Bulging eyes with a thyroid gland are dangerous. Why bulging eyes are a disease of bulging eyes

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An old saying states that the eyes are the window to the soul. It is not known where this phrase came from, however, today we know for sure that the eyes can say a lot about you and at least demonstrate the state of your health.

1. Not passing barley

If you have ever had barley, you know what pain and irritation it causes. A tubercle on the eyelid appears due to a blocked sebaceous gland and usually resolves in a few days, but can persist for longer, causing serious inconvenience.

If you have barley often and does not go away for a long time, this may be a sign of sebaceous gland carcinoma. So if you notice that he does not heal for a long time or jumps up in the same place, it's time to see a doctor.

2. Eyebrow loss

Eyebrow loss can be caused by aging, stress, and nutritional deficiencies. Eyebrows can also fall out due to alopecia areata, which, however, affects no more than 0.1% of the population.

However, a more likely cause of hair loss in this area may be hypothyroidism - a persistent lack of hormones. thyroid gland, which in extreme cases leads to total hair loss. So if your eyebrows begin to thin, you should talk to your doctor about the state of your thyroid gland.

3. Blurred vision

Many of us sit in front of a computer for hours at work or at home, eventually feeling a burning sensation in our eyes or "blurring" vision. Today, this situation is so common that a term has appeared in medical practice to describe vision problems associated with prolonged use of a computer, mobile phone or e-book, - "digital eye fatigue", or "dry eye syndrome". If you find similar symptoms in yourself, talk to your doctor about ways to solve the problem.

4. Blind spots

Seeing a blind spot in your vision is always scary and can often indicate you have a migraine with aura, especially if the picture is accompanied by sparkling dots or wavy lines. As a rule, this is accompanied by an attack of headache.

If such phenomena are not uncommon for you, go to the doctor to understand what is the trigger for the problem.

5. Bulging eyes

We've all had times when our eyes seemed to be failing us. We three them or blink several times - and it seems that the vision has become clearer. But if you constantly experience a feeling of dilation in the eyes, this may be due to hyperthyroidism, a condition in which thyroid overactive, also known as Graves' disease.

One of its symptoms is an enlargement of the eye when the closure of the eyelids fails, causing the eyes to look bulging, which occurs in 30% of patients with this disease. So if you notice something like this - urgently see a doctor.

6. Yellow squirrels

Every day we spend some time in front of the mirror, so it is very unlikely that we will not notice this obvious problem in ourselves.

Jaundice can occur both in newborns with underdeveloped liver functions and in adults. Also, its appearance may be associated with the state of the gallbladder or ducts, so if you find a strange yellowing of the eyes, find out the reasons.

Bulging is a pathology of the organs of vision, in which the eyeballs protrude forward. The name of the pathology fully justifies itself, with it the effect of bulging eyes is created. Eye bulging is caused by the displacement of the eyeballs, in which the eyes protrude forward or to the side. Bulging is more of a colloquial name for pathology. In medicine, it is called.

Distinctive feature The bulge is the white gap between the iris and the superior iris. This gap is especially noticeable when looking down. The color of the skin of the eyelid also changes - it becomes darker.

Causes of bulging eyes

There is an opinion that an ophthalmologist is engaged in the treatment of bulging eyes. This is not entirely correct. In many cases, other specialists are involved in the treatment of bulging eyes: a neuropathologist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, traumatologist or oncologist, since various diseases can be the cause. Methods of therapy for bulging eyes depend on the factors that caused this condition.

For many patients with bulging eyes, it becomes a discovery that this is not a full-fledged disease, but a symptom. It is also interesting that this symptom can occur in many diseases. Puffy eyes can manifest themselves in different ways, but it is customary to distinguish three of its types:

  • unilateral exophthalmos: only one eye protrudes from the orbit;
  • bilateral exophthalmos: both eyes protrude from the orbit;
  • false exophthalmos: in this case, the protrusion eyeball does not exceed 2 mm and is not a pathology, but expresses physiological feature(these patients are at risk and should be examined).

The protrusion of the eyes from the orbits by 1.5-1.8 mm is a physiological norm. Puffy eyes begin to cause concern if these figures increase by 2-8 mm. In this case, bulging eyes may indicate the occurrence of a pathological process in the body. When diagnosing exophthalmos, the patient must full examination organism to identify the cause, which is reflected by bulging eyes. Only after establishing the disease that caused the bulging eyes, it can be eliminated by curing the disease.

Pathologies that cause bulging eyes are divided into three groups:

  • Endocrine diseases. One of the most common causes of exophthalmos is Graves' disease (goiter). This disease is characterized by the production of excess thyroid hormones. In response, the immune system increases the production of cells. Excess cells load the tissues of the eye, which causes thickening of the oculomotor muscles, which is provoked by edema.
  • Ophthalmic diseases. In this case, the cause of bulging eyes may be thrombosis of the orbital vein, benign or malignant tumor formations of the orbit.
  • Diseases of other organs and systems. These include inflammatory processes of the sinuses, tumor formations of the brain and paranasal sinuses nose, cerebral vascular thrombosis, fracture of the bones of the orbit, which is accompanied by hemorrhage.

Only with the intervention of a doctor of a narrow specialization can the cause of bulging eyes be eliminated.

Consequences of exophthalmos

Exophthalmos is not only an aesthetic defect, it also has an adverse effect on the state of the organs of vision, if their functions are impaired, complete blindness can occur. This is one of the few symptoms that has its own clinical manifestations. For patients with bulging eyes, not only the external manifestation of the pathology is characteristic.

Exophthalmos may be accompanied by a feeling of pressure on the eyes. With bulging eyes, the mobility of the eyes is disturbed and double vision of objects may occur. The lack of contact of the eyeball with the eyelid leads to the fact that it is not fully moisturized. And this threatens with the emergence, its inflammation and destruction. Edema of the conjunctiva, eyelids, and optic nerves may appear.

This condition is fraught with complete blindness, which occurs as a result of compression optic nerve due to high blood pressure In eyes. The optic nerve atrophies, i.e. dies off.

Diagnosis of the causes of bulging eyes

Modern diagnostic methods allow you to quickly identify the disease and start treatment in a timely manner. At the first suspicion of protrusion of the eyeballs, even without additional clinical manifestations, you must immediately see your doctor: a therapist or an ophthalmologist. Based on the survey and examination, the attending physician will recommend a narrow specialist to whom you need to contact.

To modern ways diagnostics that determine the presence or absence of exophthalmos include:

  • ophthalmological examination;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography;
  • laboratory research.

Treatment of bulging eyes

The treatment for bulging eyes will depend on the disease that causes it. For diseases endocrine system(Basedow's disease) carry out the correction of the functions of the thyroid gland. For this, hormone replacement therapy is performed. Inflammatory processes treated with antibiotic therapy or surgery (according to indications). Also surgical intervention not excluded in the presence of oncological process. Additionally, radiation and chemotherapy are included in the therapy of oncological diseases. When squeezing the optic nerve, an operation is performed to eliminate this pathology, during which part of the adipose tissue is removed. Damage to the cornea is eliminated by complete or partial stitching of the eyelids.

To alleviate the course of exophthalmos, there are five rules recommended by experts, the observance of which will help relieve unpleasant symptoms:

  • Keep eyeballs moist. This can be achieved with the help of special ophthalmic ointments, which are sold in pharmacies. Ointments should be applied at night.
  • Use tinted glasses. Eyes with glass dark lenses protect eyes from wind, dust and too bright sunlight. In addition, they will mask bulging eyes.
  • Give up salt. Reducing salt intake reduces the formation of fluid in the body, which reduces fluid pressure in the eye cavity.
  • Use an elevated head position during sleep. Even a slight elevation of the head helps to avoid swelling of the eyelids, which increase the appearance of bulging eyes.
  • Apply anti-inflammatory eye drops. It must be remembered that instillation of drops into the eyes to eliminate inflammation of the mucous membrane is effective only in the first three days. Further, the use of drops can cause greater vasodilation, so they should not be abused.

Treating exophthalmos is a lengthy process that can take several years. Usually the prognosis is favorable. To do this, you need to contact a specialist in time and follow all his recommendations.

March 22, 2018, 08:14

Candidate of Medical Sciences Galina Fedorovna Aleksandrova talks about the most common diseases and their prevention.

The thyroid gland is shaped like a butterfly and is located in the front of the neck, in the region of the thyroid cartilage. This gland plays the role of the first violin in the endocrine orchestra, the conductor of which is the pituitary gland. It produces the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are involved in the formation of energy necessary for the operation of all organs and systems of our body.


Today, the most common thyroid disease in Russia is hypothyroidism, which occurs due to a lack of iodine in the body. The reason for the "prosperity" of this disease is that we are consuming less and less natural products. Lack of iodine leads to a decrease in thyroid function, which begins to produce an insufficient amount of hormones. Few hormones means little energy for the body to work. Hence - apathy, weakness, memory loss: the accountant always loses count, the writer forgets the beginning of the phrase, having reached its end.

In order to capture from the blood those crumbs of iodine that are in it, the thyroid gland begins to increase in size and a goiter gradually grows in a person. If the patient is not provided with iodine in time, then the goiter can reach several kilograms, while the weight of a healthy gland is 25-30 grams. In a greatly enlarged thyroid gland, cells multiply unevenly and nodes are formed, surrounded by capsules. These nodes do not produce hormones, which leads to a chronic lack of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which can no longer be eliminated by replenishing the lack of iodine. Or the release of hormones occurs spontaneously, causing the patient to have a strong heartbeat. A person with chronic hypothyroidism has to take artificial thyroid hormones all his life. They are absolutely harmless, but they must be applied regularly and at precisely the right time, which is quite burdensome.

Salvation in iodized salt

Being ill with hypothyroidism is not only unpleasant, but also offensive - because it is so easy to avoid it. You just need to constantly use iodized salt. It is sold in pharmacies and grocery stores. This salt does not differ from ordinary salt in taste or color and is excellent for cooking, except for canning. Lean on feijoa, persimmon, bell pepper and seafood - they are very rich in iodine.

Note to vegetarians: iodine will "skip" through the body in transit if a person does not receive the protein contained in meat products. Soy, which for some reason is considered to be a complete meat substitute, will not help retain iodine - the protein that helps to absorb it is found only in meat.

Pregnant women should be especially attentive to the content of iodine in their diet. During pregnancy, a physiological increase in the thyroid gland occurs, since it must supply hormones to two organisms. Thus, the woman's need for iodine also increases significantly.

If before pregnancy she had enough 150-200 micrograms of iodine per day, then, expecting a child, a woman should receive at least 300 micrograms. The domestic preparation antistrumine and the preparation of the company "Berlin-Chemie" potassium iodide, which are packaged in 100, 200, 500 mcg, will help to meet the increased need for iodine. An important nuance: if you are taking these drugs, be sure to give up iodized salt.

If there is not enough iodine in the mother's body, then the baby will be born with congenital hypothyroidism and he will need to inject artificial hormones throughout his life, otherwise severe mental retardation and cretinism.

onion juice on head

If hypothyroidism has already settled in your body, then in addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, you can take other measures that will help you to endure this disease more easily.

With hypothyroidism, all processes in the body are slowed down due to a lack of energy-producing ones. In particular, the intervals between heartbeats are increased, as a result of which blood flows slowly through the vessels. The skin is very poorly supplied with blood and begins to peel off, especially on the hands and feet, as they are most distant from the heart. In this case, the skin of the hands and feet must be regularly lubricated with a greasy cream, otherwise painful ulcers and cracks may appear.

Lifeless skin is unable to hold hair on its surface. Therefore, they, in company with eyebrows, begin to fall out intensively. So that the hair does not thin during hypothyroidism, you can rub it into the scalp Burr oil or onion juice.

Due to the fact that all metabolic processes are slowed down, vitamin A is not formed quickly enough, so yellowness of the skin may appear. It will be possible to avoid this if you take vitamin complexes containing vitamins, A and group B.

Patients with hypothyroidism are often concerned about swelling of the face and body. Cowberry leaf tea, which has a diuretic effect, will help get rid of them. The leaf should be brewed at the rate of 1 full teaspoon per glass of water and boiled for 10-12 minutes over low heat. Then cool and take ½ cups 20-30 minutes before meals. Sunbathing with hypothyroidism is not recommended, otherwise all treatment will go down the drain.

Basedow's disease

This disease is less common than hypothyroidism, but nevertheless ranks second in prevalence among thyroid diseases. We are talking about diffuse toxic goiter, popularly known as Graves' disease.

Bulging eyes, increased heart rate, irritability, sweating, trembling hands, an enlarged thyroid gland - such is the portrait of a person suffering from this disease. Plus, against the background of a good appetite, the patient progressively loses weight - up to 8-10 kg per month. And all this is due to the fact that the thyroid gland produces too many hormones.

You can tame the rebellious gland only with the help of drugs that block the production of excess hormones. (If the disease is advanced, part of the gland is surgically removed.) During the treatment period, you need to reduce the consumption of iodine-containing foods and do not use iodized salt. You should also forget about sunbathing - they can nullify all your attempts to heal.

Graves' disease is a hereditary disease that is most often transmitted through the female line. But you can safely live your whole life and never know that you inherited this illness from your grandmother (and most often the jump occurs through a generation). What do I need to do? Do not get nervous over trifles, try to avoid infectious diseases and do not abuse the tan. The advice is banal, but it is reliably known that stress and illness can awaken an ailment dormant in the depths of your body. Most often, Graves' disease manifests itself when you are 30-40 years old, so at this age it makes sense to regularly visit an endocrinologist.

Inflamed thyroid

Among other things, the thyroid gland can become inflamed, like any other organ. This can happen 3-4 weeks after the transfer viral disease like after the flu. The temperature rises sharply to 39 ° C, there is strong pain when swallowing and in the thyroid gland. The neck increases in size. This attack is called "subacute de Tervin's thyroiditis". Per Last year the number of patients admitted to our institute with thyroiditis increased 4 times.

It is difficult to avoid this disease. The only thing you can do is not carry the flu on your feet. A patient who does not comply with bed rest becomes so weak that from viral infection organs that are usually insensitive to it, in this case the thyroid gland, suffer.

To alleviate your condition before the doctor arrives, you can take aspirin, analgin or indomethacin. Further treatment is carried out in a hospital with stronger anti-inflammatory drugs - such as.

Among the variety of ophthalmic diseases, two categories should be distinguished. Some pathologies can be recognized only on special diagnostic equipment, while others are clearly distinguishable due to physical disorders in the visual apparatus. Exophthalmos is a disorder that is visible to the naked eye. For him, a protrusion of the eyeball or displacement to one side is typical. In today's article, we will look at why this ailment occurs, what are the ways to treat it.

Exophthalmos - what is it?

This term refers to a fairly rare disease. In everyday life, you can find another name - "bulging eyes". Its development is caused by a pathological increase in the number of retrobulbar tissues located in the cavity of the orbit. The cause of this disorder, in turn, is inflammatory, neurodystrophic or traumatic processes. Manifestations of exophthalmos can be observed at any age.

The first case of bulging eyes in medicine was recorded at the end of the 18th century and was caused by a disease of the thyroid gland. However, pathology received a detailed description only in the middle of the 20th century. Since that time, active research has begun. Many doctors believe that exophthalmos is a manifestation of one or more diseases, and not an independent violation. The first ones are not always associated with the visual apparatus, sometimes the reason is hidden in the functional disorder of other organs. Therefore, only differential diagnosis allows you to identify the source of the disease, correctly select therapy.

Main reasons

It should be immediately noted that various violations of the work visual organs cannot be the cause of exophthalmos. On the other hand, left without timely treatment the disease often provokes the development of complications. Among them, the most dangerous is total loss vision.

Numerous studies of patients with this disease have confirmed that damage to the eye tissues, characteristic of exophthalmos, is caused by a malfunction immune system. In this case, the patient's adipose tissue swells in the orbit, then motor muscles join this process. This phenomenon affects both eyes, but initially appears only in one.

Among other causes of the pathological process, doctors distinguish the following:

  • inflammation of the blood vessels, lacrimal glands of the eyes;
  • congenital glaucoma;
  • varicose veins of the ophthalmic veins;
  • various injuries that cause hemorrhages;
  • eye tumors;
  • paralysis of the external muscles of the eye.

Also, the causes of the disease can be processes of a local nature. For example, diffuse toxic goiter, hypothalamic syndromes, aneurysms, thrombosis, hydrocephalus.

Clinical picture

The severity of symptoms of exophthalmos depends on the degree of protrusion of the eye. A slightly distinguishable violation practically does not cause discomfort to the patient. As the disease progresses clinical picture modified, supplemented by the following features:

  • swelling and redness of the sclera;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • double vision.

Due to the displacement of the eyeball, the patient loses the ability to close the palpebral fissure. Therefore, he gradually develops keratopathy. Pathology leads to infection and ulceration of the cornea.

Exophthalmos classification

The disease is usually classified into imaginary and true. In the first case, the pathological process develops against the background of severe myopia. B A more serious variant of the disease is recognized as true exophthalmos. What it is? The disease occurs due to tumor or inflammatory disorders. It can occur in both acute and chronic forms.

True exophthalmos, in turn, is divided into the following types:

  • constant;
  • throbbing;
  • progressive malignant;
  • intermittent.

There is also unilateral exophthalmos and bilateral (affects both eyes).

According to another classification, three types of bulging eyes are distinguished: thyrotoxic, edematous and endocrine myopathy. Now let's take a closer look at what each of them is.

Thyrotoxic exophthalmos

This type of disease occurs predominantly in females. Its development is preceded by poisoning by thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland. soft tissues are not involved in the pathological process. The upper muscles of the eye orbit, which are responsible for the movement of the eyelid, spasm and noticeably increase in size.

As the disease develops, a significant expansion of the palpebral fissure occurs. At first, the changes are asymmetrical. Gradually, the palpebral fissure becomes deeper and wider. At the same time, other ophthalmic disorders appear: it becomes difficult for the patient to blink, to look at nearby objects. Outwardly, it seems that such a person has “bulging eyes”.

Deficiency provokes an abnormal luster of proteins. Whenever the patient tries to close his eyes, they begin twitch upper eyelids. On the movement of the pupil and the cornea, their inhibited reaction is observed.

edematous exophthalmos

The reasons for the development of this form of the disease are still poorly understood. To date, the etymology is clearly clear only in 70% of patients. In half of the cases, the pathological process is endocrine in nature. In 10%, the disease develops against the background of an infection. The remaining 10% doctors associate with the history and lifestyle of the patient.

The edematous form is characterized by a strong protrusion of the eyeball. In most cases, the pathology is bilateral. Only 10% of patients have exophthalmos of one eye. In this case, the pain can be so strong that patients are prescribed narcotic painkillers.

If timely treatment is not started, the disease can lead to keratitis. This is an inflammation of the corneal membrane, in which vision is rapidly deteriorating.

Endocrine myopathy

The nature of this form of the disease is closely related to hormonal changes thyroid glands. Its development is facilitated by either excessive release of hormones, or their acute deficiency. Among the main causes of the disorder, doctors call stress, radiation exposure, genetic predisposition.

The main symptom of endocrine myopathy is visual impairment, when all objects begin to literally split in two. Then there is a limitation of the mobility of the eyeball. After about 4-5 months, fibrosis develops - the uncontrolled growth of intraocular tissues.

Diagnostic methods

If you suspect exophthalmos, you should immediately contact the nearest ophthalmology department. Only a qualified specialist can diagnose a violation and choose a competent therapy. This issue is dealt with by an ophthalmologist. To confirm the disease, it is enough for him to conduct one study - exophthalmometry.

During the procedure, a special ruler is used. On a scale with divisions, the doctor determines the size of the cornea, compares the tops of its protrusions. After that, the dimensions of the palpebral fissure, the presence of other diseases in which complete closure of the eyelids is impossible are taken into account.

Depending on the results of the study, the ophthalmologist determines the severity of the pathological process. When the size of the cornea exceeds 20 mm, and the difference between its highest points is more than 2 mm, they speak of exophthalmos. What it is, why it occurs and how to deal with it - these questions should be answered by the doctor right at the reception.

In parallel with exophthalmometry, the patient is prescribed a number of additional studies (ultrasound of the thyroid gland, analysis for hormones, checking the state of the immune system, etc.). Based on the results complex diagnostics ophthalmologist selects treatment.

Therapy Options

Bulging eyes or exophthalmos is a serious pathology that requires medical or even surgical intervention. It is not possible to normalize the functioning of the visual apparatus, relieve inflammation from the muscles and return the eyeballs to their place through the recipes of folk healers. The treatment of the disease should be done by an endocrinologist and an ophthalmologist, if necessary, an operation - by a surgeon. Therapy can take from several months to 2-3 years.

Treatment of exophthalmos is always prescribed on an individual basis. In this case, the doctor must take into account the severity of the pathology, the patient's history, the presence of concomitant ailments. Therapy is considered completed successfully if it was possible to stop the main symptoms.

Various drugs are used to fight the disease. For example, to eliminate puffiness, Lasix, Furosemide or Diacarb are prescribed. To normalize cellular metabolism, Actovegin and Prozerin are used. If it is necessary to stop the inflammation, the doctor may prescribe Dexamethasone or Prednisolone. Serious thyroid problems require hormonal drugs. Their intake should be strictly controlled by a doctor.

When conservative methods of treatment do not bring the desired results, surgical intervention is recommended. The standard operation involves the expansion of the orbit by removing the orbital walls. Additionally, the eye muscles are relaxed.

Recovery prognosis

The causes of bulging eyes in each case may be different. Therefore, the prognosis for recovery will depend on the following factors:

  • timeliness of diagnosis;
  • the severity of the pathology;
  • the correctness of the prescribed treatment;
  • individual characteristics of the organism.

With mild to moderate exophthalmos, the prognosis is favorable. In more serious cases, the help of surgeons may be required.

Prevention methods

For a disease such as exophthalmos, the main symptom is "bulging eyes". This is a rather unpleasant disorder that requires competent treatment. Is it possible to prevent its occurrence?

According to leading ophthalmologists, the basis for the prevention of this disease is healthy lifestyle life. It is important to eat right and rationally, try to eradicate all addictions, and avoid stressful situations. In the presence of any ophthalmic diseases, it is necessary to start therapy in a timely manner and not neglect the recommendations of the attending physician.

The organs of vision and the head should be protected from traumatic injuries. If you suspect a pathology of the thyroid gland, you should immediately contact an endocrinologist and undergo an examination.

Bulging is not an independent disease, but only a symptom caused by certain diseases. From a physiological point of view, bulging is a displacement of the eyeballs when they protrude forward or move to the side. In medicine, "bulging eyes" is referred to as "exophthalmos".

Puffy eyes are treated not only by ophthalmologists, but also by endocrinologists, oncologists and other specialists. Treatment tactics are selected depending on the diagnosis.

Disease Definition

Protrusion, or exophthalmos, is a protrusion or severe displacement of the eyeball, provoked by damage to the shallow orbit. This pathology occurs in children and adults.

Manifestation of exophthalmos

The bulging eyes may be pronounced or only noticeable on ophthalmological examination. Most often, the symptom is a consequence of eye pathologies that are not related to vision.

The eyeball may protrude exactly forward or move slightly to the side; it depends on the localization of the pathological process inside the orbit.

There is congenital bulging, which may well be a variant of the physiological norm.


The protrusion of the eyeball is unilateral in the case of ophthalmic diseases and bilateral, which is observed in the general pathological state of the body.

True exophthalmos, caused by swelling of the tissues of the orbit located behind the eyeball, must be distinguished from false bulging, which develops as a result of an increase in the eyeball. The second variant is observed at or .

In addition, physicians distinguish intermittent exophthalmos. Such bulging is noticeable when the head is tilted to one side. This option is usually found in varicose veins of the orbit. Another variety is pulsating exophthalmos, when the eyeball not only moves forward, but also pulsates in time with the blood flow (it happens with cerebral aneurysms).

Bilateral protrusion of the eyeball

Normally, the eyeball can go beyond the orbit by no more than 20 mm. Depending on this indicator, 3 degrees of severity of bulging eyes are distinguished. With a mild degree of exophthalmos, the protrusion index is 21-23 mm, frames medium degree end in 27 mm, and in severe bulging, the indicators go beyond 28 mm.


Acquired pop-eye is a reflection pathological changes occurring in the body. The main reasons that can provoke this symptom, are:

  • Hyperthyroidism in Graves' disease;
  • Orbital fractures;
  • A brain tumor;
  • Aneurysm of cerebral vessels;
  • Inflammatory lesion of the paranasal sinuses;
  • severe myopia;
  • Glaucoma;


Signs that help differentiate bulging eyes:

  • The appearance of a white gap between the edge of the eyelid and the iris (to identify this sign, the patient is asked to look down);
  • Darkening of the skin of the eyelids.

Puffy eyes may be accompanied by such manifestations on the part of the organ of vision, such as:

  • Diplopia, that is, due to a violation of the projection;
  • Increased lacrimation;
  • Photophobia;
  • Discomfort when blinking;
  • Edema of the conjunctiva, eyelids, retina,.

Bulging with strabismus

Possible Complications

Puffy eyes require immediate diagnosis and treatment. In addition to an unhealthy, unaesthetic appearance, this phenomenon adversely affects the visual functions of the eye and can lead to absolute blindness.

Increased pressure on the optic nerve can cause it, which subsequently leads to a complete loss of vision.

Exophthalmos is serious clinical symptom, which brings aesthetic discomfort to both the patient and the people around, and leads to functional disorders all structures of the eyeball.


In the presence of bulging eyes, the doctor prescribes the following types of examination:

  • Inspection with an ophthalmoscope;
  • Biomicroscopic examination of the eye using a slit lamp;
  • ultrasound of the eye;
  • Computed tomography of the brain;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • X-ray of the skull to rule out orbital fractures;
  • Detection of the level of thyroid hormones in the blood;
  • Determination of the level of excretion of iodine in the urine.

slit lamp

To identify the exact cause of bulging eyes, a comprehensive diagnostic examination is carried out with the involvement of medical professionals different profiles (ophthalmologists, endocrinologists, therapists, traumatologists, neurologists, etc.).


Exophthalmos is treated, as already mentioned, not only by oculists, but also by other specialists, since in most cases this symptom is a sign of a general pathological process occurring in the body.

Accordingly, certain diseases that led to bulging eyes require specific methods of treatment, which are prescribed by doctors after a series of tests and an accurate diagnosis.

If the cause of bulging is endocrine, doctors prescribe glucocorticosteroids.

Endocrine ophthalmopathy

Inflammatory processes are suppressed with the help of and.

Oncological diseases that caused bulging eyes are subject to treatment characteristic of these diseases (radiation and chemotherapy, surgery);

If this symptom is provoked by compression of the optic nerve, then usually the patient is offered surgery, during which adipose tissue is removed. As a result, pressure on the nerve is reduced.

If the cornea was damaged due to the protrusion of the eyeball, then doctors perform temporary stitching of the eyelids in order to strengthen it. In addition, restorative ointments are prescribed.

Surgery to stitch the eyelids

Exophthalmos is never a separate disease, but just a symptom. That is why the treatment of this symptom should be carried out against the background of the treatment of the identified underlying pathology. In some cases, bulging does not require symptomatic treatment at all, as it goes away on its own after the elimination of the cause. For example, with thyrotoxicosis: it is only necessary for the patient to lower the level of thyroxine in the blood to normal indicators how the swelling of the tissues of the orbit subsides and the exophthalmos disappears by itself.

Symptomatic treatment of bulging eyes is necessary only if it is accompanied by additional manifestations: pain, inflammation of the eyelids, conjunctiva and cornea, double vision, and also when it severely disfigures the face. In such cases, the patient is prescribed:

  • Steroid hormones (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone);
  • Antihistamines (for example, Diazolin);
  • radiotherapy;
  • surgical correction.

Diazolin is an antihistamine

False physiological exophthalmos is not treated when apples protrude up to 2 mm due to anomalies palpebral fissures and skulls. This is a physiological phenomenon; however, the patient should have their eyes monitored and visit an ophthalmologist annually.

Conservative therapy is indicated to eliminate edema, inflammation and pain. Surgical correction is used when drug treatment is ineffective, as well as when the symptom is severe.


The main place in the prevention of exophthalmos is occupied by careful monitoring of patients who have physiological bulging eyes. It is they who are at high risk and need dynamic monitoring in order to identify the early degree of the disease.

In addition, the prevention of bulging eyes consists of the following activities:

  • Eating iodized salt and seafood to prevent the development of goiter;
  • Regular visits to the optometrist in the presence of risk factors;
  • Timely examination by a neurologist;
  • Prevention of thromboembolic complications.



In conclusion, it should be noted that bulging is a sign of pathology if the protrusion of the eye is more than 2 mm. In such a situation, the patient needs a thorough diagnostic examination to identify the cause pathological condition. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, treatment is indicated that matches the diagnosis. In most cases, therapy is carried out not by ophthalmologists, but by doctors of a different profile, which is due to the cause of exophthalmos