposition to heart disease. In addition to heart problems, for the owner of a short neck, the threat of early sclerosis of cerebral vessels is quite real.
Numerous so-called “cosmetic” imperfections on the face can also indicate serious health problems.
So, for example, bags under the eyes, as well as puffiness of the face as a whole, speak of possible problems with the kidneys or with the thyroid gland.
A whole complex of diseases can be “tell” by suddenly appearing and long-lasting dark circles under the eyes.
The most banal acne is generally a real “map” of diseases located on our face. Depending on their location, it is possible to diagnose both diseases of the reproductive system, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and endocrine systems, as well as many other disorders.
But that's not all! An experienced doctor can assess the patient's health even by the condition of his skin (its shade, degree of dryness, etc.).
But still, the person can most of all "calculate" diseases of the central nervous system. American researchers have recently developed a special program for this, capable of recognizing diseases and genetic syndromes. The computer, by analyzing the facial features of the patient, helps doctors with little experience in making a diagnosis. Using photographs of patients, the computer was trained to recognize such rare pathologies as Cornelia de Lange syndrome, fragile chromosome syndrome, and Williams-Beuren syndrome.
The new program represents the face in the form of a scheme of 48 points. By comparing the position of these points and the distance between them with information from the database, the computer recognizes pathologies.
The first attempts gave the correct diagnosis in 60% of cases. When the adjustments were made, and the program began to pay more attention to the eyes, nose, mouth and chin, the effectiveness increased to 76%. Previous works turned out to be less successful - insufficient attention was paid to assessing the parameters of the face in the aggregate.
It is very important that the new program allows you to make a preliminary diagnosis long before the appearance of others. clinical manifestations diseases. And this is very important in the case of genetic pathologies. After all, it is possible to carry out medical intervention in a timely manner, which will greatly facilitate the course of the patient's disease in the future.
By the way, German scientists conducted an independent examination of a new computer diagnostic method. “For identification”, the program was offered 55 photographs of people with various pathologies. An accurate diagnosis was made in 76% of cases.
The new program will help scientists find out what ailments the ancient Egyptians suffered from. To do this, several surviving drawings have recently been examined. They studied color portraits found in the oldest mummy burials, which are now kept in the British Museum in London and in the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. Many portraits depict people suffering from progressive facial hemiatrophy, a disease in which facial features are distorted.

Self-diagnosis: symptoms of diseases on the face
A bluish shadow in the inner corner of the eyes: the weak point of the body is the kidneys.

"Bags" under the eyes: maybe the urinary system is out of order.

The lower part of the face (with lips) signals the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The way the cheekbones and nose look depends on the gastrointestinal tract.

The area around the eyes signals diseases of the genitourinary system.

Dark circles under the eyes: it is quite possible that the liver is overloaded. But sometimes this can be the result of very thin skin through which capillaries shine through.

Peeling, especially near the nose, can have several causes

1. Sunburn is coming off.

2. In summer, skin type often changes and normal skin becomes dry and flaky.

3. In men - perhaps a prerequisite for psoriasis.

Early second chin, loose skin: problems with the endocrine system are likely.

Puffiness above the cheekbones: there may be a problem with lymphatic system gastrointestinal tract. In men, this can sometimes be a sign of frequent "libation". Eruptions on the temples: there is a possibility of problems with gallbladder.

Brown spots. Pigmentation often occurs due to ultraviolet radiation and will not go away on its own. Spots can only be removed by a dermatologist. In men, they can also talk about the presence of hormonal problems.

Small white dots. Metabolic disorders are possible, but more often they arise from poor cleansing of the skin and blockage of the sebaceous glands.

Red shapeless spots. Allergic reaction on food, cosmetics or clothing; sometimes appear in the background prolonged stress or after prolonged colds.

Yellowing. Almost always talks about problems with the liver and gallbladder - you need to urgently see a doctor.

Red vascular network. Most often this is a consequence of a sharp temperature drop, but sometimes it indicates a poor condition of the vessels throughout the body; watch your blood pressure!

Acne. At a young age, acne occurs due to the immaturity of the endocrine system, and at a more mature age (after 25 - 28 years) - due to poor skin cleansing. Men can get the infection while shaving.

White spots. Usually they do not appear on the face, but on the neck, chest, shoulders and are called vitiligo. Where this disease comes from and how it is treated, doctors do not yet know for sure, but most doctors consider vitiligo to be a manifestation of nervous strain.


Nose diagnostics
Is your nose far from perfect? Do not despair. If you believe Eastern medicine, then the owners of a neat little nose are not at all lucky, since this organ of theirs indicates possible problems with the heart.

Veins of blood vessels on the nose appear not only with heart disease, but also with high blood pressure.

The blue-red color of the nose often indicates low blood pressure.

If a network of blood vessels has appeared around the nose, blood circulation may deteriorate and the veins may become inflamed.

Thickening or blanching of the wings of the nose characterizes lung diseases.

The white tip of the nose signals a violation of blood circulation or a peptic ulcer.

Intermittent or persistent redness of the nose may indicate chronic disease stomach.

Bursting blood vessels on the skin near the nose indicate congestion in the body.

A transverse wrinkle on the bridge of the nose indicates a hypofunction of the thyroid gland, and a thickening of the tip of the nose indicates an expansion of the stomach.

Even slight swelling in the bridge of the nose can indicate inflammatory process in the nose, including the presence of polyps.

Eye diagnostics
If you carefully look into our "mirror of the soul", you can accurately recognize not only the mood and true intentions, but also signs of various problems in the body.

Yellowish sclera (whites) of the eyes "beep" about problems with the liver. If it occurs suddenly, combined with general icterus of the skin, fever and brown urine, it is almost 100% hepatitis A (jaundice). Urgently to the hospital!

If the eyes are yellow all the time, then the liver can not cope with the load. This happens when chronic inflammation liver and gallbladder, cirrhosis. It is necessary to pass blood tests - general and biochemistry, as well as liver tests.

Watery eyes at inflammatory diseases eyelids (blepharitis, conjunctivitis), with infection paranasal sinuses nose (sinusitis). Tearing from one eye and swelling of the area around it may be a sign of advanced pulpitis (inflammation of the soft tissues of the tooth).

Tight bags on the lower eyelids are a sign of heart failure or kidney problems.

Large and flabby bags with bluish streaks give out an avid drinker.

swollen upper eyelids may be one of external symptoms sclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Bulging eyes (bilateral exophthalmos) are a clear sign of problems with the thyroid gland, including the manifestation of Graves' disease.

If the eyeball protrudes on one side, it may be a sinus cyst or tumor formation.

Narrow pupils in normal light signal that a person is suffering from some kind of severe pain.

Constricted pupils are also characteristic of drug addicts who use opium derivatives.

Multi-colored eyes (for example, one blue, the other brown) is a congenital pigmentation disorder. This is just a piquant feature that does not affect vision.

Both pupils are evenly wide in some forms of myopia. Such a reaction is possible with a hypertensive crisis.

Very wide pupils, almost unresponsive to light, are typical of atropine-based drugs.

Eye twitching - nervous tick- a sign of developing neurosis.

It can also talk about neuralgia of the facial nerves.

Unilateral tics are common in migraines.

Eyelashes can tell something about health. For example, very long and fluffy ones speak of an innate tendency to bronchopulmonary diseases, including tuberculosis and bronchial asthma.

Eyelash loss signals a general decrease in immunity and a lack of B vitamins.

If the eyes turn red and tears begin to flow into three streams, as soon as a person smells a flower or strokes a cat, then we can safely talk about an allergic reaction.

The lowered corners of the eyes are a sign of prolonged depression.

Frequent blinking is a symptom of neurosis (this is especially common in children).

An unblinking gaze, as if directed through the interlocutor, is a hallmark of a serious neuropsychiatric disorder associated with apathy and "withdrawal into oneself."

Redness of the eyeballs, coupled with inflamed eyelids, betray a person suffering from chronic insomnia.

Vessels in the eyes burst with overexertion eye muscles as well as changes in intracranial pressure.