Why is there a mirror on the compass? How does a compass work and what do the symbols on it mean? Watch with electronic compass

How to learn to use a compass in five minutes?

Why is there a mirror on the compass?

And really, why?

In order not to torment you, I will answer the question at the very beginning. The mirror on the compass is needed in order to accurately know and see the one who is lost! Today we will talk about what a compass is, why it is needed, how to prepare it for a hike, how to learn how to use it in five minutes. Luck. It's no secret that it's better not to count on luck in an unfamiliar forest. Prepare carefully for your trip! Now invented a lot of technical means for navigation. In particular, GPS receivers or Cell Phones with GPS navigation function. But for an ordinary hiker, these funds are not always available due to their relative high cost. For an experienced one, they are simply not needed.

Think about whether you can rely on electrical appliances where there is no way to buy “fresh” batteries or recharge batteries? Compass Andrianov. Yes, a compass is a very handy device. For all its simplicity, this is the most reliable friend of a tourist. Andrianov's compass used to be very popular (see picture). They haven't been on sale for a long time. Its only drawbacks were, like all compasses of those years, that it was necessary to wait until the arrow "calms down" and freezes. It was difficult to keep her calm. The second disadvantage is poor tightness and, as a result, pollution, moisture ingress into the device.

The measurement error of Andrianov's compass was only 3-5 degrees, which is quite acceptable for tourist purposes. Yandex.Direct Quality sofas from the factory! Hurry up for a big sale of sofas from the manufacturer! Delivery! Guarantee!Delivery and payment Corner sofa Atlanta ArmchairsAddress and telephonemebelvia.ru Compasses in general. At present, our friends from the "Celestial Empire" help us a lot - the Chinese, who flooded the world with inexpensive compasses of all stripes. They are hermetically sealed, and ordinary kerosene is poured inside them as a stabilizer. As for the compasses in the handles of knives or on watch straps, the absurdity of such a neighborhood of devices is obvious. A knife or a case (mechanism) of a watch - metal, being in close proximity to the compass, will definitely deflect the arrow in an unknown direction. Getting the compass ready for the hike. Check your compass before you go. It is done like this. We place the compass on the horizontal surface of the table and wait for the arrow to take a fixed position. We notice the indications of the ends of the arrow on the compass dial. Then we bring it out of rest by bringing a metal object. If the compass is working, then the arrow will return to its original position as soon as you remove the "irritant". We carry out this procedure several more times, bringing a metal object all the time from different sides. In Andrianov's compass, if anyone had left, it was also necessary to check the balance of the arrow itself. It should be noted that its “northern” end was flooded with phosphorus and therefore often outweighed. To achieve the balance of the arrow, sealing wax, wax or plasticine were used. Five-minute compass course. You all know that maps, maps of areas (outlines), if they are not held upside down, are oriented to the North. So you are invited to use the compass to face north. In other words, the indication of the arrow "N" of the device should correspond to "0" (or "360") degrees. After that, you need to turn the “sight” dial towards the object to which you determine the direction azimuth. Next, read the readings on the compass scale, that is, read the number under the special arrow (risk) on the limb. That, in fact, is all. Congratulations, you are a five minute tourist.


Now modern navigation devices are quite available, but the simplest compass does not lose popularity, which will not let you down and will help you find the right path even in the dense forest. It does not require batteries or constant recharging to operate. The main thing is to know how to use the compass correctly, and for this you need to familiarize yourself with the principle of its operation. You can use this navigation device even in the field.

Types of compasses and instructions for their use

If your trip goes without a map, in order not to get lost on a hike, you must have any navigation device with you. The best option considered a compass. It can be magnetic, electromagnetic, sports, liquid, military, electronic or artillery. In retail outlets, there are also models of solar-powered navigation devices.

How to use a travel compass

This model is a magnetic device that helps you navigate unfamiliar terrain. This compass uses a magnetized needle located strictly along the north-south line. The main advantage of this model is the user-friendly interface. But before the trip, you should familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of the device:
  • place the device in a horizontal position;
  • wait until the arrow stops itself;
  • by turning the navigation device in a certain way, you will orient it (the division of the dial 0 is brought under the northern part of the arrow);
  • according to the corresponding divisions, east, west, north and south are determined.

A tourist compass consists of a simple round box. The magnetic needle is located in the central part of the device, and its end points to the north. The rotating scale and azimuth degrees are located along the edges of the box. The device may be non-sealed or sealed. Exists a large number of various models of this navigation device, the main differences of which are the dimensions and other additional functions (for example, a thermometer built into the strap).

Regardless of which device model is chosen, it is recommended to practice in the apartment before traveling. Instructions on how to use a compass will help you learn how to navigate independently in the forest, in unfamiliar terrain. If you have questions about the operation of the device, ask them to the consultant in the store where the purchase should be checked.

The most accurate and reliable navigation device is military. For the manufacture of such a device, in almost all cases, metal is used. Knowing how to use a compass correctly, everyone will be able to determine the direction and bearing. The case can be sealed or simple, which should be selected taking into account the conditions in which the device will be used. The specification of this model is wide, because it can be used both when performing strategically important tasks by the military, and during hiking trips.

The operation of this navigation device is the same as that of the tourist one. When wondering how to properly use a military compass, you need to carefully study the attached instructions. These devices are characterized by maximum accuracy and long service life, and can be used in any environmental conditions (in extreme heat or in heavy rain).

The military compass has the characteristics of a simple tourist device, but is additionally equipped with a ruler. There is a special magnifying lens and sighting device. The military compass determines the direction as accurately as possible and sets the exact course of movement. Additional features make this navigation device the most popular.


This type of compass has a certain difference from a simple one, which consists in dividing the scale, where the location of the direction is not clockwise, but counterclockwise. The device is additionally equipped with a semi-limb and a clinometer. With their help, the dip angles of rock layers are determined. The principle of using a geological navigation instrument is the same as that of a simple model.


This complex navigational compass is equipped with a special device - a gyroscope, which shows not the earth's magnetic pole, like other models, but the real one. This type installed on aircraft, river or sea vessels. The advantage of the device is its high stability. It can be used in adverse weather conditions, determining the most accurate direction even with strong swinging.

tablet compass

Such a device consists of a round bulb and a magnetized arrow mounted on a special rectangular base, which is a tablet. The ruler located on it helps to determine the distance on the map as accurately as possible. An additionally installed magnifying glass is used to view a variety of small details. This model of the navigation device is the easiest to use, it can have a mirror.

With the help of the scale of deviations, the crossed place is quickly correlated with the map, which helps to correct the movement as accurately as possible. The rotating capsule can fix a certain azimuth value, there are luminescent dots on the scale and arrow. The compass is filled with a special fluid that provides maximum durability of the arrow when running.

Use the tablet device for navigation according to the following instructions:

  • The longitudinal edge of the device on the map connects the beginning and end of the selected route. It is necessary to ensure that the lines are directed strictly in the direction of the given direction.
  • During the rotation, the designations of the north on the map and the flask of the device are necessarily combined (2 bright strokes). All maps of the area are oriented only to the north.
  • Holding the device in hands, rotation around its axis is performed, the end of the arrow (indicated in red) and 2 luminous points are aligned.
  • The arrow indicates the direction of the movement being performed, and when moving, it is necessary to periodically check the compass.

Watch with electronic compass

These watches become simply an indispensable item for lovers of travel and long hikes, for those who are poorly oriented by the sun, moss on trees or stars. Some manufacturers produce navigation devices specifically designed for use in extreme conditions. There are models for climbers, waterproof - for divers. Titanium, aluminum alloys, stainless steel, polymers are used to make the case.

compass app for iphone and android

The most popular phone model is a smartphone, which almost every traveler has. A special application is installed on it, with the help of which it is easy to navigate the terrain. When planning a trip to another country, take care of how you will move around in an unfamiliar city. Having such an application on your smartphone or phone, you can not be afraid that you will get lost while sightseeing.

Video lesson: how to navigate the forest with a compass and a map

A vacation spent in the forest in the company of friends will leave an unforgettable impression if you do not have to fornicate on the way back. Not knowing how to navigate by the stars, the location of moss on a tree or use a sundial, having a bad memory and often forgetting the way, you must definitely take a compass and a map with you on vacation. If you do not understand how to navigate the terrain using these tools, check out the video instructions below. It details how to learn to determine your location on the map and use the compass correctly.

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The modern magnetic compass, used by hikers, hunters, and even rescue workers, is perhaps the simplest of all types of compasses known today.

Looking at such equipment and its functionality, we can draw the following conclusion. The main thing - when building something new, remember the rules for using the elements that make up the final product, and realistically assess the possibility of their use in the conditions for which the new equipment is intended. And then, contrary to all the laws of physics, new kettles with a “low” spout and compasses built into knives will begin to appear.

If we talk about compasses in general, then it should be noted that mankind has invented many various kinds compasses that differ not only in appearance, but also by the principle of operation, and hence by internal structure. Many of them are much more complicated than the considered models. And among the magnetic ones, too, everything is not always simple: what is the device of a marine (ship) compass with its system of counteracting magnetic deviations, which makes it possible to reduce the influence of large masses of iron on the compass needle, minimizing its deviation.

We have considered only a magnetic compass, since it is it that is most applicable to the conditions of tourism, and can also be constructed independently from improvised means in the event of an unforeseen emergency that took place far from civilization. Understanding the material presented will allow a person to choose the model that is optimal for his needs, and, if necessary, to repair it.

» We settled on three main tools that allow you to control the direction, distance, and keep track of landmarks and important waypoints. In today's article, we will take a closer look at the first and most important navigational tool from this list - the compass, its types, key design features.

I will not talk about the long history of the compass, or talk about all the possible types of compasses used on land and at sea. Instead, let's focus on the main types of land compasses that you can buy today in the windows of physical and online stores.

lensed compass

Lensed compass or Lensatic Compass is a class of compasses used primarily by geologists, surveyors, architects, army gunners, tankers and mortarmen. Iconic among them is the Cammenga Tritium Compass 3H tritium illuminated compass, which can be read both day and night without the use of external light sources.

Lensed compasses usually consist of three parts: a base in which the magnetic platform itself is mounted with a circle marking and a rotating bezel, a cover with a slot for sighting, and a small lifting platform with a lens and a slot in the upper part.

The main advantage of lensed compasses is the high accuracy of readings. Such accuracy is achieved by the presence of a slot in the compass cover, in which the fishing line is stretched. By aligning this line with the slot in the lift platform, you are able to simultaneously look at the landmark you are trying to locate and the dial markings from which you can read. To facilitate the recognition of indicators, a lens is installed in the lifting platform, which increases fine shading and digital values on the compass. It was this lens that gave the name to this type of compass. We will talk about the intricacies of sighting later, when we learn to determine.

To achieve the same high accuracy, the lensed compass very often uses a degree scale only as an auxiliary one. The thing is that when firing at long distances, when the explosions of their own shells are not visible, but only the gunner's corrections are available, they use a unit of angles called Radian (rad). The full angle (180 degrees) in such cases is taken as π (3.1416) radians and divided by a thousand. The result is a milradian (mil-radian, mil, or mrad). A full circle (360 degrees) is 2π radians, which is approximately 6,283 milradians. For ease of calculation, this value is rounded up to 6400 and the result is a markup where 360 ​​degrees equals 6400 milradians. One degree familiar to us contains about 17.78 milradians.

As you may have guessed, a lensed compass is a rather specific thing. This does not mean that you will not be able to determine the north or the desired one with it, but in this case you will use only part of the potential inherent in it. At the same time, I would advise you to refrain from buying a lint compass if you are not sure that you need all these radians, sighting slots, reading lenses, rulers for scales of 1:25,000 or 1:50,000 (depending on the model) and others. its characteristic features. Dimensions and weight of lined compasses, among other things, also leave much to be desired.

tablet compass

Tablet compass (baseplate compass or protractor) - today, perhaps, the most common type of compass used by tourists around the world. Its alternative name "Scout Compass", this type of compass was due to the widespread use in the scout movement, tourist clubs and other youth organizations. This is not surprising, because the tablet compass is very easy to learn, and I would recommend it for beginners to use at the level of mastering and navigating with a map.

The main essence and feature of a tablet compass is the presence of a transparent base or base platform (baseplate), the risks on which are easily aligned with the coordinate grid of the map, thereby allowing it to be quickly and correctly oriented on the ground. For even greater versatility, an inch or centimeter ruler is applied to the same transparent base, as well as markings corresponding to one or more common map scales (depending on the model).

The compass markings are made in degrees, the accuracy of which is more than enough for orienteering or tourism. The absence of additional scales also reduces the likelihood of errors, which basic level Comprehending navigation, in my opinion, is more positive than a disadvantage. Another feature of the tablet compass, clearly visible in the photo above, is two wide stripes at the north direction mark. They are used to maintain the chosen direction, and how exactly this is done, I will tell along with the coverage of the concept.

Along with bold stripes at the "North" mark, do not forget about the direction indicator, made in the form of a separate arrow on a transparent base. With its help, determining the direction to the selected landmark becomes a matter of a couple of seconds, which is why the tablet compass has earned its popularity. I will tell you about how to determine the selected landmark or how to determine the direction according to the existing one on the ground using this arrow.

In general, if lightness, speed and relative simplicity are important to you, a tablet compass is your choice. Additional advantages of such a compass are versatility, wide possibilities, small dimensions and weight.

mirror compass

The mirrored compass is the golden mean, combining the strengths of the lensed and tablet compass. In addition to them, the design of this type of compass also provides a mirror, which gave the name to the whole type of compass.

Mirror compasses usually look similar to the compass in the photo above. All the main parts of such compasses, namely the magnetic needle, the rotating bezel and the mirror itself are protected by a cover, which reduces the chance of accidental damage during transportation or use. Not all models have holes in these covers, and not everyone needs them and not always.

The marking of such a compass is also made in degrees and has all the same arrows, lines and features, including the marks at the north direction mark, as in the flatbed compass.

The base, like that of a tablet compass, is transparent and can have different rulers and scales for various map scales (depending on the model). There may also be magnifying lenses for reading small symbols on maps and other auxiliary accessories.

Like a lensed compass, a mirror compass provides for the possibility of sighting landmarks to determine them. For this, a mirror and a hole in the lid are just used. As you can see in the photo above, the mirror, located at an angle of about 45 degrees to the base, allows you to keep the compass at eye level, sight the landmark through the hole in the cover and at the same time see accurate readings on the compass limb. In those models where the hole in the cover is not provided, similarly, sighting can be carried out according to the marks in the upper part of the cover in the center.

I would advise you to buy a mirror compass if you have already mastered the basics, feel confident in navigating a compass and a map, or are clearly sure that you will use it a lot and often. For a beginner, a quality tablet compass would be preferable. If you are faced with the choice of a high-quality tablet compass or a budget DSLR, and even more so a lensed one, it is better to take a high-quality tablet one. Although it is simpler in design, the likelihood that it uses a high-quality axle, bearing and other components is higher than in a compass, where they saved on everything for the sake of more functions, half of which you will not use in the early stages anyway. If you are looking for really high-quality products with reliability proven over the years, I advise you to pay attention to the products of the brands Silva, Suunto, Brunton, Cammenga, in the arsenal of which there are both simple and affordable models and professional navigation devices.

Regardless of which type of compass you choose: lensed, flatbed or mirrored, it is critical to keep it in good working order. To do this, avoid long-term storage near metal objects (which can lead to partial loss of sensitivity or demagnetization), falls from a height and mechanical damage. One of the first signs of a malfunctioning liquid compass is the appearance of air bubbles, as in the photo above. Such bubbles can almost completely negate the main advantages of liquid compasses such as accuracy, sensitivity and responsiveness. Compasses in which bubbles began to appear would be advised to be replaced as soon as possible, and even more so not to buy those compasses where they are immediately present on the counter.

I hope that today's article answered your questions about what is lensed, tablet or mirror compass, and what their main design features serve. Now that we have already decided on the choice of a compass for a beginner, I will tell you how to use a compass to determine the cardinal points, the direction of your movement and tell you what it is.