Night bandage for the big toe. Bandage for toes: indications and features

Bandage for thumb leg is an orthopedic device for the treatment and prevention of hallux valgus. Pathology is characterized by a curvature of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the first toe with the subsequent formation transverse flatfoot and a gradual turn of all fingers outwards. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the severity of the existing curvature of the finger. Wearing a bandage is the optimal therapeutic method for influencing an orthopedic and cosmetic defect.

With valgus, the head of the first metatarsal bone deviates inward relative to the foot, and the phalanx of the finger itself outward (toward the little finger). To restore the correct position, the use of a foot brace is recommended. Wearing it preserves finger mobility, elasticity of cartilage and ligaments, microcirculation, and prevents muscle atrophy.

Causes of hallux valgus

There are many reasons for the development of foot valgus. The main ones are:

  • genetic predisposition transmitted through the female line;
  • osteoporosis;
  • weakness of the musculoskeletal system;
  • trauma (fractured bones, sprained ligaments);
  • long-term immobilization of the joint in a plaster bandage;
  • joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • being on your feet all day, which is associated with the profession;
  • excess weight;
  • wrong shoes with a narrow toe, high heels.

A significant excess of body weight and shoes with heels above 10 cm cause over time, in addition to foot deformity, an X-shaped curvature of the legs, which will be called knee valgus. It develops in both children and adults (more often in old age).

Painless treatments

Due to the lack of specific manifestations, it is almost impossible to detect the disease at an early stage. Therefore, for medical care turn late, with significant deformity and deployed clinical picture. In severe pathology, characteristic of stage 3 or 4, with a displacement of the first finger of more than 30 °, conservative therapy will no longer eliminate organic changes in the tissues of the joint. Valgus deformity at this stage is significantly pronounced and requires surgical treatment.

It is necessary to pay attention to the following symptoms in a timely manner:

  • heaviness or pain in the legs when walking for a long time;
  • pastosity or swelling of the first finger in the evening.

The disease at this stage can be cured or its further development can be stopped. painless methods. The therapy is effective in mild to moderate stages of flat hallux valgus. Its result depends on the discipline of the patient and the exact implementation of the recommendations. To choose the right conservative treatment it is necessary to determine the cause of the development of the deformation and act, if possible, on it, if it is correctable.

Applies complex therapy valgus, it includes:

  1. Therapeutic exercise - exercises that strengthen muscles. With regular performance, the elasticity of the ligaments increases, venous stasis is prevented, and capillary blood flow is normalized.
  2. Weight loss - Reduces pressure on joints and cartilage.
  3. Orthopedic shoes - stops the progression of the bone, subject to constant wear. Soft wide shoes are selected with a hard recess for the first toe.
  4. Orthoses are devices used for therapeutic treatment in the early stages of pathology. When putting on a bandage on a toe early with a deformed foot, there is an increased chance of doing without surgical intervention.
  5. Anti-inflammatory medications- NSAIDs, GCS - act symptomatically (remove swelling and pain).
  6. Physiotherapeutic methods (shock wave therapy, treatment in a magnetic field, massage).

For a complete recovery correct form feet folk ways treatments are ineffective. They have a local effect: baths, lotions, ointments reduce inflammation and discomfort when walking. As an independent therapeutic method for such a pathology is not used.

Orthopedic bandage for the thumb

When using a bandage adverse reactions not described. It is shown even to children. According to the results of many years of observations, right choice and regular use of the orthosis gives a positive trend of 100%. The bandage simultaneously solves several problems:

  • reduces pain due to the even distribution of weight and other stress on the joints;
  • reduces the inflammatory response;
  • prevents the development of bursitis, calluses, corns, circulatory disorders, loss of elasticity of muscles and ligaments.

Fixators give the deviated finger the correct anatomical direction, significantly reduce the size of the existing bump. With a slight angle of deviation, the valgus curvature will gradually disappear. In severe, advanced stages, the protruding bone may decrease, and the condition of the joint will also improve: the intensity of pain and inflammation, if any, will decrease.

Wearing an orthosis has a number of tangible benefits:

  • lack of irritation or allergic reactions thanks to hypoallergenic materials;
  • easy care - cleaning with wet wipes of the silicone corrector, manual cleaning of the fabric one;
  • high probability of correcting the first signs of flat-valgus deformity with adjustable fixators;
  • affordable price and durability.

Instructions for use

Before proceeding with the treatment of valgus with a bandage, you need to carefully study the instructions that come with the orthosis. It contains detailed rules for the use of the fixative.


Wearing a bandage is indicated primarily for the curvature of the first toe, followed by restriction of movement in this joint. The probability of restoring the normal shape of the leg depends on the stage of the process and the causes that caused pathological changes.

  • with flat feet;
  • with diseases of the joints;
  • with hammer-shaped fingers (joints of 2-5 fingers are bent upwards).

A bandage that will correct the position of the finger is assigned to rehabilitation period after operation. But in the advanced stage of valgus with a large angle of deviation, its use is ineffective.

How to choose a fixative?

There are many models of fixators that at the initial stages of valgus changes in the foot give a good result. The wrong choice can worsen the condition, resulting in the need for surgery. Therefore, the bandage is prescribed by an orthopedist individually for each patient.

The best companies, according to customer and specialist reviews, include: Aetrex, Variteks, Fresco. The price of a bandage varies greatly: from 250 to 3,000 rubles. This is not the main criterion when choosing, but it must be understood that the price of a bandage device from a foreign manufacturer is never low. Cheap devices have a simple design: if it is not possible to adjust the angle of the finger, then when the effect is obtained, another bandage will be required for further therapy.

The choice depends on the following indicators:

  • degree pathological changes;
  • fixer usage tasks;
  • characteristics of the orthosis;
  • age and physical activity of the patient.

The elderly need a corrector that is comfortable to wear at home, suitable for slippers.

When leading an active lifestyle, when during the day the foot is subjected to high loads, it is required night bandage. Its use in the first stage of the disease for several months will completely cure the valgus.

Children are prescribed devices made of elastic silicone to eliminate leg fatigue and the formation of corns that occur when walking or during other physical efforts.

You can buy a high-quality certified bandage in a pharmacy or orthopedic salon. There is a wide selection in online stores. But in a specialized salon or pharmacy, a specialist will help you choose the right size. There are universal orthopedic devices that fit any foot. But fixators are produced only for one foot (right or left).

Operating principle

With certain risk factors, the phalanx and metatarsal head of the first toe gradually shift in the joint capsule relative to each other, forming an angle. It looks like a bone or bump that sticks out at the base of the first finger. Bursitis develops, accompanied by hyperemia, edema, sharp pain, local hyperthermia. The protruding bone is injured by shoes, calluses and corns are formed.

The use of a fixative is aimed at correcting pathological changes. Principles of its action:

  • abduction of the thumb in a physiological position (it is straightened);
  • keeping it in that direction;
  • giving the correct shape to the foot.

As a result, the deviation of the phalanx is reduced, muscles and ligaments are strengthened. Gradually, the crooked toe is aligned: it is parallel to the axis of the foot. Spasms stop in the muscles, their tone increases, which helps to eliminate foci of inflammation. Treatment is recommended at night, when the body is in a relaxed state during sleep.

At the first stage of the disease, the use of a bandage leads to a complete recovery. With regular use of the corrector, after 3-5 weeks, the result of therapy is noticeable.


In some cases, wearing a retainer is not possible. Restrictions and contraindications to wearing a bandage:

  • severe deformity due to impaired microcirculation of the foot;
  • heavy chronic diseases in the acute phase (gout, rheumatism, polyarthritis);
  • diabetes mellitus with complications (microangiopathy and polyneuropathy of the extremities);
  • severe hypertension;
  • stop varicose veins;
  • skin diseases with localization at the place of wearing the bandage;
  • inflammatory and allergic rashes, wounds;
  • swelling and inflammation of the feet, violation of the integrity of the skin (abrasions or cuts).

How to wear?

A suitable model will be selected by an orthopedist and will explain how to use it correctly. Included with each orthopedic device is an instruction manual with a detailed application algorithm. If there is a belt, it is recommended to tighten it so that pain does not occur. The silicone retainer is put on the finger and pressed tightly with the straightening of the additional petal on the bone.

General rules to follow:

  1. It is contraindicated to walk with a night bandage on the leg.
  2. Models with hinges and other types of rigid orthoses should be used according to the developed step-by-step instructions.
  3. The maximum duration of wearing a daily corrector is 6-10 hours.
  4. The tire should fix the foot throughout the night's sleep.
  5. When using a bandage, observe hygienic measures (wash the device with soapy water and put it on dry on clean feet).

Duration of procedures

The duration of treatment is determined by the degree of hallux valgus, concomitant diseases, age and ranges from several weeks to six months or more. The individual characteristics of the organism, the responsibility of the patient play a role. The duration of use of the bandage depends on the state of the joint at the time when the orthopedic device was first put on. Even if long-term therapy is necessary, the condition improves after the device is used: discomfort and pain symptoms decrease when walking.

What is a bandage?

Criteria by which orthoses for the first toe are classified:

  • preferred time of day when you need to wear a bandage (day, night);
  • materials from which devices are created (plastic, silicone, dense fabric, their combinations);
  • design: articulated (large, small, with a small pillow), simple.

The existing options for orthoses are conventionally divided into 3 types:

  1. Fixing (for daily use) - do not have therapeutic effect, but stop the symptoms in the form of pain in the leg, discomfort when walking. The clamps are simple in design, therefore inexpensive. They have one drawback - unregulated voltage. Therefore, to increase or decrease the impact on the finger, you will need to purchase a new bandage.
  2. Retracting night frame - cures the disease. The result occurs after the first sessions of its application. The design, worn in the evening, should fix the leg until the morning. Bandages with a movable splint and a fastener are used: the foot is comfortable in them, the result appears faster.
  3. Correctors are needed for postoperative rehabilitation. They do not treat changes in the foot, but do not allow them to progress (silicone or plastic ones are used). When worn, they remain invisible: they are comfortable to wear in sandals throughout the day.

Classic corrective

The classic corrective device is an option that effectively restores leg function after radical treatment. The orthosis is also prescribed for prophylactic purposes: it slows down the progression of foot deformity.

The corset reduces pain and fatigue of the legs when walking, allows you to wear your usual shoes without discomfort. Quickly restores foot function after surgery.

Corrective devices are divided according to the material from which they are created:

  • tissue;
  • silicone (gel);
  • plastic;
  • mixed (using fabric and silicone inserts).

Depending on the functions, plastic orthoses are:

  • adjustable;
  • unregulated.

The first of them are the most effective, but they work only at night. Use during the day when walking with them in shoes is impossible due to the bulkiness and complexity of the design. The device is made up of several parts:

  1. A large part is attached to the foot in a comfortable position for the patient.
  2. A smaller part is fixed on the bone of the first finger.
  3. A hinge with a soft fabric pad holds the parts of the bandage together. The pillow increases the strength of the connection between the deformed bone and the bandage. The hinge provides the necessary freedom of movement.

Such a corrector is universal - designed to be worn on both the right and left legs. Its cost is low, the device can be purchased by a person with any income level. Wearing an orthosis is recommended at the first symptoms of deformity. Early application stops further divergence of the bones of the foot and deformity of the articular joint.

Specially designed bandage design aligns the first toe on the foot. This reduces the pain symptom, slows down the progressive development of the deformity. Models for night and day missions are significantly different.

The rigid retainer does not create any force for the muscles of the foot. They put it on, pull it up and fix the strap, controlling the direction of the thumb (it should become parallel to the rest of the fingers). The angle of abduction is increased gradually so as not to cause sharp pain in the metatarsophalangeal joint.

By design, the device is an interdigital rigid strut. It is securely fixed on the finger so that with careless movements in a dream it does not move and does not detach from the leg.

Night bandage provides good therapeutic effect. Its configuration is bulky and complex, which is why wearing with shoes is contraindicated. Since the foot is fixed rigidly, and it is impossible to bend it, walking in such a bandage is excluded even for short distances.

Therefore, when using a bandage with a rigid retainer, it is not recommended:

  • at the first application, set the maximum correction angle;
  • walk or stand with the brace on.

In case of violation of the rules, an exacerbation, progression of deformation may develop. Such a device corrects the deviation of the finger by about 50%.

Night abduction bandage is intended for treatment. The effect appears immediately after its application:

  • pain, swelling, inflammation decrease;
  • gait improves, discomfort when walking disappears;
  • calluses, corns do not appear;
  • increases flexibility and mobility of the toes;
  • improves blood circulation.

The night construction has a therapeutic effect when the muscles are as relaxed as possible - during sleep. The rigid structure of the retainer keeps the bones of the finger in the correct anatomical position. The abducting night bandage holds the finger more securely than the corrector in a direction parallel to the neighboring phalanges.


The daytime corrector takes the first toe inward. This relieves pain and prevents deformation. The day model is different from the night one. It is soft and made of rubber. You need to immediately put the loop on your finger, draw an elastic band under the foot and fasten it around the ankle. Since the elastic band is thin, socks and shoes are comfortably put on it, and do not cause discomfort. The corrector is easily erased.


The bandage is called night due to the rigid fixation of the joint of the first finger, which ensures its complete immobility. It is impossible to walk with a bulky design, so it is put on at night. The tire has the following advantages:

  • maximum orthopedic effect;
  • creation of any angle of finger abduction;
  • high strength due to the absence of moving parts;
  • complete disappearance of pain with constant wear.

Night bandage is prescribed for the treatment of pathology. The result appears from the first weeks of use. Comparative analysis shows that the maximum changes develop at night, so the patient rarely experiences inconvenience during treatment. An example of a night orthosis is Orthofix Hess. It works during the period of maximum muscle relaxation (during sleep). This allows the rigid device to firmly fix the joint in an anatomically correct direction for several hours. At night, the foot is held in a given position more securely than when wearing a day corrector.

The diverting night bandage is a complex structure of several parts. It includes:

  • tire with belt;
  • fastening system.

Proper use - performing sequential actions:

  1. The tire is put on the finger.
  2. A comfortable angle of abduction of the finger is selected, which does not cause sharp pain.
  3. The strap wraps around the foot and is threaded through the bottom hook (or fastened with Velcro).
  4. The bandage is removed in the morning in bed (you can’t stand on it).

The package contains 2 sets - separately for each leg (marked with the letters L and R). The cost of a night bandage is high - it is much more expensive than a day bandage. The main purpose of the application: the complete correction of the deformity at the first stage and the cessation of the further development of the pathology.

An example of a domestically produced design is the F-700 Krate night brace (St. Petersburg). it new development, including several varieties: C-421, F-700, F-701, F-710, F-720. Their use results in:

  • to eliminate the defect at stage 1;
  • to relief of pain in foot deformities of 2–4 degrees.

If you constantly wear only a night bandage, it is difficult to get rid of the deformation. Only its development will slow down, since during the day the thumb is not protected and is subject to significant physical activity without additional protection.

For getting positive result the device must be used every night, without removing it until the morning. The therapy takes many months, the timing depends on the stage of joint change at the time when the patient first put on the bandage.

Rigid retainer

The design of the rigid latch includes:

  • metal or plastic element;
  • fasteners with fasteners for adjusting the degree of fixation.

Unlike the night brace, the rigid brace has a hinge that increases its mobility. With such a device on the leg, it is convenient to move around.

Advantages of a rigid bandage:

  • thanks to various materials there is a uniform distribution of stress on the bone and phalanx of the thumb;
  • individually and without effort, the angle of abduction of the finger changes;
  • with the help of a transverse screed, which fixes the ankle, thumb and little finger well, flat feet are additionally corrected.

For the manufacture of a rigid retainer, the following are used:

  • plastic;
  • gel;
  • silicone.

The most rigid bandage orthosis is made of plastic: it easily removes the thumb, completely complicating its movement. It is used at an extremely severe stage of the disease, when it bothers strong pain, corns, thickening and inflammation of the joint are formed. In other cases, its appointment is unjustified. It is impossible to wear a device with shoes due to its high rigidity: it can be broken when walking.

Sufficiently rigid correctors are made of gel - they fix the thumb well, giving it a straight direction. There is a slight pressure on the joint, the skin is not damaged by pressure or friction. Unlike plastic, they are comfortable to walk in shoes.

The silicone retainer weakly holds the finger, it is used only for prophylactic purposes or at the very first signs of illness. It is quite simple to use: it is put on the thumb, and the elongated silicone tongue is pressed tightly against the bone, protecting it from pressure and friction with shoes.

Soft silicone inserts

Non-discomfort soft silicone interdigital inserts are used with any footwear (open or closed). Depending on the design, they are quite effective and completely useless. In the absence of an emphasis for the interdigital space, the pad protects against friction with shoes, but does not have a therapeutic effect. The best option- a cast corrector with a tight stop for the bone and interdigital space. Silicone orthoses do not stop the process of deformation, but only alleviate the patient's condition.

Soft silicone correctors are convenient for daytime use:

  • keep the thumb in a given physiological position;
  • do not cause discomfort;
  • block pathological movements in the joint itself;
  • perform a protective function, keep the joint warm.

The simultaneous use of a hard bandage at night and a soft silicone corrector during the day sums up their effects and reduces the treatment time.

Observing the rules for using orthoses, as well as performing hygienic care for them, you can get rid of the pathology without resorting to surgical treatment.

Correction should be carried out under the supervision of an orthopedic surgeon. The specialist will additionally appoint drug therapy, massage, other physiotherapeutic procedures. This improves the general condition and shortens the recovery period. During the treatment period, it is necessary to exclude risk factors leading to a further increase in deformity:

  • avoid tight shoes with high heels;
  • get rid of excess weight.

To consolidate the result of night splints, it is necessary to wear daytime silicone correctors that fix the joint when walking in a given position.

Wearing only an elastic day orthosis will not lead to the disappearance of the bone at the base of the thumb, but will only reduce pathological manifestations when walking. After putting on a night brace on the leg, you can not move around in it.

The use of a corrector in the 4th stage of valgus is impractical, taking into account irreversible changes in the joints, as well as the involvement of the phalanges of other fingers in the process. The only one effective method Treatment at this stage is surgery.

The orthopedic mode (time of application and a certain combination of splints) is developed for each patient individually. But the general scheme for prescribing corrective treatment and its principles are the same for everyone. As soon as the condition improves, the time spent in orthoses is reduced. With an exacerbation, the wearing of correctors is prolonged by choosing an individual regimen. Taking into account the severity of flat feet, the accompanying deformation of the joints, various orthopedic devices are used. The success of their treatment depends on the timely treatment to the doctor.

advertising various means to get rid of bumps on the toes, the entire Internet is full of. Along with dubious folk recipes there are also quite adequate proposals - to purchase a bandage for a bone on the big toe. What types of such products can be found on sale? Do they really help get rid of the problem? And what do those who have already tried “finger corsets” on their legs say?

Why do you need a bone fixator

A bump on the finger will not only limit the choice of shoes (you will most likely have to forget about elegant stiletto pumps), but will also “give” a lot of unpleasant, and sometimes painful sensations. The reasons for its appearance are different. This is wearing high-heeled shoes for too long, as well as:

  • flat feet;
  • overweight;
  • lack of calcium during pregnancy;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • urinary tract dysfunction;
  • physiological predisposition (for example, excessively wide foot);
  • regular hypothermia of the legs;
  • curvature of the ankle joint;
  • disorders of the nervous system.

It is a mistake to believe that the bump is formed due to salt deposits or that it is some kind of transformation of a large callus. As a result of hallux valgus, the metatarsal bone of the thumb deviates, while the finger itself arches in the opposite direction. It is to return the finger to its original position that the retainer of the bone of the big toe is used.. Also, special orthopedic insoles are often used for this purpose.

Depending on the stage of the disease, the period of wearing a retainer can be from several weeks to two months or even six months.

Manufacturers of orthopedic products are trying to satisfy consumer demand as much as possible, so a variety of models of retainers can be found on sale.

  • The most popular is a silicone or elastic plastic corrector. Such products are very comfortable, as they are hardly noticeable on the leg, which means that they can be used even when wearing open shoes during the day.
  • Separately, it should be said about models with a latch, which is located between the first and second fingers.
  • You can perfectly fit the bandage on your leg if you buy models with adjustable rail and clasp fastening. And even if this option does not look too elegant, but in it the foot will feel as comfortable as possible, and the result will be achieved faster.

One of the classifications is based on the time of use of the bandage - day or night.

Indications and contraindications for use

Wearing a corrector may be recommended by your doctor in the following cases:

  • in the presence of transverse flat feet;
  • with hallux valgus;
  • with arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis;
  • with hammer-shaped fingers, when fingers 2-5 are bent at the joints upwards.

In the West, a bone fixator has long been successfully used to prevent hallux valgus.

There are no general contraindications to the use of a fixative, but in specific cases, the doctor may refuse this method treatment in the presence of a particular disease, especially when it comes to complex or chronic cases.

Does a bone bandage help?

The effect of wearing a leg bandage on a bone in some cases will not take long. If the disease is running, then you have to be patient. And as in all other cases, the use of orthopedic accessories requires a doctor's consultation.

Being alternative method treatment of hallux valgus and other foot disorders, wearing a valgus splint has a number of advantages that do not go unnoticed by patients:

  • relieves discomfort and pain;
  • eliminates the occurrence of corns and calluses;
  • Can be worn with any footwear easy to choose an aesthetically attractive model;
  • affordable cost;
  • elastic silicone, from which the bandage is made, does not cause allergies.

Doctors also note the following advantages of fixators:

  • effective support of the finger in the correct anatomical position;
  • due to a decrease in the load on the joint, the skin does not turn red, which eliminates the occurrence of complications;
  • the risk of developing flat feet is reduced due to the location of the joint in the correct position;
  • lowering the load on the front arch of the foot eliminates the possibility of its flattening;
  • suitable for the treatment of hallux valgus at any stage;
  • has no relapses and does not cause complications.

How to wear a brace correctly

If you follow the simple rules of wearing an orthopedic bandage for the bones on your legs and the recommendations of your doctor, it will not be difficult to achieve the desired result, and you will not have to make excessive efforts, because the miracle pad will take care of everything.

  • The silicone retainer is attached to the thumb and pressed tightly. More complex models are accompanied by instructions in which steps are described step by step to help you put on and fasten the bandage correctly.
  • The maximum time for wearing a bandage during the day is 10 hours, the average allowable is 6 hours.
  • Night correctors can be left on all night.

If you use the fixatives only at night, then remember that the treatment may take a long time.

Reviews about the fixator for the bone on the big toe

Have you often seen on the net a phrase like: “A miracle fixer will get rid of bones in a month!”? But is it worth trusting such promises and what do those who bought them and tried them on themselves say about bone fixators?

Sergey Mechnik, 32 years old
bone fixator "Hallux Valgus"

If you do not know about Valgus Pro, then you never go online. It is simply impossible to miss his ad - it flickers with every click. But I decided to make sure of the wonderfulness of the product on my own, especially since my father also urgently needed the same one. I came across a forum of “deceived valgus”, who were sold under a well-known brand for big money, complete crap.

In general, I decided to choose something else. After two days of surfing the Internet, I came across Hallux Valgus and found a site that a) had a return address b) there was no prepayment c) the purchase could be returned if it did not suit d) courier delivery in my city. It was possible to pay online, but I did not do this, so that I could simply not pay the courier if he handed me junk. While waiting for delivery, I watched a bunch of videos to learn how to distinguish a fake. I bought two clamps at once, so it turned out cheaper (a little more than 1300 rubles for each), plus they took delivery.

To my surprise, the courier delivered what I ordered. The latch is made of high-quality plastic and silicone, it is easy to attach, it does not restrict movements. I must say right away that I rarely wore it. After a month of wearing it, I did not have a hint that the bump began to decrease. Father, on the contrary, was very pleased with the result - his lump on one leg became noticeably smaller. I gave him my retainer and he continued the treatment. So once again I was convinced that miracles do not happen, if you decide to be treated, then you need not to give up what you have planned. Although in a good way, of course, you need to go to the doctor, and not experiment on your body.

Polina Stupkina, 42 years old
night bandage "Hav Splint"

The bones on the thumbs had already become so large that it was no longer possible to ignore them. And on both legs. Went to the clinic. Along with other treatment, the doctor recommended the use of a special bandage at night. After searching the Internet, I found "Hav Splint". Decided to buy and was very pleased.

There are two tires in the box - on the left and right leg. It is put on simply and is very securely fastened, so there has never been a bandage that fell off in a dream or at least moved. A very rigid fixation forces the finger back into place night after night. I looked at silicone models in a pharmacy - they are not so hard. In the end, after two months of “shackled” sleep, my bumps began to shrink, and my finger really kind of started to move into a normal position. The doctor was also pleased with the result and told me to continue. I didn’t say how long it would last, but I’m already used to putting them on before going to bed, so I don’t forget. I hope that I can get rid of this ugliness.

Maria Ivanovna Klipkina, 56 years old
corrective bandage "Ortmann DANS"

She went to the hospital in time, and the doctor diagnosed Valgus deformity. medium degree". He reassured me that so far nothing terrible had happened, sent me to take all the tests to establish the cause, and prescribed to put on a bandage for the night. I honestly admit that I chose the most expensive one in the pharmacy. I’ve been putting it on for more than six months now and I understand that I made the right decision without starting to save money.

It can only be worn at night and removed before getting out of bed. The brace itself is rigid and strongly secures the foot and toe.. In the box there is a very clear step-by-step instruction on how to put it on correctly. I quickly got along with her. True, then I clarified with the doctor: am I doing everything right? He praised me. The first days were unusual, but now the bandage does not bother me at all. No inconvenience, while I see the result - the legs began to look more like healthy ones. I am satisfied and advise everyone not to spare money for quality products.

A bump on the thumb does not allow you to choose comfortable shoes, and the pain and inconvenience created by its existence is already simply unbearable? Do not want to endure terrible suffering and discomfort at night? Do you dream of regaining your easy gait and wearing open shoes again without embarrassment and worries?

To get rid of your problem quickly and without any extra effort, a bandage for bones on the legs, which has truly miraculous properties, will help. This device has a corrective effect while you sleep sweetly.

Causes of valgus deformity of the foot

The valgus bandage is a long-awaited solution to the problem that most women who have reached the age of 35-40 face. Most susceptible this disease the fair sex, long time used shoes with heels, especially with a narrow toe, as well as those whose work is associated with prolonged stay on their feet.

In addition, doctors note that the risk group also includes women who have not been diagnosed with flat feet in time and people who are significantly overweight. No less susceptible to the development of the disease are the elderly and pregnant women who lack calcium in the blood, as well as those suffering from diseases thyroid gland or diabetes.

In the presence of such prerequisites, a lump is formed on the thumb. It is not a salt deposit or growth, as many people think, but is a deviation of the metatarsal bone of the thumb. As a result of such changes, the specified bone deviates to the inside, and the finger itself moves in the opposite direction.

How can the Hav Splint Night Big Toe Bandage help?

To cope with a complex and unpleasant problem that creates discomfort when walking and difficulty in choosing shoes, a foot bandage from cones will help. Prolonged use of the device will help to cope with the deformation of the joint, which is the cause of the disease. In addition, already at the beginning of the application, you will be able to notice a decrease in such manifestations of hallux valgus:

  • the pain caused by the disease is eliminated;
  • reduction of inflammation, swelling and redness in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bumps will pass;
  • walking will cease to cause discomfort, and gait will noticeably improve;
  • the likelihood of the appearance of corns and corns is reduced;
  • ligaments will become more elastic, indicators of flexibility and mobility of the foot will improve;
  • normalizes blood circulation in the legs;
  • the load on the joint of the thumb will decrease;
  • Stop worrying about pain at night.

So, using a corrective bandage on the big toe, it will be possible to get rid of the bumps on the foot, restore the transverse arch of the foot and return healthy state your feet.

Bandage on the big toe: the principle of operation

A bandage for a bone on a leg is worth buying because of its truly miraculous properties. He is one of the most effective ways fight against hallux valgus due to rigid fixation of the finger in the correct position, not allowing the bone to deviate.

The night abductor bandage has a more rigid fixation in comparison with silicone, gel and, therefore, it more securely holds the finger in the required (healthy) position. What's more, its use at night allows for corrective procedures when there is no stress on the forefoot, resulting in faster resolution of the deformity.

The desired result from the use of Hav Splint is achieved due to the effect on the ligaments and soft tissues, they stretch, and the tension is relieved. Prolonged use of the splint eliminates clamps in the area of ​​muscle tissue, and as a result, foci of inflammation are eliminated and pain disappears. As a result of this positive development and the alignment of the joint occurs and it fuses in the natural correct position.

Abduction bandage for the big toe: how to apply?

To achieve the desired effect and eliminate hallux valgus, it is necessary to use correctly orthopedic bandage for the foot.

Fixation of the joints in a natural position is carried out due to soft and elastic materials adjacent to the foot, as well as reliable fasteners that establish a natural position of the leg in the absence of pressure and discomfort. In order to properly use the night valgus bandage, the following is required:

  1. Remove tires from packaging. The kit includes two correctors, for the right and left legs, which are indicated by the letters "R" and "L" respectively;
  2. Put the brace on your thumb. To do this, insert your thumb into the device so that the soft pad is with inside fingers, and the phalanx itself was laid aside;
  3. Circle the blue strap around the leg and thread it through the hook;
  4. Set the finger deflection angle that is comfortable for you. This can be done by tightening the blue fasteners. It should be borne in mind that choosing the angle of inclination, you should feel comfortable and there should be no pain. Important! Do not set too large a deviation angle during the initial use of the corrector; for an effective and painless procedure, it is worth increasing this figure gradually, with each subsequent procedure;
  5. Fasten the fastener with a set angle with Velcro;
  6. Go to bed. Important! It is necessary to put on a corrective bandage while sitting on the bed in a state prepared for sleep, since it is impossible to walk (even a couple of steps!) In the device, it is not intended for this;
  7. After waking up, remove the proofreaders. To do this, you must first unfasten the blue fasteners, and then remove the bandages from both legs, like ordinary shoes.

Duration of procedures with Hav Splint

To effectively deal with unpleasant disease, doctors recommend wearing an overnight foot brace daily and leaving it on your feet throughout your sleep.

Complete elimination of the deformity is possible with regular procedures for several months, the specific duration of the course will depend on the degree of development of the disease. So, there are several stages of hallux valgus:

  1. The initial stage is expressed in the deviation of the joint by no more than 20 ° and has no other signs, except for non-aesthetics. appearance feet;
  2. At the second stage, the angle of deformation increases to 20-30° and the first pain sensations appear during walking;
  3. The third stage is already accompanied by a curvature of the finger up to 50 °, and the pain begins to remind itself more and more often even with minor loads;
  4. The fourth stage is manifested in the protrusion of the bone by more than 50 °, pain becomes permanent, the deformation begins to affect other fingers, and it is almost impossible to wear ordinary shoes.

You can buy a corrective bandage for the big toe with deformity of stage 1-3, when it has not yet touched other phalanges, at the last stage, as a rule, only surgery can correct the situation.

Correction with Hav Splint is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of an orthopedist, who, in addition to local effects, will be able to prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, massages, and physiotherapy. These measures can shorten the recovery period.

It will also be necessary to exclude the occurrence of factors that provoke the development of deformity: stop wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes, reduce body weight in the presence of significant overweight, etc.

In addition, in order to consolidate the corrective effect obtained when using night tires, it is recommended to put on after removing them. They will more gently fix your joints in the correct position, are suitable for any shoes, do not create discomfort and allow you to speed up the process of getting rid of hallux valgus. However, it is worth remembering that the use of only Valgus Pro inserts will not allow you to get rid of the bumps on the thumb, but will only reduce pain while wearing them.

You can buy the Hav Splint night bandage together with the Valgus Pro daytime correctors at a profit by purchasing on our website.

Valgus bandage: buy and forget about past problems

You can buy a night bandage for the big toe to minimize and eliminate signs of hallux valgus deformity of the foot. Already after the first application of the corrector, you will feel an improvement in the condition of your legs and a decrease in the severity of pain, and after a few weeks of using the splint, you will be able to achieve other manifestations of remission of the disease, as well as a visible reduction in the lump.

So, a bandage on the bone of the thumb will reduce the severity of foot deformity, and prevent its further development and help achieve the following effects:

  • reduction of valgus deformity of the big toe;
  • the severity of the bump will become much less, and over time it will disappear altogether;
  • the twisted joint will return to its normal healthy position;
  • muscle tension will decrease and you will feel much better;
  • with each application, pain will decrease;
  • the transverse arch of the foot will recover and become more natural;
  • the finger will become active and mobile;
  • redness, swelling will come down, inflammation of the joint will pass, which will prevent the development of bursitis;
  • walking will become much easier and more graceful.

Thus, getting rid of a bump on the leg is not only realistic, but also quite simple, you just need to put on a night bandage for the big toe every day, reviews of which indicate the high effectiveness of this product.

Bandage on the toe: buy and use correctly

A real sensation among its consumers was made by the abductor bandage for the big toe. Feedback in a negative way, as a rule, is left only by those buyers who did not achieve the desired effect, because they did not follow the precautionary rules. Especially importance It is worth paying attention to the following recommendations:

  1. You should not use a corrector in the fourth stage of hallux valgus, since the disease has already developed too much, it has begun to cover other phalanges and it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with it without surgical intervention;
  2. It will not be possible to achieve the desired effect and using the splint in the manifestation of other bone diseases: arthritis, gout, rheumatism;
  3. It is not recommended to use orthopedic bandages on the big toe in the presence of cuts, abrasions, wounds or other skin damage;
  4. The blue finger angle adjustment strap should be tightened so that it fixes the finger in a more correct position, but not so much that it causes pain that interferes with your sleep.
  5. Before using the tire, it is recommended to consult with a specialist;
  6. After putting on the device, you need to go to bed, and it is strictly forbidden to walk in it;
  7. Orthopedic bandages for toes require simple care, for this it is enough to periodically wash them with warm soapy water.

Big Toe Abductor Bandage: Buy and Enjoy the Benefits

A night bandage for the big toe is worth buying to get rid of hallux valgus deformity of the big toes. This effect and ease of use is achieved due to a number of advantages:

  • rigid and effective fixation of the joint;
  • the possibility of adjusting the angle of deflection of the finger;
  • getting rid of pain;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • convenient fastening of the retainer to the foot;
  • durability of the device, ensured by the absence of moving parts;
  • universal size, suitable for any foot;
  • no complex care requirements;
  • the impossibility of rubbing the protruding joint;
  • carrying out procedures during sleep, which makes them almost invisible and does not require much effort;
  • quality materials are not causing allergies and irritation.

Another indisputable advantage is a foot brace from cones - a price that will seem ridiculous even to an ordinary Russian. The cost of this miraculous device is much lower than other means with a similar principle of action.

Characteristics and equipment

  • Material: durable hypoallergenic medical plastic, porous soft material, leather, nylon;
  • Manufacturer: development - Japan, production - China (high quality!);
  • Equipment: in the package 1 pair (2 pcs., for the left and right leg);
  • The size: Tires are dimensionless (can be adjusted to fit any foot size).

You can buy a bandage for the big toe right now in our online store. We guarantee the provision of high-quality and certified products, which, when correct use help to cope with bumps on the thumbs. Remember, hallux valgus develops quite quickly, every day the bone growth can increase, which can lead to complex operation with a long rehabilitation period and lifelong lameness.

Why torture yourself, suffering from discomfort and discomfort, if you can just buy a bandage from the bone on your leg, the price of which will be affordable for everyone!

Click the "Buy" button and place your order right now!

Do you have any questions? Call toll free number 8-800-200-41-91 , get advice and place an order by phone (on weekdays from 9 to 18 Moscow time)

Indications Valgus deformity of the big toe, Pain and discomfort in the joint of the big toe Action Fixing the big toe in the correct position, Restoration of motor activity of the big toe, Reduction of inflammation, swelling, redness, Improvement of blood circulation, Eliminates painful sensations Product type Correctors Country of origin China Material Thermoplastic, Textile, Polyurethane foam Weight 0.21500000 Length 19.00000000

Average customer rating: (13) 4.92 out of 5 stars


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Everyday wearing high-heeled shoes, the acquisition of models that squeeze the foot, active walking, running, features of metabolism and work internal organs can lead to degenerative-dystrophic changes in the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot.
Articular deformity brings tremendous discomfort: from the inability to pick up a pair of beautiful shoes to severe pain during the day. The disease progresses in both elderly and young people. In order to improve general condition health, correction of joint curvature, the manufacturer of orthopedic products created special correctors.

Benefits of a big toe brace

Thumb brace:
  • Protects against corns, chafing and calluses anterior section feet.
  • Eliminates discomfort and fatigue at the end of the day.
  • Support for the first finger in the correct anatomical position.
  • Damping dynamic load and reducing the risk of flattening of the sole.
  • No friction and no jumping of the second finger on the first.
  • The possibility of personal selection of the size of the bandage on the thumb, taking into account changes in the metatarsophalangeal joint.
  • Daily wear in any type of footwear is allowed.
  • Made from elastic and hypoallergenic materials.
  • Use in staged postoperative treatment and rehabilitation for Hallux valgus.

Purpose and application

Valgus pathology is a direct indication for the appointment of a bandage, which contributes to a smooth and uniform correction of the curvature, normalizes the load on the ankle, eliminates muscle spasm and reduces the tone of the ligamentous apparatus. The big toe brace is easy to use and suitable for people of all ages.
Indications for use:
  1. Retraction of fingers outward.
  2. Local hyperemia of the skin due to rubbing of the bone.
  3. The entry of the 2nd finger on the 1st.
  4. Pain in the metatarsus while walking and at rest.
  5. Hammer toe deformity.
  6. Frequent formation of calluses and chafing.
  7. Reducing the transverse arch of the foot (flat feet).

Why it is worth buying in the online store

On the official website of Insoles Ru you can get acquainted with a wide range of orthopedic products and choose an orthosis taking into account the individual characteristics of the foot.

Purchase Benefits:
a quality certificate and a guarantee are provided;

Original products of well-known European manufacturers: Walker, Talus, Bergal, Forta, Corby, Natch;

Quick purchase online;

Acceptable price.

If necessary, it is possible to contact consultants who will help you to buy a bandage for the big toe for hallux valgus or an orthopedic bandage for articular curvature and inflammation at an affordable price. The online store is replete with orthopedic inserts that have not only a preventive effect on a certain area of ​​the foot, but also a therapeutic one.

A thumb brace can help heal foot growths without surgery. There are different models, you need to choose a product depending on individual indications. A leg bandage will save you from such symptoms of the bone as pain, inflammation and calluses. In addition, if you wear it regularly, you can completely cure the disease, or slow down its development.

A bandage for fixing the big toe is required to cure a disease such as. These are used not only to escape from pain and discomfort. A bandage worn on the big toe is suitable to slow down the growth of the bone on the foot.

With regular wear, the bandage can change the shape of the foot for the better, correct the position of the joint.

What is a bandage

It is necessary to choose orthopedic treatment in accordance with the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the problem and the patient's feet. It is necessary to pay attention to the age at which the patient is, and what lifestyle he supports. For an elderly person who leads a sedentary lifestyle, it is better to constantly use either strong plastic retainers. If the patient goes to work every day or does exercise therapy, in order to overcome his problem, a soft silicone fixative or a day-type abduction bandage is needed.

The choice of orthopedic products is now very large, so choosing sometimes is a difficult task. Among the best manufacturers, according to customer reviews, we can mention: Aetrex, Variteks, Fresco. You need to choose not only among the brand, but also among the types of orthopedic products, depending on the task that they face. The market offers a large number of various bandages, which in general can be divided into three types:

  • Classic corrective;
  • Specific outlets;
  • Fasteners.

Having considered each of the types, you can understand which type of treatment is suitable for a particular patient.

Classic corrective

This type of brace is used after surgery to restore the normal function of the foot bone. In addition, they are used to slow down or stop the progress of its deformation.

The device of such a plan consists of several parts:

  • A large detail is fixed on the foot in a position convenient for the patient. Lets air through so that the patient's skin "breathes";
  • A smaller piece, made of a similar material, is attached to the very bone of the foot;
  • Soft padded hinge holds bandages together. The pillow is required to increase the tightness of the connection of the bone with the bandage. The hinge gives the patient the necessary freedom of movement.

Such a corrective bandage has versatility - it can be worn both on the right and on the left foot. The product is inexpensive, any patient can purchase it and use it at night or during the day. As soon as there are suspicions that the bone of the foot is growing, you should immediately apply classic corrective bandages. Using them, the patient will be able to prevent further divergence of the bones and deformation of the articular joints.

Discharging bandage

Move the big toe to the side. This helps in the fight against pain, slows down the development of deformity. Slightly different bandage models are used at night and during the day.


This is an elastic band, putting on which, you need to take into account the following points: first, the thumb is threaded into the loop, then it is carried out slightly under the foot and fixed in the ankle area. The elastic band is strong, but not thick, so socks and boots can be easily worn on top of the retainer. The product is easy to wash.


The bandage used during sleep is more complex. Because of what it resembles a corrective bandage of the classical type. It differs from it in that instead of a large bandage for the foot, an elastic band is used here. It is fixed on a plastic part that looks like a spoon. This spoon follows the line up to the thumb. A similar construct loads the thumb, pushing it away from other fingers. This product does not pain disturb the patient's sleep.

Due to the specific design, the sleep band needs to be purchased separately for each foot. In addition, you should pay attention to the size. It costs more than a daily one, but it is strongly recommended to buy it in order to stop the development of pathology. An attractive idea seems to be to wear only a night bandage so as not to experience discomfort during the daytime. But in this mode, it is difficult to cure the deformation, most likely, you will simply slow down its development. After all, all the loads on the thumb will pass without the protection of the bandage.


Depending on how far the pathology has gone, a bandage is chosen. The fasteners are also made of different materials, which provide different pressure on the bone and thumb:

  • Plastic. These are the most rigid fixators, they do not allow the thumb to move in principle, they take the bone inside the foot. Suitable to treat the most severe stage of the disease. In other cases, their use is not too justified;
  • Gel. Sufficiently rigid clamps - are used to fix the thumb in a physiologically healthy position. At the same time, they do not press too hard, because of them they will not turn red and will not be erased skin covering. In addition, unlike plastic retainers, they can also be worn under;
  • Silicone. Weak-type fixators are suitable as a preventive measure, or if signs of bone disease have just begun to appear. It is easy to use such models - just put it on your thumb, clamp it tightly.

The clamps are quite simple and therefore cheap. They have one minus - you can not adjust the voltage. Therefore, if there is a need to change the pressure, a new bandage will also be required.

How does a bandage help?

The toe brace has many positive effects:

  • Relieves from pain, including during a night's rest;
  • Reduces inflammatory process and swelling;
  • Eliminates redness;
  • Prevents shoes from rubbing the skin and creating blisters;
  • Makes the ligaments elastic, improves the mobility of the foot;
  • Returns normal blood circulation to the big toe;
  • Reduces pressure on the bones and articular joints of the thumb.

During the day, you should not wear the device for more than ten hours. On average, doctors recommend using orthopedic products six hours a day. At the same time, night fixers can be safely worn for the entire time of sleep.