How to use essential oils to scent a room. Aromatization with essential oils

Aromatherapy is considered an excellent tool that can affect the psycho-emotional state of a person. Most often at home, various methods are used to aromatize the air. For example, aerosols with all kinds of smells: floral, marine, etc.

But experts recommend aromatizing their apartments using natural products, namely, essential oils, which are extracted from natural raw materials. Qualitative aromatization of premises allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • Create a favorable atmosphere.
  • Cheer up.
  • Eliminate unpleasant odors in the room.
  • Disinfect the air.

Essential oils and their effects

Different essential oils have very different effects on a person. Many of them can be used on their own, as well as in combination with other esters. In order to aromatize the air in your own home, you need to study exactly how this or that essential oil can affect the mood, as well as what smell and properties it has.

  • Grapefruit, orange, mint oils are well suited to relieve fatigue.
  • Lavender essential oil can help relieve anxiety and stress.
  • Aromas of rose, bergamot and jasmine can stimulate creativity.
  • Lemon, mint, sage invigorate and increase the level of efficiency.
  • Eucalyptus, tea tree and all citrus oils - disinfect the air and help to cope with the symptoms of colds.
  • Lavender, frankincense, ylang ylang, cinnamon are effective against stress and depression.
  • To strengthen memory, the smells of cloves, rosemary, lemon balm are good.
  • To give self-confidence, it is recommended to inhale the aromas of geranium, anise, ylang ylang.

Since essential oils are concentrated, just a few drops are enough to fill the room with a pleasant aroma and immerse yourself in a relaxing or, conversely, invigorating atmosphere.

Using an aroma lamp

To aromatize their apartment, many people use a special device called an aroma lamp, the demand for which is due to ease of use and low price.

It is a ceramic case with a bowl and a special place under it, designed to place a candle. A small amount of aromatic liquid is usually poured into the bowl, or a mixture of water with a few drops of one or another ether. Then a candle is lit, and as the water heats up, the air begins to fill with the chosen aroma and exert its healing effect.

There are also electric aroma burners equipped with a thermoblock.

Before using the aroma lamp, you need to study a few rules for its use:

  • It is advisable to ventilate the room before the aromatization procedure.
  • Windows must be tightly closed.
  • Do not turn on the aroma burner in places where ignition is possible, for example, on a plastic surface.
  • The first procedure should not last more than fifteen minutes.
  • Use only the recommended amount of essential oil, do not exceed the dose, so as not to achieve the opposite effect.
  • After each use, the device must be washed in soapy water and disinfected.

Also, you should always remember that the working aroma lamp should be located in an area inaccessible to children.

Other flavoring methods

In addition to using an incense burner, there are a number of methods designed to create a favorable atmosphere in an apartment with the help of aromas.

For example, you can prepare an aromatic liquid and pour it into a spray bottle and spray it where it is required. The aroma of the ether used in this case will soar around the apartment for at least two hours.

To create a unique atmosphere of comfort in the bedroom, you can add a few drops of your favorite ether when rinsing textile accessories.

One of the old and proven methods is a small piece of cloth or gauze soaked in an aromatic mixture of water and ethers, placed on a heating device.

In specialized stores, so-called incense sticks are sold, consisting of components such as flower extracts, resins, oils, herbs. The advantages of incense sticks include the following factors:

  • Their ability to effectively purify the air in a variety of rooms.
  • Contribute to the creation of a cozy family microclimate.
  • They help to get rid of unpleasant odors and harmful impurities in the air, for example, from tobacco smoke, from the characteristic smell in the toilet and in the kitchen, etc.
  • The aromas of some incense sticks can repel insects.
  • They have a good effect on the emotional state of a person, helping to eliminate signs of depression.

Before you start the air aromatization procedure at home, you need to make sure that the chosen smell or mixture of aromas is really suitable, evokes only positive emotions and meets the goals of the procedure. In simpler terms, the aroma should just be pleasant and not cause irritation.

Any person may show symptoms of individual intolerance to certain components, and if several symptoms occur, the procedure should be stopped immediately and the room ventilated. These are symptoms such as:

  • Shortness of breath, breathing problems.
  • Heartbeat disorders.
  • Migraine, dizziness, nausea.

With such signs, you can simply replace the essential oil.

As for contraindications, pregnancy and childhood. But there are a few scents that can be used for children's rooms. Peppermint essential oil should not be used if there is an infant under one year old in the apartment. And for children who are less than fourteen years old, the aromas of cloves, tea tree, geraniums will be harmful.

When choosing air fragrance products, you should always pay attention to the quality and naturalness of the product, a good and natural essential oil should be sold in a dark glass bottle.

It is believed that some of the ethers are capable of exerting a certain negative impact. For example, there is a risk of an allergic reaction when using lemon or orange flavors. And if you abuse camphor oil, you can cause poisoning.


There are many recipes for using esters in an incense burner. For cheerfulness and good mood at the beginning of the day, a composition of the following oils is recommended:

  • clove;
  • pink;
  • orange.

And to relieve tension, a mixture of lavender essential oil, juniper, mint is suitable. To refresh and purify the air from harmful impurities, it is useful to add lemon, cinnamon, grapefruit and orange oil to the aroma lamp bowl.

You should always remember that using no more than five or six drops of each particular ester is enough to make the room smell pleasant.

Video: Aromatherapy for home

The power of natural scents cannot be overestimated. They are able to change the mood of a person, his physical state, improve performance and even develop certain abilities. With the help of aromas, you can fight viruses and bacteria that live in the musty air of the room, as well as harmful insects. Aromatherapy is one of the most pleasant and unusual ways to treat many diseases.

Aromatization of indoor air

Essential oils are used to aromatize the room.

The easiest way to carry out aromatization is if you have special equipment or items.

Items specifically designed to scent rooms include scented candles and incense in the form of bamboo incense sticks. Scented candles already contain essential oils, the aroma is released during burning. The composition of incense sticks can include not only essential oils, but also resins, tree bark and dried plants. Some of the sticks have a rather strong scent, so they shouldn't be used for long periods of time or in a small room.

For aromatization, you can pick up stones with a porous structure (for example, sandstone), applying 2-3 drops of essential oil to them. At the same time, the aroma is barely perceptible, but the oils perfectly retain their beneficial properties.

A convenient and easy way to aromatize is to use an aroma lamp, which can be simple or electric. A simple aroma lamp is a bowl into which water is poured on top with the addition of essential oil (1-2 drops per 5 square meters of the room), and a candle is placed below. When the candle burns, the water with essential oil evaporates, and the room is filled with a wonderful aroma. You can not use the aroma lamp for more than two hours, and it is also important to ensure that there is always water in it.

Electric aroma lamp - the most effective method aromatization, as it works on the principle of cold evaporation. This means that oils without losing their medicinal properties, split into microscopic particles, and then penetrate deeply into the skin and respiratory tract of a person. Another advantage of an electric aroma lamp is the low consumption of essential oils (two times less than when using a conventional aroma lamp). The fragrance stays on for a long time.

There is another elementary way to aromatize a room, which for some reason is rarely used. It is enough to take a piece of damp cotton cloth, add 1-3 drops of essential oil to it and put it on the battery. The principle of aromatization will be approximately the same as when using a conventional aroma lamp (though not as romantic).

Aromatization of the room and household

Aromatization can be made an integral attribute of household chores. During wet cleaning, add 2-3 drops of essential oil previously diluted in the “base” (for example, in a tablespoon of salt) to a bucket of water.

After airing the room, add a few drops of essential oil to a spray bottle of water and spray. After this procedure, breathing will become much easier and more pleasant.

Add essential oils to your washing machine when you wash bedding. Just be careful with white fabrics - some essential oils can leave marks on them. It is advisable to use the following oils: lavender, geranium, jasmine, sage. They relax a person well and help him overcome insomnia.

How to make an aroma pillow?

The aroma pillow will help you forget about sleep problems for a long time. And its production is a real creative process. First, prepare the base (filler). In addition to traditional fluff and feathers, the filler is made from dried herbs that have a relaxing effect: lavender, rose, sage, lemon balm, rosemary, thyme.

Then essential oils are added (3-5 drops per pillow). The filler is folded into a pillowcase made of natural fabrics (cotton or linen are best). The pillowcase can be decorated with beautiful embroidery.

The choice of essential oil depending on the type of room

Bedroom. A traditional place to relax and sleep. Therefore, essential oils with a relaxing, calming, harmonizing effect are suitable for the bedroom. These are lavender, jasmine, rose, sage, magnolia, sandalwood, geranium.

Living room. Often used to meet guests or communicate with the family. Here we need essential oils that improve mood and help people to relax: lemon, tangerine, orange, ylang-ylang, bergamot, grapefruit.

Hallway. It should create a feeling of home comfort and hospitality of the owners. How to make family members or guests want to quickly proceed to the house? Use essential oils of lemon, orange, rosemary, cedar, pine.

Kitchen. Unfortunately, in the kitchen we often have to inhale not the most pleasant aromas (spoiled food, humidity, mustiness). But the smells in the kitchen, on the contrary, should excite the appetite. You can solve this problem with the help of essential oils of mint, orange, lemon, rosemary, patchouli, ylang-ylang, basil, cloves.

Cabinet. The main purpose of aromatization of such a room is to increase mental activity, efficiency and cheerfulness of a person. Jasmine, bergamot, ginger, lemon oils will help you.

Bathroom and toilet. Essential oils with a strong disinfecting effect are simply needed here. These are pine, spruce, fir, tea tree, eucalyptus and lemon.

Aromatization of the room during the period of colds

Late autumn, winter and early spring are dangerous because during these periods people are practically deprived of the opportunity to fully eat, it is cold outside and indoors, so the body is highly susceptible to viruses.

Thanks to some natural oils, you can not only rid the indoor air of viruses, but also strengthen the immune system.

In the cold season, aromatize the room using the following essential oils: coniferous trees(pine, fir, cedar), tea tree, eucalyptus, thyme, lavender, juniper, oregano.

Aromatherapy is a pleasant and uncomplicated science. Today, the magazine "" will tell you how to properly conduct an aromatherapy session at home and get a lot of positive emotions.

First, let's take a look at it together:

What is aromatherapy?

Most sources define aromatherapy as a kind of art designed to strengthen and harmonize the spiritual and physical health of a person. Aromatherapy activates the innate resources of recovery and healing of the body.

It is believed that aromatherapy is aimed at maintaining a person's immunity, managing his cognitive and emotional state. In fact, aromatherapy is a universal and “drug-free” method of influencing health.

Experts in the field of aromatherapy (let's call them professional aromatherapists) still do not guarantee a 100% recovery in treatment. serious illnesses. It is important to remember that aromatherapy is not exactly a medical science.

Say more, many doctors deny positive influence fragrances on health and call aromatherapy a pseudoscience based on the placebo effect. Although who in modern world will argue with the amazing properties of placebo? A man is what he believes in.

But doctors who practice aromatherapy will tell you about ninety percent effectiveness of this method in combination with therapeutic treatment. Such results can be achieved, of course, under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Aromatherapy includes several types of exposure:

"Air diffusion": distribution of aromas in the air through aroma lamps, incense in the room to eliminate unpleasant odors, harmonize the emotional background, increase libido and even disinfect the air;

"Local" application on the skin: rubbing aromatic oils into the skin during massage and other cosmetic and medical procedures(including taking baths);

Inhalation: direct inhalation of aromas with physio-emotional disorders, i.e. emotional exhaustion, depression, fatigue, including some respiratory diseases(ARI, cold, runny nose, cough)

Thus, aromatherapy can be carried out at home and in beauty salons. By the way, many Thai, Indian and Turkish SPA-salons are based on the beneficial effects of aromatherapy.

What to do if you really want to try the effect of aromatherapy on yourself, but you don’t know where to start? Then read on and you will be able to independently conduct an aroma session at home *good*

When Aromatherapy Shouldn't Be Done

First, you need to carefully consider the doctor's recommendations regarding the need for an aroma session. Aroma sessions are strictly contraindicated:

  • persons suffering from any type of allergy ( food allergy, allergy to household chemicals, cosmetics, dust, wool, pollen, fungal/mold spores; allergic rhinitis; rash, urticaria; especially bronchial asthma etc.) and at least once in a lifetime who had Quincke's edema;
  • pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons who have undergone chemotherapy (in this case, aromatherapy is possible ONLY under the supervision of a specialist);
  • persons with high blood pressure;
  • persons suffering from epilepsy.

Choosing the type of aromatherapy

To start an aromatherapy session at home, you will need (optional):

  • oil burner
  • humidifier with aroma oil container
  • electric table lamp/sconce
  • aroma pendant
  • aroma candles
  • aroma sticks
  • aroma stones

No, of course, you do not need to run to the store and buy everything at once. It is enough what you like the most, or what you currently have in your apartment.

Perhaps you are now wondering, what is still better to use from this list? To eliminate your doubts on this or that occasion, we will make a brief overview of all the listed devices.

Oil burner

Aroma lamp is the most convenient and effective option. There are many aroma lamps on the market today. The color, shape, material can be chosen for every taste and even in the style of any interior. The aroma lamp consists of two levels: the first level is for a candle-tablet, the second is for a liquid (water, aroma oil).

The aroma lamp is convenient to use for aromatherapy at home. You need to light a candle and pour some water and a couple of drops of aromatic oil into the bowl. And you can enjoy your aromatherapy session. By the way, you can not add water, but in this case the aroma will be more saturated, and the oil will smoke more strongly.

Do not leave even a small light near children, animals, or people with cognitive disabilities. Remember: your safety must come first!


There are a lot of humidifiers, as well as aroma lamps. There is something for every taste and budget. The cost is mainly affected by the number of square meters that the humidifier is able to "irrigate", or, in other words, the volume of the humidifier.

Also pay attention to the number of hours that the humidifier can work uninterruptedly in economy mode. The humidifier is easy to use for aromatherapy and can be left unattended for a long time. Safe for children and pets.

The benefits of it are twofold: humidification of the air in the room and air diffusion of aroma oil. For the latter function, some humidifiers have a special container where you can pour the aroma oil.

However, you can do without this additional function. It is enough to drop a couple of drops of oil into the water tank itself or directly into the water, which is subsequently poured into the humidifier tank. Here are some tricks. And convenient, and economical, and safe for home use. But more expensive than aroma lamps.

Electric lamp\sconce

Perhaps the most a budget option(although not in terms of energy saving). If you don’t want to spend money on a humidifier and an aroma lamp, then you can drop a couple of drops of your favorite oil directly onto an incandescent lamp (sadly, energy-saving lamps are not suitable for air diffusion of oil).

The effect will be more intense, but not as long as in previous cases. Suitable for quick aromatization of the room.

Aroma pendant

This little thing combines two pluses: a stylish decoration and a personal inhaler. There are a great variety of aroma medallions on the market: from ceramics to precious stones.

Thanks to its elegant form (made in the form of a vase with a narrow neck), the fragrance lasts up to 3 days and has a narrow focus (despite the fact that just 1-3 drops of oil are enough to drop into it).

It can be worn around the neck, hung in the car or in the closet. Just do not forget to periodically bring it to your face - the effect will be more distinct. The pendant can also be useful in creating your own unique fragrance.

This talisman pendant can be used not only for aromatherapy at home, but also at work, on the street and wherever you see fit.

aroma candles

Aroma candles already contain essential oils in their composition, so you won’t have to spend extra money on some kind of oil.

Choose the most pleasant smell, or the one that is recommended to you by a specialist, and light it to your heart's content. Just do not forget, please, about fire safety *victory*

aroma sticks

The aroma sticks are also impregnated with oils. Choose according to the same principle as aroma candles. The smell of aroma sticks is more intense and persistent.

The stick is set on fire and extinguished, therefore it is safer to use.

aroma stones

Yes, there are also aroma stones. They are made mainly from environmentally friendly porous natural materials: clay, pumice, gypsum and even ... dough!

Therefore, such useful things can be made independently. A couple of free minutes, creativity and imagination will do their creative work

Here is a brief overview of aromatherapy devices at home. We hope our magazine "" helped you decide on the choice of the right "aroma assistant" *yu*

Choosing an essential oil

Now let's talk about essential oils - the quintessence of the intended aroma session. There are many different oils and it is important to know the difference between them. So, read the labels carefully: some jars have the inscription "100% natural essential oil" or "100% essential oil", and some - "cosmetic essential oil" or "100% aromatic", "100% pure", "100 % essential oil”, “100% concentrated”, or even “mineral oil” (and this is no longer a vegetable, but a processed product). The difference is not only in price, but also in content.

cosmetic oil

Cosmetic oil is a product already diluted with base oil. This oil gives a fast, but unsaturated and "quickly volatile" aroma.

Of course, it costs less. This oil is intended for bathing procedures: adding to a barrel of water, to a broom in a steam room, to a bath. In general, intended for local application", let's say. The risk of burns with this oil is minimal (but still there!).

natural essential oil

100% natural essential oil is expensive. Just the same it is intended for air diffusion. The effect of this type of oil is persistent, rich and long-lasting. It is dangerous to apply on the skin in its pure form: burns and allergic reactions are possible. Therefore, immediately read the following paragraph about our recommendations for use.

Precautions for using essential oils at home:

  • Categorically it is forbidden to use essential oils internally.
  • Do not use 100% natural essential oil directly on the skin and mucous membranes shells. Oils with a higher phenol content (cinnamon, for example) can irritate the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.
  • Aromas are contraindicated for hypertensive patients lavender and rosemary.
  • Read labels carefully instructions for use and purpose of oils.
  • Is always follow prescriptions and recommended doses oils to avoid headaches, nausea, vomiting, nervous breakdown.
  • remember, that any essential oil can cause allergic reaction you, your family members, children, animals and all those who are close to you during the aroma session.
  • Do not use oil near open flames due to its high volatility.

Here are the basic rules that you should be guided by if you still decide to try an aromatherapy session at home. Do not spoil your aroma session: take care in advance to eliminate all interfering factors.

Useful properties of oils and aromatherapy recipes

The purpose of aroma oils is different. Each fragrance affects the emotional or cognitive perception. Oils that affect the emotional sphere are able to control your mood, including fatigue, stress, sadness, joy, libido. You can independently create your mood for a specific situation or a minute of life.

The magazine "" presents to your attention aromas that can affect your emotional background:

Insomnia, stress, irritability, anger

They will help you get rid of negative emotions oils of orange, geranium, lavender, cinnamon, rose, chamomile, cloves, lemon balm, frankincense, valerian, basil, cypress, sandalwood.

Aroma recipe for insomnia and stress

An aromatherapy recipe at home will help you calm down: mix 3 drops of oils such as verbena, chamomile, tangerine, grapefruit in an aroma lamp and enjoy a delicate fruity aroma.

If you want to fall asleep, then use a mixture of 3 drops of sage, lemon balm and lavender. Then sweet dreams will not keep you waiting.

Depression, drowsiness, sadness, fatigue, migraine

For all of these ailments, use cinnamon, orange, geranium, rose, bergamot, ginger, ylang-ylang, patchouli, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, lemon, lime, thyme, marjoram, myrrh, nutmeg, neroli, for aromatherapy at home. sage, grapefruit and even... sagebrush(despite the bitter notes, this herb is considered a strong natural antidepressant)!

aroma recipe for depression

This aroma recipe will help you drive away depression, blues and drowsiness: mix 3 drops of rose, orange, cloves and neroli in an aroma lamp. You can use this recipe in the morning, at the very beginning of the day.

natural aphrodisiacs

It is important to think about who you want to help turn on: yourself or your beloved man.

Aroma aphrodisiacs for men

Increase male desire will help sandalwood, ginger, almond, cypress, juniper, cardamom and even you will be surprised lavender.

Aroma aphrodisiacs for women

Jasmine, ylang-ylang, geranium and vanilla increase female libido.

Aphrodisiacs for both

If you want to make both of you "tremble with desire" then use patchouli, nutmeg, sage, neroli, rose, rosemary.

Aroma aphrodisiac recipes

Here are a couple of aromatherapy recipes for you and your man.

For him: combine 2 drops of sage, marjoram, lavender and litsea.

For you: mix 4 drops each of ylang-ylang, jasmine, grapefruit and sandalwood oils.

Aromatherapy for diseases

As for cognitive perception, it is, first of all, your physical condition. Since it is known that it is our brain that controls all vital processes in the body.

Your health depends on your thoughts. Essential oils and recipes for aromatherapy at home will also help dispel the clouds over your health.

Disinfection of the room with aromatic oils

Why did we decide to start with disinfection? Because the air you breathe is very important for your health. And if the air is polluted with bacteria (and viruses - in the presence of "influenza" at home), then it is necessary to clean it.

You will be helped citrus and coniferous oils, as well as tea tree oil, chamomile, neroli, geranium, eucalyptus, clove, thyme. These oils are great for colds and flu.

The next aroma recipe will save you from a cold

Mix 1 drop each of lavender, thyme, peppermint and tea tree oils in an aroma lamp. Eucalyptus and sage can be substituted for lavender and thyme.

Diseases of the nasopharynx

Defeat diseases respiratory tract help get rid of cough and runny nose oils of lemon, lime, tea tree, fir, cedar, lavender, verbena, Schisandra chinensis, geranium.

Aromatherapy for the respiratory tract

To normalize the work of the respiratory tract, to disinfect the room, a recipe for an aromatherapy mixture at home will help you: mix 2 drops of sage, lemon, pine and rosemary in an aroma lamp.

Temperature drop

It often happens that it is not possible to bring down the temperature of the sick person. In combination with other activities, you can use aromatherapy at home. Help oils of peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender. Chamomile, basil, cypress, rosemary and juniper help induce sweating. Such oils can be used both for air diffusion and for topical application: a couple of drops of oil are added to a container with water, which is subsequently wiped on the patient.

Pain in joints and muscles

Baths with oils will help to calm the pain a little and relieve the created nervous tension. thyme, lemon, lime, rosemary, lavender, marjoram.

Massage with aromatic oils from rheumatism, recipe

There is even an aromatherapy massage recipe for rheumatism: combine 100 ml of base oil (olive, linseed, coconut, cedar, apricot, jojoba, peach, avocado or regular baby cosmetic oil) with 10 drops of pine, juniper and rosemary essential oils. Rub the problem area with the resulting mixture.

Digestive tract disorders

Cope with "gastrointestinal" problems will help peppermint oil and chamomile. Just remember that it is impossible to use essential oil inside without consulting a specialist. Better inhale for your health

Cardiovascular disorders

Relieve "heart pain", restore the work of blood vessels will help rose oil. Even the ancient Greeks noticed that this oil copes well with nervous disorders, excitability and stress.

Also help chamomile, valerian, lemon balm, frankincense. If you have an elevated blood pressure Avoid scents of rosemary, lavender and "chypre" oils - bergamot, patchouli, sandalwood, etc.

Aromatherapy and problem skin

In this paragraph, we will not only talk about acne and oily skin. Although we will also touch on them. Problematic skin can also be called dry, aging, and sensitive.

Even wounds and abrasions on the skin can be attributed here. Aromatherapy at home offers recipes for many ailments. We look:

Oily skin

Oily skin, as well as sensitive skin, needs special care. Add a couple of drops to a single portion of your favorite cream lavender oil. However, keep an eye on your skin: some of the ingredients in your cream can react with the oil and cause allergies.

aging skin

Fading and mature skin can also "bloom" from lavender. To do this, you can use the aromatherapy recipe: take 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 2-3 drops of lavender oil. Mix everything and apply on prepared skin for 15 minutes. Again, beware of allergies. By the way, lavender is good for abrasions, small wounds, burns.

Pimples and purulent wounds

Tea tree oil(point application) promotes the healing of acne and purulent wounds. For combination skin, tea tree oil is also useful: take 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and cosmetic clay, add 2 drops of the above oil and mix with a spoonful of kefir or yogurt. Stir and apply on the prepared face for 15 minutes.

Vascular asterisks

Vascular asterisks on the face can be defeated with bitter orange oil or, in other words, . It must be applied pointwise to problem areas. The oil is also indicated for eczema, herpes, neurodermatitis and dermatosis.

As you can see, it is very easy to relax, find a good mood and get rid of diseases by immersing yourself in the world of aromas! Enjoy your home aromatherapy sessions with pleasure and benefit!

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


Every home has its own scent. By smell, we determine who lives in the apartment - a heavy smoker, dogs with cats or newborn children. And sometimes we just want the smell to disappear as soon as possible - everyone has burned something at least once.

Aromatherapy cares about your health because there are no harmful substances in essential oils found in cleaning products and air fresheners, for example. But this is only on the condition that you purchase oils made from organically grown plants.

Read also:

Home uses of essential oils are extremely simple:

  • If you have an aroma lamp- mix three drops of the selected essential oil with three tablespoons of water and leave a lit candle for half an hour.
  • Add 5 drops to 50 mg of water in a mechanical sprayer and spray a fragrant cloud.
  • Apply a vacuum cleaner. Dampen a piece of cloth with essential oil and let the vacuum cleaner draw it in. Following the vacuum cleaner, a pleasant smell will spread along the cleaning route.
  • And if you are sorely lacking time - just wet a piece of cloth and put it somewhere.

For reference:
Aromatherapy is used to treat people, and at various stages of treatment, both individually - and in combination with other medicines, both with the use of chemicals - and with their total absence. Regular use of aromatherapy can sometimes reduce the dosage of potent drugs. In many cases, aromatherapy even replaces medicines over time. Of course, the use of aromatherapy for healing purposes, especially in the presence of any diseases, should always occur after consulting a doctor, on the recommendation of a specialist.

Aromatherapy in the hallway

The entrance hall is the business card of your house or apartment. This is the first scent your guest encounters, and this scent can set them up both negatively and positively. Along with this, it is necessary that the fragrances of the hallway have antiseptic and antibacterial effect . After all, we remember what is stored in the hallway: shoes, fur clothes, hats, mittens.

  • Thus, for the hallway, first of all, it would be useful smell of lavender . Lavender is a famous moth killer. How about these scents? pine, cedar, cypress, before the guests arrive – lemon, bergamot, grapefruit, cloves, peppermint ?
  • Fragrance and disinfection. When cleaning the hallway, as well as the entire apartment, it is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil with the aroma of spruce, geranium, tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender, sage, nutmeg on a rag to wipe the dust, or just spray in the air.

Aromatherapy in the living room - for you and your guests

In the living room we relax, talk, solve important problems, receive guests. The purpose of aromatization of living rooms is relieving stress, fatigue after a hard day's work, creating a good mood and a cozy atmosphere .

  • The fragrance for the living room should be chosen in accordance with the taste and health of the inhabitants of this room. Here you can successfully use sandalwood, geranium, lavender, ylang-ylang.
  • When you receive guests, they will be nice citrus fruit aromas they create a pleasant, exciting atmosphere. And you will see that friends will be happy to visit you again and again.

Aromatherapy secrets for the office

Some lucky ones have it. Or at least a work space.

  • The office is a place where a high degree of concentration and efficiency is needed. Fragrances will help you lemon, rosemary, cloves, sage, juniper, lemon wormwood.
  • You can calm down, but at the same time not fall asleep, but continue working, thanks to subtle smells basil, bergamot, grapefruit, sandalwood.
  • Many of us work at the computer all day long. Are you wondering what smells help reduce fatigue, reduce the number of mistakes, create an atmosphere of creativity, have a beneficial effect on tired eyesight? it aromas of lemongrass, ginger, rosemary, jasmine. Read also:

Aromatherapy in the bedroom - for healthy sleep and pleasant dreams

  • Peaceful sleep, a pleasant awakening will provide us smell of geranium, sandalwood, chamomile or nerol.
  • If you suffer from insomnia, interrupted sleep, dream talking, sleepwalking, it is recommended to distribute in the bedroom aromas of lavender, cedar, ylang-ylang, marjoram, rose, wild thyme.
  • In the bedroom, you can put next to you aromatic pad, apply aromatic oil to your pillow or sheet.

Freshness, goodness and disinfection - the goal of aromatherapy in the kitchen

So we got to the kitchen.

  • Thyme, lemon, geranium, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, orange, violet, mint, sandalwood, anise, sage and coniferous aroma will help you to destroy an unpleasant smell, refresh, purify and disinfect the air.
  • The kitchen should smell clean or delicious food. But in the kitchen, we also throw away waste. Pets often eat in the kitchen too. Therefore, a huge amount of odors are mixed here, including unpleasant ones, mold and bacteria. In addition, condensed vapor or fat molecules are often present in the air, released during cooking, baking and frying. If you spray essential oils in the air, they will serve as a shell for the fat molecules, get rid of the smell and bring the smell of freshness into the kitchen.
  • Tamers of harmful microbes - cloves, lemon rosemary, thyme Use when cleaning stoves, refrigerators and work surfaces. For general cleaning, eight drops of essential oil per five liters of water are enough.
  • To disinfect surfaces, especially those with mold contamination, it is recommended to carry out wet cleaning once a week using this solution: add five drops of essential oils to one liter of water (can be used separately or together) lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, clove, rosemary, sandalwood, cinnamon, pine, geranium.
  • There is nothing worse than a bad smell from the refrigerator! First of all, of course, you need to remove the source of this smell, wash the refrigerator and then put it in the refrigerator. a piece of gauze or a porous stone dipped in just one drop of lavender or lemon oil. Read also:
  • To remove an unpleasant smell from the microwave, add to a small container of water 3 drops lemon oil , put in the oven and turn it on for 2-3 minutes.

For reference:
Get rid of insects- flies, mosquitoes, wasps and ants will help you geranium, carnation, lemongrass, mint, calamus, wormwood, juniper, lavender, thyme, sage, bay, mountain ash, basil, eucalyptus, lemon, patchouli.
Successfully fights cockroaches hops, parsnip, bird cherry, eucalyptus.
Mice do not like the smell of elderberry, bird cherry and bay leaves.

As for waste, try not to leave garbage overnight, throw away perishable food waste immediately, otherwise no essential oils will help.

Aromatherapy in the bathroom

Sparkling and fragrant - this is how your bathroom should look after the “aroma cleaning”.

  • When will you wash sink, tub or shower, add eucalyptus, lemon, angustifolia lavender, sage or pine essential oil to the cleanser directly on the sponge.
  • A few drops of the same oil can be dripped inside toilet paper roll. The oil will be absorbed into the cardboard and will slowly be released into the air in the form of fragrant molecules.
  • You can also put 6-7 drops of oil on small terry towel and hang it in the place where the clothes dryer is located.
  • You can also put it on the shelf aromatic pebble with your favorite scent and renew it as needed.

And the last tip: Do not overdo it in flavoring your home! Smells should not be intrusive and in no case should they interrupt the natural smells of freshly baked pies or a bouquet of lilacs on the table.

Each person's home has its own unique smell. Each of us has in our memory the aromas of childhood - the smell of a Christmas tree, the smell of mother's pastries, the aroma of family favorite culinary dishes, the smell of linen, the smell of a whitewashed room, etc. These smells become a symbol of family comfort and warmth and accompany us all our lives. However, a long stay of people in poorly ventilated rooms contributes to the saturation of the air with harmful microorganisms, bacteria, infections, viruses, and unpleasant odors. To restore order at home, aromatherapy is used using natural essential oils.

Essential oil for aromatization of the apartment

Aromatherapy, translated from ancient Greek as “treatment by smell”, has been known for a very long time. Inhabitants ancient egypt and Babylon had ideas about beneficial effect certain smells on the psychological, physical state of a person, his feelings and emotions. They cleansed houses with fragrant aromas, healed the sick, raised the morale of warriors, drove away evil spirits. Currently, people strive to get as close to nature as possible and highly appreciated the role of essential oils not only in folk medicine, cosmetics, cooking, but also in everyday life.

Essential oils are a concentrate of the life force of a plant, a concentrate solar energy, a concentrate of the most pleasant aromas materialized in liquids. They have bactericidal and antiseptic properties. The use of essential oils in everyday life contributes to:

  • destruction of harmful microorganisms, mold, fungi,
  • getting rid of unpleasant odors,
  • a decrease in the content of electrosmog (formed from the use of many electrical appliances that create harmful electric fields),
  • repel insects and pests (mosquitoes, cockroaches, moths, ants, etc.),
  • creating an optimal fragrant microclimate in each room.

How to properly spray essential oils indoors

Aroma lamps, atomizers, napkins, atomizers, aroma stones are used for aromatization in rooms. Essential oils are selected so that all residents like their smells. it The best way get rid of stress, relieve tension, help yourself sleep well and find peace.

Ways to aromatize with essential oils

Aromatization of rooms. by the most in a simple way aromatization of the room is the evaporation of essential oils in the aroma lamp. To do this, pour warm water into the aroma lamp bowl, drop essential oil into it or sweep oils of your choice. Place a lighted candle under the bowl of essential oil and enjoy.

The duration of evaporation of essential oil in an aroma lamp should not exceed 30 minutes.

The dosages of essential oils for aroma lamps are usually indicated in the instructions, but you should know that the amount of essential oils should not exceed 15 drops per 15 m3 of the room.

If you don't have an aroma lamp, you can use a small bowl of warm water. Drop essential oil into it and place it near the heater.

Also, to flavor the room, you can drop a few drops of essential oil (5-8) on dry or artificial flowers. The aroma of essential oils will slowly evaporate from the surface and fill the room with a pleasant smell.

For this purpose, you can also use simple strips of paper or cotton balls soaked in essential oils. Place a ball or piece of paper in the place where you want to scent the room. When the intensity of the fragrance subsides, replace the old fragrance element with a fresh one.

Another quite convenient and effective method aromatization of the room is the use of an aerosol with essential oils. To do this, take a suitable spray bottle and mix distilled water and essential oils in it. In the ratio of 100 ml of water 60 drops of essential oil. Shake the bottle well before each use.

The best and easiest recipe for a home freshener and air purifier: pour 300 g of alcohol into a spray bottle (you can use tinctures for alcohol and even table vinegar), add 12-15 drops of essential oil to your taste (one or a mixture of several). Shake well and process all rooms, corners, carpets for comfort and pleasure!!!

Wet cleaning.

First of all, you need to clean the premises. For washing floors: add 20 drops of one essential oil or several oils of fir, orange, eucalyptus, thyme, cinnamon, rosemary, lavender, spruce, sage, mandarin mint, lemon balm previously dissolved in 200 g of vinegar to a bucket of warm water. An excellent tool for wiping furniture: the base is jojoba oil with alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio; for 50 g of this base, add 20 drops of essential oil (one or more to taste).


The hallway is the hallmark of every home. The first smell that we encounter in the hallway can be pleasant or repulsive, it affects the mood. It also stores shoes and outerwear. To create a pleasant atmosphere and warning viral infections in the hallway, it is enough to apply on a strip of filter paper from one to four drops of such essential oils: fir, pine, bergamot, carnation, cypress, thyme, cedar, orange, lemon, lavender.

Living room.

In the living room, the family gathers after work to relax, chat, relieve the tension accumulated during the day, and jointly resolve important issues. It is possible to clear the air of dust, unpleasant odors with the help of essential oils of spruce, geranium, fir, wormwood, tea tree, clary sage. Essential oils of sandalwood, geranium, rose, lemon, mandarin, lavender, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, cinnamon, cedar, fir, pine will help to achieve relaxation, create a good mood, a cozy atmosphere and get joy from communicating with each other.

To do this, pour into a spray bottle clean water 50 ml and add 5 drops of any of the listed essential oils, having previously dissolved them with alcohol and spray or spread out napkins soaked in this composition.


The bedroom is a place of rest, relaxation, restoration of peace of mind, physical health, which are provided by a restful sleep. Inhaling pleasant aromas helps to calm down, relax, relieve anxiety, fatigue.

In the bedroom, it is appropriate to use essential oils of geranium, neroli, sandalwood, chamomile, lavender, cedar, juniper, ylang-ylang, marjoram, rose.

You can simply apply 1-2 drops of essential oil to a sheet or pillow. It is very pleasant to use a sachet filled with various aromatic herbs and flowers: lavender, mint, bison, calamus, lemon balm, kanufer, chamomile, lovage, etc.

In the bedroom, aphrosidiacs are appropriate - the aromas of love. They increase potency, affect endocrine system and help partners to find complete natural harmony and high sensory perception. To increase male potency, aromas of sandalwood, cinnamon, anise, basil, jasmine, mint, rose are shown. Massage and baths with cypress essential oil will help fight premature ejaculation. To awaken sexual desire in a woman, use the essential oils of ylang-ylang, jasmine, rose, sandalwood, cardamom, patchouli.

The sensual aroma of ylang-ylang excites both men and women at the same time, it has long been considered the "elixir of love."


The business mood is ensured by regular cleaning of the office. To disinfect the air, add 2-5 drops of wormwood, lavender, lemon or juniper essential oil to the water for washing floors and wiping furniture. When working with a computer, the aromas of lemongrass, ginger, rosemary, jasmine help to concentrate attention, reduce fatigue of the organs of vision, fatigue.


The kitchen is a problematic room, because odors are firmly absorbed into the kitchen surfaces. Especially strong odors present when frying fish, meat, onions, cooking jelly, broths, etc. The essential oil of lemon, cloves, cinnamon, mint, rosemary, anise, orange, pine, geranium, cedar can easily cope with this problem.

From this list, you need to choose 1-5 smells you like and apply them individually or in a mixture to freshen the air and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Add 20 drops of essential oils diluted with alcohol to 100 grams of warm clean water and wipe all kitchen surfaces, drawers, dishes, forks, spoons, etc.

Wash the refrigerator, then put a small container with baking soda, in which 2-3 drops of essential oil of lemon or orange are added.

Bathroom and toilet.

In order to disinfect and deodorize the air in the bathroom and toilet, it is recommended to wet clean once a week with the addition of 5 drops of the following essential oils per 1 liter of clean water (choose according to taste individually or in mixtures): lavender, lemon, clove, rosemary, sandalwood , cinnamon, pine, geranium mint, previously dissolved with alcohol.

When washing the bathroom and sink, drop lemon, lavender or pine essential oil onto a sponge with a cleaning agent. For tiles and plumbing: 10 ml of any detergent and 4 drops of tea tree essential oil, which kills fungus, mold, etc.

In the toilet, on the inside of the toilet paper roll, drip 1-2 (no more) drops of essential oil (for example, roses), it is very refreshing. We also recommend an effective remedy for aromatizing and cleansing the toilet -

When washing clothes, add a mixture of essential oils of lemon, lemon wormwood, lavender and rose to the rinse water.

Essential oils of geranium, lavender, lemon, violet, cypress will help to eliminate the smells of pets in the room. The cat litter should be washed with a mixture of essential oils of lavender and geranium with water (5 drops of fragrance per 500 ml of water).

Fight against insects.

To get rid of midges and mosquitoes, the essential oil of cloves, geranium and lavender in an aroma lamp or on a napkin will help only 3 drops.

Ants will drive a solution of 20 drops of essential oils of mint and lavender in 200 ml of water and often wipe the places of their accumulation with this solution.

Flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches are repelled by the essential oil of cedar wood. Cockroaches also do not tolerate hops, parsnips, bird cherry, St. John's wort and eucalyptus.

The reaction to the bites of ticks, mosquitoes, wasps and other insects (itching, swelling, inflammation) is quickly neutralized by tea tree essential oil.