Allergy to guinea pig. Allergy to guinea pigs Skin rash on a guinea pig

Many people think that guinea pigs cause allergies because of their fur, but this is actually not the case. The main allergen is the dead "husk" on the skin. guinea pigs, as well as saliva and urine of the animal. Allergy symptoms occur due to the fact that the husk comes into direct contact with the skin of a person and enters his respiratory tract during inhalation of air. An allergy to guinea pigs is provoked by an individual allergen - a specific immunoglobulin E6, produced in epithelial cells guinea pig. The reaction occurs due to an increase in the production of histamine.

As a rule, an allergic reaction to a guinea pig appears quite quickly - in the first days of coexistence with a rodent or direct contact with it. But for most allergy sufferers, exacerbation manifests itself in different ways. For example, some people experience severe discomfort due to itching (in most cases, a rash on the skin of the face) or swelling in the eye area. Others experience dry skin, after which cracks appear on the skin. There have been cases when an allergic reaction manifested itself in the form of systematic bouts of severe choking cough.

Guinea pig allergy symptoms

Allergy to guinea pig is manifested in the form of the following symptoms:


Dry cough;

Urticaria, redness of the skin, pruritus;

Itching and redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes;

sudden runny nose;

Excessive tearing and sneezing.

If the above symptoms appear upon contact with the guinea pig or objects that it has ever touched (bedding, sawdust in the cage), it is necessary to take a blood test and skin tests for allergies. These studies do not require special preparation. The result is not affected by the use of antihistamines. Tell your doctor if you are taking glucocorticoids. Normally, the indicator should be less than 0.35 kU / L or negative.

A person who has been diagnosed with an allergy to guinea pigs at least once in his life should understand that this phenomenon can be repeated periodically and therefore it is imperative to get rid of the allergen.

Guinea Pig Allergy Treatment

Guinea pig allergy treatment should be timely. The sooner it starts, the more likely it is to cure the allergy completely. After the elimination of the pathogenic allergen, the allergist determines an alternative treatment regimen, which includes preparations of both external and internal use. Treatment is selected individually, but it necessarily includes complexes of minerals and vitamins that are necessary to strengthen the immune system.

As a rule, the following drugs are used to treat allergies: Suprastin (Chloropyramine), Pipolfen (Promethazine) and Tavegil (Clemastin).

Sometimes even such a cute-looking “animal” as a guinea pig can cause a serious anomaly in the human body, which is very difficult to cure, which is why you need to be careful about choosing pets so that you don’t have to think about where to attach them later.

Has your child dreamed of a pet for a long time? His parents made his dream come true. But along with her, an allergy to a guinea pig settled in the house, the symptoms of which can be different. While the family idyll reigns, there is no limit to the joy of the child and everyone is delighted with the pig, no one thinks about possible consequences acquisitions pet. But a day later, the household suddenly develops a rash and itching, breathing problems and a strange cough. This is far from trifles, everything is quite serious. It's time to sound the alarm.

It is difficult to suspect cute and fluffy guinea pigs in something insidious. They have beautiful button eyes, a furry back, neat ears. Almost all children dream of such a pet. But these cute creatures can cause a serious pathology in a person, which will result in expensive treatment and numerous visits to the doctor. The animals, of course, are not to blame. After all, if the human body is prone to allergies, then the disease can occur in almost anyone.

Different people can have different allergies. For some, it will be for pollen, for another - for food, and for the third - for animals: cats, dogs or rodents, in particular guinea pigs. Health problems are caused not only by pet fur. The cause of allergies can also be animal waste. His saliva, urine, excrement and keratinized scales of the epidermis.

Wool and animal waste products can cause allergies

All these substances contain special proteins. The human immune system perceives them as a foreign antigen. In the same way, it reacts to bacteria and viruses that enter the human body. When these proteins get on the skin or lungs, an allergic reaction develops.

In some people, it is not the animal itself that provokes allergies, but such a strong pollen allergen as hay, which guinea pigs like to eat. And for someone, ordinary sawdust, which serves as a natural bedding for animals, can cause an ailment.

The clinic appears immediately after the person stroked the animal, held it in his arms, played with him. Usually one symptom predominates, and in more severe cases, several may appear at once.

Allergy to guinea pigs makes itself felt when the patient has:

  • skin rash with unbearable itching, similar to hives;
  • swelling of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, pain, burning, watery eyes;
  • shortness of breath, stuffy nose and constantly want to sneeze;
  • dry cough and wheezing in the lungs.

All people may have different reactions. Someone will develop a runny nose or shortness of breath, the person will feel that his eyes are itchy or he coughs endlessly. And the other will develop a rash on the skin, and he will suffer and sneeze.

One of the symptoms of an allergy is a runny nose.

In severe cases, an asthma attack, anaphylactic shock, or Quincke's edema may occur. Then it is necessary to take urgent measures and immediately call ambulance. Usually used for treatment hormone therapy, put cleansing droppers, remove toxins from the body in every possible way. For some time, a person must follow a hypoallergenic diet in order not to cause a deterioration in his condition in any case.

Fears about the causes of the disease will be confirmed if an allergy to guinea pigs appeared after contact with an animal or its things: a cage, bedding, toys, a drinker.

If a pet allergy has caused these symptoms, you should go to the doctor just in case, go through full examination and take a blood test.

If you suspect an allergy, consult a doctor and take the necessary tests

How to identify a guinea pig allergy?

Immunoglobulin E6 provokes an allergy to guinea pigs. It appears in animal cells. When it enters the human body, it causes a negative reaction. Due to the increased production of histamine, the patient's mucous membranes swell, spasms occur in the bronchi, and other allergy symptoms appear.

There are 2 main ways to detect pathology: take a prick test or take a blood test.

The first analysis is considered the main one; it can be used to determine a specific stimulus. Small scratches are made on the skin of the forearm, then a diagnostic allergen is applied in small amounts. Redness of the skin 15 minutes after the test is a sign that the person is allergic to guinea pigs.

The second research method allows you to identify specific IgE antibodies in the patient's blood. This test allows you to determine the reaction of the human body to guinea pig proteins, which are considered an allergen.

If tests show that a person has a similar problem, urgent action must be taken. The first step is to say goodbye to your pet. Even if the household is attached to the pig with all their heart and soul, it should be given to another owner. Health is above all.

To eliminate all antigens, it is necessary to do a general cleaning of the living quarters. It is necessary to wash the floor, vacuum the carpets and furniture, especially carefully clean the corner where the guinea pig lived. Often, after a good cleaning, all allergy symptoms disappear. If this does not happen, you need to see a doctor. The sooner this is done, the sooner the recovery will come.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor may prescribe various anti-allergy drugs. If rhinitis, conjunctivitis or dermatitis is found, then Zyrtec is prescribed. With a cough caused by allergies, lacrimation, itching and rashes on the skin, the antiallergic drug Erius is used. This is a medicine with a minimum amount side effects. Telfast may reduce symptoms of guinea pig allergy.

The choice of drugs depends on the nature of the allergenic reaction.

To get rid of allergies, Clemastin, Suprastin, Tavegil, Loratadin, Diazolin are also used.

In addition to antihistamines, the doctor may prescribe a course of a vitamin-mineral complex to the patient in order to increase immunity. Allergy is a clear sign that the body does not resist negative factors well.

When choosing drugs, you can not self-medicate, the right medicine and the necessary dosage can only be prescribed by an allergist.

For selection proper treatment better go to an allergist

There are more radical ways to deal with allergies: sublingual immunization and specific hyposensitization.

In the first case, it is necessary to constantly use the allergen inside. This method is more suitable for those who are allergic to pollen, and not to an animal. In the second situation, an allergen is injected under the skin and the dose is gradually increased. But still, there are no guarantees that antibodies will develop and the disease will leave the patient forever.

How to minimize allergy symptoms?

Approximately 15-20% of the world's population has an allergy. People keep pets out of love for animals, even if they end up coughing and sneezing endlessly afterwards. How can you prevent a guinea pig allergy?

The only sure way is not to have an animal in the house, but to admire it from afar or in photographs. In pet stores you can find these animals without wool. These are skinny or baldwin breeds. But the absence of fur will not solve the problem if there is an allergy specifically to this animal.

If the symptoms of the pathology are not too strong and the person can no longer imagine his life without a pet, you will have to follow strict rules to minimize the suffering of an allergic person:

  1. Ideally, another family member who is not allergic to mumps should care for the animal.
  2. Every day you need to do a wet cleaning of the house, wash the floor and wipe the dust.
  3. The animal cage must always be clean.
  4. It is necessary to wash the animal as often as possible.
  5. It is necessary to cover the furniture with covers made of hypoallergenic materials.
  6. Do not keep a cage with an animal in the room where you sleep. It is better to place it in the corridor, bathroom or kitchen.
  7. Should You Get an Allergic Guinea Pig or Not?

    Guinea pigs are wonderful pets that will delight both adults and children every day. They are easy to care for, they take up little space and eat little compared to other animals.

    Before you get this animal at home, asthmatics, people prone to various allergic reactions, and especially pregnant women, need to weigh and think it over several times. During pregnancy, an allergy that never happened can suddenly appear.

    If you decide to definitely get a guinea pig, you need to do an allergy test in advance, so that later you don’t bite your elbows, don’t injure the psyche of children and don’t create a stressful situation for the animal, for which you will have to look for a new owner and home.

Allergy symptoms are a kind of protective reaction of the body to external stimuli. This often indicates hypersensitivity body to some seemingly harmless components. The list of such irritants includes not only certain foods, pollen and dust, but also many pets. Among pets, the most common. But, allergies can also be provoked by such harmless animals as guinea pigs. And to start timely treatment, you need to know the symptoms of the disease.

Guinea pig allergy symptoms

Symptoms of an allergy to guinea pigs are manifested in each patient individually, and not always immediately. Yes, there may be skin manifestations or general malaise. Symptoms may be:

  • Allergic rhinitis (runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing);
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • Attacks of dry cough;
  • Dermatitis or hives;
  • Itching and burning of some areas of the skin;
  • Shortness of breath, wheezing in the chest.

In severe cases, anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema may occur. Edema often affects the upper respiratory tract, thereby blocking the access of air to the lungs. May cause death from asphyxia. Quincke's edema also manifests itself in other parts of the body: arms, legs, chest, genitals, eyes. Thus, it is safe to say that allergies can cause death.

Causes of guinea pig allergy

It is generally accepted that allergies to animals, including guinea pigs, are provoked by their fur. But, this is not quite the right opinion. Allergy in humans is caused by a protein called keratin. It is excreted by the guinea pig with saliva, urine, excrement. Pathogens can also include dandruff, dead skin particles, sawdust in a cage of guinea pigs, animal feed.

It follows from this that the human body does not show allergy symptoms to the fur of guinea pigs, but to the protein produced by them. This reaction occurs against the background of increased production of class E immunoglobulin, from mast cells. Mast cells are scattered throughout the body: in the mucous membranes, bone marrow, subcutaneous tissue, lymph nodes, spleen, blood vessels.

The allergen simply destroys the integrity of these cells, allowing histamine to escape, which leads to the manifestation of symptoms. Histamine is very active ingredient. Therefore, allergies, in particular to guinea pigs, are determined precisely by their activity. Often, in the presence of this ailment, there is a reaction to house dust.

How to treat a guinea pig allergy?

If you or your family members have signs of a guinea pig allergy, you should seek help from a specialist. After an appropriate diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. To do this, you need to undergo a series of simple tests - skin tests and a blood test. It is worth noting that you will need to abandon your pet in order to avoid repeated relapses. Even if the allergy is not clearly manifested.

Modern medicine uses immunotherapy to treat allergies. This method is quite effective. Its essence is the gradual introduction of an irritant into the body, which allows a person to get used to and begin to respond correctly to the component. But, there are some disadvantages of such treatment. Thus, immunotherapy takes a long period of time (up to one or two years). It is also required to carry out all injections and other manipulations only in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor. It is not always convenient to go to the clinic several times a week.

For the treatment of allergies to guinea pigs, experts recommend the use of third-generation antihistamines. These funds have a minimum amount side effects and contraindications. Many are allowed for both adults and small children. Their action is aimed at relieving allergy symptoms in a short period of time. Among these are the following:

Zyrtec Available in the form of tablets and drops. Allowed for children from six months. The drug relieves such manifestations of allergies: rhinitis, conjunctivitis, cough, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, urticaria. Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
Telfast The drug blocks the release of histamine from mast cells. IN childhood permitted from the age of twelve. Sometimes causes headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, indigestion.
Erius Erius is available in both tablet and syrup form. Therefore, the drug is used even by infants. Does not have a sedative effect on the body. Has high speed. Among the contraindications, only individual intolerance to some components is noted.
Xizal The drug is used for all types of allergies. Eliminates urticaria and Quincke's edema in a short period of time. Used by children from the age of two. Contraindication is the period of pregnancy.
Elzet The drug reduces the manifestations of allergies, releases nasal breathing, eliminates swelling in allergies. Does not have a sedative effect. Children are allowed from the age of six.

As a rule, after elimination of the allergen (guinea pig), the allergy goes away by itself. If skin manifestations torment the patient long time creams and ointments should be applied. Hormonal creams are prescribed in rare cases - when other drugs do not have the desired effect. The course of their use should not exceed five days, as they are addictive.

Often, among the causes of sensitization, or increased sensitivity of our body to external irritating factors leading to allergic reactions, are pets. Among the sources are usually some cat and dog breeds, but adults and children are sometimes allergic to guinea pig.

Allergy causative agent

An allergy to guinea pigs, however, similar to other pets too, is nothing more than a reaction of an adult or child’s body to their coat. The cellular composition of animal hair villi includes one of the varieties of fibrillar protein element called keratin. In a set of irritating factors leading to allergic reaction on a decorative rodent, other accompanying irritants with a protein origin may also be included:

  • skin scales, often familiar to us under ordinary dandruff,
  • rodent saliva,
  • waste from the life processes of animals, or excrement.

It is on the protein component, which is one of the components of all the above substances, that gives the reaction human body, thereby opposing immunity to a foreign antigen.

According to its principle of action, an allergic reaction to a protein element is similar to the reaction of the immune system to an infection or virus that has entered the body. This is usually manifested by an increase in temperature.

Biological process of allergy

The manifestation of an allergic reaction to the animal takes place in stages.

  1. Initially, our protective response to the substance that has got from the life of the animal is expressed in the form of an increase in the produced antibodies - immunoglobulins. Antibodies are produced in cellular composition, throughout the body as a whole, including subcutaneous layers, mucous membranes, spleen tissues, in direct contact with lymph nodes and blood vessels.
  2. At the next stage, the allergen begins to bind immunoglobulin molecules, destroying the cell membrane, releasing histamine. As a result active action histamine, the primary symptoms of the presence of an allergy to guinea pigs begin.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

The symptoms of a guinea pig allergy are different for each person. In some patients, the reaction is accompanied by changes in the skin, many are faced with sudden swelling, there are cases when an allergic reaction leads to reddening of the cornea, and the onset of coughing is also recorded.

Among the generally recognized symptoms of an allergic reaction to a rodent, however, as signs characteristic of reacting to other pets:

  • the appearance of "nasiveness associated with a stuffy nose in the absence of signs of a cold,
  • nasal itching and sneezing attacks,
  • allergic rhinitis,
  • reddened mucous membrane of the eye cornea, swelling, irritation of the eyelids, tearing, which is recorded in the diagnosis as conjunctivitis of allergic origin,
  • frequent rashes on the skin, accompanied by increased itching and associated with scratching, which is diagnosed as atopic dermatitis or urticaria,
  • cough of dry origin, in some cases accompanied by wheezing with characteristic whistles during breathing, attacks of shortness of breath, up to states of suffocation, difficulty in the respiratory system, as a result of which bronchial asthma is diagnosed.

Diagnosis of guinea pig allergy

Once symptoms are present, there are several ways to diagnose whether a person is allergic to guinea pigs.

laboratory sample

The first method involves the study of an allergic laboratory sample taken from skin, in the process of studying which the irritant that led to the appearance of an allergic reaction is revealed.

The result of the diagnosis with the allergen becomes known after 25 minutes.

The source material for the sample is taken from adults in the forearm, in children - in the region of the upper back by means of small scratches with the application of a certain amount of an allergen of diagnostic action. On top, it is covered with histamine and glycerin. A reddened place with a scratch made and swelling show positive result.


The second diagnostic method can be done through general analysis blood for the presence of specific antibodies. It uses an allergological test, which examines blood serum for the presence of animal and epidermal proteins contained in the epithelium of a rodent.

Taking curative and preventive measures

When a guinea pig allergy is diagnosed, therapeutic treatment and subsequent prevention in case of inevitable contact with rodents.

The human immune system is the most powerful defense against bacteria, viruses, and harmful particles. Some people are overly sensitive. Allergies to guinea pigs are not as common as they are to cats, dogs, or birds. And some even mistakenly consider rodents to be almost hyperallergenic pets.

Guinea pigs are the charm itself, but they can also cause a violent immune response in both an adult and a child.

These rodents are incredibly popular, especially with families with small children or those who have never kept a pet before. Pigs are cute and funny, have a calm disposition, and are unpretentious in care. But allergies to them can be quite serious in all manifestations.

While it is commonly believed that allergies are caused by guinea pig fur, this is not the case. Allergists have long proved that this is a myth and animal hair itself does not cause any reaction.

The body's defense system sees a threat not in wool or its structure, but in specific animal proteins contained in saliva, feces, microscopic skin particles. Antigens are easily spread in space, and are also transmitted through contact with a pet and its things.

Interestingly, breeders have bred several hairless breeds. And they assure that there can be no allergies to such guinea pigs. But it's most likely just a marketing ploy. Above in the photo is just such a guinea pig.

What to do when symptoms appear

How to be the owners of the mumps, if the allergy has made itself felt? The main thing is not to go to extremes and not make hasty decisions. As soon as possible, seek the advice of an allergist in order to pass tests and tests to identify the irritant.

Based on the results, it may turn out that the matter is not in the rodent itself, but in the feed or filler, and the animal has already been expelled from the house. Or the owners make a “heroic” decision to endure the disease and not part with a friend, and the study will show that long contact will lead to irreversible consequences, and good hands need to be found for the mumps.

Important! You can't do without doctors in the fight against allergies. Only they will competently prescribe treatment, taking into account its type, severity, chronic diseases And general condition patient.

How does it manifest

There are 3 main options for how an allergy to guinea pigs manifests itself - these are breathing problems, skin itching, and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Symptoms appear individually, rarely in combination.

Respiratory allergies can affect any organ of the corresponding system. Nasal congestion or allergic rhinitis does not pose a serious threat, but rather causes discomfort. The reaction can affect the tongue, larynx, bronchi, and this is much more dangerous, since air access is blocked.

In the form of peeling, redness, cracks, skin allergies manifest themselves. In contact with the irritant, atopic eczema develops with damage to the face and head and the whole body. Most often, children under 2 years of age suffer from this. Another common reaction is hives. It manifests itself in the form of itchy blisters, similar to nettle burns, which spread over the skin very quickly.

Allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, manifested by lacrimation or accumulation of pus, itching, swelling and redness. The condition is very unpleasant, but treatable.

Guinea pig allergy symptoms can appear at different times. In especially sensitive people, the reaction occurs almost instantly and even without contact with the animal, just when you are in the room where the pet was.

The allergen in the body can accumulate, postponing the open manifestation of the disease. Sooner or later it goes into the active stage. Knowing the symptoms is half the success in dealing with allergies. If you start treatment in early stage easier to achieve positive results.


A guinea pig allergy cannot be completely cured because it is a hereditary tendency of the body. But if you resort to the help of a competent doctor, he will prescribe a course of treatment and means for prevention, which will reduce the manifestations of allergies to a minimum.


Edema respiratory tract requires a serious approach to avoid suffocation, loss of consciousness and anaphylactic shock. Antihistamines are commonly used for treatment. They should be used with caution due to side effects associated with weakness, increased stress on the heart, kidneys, and nervous system.

Three generations of antihistamine drugs have been developed, the last one has a minimal negative effect on the body. In serious situations and at the time of exacerbations and attacks, hormonal preparations- corticosteroids.

If an attack occurs, before the doctors arrive, the patient should be given a sedative (panic due to suffocation will aggravate the situation) and put him in safe posture, which does not allow the retraction of the tongue.

Allergic rhinitis is effectively treated with nasal sprays and drops during an exacerbation. Hygienic nasal rinsing solutions can be used daily for prevention: regular airway cleaning reduces the manifestation of allergies. Antihistamines required. Accumulating in the body, they stabilize the condition.

In the fight against skin allergies, much attention is paid to the local effect on the affected areas with ointments and compresses. But in order for the treatment to progress, they are used in combination with antihistamines.

Attention! A progressive method of treating allergies has been developed, which gives a long-term effect. immune system a person is “trained”: an irritant gene is determined, then it is introduced into the body in small doses, gradually increasing the concentration. Adaptation may take at least a year, but as a result, allergies to guinea pigs are very rare.

If an allergy caused conjunctivitis, the basic antihistamine treatment should be combined with local symptomatic - drops to correct work. lacrimal ducts anti-inflammatory lotions. Complicated flow eye allergy also corrected with corticosteroids, histamine blockers, but only under the supervision of a specialist.

Folk methods

Traditional medicine offers allergy sufferers many ways to get rid of the disease. Homemade recipes have their advantages and disadvantages. These drugs are safe, do not adversely affect other organs, are combined with essential drugs and are suitable for prevention. But if the diagnosis is serious, there is a tendency to seizures, then do not experiment.

For children and pregnant women, self-medication with folk methods is contraindicated. Suitable drugs will be prescribed by an allergist.

Herbal infusions are taken orally for any manifestations of allergy to animals.

Dry herbs are first steamed with boiling water, then brought to a boil and filtered. It is necessary to be treated with decoctions for at least one and a half months, some can be taken for six months, the main thing is regularity. Burdock roots, medicinal chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, dandelion - these plants relieve allergy symptoms, strengthen the immune system.

With skin allergies, the herbal bath relieves itching and restores the epidermis. The best option- a course of baths with the addition of a series. It is necessary to prepare a decoction, strain and add to the water at a comfortable temperature. The method is good because it will not harm even small children with sensitive skin. Lotions from the series will enhance the effect of baths and relieve inflammation.

Based on decoctions medicinal herbs soothing ointments and creams are being prepared. A decoction of one plant or a complex collection is prepared, filtered, added to petroleum jelly or lard and mixed thoroughly. The finished product is applied topically to areas affected by allergies.

Important! Follow the recommendations traditional medicine it is possible only in the case when there is no reaction to herbs, pollen, honey. All of these products are themselves natural allergens. For hypersensitive people, the described techniques will be harmful.

Herbal infusions used as drops will cure the eyes. Aloe juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, will relieve pus. Inflammation will be removed by honey diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1. Use it like drops or lotion.

Lifestyle change

Treatment can be selected competently and accurately, the most effective drugs, but a positive result will come only after a revision of the lifestyle.

Allergy sufferers should follow these guidelines:

  1. Regular physical exercise and hardening strengthen the body, increase its protective potential against irritants.
  2. Rejection bad habits required. The use of alcohol and drugs wears out all organ systems, smoking affects respiratory system, which is fraught with allergies.
  3. Bath or shower - daily, washing and washing hands - as often as possible during the day.
  4. At home there should not be thick curtains, fleecy carpets, an abundance of soft toys. The fewer dust collector surfaces, the easier it is to deal with the allergen;
  5. Wet cleaning - according to the schedule. Every day you need to wipe the dust, wash the floors and vacuum.

The most popular question asked by pet owners is related to the fate of the pet. Is it necessary to give away a guinea pig, is it possible to adapt to living together with her? After all, the doctor's first requirement is to neutralize the cause of the allergy.

If the owner has not encountered a severe form of intolerance, subject to strict rules, the rodent can remain in the family.

Attention! If you follow all the requirements for cleanliness and hygiene, the presence of an antigen carrier in the house may become invisible to the immune system, and it will stop giving alarms.


Guinea pigs do cause allergies. However, medicine in our time is developing steadily and does not stand still. Through the efforts of doctors and scientists, people have learned to treat allergies, it has long been no longer a sentence. Even a hypersensitive allergic person can afford to live a full life and enjoy communicating with his beloved pet and watching him. But with an irresponsible attitude to prescriptions and limits, with an unwillingness to observe everyday discipline, the reaction of the body will not weaken, it will exhaust the body. It is much easier to pull yourself together and resist allergies according to all the rules.

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