Intestinal flu in a 2-year-old child. Definition of symptoms of intestinal flu in children and methods of treatment

Rotavirus infection (intestinal or stomach flu)infection, caused by rotaviruses, is characterized by a combination of intestinal and respiratory syndromes.


Pathogens are the cause of the disease rotaviruses- viruses of the Reoviridae family, similar to each other in antigenic structure. Under an electron microscope, they look like wheels with a wide hub, short spokes and a clearly defined rim, they have two protein shells. The systematic study of these viruses began in 1973, when they were found in a biopsy specimen from the mucous membrane of the small intestine of children with gastroenteritis.

rotaviruses under the microscope

Source of infection

The source of infection is a sick person. At a young age, the source of infection of a child is a mother infected with rotavirus, at an older age and in adults - children from the team where the child or adults are. Infection can also occur from carriers of the virus, who themselves do not get sick, but infect others. The most dangerous in terms of transmission of the virus is the sick person in the first 3-5 days from the onset of clinically pronounced symptoms of the disease, at which time the concentration of viruses in the excreted feces is the highest. Methods of transmission from animals have not been identified.

Transfer mechanism

The main transmission mechanism of the virus is fecal-oral or as it is also called “disease of unwashed hands”. The virus can be transmitted massively through food and water (including holy water, in which the virus feels great), isolated cases are noted through the contact-household spread - through viruses located on objects. The spread of the virus through dairy products is especially often observed, which is associated with the peculiarities of milk processing and the cycle of the virus itself.

The virus feels great in a cold environment, in the same refrigerator, where it can persist for a long time and cause disease in humans.

Propagation time

The virus has a characteristic time of its spread - autumn-winter period, approximately from November to April inclusive. The rest of the time, isolated cases of the disease can be observed. Since the spread and characteristic symptoms of rotavirus infection usually precede an influenza epidemic, the combination of factors has given the disease the capacious name of intestinal flu.


Once in the human body, the virus penetrates into the cells of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly small intestine, this leads to the destruction of predominantly intestinal villi. And the intestinal villi are involved in the synthesis of digestive enzymes that break down incoming food. Since food cannot be digested normally, plus disaccharides accumulate in the intestinal lumen, this leads to entry into the intestinal lumen a large number water and electrolytes ( saline solutions), then characteristic symptoms are formed in the form of severe diarrhea (diarrhea) and dehydration of the body.


intestinal flu It has cyclic flow. That is, the disease goes through the gradual stages of its development stage by stage. The first stage is the incubation period - lasting 1-2 days, the second - the acute period (from 3 to 7 days, with a severe course of the disease it can take more than 7 days), the third period - recovery (from 4 to 5 days)

The disease usually begins acutely, but a prodromal period (lasting up to 2 days) can also be observed during this period: malaise, general weakness, headache, increased fatigue, loss of appetite, discomfort and rumbling in the stomach. There may also be moderate manifestations of the disease from the upper respiratory tract: nasal congestion, sore throat, mild cough.

In the clinical picture of the disease, a combination of gastroenteritis syndrome, intoxication and damage to the upper respiratory tract is noted, secondary lactase deficiency (intolerance to milk and dairy products) may be noted.

Gastroenteritis syndrome is characterized by loud rumbling in the abdomen, pains that are localized at the top of the abdomen, but may also be diffuse (over the entire surface of the abdomen), nausea, and vomiting. The main symptom that determines, among other things, the severity of the development of the disease is diarrhea. Stools with rotavirus infection are watery, frothy, yellow or greenish-yellow in color, with mild form diseases can be mushy. The intensity of diarrhea (the number of “productive” trips to the toilet is considered) determines the degree of dehydration and intoxication of the body.

Intoxication of the body is manifested by increased fatigue, weakness, headache. In severe cases of the disease, dizziness, fainting may occur.

An increase in temperature with intestinal flu, especially in adults, is not always observed. Sometimes there is chills without fever. At the same time, at the height of the disease, the temperature can rise significantly to 38-39 degrees, both in children and adults.

Of the symptoms of damage to the upper respiratory tract, it is worth noting a runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough. There may be hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall, palatine arches and uvula.

Complications and lethality

In a severe form of the disease, cardiovascular insufficiency can develop, up to a fatal outcome. According to statistics, mortality from rotavirus is 2.5-3% of cases, especially for people with poor health. In other cases, recovery occurs without health consequences. After a disease, relative immunity is developed, so adults who have had this disease in childhood get sick less often or in a mild form, sometimes they do not even notice their illness. Over time, immunity can weaken and repeated cases of the disease can be observed, that is, it is produced more than once for a lifetime, and therefore relative.

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection

Diagnosis of rotavirus infection, especially isolated cases, is difficult, since symptoms, especially in a blurred form, can also be characteristic of a number of other intestinal infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Currently, in connection with the development of diagnostic systems and laboratory tests for the detection of rotavirus, there is an increase in statistically registered cases of rotavirus infection, but this is nothing more than an improvement in the quality of diagnosis and detection of this infection, and not some kind of epidemic, as the media like to escalate the situation.

A reliable diagnosis of rotavirus infection can only be made if rotaviruses are detected in humans, and this can now be done using a large number of laboratory methods diagnostics such as polymerase chain reaction, passive hemagglutination reaction, complement fixation reaction, immunofluorescence and many other laboratory methods. It is worth noting their high cost even at this stage in the development of medicine, so you should not run these tests with every disorder.

Of the available diagnostic tools available in the arsenal, a general blood test can be noted, in which, during the acute phase of the development of the disease, leukocytosis (an increase in the number of leukocytes) with a neutrophilic shift to the left is detected, increase in ESR. During the recovery period, the blood picture is normalized. AT general analysis urine changes can also be noted in the form of: protein-, leukocyte- and erythrocyturia; the presence of hyaline casts in a small amount is rarely noted. Changes in the urine also disappear with recovery.

Treatment of intestinal flu in adults and children

Currently, there are no specific anti-rotavirus drugs to combat rotavirus. Therefore, all treatment is aimed at combating the symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

The disease manifests itself most clearly in children, so we will analyze the treatment using the example of therapy in a child.

First of all, it is necessary to isolate the child from healthy peers in order to prevent the spread of the disease in the team.

The second thing to deal with is dehydration. it dangerous symptom, which can lead to death. Since with diarrhea a lot of water and salts (electrolytes) are lost. It should be noted that drinking a child with a solution of salts in this disease has a number of features:

  1. do not give the child a large amount of liquid to drink - this can lead to vomiting and the effect of such treatment will be negative
  2. for drinking it is better to use a special solution of salts, for example, rehydron is sold in a pharmacy, a powder in sachets, contains all the necessary salts (potassium, sodium, etc.), which the body loses with severe diarrhea. Dissolves according to the instructions (1 sachet per 1 liter of cold boiled water) and drink in small doses of 50 ml every half an hour until the water runs out
  3. If there is no rehydron, you can use saline (a solution of water with the addition of salt). At home, it is prepared by dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water (but this is not a solution for injection, but for drinking the patient). It is drunk according to the rehydron scheme (50 ml every half an hour)
The fight against temperature must also be justified, as with. If the child's temperature is 38 and below, then it is not worth knocking it down with chemicals. Rotavirus dies when high temperature body, plus the production of interferons is activated, which also remove the virus from the body. It is possible to shoot down at a temperature above 38.5, it is possible below if its poor tolerance is noted. To reduce the temperature, you can use both physical methods to reduce the temperature (rubbing the body with vodka) and chemical ones (taking paracetamol and other specific drugs, it is preferable to use candles in children).

In the acute period, it is necessary to prescribe enzyme preparations (festal, mezim), since their own enzymes for digesting food in the body are not enough due to the death of intestinal villi that produce enzymes.

It is also necessary to take absorbent and astringent agents ( Activated carbon, polysorb, smecta).

For pain in the abdomen, it is forbidden to take painkillers, in this case, call an ambulance that will provide the necessary assistance.

It is also necessary to monitor the child and with a progressive deterioration in the condition, prolonged diarrhea, the appearance of new symptoms, it is necessary to call a doctor to refer the sick person to the hospital.

Adults do not need treatment for stomach flu. In the case of the development of symptoms of the disease, treatment is similar to that in children.

Features of nutrition (diet) in the intestinal form of influenza

The first thing you need to give up in nutrition when symptoms of intestinal flu appear is milk and dairy products, including sour-milk. In addition to increasing diarrhea due to secondary lactase deficiency, which I have already mentioned, milk is also an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, so do not aggravate

If a person can eat, you can feed him thin chicken broth or rice porridge boiled in water without adding oil. But you need to feed in small portions with interruptions, so as not to cause an attack of vomiting.

It is also worth limiting the intake of foods rich in carbohydrates.

Intestinal flu during pregnancy

A pregnant woman should refrain from visiting places and contact with people with intestinal flu, even if they are her own children. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

It is worth noting the difficulty of diagnosing rotavirus infection in pregnant women due to the possible masking of symptoms under toxicosis of pregnant women and other conditions.

In general, therapy does not differ from the standard above. More liquid inside to compensate for excreted from the body (it is necessary to monitor edema), consultation of an intelligent therapist for pregnant women in order to exclude possible severe pathology, which will be hidden under the guise of intestinal flu, dietary restrictions, intake of adsorbent and lactose-containing drugs.

Some doctors and seen on forums advise drinking Enterofuril, but it only helps against bacteria that can also cause vomiting and diarrhea, it is useless against rotavirus.


Two vaccines are currently available for specific prophylaxis of rotavirus infection, but they are used only in Europe and the USA. In our country they are not used.

For prevention, a standard set of sanitary procedures is used to prevent infection from entering the body (isolation of the sick, washing hands regularly throughout the day and especially before meals, eating proven and high-quality products, especially dairy products with no expired shelf life, use of high-quality drinking water, preferably boiled, thorough washing of vegetables and fruits used for food, even soaking in a 3% solution is possible acetic acid for 10 minutes, followed by rinsing in running water if the epidemiological situation for rotavirus in the region is unfavorable). Sanitary control by regulatory authorities over the state of catering points and products in stores and markets is a matter of course.

Here is a detailed study of the intestinal flu, I conducted in this article. If you missed something or have questions, you can always consult by leaving a comment below.

Therapists call this disease gastroenteritis, pediatricians - rotavirus infection. But, at its core, rotavirus infection is not influenza. What are the symptoms and treatment of intestinal flu in young children?

How is the stomach flu transmitted in a small child?

The causative agent of gastroenteritis are rotavirus and noroviruses, astroviruses, caliciviruses, adenoviruses. Their active reproduction leads to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, due to which this species The flu is also called the stomach flu.

The Latin word "rota" means "wheel", that is, the name of the disease arose because viruses have a two-layer shell, which gives them the appearance of a wheel.

According to statistics, in 25% of cases of intestinal flu in children under one year old is caused by rotavirus. At the age of one to three - in 60%, from 4 to 6 years - in 40% of children.

Rotavirus infection can be contracted by airborne droplets and food. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when contacting other (even healthy-looking) people, since the incubation period of the disease is 5 days. After recovery, a person remains a carrier of microbes for several days and is potentially dangerous in terms of infection. That is why it is so important to take care of the hygiene of the child if there are patients with gastroenteritis in his environment.

The main requirement is frequent washing of hands with soap, minimizing contact with a sick person. Rotavirus infection is especially dangerous for preschool children and the elderly.

How does the intestinal flu in children: symptoms and signs

When rotavirus enters the body, it can be detected within an hour in the cells of the small intestine. It attacks and disrupts the structure of the mucous membrane of the organ. Gradually, this leads to a violation of the synthesis of digestive enzymes responsible for the breakdown of complex carbohydrates. So in time small intestine accumulate undigested carbohydrates. They attract excess fluid, cause watery diarrhea and dehydration of the entire body. And this is the main danger of intestinal flu.

When parents have a suspicion that a child is affected by rotavirus, it is necessary to call a pediatrician at home. You do not need to take a sick baby to the doctor, because he is contagious. Usually vomiting with intestinal flu in children is observed up to 5 times. As for the stool, diarrhea can disturb the sick person 10 times a day. In this case, outpatient (home) treatment is possible.

Incubation period illness lasts 5 days. Symptoms of the disease appear rapidly and actively.

Usually the child has a slight cough, sore throat, runny nose, that is, symptoms characteristic of the common flu. This occurs a few hours before the onset of dyspeptic manifestations (associated with disruption of the digestive tract). It is catarrhal phenomena (occurring on the mucous membranes) that distinguish intestinal flu from common disorders digestion.

Main initial signs stomach flu- sore throat, its redness, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, which quickly disappear. Next, the patient develops loose stools. It can be from 5 to 10 times a day. At the same time, the color of the feces is gray-yellow, the stools are clay-like, plentiful. They have a pungent smell, but there are no impurities of blood and mucus in them. The baby is disturbed by rumbling, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, subfebrile or high temperature. He becomes weak, drowsy, apathetic. With a severe course of rotavirus infection, the baby becomes dehydrated.

Parents should understand that they themselves cannot accurately determine whether their child has an intestinal virus or salmonellosis, food poisoning. Only an experienced pediatrician can differentiate these diseases. In this case, you can not do without his help.

How to treat intestinal flu in a child

Therapy must be comprehensive. It is based on following a diet, replenishing fluid deficiency and taking medications as prescribed by a pediatrician.


The diet of a child with rotavirus infection should be strictly limited. It is necessary to exclude sour-milk and dairy products from the menu - they contribute to the reproduction and activation of viruses in the intestines.

It is also necessary to exclude all juices, fruits, and other carbohydrate-rich foods. This is necessary to prevent fermentation in the intestines and diarrhea attacks.

For intestinal flu baby his daily portions of food must be reduced by almost 2 times. Such a therapeutic measure is necessary to prevent blockage of the intestine. It is necessary to feed the patient in small portions, it is impossible to immediately give liquid after eating - this contributes to the occurrence of vomiting.

In the first 4-5 days, the child should not be given meat. Even dietary during such a period will be too heavy for the body. Later, you need to start gradually introducing poultry meat and boiled meat into the menu. lean fish. Protein is very important for a growing organism as a building material. It is forbidden even after recovery for another week to introduce corned beef and smoked meats into the menu. Rotavirus infection has a negative effect on the liver and kidneys, so they need to be protected.

Dietary restrictions without a doubt can turn into a strong weight loss. But during the recovery period, the children's appetite returns, they gain the lost kilograms. There is no need to worry about this.

How to treat intestinal flu in a child: drugs

To date, there is no specific treatment for rotavirus infection. The main therapy is aimed at reducing intoxication, as well as normalizing water-salt metabolism. That is, the treatment of intestinal flu in children is symptomatic. Its goal is to reduce the negative effect of the virus on the body.

The main thing is that there is no dehydration, so rehydration therapy is necessary. And for this, Regidron is most often used. One sachet of medicine is dissolved in a liter of boiled water. His sick child must drink during the day. Let him drink in small portions. Any mother can prepare a similar solution on her own by mixing 700 ml of boiled water, 300 ml of dried apricot decoction, 4 teaspoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. Drink the liquid in small sips.

Also, the pediatrician may prescribe sorbents. These are Smecta, Enterosgel, activated carbon, Polysorb.

If a child's rotavirus infection resolves with fever and severe diarrhea, then Furazolidone, Enterol, Enterofuril are prescribed.

You should take medicines with digestive enzymes. These are Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim forte, Ftalazol.

After the acute phase of the disease subsides, it is necessary to restore the microflora baby intestine. For this purpose, Bifiform, Linex, RioFlora-Balance, Hilak forte, Bifidumbacterin are prescribed.

Antibiotics are not used in the treatment of rotavirus.

Folk remedies

The best option to replenish the fluid deficiency in the baby's body is a carrot drink. It is necessary to prepare 500 grams of carrots - wash, peel, chop. The resulting slurry must be boiled for half an hour in a liter of salted water. The broth must be cooled, strained and put in the refrigerator. You can store it for a day and give it to a sick baby to drink. Carrots can be offered to children after a year. If the baby is sick up to 6 months, then he needs to give a decoction of chamomile.

To combat gastroenteritis in children after three years, honey can be used. It works great on digestive system. Several times a day you need to give the baby ½ teaspoon of honey.

Suitable for treatment and such a herbal collection: chamomile flowers, dried fruits of cumin, blueberries and strawberries, take in equal amounts - mix. One teaspoon of this collection should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, covered for 15 minutes, and then strained. It is necessary to drink the infusion in a tablespoon, often. The remedy is given to the child without added sugar. It can be treated with children older than a year until their full recovery.

Intestinal flu in children: Komarovsky

A well-known pediatrician focuses on two aspects of treatment.

The first is the inadmissibility of the use of antibiotics in the fight against intestinal flu. This category of medicines does not act on viruses! So no need to try to use them.

The second point is the importance of soldering a sick child, because the main danger of childhood intestinal flu is dehydration. Dr. Komarovsky considers active resistance to dehydration to be the basis of treatment. He recommends that parents give sick children fluids every 30 minutes. Even if the baby's diarrhea gradually stops on the second day of illness, it still needs to be actively soldered. But you don’t need to force-feed, the pediatrician is sure. The child will be able to regain the lost weight after a full recovery.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

Symptoms, the treatment of which will be described below, medical language called rotavirus infection. The disease is caused, as the name implies, by rotavirus. It is transmitted from a sick person to others with saliva, feces and even urine, that is, you can get infected through unwashed hands, when drinking unboiled water or dairy products, when using shared toys or utensils with a sick child, by airborne droplets. Contagious is someone who clearly has a rotavirus infection (usually children), as well as someone who has had subtle symptoms intestinal infection caused by this microbe (usually in adults). The infectivity of the patient with a latent or overt form of rotavirus persists up to 10-14 days.

Intestinal flu: symptoms

Explicit clinical symptoms usually occur in children. Children under 7 years of age are most susceptible to the disease. Adults usually have a mild illness - within a couple of days they have loose stools and a reddened throat (and they are contagious). Intestinal flu, the symptoms that parents of young children need to know about, begins acutely, with the appearance of vomiting and liquid stool, temperature increase. The temperature gets off badly, often while the child's limbs become marble. Against this background, babies may experience convulsions with respiratory failure. Vomiting during the day is repeated, the child does not drink well, he is sick of eating and drinking. Very quickly, many develop an acetonemic state. Diarrhea: stools are frequent, thin, may be brown or yellow, frothy in nature, with a fetid odor. So the child can lose a lot of fluid, so it is important to properly and actively drink it. Minor catarrhal phenomena are noted - a reddened throat, perspiration, discharge of light mucus from the nose.

How is the stomach flu diagnosed? Are the symptoms, treatment the same as with another intestinal infection?

If a child has symptoms that are very similar to those described above, do not be lazy, go to the pharmacy to buy a Rota test. After spending it with stool child as written in the instructions, you will know in a few minutes whether it is an intestinal flu or a bacterial disease. Treatment depends on this: if antibiotics are not indicated for a rotavirus infection, then a bacterial intestinal infection cannot be cured without them (rotavirus does not cause sepsis, it does not enter the bloodstream, but the bacterium, if it is not killed in time, can be deadly by itself). yourself). In addition, you will need to buy Acetone Test strips to determine the level of acetone in your urine.

Intestinal flu: treatment

1. The main thing in treatment is to provide the baby with a sufficient amount of liquid. You need to give him in the form of water, tea, compote not only his norm (for example, for a child weighing 11 kg it is a liter per day), but also the liquid that he loses with diarrhea and vomiting. It is necessary to drink in small doses, 5-10 ml (tea-dessert spoon), cool liquid (with severe nausea) or at room temperature. The best option- to drink the child with solutions "Regidron", "Oralit", "Humana". You can prepare a solution yourself: dilute 6 tsp for 1 liter of water. sugar and 1 tsp. table salt.

2. Sorbents: "Smecta", "White Coal", "Enterosgel" in the age dosage, little by little during the day. For example, at 2 years old, 1-1.5 sachets of Smecta are prescribed per day, we give it a little, 5-10 ml every half hour, we take a break from taking the sorbent when you need to drink the medicine.

3. There is a proven practice of using Viferon suppositories in an age dosage as an antiviral agent.

4. Antipyretic drugs in the age dosage. Do not forget about such methods of cooling as undressing and rubbing with cool water, and also that it is impossible to wrap a child at a temperature in any case, otherwise it is not far from convulsions. If you can't cope with the fever, call an ambulance.

Intestinal flu: symptoms, treatment of complications

    Renal failure. Occurs due to insufficient intake of fluid in the body with large losses. It looks like a deterioration in the condition, a decrease in the amount of urine, which becomes darker. Treatment here should be done as soon as possible, until the kidneys have died, it consists in intravenous fluid (dropper).

    acetone state. That it can be the culprit of persistent vomiting, because of which the child cannot drink. Symptoms: abdominal pain, vomiting, smell of acetone, Acetone test strips show that the indicator is more than one plus (normally it should not be at all). Treatment: in the hospital. This is a drip of liquid, and drinking the child "Borjomi" without gas, semi-sweet teas, rehydrating solutions. In the treatment of this condition, "Citrarginine" helps well, the ampoule of which must be dissolved in a glass of water and given during the day (you can add a spoonful of sugar there).

    High temperature that does not go astray. Treatment - in the infectious diseases hospital, call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

    Convulsions against the background of high temperature with respiratory failure. While one person calls an ambulance, the second must take the child out into the fresh air, push him forward lower jaw so that the tongue does not interfere with breathing. If at the same time there is also a very high temperature, the child should be simultaneously wiped with a half-alcohol solution (water:alcohol = 1:1). If the child has stopped breathing, give mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration (usually this is rarely required).

To avoid all these terrible complications, it is best to try to treat this type of infection in a hospital. It will become easier for the baby - go home.

You will need

  • - plentiful drink;
  • - rehydration therapy;
  • - sorbents, probiotics;
  • - antipyretic drugs.


The disease is characterized by an acute onset. The temperature rises sharply, symptoms of a febrile syndrome appear and vomiting begins with diarrhea. The acute period can last for a week. The child feels spasmodic pain in the abdomen, he develops a runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. Also, the child loses his appetite, he becomes weak and looks pale. In a week of illness, a small patient can become very emaciated. Children under 3 years of age are most often affected by rotavirus infection. The intestinal flu is serious illness, threatening the life of the baby, so if you experience profuse vomiting and diarrhea, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Treatment of preschool children is carried out in a hospital. Before the arrival of a doctor or an ambulance, the child should be provided with a fortified warm drink. It can be sweet tea, compote, plain boiled water. Toddlers infancy you can not leave alone, so that they do not choke on vomit. If the child is sleeping, it is necessary to strictly turn the head on its side and put a pillow under it. Mom should monitor body temperature and give antipyretics in a timely manner. If the child has a good appetite, you can feed him soups on the water, liquid cereals and vegetable puree.

Treatment of intestinal flu in children is aimed at normalizing the body's water-salt balance, which is disturbed during the period of the disease. To do this, the doctor prescribes rehydration therapy, in which they take orally or medications replenishing the loss of nutrients and fluids. An effective remedy is Regidron. Also, the child needs to take drugs in order to. "Activated carbon" or "Enterosgel" can help with this. At high body temperature, the child is given medicines based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. To improve the intestinal microflora, it is recommended to take probiotics, such as Bifiform, Acipol, Linex, etc. With severe vomiting, antiemetic drugs can be used.

A small patient must adhere to a semi-bed rest. It must be isolated from healthy people. It is also necessary to observe the diet. With intestinal flu, fatty, fried, dairy products, juices and carbonated drinks should be excluded. It is advisable to use vegetable soups, jelly, dried fruit compotes and cereals cooked in water.

Intestinal flu in children is a fairly common disease. He is attributed to viral infections gastrointestinal tract, the disease is considered influenza only because of its viral origin, the presence of some clinical symptoms similar to the flu.

Parents need to know what are the symptoms of intestinal flu, clinical manifestations in children, treatment methods. Pediatricians note that recently the virus (the causative agent of pathology) has mutated greatly, it is much more difficult to cope with it than before. It is necessary to start treatment as early as possible to avoid unpleasant complications.

Causes of occurrence and ways of infection

Intestinal flu develops rapidly, infection occurs due to the ingestion of a special Rotavirus. The scientific name for the disease is gastroenteritis. The disease is provoked by all members of the detachment:

  • adenoviruses;
  • astroviruses;
  • noroviruses;
  • calicioviruses.

It is these pathogenic microorganisms that trigger inflammatory process, contribute to its distribution through the intestines of the crumbs.

Pathology is considered pediatric, the bulk of patients are children from one year to three years. According to statistics, about 40% of all gastroenteritis in children falls on the share of intestinal flu of varying severity. The disease manifests itself in adults often after contact with an infected child as a result of constant care for him.

In a normal situation, a healthy adult copes well with the virus, the disease bypasses him. Pathology is most often diagnosed in young children and the elderly, due to weakened immunity. The main reason for getting the disease into the children's body is non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

Favorite places for the localization of the pathogen are kindergartens, schools, public places of food, toilets. Often in schools and kindergartens, the disease is epidemic in nature, requiring the introduction of quarantine, thorough disinfection of the premises. A large crowd of people, lack of compliance with special rules leads to re-infection, an endless epidemic.

Doctors identify seasonal outbreaks of the onset of the disease - autumn-winter, winter-spring. The virus attacks the body at a time when the immune system is weak, which leads to the appearance characteristic symptoms. The causes of infection with gastroenteritis can be different, in children clinical picture noticeable strongly, due to the severe transfer of the disease.

The main routes of infection with intestinal flu include:

  • the classic version is the airborne way;
  • infection through the saliva of an infected person;
  • non-compliance with the banal rules of personal hygiene (unwashed hands before a meal, a similar situation after visiting the bathroom);
  • use of toys, other items belonging to a sick child.

There are a lot of ways to infect a child, so most of the inhabitants of our country have faced a problem at least once in their lives. With each subsequent infection, the disease becomes easier, this does not mean that the person is no longer contagious.

Be careful about your health, even a slight indigestion can signal the course of the intestinal flu. An adult organism can quickly cope with the problem, but the probability of infection of a child is high. Children's immunity will not be able to solve the problem on its own; long-term treatment will be required.

Clinical picture of the disease

The characteristic symptoms in children are acute, the state of health worsens sharply. If you notice signs of intestinal flu in a child, immediately isolate him from other people, especially the elderly, call a doctor, start treatment.

Sometimes the disease does not immediately make itself felt, doctors distinguish two groups clinical manifestations. The first includes symptoms that are common to ordinary and intestinal flu. The second category includes manifestations associated with an upset stomach in a baby.

Common symptoms of intestinal flu:

  • the child becomes lethargic, feels general weakness;
  • body temperature rises sharply, usually keeps within 38 degrees;
  • pain in the throat increases over time: it becomes painful to swallow, the mucous membranes acquire a characteristic red tint;
  • runny nose, cough. With intestinal flu, the symptoms quickly disappear, only problems with the gastrointestinal tract remain.

Signs peculiar only to gastroenteritis:

  • loss of appetite, constant nausea, general drowsiness;
  • vomiting up to five times a day, vomit without impurities of blood, mucus;
  • severe diarrhea - up to ten times a day, stool without bloody impurities;
  • persistent pain in the abdomen, rumbling;
  • the acute course of an intestinal infection leads to severe dehydration of the child's body, which negatively affects the baby's well-being, and can pose a threat to the life of the crumbs.

Vivid symptoms, acute onset of the disease indicates the same rapid recovery. The incubation period lasts from 16 hours to several days, it all depends on the amount of virus that has entered the baby's body. The course of the disease in children is complex, recovery occurs (subject to proper treatment) after a week. Advanced cases require more time to restore the normal functioning of the child's body.

Why is the stomach flu dangerous?

Why is it necessary to immediately treat an intestinal infection? The answer is simple - influenza and gastroenteritis are various diseases although they have similar symptoms. In the first case, the disease cannot cause severe dehydration, serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal flu poses a particular danger to the life of a child:

  • the pathogen is resistant to negative factors environment. Microorganisms remain on surfaces even after wet cleaning for several more hours; a small amount of the virus is enough to infect a child. Special measures are constantly required to prevent the onset of the disease;
  • infection can occur anywhere, rotavirus easily penetrates the children's body, begins its active life;
  • the disease manifests itself within a few days, in contrast to the usual food poisoning, which manifests itself after a couple of hours. During this period, the virus is well absorbed in the body of the baby, which makes it difficult to treat the disease;
  • Dehydration is a particular danger not only for children, but also for parents. Many go with the liquid useful material which are necessary for the normal functioning of human organs and systems. An obligatory item in the treatment of intestinal flu is the restoration of water-salt balance with the help of heavy drinking: decoctions of chamomile, water without gas, green tea.

Important! The disease requires immediate treatment, a doctor's call to the house. It is forbidden to visit the clinic, there is a high risk of infecting other children.


Making the correct diagnosis consists in examining the patient, clarifying the symptoms, taking special tests (bacteriological examination). The last manipulations help to exclude other severe forms infections (salmonellosis, cholera, dysentery).

Effective Treatments

The specific treatment of the disease is unknown to science; a special medicine has not yet been invented that affects the disease. The elimination of an intestinal infection consists in the elimination of symptoms, special care for a small patient. It is customary for very young children to be hospitalized, the treatment is carried out under the close supervision of physicians.

Intestinal flu is treated symptomatically, therapy is aimed at preventing dehydration of the body, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For this, some medicines, plentiful drinking, and a sparing diet are used.

For the treatment of intestinal infections, it is necessary to adhere to special rules, consultation with a pediatrician is mandatory:

  • the child must adhere to bed rest;
  • carry out frequent wet cleaning in the crumbs room, regular airing is a must;
  • strengthen the child's drinking regimen. For these purposes, chamomile, green tea, non-carbonated mineral water, compotes from dried fruits and fresh ingredients;
  • allocate separate dishes, bed linen for the crumbs. Such measures will save other children, family members from infection. It would be useful to keep contact with a sick child to a minimum.

Medical therapy

There is no specific drug aimed at combating the virus. Doctors recommend using other medicines to restore the normal functioning of the child's body:

  • dehydration will help prevent special solutions, for example, Regidron. Take one packet per liter of water, mix thoroughly, give the crumbs every half an hour;
  • Sorbents will help remove toxins from the body. Drugs contribute to the rapid removal of harmful substances from the body of the baby. For these purposes, activated carbon, Enterosgel, Sorbeks, Smecta and others are perfect. Calculate the dosage based on the age and condition of the baby;
  • frequent defecation is stopped by Pancreatin or Creon. Medicines normalize digestion, stop diarrhea;
  • at a high temperature, give the child antipyretics - Nurofen for children, Panadol and others. Purchase all drugs in the form of suspensions or rectal suppositories (subject to stopping frequent bowel movements);
  • resume normal microflora the intestines will be helped by special preparations that contain useful lactobacilli (Hilak Forte, Linex, Bifiform).

Therapeutic diet

Eliminate fried, fatty, salty foods from the diet. Let the baby lean on cereals, lean meat, dairy products. Dishes that cause increased gas formation are prohibited: spices, cabbage, carbonated drinks, sweets, beans. To restore normal digestion, unsweetened cookies, crackers, jelly, boiled vegetables are suitable.

Avoid complications (ulcers, gastritis). Seek help from a doctor in a timely manner, follow useful recommendations.

Learn about the rules for the use of children's nasal Otrivin baby.

Effective ways to treat SARS in children are described on the page.

Prevention measures

No specific measures have been invented, doctors recommend observing the rules of personal hygiene, often carry out wet cleaning in the house, strengthen the child's immunity, give the baby multivitamin preparations several times a year, they will help prevent the appearance of many different diseases.

Intestinal flu in children flows sharply, proper treatment leaves the virus no chance. Treat the disease in time, avoid complications, take care of the health of the crumbs.

Read more about the symptoms and treatment of intestinal flu in the following video: