Emergency care algorithm for symptoms of renal colic. First aid algorithm for symptoms of renal colic Nursing care for an attack of renal colic

The main manifestation of renal colic is sharp pain.

This symptom ranks second in frequency of manifestation after appendicitis.

Cramping pains are manifested as a result of stretching of the renal pelvis through urine, which has accumulated due to obstructed outflow. The renal pelvis overflows, there is an increase in intrapelvic pressure. Appears:

  • stretching of the renal capsule;
  • venous stasis;
  • swelling of the interstitial tissue of the kidney;
  • renal ischemia.

Reasons for development

The following causes affect the manifestation of an attack of renal colic:

  • development of pyelonephritis in acute, chronic form;
  • development over a long period of time urolithiasis;
  • manifestation of various forms of nephroptosis;
  • manifestation of violations mineral metabolism organism;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • the appearance, development of tumor neoplasms in the kidney area;
  • dysfunction of the prostate gland in men.
  • In almost 40%, specialists cannot accurately determine the cause of the development of an attack of renal colic. The most common cause is an old urolithiasis, in which there is a blockage of the lumen of a thin ureter by a stone.

    A symptom such as renal colic signals the progression of a dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment. Among such diseases may be tumors (cancerous, benign).


    An attack of renal colic most often occurs during physical exertion. Although chats are cases of acute pains that begin at rest. Attacks can be protracted, periods of remission appear periodically.

    Despite the fact that renal colic itself is considered a symptom of diseases progressing in the body, it also has its own symptoms. An attack of renal colic usually appears suddenly when a person feels normal. This condition is accompanied by the manifestation of acute painful sensations.

    The main symptom of renal colic is the appearance of a sharp, severe pain concentrated in the region of the lower parts of the vertebra. Pain in renal colic can be pulsating in nature. Pain with colic begins in the lumbar region, then spreads to the abdomen, hypochondrium, scrotum in men, thighs, labia in women, and the bladder.

    With the progression of renal colic in men, women, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, which is then accompanied by pain in the urethra, which is of a cutting nature. With renal colic, irritation of the peritoneum, solar plexus is noted.

    In some cases, the patient may increase arterial pressure, temperature.

    When changing position due to severe pain, pain shock may occur. Also, with an attack of renal colic, the following symptoms appear, which are characteristic of intoxication of the body:

    • tremor of the limbs (lower, upper);
    • nausea;
    • bouts of severe vomiting;
    • disturbance of consciousness;
    • general weakness.

    An attack of renal colic can cause intestinal paresis. It is manifested by the presence of the following symptoms:

    Similar clinical picture may have diseases internal organs, which are located next to the kidney.

    First aid

    In the event of sudden attacks of renal colic, it is necessary to consult a specialist for advice, diagnostics, and the choice of a course of treatment. When diagnosing renal colic, it may be confused with intestinal obstruction because of the clinical picture. Doctors prescribe treatment after performing a series of diagnostic measures.

    To provide medical assistance with an attack of renal colic, it is necessary to verify the accuracy of the diagnosis. The algorithm of actions for renal colic is very simple. All that needs to be done before providing qualified medical care is to provide heat to the patient (cannot be done with elevated temperature person).

    At normal body temperature, effective tool taking a hot bath is considered. The main condition is to take it while sitting. This treatment is prohibited for older people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, a heart attack, a stroke. In this case, the patient is recommended to warm up with mustard plasters.

    If a person has an attack of renal colic, which is not accompanied by the development of acute pyelonephritis, medical assistance can be provided to him. is to relieve pain by providing the following medical actions:

    1. The patient needs to be given as much rest as possible.
    2. You can administer antispasmodic, analgesic drugs to the patient to eliminate spasms. Also, these funds help to restore the full output of urine. Medical workers recommend thermal procedures that warm the lower back, stomach.
    3. If within 10-15 minutes the desired effect of warming and taking medical preparations is not observed, the patient is prescribed the introduction of narcotic painkillers.
    4. Remember to do thermal procedures, injections narcotic analgesics allowed if the patient does not have any surgical pathology bodies abdominal cavity.
    5. If thermal procedures, the use of medical preparations did not bring relief, emergency hospitalization should be taken care of. The patient is hospitalized in case of an attack of renal colic in the surgical, urological department of the medical institution where the patient is being treated. Specialists will perform an urgent ureteral catheterization without fail. If necessary, the patient will undergo puncture nephrostomy, surgical treatment.
    6. In severe renal colic, complicated by pyelonephritis (its acute form), urgent hospitalization is necessary. Inpatient treatment is considered a necessity in such a case. In a severe form of renal colic, the provision of medical care falls on the shoulders of specialists. It is not recommended to perform any of the above procedures. Treatment will be performed in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

    First aid for renal colic

    timely urgent care with renal colic, it helps to alleviate the patient's condition before the arrival of a team of doctors. Therefore, if there are people in the environment who suffer from urolithiasis, you should know what needs to be done to relieve an attack. In this case, first aid should not aggravate the patient's condition. Manifesting signs should be minimized, then treatment is carried out in a hospital.

    Causes and risk factors

    An attack of pain with kidney stones occurs due to blockage of the urinary tract by a calculus, as a result of which the outflow of urine becomes impossible. There is a spasm of the muscle tissues of the organ, acute, severe pain worries, the duration of which can reach several days. If you do not help in a timely manner, stagnation of urine is formed. The pressure in the pelvicalyceal apparatus rises, which changes the microcirculation of blood in the veins. Edema appears, the parenchymal component of the kidney increases in size, irritating the nerve endings. Discomfort is constantly increasing, and painkillers help to a short time.

    At risk are people who:

    • have a genetic predisposition to stone formation, work in hard work associated with increased physical exertion;
    • malnourished or alcohol dependent;
    • suffer from congenital defects of the genitourinary system, due to which there is a violation of the outflow of urine;
    • suffer from cancer or kidney tuberculosis;
    • have had severe abdominal or lumbar injuries in the past.

    Competent relief of renal colic will help to avoid dangerous complications, which is extremely important for the treatment of the underlying problem in the future.

    Characteristic symptoms

    At the very beginning of the development of the pathology, pronounced discomfort is not observed, spasms are single, the pain is not acute and worries periodically. Therefore, a person tries to cope with the problem on his own at home by taking an anesthetic. Medicines can reduce the suffering a little. However, with the progress of colic, it will not work to anesthetize the condition in the usual ways. The pain becomes unbearable, interferes with sleep, does not allow you to relax.

    With the localization of the calculus in the urinary tract, soreness is more pronounced in the lower abdomen. It is problematic for a person to empty the bladder, and you want to visit the toilet all the time. Discomfort radiates (spreads) to the genitals, which resembles an intestinal disorder and bloating. Spasms become as intense as possible, body temperature rises, nausea worries, headaches and an increase in pressure appear, directly dependent on the state of the paired organ. If the stone spontaneously passed through the ureter, soreness in the kidney goes away on its own.

    What to do with an exacerbation of an attack of renal colic?

    Emergency care and algorithm of actions for renal colic

    If a person is diagnosed with urolithiasis, with pain in the kidneys and suspected colic, you should immediately call a doctor. Before the ambulance arrives, first aid should be provided. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    • Reassure the patient, put him to bed and cover with a warm blanket.
    • Then try to normalize the outflow of urine. To do this, a warm heating pad is placed in the perineum.
    • Administer pain relief by injection. Doctors advise to inject "Spazmalgon", "Baralgin" or "Platifillin". Injections will relieve the condition, and painkillers will not harm the patient, even if the diagnosis is not exactly known.
    • At the next stage, first aid is provided in a certain location of the patient, so that the bladder is below the paired organ. If intense urge to urinate begins to appear, it is strictly contraindicated to endure. Even if the volume of liquid is insignificant, it is important to get rid of it.
    • After the muscle cramp subsides, the urge will become more intense. The patient should be seated in a comfortable position, attaching another heating pad to the lower back.

    First aid and its features

    The methods that experts advise for emergency care should work. In this case, the patient's condition should be monitored and deterioration should not be allowed. If the patient feels relieved, it is recommended to take a warm bath, but the water should not be hot, within 40 ° C. The procedure is carried out for 15-20 minutes. Painkillers for renal colic such as "Ketorol" are forbidden to drink, because the drug lubricates the picture and does not allow the doctor to determine a preliminary diagnosis.

    5-6 hours after the attack, it is recommended to take Panangin and Asparkam tablets, which will help normalize the work of the heart. If the situation has not returned to normal, No-Shpa tablets are used, and when the symptoms are intense, an injection of the drug Analgin and Pipolfen should be given. At this stage, the provision of first aid at home ends. Taking or injecting other drugs and even diuretics is strictly prohibited. Excessive interference negatively affects the work of the paired organ, the functioning of which during an attack is at the limit.

    When to call a doctor?

    First aid for renal colic may not always lead to positive results. If the patient gets worse, the doctor should be called. An ambulance is needed in cases where:

    • colic affects both kidneys;
    • the temperature has risen to 38 ° C and continues to increase;
    • manifested intoxication;
    • there is no urination.

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    How to treat the disease?

    Approved drugs

    If there is inflammation, conservative therapy is prescribed. But it should be remembered that the antibiotic puts a strain on the kidneys. Therefore, tablets or injections are used under medical supervision. The following antispasmodics are also prescribed for renal colic:

    • "No-Shpa";
    • "Spazmol";
    • "Drotaverine".

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    How is inpatient treatment carried out?

    If drugs for renal colic do not help or the wrong first aid algorithm was used, the patient should be hospitalized. Effective action will provide droppers. It is also necessary to introduce painkillers and antispasmodics. During treatment, it is recommended to inject vitamins and drugs that strengthen the heart muscle. With the development of a bacterial complication in the kidney, doctors drip antibiotics. Effective Method therapy will alleviate the patient's condition and help relieve the attack.

    Diet food

    With renal colic, it is allowed to eat light meals, broths from chicken breast or fish. It is recommended to drink more, for the preparation of decoctions use healing herbs that have a diuretic effect. If a dropper with antibacterial agents is prescribed, it is recommended to use biokefir or natural yogurt, with which it will be possible to normalize intestinal microflora. It is not forbidden to eat fresh fruits, vegetable soups, in which you can add herbs such as dill, parsley, cilantro. For the period of therapy, it is strictly forbidden to use sweets, alcohol, chocolate, hot spices and seasonings. With the help of a diet, it will be possible to remove the extra burden on the kidneys and speed up their recovery.

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    The information on the site is provided for general information only. We recommend that you consult a doctor for further advice and treatment.

    Emergency care for renal colic

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    An acute attack of pain in the lumbar region, like a cramp, is a sign of kidney pathology, it knocks out of the usual rhythm of life of any person. Emergency care for renal colic plays a major role in the correct relief of a painful attack, and should be provided immediately. Properly rendered assistance will improve the recovery process and help doctors resolve problems in a short time. general state person.

    Urgent care

    First aid for renal colic should be competent and timely. It is necessary to follow the correct algorithm for conducting special procedures. It is important to understand that only with a clear conviction in the diagnosis can you take independent steps and use medications, otherwise you need to urgently seek help from doctors.

    What to do with renal colic in the first minutes?

    The provision of emergency first aid at home is possible with a clear knowledge of all methods for localizing colic. At the first stage, pain can be relieved by applying thermal methods and special medications. The sequence of procedures is as follows:

    • call ambulance;
    • create a calm environment;
    • determine the location of the pain;
    • monitor possible temperature changes;
    • collect urine.

    Remove spasms and restore normal urine outflow - the result for which all procedures are carried out with pre-hospital care help. The kidneys are very susceptible to heat, so the patient must be provided with warm items: wrap a blanket, put a heating pad. As a rule, warming the place where the pain manifests itself leads to its reduction or complete cessation.

    How to relieve pain with drugs?

    After thermal procedures, the patient can be administered painkillers or antispasmodics. Medicines can be in the form of tablets and injections. Antispasmodics in renal colic relieve the muscle tone of the ureter, improving the patency of the ducts. Most often, myotropic drugs are used for renal colic ("No-Shpa", "Papaverine", etc.). If you are concerned about acute pain, anesthesia is best done with combined drugs("Spasmonet", "Baralgin", "Avisan" and others). Frequently used ones will be considered in more detail.

    "No-Shpa" ("Drotaverine")

    The most popular drug that is always at hand. It can be taken not only as a medicine for renal colic, but also to relieve any pain. By reducing the supply of calcium to muscle cells, the drug reduces muscle tone. To anesthetize renal colic, you can drink 4 tablets at once, but in case of emergency, to relieve an attack of renal colic, it is necessary to inject the drug intramuscularly.

    "Baralgin" (BARALGIN)

    A drug with a strong effect (stronger than "No-Shpy"). Tablets act (0.5-2 pcs. several times a day) much more slowly, because they must go through the entire path of digestion. A solution (2 ml) enters the bloodstream immediately, so injections for renal colic are more effective. The composition of the drug contains a sufficiently large dosage of components, and in order to avoid a decrease in blood pressure, it must be administered very slowly. With intramuscular injection (5 ml-1 ampoule), the solution, entering the blood, begins to act after a few minutes.

    It is forbidden to relieve spasm using "Analgin". It can distort the manifestation of symptoms, thereby complicating the diagnosis of the disease.

    "Ketorol" (KETOROL)

    It is possible to remove renal colic at home with Ketorol only with a firm conviction of the correct diagnosis. The drug helps to remove the pain, but along the way, it will lubricate all the symptoms. For home treatment, Ketorol is administered intramuscularly. The injection is done slowly (within half a minute), the result occurs after 30 minutes.


    Refers to drugs that act on cells (cholinergic receptors) in which neuromuscular transmission occurs. It is well tolerated, but not very effective (it resembles Papaverine in action). Relief of an attack is carried out subcutaneous injection 0.2% solution (1-2 ml).

    Contraindications and restrictions

    When providing emergency care, it is important to remember that any method that eliminates pain in the kidneys has its own contraindications. Any intervention for renal colic at home should be supported by knowledge of:

    1. It is necessary to ask the patient about the existing contraindications or allergic reactions for medicinal products.
    2. It is important to understand that it is impossible to treat colic with drugs without medical supervision. They are used as an aid to relieve an attack with kidney stones. Their long-term use can lead to a deterioration in health. Pain is a symptom of a disease that requires a complete examination and treatment.
    3. The use of thermal procedures is prohibited in inflammatory processes.
    4. If an elderly person has a painful attack, it is better to use not a bath with warm water, but a heating pad. This approach will prevent the development of a heart attack.

    After providing first aid, you must call a doctor, or take the patient to the clinic.

    When is hospitalization required for renal colic?

    Suspicion of renal colic requires prompt action, and an ambulance will take the patient to the clinic quickly and under professional supervision. Hospitalization is indicated in any case, because kidney stones, having changed their position, can clog the ducts, and the attack will recur. Even with good dynamics, the patient is observed in the hospital for 3 days. There are situations in which hospitalization is required:

    • Pain after application medicines does not pass.
    • Feeling worse:
      • vomit;
      • violation of urination;
      • complete absence of the urge to urinate.
    • Pain on both sides.
    • Accession of the inflammatory process, which confirms the elevated temperature.
    • At physiological features(one kidney per person).

    If the relief of renal colic at home was successful, and the person refuses hospitalization, then he is recommended dietary nutrition, warmth in the back area and control of urination. It is important to collect urine in a clean container in order to monitor the presence of sediment or the release of a calculus. But it is advisable to conduct an examination with a urologist to exclude the development of complications.

    Health care

    If painkillers for renal colic did not relieve acute pain, and the duration of renal colic reaches several hours and no improvement is expected, the main task of doctors is to relieve an attack in a short time. Questioning the patient will provide information about what first aid was undertaken, which assists in making a decision on further treatment of the patient.

    As a rule, relief of an attack always begins with analgesics or antispasmodics. With a prolonged attack, droppers from complex medicinal mixtures or novocaine blockade can help. While dripping, the nurse performs an independent intervention (monitors the patient's condition). At this time, a dropper from "Baralgin" No-shpa, "Platifillin", glucose is shown, also intramuscularly inject "Analgin", "Pipolfen", "Platifillin", additionally appoint "Promedol", "Dimedrol", "Papaverine", "But -shpa".

    Further therapy consists in finding out the causes of colic and the degree of obstruction of the urinary system. Dependent interventions are necessarily carried out (material sampling for laboratory tests). If renal colic occurs against the background of an inflammatory process, the doctor will definitely prescribe an antibiotic to drink, most likely they will prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. Rapid elimination of infection in the case of urolithiasis is not always possible to achieve, therefore, drugs are prescribed before the calculus is removed from the body. In the presence of edema, diuretics are prescribed.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Treatment at home, as a rule, is not complete without traditional medicine. With an integrated approach, the use of phytopreparations gives a good result. The pharmacy network has a fairly large selection herbal preparations diuretic, antiseptic action. In the case of colic in urolithiasis, the choice of herbal preparations is influenced by the type of calculus.

    • nettle;
    • peppermint;
    • field horsetail.
    • strawberry leaves;
    • wheatgrass;
    • dill;
    • knotweed
    • cowberry;
    • birch leaves;
    • barberry.
    • cowberry;
    • St. John's wort;
    • parsley.

    The most effective recipes:

    • A warm compress from a decoction of oats on the kidney area. Perfectly expands the ducts and facilitates the release of stones.
    • Well relieves pain infusion of chamomile, sage and centaury. 1 tsp per 200 ml. boiling water. Drink for 2-3 months, 1 tsp. every 2 hours.
    • A decoction of birch leaves (branches, buds). For 1 liter of water you need 8 tbsp. l. plants, cook for about 20 minutes. Take hot for 1-1.5 hours.
    • Infusion of herbs: mint, birch, harrow root, juniper. For 1 liter of boiling water you will need 6 tbsp. l. mixture of plants, leave for 30 minutes. Let cool and take warm for an hour.

    There are many in the pharmacy medicines on the plant-based suitable for home care:

    • "Phytolysin". The composition of the drug includes wheatgrass, omentum, birch leaves, fennel, horsetail, parsley.
    • "Cyston". The composition includes saxifrage, multi-leaved osma, heart-leaved madder and other plant components. It has an antibacterial and diuretic effect, relieves convulsions well and dissolves stones.
    • "Cistenal". As part of the drug madder root, olive oil and essential oils. Perfectly relieves tone and normalizes the movement of urine.

    There are many remedies to help relieve pain attacks. But before looking for answers to the question of how to make a person feel better, it is important to understand that PMP for renal colic is a dependent event, and even at home should be monitored by a doctor, especially if the cause of the attack is unknown. In addition, independently making decisions about taking medications, you can skip the development of a serious pathology and provoke complications.

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    First aid for renal colic

    First aid for renal colic

    Renal colic- this is emergency, the main manifestation of which is acute pain in the lumbar region. Pain in renal colic is sharp, cutting and often unilateral. The main cause of renal colic is a violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney. Violation occurs as a result of blockage by a stone or compression from the outside (for example, by a tumor) of the outflow of urine from the kidney.

    Renal colic is usually caused by the following diseases:

    • urolithiasis disease
    • pyelonephritis
    • kidney tuberculosis
    • kidney injury
    • diseases of the retroperitoneal space (paranephritis - inflammation of the perirenal tissue)
    • gynecological diseases (adnexitis, oophoritis, salpingitis).

    Symptoms and signs of renal colic

    The main symptoms of renal colic are pain in the lumbar region, frequent urination with blood in the urine, nausea, single vomiting, fever. As a rule, with renal colic, pain appears after walking, running, riding a motorcycle, lifting weights, or even for no particular reason. The pain occurs abruptly and quickly increases. During renal colic, pain occupies the upper abdomen, and also spreads along the ureter to the bladder, scrotum and penis in men, to the vagina and labia in women, to the thigh.

    An attack of renal colic usually lasts an average of hours. Often the attacks last for several days with short breaks.

    Features of renal colic in children

    Children have some features of renal colic: the pain is located mainly in the navel, vomiting often occurs. The child is restless, crying. Attacks of acute pain last up to 20 minutes. The temperature may rise to 37.2 -37.4.

    Features of renal colic during pregnancy

    In pregnant women, an exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis or urolithiasis often becomes the cause of renal colic. More often, pain in renal colic in pregnant women is on the right and gives to the labia, thighs. An attack of renal colic can cause premature birth, so if symptoms of renal colic appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    First of all, a patient with renal colic is advised to lie down and call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the ambulance, you can take a warm bath or put a heating pad on the lumbar region.

    Drug treatment for renal colic is carried out with the help of antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine) and painkillers (Baralgin, Revalgin). No-shpu and Baralgin recommend taking 1 tablet up to 3 times a day.

    If hospitalization is not indicated for the patient and the attack of renal colic has been stopped, he is recommended to rest, diet, thermal procedures (heating pads, baths), emptying Bladder immediately when the urge appears, as well as personal hygiene. It is advisable to collect urine in a vessel to monitor the sediment or the presence of stones.

    Hospitalization of patients with renal colic

    • renal colic does not go away after taking medication
    • with complications (repeated vomiting, lack of urine (anuria), heat etc.
    • with bilateral renal colic
    • with renal colic in a patient with one kidney

    You need to make sure that you have exactly an attack of renal colic, and not an acute inflammatory disease of one of the abdominal organs. In acute inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity, heat is categorically contraindicated, since it causes a more rapid development of the disease. And painkillers, dulling the pain, “lubricate” the clinical picture of the disease, make it difficult to recognize it, and thus can lead to a delay in surgical interventions, which in most cases are acute. inflammatory diseases abdominal organs are essentially the only and radical method treatment.

    Diet for renal colic

    Patients with renal colic should be excluded from the diet of all salty foods, as well as broths, liver, smoked meats, sausages, legumes, chocolate, cocoa, strong tea. It is recommended to eat boiled vegetables, vegetarian soups, cereals, vegetable and fruit salads.

    What to do at home with renal colic?

    Many people experience the appearance of stones and sand in the kidneys. These formations periodically come out, which provokes severe pain.

    This condition is called urolithiasis. It occurs quite often in men and women, because the treatment of renal colic at home is a very topical issue.

    The essence of pathology

    Renal colic is commonly referred to as acute pain attacks in the lumbar region. ICD-10 code - N23. Renal colic, unspecified.

    This state may be the result of a sharp violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney or circulatory disorders in the organ.

    Sometimes the pain syndrome occurs due to excessive stretching of the renal pelvis. This condition is associated with a violation of the outflow of urine, which creates high blood pressure. People with renal colic need urgent help.


    Pain in renal colic usually appears suddenly and is localized in the lumbar region or hypochondrium. It is preserved both when moving and at rest.

    To provoke an exacerbation of the disease can blows to the lower back, prolonged walking, lifting heavy objects.

    Pain in this disorder has certain features:

    • discomfort is localized in the lumbar region - most often from a certain side;
    • the pain has an intense cramping character;
    • discomfort is felt constantly and increases during urination;
    • the pain radiates to the genitals, groin area, thigh and rectum.

    In addition to discomfort, the following symptoms may appear:

    • bloating;
    • increase in temperature;
    • nausea;
    • vomit;
    • a feeling of bursting of the bladder - this is due to the accumulation of urine and a violation of its excretion;
    • false urge to empty the bowels;
    • bloody impurities in the urine.

    Severe pain syndrome can provoke a state of shock and even fainting. At the same time, the person's skin turns pale, cold sweat is released, pressure drops. After the attack ends, stones and bloody clots appear in the urine.

    Renal colic

    Provoking factors

    Renal colic appears due to blockage of the urinary tract and impaired outflow of urine. In most cases, this problem occurs against the background of urolithiasis and is accompanied by the movement of stones.

    According to statistics, in 90% of cases, pathology is a consequence of urolithiasis. However, sometimes seizures appear due to other kidney damage:

    • acute inflammation of the pelvis - in this case, the paths are blocked by mucous or purulent clots;
    • tuberculosis of the kidneys - there is a blockage with a fragment of a caseous focus;
    • kidney cancer - parts of the tumor or blood clots block the paths;
    • kidney damage - the paths are clogged with blood clots;
    • external compression of the urinary tract - may be associated with traumatic injuries or neoplasms in the pelvic organs.

    When the kidney is lowered, pain attacks are associated with an inflection of the ureter. This anomaly is quite rare and is accompanied by an increase in discomfort in an upright position.

    First aid

    If a person has no history of nephritis or urolithiasis, when an attack occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    If the cause of the pain is known, first aid for renal colic should include the following:

  • First of all, you need to put the patient to bed and wrap him up well.
  • Then it is necessary to restore the outflow of urine and eliminate the spasm. To do this, place a heating pad and press it against the perineum. It should not be too hot - you need to maintain a comfortable temperature.
  • Make an injection of an antispasmodic - Spazmalgon, Baralgin. Injections of these funds are allowed to be performed without an accurate diagnosis.
  • After this, the patient should be positioned so that the kidneys are higher than the bladder.
  • The urge to urinate is forbidden. It is necessary to immediately empty the bladder using a special vessel. Urine is collected in it until the stone comes out.
  • When the medicine takes effect, the urge will appear. At this point, the patient should be seated and another heating pad should be applied to the affected kidney.
  • Any drugs can provoke intoxication of the body and lead to a deterioration in the condition.

    Second phase of assistance

    First aid for renal colic should be provided in several stages. After the first measures, you need to ask the person about his well-being. It may take several hours for the outflow to normalize.

    If the condition has improved markedly, you can take a bath. In this case, the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. It is important to consider that too much warming up can provoke an abscess.

    The duration of the procedure should be about 20 minutes. Near the patient it is worth marking ammonia and Corvalol. In this case, it is not recommended to give an anesthetic if the exact diagnosis is unknown.

    Substances such as Ketorol can only be given after a visit by a doctor who has diagnosed renal colic. Otherwise, the drug will distort the clinical picture, and therefore it will be very difficult to make a diagnosis.

    6 hours after the onset of an attack, you can give a person Panangin or Asparkam. Thanks to this, it will be possible to strengthen the heart, which is under severe stress.

    In addition, Asparkam contains magnesium, which does an excellent job of crystallization. However, there is a risk of problems with the absorption of this substance. To stimulate the process, vitamin B6 is used.

    If the attack has not passed and the severity of colic persists, you need to use antispasmodics again - Baralgin, No-shpu. It is important to consider that No-shpa has a weaker effect, but it is permissible to use it.

    If there is pain of high intensity, it is worth pricking a mixture of Analgin and Pipolfen. The second drug has a sedative effect. After this measure, the patient will be able to fall asleep for several hours, which will ensure complete relaxation.

    It is important to consider that after waking up, Pipolfen will provoke intense thirst. However, you can not drink a lot of liquid.

    The patient can be given weak tea with the addition of lemon. It is also permissible to replace it with wild rose or cranberry juice. In this case, it is necessary to control the process of urination until the colic passes.

    When should you call a doctor?

    Sometimes there are situations when attempts to cope with the situation on their own pose a real threat to the patient's life. In such a situation, you can not hesitate.

    The only thing that can be done before the ambulance arrives is to give an antispasmodic drug.

    you need to call a doctor in such cases:

    • colic struck two kidneys at once;
    • the patient has only one kidney;
    • one of the kidneys is wandering;
    • for 2 days of therapy, there is no improvement;
    • pain is localized in the right kidney;
    • the temperature rises to critical levels;
    • a person has severe nausea and vomiting;
    • no excretion of urine.

    When such symptoms appear, only qualified medical assistance can save a person’s life. If it is not provided in time, death will occur due to kidney failure or blockage of the urinary tract.

    Medical treatment

    Many people are interested in what to do at home with renal colic. Drug therapy most often involves the use of such antispasmodics:

    How to relieve pain in renal colic? For this, painkillers are used - Ketorol, Toradol, Veralgan.

    If necessary, antibiotic therapy for urolithiasis significantly increases the risk of developing dysbacteriosis. In addition, strong antibiotics provoke an increase in the load on the kidneys.

    That is why it is so important to use antifungal agents, Bifidumbacterin and include in the diet dairy products. Antibacterial agents must be taken under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise you can get unpredictable consequences.

    Folk methods of treatment

    To cope with the pathology, you can resort to the help of effective folk remedies:

  • Drink a decoction of pumpkin seeds. It is also useful for several days to do a compress on the kidney area before going to bed. To do this, you need to brew crushed flaxseeds in a small amount of water.
  • Once a week it is worth eating only boiled wheat. At the same time, it should be washed down with water in which the grain was cooked.
  • Take a large blackberry root and cook in 5 liters of water until the water has evaporated by half. Drink a decoction three times a day for 100 g.
  • Take 1 small spoonful of flax seeds, add a glass of water and bring to a boil. Take half a glass every 2 hours. This should be done for 2 days. Before use, mix with water. You can add lemon juice to improve the taste.
  • Take 1 small spoon of cumin fruit and add 1 tablespoon of buckthorn bark, mint leaves and marshmallow root. Add 250 ml of boiling water and prepare a decoction. Take 1 glass in the evening.
  • Take 1 tablespoon of lemon balm leaves, mint and chamomile flowers. Pour in a glass of boiling water. Consume 1 glass per day.
  • Take a couple of tablespoons of celandine grass and 250 ml of water. Take a decoction in the morning and evening up to 1 cup. This must be done before meals.
  • Take a couple of tablespoons of crushed rosehip roots, add 1 glass of water and cook for a quarter of an hour. Leave to insist. When the product has cooled, it must be filtered. Use 4 times a day for half a glass. It is recommended to do this for at least 1 week.
  • Take 10 g of rhubarb root, 25 g of yarrow herb, 15 g of sand immortelle flowers. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture, add 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Strained means to take 30 minutes before meals. Use in the formation of stones in the kidneys.
  • Take 20 g of dried lingonberry leaves, add a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes. After cooling, the composition should be filtered. Dissolve 1 large spoonful of honey in the product. Drink a glass three times a day. This should be done half an hour before meals.
  • Take 1 tablespoon of carrot seeds, mix with a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 12 hours. The strained product should be consumed warm in half a glass. This should be done 5-6 times a day.
  • Nutrition Features

    What can you eat with the appearance of renal colic? This symptom worries many people. If the pain attack has a high intensity, the patient is not up to eating.

    If the symptoms are unexpressed, a diet for renal colic is observed. Thanks to this, it will be possible to minimize the number of seizures.

    When choosing a diet, you need to consider the type of stones. Nutrition should be based on a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates and fats. Be sure to remove from the menu all heavy foods and dishes that irritate the digestive organs.

    It is allowed to eat light broths based on chicken meat. It is also permissible to consume sea fish in boiled form. It is advisable to drink a lot, especially cranberry fruit drinks and rosehip decoctions.

    It is also worth eating fresh fruits and dairy products. Cucumbers, pears, apricots are especially useful. Food should be fractional.

    Features of the disease in pregnant women

    In women, stones in the upper urinary tract are quite common during pregnancy. In this case, the following manifestations occur:

    • cramping pain in the form of seizures;
    • hematuria;
    • removal of stones.

    Such attacks can provoke premature birth. That is why it is so important to make an accurate diagnosis in time. It is very important to immediately stop the pain syndrome and prevent the occurrence of complications.

    Any medical manipulations can be carried out only in a hospital, which will help to avoid dangerous consequences.

    Forecast and prevention

    Many people are interested in how long an attack lasts. If renal colic is provoked by urolithiasis with small stones, it usually disappears after the removal of stone fragments during urination.

    If help is not provided in time, there is a risk of developing acute form obstructive pyelonephritis. This anomaly can lead to death in a short time.

    The most common consequences of the disease include:

    • urosepsis and bacteremic shock;
    • deterioration of the diseased kidney;
    • development of stricture of the ureter;
    • acute form of obstructive pyelonephritis.

    If the causes of the development of the disease are eliminated in time, the risk of relapse can be prevented. Prevention of pathology lies in maintaining the right lifestyle.

    It is important to adhere healthy eating, annually do an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, which will help to detect the disease at an early stage.

    To prevent recurrences, you need to adhere to a therapeutic diet:

    • increase the amount of fluid consumed;
    • consume juices, fruits, vegetables, dairy products;
    • include dietary fiber in the diet;
    • limit the consumption of eggs, meat, fish, legumes, cereals.

    Renal colic is a rather dangerous condition that can cause serious consequences. To avoid this, it is very important to provide the patient with adequate assistance in a timely manner.

    At home, it is allowed to use antispasmodics and folk recipes.

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    All information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a guide to action. ALWAYS consult with your doctor before using any medication. The site administration is not responsible for the practical use of the recommendations from the articles.

    Renal colic is called an acute pain attack, which is caused by a sudden violation of the process of passing urine through the urethra, an increase in pressure inside the pelvis and, as a result, renal ischemia. Colic is characterized by severe cramping pain in the lower back, painful and frequent urination, psychomotor agitation, nausea and vomiting.

    In urology, renal colic is regarded as a condition requiring immediate assistance, in which it is necessary to relieve acute pain as soon as possible and normalize the functioning of the kidney. It is important to understand that colic is not just an attack of pain, it is a signal from the body that the kidney is in danger.

    Causes of renal colic

    The development of renal colic is always due to a sharp violation of the drainage of urine from the kidney, which occurs due to external compression or internal blockage of the urinary tract. This condition is accompanied by venous stasis of the kidney, increased hydrostatic intrapelvic pressure, reflex spastic contraction of the muscles of the ureter, swelling of the parenchyma, overstretching of the fibrous capsule and ischemia of the kidney. As a result, a sudden pain syndrome develops, called renal colic.

    The immediate cause of such a violation may be mechanical obstructions that prevent the passage of urine from the ureter or renal pelvis. In more than 50% of all cases, colic occurs with urolithiasis due to infringement of the calculus in any of the urinary tract. Sometimes the condition provokes torsion or kink of the ureter with its strictures, kidney dystopia or nephroptosis.

    Also, the cause of blockage of the urinary tract can be clots of pus or mucus in case of pyelonephritis, torn off necrotic papillae or caseous masses in case of kidney tuberculosis.

    External compression of the ureter can be caused by tumors of the prostate (cancer or adenoma of the prostate), kidneys (eg, papillary adenocarcinoma), urinary duct, and post-traumatic hematomas in the retroperitoneal region.

    Another group of causes of renal colic is due to congestive, inflammatory or vascular diseases urinary tract: hydronephrosis, prostatitis, urethritis, periurethritis, phlebostasis, renal vein thrombosis, kidney infarction, embolism, etc.

    Urodynamics in the upper urinary tract may be affected by congenital anomalies such as spongy kidney, dyskinesia, achalasia, and megacalicosis.

    Symptoms of renal colic

    Sudden cramping and very intense pain in the costovertebral angle or in the lumbar region is a classic symptom of renal colic. Most often, a pain attack develops during sleep at night, but sometimes this condition is preceded by a severe exercise stress, long walking, riding with shaking, reception a large number fluids or diuretics. From the lower back, pain can spread to the rectum, thigh, ileum or mesogastric region, in women - to the perineum and labia, in men - to the scrotum and penis.

    The duration of an attack of renal colic can be from 3 to 18 hours or more, while the localization of pain, its intensity and irradiation can change. During this period, a person has frequent urge to urinate, later flatulence, vomiting, dry mouth, cramps in the urethra, tenesmus, anuria or oliguria develop. Against the background of colic, tachycardia, chills, moderate hypertension, low-grade fever occur. Severe pain can cause state of shock manifested by bradycardia, pallor skin, cold sweat and hypotension.

    After the attack, as a rule, a significant amount of urine is released, in which the patient can detect blood.

    Emergency care for renal colic

    Help with renal colic should be provided by a doctor, therefore, if there is severe pain in the abdomen and lower back, an ambulance should be urgently called. The point is that by clinical signs colic is similar to many other diseases and pathologies that are also accompanied by lumbar and abdominal pain: with acute appendicitis, aortic aneurysm, ovarian torsion, ectopic pregnancy, intercostal neuralgia, acute pancreatitis, thrombosis of mesenteric vessels, cholecystitis, etc.

    In the event that renal colic does not occur in a person for the first time, and he is sure of this diagnosis, then before the arrival of the ambulance team, the patient's condition can be alleviated.

    Emergency care for renal colic is:

    • Applying a heating pad to the lower back or placing the patient in a warm bath to reduce spasm of the ureter and blood vessels, while improving the blood supply to the kidney, and a blood clot or stone can slip into the bladder;
    • Taking any antispasmodic and analgesic drug, preferably Papaverine, Baralgin or No-shpa, in extreme cases, if these drugs were not in the medicine cabinet, you can take Nitroglycerin.

    You need to understand: the described procedures will help, provided that it is really renal colic. Otherwise, thermal procedures and pain medications can only harm, for example, in acute appendicitis, a person's condition after taking a bath and No-shpa deteriorates sharply.

    Upon arrival, the ambulance doctor also applies analgesics and antispasmodics, but in the form of injections - so they are more effective.

    Treatment of renal colic

    After removing the attack, the treatment of renal colic involves the elimination of the factor that led to the obstruction of the urinary tract, i.e. therapy for the underlying disease. For this, the patient is recommended to undergo the following examinations:

    • Plain radiography of the abdominal cavity;
    • Urinalysis;
    • Urography;
    • Chromocystoscopy;
    • Ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder, pelvic organs and abdominal cavity;
    • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging of the kidneys.

    With renal colic, emergency care is needed, the algorithm of which should be known to people close to the patient. The syndrome is rare in adult men, more often in women. Usually, an attack occurs due to the movement of a calculus into the ureter and improper action can lead to complications, worsening the patient's condition. It is also desirable to have at home a "sister" set of drugs that can stop colic.

    Urgent care

    First aid for renal colic is provided according to the following algorithm:

    • First of all, you need to take care of calling an ambulance. If the syndrome has developed for the first time, briefly describe the clinical picture. In the event of a recurrence of the pathology, warn the operator that we are talking about hepatic colic - in this case, the doctor will be ready in advance to provide emergency measures.
    • The patient should be at rest. It is better to put him to bed, to be near, to calm him down, not to move him unnecessarily.
    • If there is acute pain, use medications that relieve spasm.

    • You can alleviate the condition by applying warming procedures.
    • Before the arrival of "emergency help" control the temperature of a person with renal colic.
    • If thirsty, warm water is allowed. Carbonated drinks, tea, coffee, juices and sweet fruit drinks are prohibited.
    • With the urge to urinate, a person is helped to relieve himself.

    Important! Depending on the patient's condition, urgent hospitalization may be required to perform an accurate diagnosis that determines the cause of the attack. Therefore, it is worth collecting urine in a clean container and handing it over to the brigade that came to the call.

    If renal colic is accompanied by urinary retention, do not force the person to push. In this case, the doctor or nurse will draw fluid using a sterile catheter.

    Adhering to a similar emergency care algorithm, you can quickly stop renal colic. As a rule, the symptom of urolithiasis completely disappears after 2-3 hours, and significant relief is felt 15 minutes after warming up and taking medical preparations.

    What to do in the first minutes of renal colic?

    To eliminate renal colic at home, thermal procedures are often recommended.

    1. The heating pad is filled with water at a temperature not exceeding 50-60 ° C.
    2. A little sand is calcined in a frying pan, poured into a linen bag, wrapped in several layers of fabric.
    3. Apply to the perineum or abdomen.

    If the pain allows you to take a sitting position, use a bath. At the same time, the water temperature is in the range of 37-40 ° C. During the procedure, someone close to the patient should be near the patient, since severe pain can lead to loss of consciousness.

    Important! Warming up is strictly prohibited if diagnosed acute pyelonephritis. Inflammatory process often proceeds with the formation of abscesses and a thermal procedure can provoke an abscess.

    Relieve pain with medication

    It is worth noting that it is better not to treat renal colic before the arrival of a doctor with painkillers. In this case, the clinical picture will be blurred and it will be more difficult for the emergency team to make a diagnosis, and therefore help the victim.

    At home, it is advised to limit yourself to thermal procedures. But if the symptom of renal colic is quite pronounced, and emergency care is delayed, pre-medical use is allowed. medical devices.

    Important! It is impossible to give diuretics to the patient with renal colic. This increases the burden on the kidneys and worsens the condition. If the stone is stuck in the ureter, pain shock is possible, which can be fatal.

    "No-Shpa" ("Drotaverine")

    The antispasmodic reduces the tone of smooth muscle tissue and eliminates soreness. The maximum dose is 2 tablets (80 mg). With intravenous administration of 40-80 mg. A positive effect is noted a few minutes after the use of the drug.

    "Baralgin" (BARALGIN)

    The dose is 0.5-2 tablets. For quick relief of an attack, injections are recommended - intravenously 2 ml, intramuscularly 5 ml.

    "Ketorol" (KETOROL)

    Shown for slow intramuscular injection. But it is allowed to use the remedy only if you are sure that the pain is caused by urolithiasis, since the medicine eliminates all symptoms and makes diagnosis difficult. Relief is felt half an hour after injection into the buttock or thigh.


    Used subcutaneously at a dosage of 1-2 ml of a 2% solution. The effectiveness of the drug is lower than "No-shpy", "Baralgin" or "Ketorol".

    Contraindications and restrictions

    The algorithm of actions for renal colic should take into account:

    • Age category. For example, warm baths are not recommended for the elderly. In this case, it is indicated to use local heating using a heating pad or sand.
    • Emergency care for renal colic is provided if the cause of the attack is known. Otherwise, the risk of complications of concomitant pathologies is high and the condition can significantly worsen. So, hepatic colic often occurs with back pain and it is easy for a person far from medicine to confuse the symptoms.
    • If there is no information about what medications a person is taking, it is better not to resort to medications. not excluded side effects due to incompatibility of funds.

    • In the case of the use of drugs, it is desirable to inject them. A positive effect will appear much faster than when using tablet forms.
    • It is possible to provide emergency care only if you are sure that colic is caused by the release of a stone into the lumen of the ureter. If the cause of the attack is unknown, it is worth waiting for the arrival of the medical team, putting the patient to bed and ensuring peace.
    • In addition, you can not resort to folk warming methods for a feverish state, such signs of intoxication as nausea and vomiting, convulsions, when blood is detected in the urine. A contraindication is also a heart attack or stroke in history, the presence of tumors in the peritoneum.
    • Thermal procedures for pregnant women are strictly prohibited. This may provoke uterine bleeding and miscarriage. The only thing that can be offered to a woman in position is to take a No-shpy pill.

    • If a child complains of pain in the navel, you should not provide emergency care yourself. A doctor should treat the baby, so if you feel unwell, they immediately call an ambulance.

    When is hospitalization required?

    The correct algorithm of actions for renal colic helps to relieve an attack in the pre-hospital period. In the future, it is advisable for the patient to independently visit a doctor and undergo full examination. However, in some cases, it is necessary to urgently deliver the person to the clinic.

    • Unsuccessful assistance provided by medical personnel, as a result of which the colic did not go away, the pain did not stop.

    • The patient has a single kidney.
    • The presence of stones in both kidneys.
    • The person had previously undergone transplantation and renal colic developed in the donor organ.
    • Suspicion of the attachment of an infectious process, as indicated by a high temperature, other signs of intoxication.
    • Urolithiasis on the background of pyelonephritis.
    • Pregnancy, as there is a risk of uterine bleeding.

    • Macrohematuria, which has developed as a result of the movement of the stone, which cannot be removed with drugs, it is necessary surgical intervention.
    • Delayed emptying due to obstruction of the ureter by a calculus.
    • kidney failure.
    • The absence of a positive effect 2-3 hours after the first medical aid.

    There are no standards for emergency care for a problem such as renal colic. The algorithm of actions of the medical team is based on the clinical picture, previous medical history, and the severity of the process. The task of relatives is to call an ambulance and try to alleviate the person's condition before it arrives.

    Renal colic is understood as an abrupt onset of an attack. Often this condition is associated with, but in fact, doctors consider renal colic one of the symptoms of many pathologies of the urinary system of the body.

    Causes of renal colic

    Doctors say that the pain syndrome in question manifests itself against the background of a blockage of the ureter and a violation of the movement of urine. But the following reasons can lead to this state:

    • , moreover, only if the stone has closed the ureter and does not allow urine to come out;
    • tumors (benign or) of the kidneys - the ureter may be blocked by a blood clot or pus;
    • necrotic papillitis;
    • flowing in a purulent form;
    • kidney injury;
    • benign and/or malignant tumor ureter or bladder.

    It is extremely rare that the cause of renal colic is compression of the ureter, which can occur during surgery on the pelvic organs, against the background of an increase in nearby lymph nodes or retroperitoneal tumors.

    In order for renal colic to occur, provoking factors are needed, since the above pathologies themselves are not characterized by pain. The provoking factors in this case are:

    • long road in a car or train (shake);
    • medicines for the treatment of urolithiasis;
    • a sharp restriction in the amount of fluid consumed, or, conversely, sharp increase this amount;
    • hard blow to the back.

    If there is a blockage of the ureter with a stone, then the result will be a violation of the outflow of urine. At the same time, new portions of urine continue to be produced in the renal tubules, there is no exit of this fluid from the body, and the pyelocaliceal system of the kidney expands. The longer the ureter is blocked, the faster the squeezing of the kidney vessels and the violation of its blood supply.

    Note:the size of the stone/clot has absolutely no effect on the presence or absence of renal colic. There are cases when even a small size of a stone / clot (1-1.5 mm) provokes a powerful attack of pain.

    Symptoms of renal colic

    The main symptom of the condition under consideration is intense, sharp pain in the lumbar region. It can be joined by:

    • blood in the urine - not always observed, but if the stone in the ureter has sharp edges or is too large, then hematuria is inevitable;
    • frequent urination - occurs only if there is an obstruction to the outflow of urine in the lower parts of the ureter;
    • bloating;
    • complete absence of urine output - occurs with bilateral renal colic or in the case of the presence of only one kidney.

    Doctors emphasize that there are quite a few pathologies that can mimic renal colic. For example, these include torsion of an ovarian cyst in a woman, sciatica, kidney infarction, acute pleurisy,. Therefore, self-treatment should never be carried out - only a specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and provide qualified medical care.

    Diagnostic measures for renal colic

    To find out the true causes of the pain syndrome and confirm exactly renal colic, the patient is prescribed a number of examinations.

    Physical examination

    The doctor reveals pain in the anatomical location of the kidneys along the ureteral points. Simultaneously conducted differential diagnosis with a number of acute surgical diseases - for example, a specialist during the initial examination will distinguish an attack of acute appendicitis from renal colic.

    Ultrasound procedure

    With this type of examination, the doctor will see the expansion of the collecting space in the kidney, the stones in the ureters and kidneys and their exact location. with renal colic it is considered quite informative, but in some cases it will not give results - for example, with an abnormal structure of the organs of the genitourinary system, or with obesity in a patient.

    Excretory urography

    This method of examination is considered the most informative, is to conduct x-rays. First, a picture of the renal system is taken, then a contrast agent is injected into the patient's vein, which enters the urine quickly enough. After a certain period of time, the patient takes another x-ray - the doctor can assess the level of filling with urine with contrast of the renal pelvis, ureter, the size of the stone and the level at which it is located in the urinary system.

    Excretory urography also has contraindications - an allergy to iodine (it is contained in the contrast agent used) and thyrotoxicosis.

    First aid for renal colic

    If the pain syndrome in question happened at home, then you need to immediately call the ambulance team. Before the arrival of specialists, it is permissible to take a warm bath or shower - this will reduce the intensity of renal colic.

    Note:if there is a history of pregnancy (even the smallest period), then the bath is contraindicated! Most likely, such an intense pain attack will indicate an ectopic pregnancy, and exposure to heat can lead to rupture of the fallopian tube and the release of the ovum.

    If the pain is unbearable, then before the arrival of specialists, you can take an anesthetic - for example, Baralgin or No-shpu. But this is an extremely undesirable act - such drugs "lubricate" the clinical picture and it will be difficult for the doctor to make a diagnosis.

    Treatment of renal colic

    If the patient is diagnosed with "renal colic", then the treatment will be selected. based on the etiology of the syndrome. For example, if the cause of the condition in question is urolithiasis, then it is possible to carry out. The essence of such treatment is the appointment of specific drugs that accelerate the process of stone exit from the ureter. But the doctor can make such appointments only after the examination confirms the presence of a small stone. As part of lithokinetic therapy, the following drugs can be prescribed:

    • antispasmodic - they not only reduce the intensity of pain, but also contribute to the expansion of the ureter;
    • alpha blockers - relax the smooth muscles of the walls of the ureter;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory - reduce swelling of the ureter and have a good analgesic effect.

    Usually, when carrying out this type of therapy, the stone leaves the ureter within 2-3 days, but if this does not happen, then the doctors conduct an additional examination of the patient and decide to change the tactics of therapy - they prescribe. This method is considered the "gold standard" for urolithiasis - a directed beam of mechanical waves acts precisely on the stone and destroys it. This procedure is carried out necessarily under the control of ultrasound or X-ray, the effectiveness of such treatment is 95%.

    Note:if stone long time stands in one place, then this may result in the development of ureteral fibrosis just in the place of its localization. Therefore, even knowing about urolithiasis, the patient should not relieve renal colic at home - taking potent drugs will not change the position of the stone.

    Preventive measures

    To prevent the development of renal colic, you should follow the recommendations of specialists:

    • drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily;
    • follow a balanced diet;
    • limit ( the best option will be a complete rejection of it);
    • avoid overheating;
    • regularly use cranberries and lingonberries, special urological fees medicinal herbs but only after consultation with a urologist.

    Renal colic is not just pain, but a “signal” of the body that there are problems in the kidneys and ureters. Even if the pain has been removed, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor and understand the cause of the condition in question, which will prevent the occurrence of renal colic in the future.