Eye drops for children 2 years old. Review of children's eye drops: preparations for the eyes of newborns and older children

Inflammation of the eyes in a child is a rather unpleasant and frequent occurrence. Young children explore the world through tactile sensations, touching everything with their hands, and therefore children are more prone to eye diseases and infections. To recognize conjunctivitis, you need to remember a few basic symptoms. With inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis), the child develops tearing, swelling, itching, burning and pain in the eyes, sometimes these unpleasant symptoms are accompanied by purulent discharge and dry skin around the eyes. The child may have pus from the eye throughout the day.

Any parent wants to quickly save their child from the discomfort and pain that has arisen. However, it is by no means possible to prescribe eye drops for conjunctivitis to children on their own. It is better to entrust the responsible choice to a specialist, especially when treating a small child. At the first symptoms of conjunctivitis, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe the correct individual treatment. The eye is a very complex organ, it is not worth self-medicating and risking the child's vision in any case.

Types of conjunctivitis

The doctor will select the appropriate eye drops depending on the cause of the conjunctivitis. Specialists distinguish several types of conjunctivitis:

  • Viral conjunctivitis is caused by various types of viruses.
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by bacteria of the class of staphylococci, streptococci, etc. The inflammatory process occurs when bacteria begin to actively multiply.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis occurs with allergic reactions, often at the same time as a runny nose, asthma attacks caused by allergies to pollen, drugs, pet dander, chemicals, etc.

Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis can be contagious to others.

If the doctor prescribed eye drops, and you do not know anything about them, do not despair. Let's try together to understand the types, purpose, application and instructions for eye drops in more detail.

Eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis

In cases where children have conjunctivitis of bacterial origin, the following types are prescribed eye drops containing antibiotics:

    Tobrex contain a solution of the local antibiotic tobramycin in a ratio of 0.3%. The cost of the drug ranges from 200-250 rubles. Suitable for the treatment of newborns. Eye drops Tobrex do not sting a child's eyes and have received numerous positive reviews from parents. Allergic reactions to the drug are possible. Tobrex drops are prescribed for the treatment of external eye infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria sensitive to tobramycin.
  • Eye drops Levomycetin- a well-known drug for the treatment of conjunctivitis. Contain in their composition 0.25 percentage solution chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum local antibiotic. May cause allergic reactions. Levomycetin drops for topical use have an anti-inflammatory antibacterial effect. The cost of drops in pharmacies is 20-30 rubles. Side effects of Levomycetin eye drops for children can be nausea, diarrhea, dermatitis, and allergies. The drug is prescribed for children older than 4 months.
  • Drops Tsipromed. They can also be used for viral infections of the eyes. Contain in the composition of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin in a ratio of 0.3%. They cost about 160-200 rubles.
  • Albucid - the most famous eye drops against conjunctivitis. The drops contain the antibiotic sulfacetamide. In terms of cost, they are the cheapest. Their price ranges from 15 to 27 rubles.
  • Drops Phloxal with bactericidal action. Suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis in children from the first days of life. Floksal can not be stored for more than 6 weeks in the open. They belong to the high price category - from 280 to 350 rubles. The composition contains the antibiotic ofloxacin (0.3%).
  • Oftaquix- eye drops for conjunctivitis. They are a 0.3% solution of levofloxacin. Drops from the category of expensive ones in terms of cost - the price in pharmacies is about 430-480 rubles.
  • Drops Normax contain the antibiotic norfloxacin, the cost ranges from 100 to 150 rubles.

Drops from viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis in children is treated with the following drugs:

  • Oftalmoferon- contains in its composition diphenhydramine and leukocyte interferon. Drops have proven themselves as highly effective drug in the fight against viruses. From the category of expensive ones, they cost from 300 to 370 rubles.
  • Drops Aktipol, the composition contains para-aminobenzoic acid in a 0.07% solution. They cost about 150-170 rubles.
  • Drops Poludan contain polyriboadenylic acid. They cost about 150 rubles.

Drops from allergic conjunctivitis

Eye drops for children for conjunctivitis caused by allergic reactions:

  • Allergodil- contain azelastine and vasoconstrictor drugs. They reduce the reaction to the allergen and have a quick effect after 10-15 minutes. The instructions have age limit on application - are appointed after the child reaches 4 years of age. They cost 330-350 rubles.
  • Lecrolin- drops with cromoglycic acid, the price is about 150 rubles.
  • Drops Cromaohexal, contain disodium salt (cromoglycic acid), are highly effective. They are prescribed for the treatment of chronic conjunctivitis in children. They have a short shelf life in an open bottle. They cost about 150-200 rubles.
  • Drops Opatanol with loratadine from the category of expensive drugs, cost 400-450 rubles.

Be sure to read the instructions before use. There are a few general recommendations, which are suitable for most drugs for the treatment of conjunctivitis. If the bottle is not equipped with a special neck with a dispenser for instillation, then the drops should be collected with a clean pipette, after washing your hands. Eye drops for conjunctivitis in children should be instilled into the inner corner of the eye under the lower eyelid, without touching the eye with the tip of the bottle or pipette. After instillation, the child should be allowed to blink so that the medicine is distributed evenly. Repeat instillation is necessary 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

  • Eye diseases in children
  • Varieties of eye drops

Inflammatory processes in the eyes of a child occur quite often. In this case, eye drops for children are needed, the choice of which each mother should approach with special responsibility. Often the occurrence of inflammation and infection of the eyes in children is explained by their way of knowing the world. After touching something dirty, the child can then rub his eyes with his hands. In this case, the infection enters the mucous membrane of the eye and causes inflammation.

Eye diseases in children

Most often, children develop conjunctivitis. This disease has its characteristic symptoms. Among them it is worth noting:

  • tearing;
  • edema;
  • soreness;
  • burning.

The main symptoms may be accompanied by drying of the skin around the eyes and purulent discharge from the eyes. Pus can be released throughout the day. Every parent wants to save the baby from such discomfort as soon as possible. Eye drops prescribed by a doctor can help with this. Self-medication and prescribing medications on your own is categorically not recommended.

This can backfire and cause complications. The eye is a complex system human body. Incorrect treatment of the infection can lead to deterioration of vision or its complete loss. Treatment is prescribed by an ophthalmologist on an individual basis. Only in this case, the vision and general health of the baby will not be at risk.

Eye drops for children can be bought at any pharmacy. Such drugs are sold at a reasonable price. One or another drug will be suitable depending on the reasons that caused the disease. Inflammatory processes can be caused by the following reasons:

  • viral infection causes viral conjunctivitis;
  • streptococci, staphylococci and other types of bacteria cause bacterial conjunctivitis, in which the inflammatory process begins due to the active reproduction of bacteria;
  • if the disease is accompanied by a runny nose, then allergic conjunctivitis is possible.
  • the disease caused by the first two causes can be contagious.

Parents whose children have been prescribed eye drops should not worry too much. Studying the characteristics of drugs various kinds, you can be sure of their harmlessness to the health of babies.

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If the child has bacterial conjunctivitis, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. As a rule, one of the following drugs is prescribed:

  1. Tobrex. Active substance drugs - tobramycin. It is an antibiotic that acts locally. Its concentration is 0.3%. Eye drops for newborns are also quite suitable. The tool does not cause burning, so the instillation procedure does not cause anxiety in babies. This drug is prescribed for external eye infections caused by bacteria that are sensitive to the active substance.
  2. Levomycetin. A very popular drug for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the eyes in young patients. Its active ingredient is chloramphenicol. Its content in the medicine is 0.25%. This local antibiotic has a fairly wide spectrum of action. Medicine has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. May cause allergic reactions, so use with caution. You can use the drug only from 4 months. It can cause side effects: dermatitis, diarrhea, nausea.
  3. Tsipromed. This is a solution of ciprofloxacin 0.3%. This antibiotic has an antibacterial and antiviral effect.
  4. Albucid. This is the most a budget option. The active substance is sulfacetamide.
  5. Phloxal. Can be used from birth. It has a bactericidal effect. It contains ofloxacin 0.3%.
  6. Oftalmoferon. Highly effective remedy with viral conjunctivitis. It contains diphenhydramine and interferon.
  7. Aktipol. The active substance of this drug is para-aminobenzoic acid. Its concentration in drops is 0.07%.
  8. Poludan. A drug containing polyriboadenylic acid.
  9. Kromoheksal. A very effective drug for allergic reactions that cause eye inflammation. Often prescribed for the treatment of chronic conjunctivitis.
  10. Allergodil. As part of the drug vasoconstrictor substances and azelastine. The effect after application occurs after 10-15 minutes, you can use it only after 4 years.

Whatever drug is prescribed by an ophthalmologist, you must carefully read the instructions.

Only in this case, parents can be sure of the safety of the drug. Any drops must be instilled with clean hands. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts 1-2 weeks. You need to instill 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.


Antiallergic eye drops for children

Hello dear readers. Today we are discussing such an allergy remedy for children as eye drops.

In what cases and for what symptoms they are prescribed, what types of drops from childhood allergies exist, what effect they give, what are the restrictions on the use of eye drops by age.

Eye drops for children's allergies

The body of a child reacts to all drugs more acutely than the body of an adult. Therefore, experts recommend using special eye drops that differ in vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory or antihistamine action to reduce the likelihood of complications and facilitate the course of allergies.

It is important to remember that for any allergic symptoms, parents should not buy medicine at the pharmacy on their own, but immediately show the child to the doctor.

Only he, on the basis of diagnostic information, will prescribe the correct drug, select the desired dosage of eye drops, and calculate the duration of the therapeutic course.

Allergist prescriptions depend on the age of the child. Doctors usually prescribe drugs of the latest third generation, which have much fewer side effects (or almost none at all) than first and second generation antihistamine eye drops.

Third generation drugs are called metabolites.

The use of eye drops gives a quick result, safety (the risk of side effects is minimal).

What eye drops can an allergist prescribe

Antiallergic eye drops for children are used to relieve the inflammatory process, itching, redness, swelling in the eye sockets and eyelids, as well as lacrimation.

Parents should remember that for babies who are not yet one month old, doctors do not recommend antihistamines.

Antiallergic eye drops relieve allergy symptoms in children, that is, they act as an auxiliary treatment method.

Eye drops are produced different types: some relieve inflammation, others constrict blood vessels, others block histamine release.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are either corticosteroid (hormonal) or nonsteroidal. A doctor may prescribe hormonal eye drops for severe allergies in a child after they are seven years old.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed by a specialist only when treatment with other drugs does not work.

  • Vasoconstrictive eye drops will relieve swelling, remove redness of the eyes, and reduce allergic symptoms. The most commonly prescribed vasoconstrictor drops include Okumetil and Vizin.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs that block the release of histamine quickly stop the symptoms of allergies. The most popular eye drops are Lekrolin, Opatanol.
  • Hormonal drugs are very effective, quickly eliminate allergic reactions. Until the age of seven, children are usually not assigned. After the child is seven years old, the allergist may prescribe Lotoprednol or Dexamethasone if necessary.

So, the most commonly prescribed eye drops for children's allergies:

  • Kromoglin and Hi-krom the doctor will prescribe after the child is one month old. Drip one drop four times a day.
  • Zodak eye drops are used in children after a year. The tool perfectly copes with the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Cromohexal is taken after two years. The drug, which is highly effective, contains disodium salt. The drug is often used if allergic conjunctivitis has passed into the chronic phase.
  • Okumetil, related to combined preparations with antiseptic and antiallergic effects, is used for children from two years of age. One drop in each eye is instilled every three to four hours.
  • Opatanol relieves inflammation, blocks the excessive production of histamine. It is used for children who are three years old.
  • Vizin (a drug that narrows blood vessels) is used from the age of four. The medicine has a good effect on edema, reduces lacrimation. The duration of action is four to eight hours.
  • Lekrolin, including cromoglycic acid, perfectly treats allergic conjunctivitis, stops histamine release, as well as overproduction of other substances that provoke allergic reactions. It can be used after the child is four years old.
  • Allergodil is used for children after six years. It blocks the excessive production of histamine. Usually apply one drop every three to four hours. The composition of the drug contains azelastine and vasoconstrictor ingredients.
  • Lotoprednol is used after 7 years. Hormonal drug quickly eliminates allergic manifestations.
  • Dexamethasone drip after seven years. These are hormonal eye drops that effectively cope with the signs of allergies.

The number of types of eye drops increases from year to year. To be sure that the remedy will help the child, the recommendations and supervision of a specialist are necessary.

Only the doctor will select the right medicine, accurately calculate the doses, the frequency of administration, and the duration of the course of treatment.

Rules for the use of eye drops for allergies in children

Doses, frequency of use, duration of the treatment course are calculated by the doctor, based on the degree of illness and the age of the child.

Before instillation, eye drops should be warmed to room temperature (dipped in warm water for a minute). After the bottle with drops is opened, it is supposed to be stored no longer than four weeks in the refrigerator.

If the medicine bottle is produced without a dispenser, you need to use a pipette. For instillation, the inner corner of the eye is best suited.

After the procedure, the child needs to blink, while the drops are distributed evenly.

  • Antiallergic eye drops for children under 1 year old will be selected very carefully by a specialist. Usually it is Cromoglin and Hi-krom.
  • Antiallergic eye drops for children under 3 years old: Kromosol, Kromoheksal, Zodak, Okumetil.
  • After three years it is possible to use Opatanol.
  • After the age of four, Lekrolin, Vizin are used.
  • For six-year-olds and older children, Allergodil is often used.
  • After the child is seven, it is allowed in severe cases to use hormonal eye preparations(only by appointment of a specialist). As a rule, the doctor prescribes Dexamethasone or Lotoprednol. The duration of the course of treatment is approximately one week, hormonal agents for children are prescribed only in the most acute cases.

Important to remember

  1. Antiallergic eye drops relieve signs of allergy and are a method of auxiliary treatment.
  2. Appointments of an allergist are determined by the severity of the disease and the age of the child. Doctors, as a rule, prescribe drugs for children of the newest third generation, which are distinguished by a minimum of side effects.
  3. A specialist can prescribe hormonal eye drops only in the most severe cases and after the child is seven years old.

See you in the next article!


Eye drops for children

Eye diseases in childhood meet quite often. This is due to the fact that the baby constantly touches his eyes with his hands and thus can bring an infection into them.

Already in the maternity hospital, many pediatricians prescribe antiviral eye drops for children to newborns in order to prevent ophthalmic diseases. Some babies may have a congenital anomaly in the development of the eye - dacryocystitis (obstruction of the lacrimal canal).

Treatment of eye diseases in a child

The most popular anti-inflammatory eye drops for children:

1. Atropine. It can be instilled only under the supervision of a doctor, since it greatly relaxes the muscles of the child's eye, leading to temporary paralysis of the accommodation of the human eye. The drug is not prescribed to a child under seven years of age.

2. Tobrex. Antibacterial drops have gained confidence among pediatric ophthalmologists due to a wide range of effects. They can be prescribed even to newborns, which indicates that the components included in its composition are absolutely safe and do not cause severe adverse reactions.

3. Levomycetin in drops is prescribed to a child, starting from 4 months of age. But the doctor may decide to apply this antihistamine and for treating a child under four months of age. However, one should strictly follow his recommendations and strictly observe the dosage, since if the dose of chloramphenicol is exceeded in a child, the production of protein in the body decreases, which can be dangerous for him.

4. Albucid (sulfacyl sodium) is the most popular antibacterial drug that can be prescribed even to newborns for the treatment of eye diseases such as blenorrhea, blepharitis. This antibiotic prevents the reproduction of dangerous microorganisms in the mucous membrane of the eye. However, it can cause a number of side effects:

  • swelling of the eye;
  • redness skin around the baby's eye.

It is forbidden to use albucid in conjunction with other drugs, which include silver ions.

5. Phloxal. Antibacterial eye drops for children can cure conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye). They can be prescribed to a child from the first days of life. The antibiotic is an effective drug for the treatment of both viral and bacterial conjunctivitis. He is able to provide therapeutic effect for a long time.

6. Synthomycin eye drops are an effective broad-spectrum antibiotic that also helps children with conjunctivitis. However, they cannot be used to treat eye diseases in newborns.

When should eye drops be used?

Parents should constantly monitor the health of their child and inspect him externally in order to notice signs of various diseases in time. So, it is necessary to examine the eyes of a small child. If he has at least one of the following signs, then this will be the reason for a visit to a pediatric ophthalmologist:

  • the presence of pus;
  • increased tearing;
  • complaints of pain in the eye socket;
  • foreign body in the eye;
  • clouding of the lens of the eye;
  • dilated vessels are visible.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer a wide range of medicines for the treatment of eye diseases. Eye drops for children, for the most part, can be used from birth, have a long healing effect and rarely called adverse reactions. However, it is worth remembering that not all eye drops can be used to treat a child from the first days of life.

Modern pharmacology cannot boast of such a category as purely children's eye drops. Rather, this is an omission of the leading pharmaceutical companies, because such drugs are simply necessary for modern pediatrics. To date, the same medicines are mainly used for children as for adults with the only caveat: dosage required drug should be selected according to the age and body weight of the child.

Fucitalmic is a drug with antibacterial properties, created on the basis of a lesser-known antibiotic with a polycyclic structure - fusidic acid, also related to pharmacological group fusidine antimicrobial compounds. This substance does not have such a wide spectrum of activity as other known antibacterial drugs, but it is effective against pathogens that are sensitive to it.

Spersallerg is an antiallergic drug for topical use in ophthalmology. Its effectiveness is due to a combination of different mechanisms of action due to the combination of two components - a type 1 histamine receptor antagonist (antazolin) and an alpha-adrenergic receptor agonist (thiazoline). Thus, the drug has anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive and anti-allergic effects, due to which it is widely used in acute atopic and spring conjunctivitis and hay fever.

Sulfacyl sodium - antimicrobial drug, also known under the brand name "Albucid", used for complex therapy infectious and inflammatory diseases of the eyes and adnexa: blepharitis, conjunctivitis (including chlamydial etiology), keratitis and corneal ulcers, as well as gonococcal eye infections. It should be noted that due to the irrational use and availability of antibiotics, the spectrum of microorganisms sensitive to this drug is narrowing, which requires monitoring of its effectiveness during the course of treatment.

Natural tear is an ophthalmic preparation analogous to the natural lacrimal fluid of the human eye, used for the complex relief of symptoms of irritation and dryness of the cornea due to exposure to adverse environmental factors (air-conditioned or polluted air, cigarette smoke, dust, chlorinated water, decorative cosmetics), improper wearing or storage contact lenses, prolonged eye strain, non-compliance with the regimen of vision or other reasons that led to the development of dry eye syndrome and corneal syndrome.

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Needless to say, eye drops for this category of patients should only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Since without an appropriate examination it is difficult to make not only the choice of the drug depending on the complaints, but also to calculate its required dosage, which will benefit and not harm the small organism. Unfortunately, not all parents follow this advice. And when the child is observed purulent discharge from their eyes, they immediately run to the pharmacy for popular antibacterial drops.

Doctors for infants in case of such a problem recommend doing massage in the area of ​​the nasolacrimal canal. This is due to the fact that they still have a septum that was supposed to break through during childbirth, a disease called dacryocystitis. Drops in such a situation will not help in any way, they will only relieve inflammation for a short time. If massage does not help, you will have to seek help from doctors who will clean the channel.

The appointment of any drugs for children under three years of age should be carried out only by a qualified specialist.

Date: 03.03.2016

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Inflammatory processes in the eyes of a child occur quite often. In this case, eye drops for children are needed, the choice of which each mother should approach with special responsibility. Often the occurrence of inflammation and infection of the eyes in children is explained by their way of knowing the world. After touching something dirty, the child can then rub his eyes with his hands. In this case, the infection enters the mucous membrane of the eye and causes inflammation.

Eye diseases in children

Most often, children develop conjunctivitis. This disease has its own characteristic symptoms. Among them it is worth noting:

  • tearing;
  • edema;
  • soreness;
  • burning.

The main symptoms may be accompanied by drying of the skin around the eyes and purulent discharge from the eyes. Pus can be released throughout the day. Every parent wants to save the baby from such discomfort as soon as possible. Eye drops prescribed by a doctor can help with this. Self-medication and prescribing medications on your own is categorically not recommended.

This can backfire and cause complications. The eye is a complex system in the human body. Incorrect treatment of the infection can lead to deterioration of vision or its complete loss. Treatment is prescribed by an ophthalmologist on an individual basis. Only in this case, the vision and general health of the baby will not be at risk.

Eye drops for children can be bought at any pharmacy. Such drugs are sold at a reasonable price. One or another drug will be suitable depending on the reasons that caused the disease. Inflammatory processes can be caused by the following reasons:

  • a viral infection causes viral conjunctivitis;
  • streptococci, staphylococci and other types of bacteria cause bacterial conjunctivitis, in which the inflammatory process begins due to the active reproduction of bacteria;
  • if the disease is accompanied by a runny nose, then it is possible.
  • the disease caused by the first two causes can be contagious.

Parents whose children have been prescribed eye drops should not worry too much. Having studied the features of various types of medications, you can be sure of their harmlessness to the health of babies.

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Varieties of eye drops

If the child has bacterial conjunctivitis, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. As a rule, one of the following drugs is prescribed:

  1. Tobrex. The active substance of the drug is tobramycin. It is an antibiotic that acts locally. Its concentration is 0.3%. Eye drops for newborns are also quite suitable. The tool does not cause burning, so the instillation procedure does not cause anxiety in babies. This drug is prescribed when external symptoms occur, which are caused by bacteria that are sensitive to the active substance.
  2. Levomycetin. A very popular drug for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the eyes in young patients. Its active ingredient is chloramphenicol. Its content in the drug is 0.25%. This local antibiotic has a fairly wide spectrum of action. The drug has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. May cause allergic reactions, so use with caution. You can use the drug only from 4 months. It can cause side effects: dermatitis, diarrhea, nausea.
  3. Tsipromed. This is a solution of ciprofloxacin 0.3%. This antibiotic has an antibacterial and antiviral effect.
  4. Albucid. This is the most budget option. The active substance is sulfacetamide.
  5. Phloxal. Can be used from birth. It has a bactericidal effect. It contains ofloxacin 0.3%.
  6. Oftalmoferon. Very effective remedy for viral conjunctivitis. It contains diphenhydramine and interferon.
  7. Aktipol. The active substance of this drug is para-aminobenzoic acid. Its concentration in drops is 0.07%.
  8. Poludan. A drug containing polyriboadenylic acid.
  9. Kromoheksal. A very effective drug for allergic reactions that cause eye inflammation. Often prescribed for the treatment of chronic conjunctivitis.
  10. Allergodil. As part of the drug vasoconstrictor substances and azelastine. The effect after application occurs after 10-15 minutes, you can use it only after 4 years.

All ophthalmic preparations are manufactured according to certain requirements. Eye drops for children must meet a number of conditions - be sterile, do not contain impurities and toxic substances, have a concentration that meets the standards.

Only a doctor who has examined the child and collected a thorough history can prescribe effective eye drops for children.

Learn also how to treat with drops, from the article of an ophthalmologist.

A detailed description by a specialist of how safe and without any problems for mother and child.

Eye drops containing antibiotics

Most antibacterial eye drops are prohibited from being used in the fight against the infectious process that occurs in children. Microorganisms with improper and inappropriate use of antibacterial drops tend to mutate, which, against the background of inhibition of the own microflora of the eye, allows new strains to arise, and this leads to the development of a chronic sluggish disease.

Allergic reactions can also be provoked by the use of sufficiently strong drugs in excess doses. An undesirable effect is and, despite topical application side effects of drugs.

Before using even absolutely safe eye drops, you should be examined by a doctor.

Sulfacyl sodium eye drops (Albucid)

It is used for inflammatory diseases caused by staphylococcal, streptococcal, gonococcal and chlamydial flora in children.

Albucid is instilled into the eyes of a child with bacterial conjunctivitis, as well as with bacterial and traumatic keratitis. This tool can be used from birth.

If you put drops in your eyes, almost immediately there is a burning sensation, which passes quickly enough.

The mode of instillation may vary. In severe cases, albucid is instilled often, almost hourly, or 1 time every 2 hours for 10 days.

Eye drops, the antibacterial effect of which is possible due to the main component - tobramycin (macrolide).

Tobrex eye drops are used for newborns from the first hours, carrying out the prevention of gonococcal infection. In this case, 1 drop of the drug is dripped once into each eye.

The multiplicity of reception, as well as the replacement of the drug, is controlled by an ophthalmologist.

Levomycetin - 0.25% eye drops

Levomycetin drops are a successful combination that combines both chloramphenicol and orthoboric acid.

Instructions for use of the drug indicate that these drops can be instilled in a child only when they reach the age of 2 years.

In newborns, levomycetin can be used only in cases where there are no alternative options, when this is the only chance to preserve the organ of vision and visual functions.

Levomycetin is instilled drop by drop into the inflamed eye every 3-4 hours for 14 days. Features of the reception should be discussed with an ophthalmologist in order to control the occurrence of side effects.

Levomycetin has side effects, manifested by hematopoietic disorders (leukopenia, aplastic anemia), allergic reactions. In case of an overdose, a violation of the kidneys is noted.

Levomycetin is not a harmless drug, do not start using it yourself. Before use, consult an ophthalmologist.

Mostly in children, they are used for running inflammatory processes bacterial or severe infection. Tsiprolet is allowed to be used by children older than 1 year. It is necessary to adhere to the regimen of application: drop by drop into the affected eye up to 6 times a day for 10 days.

Ciprolet should be used after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Early discontinuation leads to the formation of special bacteria that are resistant to drugs of this series. As a result, the process becomes chronic.

Ciprolet is not used for diseases of viral etiology that are not complicated by a bacterial component, since the condition may be aggravated due to inhibition of the eye's own microflora and infection.

Tsiprolet contains components that may develop allergic manifestations.

A drug that has an antiseptic effect, allowing it to be considered both as antiviral drops and as a weak antibacterial and antifungal agent.

Due to its ability to act on the bacterial, viral and fungal nature, Vitabact must be used in severe cases in combination with powerful antibacterial drugs.

Remember that the drug has a weak antimicrobial effect compared to antibacterial drugs, so its use as the main tool for purulent processes may have undesirable consequences.

Vitabact is used drop by drop every 2 hours for 14 days under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

Vitabact has a number side effects caused mainly by allergies to components. Before instillation, Vitabact should be slightly warmed in the hand so that the bottle and its contents acquire body temperature.

Allergy eye drops for children

The use of anti-allergic eye drops is only a symptomatic method of treatment and can only be used as a method of adjuvant therapy.

Adult eye drops for allergies for children are practically not used. Most drops contain substances that can harm the child's body. For example, drops containing steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances are often used in adults.

Vasoconstrictor drops can reduce swelling by constricting blood vessels. They also act, used for a cold. Shown for use by children who are 3 years old, since the droplets are absorbed well enough and can cause narrowing of larger vessels, which leads to the development of collaptoid conditions and fainting.

Eye drops for allergies, the use of which is allowed in childhood

1. Allergodil- a drug that allows you to cope with allergic conjunctivitis in children 4 years of age and older. Its action is aimed at blockade of H-1 histamine receptors. The recommended regimen is to use the drug drop by drop every 3 to 4 hours. The duration of use is controlled by an ophthalmologist.

2. Okumetilcombination drug, which has antiseptic, anti-allergic properties. The use is allowed for children two years of age and older. Buried drop by drop every 3-4 hours.

If you suspect that allergic manifestations are associated with the use of eye drops, then put each of the drugs in the eyes at an interval of 30 minutes. The appearance of increasing lacrimation, redness, itching indicates allergic manifestations. Stop using the drops. To change the drug, contact the doctor who prescribed the treatment.

Remember that before using anti-allergic drops, you should consult an ophthalmologist and an allergist for a full course of therapy to stabilize the condition and achieve stable remission.