When molars fall out. Loss of milk teeth in children

Healthy teeth are not only a beautiful smile, but also an important condition for the health of the whole organism. Therefore, it is important for parents to know how milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones, and whether everything is correct and timely for their children.

How teeth grow and change

We have 32 teeth. Four of them - “wisdom teeth” - erupt already in adults, and even then not in everyone. Of the remaining 28 teeth, 20 initially grow milk. Later, two more pairs grow on each jaw - immediately permanent.

How and why is this happening? The first teeth erupt in babies at about six months. The child is still quite tiny, and his jaws are also small, which is why the milk teeth are so small.

Gradually, the child grows, the jaw bones grow, and the teeth begin to move apart, making room for larger permanent teeth.

Milk teeth have the same roots as permanent teeth. These roots begin to gradually dissolve, the teeth lose their support, sway, and finally fall out.

At what age do baby teeth start to fall out?

Usually, the change of bite begins at about 6 years old, this is considered the norm - most first-graders get into school photographs at the most “spectacular” moment of changing the front teeth.

It is important to remember that all children are different, so the timing is very approximate. AT last years experts note that more and more often teeth begin to fall out as early as 5 years old - modern children develop faster.

You should be worried if the child has not lost a single tooth by the age of 8. But this border is also conditional, it depends on many factors - heredity, what the child eats and, especially, what kind of water he drinks, what he was ill with and how he was treated. Girls tend to change their teeth faster than boys.

It is also approximately the age at which children's teeth fall out. A complete replacement takes 5 to 8 years. Normally, all milk teeth should fall out by the age of 13-14.

Order of tooth loss

Recall: teeth (incisors, canines, lateral molars) grow in a certain order. And they fall out too.

Table of terms of loss of milk teeth in children

Normally, children's teeth change to permanent ones in the same sequence in which milk teeth erupted. The central incisors in the bottom row usually fall out first, then in the top row.

Then comes the turn of the lateral incisors, and behind them - the first (small) molars, "fours".

Many parents, noticing that the teeth change “through one”, are worried about why this happens out of order and at what age the child’s fangs fall out. There is no need to worry, the fangs will be replaced in due time, at 10-12 years old. These teeth are anatomically designed so that they are replaced later.

The last to fall out are the second (large) molars - “five”.

When teeth change: rules for children and parents

  • Encourage your child to brush their teeth twice a day and rinse their mouth after each meal as early as possible.
  • The baby's diet should include foods rich in calcium - milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.
  • Sweets in in large numbers, hard caramels, nuts and crackers are always harmful, especially during the period of changing teeth.
  • It is not necessary to specifically loosen the milk teeth, but it is useless to forbid the child to do this - still do not keep track.
  • Teach him to wash his hands thoroughly before putting them in his mouth.
  • Apply a sterile swab to the wound at the site of the lost tooth; do not need to be treated with antiseptics.
  • If the baby is in a lot of pain, the gums are swollen, the temperature has risen, consult a doctor immediately.

Possible problems when changing teeth

The scheme of tooth loss in a child, given above, is the average statistical norm. But children are different, and situations are different.

  • If the tooth fell out earlier, but a new one quickly appeared in its place, everything is fine. But if a permanent tooth is in no hurry to grow, or a child accidentally knocked out a tooth, or it had to be removed for some reason, then neighboring teeth may begin to move towards it. Then there will be no room for permanent teeth. This may lead to the formation malocclusion, gum deformities, speech problems, etc. To prevent this problem, special holders are installed.
  • If a permanent tooth has not grown in place of the milk tooth, there can be two main reasons: either it cannot erupt for some reason, or it is not formed at all. In any case, if a tooth is missing for more than three months, you need to see a doctor - in modern dentistry there are no unsolvable problems.
  • If the child is already 8 years old, and milk teeth do not fall out, this is also a reason to contact specialists, and not only dentists. The problem may be complex.
  • If the permanent teeth have already erupted, but the milk teeth have not yet fallen out, and the so-called “shark teeth” have formed, you should not worry. All the same, over time, the dairy will fall out and the dentition will align. But if this process drags on for up to three months, then milk teeth must be removed. In any case, it will be better if the process is controlled by a doctor.

Many parents anxiously await the moment when a child has milk teeth. At the same time, their loss becomes no less pleasant for them, when permanent teeth begin to grow in their place. Here, parents need to be very careful and find out in advance how this process should go right, and what violations can most often occur.

milk teeth play important role in the development of the body of a little man. The fact is that they are necessary for the correct formation of the maxillofacial apparatus and bite. Therefore, it will not hurt parents even before this moment to find out exactly how the replacement of milk teeth takes place, and when it is worth starting to worry and seek help from a specialist.

Symptoms of baby teeth falling out

Milk teeth fall out for a reason, it happens so that larger, permanent teeth can grow in their place. Each parent can independently find out that the child will soon have this process. This is indicated by the following characteristic features.

Expansion of interdental spaces

This sign, as a rule, has to be observed at the age of five. If there is not enough space between the milk teeth, certain disturbances may occur during the growth of permanent teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the location of milk teeth relative to each other. And if they are loose, this is a good cause for concern.

Resorption of the roots of the teeth

A similar process has to be observed long before the first milk teeth begin to fall out. As the roots are resorbed, the tooth begins to loosen and subsequently falls out.

When baby teeth fall out in children: a diagram

Most often, baby teeth fall out in the same sequence in which they grew. The teeth that are located in the center of the lower jaw begin to crumble first, and after them comes the turn of the central and lateral incisors of the upper jaw, and the last to crumble are small and large molars.

At what age do baby teeth fall out?

You can get an answer to this question by looking at the corresponding scheme. In principle, the process of replacing milk teeth with permanent ones takes about 5-8 years. However, in each case this happens differently, sometimes it may take more or less time. It all depends on the drinking and diet. Not the last role in this is played by the hereditary factor.

When a child turns 13-14 years old, as a rule, all milk teeth have already fallen out. It is noteworthy that in girls, permanent teeth grow much earlier than in boys.

Be that as it may, in adolescence, a person already grows permanent teeth to replace lost milk teeth.

Experts advise parents who do not know at what age milk teeth fall out to regularly monitor this process. Spatial balance is very important here. It is important to remember that baby teeth are needed in the mouth in order to make room for future permanent teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible so that the first teeth remain in oral cavity as long as possible. Then the permanent teeth will take their place without shifting other teeth.

When do permanent teeth erupt?

As can be judged from statistics, permanent teeth in children grow in a certain okay:

  • first molars. They begin to grow even before the process of loss of milk teeth begins. Most often, this process begins at the age of five;
  • central incisors. Their loss begins at the age of 6-8 years;
  • upper and lower lateral incisors begin to fall out at 7-9 years;
  • canines, first and second premolars - at 9-12 years old;
  • second molars - at the age of 11-14 years;
  • third molars and wisdom teeth fall out last - usually this happens after 17 years.

What should parents do?

As a rule, during the change of teeth, children do not feel pain. Although experts still advise parents to be careful during this process and pay attention to a number of important moments:

It is also necessary, without delay, to go to the dentist even when permanent teeth begin to grow without milk loss. It is possible that for the correct formation of new teeth, milk teeth will have to be removed.

What can't be done?

Prevent occurrence negative consequences during tooth loss is not so difficult. To do this, you need to take the following measures:

In order to notice the process of tooth loss in time, it is necessary to go with the child to the dentist at least twice a year.

Why does untimely tooth loss occur?

According to dentists, baby teeth usually begin to fall out at the age of 6 years. However, sometimes this process can start earlier or later. It all depends on the characteristics of the development and growth of the child.

The timing of the change of milk teeth to permanent teeth may shift due to the influence of certain factors:

  • infectious diseases;
  • too short or long breastfeeding;
  • acute toxicosis during pregnancy.

If the change of teeth to permanent occurs before 5 years, this can often be explained by the following reasons:

  • rickets in early age;
  • phenylketonuria or a history of severe infections;
  • hereditary factor.

According to experts, changing milk teeth to permanent teeth later than the due date is more preferable. However, if this happens after 8 years, parents need to start worrying and take their child to the doctor.

Problems and solutions

Sometimes during the change of milk teeth to permanent ones, certain symptoms occur, due to which the child must be urgently shown to the dentist. Most often, this need may arise due to the so-called "shark teeth", delay in the appearance of permanent teeth and gum disease.

For removal discomfort doctors recommend using Solcoseryl adhesive dental paste, which must be regularly treated with an inflamed area. In addition, it is useful to use dental gel "Kamistad" and "Kalgel" containing lidocaine in order to reduce pain. Be that as it may, the appearance of such pathologies requires urgent measures to be taken by the dentist after the examination.

Tooth does not grow after milk loss

You should be aware that not in all cases, a child can grow permanent teeth. This may happen for the following reasons:

In any case, if you notice problems with changing milk teeth to permanent ones, you need to show the child to the orthodontist as soon as possible to determine the appropriate treatment tactics.


Not all young parents know that such a process as the loss of milk teeth and the growth of permanent teeth in their place requires special attention from their side. The fact is that this process does not always go without complications. Often permanent teeth grow without painful feelings for the child. But this does not always happen. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the teeth in the oral cavity and, at the first signs of violations, begin to act.

Depending on the problem that has arisen, the doctor, after examination, focusing on the correct pattern of tooth growth, can offer various ways to solve it. These can be special dental products to relieve pain and inflammation. However, in some cases, it may be necessary to carry out forced removal of milk teeth to create conditions normal growth permanent.

The very first teeth that appear in a baby are called milk (temporary). And the ongoing subsequent change of dairy to permanent is a natural process.

Many mothers think that all the teeth that have appeared in the baby are dairy. But it's not. If we talk about how many milk teeth grow, then there are only twenty of them - ten at the top and ten at the bottom. "Sixes" are the first representatives of the indigenous set, which will not change.

Causes of loss

Why do baby teeth fall out? The answer is very simple - they give way to permanent ones.

By about six years of age, in the depths of the gums - directly under the roots of temporary teeth - the rudiments of permanent teeth are formed. And after they enter the stage of active growth, the root of the temporary tooth simply dissolves. The field of this he falls out, and in its place appears a permanent one.

In what order do milk teeth fall out?

The replacement process itself has some nuances.

When falling out, symmetry is observed. This means that paired teeth are loosened at the same time.

There is no exact drop pattern. Each child is individual.

Which milk teeth fall out first? Most often released first lower jaw. The drop order is as follows:

  • the first - the central incisors of the bottom;
  • the second - the central incisors of the top;
  • the third - the lateral incisors of the top and bottom;
  • fourth - first molars;
  • fifth - fangs;
  • sixth - the second molars of the top and bottom.

The milk kit must be changed without fail. Although in some cases, of course, not in full force, but it persists throughout life.

When does the loss of the milk kit begin in children?

At what age does loosening begin? There is no exact time, since the beginning of the process depends on the physiology of the baby.

The average age when a baby begins to change teeth is five to six years. In some cases, the process may be slightly ahead of schedule, or slightly behind. This is a physiological norm, but if loosening began much earlier, then the child should be shown to the dentist.

Dr. E. O. Komarovsky believes that a slight lead in the timing of the loss of the milk set is not a pathology. And if the baby lost his first tooth at 4.5 years old, then there is no reason for any concern.

Approximate timing of the appearance of the main teeth

The age pattern of the appearance of the root set is as follows:

  • 6 ... 7 years - the appearance of the first molars;
  • 6 ... 8 years - the central incisors erupt;
  • 7 .... 9 years - the time of the lateral incisors;
  • 10 ... 12 years - the first and second premolars;
  • 9 ... 12 years - the appearance of fangs;
  • 11 ... 13 years - second molars are cut.

A complete change of the temporary set, as a rule, is completed at the age of fourteen.

The following factors may affect the delay:

  • the gender of the child;
  • genotype;
  • duration of breastfeeding;
  • the duration of the period of toxicosis in the mother during gestation;
  • infectious diseases carried by the baby in infancy.

A long delay in changing the temporary kit can be caused by:

  • disruptions at work endocrine system;
  • deviations in general development;
  • the formation of rickets;
  • the presence of latent infections.

Possible problems

Sometimes changing the temporary kit is accompanied by the following problems:

  • "shark teeth";
  • pain at the site of prolapse;
  • a new tooth does not grow in the vacated place;
  • crooked teeth.

shark teeth

Relatively infrequently, but the root pair begins to grow before the corresponding milk pair falls out. And then both temporary and molars are placed in the baby's mouth at the same time.

This is not considered a particular problem, because after the loss of the dairy, its permanent counterpart will take its rightful place. Sometimes a temporary tooth - if it remains in place for a long time - will need to be removed.

severe pain

In some cases, the child complains of pain at the site of prolapse. Sometimes swelling and fever may even develop. These are signs of gum inflammation and it is recommended to use special preparations here. One of these can be called "Dentokind", which is both an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent.

The tooth fell out, but a new one does not grow in its place

There can be two reasons for this:

  • Germination delay. There are two types of pathology. With a partial delay, only part of the tooth appears above the gum, but in the case of a complete delay, the formed tooth remains inside the gum.
  • Complete absence. The reason is the death of the germ.

In any case, the child needs to consult an orthodontist.

Crooked teeth

There are also two causes of pathology:

  • The child's habit of sucking fingers, chewing on pens. All this affects the formation of bite. Most likely, the child will need braces.
  • Slow development of the jaw.

If the molars grow crooked, then the child must be shown to the dentist.

What can threaten an early change of the milk kit

If the child's jaws began to release before the age of four, then we can talk about accelerating the process. The reasons here may be:

  • root injury;
  • the formation of caries;
  • deliberate swinging.

dropdown ahead of schedule representatives of the dairy kit free up a lot of free space. As a result, those adjacent to them master this space, and during the period of eruption of the molar, it simply does not have enough space. The result is his wrong growth.

To prevent such a defect, the baby needs to be shown to the orthodontist. Most often, a special prosthesis is installed for the child, which does not allow neighboring teeth to move from their bed.

Delay in the loss of milk teeth: causes and consequences

There are several reasons for this deviation:

  • The rudiments of a permanent set are somewhat behind in development (physiological factor).
  • Adentia. Behind the concept lies complete absence or partial death of the primordia. The cause of the pathology is an intrauterine infection.
  • retention. The diagnosis is typically characterized by an incorrect location of the formed rudiments.

To make a diagnosis, the child is assigned an x-ray of the jaw. If adentia or retention are confirmed, then a prosthesis is installed for the baby. As you grow older, it must be changed.


The teeth replacement period is a very important time for a child. The gums are very vulnerable at this time. Any injuries received by the baby can adversely affect the eruption of the root set.

Parents, together with growing children, go through the stage of loss of milk teeth. The period when the front incisors are touchingly absent, and empty gums flaunt in their place, is captured in numerous photos. "Toothless" smile - isn't that the cutest sight! Especially if you are sure that instead of temporary ones that fall out easily, new, healthy, permanent ones will grow.

Children themselves relate to the loss of teeth even easier and more cheerfully. When the first one falls out, they can become alarmed, be capricious out of habit. But then, when the teeth begin to “crumble”, they willingly help them part with the gum, brag about the loss to their comrades and wait for the next one to stagger to give it to the Tooth Fairy for a gift.

Why is it important to know the order of tooth loss?

Compliance with the eruption scheme is not one hundred percent, but large deviations may indicate a pathology that is better to identify at the very beginning.

The process of change also occurs according to a certain scheme. It continues for a long time, and does not always go smoothly. In many babies, getting rid of milk and eruption of permanent teeth is accompanied by unpleasant, even painful sensations. In addition, a delay in shedding can lead to the growth of a crooked molar. Therefore, it is impossible to let the process take its course, but it is necessary to control it.

By the way. So that parents can be calm and know what their child is waiting for, there are special chart tables. They indicate the order and timing of eruption of milk teeth, their loss, and the appearance of permanent ones.

About bookmarking teeth

Milk teeth begin to form between the fourth and sixth weeks of fetal development. Permanent ones are formed later, after the birth of a child, but their rudiments are also formed when the baby is still in the mother's womb. During the period of gestation, the body of a pregnant woman needs calcium to pass it on to the baby.

During eruption, the structure of the dental tissue continues to grow. Calcium is needed in the period from six months to two or three years, at which time his child receives no longer from the mother's body, but from food - breast milk and feed.

Milk teeth begin to fall out, and permanent ones grow in their place. Calcium forms their structure and enamel. This is one of the most important elements that a child needs throughout many childhood years and even in adolescence.

Important! Decayed milk teeth need to be treated, the infection can cause serious damage to the future permanent tooth, which will grow in this place later. Already formed and awaiting replacement molars are located in the depths of the jaw close to the roots of the milk teeth, and if the roots of the temporary are affected by caries, it will also pass to the permanent tooth.

Video: About children's teeth

How teeth change

How do milk teeth fall out? This is a physiological process that is laid down by nature and must go according to plan.

It happens that changing teeth causes certain difficulties:

  • an inflammatory process develops;
  • pain occurs;
  • blood is coming from the wound;
  • permanent teeth grow crooked during eruption.

Temporary must fall out to make room for "followers". Why don't constants grow immediately? Why difficulties with eruption, so that later temporary teeth fall out?

The answer is in anatomical features human body. A child at the age of six months needs complementary foods. And for normal development, food must acquire a firmer texture. That's nature and gives the baby teeth for chewing solid food. But the child is growing and the size of his jaw is increasing. But milk teeth remain the same as they erupted and grew. A space is formed between them, the dentition becomes thinner, it becomes difficult for them to perform chewing functions.

Nature took care of that too. In the depths of the gum tissue, molars have already formed, which will chew food throughout the rest of their lives. It is only necessary that the spine baby tooth, which fulfilled a temporary purpose, resolved and ceased to hold a temporary tooth in the mouth. Then it will fall out, and the hole will be freed for the growth of a permanent tooth.

Time to replace teeth

Usually it coincides with the age of 6-7 years. The order of eruption of milk teeth is important because the replacement scheme practically coincides with it. The exception is fangs, which are replaced much later than the others.

Table. Eruption of milk teeth.

Age (months)Teeth
6 to 12Lower incisors located in the center.
8 to 11Upper incisors located in the center.
9 to 13Incisors located on the sides. The top comes out first, then the bottom.
12 to 15Molars of the first order. Top first, bottom next.
from 18 to 21Fangs, upper and lower, can come out at the same time and painfully.
20 to 30Molars of the second order. Random cutting pattern.

Now consider the procedure for replacing temporary teeth with molars.

  1. The process usually begins with the central lower incisors, which fall out simultaneously with the upper molars of the second order, from six to seven years.
  2. During next year change the upper incisors in the center and the lower ones on the sides.
  3. Lateral tops should fall out at the age of 8-9 years.
  4. From 9 to 10 years old, the child parted with the lower fangs.
  5. Premolars of the first and second order from above and below change from 10 to 12 years.
  6. The upper canines and second premolars will also grow by the age of 12.
  7. Upper and lower second order molars will appear between 11 and 13 years of age.
  8. The third molars will be the last to grow - their growth can begin between 18 and 25 years.

Table. Scheme of loss of milk teeth.

The number is twenty. No more teeth are changed. Before falling out, the first molars begin to grow (without replacing anything, they grow in an empty place). Then, after the canines, the second molars and wisdom teeth will erupt.

Video: Scheme and order of loss of milk teeth

How to control tooth loss

There is no need to somehow help nature in case of changing milk teeth to permanent ones. But to ensure that the process goes well, it is necessary to monitor the parents.

  1. Be sure to practice good oral hygiene.

  2. If an infection occurs, treat immediately.

  3. The tooth does not fall out in time, and the delay is more than a year - you need to see a doctor.

  4. The tooth has not yet fallen out (but is staggering), and a root is already growing from under it - consult a doctor.

  5. Important! You should not try to help pull out a tooth by tying it to the door by a thread or using other equally extravagant methods. This is not necessary if the root is self-dissolving and there is nothing holding the tooth in the gum. If the root is still functioning, then the tooth is not ready to fall out. Forced extraction is possible only when it is “supported” by a growing root, and only by a dental surgeon.

    After a tooth falls out, bleeding begins. It is small because it is capillary and soon stops on its own.

    Many parents try to rinse their child's mouth with an antiseptic. If you want to prevent infection, you can rinse the well with a weak soda solution. But not hydrogen peroxide, iodine or any alcohol tincture, which can burn the mucosa.

    About milk teeth

    They are sometimes called "rootless", this is incorrect. Milk teeth, of course, have full-fledged roots, otherwise they could not stay in the jaw for five years and perform the necessary functions. But these roots are shorter than permanent ones, moreover, temporary ones. When the time comes, they dissolve, freeing the tooth.

    The enamel on milk teeth is thinner than on permanent teeth. But even on indigenous ones, it does not immediately become hard and dense. The process of final strengthening of the enamel of molars takes about a year. It is advisable during the period of changing teeth to erupting molars, or even to milk ones, if the enamel is very thin, apply a special protective gel. This can be done in a dental clinic.

    The color of temporary teeth is white-blue. They are more transparent than permanent ones. The roots are also cut white, but of a dense structure and with a yellowish tint.

    Why do teeth grow crooked?

    The milk teeth are straight and healthy, but the molars grow crooked in their place. What to do, treat or expect them to level out as they grow?

    There are several reasons why erupted teeth are not perfectly aligned.

    1. The child has developed the habit of thumb sucking.
    2. The child chews on pencils, pens or other foreign objects.
    3. The jaw grows more slowly than the teeth change.
    4. Disturbed growth of the bones of the facial skull.

    In the first two cases, the child must be urgently weaned from bad habit and do it within your power. The third and fourth points do not depend on you, and perhaps even on the dentist. But you still need to seek advice, immediately after changing the dentition, he will help correct the bite using a suitable correction system.

    How to care for your teeth during their replacement period

    In addition to the usual hygiene procedures, which include regular brushing, it is necessary to monitor the child's nutrition. The need for calcium has already been mentioned above. Foods rich in this element are introduced into the diet: cheese, cottage cheese and dairy, calcium-rich vegetables and fruits.

    In addition to them, complexes of other minerals with vitamins are shown, which a doctor can recommend to strengthen bone tissue and strengthen the structure of the enamel layer.

    Advice. As for cleaning, it is necessary to ensure that this process is carried out with minimal injury. Make sure that the baby does not injure the gum tissue, especially during the formation of holes after prolapse. Infection easily penetrates into the wounds.

    Why is tooth replacement delayed?

    If the teeth are not in a hurry to fall out, this may signal various reasons. A delay (or early change) of one to two years is considered normal and should not cause alarm.

    Factors affecting the shift in the timing of the change of teeth may be as follows.

    1. Sex difference. In girls, teeth begin to fall out earlier, closer to six years, and in boys, closer to seven.

    2. Infections and diseases carried by the baby at an early age. If the child is often sick, the teeth may begin to change later.
    3. The genotype also matters.
    4. Features of the diet. The timing of the change of teeth depends, among other things, on the food habits adopted in the family.

    5. The timing of breastfeeding. How longer baby was on breastfeeding, the later milk teeth can be cut and the later, respectively, they will change to permanent ones.
    6. Drinking water. The difference in the composition of water in different regions, or rather, the amount of fluorine in it, causes a difference in the time of precipitation.

    7. A severe pregnancy, accompanied by a lack of calcium or profuse toxicosis, can delay the process.
    8. Climatic conditions. When living in different climates, the change of teeth takes place in different ways.

    9. Malfunctions of the endocrine system or rickets at an early age in a baby.

    Tooth loss is a normal physiological procedure, you should not escalate the situation and worry about the outcome for no reason. After falling out, immediately do not let the child eat for about three hours. From the diet for a day or two, you need to exclude spicy, sour and sweet. Can be removed pain and itching, use a special anesthetic baby gel for gums.

    Make sure that the child does not touch the hole with his hands and does not damage it when cleaning. You can rinse the wound with decoctions of chamomile, sage and other anti-inflammatory herbs.

    The process of extraction and replacement with permanent ones is very important to survive without complications, keeping the gums healthy. Then the normally formed dental tissue will be less susceptible to diseases, the bite will remain even, and the mouth will not be susceptible to infections. look in our article.

    Read our article.

    Loss of milk teeth is an inevitable physiological process that every child has to go through. The change of teeth in children usually begins at 5 - 6 years. At this age, the crumbs should have 20 of them.

    When incisors, molars and canines fall out, new, permanent teeth appear in their place. Sometimes the age of changing teeth may differ slightly from the usual indicators - occur earlier or, conversely, linger.

    Deviation from the timing of the loss should not always be considered a pathology. It all depends on the physiological characteristics and health of the child as a whole.

    At a certain moment, the active growth of permanent dental roots begins, which provokes resorption - the dissolution of temporary roots. The first incisors begin to loosen and fall out after a while.

    At the site of the loss, there is a small wound, sometimes with slight traces of blood. In such cases, do not worry, very soon a new strong incisor or canine will appear there.

    The replacement process occurs gradually and lasts up to adolescence. At the same time, permanent molars (figure eights) also grow in turn. With the advent of new teeth in a child under 15-16 years old, an overbite is formed, numbering 28 units.

    Before this period, 20 temporary teeth should be replaced and 8 new molars should grow, with the exception of the most extreme ones, which erupt at an older age.

    Age table

    Name Age of onset of root resorption (years) Duration of root resorption process (years) Age of loss of milk teeth (years)
    Anterior incisors below 5 2 6 - 7
    Anterior incisors from above 5 2 6 - 7
    Lower incisors on the side 6 2 7 - 8
    Upper incisors on the side 6 2 7 - 8
    First molars from above 7 3 8 - 10
    First molars from below 7 3 8 - 10
    Fangs from above 8 3 9 - 11
    Fangs from below 8 3 9 - 11
    lower large molars 7 3 11 - 13
    Upper large molars 7 3 11 - 13

    The sequence of temporary teeth falling out repeats the sequence of their initial eruption in infancy. It is also noted that the later the first tooth appeared in the crumbs, the later the replacement will come.

    In the video, the doctor talks about the stages of changing milk teeth to permanent ones.

    Reasons for deviations from standards

    The individual characteristics of the development and growth of the child affect the timing of the loss, so they may differ from the established norms. According to dentists, a late change of teeth is considered much more favorable than an early one.

    The untimely start of the process can be influenced by:

    • the intrauterine period of fetal formation, when the roots are just beginning to be laid in the baby's gums;
    • eclampsia in the mother during pregnancy;
    • short or, conversely, too long breastfeeding.

    Also, the reasons may lie in the child's infancy serious illnesses.

    early loss

    Loss of incisors before the age of five usually occurs due to injuries, such as:

    • hitting or falling on them;
    • advanced caries with subsequent coloring;
    • deliberate loosening.

    If the root tooth does not appear after 3-4 months after the loss, it is necessary to contact a pediatric dentist to identify the cause.

    X-rays and the experience of a competent specialist will help to establish the correct diagnosis and start treatment in a timely manner.

    Sometimes it happens that there is no root germ in the gum or it is damaged. In such a situation, only prosthetics are recommended.

    Watch and read about the pathologies corrected by modern system designs.

    Click if you are interested in a detailed description of the procedure for curettage of periodontal pockets using various modern methods.

    late shift

    Late change has a deadline of up to 8 years, in which case it is considered the norm. Teeth fall out in the same sequence as they erupted in infancy, therefore, they remain strong and healthy longer.

    Dropping out late due to genetic predisposition, that is, heredity. Some of the transferred or existing diseases can also become the reasons:

    • rickets at an early age;
    • various metabolic disorders;
    • mental disorders;
    • the presence of severe infections in history and others.

    If the loss has not begun before the age of eight, deviations from the norm should alert parents. In order to prevent complications or correct an existing pathology, it is recommended that such children be observed by a dentist.

    What should parents do?

    If the tooth fell out naturally and the bleeding is insignificant, then essentially nothing needs to be done. At the discretion of the parents and to calm the baby (he is also worried), you can rinse the mouth with a weak solution of soda with a drop of iodine. Such preventive measures to avoid infection of the wound will be enough.

    Previously, the procedure for rinsing the formed wound was carried out with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. modern medicine long ago disproved this theory. It turned out that the remedy is not only ineffective, but also disrupts the secretion of the mucous membrane in the mouth.

    If the blood continues to ooze, it is stopped with a small sterile swab made from a bandage or cotton. It is placed on the wound, the baby holds it in his mouth, biting lightly until the symptom goes away. This usually takes no more than five minutes.

    If the wound continues to bleed for more than 15 minutes, it may be a symptom of some blood disease or immune system. This phenomenon should be reported to the pediatrician. Most likely, you will have to undergo an examination and do laboratory analysis blood.

    Parents should ensure that the child does not eat or drink anything after falling out. Also on this day, it is not recommended to include spicy, salty or sour foods in the diet of crumbs, which will irritate a fresh wound and slow down the healing process.

    Magic will help to distract the baby and keep good associations from a not-too-pleasant moment. Do not forget to tell your little one an amazing story about a mouse or a tooth fairy - every family has its own fantastic heroes who generously thank the children for giving them milk teeth.

    Prohibited actions

    First of all, the lower incisors begin to stagger, often the children themselves loosen and tear them out. Parents need to ensure that the baby touches the gum as little as possible and loosens the tooth.

    In order for the change of teeth to proceed as naturally as possible and without unpleasant consequences, one should not:

    • intentionally loosen and pre-pull milk teeth;
    • eat solid food, such as lollipops, crackers, nuts;
    • cauterize open wounds in the oral cavity with agents like peroxide, alcohol, iodine.

    For regular monitoring of the condition of the teeth, it is recommended to consult a dentist at least once a year.

    Possible problems

    With the loss of milk teeth and the eruption of molars, pathologies are often encountered. Various shift-related anomalies are not uncommon in dental practice. More common diseases are shark teeth, increased soreness, adentia and others.

    shark teeth

    The disease is diagnosed by dentists when the permanent tooth begins to grow before the milk tooth falls out (they are located side by side, parallel to each other). Such a violation interferes with the normal placement of the teeth, and sometimes affects the further development of the jaws.

    Typically, "shark rows" self-destruct within about three months, after which the extra temporary tooth falls out on its own, or it has to be removed by a doctor.

    The disadvantage of this deviation is crooked teeth, which should be corrected at an early age with the help of a trainer or cap. Older children are fitted with braces - after prolonged wear, defects are gradually eliminated. The earlier straightening is started, the faster the dentition will become even.

    Increased soreness

    In sensitive children, a loose tooth provokes severe pain, the gums become swollen, there is an increase in body temperature.

    Usually it does not reach 38 degrees, but due to overvoltage nervous system the child becomes irritable, sleeps poorly and gets tired quickly.

    The appearance of a hematoma

    The phenomenon is quite rare, usually occurs during the primary eruption of molars. A hematoma forms on the edge of the gum and looks like a dark blister with a bloody fluid inside.

    Education in the mouth hurts, causes discomfort, makes it difficult to eat, the child is often naughty and does not sleep well. The hematoma disappears after eruption, it is extremely rare to have to dissect the gum surgically in order for the tooth to come out.

    Soreness can be alleviated with a special anti-inflammatory gel for dentinox gums or a preparation similar to it in composition. If the temperature rises, you can give the child paracetamol or nurofen.


    The disease is not common, manifests itself in belated eruption. There are two types of retention - full and partial.

    With full retention, the root of the tooth seems healthy, but for unknown reasons does not come out of the thickness of the gums. This is usually associated with the early loss of a temporary tooth due to trauma, a modified or rather deep root.

    Retention is also partial, when only the upper part of the incisor or canine is cut through, and further growth stops.

    Treatment depends on the cause of the development. In simple cases, retention occurs due to thickening of the gums - then its surgical dissection under local anesthesia is enough.

    In other cases, the dentist is assigned complex therapy aimed at preserving the tooth and its normal growth.


    With partial adentia, an abnormal phenomenon is observed in the form of the absence of one or more teeth. In this case, the cause is the death of the root at the stage of the rudiment in the process of its formation. In such patients, there is often a displacement of the dentition, its shortening or narrowing.

    Complete adentia is diagnosed with the absolute absence of permanent root rudiments in the gums. The cause of complete adentia is mainly considered to be various pathologies of intrauterine development of the fetus.

    There are also other factors that affect the resorption of rudiments, for example, inflammatory processes, oncology, jaw injuries and others.

    To identify the pathology, the dentist conducts a clinical examination, radiography, showing the structure of the roots and nearby tissues.

    Specialists determine the severity of the disease and prescribe prosthetics aimed at the correct formation of the jaw in children.

    There were cases when, with the help of therapy, it was possible to tone almost atrophied rudiments, then the teeth still grew, however, with a significant delay.

    That is why, at an early age, exclusively removable dentures. With partial adentia, dental implants are used.