Skin cancer remedy. Treatment of skin cancer: evaluation of effectiveness and modern methods of therapy

Folk remedies successfully help in the treatment of many diseases, this site will help you find the right recipes and introduce you to readers' reviews.

Alternative treatment of skin cancer with garlic.
The most common remedy in folk cancer treatment, as internal organs, and skin, is garlic. You can use garlic by simply applying slices of garlic directly to the affected areas of the skin, you can apply gruel in the form of a compress. The literature often describes a case where a patient with the last degree of stomach cancer, whom doctors refused to treat, decided to go to the mountains before his death. There he was crammed into some hut, where the only food was garlic. When he was rescued, ten days later he had no cancer. Other examples of healing with garlic are given.

Folk treatment of basalioma with yeast.
Yeast is one of the most commonly mentioned remedies in folk remedies for skin cancer. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with densely diluted yeast, cover from above with a napkin moistened with a more liquid solution of yeast. Do not let the compress dry out. This method of treatment of basalioma is also supported by oncologists.

curd treatment
Another ancient method is still used in folk treatment, and gives very good results - the treatment of basalioma and melanoma with cottage cheese. Cottage cheese cleans wounds well, promotes their tightening. It is advisable to take fresh village cottage cheese. It is possible to treat skin cancer with this folk remedy several times more effectively if, after removing the cottage cheese, a compress with aconite tincture is applied to the wound.
How to use curd: it is necessary to apply compresses with cottage cheese daily for two weeks. The bandage is changed three times a day. After the first application of cottage cheese, it will be very painful, the next compresses will no longer be so painful. After the compress, the wound can be treated with furacilin.

Nettle and bead in the folk treatment of skin cancer.
Non-healing skin cancer ulcers can be treated by powdering them with dried nettle leaf powder or drop caps. This folk remedy will speed up wound healing. You can use an ointment prepared from these components. Take 1 tbsp. powder from the leaves of the initial letter and from the leaves of the nettle, 20 g of beeswax, 1 tsp. aloe juice, 20 g pine resin and on the tip of a knife of burnt alum. Pour all this into boiling chicken fat and cook in a water bath for 1.5 hours. Apply a napkin with a layer of ointment to the affected area of ​​the skin 2 times a day for 2 hours.

Treatment of skin cancer with hemlock.
In the folk treatment of cancer, including basalioma and melanoma, hemlock is widely used.
1st recipe. Mix the crushed hemlock plant with the same amount of grated carrots and apply as a bandage to the affected skin areas.
2nd recipe. Finely crushed inflorescences are mixed with vaseline 1:1. Lubricate the basalioma once a day without applying a bandage.
3rd Cancer Cure Recipe: Royal Hemlock
You can successfully treat skin cancer by using hemlock tincture orally 3 times a day according to the following scheme: in the morning on an empty stomach at 6 o'clock, one hour before meals, take 1 drop of the tincture, then repeat 1 drop at 15 o'clock and at 22 o'clock. The next day, take hemlock tincture already 2 drops. So get up to 30 drops. After that, take the hemlock tincture with a decrease, daily reducing its intake by 1 drop, reaching 1 drop. This will take 60 days. Then take a break of 5 days and conduct two more such courses of hemlock cancer treatment.
To prepare a hemlock tincture, mix 4 cups of 70% alcohol with 1 cup of finely chopped fresh hemlock flowers and leaves. The mixture is shaken and infused for 3 weeks in a dark, cool place with daily shaking. Do not strain.
In this technique, a dose of 1 to 13 drops is taken from 100 g of water, from 13 to 26 drops - from 150 g, and from 26 to 30 drops - from 200 g of water. You can lubricate this tincture on cancerous skin 5-8 times a day.

How to treat cancer with tansy
Tansy is very effective remedy. It is necessary to prepare a strong infusion: 2 tbsp. tansy pour 1 cup boiling water, insist in a thermos for 2 hours. Moisten the affected areas with decoction.

Alternative treatment of basalioma and melanoma with ointments. How to treat skin cancer externally
Ointment from stonecrop
Pass 100 g of sedum herb through a meat grinder, pour 0.5 l of internal unsalted pork fat in a glass bowl and keep on low heat in a water bath for 2 hours. Apply the ointment in a thin layer on the diseased skin until they are completely healed.
Ointment from tar
In the folk treatment of skin cancer, tar is often used. To make it more convenient to smear, tar is mixed with petroleum jelly. You can use this remedy if the wound is not open.
Ointment for cancer from tar and ash
The previous recipe will be even more effective if you add birch ash: burn birch branches, then sift the ashes through a sieve, and 1 tbsp. mix ash with 3 tbsp. pharmaceutical birch tar and 2 tbsp. l. vaseline. This folk remedy treats any skin diseases. Ready ointment to treat painful areas in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is 10 days.
It is unlikely that skin cancer can be cured with compresses and ointments alone. Treatment with external agents must be combined with the use of fly agaric, hemlock or celandine tincture.

How to treat cancer with elderberry
A very tasty folk remedy: cover a finger-thick layer of black elderberries with sugar in a ratio of 1:1. When sugar dissolves, strain. Store the syrup in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. syrup 3 times a day. After 1.5-2 months, the cancer will disappear.

Celandine against skin cancer
In folk cancer treatment, there are several ways to use celandine. Celandine is effective in many skin diseases and in cancer of any localization.
1st method: you can simply lubricate painful places in the summer with fresh orange juice of the whole celandine plant. In winter, wash with a strong infusion of dried grass (3 tablespoons of grass per 300 ml of boiling water).
2nd method: compresses with celandine ointment. To prepare an ointment, dried celandine herb should be ground into powder, sifted through a sieve and mixed with hot lard or petroleum jelly in equal parts by volume. Ointment can also be prepared from celandine juice: 1 part juice to 4 parts vaseline. Store the ointment in a cool place without light.
3rd method: You can also lubricate the tumor with celandine juice 5-7 times a day. To prepare celandine juice for the treatment of cancer, you need to dig a bush of celandine along with the root during flowering, rinse well, dry, pass the plant through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice through gauze and pour into a bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Juice is stored for years in a cool place.
4th method: Taking juice or infusion of celandine inside - from 1 drop to 30 and back, with 1/4 cup of water once a day. You can drink an infusion of herbs (in the absence of fresh celandine) - 1 tablespoon of dry grass per 1.5 cups of boiling water. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Celandine juice can be preserved with vodka 1:1. In some sources, such celandine juice is recommended to be consumed from 1 tsp. up to 1 st. l. 3-4 times a day. Celandine must be dosed according to your well-being, so that there are no signs of poisoning.

Alternative treatment with potato flowers and fly agaric.
The cleaner may not help. A case is described when a woman was treated with celandine, but melanoma continued to develop. She chose treatment with potato flowers. Brewed 1 tbsp. dried flowers 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes and took 1/3 cup of infusion 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course is three weeks. After completing this course, she began to take alcohol tincture fly agaric: break off the caps from 4 medium-sized fly agarics, crumble into a 500 ml jar, pour 150 g of 96% alcohol and keep for two weeks in a dark place. I took a fly agaric tincture for cancer from 1 to 25 drops, adding it drop by drop daily, and then in reverse order, in the morning on an empty stomach 1 time per day, diluted in 30 ml of milk. The development of the disease from such treatment stopped

Golden mustache
Golden mustache tincture helps in the treatment of skin cancer. Tincture lubricates the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin several times a day. This simple recipe has helped many people. You can also treat with a golden mustache with the help of freshly squeezed plant juice - make compresses from it. Cancer of any localization is treated with an oil emulsion of golden mustache tincture: 30 ml of unrefined sunflower or linseed oil shake with 30 ml of tincture. Drink on an empty stomach 2 times a day. The course is 10 days, then a break of 5 days and a new course. This recipe is an improved version of Shevchenko's treatment. Skin cancer affected areas can be compressed with this golden whisker emulsion

Cancer treatment with ASD fraction
In the alternative treatment of cancer, the ASD-2 fraction is also used. This drug significantly improves immunity, gives good results in treatment skin diseases. The inventor of this remedy received many letters from patients who managed to cure ASD-2 cancer.
ASD precancerous forms of the disease respond very well to treatment - the standard dosage and dosage regimen is used (15 - 30 drops diluted in 50 - 100 ml of water or tea and drunk on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day. Course 5 days, 3 days break, then another course, etc. until complete recovery), compresses on external tumors. After two weeks of such treatment, the tumor disappears.
The ASD fraction also treats advanced forms of cancer, in this case a shock dosage is applied: 120 drops of ASD-2 in half a glass of boiled water twice a day. Drink for 1.5 years. 1 ml contains 30-40 drops of ASD. For basaliomas and melanomas, compresses from a 20% ASD-2 solution are used. Compresses are left for a day, after which they are changed, compresses are applied until the lesions disappear
The drug ASD F-2 stops the further development of the disease, quickly relieves pain.

Herbal cancer treatment.
After radiation and chemotherapy for the treatment of skin cancer - melanoma, basalioma use three main groups medicinal plants taken orally, and the fourth group - for external use.
The first group is poisonous plants that directly affect cancer cells and destroy them. Their reception should be alternated. The course of cancer treatment with these herbs is at least a year. best effect in case of skin cancer, the use of tinctures of Jungar aconite, hemlock gives the skin.
The second group of plants helps to restore the body's defenses. For these purposes, Siberian prince, wintergreen, meadowsweet, cinquefoil, kirkazon and hops, pine nut shell tincture are used.
Plants of the third group different for each type of cancer. They act directed against a specific tumor, restore the functions of the organ in which the malignant tumor has appeared, and also remove toxins, normalize the work of the nearby lymphatic system. In case of skin cancer, this group is represented by prickly tartar, cocklebur and lingonberries.
Plants of the fourth group for external use in skin cancer - it is oak, lycopodium, bedstraw, wild carrot, tansy, St. John's wort, marshmallow and prickly tatar

Folk methods of treating skin cancer arose a long time ago, since skin cancer itself is a fairly ancient pathology, descriptions of which are found in documents before the birth of Christ and earlier. The existence of a method is not proof of its effectiveness. For this reason, we no longer treat all diseases with leeches and bloodletting, we no longer perform lobotomy to reduce activity in mental illness, we do not prescribe glycosides for any cardiac pathology.

What you need to know before using traditional medicine

To date, medicine in most developed countries is insurance, and repels only from direct research and evidence.

The effectiveness of any of the methods traditional medicine in skin cancer has not been proven, they are used at your own peril and risk, some of the methods accelerate the process of cell development.
Some of the methods do have a certain meaning, but can only be applied to one specific form of skin cancer, but not in all cases. At best, these methods have an auxiliary effect, stimulating local or general immunity in complex treatment diseases.

Mostly this type of treatment is caused by fear of a diagnosis, as well as distrust of the methods, or specific representatives of official medicine.

Traditional methods of treatment do not replace and cannot be compared with the methods of traditional medicine. They do not replace, because they cannot effectively remove any of the tumors, and are not comparable - since not a single placebo-controlled study in this area has yielded a positive result.

Examples of plant-based folk remedies for skin cancer treatment

  • application ointments from celandine. Fresh juice is diluted 1: 4 with petroleum jelly, you can take the powder - in this case, equal parts of the substances are taken. Apply to the affected areas;
  • lotions from medicinal collection based on celandine. Celandine herb, joster leaves, sweet clover herb are used, meadow clover, herb pharmacy agrimony, ivy-shaped budra in proportions 5: 3: 3: 2: 2: 2. A tablespoon is poured with boiling water (0.75), infused for 6 hours, filtered;
  • burdock root ointment. It is made from a decoction of the roots, ground in a meat grinder. Sunflower oil 1:1 is added to it and boiled for an hour and a half. Cooled ointment lubricates the tumor

In this case, these agents have a local anti-inflammatory effect, as well as lighten tumors. Visually, a feeling is created that it has become better - redness may decrease, manifestations of skin itching (if any) will disappear, the color of the formation will become less sinister. Of course, this will not affect the rate of melanoma metastasis in any way, and will not stop the infiltration of the basalioma in depth.

Treatment of skin cancer with cottage cheese

It is recommended to apply cottage cheese directly to the tumor. They promise that it will "burst and hurt", but then "healing from skin cancer will occur in a few weeks."

Propolis - a folk method for the treatment of skin cancer

It is claimed that when taken orally, propolis has a cytostatic effect, i.e. inhibits the growth of any malignant. It is recommended to take orally 5 g one hour before meals in its pure form.

Cooking propolis oil- butter is mixed with crushed propolis 6: 1, boiled at a mixture temperature of 80 degrees for half an hour. It is taken in a tablespoon one hour before meals.

External use of propolis ointment. Ointment is a mixture of veselka powder and liquid propolis oil 1:10. It is superimposed along with a gauze bandage on the affected area of ​​the skin.

Traditional method of treating skin cancer with bone meal extract

This method of treatment was most fully embodied in the preparation ASD Drogova. The bone meal preparation is presented
a solution that causes a powerful immune response of the body. Apply in the form of lotions and inside.

The reaction of the body is easy to understand - in fact, it is a dead, denatured protein that needs to be neutralized and removed. Paradoxically, but early stages diseases, when there is still something to stimulate, the use of such drugs can somewhat slow down the oncological process due to the activation of general and local


The disease skin cancer is characterized by the fact that it is often detected in the early stages due to its location with outside organism. Therefore, it is very well treated. Sometimes traditional medicine does not cope well with the disease. In such cases, use folk ways skin cancer treatment. They help to improve general state the patient and increase immunity, so they are often used as adjuvant therapy.

Skin cancer, folk remedies

It remains the most popular folk remedy. Due to its composition, this plant is able to remove the pain syndrome and stop the growth of malignant cells. It is used very carefully due to the presence of toxic components. Treatment of skin cancer with ointments based on celandine occurs in several ways.

Method 1:

  • combine 1 tablespoon of plant powder, lanolin and petroleum jelly;
  • add 10 drops of carboxylic acid to the mixture;
  • everything is thoroughly mixed.

The resulting mixture is treated with the affected areas twice a day.

Method 2:

  • celandine leaves rinse well, dry and chop;
  • squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry;
  • mix it with petroleum jelly or baby cream in a ratio of 1:4.

This ointment lubricates the diseased areas on the skin.

In addition to ointments, various lotions are made from celandine.

Recipe 1:

  • juice is squeezed out of the plant;
  • add alcohol to it in a ratio of 1:4;
  • dilute clean water(for 1 part of tincture 5 parts of water).

This solution is used for compresses.

Recipe 2:

  • 50 grams of plant leaves are mixed with 30 grams of sweet clover, clover and joster;
  • add 20 grams of agrimony, budry and carrot seeds to the collection;
  • 20 grams of the resulting mixture is steamed with 500 ml of boiled hot water;
  • insist for a while;
  • the liquid is drained.

With this infusion, a gauze bandage is lubricated and applied to a sore spot. If there are metastases, it is worth using tincture of celandine inside. For this:

  • ½ cup of plant roots dried and ground;
  • pour 500 ml of alcohol;
  • leave in a dark place for 14 days.

Drink this remedy a few drops up to three times a day.

Use of home remedies for cancer

Treatment of skin cancer with baking soda It was invented by Simoncini, a native of Italy. Sodium bicarbonate perfectly fights Candida fungus, but in case of oncology of the skin, soda is recommended to be used together with iodine. To do this, the affected areas of the skin are treated with the prepared solution up to 20 times a day for 5 days. For the next one and a half weeks, wipe the diseased areas once a day. Continue treatment until complete necrosis of the tumor.

Alternative treatment of skin cancer at home involves the use of various vegetable juices. The most popular is carrot juice. It has a lot of vitamins and useful substances, which help to improve human health and raise immunity, which helps fight various diseases and ailments. To skin cancer treatment been successful, they should be properly prepared.

  • When taking carrot juice, dishes with sugar, flour products and starch should be excluded from the diet.
  • A day should drink 0.5 liters of carrot juice, and it is better to combine it with spinach juice. The juices of these two products are taken in equal quantities.
  • Carrot juice can also lubricate the affected areas of the skin.
  • In addition to carrots, it is recommended to drink freshly prepared juices of plants such as euphorbia, lettuce and bedstraw.

Folk healers have always used bee products in their practice. Skin cancer is no exception. Bee glue helps stop the growth of malignant cells and increase the protective functions of the body. It should be taken in its pure form, 1 teaspoon before meals. Also, oil is prepared from propolis according to this recipe:

  • the crushed product is combined with butter in a ratio of 1:6;
  • put on fire and after boiling boil for 30 minutes;
  • cool.

Use this remedy 10 grams before meals for 60 minutes. In addition to oil, an ointment is prepared from bee glue. To do this, propolis oil is mixed with veselka powder, the mixture is applied to gauze and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. There is another way to prepare an ointment based on bee glue:

  • 0.2 kg of the product is dissolved in a water bath until homogeneous;
  • interfere with the same amount of animal fat or vegetable oil;
  • cool and store in the refrigerator.

Apply this mixture to wounds several times a day.

In addition to oils and ointments, it is also used propolis tincture for skin cancer. It is prepared as follows:

  • 8 tablespoons of crushed bee glue are poured with a liter bottle of alcohol;
  • heated in a water bath until the beekeeping product dissolves;
  • add vodka to the original volume;
  • close tightly;
  • placed in a dark place for 14 days;
  • shake the mixture every 4 days.

Drink this tincture 50 drops per day, and also used for lotions.

Alternative treatment options for skin cancer

For disease skin cancer traditional treatments suggest using the ASD-2 faction. ASD in skin cancer used for compresses. For this:

  • make a solution of the drug 20%;
  • moisten a gauze bandage in it;
  • applied to the affected area of ​​​​the skin for 24 hours;
  • then change to a new application.

Such treatment is continued until complete recovery.

Another non-standard treatment option is the use of mummy. Recipe medicinal product next:

  • dilute 2 grams of the product in half a liter of grape juice;
  • simmer in a water bath for several minutes;
  • cool down.

Use the remedy daily for 10 days in the morning on an empty stomach, ¼ cup.

Among the many ways to deal with malignant formations only a person who specializes in this will help you choose the most suitable option. Therefore, do not self-medicate, so as not to waste time.

Skin cancer is one of the oncological diseases that requires rigorous treatment and considerable time. Due to its localization from outside the body, it is often detected in the early stages and responds well to treatment. But, unfortunately, there are cases when, for a number of reasons and circumstances, the disease is detected at late stages and is practically untreatable. However, faith and hope for recovery must be present until last day human life, even if traditional medicine is powerless, skin cancer treatment can be applied folk methods. Many of which are able to improve the patient's condition and prolong his life.

The treatment of skin cancer with folk remedies arose a long time ago, since the ailment itself is a rather ancient pathology. The presence of a variety of methods of alternative medicine is not evidence positive results in treatment. Therefore, in modern world rather rarely used methods of treatment with leeches and bloodletting, do not perform a lobotomy to improve performance nervous system. As mentioned earlier, traditional medicine is not able to fully fight the disease, since its action has not been proven, but there are still some folk remedies that help improve the patient's health. They have an auxiliary effect that stimulates the immune system in the complex treatment of the disease.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cancer

Skin cancer is divided into 3 types:

Squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma are more aggressive types of cancer, while basalioma is the most common type of cancer. skin, it tends to grow deep enough into the tissue, but it does not metastasize. Treatment this disease, producing with the help of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. After carrying out such types of therapy, as a rule, scars and scars remain on the skin.

8% will help cure basalioma without scars and scars brine and gauze, which must be folded in 8 layers. It is necessary to perform the procedure once a day at night. During the period of treatment, it is forbidden to eat fried, salty, spicy, sweet and flour dishes. The diet should be 90% plant based. Also, it is forbidden to be under the influence of sunlight, to avoid sources of electromagnetic radiation. Salt dressings can be used for damaged moles or warts.

Important! If you decide to use non-traditional methods in treatment, be sure to consult with your doctor and do not stop drug therapy!

Cancer treatments must be comprehensive and comprehensive. Given the individuality of each patient, the use of both traditional and alternative medicine is considered a reasonable solution. Many doctors today are inclined to the opinion that speaks of the benefits of medicinal plants in combination with the main treatment in the fight against cancer. O positive impact herbs on the body and human immunity are evidenced by many studies and publications.

Since ancient times, celandine has been used to treat various oncopathologies. Its components are able to retard the growth of some cancer cells, as well as eliminate pain. It is necessary to use celandine with extreme caution, since the plant is poisonous.

The following options for ointments based on celandine are possible:

  • In equal proportions of ten grams, mix:
  1. celandine (powder);
  2. lanolin;
  3. petrolatum;
  4. carboxylic acid (10 drops, 0.25% solution).

All components are combined, mixed well and the affected area of ​​the body is treated with the resulting ointment, twice a day.

  • Fresh leaves of the plant are washed with boiled water, crushed with a meat grinder and squeezed through gauze, celandine juice is obtained. Depending on the amount obtained, 25% alcohol by volume of the content is added to the juice. Used as a compress cancerous wounds, previously diluted with distilled water, in the ratio of one part of the tincture and five parts of water.
  • Also, celandine juice is mixed with baby cream or petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1: 4 and applied to the affected areas.
  • Another option for lotions based on celandine is the following tincture:
  1. 5 st. spoons of celandine (fresh or dry leaves and grass stems);
  2. 3 tbsp. spoons: sweet clover, meadow clover, laxative joster;
  3. 2 tbsp. spoons: carrot seeds, agrimony, ivy-shaped budry grass.

Mix all the herbs, take two tablespoons from the resulting mixture and pour one and a half liters of boiling water, insist and strain. Apply in the form of lotions on the affected areas of the skin.

In addition to external use, celandine infusions can be taken internally, they are especially helpful in the presence of metastases, but this must be done strictly according to the prescription due to the high toxicity of the herb.

  • One hundred grams of dried celandine roots, pre-crushed, pour half a liter of alcohol on the floor and insist in a dark place for two weeks. The resulting tincture is consumed 5-6 drops, three times a day.

Traditional treatments for skin cancer using medicinal weeds

Around us there is a huge number of plants whose names we do not know and do not even pay attention to them, perceiving them as weeds. But many of them have enough power in the treatment of many diseases. Consider the most effective.

Woodlouse or chickweed medium. A plant that is considered a weed and is common in vegetable gardens and orchards, can help with many ailments, is used for diseases of the liver, heart, respiratory system, and also woodlice are able to regulate pressure, treat hemorrhoids, goiter and, of course, skin pathologies, including malignant tumors:

  1. 20% of the volume of alcohol content is added to the juice of a fresh plant, after which it is applied as an application to ulcerated places;
  2. five tablespoons of woodlice are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, cooled and applied as bandages on the affected skin until the compress dries completely. Repeat every four hours.;
  3. another folk remedy for skin cancer is made on the basis of thistle. Grass inflorescences are crushed and dried, then poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1:5, insisted for two weeks, after which it can be used as applications on wounds or inside (1 teaspoon 3 times a day, before meals) if metastases are detected;
  4. you can also use pure thistle juice, the plant is washed and ground in a meat grinder, after which the juice is squeezed out, which is applied in the form of compresses to cancerous ulcers.

In addition to soda, celandine and various weeds, traditional medicine knows the secrets of numerous recipes that can affect cancer cells:

  • the root of the plantain plant is crushed to a dusty state and mixed with salicylic acid, used in the form of tampons on the affected areas of the epithelium;
  • Indian bow. Two tablespoons of this plant are mixed with a tube of ten percent synthomycin ointment. Apply in the form of a compress, the ointment is applied to a cancerous ulcer and wrapped with a sterile bandage. With such a compress, you need to be constantly, changing the bandage with the removal of the old ointment and applying a new one once a day for 20-25 days. It is contraindicated folk treatment skin cancer at grade 4 of the disease, as well as if there are mucous membranes nearby or individual metastases have been identified;
  • plantain leaves are crushed to a mushy state and applied to the affected area for several hours.

cancer treatment method baking soda, was proposed by the Italian doctor T. Simoncini, according to his theory, oncology arises from the Candida fungus, which is present in all living organisms. Under the influence of certain factors, they can accumulate in one place (organ), and healthy cells perceive them as foreign substances, surrounding and enveloping them, thereby contributing to the emergence of a tumor. Candida sensitive to sodium bicarbonate, in simple words to soda, thus, according to the doctor, it is able to fight cancer. The theory has not found application and has not been confirmed official medicine, but as a method of alternative therapy is quite possible.

Regarding skin cancer, it is believed that it is difficult to treat with soda alone, so it is used in combination with a 7% iodine solution, which contributes to the rapid destruction of the protein in the fungus.

  • A solution of iodine and soda is moistened with the formation for five days in unlimited quantities (at least 10-15 times a day). The next ten days, the procedure is carried out once a day, during this period the cancerous ulcer becomes very dark color and is taken with a crust (dead tissue). The process of wetting the wound should be continued further until the complete necrosis of the tumor tissue.

Propolis as an alternative treatment for skin cancer

  • propolis ointment. Another remedy from folk healers, which is used in therapy. 200 grams of propolis is heated on a steam bath until a homogeneous liquid mass is obtained, the same amount of lard or refined sunflower oil is added to it. The resulting mixture is cooled and stored in the refrigerator, applied to the wound 1-2 times a day;
  • another recipe for propolis ointment: mix veselka powder and liquid propolis oil in a ratio of 1:10, apply along with a gauze bandage to the affected skin;
  • propolis also has a cytostatic effect when ingested, it inhibits the growth malignant tumor any origin. It is necessary to apply 5 g 1 hour before meals;
  • propolis oil. Preparation: butter must be mixed with crushed propolis in a ratio of 6:1, then boiled at a temperature of 80 degrees for half an hour. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 1 hour before meals.

The drug ASD Drogov, this product obtained by thermal decomposition various materials animal origin - bone and meat waste, meat and bone meal. During decomposition, the nucleic acids of the materials are broken down to low-molecular structures and, freely penetrating into damaged tissues, achieve the desired result. It is used in the form of lotions and ingestion. The reaction of the body is easy to understand - in fact, it is a dead, denatured protein that needs to be neutralized and removed. Paradoxically, but in the early stages of the disease, when there is still something to stimulate, the use of such drugs can somewhat slow down the oncological process due to the activation of general and local immunity.

Chaga (birch mushroom) - a traditional medicine for the treatment malignant neoplasms skin. An infusion is used as an application. Preparation: birch fungus must be grated or chopped as finely as possible, then mixed with warm water in a ratio of 1:5 and infused for 48 hours. Strain and take 100 ml. half an hour before meals. Keep the infusion in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

  • you need to prepare an infusion, for this we need 5 tbsp. spoons of black raincoat spores, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of calamus roots, pour all this into 500 ml. warm water (50 degrees), and insist for 12 hours. Then calamus roots pass through a meat grinder, add to the infusion 2 tbsp. l. marigold flowers, leave for another 48 hours. It is necessary to take 4 to 6 times a day. The total daily dose should not exceed 500 ml;
  • also from the strained pulp, you can prepare an ointment by adding fresh interior lard and, stirring, bring to a boil. Apply the ointment to a gauze bandage, apply to the skin tumor, then cover with a plastic bag and secure with adhesive tape. Keep all night, with good tolerance - keep the day.
  • mercuric chloride must be diluted at a concentration of 1:1,000, then diluted another 4 times. Drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, the next day - a dessert spoon, the third - a tablespoon, and so on 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day until the end of the course. The course is 10 days, then a break for 10 days, and again the course. During breaks, drink mummy. There are 5 courses in total. Then 2 weeks break and 3 courses of 80 days;
  • mummy for cancer treatment: 2 gr. dilute the mummy in 500 ml. grape juice, heating in a water bath to 70 degrees. Every morning on an empty stomach drink 50 gr. mummy solution. The course of treatment is 10 days. Skin cancer can also be treated by washing the wound with a 10% saline solution, making dressings with the same solution, not allowing them to dry. Alternate salt dressings with bandages with sublimate solution. Lubricate the skin around the wound with hemlock ointment, apply 30% Balynin ointment to the wound itself.

Naturally, skin cancer cannot be contagious, since the disease is not a virus, but occurs as a result of changes in the structure of the DNA of the cell and is not transmitted during touching, airborne droplets, etc. Therefore, to carry out manipulations in the form of bandages, compresses and lotions, strangers can not worry about their health.

The list of possible remedies in the treatment of skin cancer treatment with folk remedies is so extensive, therefore, only a person specializing in this field can choose the appropriate ones, since each type of tumor may be more or less sensitive to a particular remedy.

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Skin cancer poses a mortal danger to humans. The main problem is that the initial stage of this disease goes unnoticed and it is detected at an already advanced stage.

If you or your loved ones need medical assistance, please contact us. The specialists of the site will advise the clinic where you can receive effective treatment:

Types of skin cancer

There are several types of skin cancer. These include:

  1. Melanoma. This type of cancer develops on the surface of the skin. Occurs due to frequent exposure to the sun, or after radioactive exposure, or as a result of chronic dermatitis;
  2. Basalioma. Unlike melanoma, it does not pose a danger in the form of metastases. Basalioma is a nodule that increases in size over time.

In order not to miss the development of this terrible disease, you should be less in the sun and in the solarium. If you have to work on the street, then it is worth covering open areas of the skin with light clothing.

If ulcers or new moles are found on the surface of the skin, it is worth contacting a dermatologist. After the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis, he will prescribe drug treatment . It can be successfully combined with skin cancer treatment folk remedies.

What folk remedies can treat skin cancer? Celandine treatment

There are several recipes that will help get rid of this disease. They are usually based on herbs. Celandine treatment. It is necessary to finely chop the leaves and stems of celandine. The resulting slurry must be squeezed through cheesecloth, squeezing out the juice. Plant juice in an amount of 50 ml is mixed with 200 grams of petroleum jelly. The result is a cream that you need to lubricate the affected skin twice a day.

– Treatment of skin cancer with podophyllum

You can treat skin cancer with an ointment prepared from this plant, or with an oral remedy. In order to prepare the cream, you should take a tincture of podophyllin and mix it with a solution salicylic acid. This composition must be applied to the foci of the disease. To prepare an internal remedy, podophyllin roots should be ground in a meat grinder and covered with sugar in equal proportions. The mixture is kept under pressure for sixty days. The resulting syrup should be taken orally ten minutes before meals. It is worth starting with one quarter of a teaspoon, over time increasing the dose to a full spoon.

– Treatment of skin cancer with a golden mustache

You need to take the leaves and stems of this plant and squeeze the juice out of them. A bandage or gauze folded several times is moistened with juice and applied to the skin like a compress once a day.

– Treatment of skin cancer with garlic

This remedy is used in the form of an ointment. To prepare it, you need to crush 5-7 cloves of garlic and pour a glass of apple cider vinegar and half a glass of vodka. The composition is kept in a cool place for fourteen weeks. The composition is mixed three times a day. After the specified period of time, you need to squeeze the juice through gauze and add a tablespoon of eucalyptus oil to it. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected areas.

Is pretty effective. The main thing is to know the exact diagnosis and not self-medicate. Therefore, if any ulcers and other formations on the skin are noticed, you should consult a doctor to prescribe competent treatment.

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