British breed kittens care for them. Proper care of British kittens, education and feeding

The calm and independent British Shorthair cat is quite self-sufficient and does not really need the constant presence of the owner. She perfectly tolerates loneliness - for this quality they are chosen by business, working people.

How else does a British cat differ from its relatives, what kind of care does it need and how much money should be allocated for it, what kind of food do they prefer - you will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

The nature and description of the British cat

How to endure loneliness 5

If you leave for work early in the morning and return only in the evening or at night, this breed is for you!

British cats do not feel any discomfort from the fact that you are not around. They will always find a toy and something to do to relieve their boredom. They will not suffer without you and mischief to attract attention - this is not a royal business. But, they will be emotionally greeted when you return. When leaving for work, be sure to leave food, water, and a clean litter box for your pet.

How much shedding 4

Do not flatter yourself that the British cat belongs to the shorthair - she sheds.

Sheds a lot and often. Be prepared to collect wool throughout the house and brush your pet daily.

Activity/playfulness 2

The British Shorthair cat is an excellent choice for those who cannot and do not want to play with their pet for hours.

This breed is only active as a kitten. An adult animal is calm, balanced and will not rush about, dropping you off your feet, climbing curtains and jumping on cabinets.

Does he like to purr 3

Restrained British cats do not belong to affectionate purrs - they rarely do it and very quietly. However, some representatives of this breed meow a lot and loudly.

If you want a cat to rub against your legs, sit on your lap and purr soothingly, look at other breeds.

How does it relate to children 4

British cats are tolerant of children, but indifferent - they are not drawn to small family members. The British will never become a toy for kids.

It is important to explain to the children from the first day that there is no need to squeeze and carry the British in their arms - they can tolerate it, but they do not like it. Do not be afraid that the cat will harm the child - from too intrusive toddlers, cats simply hide in secluded corners of the house.

How to treat guests 3

Plush handsome men are wary of strangers - noisy and too mobile guests can scare them, which forces cats to hide in a shelter.

Warn guests to give the cat time to observe them from a safe distance, and then they may have a chance to pet your pet.

How other animals/dogs are treated 3

The British cat is selfish and jealous. She will not rejoice at your idea of ​​getting a new pet.

If a British cat is taken to a house where there are already other animals, he will be able to coexist with them. But, on one condition - they should not bother His British Majesty too much. With calm dogs and cats, British cats live peacefully - they are not aggressive by nature.

Ease of maintenance 4

It will be difficult for those who are not ready to comb cats regularly, at least once a week - they will have to deal with wool throughout the apartment.

With accustoming to the toilet and the scratching post, there will be no difficulties - this cat immediately understands where to do their business and sharpen their claws.

Intelligence 5

Cats of this breed have incredible intelligence. If you take a Briton, get ready that he will train you, not you.

You may get the feeling that these cats understand human speech - they do what the owner says. But, if they consider it reasonable and necessary. They, like dogs, can understand and follow commands, like to bring toys and run after the ball.

Soreness 4

Health is the weak point of British cats.

They have a predisposition to some genetic diseases. Buy kittens from trusted breeders and be sure to ask for the results of their genetic tests.

The history of the origin of the breed

The breed appeared naturally. The progenitors of the modern British cat were the cats of the Roman legionnaires, whom they brought with them to the island during the conquests. It was a very long time ago - in the 1st century AD. The Romans needed cats to protect food from rodents.

The Romans left British soil in the 5th century, but the cats remained. At first they were street animals and pets of farmers who conquered the British with their plush charm, strength and endurance. Then, when breeding purebred cats became fashionable in Victorian England, these street animals were taken as the basis of a new breed - the British Shorthair cat. The first representatives of the breed had a classic blue color.

The breed barely survived two World Wars, most of the cats died in those years from starvation. Breeders revived the breed after the end of World War II by crossing the surviving British with other breeds. In the course of this selection, a separate breed branch emerged - the British Longhair. These cats are bred even now, but only one International Felinological Organization, TICA, recognized them.

British Shorthair cats are included in all international cat registries. So, the American Cat Association (ACFA) was the first to recognize the breed in 1967. In 1979, she was recognized by the International Cat Association, and a year later, in 1980, by the Cat Fanciers Association.


The description of the exterior and characteristics of the British cat breed is found in all major international standards. Let's see how the British are described in the European WCF system.

Description of the breed according to the WCF standard

  • Body. Muscular, stocky, thick and squat. Medium to large size. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced - cats are much larger than cats.
  • Rib cage. Massive and wide.
  • Back. Straight, short.
  • Shoulders. Wide, massive.
  • Hips. Wide.
  • Head. Round shape. Massive with well-developed cheeks (in cats, this feature is more pronounced). Cheekbones are wide. A mandatory feature is a round forehead.
  • Muzzle. Short. Not tight. The chin and nose are vertical. Smooth transition from nose to forehead. Mustache pads are large and round.
  • Nose. Straight, wide and short.
  • Chin. Strong, even.
  • Ears. Rounded, small. Set wide and low.
  • Eyes. Round, large. Wide set and wide open. The color of the eyes is saturated, corresponds to the color of the coat. Most often - orange (gold). A green rim around the pupil is not allowed. The expression of the eyes should be serious evaluating.
  • Neck. Thickened, short.
  • Limbs. Muscular, short.
  • Paws. Round, strong, with tightly clenched fingers.
  • Tail. Wide at the base. Medium length, thick. The tip is rounded.
  • Wool. Type "beaver" - plush, elastic. Short, dense, with a pronounced thick undercoat. Brilliant. Longhair Brits do exist, but they are not recognized by most international feline organizations.
  • Color. All colors and color point (color-point) without white are allowed. Classic color - blue solid.
  • The weight. Cats - 2.5-5.5 kg., cats - 4.5-8 kg.
  • Growth at the withers. From 28 to 33 cm. Not measured at exhibitions.
  • Average life expectancy. From 10 to 16 years old.

A distinctive feature of an adult British cat is the presence of filled cheeks (the so-called cheeks) and the “Cheshire cat smile”. Only British cats can smile.

Specialists refer to pedigree marriage:

  • pinching. So they say in the case when the whiskers of British cats stand out too much;
  • "exotic" muzzle. If a short nose goes into the forehead through a noticeable hump - this is the case. Following the deformation of the nose, the proportions of the cheekbones and eyes change;
  • muzzle close to domestic cat. It is expressed in a flat forehead, large superciliary arches and a long nose;
  • "fox muzzle". There is no fullness of the muzzle, characteristic of the British, but there is a narrowed nose. Often accompanied by malocclusion.

Photos and colors of British cats

All colors are acceptable for British cats, but a color-point shade with white is not allowed.

The monochromatic color of the animal implies uniform staining of all the hairs, without exception. But there may be some shading, haze and ebbs, which is not prohibited by the breed standard.

Experts distinguish 30 types of colors of British cats! Of the monochromatic, British kittens are most popular in which: black, white, blue (gray), cream, red, lilac (a combination of pink, gray and gray colors).

Of the bicolors, the most common combinations are silver blue, harlequin, tabby, and ticked. The latter is one of the varieties of tabby, which is sometimes also called the Abyssinian coloring. Looks like freckles - very cute!

At the peak of popularity these days, whiskas is the color (remember, those same cats that starred in popular advertising?). In fact, this coloring has the official name "mackerel" (mackerel). The brindleness of whiskas is provided by the obligatory three wide stripes on the back and thin stripes along the body of the animal. Moreover, the main color of whiskas is silver, and the stripes are always darker.

British cats are called "cats for businessmen" - this breed can be afforded by busy city dwellers. In addition, they are quite unpretentious, do not require too much space and attention. However, proper care and maintenance is the key to the health and longevity of the pet.

Hair care

With a furminator or a soft brush, dead hairs are also needed. You will have to especially try in. If the cat is not combed regularly, tangles may form. The active process of changing the coat will be too noticeable on furniture and clothes, so the British kitty should be combed out daily.

But that's not all. Cats constantly lick themselves and their stomach becomes clogged with bezoars (dead hairs). No need to wait until the pet gets rid of them, because hairballs can clog the intestinal lumen. During the molting period, give special tablets, or feed, that dissolve the hair in the pet's stomach.

Kittens and adult animals do not need to be bathed unless absolutely necessary. This is a mandatory procedure for show class pets, they are bathed before exhibitions. Ordinary cats are washed in case of severe contamination of wool (paint, oil). But, in this case, it is best not to bathe the entire pet, but only to wash the places of contamination.

Eye, ear and nose care

Light discharge from the eyes of a British cat is normal. But, these secretions can leave an unwanted tear streak on your pet's coat. Remove these tears with a cotton pad soaked in a special eye care product. Saturate the disc and gently wipe the area around the eyes. The direction of movement should be from the inner corner to the outer. If the discharge from the eyes becomes profuse, colored, foul-smelling, contact a specialist immediately.

The ears of a healthy British cat do not need to be cleaned often - they should be clean. The owner is required to regularly examine the ears in order to notice signs of ill health in time: acne, dark brown spots sulfur, redness. If such signs are detected, the cat should be shown to the veterinarian.

If your pet has an increased sulfur secretion, you will have to clean the ears once a week. This should be done carefully with a cotton pad dipped in a special ear care product. You can lubricate a cotton pad with Vaseline. Be careful not to insert the disc too deep to avoid injury. eardrum. With very strong contamination of the auricle, the treatment is carried out with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

In a healthy animal, the nose should be clean and free of discharge. In British kittens, crusts are allowed in the corners of the nostrils - this is a dried secret. They are removed with a damp swab or cotton pad dipped in ordinary boiled water at room temperature. Expiration from the nose, redness, microtrauma (cracks) - a reason to see a doctor.

Dental care

The main thing that the owners should take care of is to ensure sufficient load on the teeth. With natural feeding, cats are given large pieces to stimulate chewing. For animals on dry food, your veterinarian may recommend a special brand of food. It promotes self-cleaning oral cavity and teeth. Teeth are cleaned with a special brush and paste no more than 1-2 times a week - kittens should be gradually accustomed to this. As a result of this procedure, gums are massaged and soft deposits are removed. Tartar is removed only in the clinic, as directed by a veterinarian.

Nail care

Regularly inspect the claws of the animal for the presence of fungus as a preventive measure. need only when they are over-branched. If the cat moves a lot, climbs trees and special play complexes, is accustomed to, then there is no need for this procedure.

How much money is needed for care and maintenance

What to buy for a kitten

Mandatory set:

  1. Bowls for food and water. Deep ones won't work. Choose wide ones with a low rim. Best suited ceramic with a ribbed bottom. Price: from 100 to 350 rubles.
  2. Tray. A closed type tray or a large open one (without a grid) with sides bent inward will do - the British have big paws and they love to dig. Price: from 800 to 4000 rubles.
  3. Comb and massage mitt. It will cost you 350-550 rubles.
  4. Choose stable models or those that are mounted on the wall. Price: from 250 to 950 rubles.
  5. Toys (to play with your pet and keep it busy while you're away). Price: from 100 to 1500 rubles.

Optional accessories:

  1. Couch. It will cost 300-1200 rubles.
  2. Carrying. Best of all are plastic models with a soft mattress inside - they can be used instead of a house. Price: from 1200 to 4500 rubles.
  3. Ribbed rubber tray mat. Helps keep your home clean. Price: from 300 to 500 rubles.
  4. This grooming device costs 600-1200 rubles.
  5. Harness. For walking outside. Price: from 600 to 1300 rubles.
  6. . Price: 300 - 500 rubles.

Every year, the care and maintenance of a British cat may require from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles.

The final amount will depend on the chosen method of feeding, brand of food, type of litter for the tray, the need for professional grooming, the number of visits. veterinary clinic and used animal care products.

British cat care video:

Health and disease

The British are strong cats, physically well developed. But in the course of selection work, the breed has formed a predisposition to a number of hereditary (genetic) diseases.

Genetic pathologies

  1. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Pathology that cannot be cured. This disease of adult animals is easier to prevent than to treat. Her symptoms:
  • anorexia;
  • loss of interest;
  • weakened heartbeat;
  • difficulty breathing, breathing with sounds;
  • sudden paralysis of the hind limbs;
  • bluish paw pads.
  1. Christmas disease (hemophilia B). It is characterized by increased bleeding after injuries or surgery.

Non-hereditary diseases

  1. Gingivitis. Usually begins with inflammation of one tooth, which progresses over time without treatment. At the second stage, pathology will affect 25% of the teeth, at the third stage - 30%. Then advanced periodontitis sets in, the gum tissue recedes and the disease passes to the roots of the teeth.
  2. Claw fungus. Outwardly, it looks like spots on the nails and their deformation. Periodically and systematically inspect the limbs of the pet.

Preventive measures

The main thing preventive measure- this is !

Thanks to vaccination, it is possible to nullify the risk of catching panleukopenia, calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis, rabies, chlamydia.

Traditionally, kittens are vaccinated between 2-3 months or at 8 months when teeth change. It is important to stick to the vaccination schedule recommended by your veterinarian.

First, the animal is given. If worms are found after 10 days, a second deworming is carried out and after another 10 days they are vaccinated. If the worms in the feces are not detected immediately, then after 10 days they are vaccinated as usual. Do not forget to quarantine for about 2 weeks after each vaccination.

Rabies vaccination is carried out immediately after the change of teeth and is repeated annually.

Of course, the vaccine is powerless against genetic pathologies. To make sure, you need to carefully get acquainted with the kitten, ask the breeder for information about the health of his parents and demand the results of genetic tests.

On average (excluding the cost of the sterilization / castration operation), treatment and preventive measures will require from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles. in year. Add to this amount a one-time payment for a veterinary passport - 100-200 rubles; the cost of the sterilization / castration operation is 1500-3000 rubles; chipping - 950 rubles.

Genetically healthy British cats can live up to 15 years. Life expectancy depends not only on health, but also on the conditions of detention and feeding.

British kittens are in themselves kind and sweet pets. They can hardly stand loneliness and prefer to be close to the owner. The British can decide for themselves when it is best for them to play. They feel good in apartment conditions, but proper care for these cute animals is a must. Only then will the Briton be healthy and physically developed, and also live a long and joyful life.

How to properly care for a British kitten for the first time

At first, the kitten will be sad for his mother, so you need to give him maximum attention during this period. He can cry and hide all over the house, you need to pick him up, talk to him and caress him. As a rule, such methods will be able to calm the little Briton.

If these methods do not help, you can try the following tips:

  • You can install next to the kitten, where he sleeps, a clock that ticks loudly. This will help the pet fall asleep, as the ticking will remind the mother's heartbeat.
  • Make a heating pad 39 degrees and wrap with a towel, put near the British. This method will help the baby create the illusion that the mother is nearby.
  • You should not force him to play and lisp, the kitten must first get used to the new home.

In the first two days, you need to make sure that all amenities are available to the British. As soon as it is noticeable that the pet has settled in, it can be introduced to the apartment and other animals. If everything is done correctly, then in just a few days the kitten will be able to adapt to a new place.

Raising British cats

Britons need to be weaned from bad habits in childhood. The most important thing is to have time to properly raise the animal up to two years. The first thing to do is to establish contact between the kitten and the owner. The cat must know who is in charge and who will need to obey. You will need to create certain rules in the house that the pet must follow.

If an animal sharpens its claws on a scratching post, then you need to praise it and give it goodies. If the rules are not followed, it is required to punish the cat with a reprimand, but you should not use physical force against it. The British cat should show respect for the owner, but not be afraid of him.

It will be necessary to train a kitten in cleanliness, but pets of this breed are lovers of cleanliness themselves and take good care of themselves. First of all, a small kitten must be accustomed to hands. He must endure the procedures that the owner carries out to care for the coat, ears, eyes.

If the cat has bitten or scratched, then you will need to take it by the scruff of the neck, look menacingly into the eyes and start hissing. If the pet does not believe that the owner is threatening him, then he must continue to be held and explained in a strict voice. In fact, it will be difficult to train an animal of this breed, but you should not give up, because the same behavior will repeat again next time.

The British kitten does not need special care, it does not require heavy maintenance. If the pet will participate in exhibitions or in breeding, then it should look well-groomed and beautiful.

  1. British cats may have discharge from the eyes, most often this problem occurs in kittens. A small amount of lacrimation can be removed with a cotton swab or a wet cloth. You can use special lotions for eye care. It is not recommended to touch eyeballs unwashed hands - this can get an infection.
  2. Every two weeks, it is required to trim the nails of the cat on the front paws, and on the hind legs - best of all once a month. It is mandatory to have a scratching post, then the pet will be able to independently monitor its claws.
  3. You need to clean your ears every month or as they get dirty. Do not abuse this procedure. In order to clean the ears, the British will need to take a cotton pad and hydrogen peroxide. The cotton wool is wetted, and the auricle is gently wiped so that the product does not penetrate into the inside of the ear.

If the pet receives full and proper care, then it will grow up healthy and beautiful. The most important thing is to properly and carefully care for the British, and then there will be no difficulties with the kitten.

What you need for a British cat in an apartment

Before purchasing a kitten, you need to carefully prepare the required accessories. It is required to buy a place where the pet will rest. The British prefer to sleep on their own, so you need to take a couch or a special house.

You will definitely need to purchase a tray so that a small kitten goes to the toilet. It is best to buy a pot made of plastic material and a closed type. It must be with high sides and comfortable. The filler is purchased silica gel or with wood capsules, this will help absorb moisture well and eliminate odor.

The bowl for drinking liquids should be made of ceramic material. For food, it is best to take from mathematical material and with a wide bottom. British cats do not like to spoil the furniture in the house, so you need to buy a scratching post. It will be good for the cat to buy a special play corner.

Massage brushes are well suited for plush wool, they are called slicker brushes, they are best at removing static electricity. If the animal goes out for a walk, then you can buy an interesting wardrobe for him. This breed does not withstand the cold well, as they are short-haired. The outfit is purchased high-quality and comfortable for the pet. If everything is done correctly, then the animal will feel comfortable and cosy.

British cat grooming

It is required to monitor the coat every week in the winter and, as needed, the pet is combed out in the summer. You will need a comb made of metal material for the undercoat and a regular comb for wool. The British are combed according to the growth of the coat and in the opposite direction.

As a rule, the pet should quickly get used to such a procedure and will eventually enjoy it. Most importantly, it is good to remove the outer hairs so as not to touch the thick undercoat.

How to wash Brits

The British breed prefers to be clean, and as such they sometimes need to be bathed. For this procedure, it is best to purchase special shampoos.

How to buy a pet:

  • A basin is taken and filled with warm water;
  • Take the cat and place it there, holding the neck, carefully begin to apply the product to the coat;
  • It is difficult to wash the shampoo out of the animal's hair, so you need to use a comb;
  • Do not wash the cat's genitals, he does not like when such actions occur.

After the British was bought, he must be wrapped in a towel. Then carefully you need to dry the cat's hair and comb it after a while. It is not recommended to bathe this breed more than twice every 12 months.

You can feed the British, both natural food and industrial. It is best to feed at the same time. Industrial food is different kinds fodder. You should not buy food that is cheap, this will lead to gastrointestinal problems.

Natural food is the most best option and the diet consists of vegetables, meat and fish. You should not give cow's milk, it is best to offer the kitten sour cream or cottage cheese. It is necessary to add different cereals, buckwheat, rice to the diet. A treat is given without fail as a reward for good behavior.

Caring for a Briton is not difficult, the main thing is to spend everything necessary procedures. There must be a proper upbringing so that the kitten grows up well-mannered and obedient. The Briton must understand and respect the owner.

Buying a pet is a responsible business, but not always planned. Especially when it comes to kittens! Care british kittens, namely, they will be discussed today, these are pleasant chores and a lot of preparations. In order for your future baby to live well, let's figure it out: how to care for him? We bring to your attention instructions for care and maintenance.

Preliminary list of items

To make it pleasant and comfortable for your Brit to live in your apartment or house, you need to take care of creating a calm atmosphere, as well as buy a number of accessories. This will make it easier to care for him.

  • Sleepy place
  • Special bowls for feeding and food
  • Toilet and filler
  • house for transfer
  • Hair combs or brushes
  • scratching post
  • Toys

Purchases do not depend on how you got the cat - it can be a gift, an informed purchase, or a choice at a shelter. Care and nutrition for a British kitten is very simple, if you understand everything before acquiring an animal.

What is needed and why?


Made from different materials. If it is possible to transport an animal by car, then you can safely purchase a plastic one - it does not lose its shape and appearance, is reliable, durable, and allows you to provide proper care. The only negative is its volume and size.. For those who like to travel by public transport, we will immediately clarify that this method of transporting kittens is not successful. Babies can be frightened, start to get nervous, and even if you calm them down, for some time they will be “twitchy” and constantly nervous.

An alternative option is to purchase a small cloth "cage" - it is made of a special frame, covered with soft and warm materials, and is made comfortable for both the owner and the cat.

You can safely carry a British kitten from one place to another without fear that he will get sick or be traumatized by the abundance of sounds around him.

Regardless of the type chosen, remember that the carrier also requires care - it must be washed or the outer fabric washed after prolonged use.

A place to sleep, it is also a sleeping house

Proper Care for kittens includes the control of a bed, and at first even for a sleep pattern, if you are dealing with a small kitten. If you have the opportunity, you can purchase special cat furniture in a specialized store. Usually, there is a wide selection of different houses, and most importantly, such a purchase will provide you with a scratching post and some toys, depending on the model.

For those who do not want to buy a house, but prefer to provide care with their own hands, we are enclosing instructions for making a homemade house.

  • Use a box as a base. For kittens, a small one is suitable, for an adult British one should be taken in such a size that he has the opportunity to fully extend his paws and body.
  • Close the box, and make a door in one of its sides.
  • Inside, lay a soft bedspread, an old blanket or put a small pillow. Do not forget about the bedding - preferably from a fabric that is easy to wash, clean from wool. Proper selection of material will reduce the time spent on caring for the British.
  • Place the box itself in a quiet place where it will be warm. Preferably away from children and noisy sounds.


Each pet should have its own bowl for food and water - this is the key to proper care. For felines, special bowls are made - not high, with a small depth, but with a fairly wide base, which will reduce the need for any special care for them. This is to ensure that the British can freely access the contents of the bowl. You need at least three different bowls- one should contain fresh water, the other - dry food, and the third can occasionally put treats or canned food.


The main points of care include all kinds of games, so you should think about the safety of such an activity in advance. For small individuals, choose elastic balls, but avoid toys with elastic - there is a high probability that he may accidentally swallow the rubber.

You should also avoid all kinds of balls, balls and similar objects that have sharp edges and various tear-off parts - remember that pet care is not only about feeding, but also about playing.

Scratching posts or houses

In this case, the owners of the purchased house will breathe a sigh of relief - almost every house has special "columns" that are not only for sharpening claws. Care and education of British kittens with such a device will allow you to develop kids physically - the British will be very happy to climb, jump and perform other exercises.

Kitten care in the first stages

So, let's figure out how to care for a British kitten in the first hours of falling into your hands, so that the baby grows up healthy and pleases you with its behavior? What are the main points of caring for him?

Possible longing for mom

When you get your hands on a Brit, he is usually only a few months old. It is clear that separation from feline society is very difficult for him. He can wander around the house or hide under large objects, meow. In general, in every possible way to attract attention to yourself, requiring the same care as before from my mother. In this case, take the baby in your arms, and in a soft, gentle voice, start talking to him. Usually, this calms the British. If talking doesn't help, here are some tried-and-tested tips from seasoned cat lovers.

  • Loud ticking clock. Set a clock near where the Brit sleeps. This will remind the British kitten of the mother's heartbeat, her care and care, and help to fall asleep. Digital Watch are not suitable for this purpose.
  • Heat the water to 36-39 degrees and make a heating pad. Wrap it in a towel and place it next to the kitten - this will create the illusion of the presence of other kittens and parents. Remember that the baby is still inexperienced, and although he has a self-preservation instinct, he can still get burned. Therefore, be careful that the heating pad does not become his "accidental" toy.

Do not rush with games, lisping and other usual things - the British need to get used to it, and this takes time.

In the first few days, it is best to limit the places where your cat can be. All conveniences must be available to him - food, a place to sleep and a toilet, i.e. necessary care, but no more. When he gets comfortable in this "nook" - you can gradually introduce him to an apartment or house.


British kitten care includes accustoming them to the litter box. If you bought it in a nursery, most often they have already begun to accustom the animal to the tray, to the place. In this case, be sure to ask the breeders which filler should be used. Next, just show the cat a tray several times - it is better to do this after eating. He will quickly remember his location, and will not dirty the territory. The main thing is to clean the toilet on time, and in fact, this will be all the care for the British in terms of waste. Remember that animals must be kept clean, no matter what breed they are.

Proper care of newborn kittens involves the process of litter box training as soon as they begin to grow. It is better to buy an older Brit, since training is quite difficult - especially if the animal is wayward.

Children and other residents of your home

If you have children, be sure to give them a “briefing” on how to behave with a Briton. Show in advance how to play with it, pick it up. Explain what their new "comrades" do not like and how to understand that they are not happy with your actions. If your children are already in school, tell them what kind of care the British need, let them feed the animal themselves.

Be sure to watch how your child plays with the animal - this will avoid possible injuries, fear and misunderstanding between them.


If you already have other pets at home, you need to introduce your feline replenishment to them. Before meeting, be sure to make sure that all representatives of the animal world are healthy. Remember that older individuals may not treat the baby very well, especially if they are of the same sex or same species. So that the Briton does not have stress, try to follow this procedure.

  • In the first few days, organize a "quarantine" for the British kitten. Keep him in a separate room, keep other animals away from him. Be sure to leave the carrier - it will be a "house for the new one" so that the Briton has the opportunity to hide.
  • Remember to pay attention to your other animals during this time to reduce their anxiety, but don't forget to necessary care for a kitten. Show them that you love them too, so they don't get jealous and see the new kitten in your house as a possible threat.
  • Arrange a scheduled pet meeting. Be sure to be in the room when your pets are introduced. Leave the opportunity for each of them to retreat, do not interfere with mutual inspection and sniffing.
  • They can hiss and growl at a friend - this is also normal, if it does not come to open aggression. If something went wrong, and your familiar animal reacts extremely aggressively to the new one, separate them for a couple of days, and then repeat the dating procedure again.
  • Respect the rights of your pets - do not take away their favorite territory in favor of a new one! Otherwise, jealousy and constant fights between them are guaranteed to you. Do not forget about caring for them, do not sacrifice their interests in favor of the British.
  • Be sure to provide your pets with different trays and bowls, brushes for grooming. This is done so that no one is left hungry, and you do not have to remove "surprises" from a jealous cat, for example, in different parts of the house.


For British kittens, it is worth buying a rubber brush, preferably in the shape of an oval, which will be equipped with small teeth made of soft material. It will allow for painless care: it will remove “static” - electricity that accumulates on wool, it is easy to massage the skin with it without injury. Since the British have a short coat, there is no need to care for it in any special way. If the kitten sheds - wet your hand in warm water, and massage the coat and skin of the animal. Caring for British Fold kittens in terms of wool is absolutely not difficult.

Let's take care of security

Everyone understands that animals are extremely inquisitive natures, which is why, in fact, they not only often get into trouble and get injured, but also give their owner a lot of trouble. In order not to be a regular client at the veterinarian, follow these rules in everyday life:

  • Keep all medicines, household chemicals and other hazardous liquids in a closed place. Preferably with a key or lock.
  • Are you going to the bathroom? Be sure to close the bathroom so that the kitten does not accidentally get there.
  • Baby toys must be locked. Playing with them on his own, he can accidentally swallow them, chew them, or hit an object while playing. Remember that care is not only games and feeding, but also taking care of the British.
  • Close doors to utility rooms or garages.

Start: moving

If the trip is single, you should not bother with all sorts of containers - especially when it comes to a baby. Caring for British kittens at 2 months does not require their transportation, so you can “pull” a little with the purchase of a carrier. Be sure to take the kitten to the vet- Pay special attention to the eyes and ears. It is advisable to do this in a setting that is still familiar to the British cat.

Toilet training

As your baby enters an unfamiliar place, you may find surprises in the most unexpected places in the first few days. In this case, dip the paper into the "bomb" and anoint the cat's tray - this will make it clear to the kitten what this place is for. Another option is to pour the filler, and when it removes the whole problem, pour the filler into the tray.

The right approach to raising a baby will allow you to avoid problems and quickly make friends with a British kitten.

There are several options for the origin of this type of cat. The most common version is that the Roman legionnaires at the beginning of the conquests in Britain took four-legged pets with them. It was believed that this would lead to a successful voyage. Unlike warlike legionnaires, cats conquered the island with their character and unusual appearance, for which they received the status of a permanent resident. Thanks to the dense coat, which protected from the damp climate of Albion, the British Shorthair cat felt quite comfortable here. Some argue that this species is related to the famous Cheshire cat, who helped Alice in her fairyland.

Character features

Sometimes the British are called the ideal pet of a business person, because they endure long separations from their owner well and, left alone, will definitely find something to their liking.

The character of British cats is distinguished by self-sufficiency, non-aggressive temperament and a pronounced sense of dignity. The phrase "a cat that walks by itself" perfectly shows the attitude of this breed towards humans. The British try to maintain independence from the owner and do not allow themselves to be completely subordinated to his will.

But this absolutely does not mean that this breed does not feel love for its owners. They reciprocate those people who show affection and a good attitude. To the person who most of all feeds and cares for his pet, he will definitely come to sit on his lap.

These feline representatives are very good at distinguishing the intonation with which they are addressed. Therefore, if you shout or talk to them in a raised tone, the Briton may be offended by the person and not pay attention for several days.

The British cat is not suitable for the role of a toy for a child. Due to his calm nature, he will not show aggression when dealing with children, but he will prefer to hide from excessive attention.


  • Due to its extraordinary appearance, among similar species, it is the British Shorthair cat that enjoys the greatest success. The description of the breed should begin with an unusual coat that resembles a plush toy to the touch. The development of a dense undercoat was influenced by the inhospitable climate of the British archipelago. The solidity and royalty of the breed is especially evident in appearance:
  • the body is rather massive, the paws are strong, well developed. The head is rounded with prominent cheekbones and rounded cheeks. The neck is short, with a characteristic skin fold, which gives the lordly appearance to the breed. The nose is wide and not prominent. The ears are rounded, wide at the base;
  • the color is very diverse and is still the subject of controversy. The most popular are smoky, two-tone, Siamese, tortoiseshell. Each has his own merits, but all, without exception, are elegant and beautiful;
  • one of the most common eye colors is yellow or amber and all the variety of their shades. However, there are green, blue. Eye color depends on the exterior. The eyes are very expressive, large, round in shape.
  • the tail is harmonious with the body, also well developed, has a recognizable rounded tip.

Nutrition is the key to a healthy pet

Properly selected diet and healthy, containing the necessary trace elements and vitamins, food is necessary for any living creature.
Until now, disputes have not subsided over what to feed your pets - ordinary, natural food or special food. It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this question, because each person adheres to his own own opinion. But when choosing one or another type of feeding, it is worth considering some nuances.

If the choice fell on natural food, then the diet should consist of meat and chicken (sometimes turkey). The meat must be cooked and separated from the bones to protect the animal from possible injuries. Do not give the skin or paws to the cat. You can dilute the diet with a liver and a boiled egg, but you should not aggravate such food. Cucumbers and carrots can also be tried as a good vitamin supplement. Do not forget about dairy products, which occupy a considerable place in the diet.

If the cat will eat special food, then you should choose a quality manufacturer that has established itself in the market. The British Shorthair cat breed can be quite picky about the type of food, so it is better to give preference to special lines for this breed of pets. Usually, dyes are not used in the production of such feeds, so it can be replaced with a natural diet.

Feed your pet two to three times a day. Unhindered access to fresh drinking water should also be provided. For well-being, disease prevention and beauty appearance must be given with food.


Wool is the pride of British cats. The characteristic of the breed, which distinguishes them from the mass of other types of cats, is a thick coat with a dense undercoat, which needs careful and timely care. Two or three times a month it is necessary to comb out the cat with a special brush with a frequent bristle. The British are distinguished by exceptional cleanliness, but sometimes there is a need for washing. To do this, pour warm water into the basin and, holding the pet, wet his coat. Using a special shampoo, lather the wool and rinse off the foam with plenty of water. You should not pay attention to the intimate area, the British will not tolerate such an attitude. After all the procedures, you should dry the coat with a soft towel and comb it after ten to fifteen minutes.

During the time, you should comb the hair once a day, and also add special food against hairballs to the diet.

If necessary, time should be spent on hygiene of the eyes and ears. To remove secretions from the eye, you can use cotton swab or disc dipped in clean water. Before such a procedure, it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly so that any infection does not get on the mucous membrane.

Cleaning required when soiled auricles. To do this, you can also use a cotton swab and a solution of hydrogen peroxide. as carefully as possible so as not to harm the animal.


For a long time, cat breeders bred Britons to cats, but today the purity of the two species has become valuable. Some countries have banned such incest at the legislative level.

After about six months of life, the first estrus begins in British women, but mating should not be carried out, due to the organism that has not fully formed.

The best option would be if the female is visiting the male. So he will be more liberated and will be the master of the situation, since he is on his territory. Thanks to this, mating will be more active and successful.

If you do not want to acquire offspring from a pet, you should follow her. This option is preferable to birth control, which can lead to health and hormone problems.

Instead of a conclusion

If you take a small kitten for education, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail, and even options for the nicknames of cats of British breed boys. It is usually more difficult to give a name to a cat than to a cat.

They say that pets look like their owners, but if the choice fell on a Briton as a pet, then you need to match the traits that British cats have. The characteristic of the breed - calmness, moderation in behavior and character, independence - will suit the same people.

Having decided to get a British breed kitten, you do not need to take it from strangers. Otherwise, kittens may be outbred, sick and unvaccinated. It is better to buy a baby in a nursery, where a full-fledged care for mother and kittens is carried out. Moreover, for each animal is issued medical card with notes on vaccinations and treatment against helminths. When buying a baby, the card passes into the hands of the owner.

    Show all

    What is good about a kitten from a cattery

    Only their mother can properly care for the British. Considering this, in the cattery, a cat does not separate from a newborn kitten for 12 weeks. The advantage of such conditions is the ability to gain a kitten by three months of the desired weight up to 1.5 kg and more. The child regularly receives breast milk learning from her mother to take care of herself. Here is the first vaccination and antihelminthic treatment.

    It is better to take a British breed kitten from a cattery at the age of three months. Until that time, the baby's skeletal system will get stronger, the main vaccinations will be made, the baby will switch to two meals a day. If the kitten appeared in the family earlier, it is supposed to be fed 4 times a day. Give a variety of freshly prepared food, and only natural, with a high content of vitamins, BJU, minerals and acids. Dry food during this period is not recommended due to possible problems with digestion.

    Chocolate Brit - photo, description and character

    Appearance in the house

    So, the little kitten was in a new house. Once in a new environment, the baby is frightened, does not understand where he is, there is no nurse and familiar aromas nearby. You need to try to create conditions for him to get used to.

    1. 1. It is not recommended to play with him in the first days, pick him up, press him. He will turn around, can scratch and even bite. It is better to address him affectionately, to call his nickname. As soon as he gets used to it, he will approach the owner.
    2. 2. At first, the pet needs to limit the territory by closing the doors to other rooms. There should also be bowls of food and water, as well as a little further on the toilet tray. As soon as the British kitten gets used to it a little, you can gradually expand its possessions.
    3. 3. Feed given in the nursery should be given at home for the first time. And then gradually add other feeds, mixing them with the usual diet.
    4. 4. Pupils got used to the toilet in the nursery. But the Briton needs to mark the new toilet by putting a rag soaked in his urine.

    Before you take a Briton into your home, you should make sure that the necessary accessories are ready for his arrival. These are two bowls for food and drink. They need to be placed where they will always be. A toilet tray should be mandatory if the owner does not want the kitten to relieve himself around the apartment. The baby must have toys. Their absence is fraught with damage to things. The scratching post will save furniture and wallpaper, as sharpening the claws of a kitten is laid down by nature. A house or a sunbed will accustom the baby to a permanent place of rest, otherwise he will sleep anywhere, even in the owner's bed. And there must be a carrier. A visit to the doctor, a trip to nature without this device will be difficult.

    With the advent of a kitten in the house, the owner must reconsider his habits. Namely:

    • entrance doors must always be closed so that the animal does not leave the premises;
    • windows should either be closed or protective nets should be installed;
    • tightly cover cabinets, toilet lid, washing machine;
    • try not to pinch the baby in the door, do not sit on it, do not step on the paw.

    A little about the breed

    The British Shorthair cat is an officially recognized breed. At the end of the 19th century, at the first cat salon held in London, the British breed was standardized.

    These animals have a dense physique with developed chest muscles, a short and massive tail, strong hind limbs and a large head. Amazing amber and round eyes and thick cheeks. There are more than 60 shades of colors, but mostly it is lilac or blue wool. Although you can often find white and black color.

    It is worth mentioning the breed of cats that appeared in the UK, which was obtained by crossing a Persian cat and a British one. For the amazingly beautiful thick fur, the breed was called the British golden chinchilla. The cat is gentle and meek, a true friend and an aristocratic nature. The breed is gaining more and more popularity among breeders and ordinary fans of the British.

    When buying, many are interested in lop-eared British. The ears of this breed of kittens hang down. They are very calm, unpretentious in care and food, have a keen flair, are attached to the house and adore children who reciprocate them.

    Pet care

    An adult British cat is an unpretentious animal. But babies need care, and regular and good quality, require attention and care. The nature of the kittens is soft, friendly. All family members are pleasant and desirable for them. Get along with dogs. Pets special attention do not require. They find their own fun. Leaving kittens at home, you can be sure that everything will be fine with the kids.

    Raising a kitten

    Like any animal, the Briton needs to be educated. It is not difficult to do this, the British are a well-trained breed. Education will be considered successful if the kitten learns well what not to do.

    When training a pet, you need to look directly into the eyes. Then he will definitely remember simple truths:

    • you can’t beg for food from the table and eat from someone else’s plate;
    • you can not attack the owner, bite and injure him;
    • you can’t “shit” around the house, peel off wallpaper, scratch furniture, ride curtains;
    • you can’t sleep in a strange place and gnaw at home plants.

    The owners of the British in the course of education should adhere to the following rule: never beat or scream at the animal. Holding a grudge, a kitten can take revenge. If the baby is naughty, you can sprinkle him with water, clap your hands, scold him.

    If instead of a pot, he used a secluded place behind the curtains, you need to clean up after him, but spray the problem area with a freshener with an unpleasant smell for him, for example, citrus skins. If the pet likes to bite the owner's legs, then this will help effective method. Seal your favorite place with a band-aid, and smear mustard on top of it. It is unlikely that after the next attempt to bite there will be another one.

    Only endurance and resourcefulness will help in raising an animal.

    What to feed the British

    In order for a pet to grow up healthy and live a long time, you need to properly organize its nutrition. Natural food and ready-made dry food are suitable for this. If the owner chooses natural food, it should be remembered that only rational choice products will allow the pet to develop normally.

    What can be given to the baby depending on age:

    1. 1. One month. Feeding is carried out 6 times a day. It can be pureed beef or chicken meat. Allowed dairy products such as cheese, sour cream and kefir.
    2. 2. One and a half months. You need to switch to five meals a day. Large cereals with meat or vegetables are added.
    3. 3. Three months. The baby should eat already 4 times a day. You can give the products listed above. If desired, it is allowed to add dry food at this age. The kitten may not be able to cope with granular food, so you need to soak the lumps in water.
    4. 4. Six months. It is necessary to transfer the kitten to three meals a day. The body of the British is ready to accept any food, except for raw meat and fish, sausages, butter and tubular bones. Do not feed chocolate to kittens. The result can be unpredictable, up to poisoning.

    Feeding your baby dry food is pretty easy. No need to select the necessary ingredients. The cat bowl will always be clean. Also, feeding will provide the baby with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Do not give adult cat food to babies.

    Choosing cat food, you do not need to save. Cheap meals are not suitable for British babies due to the quality of the ingredients, preservatives and colours. Do not feed the animal with economy class food. They have little meat and BJU, flavor enhancers, dyes are used.

    Super premium food is a good choice for babies. There is enough meat. Vitamins and minerals needed for a young developing organism, in sufficient quantities. The best ones are holistic foods. They contain natural and high-quality vegetables, berries, fruits, a lot of meat and other useful ingredients.

    Caring for baby's health

    In addition to the owner, the state of health should be monitored by a qualified veterinarian. In the first year of life, the kitten should be frequently examined, vaccinated, and examined. The owner should take care to choose good clinic to which the baby will be attached.

    Up to three months, the British are not supposed to be vaccinated. Immunity is strengthened through mother's milk. And upon reaching the age of three months, the first general vaccination against certain diseases is prescribed. Revaccination is done after three weeks. When the baby reaches the age of one, the third similar vaccination will take place. This also includes the rabies vaccine. It is important to remember that vaccinations should not be given when the kitten's teeth are changing (at 4-8 months).