Basic rules for transporting patients. Types of transportation of patients to the medical departments of the hospital How to deliver a patient from hospital to hospital

Transportation is one of the elements of providing assistance to victims, an indicator of the qualifications of a medical worker.

Violation of the rules of carrying and transportation can lead to asphyxia due to leakage of blood and vomit into the respiratory tract, aggravation of cardiovascular insufficiency, bleeding, displacement of bone fragments; cause further injury.

Under transportation patients understand the transportation or carrying of the patient to the place of medical care. The method is determined by the doctor. In the case history, they indicate where, how and in what way to deliver the patient to the department. The patients are divided into 2 groups: transportable and non-transportable.

To non-transportable includes patients for whom transportation to the treatment site may threaten life lead to a sharp deterioration health status. Medical help they are given on the spot, after which the issue of transfer to the department is decided According to the recommendation of the doctor, they are transferred, transported lying down, sitting, half-sitting.

At the same time, for the most part, standard means are used: soft, hard stretchers, wheelchairs, wheelchair stretchers, wheelchairs. At the same time, for the most part, standard means are used: soft, hard stretchers, wheelchairs, wheelchair stretchers, wheelchairs.

Patients in good condition are sent to the ward on foot, accompanied by medical personnel.

Standard stretcher consist of bars with handles on both sides, belts, panels, spreaders, spreader locks.

Standard Stretcher Deployment Technique. The stretcher is deployed by two people. Initially, the belts are unfastened; bars are moved apart by the handles; the cloth is stretched; knee press the spacers until they click, check whether their locks are well fixed; a pillow or soft improvised material is placed in the pocket of the headboard to give an elevated headboard.

When rolling up the stretcher it is necessary to simultaneously open the latches of the locks on both sides; pull the spacers, in order to bring the bars closer together; fold the cloth in three folds; bring the bars closer to each other, fasten them with a belt, put the stretcher with the handles up.

For facilitate carrying patients use canvas stretcher straps with an overlay, through which the free end of the belt is passed and secured with a buckle. The handles of the stretcher are inserted into the loop formed in this case. Their size should be adjusted according to height and physique. A custom-fitted shoulder strap should not sag when pushed to the sides with the thumbs as far as possible. The cross should be at the top of the spine, the loop for the handles on the sides.

Stretchers They are an iron frame on wheels on which a standard stretcher is mounted. The trolley has a hard cover. Wheelchairs are used to transport patients in a sitting position or to move independently in case of injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

When using a wheelchair medical worker steps on the footrest; tilts the wheelchair towards the patient; invites him to stand on a stand, supports him and helps him sit in a chair; lowers the wheelchair to its original position; puts his hands on the armrests, during the movement he makes sure that his hands are not injured by the wheels. If necessary, give the patient a lying or semi-lying position, they resort to a frame located behind the back of the chair.

When providing assistance outside medical institutions , in the absence of personnel means, transportation is carried out by using improvised materials - blankets, coats, plywood, tin, boards, etc. The victims are carried on their arms, back, shoulder.

Transportation is understood as the transportation or carrying of a patient to the place of medical care. The method is determined by the doctor. In this case, patients are divided into 2 groups: transportable and non-transportable. According to the doctor's recommendation, the first ones are transferred, transported lying down, sitting, half-sitting.

In a satisfactory condition, patients are sent to the ward on foot, accompanied by medical personnel.

Non-transportable patients are patients for whom transportation to the place of treatment may be life-threatening. They are provided with medical assistance on the spot, after which the issue of transfer to the department is decided, transported on a stretcher lying down.

Walking in front should be less tall than the one walking behind, lower the handles of the stretcher as much as possible. walking behind, on the contrary, he should lift them, and, if possible, put them on his shoulders. It is desirable that the stretcher occupies a horizontal position. When going down the mountain, ladder carrying conditions should be opposite. You should move in a measured rhythm, you should not keep pace.

Shifting technique sick people from the ground onto stretchers; from a stretcher, a wheelchair, from a bed to a stretcher depends on the condition of the patient, his weight, constitutional features. At transferring from the ground the stretcher is placed on the injured side. On the healthy side porters kneel or take a semi-sitting position. Seriously ill, with overweight, in an unconscious state, three people provide assistance. One of them pins his hands under the head and shoulder blades, the second - under the lower back and buttocks, the third - the hips and shins, after which they all rise at the same time and put the patient on a stretcher.

With an average weight, state moderate hands are placed under the neck-shoulders and lower back-shins.

At small mass body, one hand is placed under the shoulder blades, the other under the hips.

At transferring from a stretcher, stretcher-wheelchairs on the bed, the head end of the stretcher is placed on the foot end of the bed, after which the orderlies simultaneously turn counterclockwise and put the patient on the bed. At shifting from bed to its head end put the foot end of the stretcher, turn clockwise. You can put a stretcher, a gurney along the bed, move the patient to the bed along with the sheet, in extreme cases, help him lie down in his place.

At carrying by hand the assisting person kneels on the side of the patient, puts one hand on the back, the other under the hips. The victim wraps his arms around his neck.

Carrying with hands on the back: the victim is seated on an elevated place, they stand with their backs to him, kneel down, put their hands under their hips, offering to clasp their shoulders.

When transporting to long distances the patient is placed on the right shoulder so that the head and chest hang from behind.

At carrying on a strap folded with a ring, the victim is turned on his side, straps are carried out under the buttocks and back, after which the orderly lies with his back to him; holds both hands to the free ends of the strap; puts them on his shoulders, puts the patient on his back; gets on all fours, rises and stands up to his full height.

Carrying on a strap folded in a figure-eight: the affected person is laid on a healthy side, the cross of the straps is brought under the buttocks, after which the porter lies with his back to him; wears straps on the shoulders; lays the victim on his back; Gets on all fours, then upright.

It is possible to transfer the victims on their hands, folded in a “lock”, in the “one after the other” way, on a chair, a strap with two porters.

At using the lock method orderlies stand opposite each other, each of them puts a brush right hand on the area of ​​the left wrist joint, after which the left hands are placed on the right wrist joints of each other. The patient is seated on the resulting "seat" - (lock).

When carrying side by side method one porter takes the patient in the “armpit”, the other stands between the legs with his back to the patient, puts his hands under his knees.

At carrying on a chair the victim puts his hands on the shoulders of the porter. If he cannot hold himself on his own, then he is fixed to the chair with bandages or other improvised material.

At carried on straps, it is folded into a figure eight so that the cross is at the level of the hip joints of the bearers. One of the loops is brought under the buttocks of the victim. After that, the first orderly falls on the left, the second - on the right knee. Raise the patient on closed knees; put their hands through the free loops of the strap and stand up.

Features of transportation depend on the severity and nature of the disease.

At thoracic and lumbar spine the patient is transported on his stomach face down on a soft (tarpaulin) stretcher; on the back, face up - on a rigid stretcher.

At injuries upper limbs the hand in the splint is fixed to the chest or a pillow is placed under it, hung on a scarf.

At injuries lower extremities a blanket or pillow is placed under the tire, etc.

At rib fracture give the victim a semi-sitting position.

With injuries of the jaws, bones nose accompanied by bleeding, raise the headboard high, or lay face down on a roller, bent arm. At abdominal trauma, bones pelvis transported lying on the back with bent at the hip joints legs, slightly apart hips, with rollers placed under the knees.

At bleeding from the limbs give them an elevated position, impose sterile dressing or a sheet.

At chest wounds- lay on the injured side, back or give a semi-sitting position.

At burns laid on a healthy side, wrapped in a blanket, etc. A sterile bandage or sheet is applied to the burned surface.

sick in unconscious able to be transported face down with the head turned to the side, placing under chest clothes roller.

sick in state of shock, the collapse is transported lying on the back with the headboard lowered and the legs raised.

Patients with acute and chronic heart failure transported with a high headboard, lowered legs, wrapped in a blanket or applying heating pads to the legs.

When caring for sick people, many people face such a problem as transporting a patient, when a person needs to be taken for an examination or procedure to a clinic, to relatives who want to help care for the sick. In this regard, a lot of questions immediately arise that are related to a person’s condition, his diagnosis, therefore, before embarking on such a difficult test, it’s good to know some of the features of transporting sick people.

Patient status

It is good if the patient's condition is as close as possible to stable, he has a normal arterial pressure. However, be that as it may, it is necessary to take into account its underlying disease and condition during transportation, so it is best if specialists deal with this. Before the transportation of the patient begins, the doctor must necessarily examine the patient, therefore it is better not to dress him until the necessary specialist arrives, who must document the initial state of the transported person at the time of the start of transportation.

Patient preparation

It is also necessary to mentally set the patient up for transportation, after talking with him, explain the situation so that he does not worry once again, since unnecessary worries can aggravate the situation. On the day when the patient is scheduled to be transported, it is better not to feed him, empty his intestines so that he does not become ill while the ambulance is moving, especially if the patient has to be transported over long distances. Everything must be prepared in advance necessary medicines, hygiene items, clothes and other things, documents. Transportation of bedridden patients is carried out using soft stretchers, they are the safest and most practical for such patients. Properly planned preparation will help to avoid troubles and complications on the road.

Conditions for the patient on the way

In any case, a medical officer must be present near the patient along the route, who, if necessary, will be able to provide qualified assistance to a sick patient. Ambulance transportation of patients is carried out only with the help of a medical team, which takes full responsibility for the entire period of the trip. If the condition is very serious, then in this case the resuscitation team works, which prepares the patient from the beginning to the end of the transportation. Such cars have all the necessary equipment for emergency assistance. Today, there are many companies involved in the transportation of patients both within the city and outside it, around the region, they can deliver the patient to the train station or to the airport if treatment needs to be carried out in another city or country. On the road, the patient needs to create a comfortable position and fasten the belts to the stretcher.

Especially difficult is the transportation of bedridden patients, which is always accompanied by a certain degree of risk, since any changes in his state of health can lead to various complications, including dangerous ones.

Choice of vehicles

Transport depends on the severity and diagnosis of the patient and is selected individually for each patient, taking into account his diagnosis. For severe patients a wheelchair will be used to transport patients in order to create the most comfortable conditions in the supine state and to complete everything quickly with safe conditions.

Transportation can be carried out by a regular ambulance, as well as by an ambulance equipped at the highest level. On the way, when the patient is transported, certain difficulties may arise. Then the specialists will be able to provide emergency care to the patient - intensive therapy, monitoring of vital signs and other medical services, so the relatives of the patient can be calm about his condition, since he will be under the supervision of experienced professionals with all necessary funds for emergency assistance on the road.

Self transportation

In this case, there are many most unforeseen moments that can lead to a significant deterioration in well-being and health. All the risks associated with transportation fall on relatives, especially when it comes to seriously ill people. In this case, the condition may worsen only due to an incorrectly selected vehicle for his transportation, the patient gets the opportunity to get injured on the way, and if necessary, relatives will not be able to provide him with a qualified medical care. Proper organization and preparation will help the patient comfortably and without unnecessary complications to get to the desired point. Even a long journey will be safe and less tiring thanks to the medical staff who specialize in transporting sick people.

Proper organization of transportation of patients is one of the conditions for ensuring the high quality of the medical and diagnostic process. The timely arrival of patients from the emergency room to the specialized departments of the hospital or to the diagnostic rooms ensures the immediate start of the program of examination and treatment of the patient. In addition, according to the rules, the transportation carried out guarantees the safety of both the patient and the health worker.

Transportation of a seriously ill person or a person with handicapped independent movement should be considered as complicated operation. Therefore, before the transportation of such persons, an action plan should be discussed: the purpose and destination, the duration of the movement, the type and method of transportation, the number of participants in the operation, the role of each of them, the shortest and safest route of movement, the position of the patient, his equipment, aids for movement . The transportation is led by an experienced nurse, who in turn receives instructions from the attending physician about the characteristics of the patient's disease and the tasks of preventing deterioration of his condition during transportation.

It is important to prepare the patient himself for the implementation of the movement. If the patient is able to assist medical professionals during transportation, you need to tell him about the purpose of the transfer, consult about the most convenient position for him for transportation, painless methods of holding, clarify which hand can be used to apply the grip method and which leg he can use for supports. If the patient is unable to interact with medical personnel, it is important to create an atmosphere of confidence and calmness, to warn of the start of the movement, if necessary, to announce the passed stages or overcome any obstacles along the way. The patient's condition is constantly monitored by a nurse, she also gives commands about the speed of movement, stops, acceptance additional measures safety or health care activities.

Each of the participants in the transportation must be familiar with safety precautions, carefully instructed by the nurse.

For movement, special means are used: wheelchairs, wheelchairs, stretchers. When using, it is necessary to carefully study their design, check the serviceability of all parts.

It is necessary to remember the laws of body biomechanics in order to avoid traumatization of both patients and their caregivers. The biomechanics of the body is based on the laws of physics and physiology. In this regard, it is advisable to study the musculoskeletal system of the patronized patient, its anatomical features, defects and advantages. This is useful when planning and implementing patient transportation, moving him to different positions, changing his position in bed. You should also know the capabilities of your musculoskeletal system in order to correctly calculate the force and time spent on transporting or changing the position of the patient's body.

For example, when transporting a patient on a gurney on an inclined plane, it is necessary to calculate all the forces acting on the patient's body. Depending on the direction of movement, distribute the participants in transportation - according to their muscle mass - at the head or foot ends of the wheelchair; to foresee at what part of the distance and which of the assistants starts and finishes braking or acceleration.

When shifting a patient from a wheelchair to a bed or vice versa. It is necessary to take into account the location of the center of gravity of each of the participants in this action and apply the rule of leverage, the patterns of resonant amplification of the amplitude of movements, the load on the muscles of the back and hips.

Transportation of patients to the department

The question of the method of transporting the patient for performance and examination, and then to the department is decided by the doctor. There are three ways - the patient can walk alone, accompanied by medical personnel, must be transported in a sitting position on a wheelchair or in a recumbent position on a wheelchair.

When shifting the patient to a gurney, 2-3 people are required. The patient is transferred or moved to a gurney, which is brought close to the couch where the patient lies. He can carefully crawl onto a gurney with the help of a nurse. If the patient is in an extremely serious condition, three medical workers should transfer him to a stretcher. Two of them stand on one side, the third on the other. Careful shifting of the patient is carried out at the command of one of the participants in this, more often, it raises the head end of the patient - the heaviest. After the patient is comfortably settled on a stretcher, he is covered with a sheet and transported to the department.

Sometimes the patient has to be transported to the department on a stretcher carried by 2-4 people. During such transportation, medical personnel should walk in small steps, without hurrying. When ascending and descending from the stairs, the stretcher is kept in a horizontal position by lowering and simultaneously raising the foot and head end of the stretcher, or vice versa. In this case, the patient's arms are extended along the body. If one of the transporters is tired, he must inform the others for a short rest. Otherwise, the hands of the porter may involuntarily relax from fatigue and the patient may fall.

Transportation in a sitting or lying position provides the most favorable mode of movement for seriously ill patients. At the same time, the transportation process must be carried out very carefully, without sudden shocks.

AT last years there have been fundamental changes in the equipment of ambulance crews and admissions offices, where they began to use comfortable functional wheelchairs, on which it is easy and convenient to transport patients. Therefore, previously widely used stretchers are used only in extreme situations when there are not enough stretchers (for example, during disasters). Basically, they use the old and reliable method of transferring children and debilitated patients weighing less than 60 kg on their hands. In these cases, the patient wraps his arms around the neck of the carrier to make it easier and more convenient to carry him.

All medical personnel, regardless of their position, strictly follow certain transportation rules: the gurney with the patient is facing forward with its head end, and the gurney with the corpse - with its foot end.

All patients who have undergone any operations require special care when shifting from a wheelchair to a bed. Some of them after anesthesia are inadequately active; impulses of such patients to move should be stopped. Walking patients themselves go to bed, while the nurse on duty must make sure that the patient is comfortable.

A patient with severe shortness of breath should raise the head end of the bed, giving it an elevated position. Sometimes you have to slightly raise the bed in the area knee joints so that the patient with severe swelling of the legs is comfortable. In severe heart failure with the development of anasarca (swelling of the feet, legs, thighs, perineum), ascites, the patient cannot be in a horizontal position in bed, even with a raised end, preferring a sitting position. Such a patient should be seated in pillows on the bed, and under the legs, covered with a blanket, put a chair or seat the patient in an armchair, carefully wrapping the torso and legs with a blanket.

The safety of nurses when working with chemicals

Daily honey. nurses are dealing with a certain amount of chemicals that can cause local and general changes in the body.

Chemicals can enter the body through the respiratory tract in the form of dust and vapors, and be absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes. Their effects can manifest as skin reactions, headaches, dizziness, etc.

Separated effects of exposure can be further developed diseases of the lungs, kidneys, liver, miscarriages, infertility. The most common manifestation side effects contact with chemicals are occupational dermatitis, i.e. irritation and inflammation skin varying degrees gravity. Nurses are at risk due to the need for frequent handwashing, exposure to pharmaceuticals, disinfectants and even rubber gloves.

Dermatitis can cause:

Primary irritants that cause inflammation of the skin only at the site of direct contact with the substance are chlorine and phenol-containing disinfectants.

Sensitizers are substances that cause an allergic reaction. Initially, an allergic reaction may only manifest as dermatitis, even with the most minimal contact. With further sensitization, allergic reactions are more severe and are manifested by swelling of the face, nausea, and vomiting. The group of sensitizing substances includes many pharmacological preparations such as antibiotics, antibacterial soap.

In order to minimize the risk when working with chemicals, it is necessary:

Get complete information about the chemical preparation you have to work with: name, trade designation, harmful factors, precautions for storage and use.

Work with chemicals in protective clothing (gloves, gown, apron, eye goggles, mask or respirator). The mask and respirator provide some level of protection against toxic dust and aerosols. In the presence of allergic reaction rubber gloves, use silicone or PVC gloves.

ventilate workplace, especially in places of storage, preparation and use a large number chemical preparations.

Monitor personnel exposed to such occupational hazards: medical examinations, skin tests, monitoring of the function of the lungs, liver, kidneys.

Report all cases of dermatitis and other skin manifestations.

Labor protection rules when working with disinfectants.

Compliance with the rules for the storage of chemical disinfectants.

The packaging of funds must have a passport indicating the name, purpose, date of preparation and expiration date

Follow the safety rules when disinfecting (special gowns, headscarves, goggles, respirators, gloves, change of shoes)

Preparation of des. solutions are produced in a fume hood, or in a room with supply and exhaust ventilation.

In case of contact with eyes, rinse with 2% soda solution, if necessary, drip with albucid, while pain persists eye drops with 2% novocaine.

In case of contact with skin, rinse immediately with water.

When irritated respiratory tract immediately leave the room, go out for fresh air, drink warm milk with soda, rinse oral cavity 2% saline solution, if necessary, take cardiac, sedative, anti-shock agents

Infection safety.

A nosocomial infection (HAI) refers to any clinically recognizable disease that affects a patient as a result of his admission to the hospital or seeks care (or hospital staff, as a result of their work in this institution), regardless of whether the symptoms of the disease appeared during the hospital stay or after release.

VBI have other names hospital, posozonialnye. Among the diseases related to nosocomial infections, most are associated with medical interventions. Approximately 85% of all nosocomial infections are purulent-septic infections (PSI), 6-7% are viral hepatitis B, C, D: clinical infections-7-8%; while 80% of cases are salmonellosis.

The following factors influence the occurrence of nosocomial infections:

Decreased body resistance;

Spread of antibiotic-resistant strains of microorganisms;

An increase in the proportion of skin patients, debilitated,

Non-compliance with the rules of infectious safety when caring for patients;

Increase in invasive (damaging the integrity of body tissues) manipulations;

Overload of medical institutions;

Equipment obsolescence, etc.

At-risk groups:

Patients, visitors and relatives caring for seriously ill patients in surgical departments, urological, intensive care, etc. are at high risk of infection. especially the elderly and children;

Medical personnel, especially all those who use reusable instruments contaminated with biological fluids and require all stages of cleaning, including pre-sterilization of the cabinet.

The concept of "infectious process" defines the interaction of macro- and microorganisms, contributing to the emergence of infectious diseases in various areas: acute, chronic, latent, as well as carriage.

The main condition for the occurrence of an infectious process is the presence of the causative agent of the disease.

The main types of microorganisms that cause nosocomial infections are: obligate pathogenic microorganisms that cause measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria and other childhood diseases, clinical (salgogenesis, etc.), hepatitis B and C and many other diseases, and opportunistic microflora: staphylococci , Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pseudolupads, Gr "-" bacteria and their toxins ( coli, proteus, salmonella, etc.). Also, cases of nosocomial infection of a fungal infection, HIV infection with CMV, and representatives of protozoa are not uncommon.

Infectious agents are found in reservoirs (sources) of infection.

The reservoir (source) of nosocomial (hospital) infection are:

Staff hands;

Intestine, genitourinary system, nasopharynx, skin, hair, oral cavity of both the patient and staff;

Environment: staff, dust, water, food;



Medicines etc.

OBJECTIVE: To safely transport the patient depending on the condition: on a stretcher, wheelchair, on his hands, on foot, accompanied by a medical worker.

INDICATIONS: The patient's condition.


POSSIBLE PATIENT PROBLEMS: 1. Excitation of the patient.

2. Unconscious state of the patient.

3. The need to comply with certain



Transportation of the patient on a gurney or stretcher together.

2. Prepare the wheelchair for transportation, check its serviceability, disinfect

3. Lay a blanket with a sheet, a pillow (if necessary, an oilcloth) on the gurney.

4. Place the wheelchair with the foot end at an angle to the head end of the couch or in another way that is more convenient in this situation.

5. Raise the patient: one healthcare worker puts his hands under the patient's neck and torso, the other under the lower back and hips.

6. Lift the patient, turn 90 degrees with him towards the gurney or stretcher, and lay him down.

7. Cover the patient with the other half of the blanket or sheet.

8. Stand: one healthcare worker in front of the gurney with your back to the patient, the other behind the gurney, facing the patient.

9. Transport the patient to the department with a medical history.

10. Place the wheelchair next to the bed, depending on the size of the room.

11. Remove the blanket from the bed.

12. Transfer the patient to the bed using a safe technique.

13. Disinfect the gurney in accordance with current orders.

Transportation of the patient in a wheelchair.

1. Inform the patient about the upcoming manipulation and its progress.

2. Prepare the wheelchair for transportation, check its serviceability.

3. Tilt the wheelchair forward by stepping on the footrest.

4. Ask the patient to stand with their back to the chair on the footrest and support them to sit in the chair.

5. Lower the wheelchair to its original position, cover with a blanket.

6. Transport the patient so that their arms do not extend beyond the armrests of the wheelchair.

7. Treat the wheelchair in accordance with current orders.

EVALUATION OF THE RESULTS ACHIEVED: The patient was taken to the department or office for examination on the means of transportation that were prescribed by the doctor with the necessary precautions.

Notes: 1. The patient is carried feet first down the stairs with the front end of the stretcher raised and the rear lowered in order to reach the horizontal position of the stretcher.

2. Up the stairs the patient is carried head first and also in a horizontal position.

3. When transporting a patient on a stretcher, walk out of step, with short steps, slightly bending the leg at the knees and keeping the stretcher in a horizontal position.

4. For any method of transportation, the accompanying patient is obliged to transfer the patient and his medical history to the ward nurse.

Related information:

  1. endsub. When the first subroutine (proc1) is executed in this example, a procedure call (AcB) occurs
  2. II. Requirements for the procedure for the provision of public services to assist citizens in finding a suitable job, and employers in the selection of necessary workers

All over the world, the number of sick and injured people who are transported by air is increasing every year. Most often, the need to transport sick patients by air is used by cardiologists, resuscitators and surgeons.

Sometimes it is difficult to make an unambiguous decision, but is it worth exposing the patient to such a risk at all. Since the patient's condition on the plane may worsen, because a decrease in pressure is associated with altitude, as well as a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the blood. This is especially unacceptable in case of certain diseases, in connection with this, it is necessary to have a large supply of oxygen with you on board the aircraft.

When transporting a patient by plane, the decisive factor is that it is often not possible to provide a person directly on the spot. needed help. Then the doctors seek to stabilize the patient's condition and transport the patient to the place of treatment as soon as possible.

Often, the transportation of a patient by plane allows you to save a human life. Fast and careful transportation also effectively affects the successful treatment of the victim.

Transportation by plane of a sick or seriously injured person is also preferred in the case when the life and health of a person depends on how quickly treatment can be started. When every minute counts, and any delay can cause immediate harm, then transportation by air may be the only right way out. If we talk about the transportation of bedridden patients over long distances, then, of course, the advantages of transportation by air are undeniable, since in this way the patient gets to the place of treatment faster, and often in more comfortable conditions.

On the one hand, air transportation requires sufficient capital investment, but on the other hand, effective treatment, which is started earlier, is more successful and gives a guaranteed result, which becomes financially profitable.

Types of transportation of sick and injured by plane

Transportation of patients by plane is carried out in the following ways:

    specialized medical aircraft, which is part of the air ambulance;

    regular scheduled or charter aircraft;

    medical evacuation department on a transport aircraft.

But it should be remembered that in any case, the patient must be accompanied by doctors, since during transportation the patient's condition may deteriorate sharply, in connection with this, the help of specialists, including experienced resuscitators, may be needed.

Special Medical Aircraft

Transportation of a sick person by a specialized aircraft takes place according to the principle “from bed to bed”, which means “from bed to bed”. On this aircraft, all the necessary conditions for air transportation of seriously injured and sick people. A special aircraft has the necessary medical equipment without fail, which makes it possible to provide emergency assistance and resuscitation beds. These aircraft are often referred to as air ambulances. One of distinctive features special aircraft is equipped with navigation equipment modern generation, which makes it possible to transport a sick or injured person almost around the clock in any weather. The difference between special aircraft is that they are always in full readiness for departure.

Regular or charter aircraft

When there is no definite need for special medical equipment to support the life of the patient, then it is possible to transport using a scheduled or charter aircraft. At the same time, it is necessary to discuss all issues with the airline in advance in order to obtain, first of all, consent to the flight, and also so that the company has time to properly prepare the aircraft. The minimum term for filing this request with the airline is 24 hours. It is also worth coordinating all further actions with the airline, insurance company and doctors in order to book a certain number of seats, provide cylinders with the right amount of oxygen, and install a stretcher. The doctor who treats the patient must convey the conclusion, which indicates the necessary conditions for transporting a sick person.

The stretcher is placed on special mounts on top of the chairs, in another case, a certain number of chairs are dismantled and the stretcher is thus fixed to the floor. A place for this is chosen in the tail zone of an economy class aircraft, while being separated by a fence. Such actions are aimed, first of all, at creating the most comfortable and calm conditions for the patient, as well as to disturb other passengers of the aircraft to a lesser extent.

Often, the patient cannot move independently; for this purpose, a special lift is used. As a rule, during the flight with the patient, the resuscitation team should follow.

In general, the transportation of patients on this aircraft is much cheaper than on a special medical aircraft, but it takes much more time. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the plane cannot deviate from a certain course for the sake of a sick person, affect the departure time or, for example, land at another airport.

A large number of Russian and foreign companies provide such a service, so you can choose the most suitable route and the type of aircraft you need.

Transport aircraft

When there is no other way out to save human life, a transport aircraft has to be used for this purpose. In this case, a resuscitation vehicle comes on board the aircraft. This makes it possible to transport a sick patient using the necessary set of medical equipment at any stage of transportation. The advantage of the choice is also the fact that a person does not have to be disturbed once again, transferring from one place to another. After landing at the airport, the ambulance transports the patient safely to the clinic.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a company to transport a sick person by plane?

Every year the number of organizations that are directly involved in the transportation of patients by aircraft is growing. A significant part of the companies that offer this service are, in fact, intermediaries. In this regard, the transportation of patients by plane, thanks to intermediary firms, has become available in almost all parts of the country. It happens that in a particularly difficult situation, a sick person or his relatives cannot independently figure out all the issues related to transportation. Especially when transportation to another country is necessary and all documents are urgently required. Direct carriers that have a base of medical aircraft are both domestic, import and international companies. Of course, if you need a patient transportation service, then, first of all, you should contact an organization that has its own transport and properly trained staff. Be sure to make sure that the contract with the airline includes all services and the total amount is indicated in full. The company must ensure that the aircraft is fully equipped for emergencies.

Much better is the situation with the registration of the transportation of the patient on a scheduled or charter aircraft. An organization that provides assistance in transporting a sick person takes care of all the hassle of choosing a suitable flight, discusses all issues with the airline, orders tickets, arranges insurance, forms a team of doctors, also participates in the equipment of the place and monitors the correct execution of the necessary documents.

Geography of transportation of the patient by plane

It is possible to transport a sick or injured person by plane both over long and ultra-long distances up to 9 thousand kilometers. Transport companies are ready to pick up a patient from almost any corner where there is a runway without any problems. Switzerland, Germany, Israel, the USA, and Finland are considered quite popular destinations for transporting a sick or injured person abroad.

Of particular note is the fact that large medical centers in Europe, they offer services for transporting a patient on a special flight to undergo the necessary course of treatment. This is convenient, in fact, because even before the patient arrives at the place of treatment, the doctors are already preparing for the appointment and trying to provide the best conditions during the flight on the plane.

Transportation of patients by plane abroad

Transportation abroad is complicated, first of all, by the need to immediately issue a passport, insurance, visa for both the direct patient and the group of accompanying persons. Some employees of organizations that provide services for the transportation of patients to Europe have ready-made Schengen visas. Also, the consulates of other countries provide both visa and administrative support. All international airports have medical services, which quickly help to pass passport, customs and border control.

All this allows the patient, as well as his relatives, to freely follow the desired route.