Nettle: medicinal properties, contraindications, benefits and harms. The benefits and harms of nettle burns Why nettle stings for children

The nettle plant has been known since ancient times. Antique stories tell how Caesar's legionaries doused themselves with this herb to drown out pain and keep warm. The ancient Greeks used the plant to increase male potency. Russian healers used the herb to heal wounds and stop bleeding. The ancient Slavs considered the plant a powerful amulet, they steamed with brooms from the plant to expel evil spirits.

Nettle was used in ancient times in various magical rituals. People believed that this plant is afraid of evil spirits. Nettle brooms were flogged not for punishment, but in order to save a person from the presence of demons. The plant was used as a charm.

Often people wondered: why does nettle burn? We will devote our story to explaining this fact. But first of all, consider general properties plants.


Nettle is characterized beneficial influence on the human body. This plant is a perennial. It grows in temperate climates in the northern and southern hemispheres. The grass is found in Europe, Siberia, Asia, the Caucasus, Africa and Australia. Prefers soils rich in nitrogen. As a weed, it is considered difficult to eradicate. Grass grows near roads, fences, wastelands and lowlands. Forms impenetrable thickets.

In nature, there are two varieties of plants: dioica nettle and stinging nettle. Each species has its own characteristics. When the question arises why nettles burn, we are talking about the second version of the herb. Differences of these types:

  • Dioecious nettle is a perennial that grows up to 2 meters in height, forms dense thickets.
  • Burning - an annual up to 50 cm high. There are hairs on the stems and leaves. The plant does not create thickets.

Unpleasant moments

Why does nettle sting? The plant is covered with the finest hairs with sharp ends. Each tip has a pouch that protects the hair from damage. If it is disturbed, a cell particle penetrates the skin, pouring out special substances: formic acid, histamine, choline. They cause an allergic reaction and severe itching of the skin.

Touching the grass can cause a strong allergic response of the body. Deaths have been reported after touching nettle stalks. Of course, this rarely happens. Most often, the burn goes away without a trace.

In people prone to allergies, plant burns can persist on the skin for up to several days. And if a person is tormented by the question of why the nettle burns for the second day and the burn does not go away, perhaps the allergic reaction has passed into a serious stage. In this case, a doctor can help by prescribing special drugs.

Causes of burns

Everyone has come across such a property of nettle as the ability to burn. Why does the plant behave this way?

The fluffy hairs of this herb cover the stem and leaves and perform a protective function. In this way, the grass protects itself from various herbivores. Plant-eating animals bypass the nettle, and it can afford to increase its population by becoming a thicket.

Now it’s clear why the nettle burns, useful and Interesting Facts nettle will be told about its many properties.

Is it helpful?

Answering the question why nettles burn, it is interesting to know whether such burns have any useful action on the body?

At the moment of touching the plant, the blood rushes to the upper layer of the skin, a blister soon appears. Sometimes you even have to take antihistamines to relieve inflammation.

Nettle burns are used to treat certain diseases. They are used to treat rheumatic pathologies. It is known that formic acid contained in the plant is able to remove pain. Causing a burn, nettle provokes an improvement in blood circulation at the point of contact, which leads to the removal of inflammation.

To improve blood circulation, brooms made of grass are used. However, when using the method, care must be taken not to get an allergy attack.


Despite the "unfriendly" behavior, the plant has many useful properties and is used in various industries.

In medicine, the plant is used to make medicines. This herb is rich in vitamins A and C. It is excellent at stopping bleeding due to vitamin K.

The plant strengthens the immune system, so it is eaten as part of various dishes. Nettle gives strength to a person.

The plant is also used in cosmetology. Decoctions from it help eliminate boils and other skin rashes. Nettle hair masks have strengthening properties and make hair beautiful.

Decoctions of the plant are used in the treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal organs, urolithiasis, bronchitis, heart disease.

Nettle is an excellent vitamin remedy that doctors recommend taking during an exacerbation of colds.

At the pharmacy, you can buy drugs based on nettle in different forms:

  • Oil - used externally for the treatment of skin pathologies.
  • Dry extract - used for the preparation of infusions.
  • The liquid extract is a commonly used remedy for the treatment of many ailments.
  • Dry raw materials - it is used from the age of 12, usually in the form of decoctions.

In industry, nettles are used for the production of paint. And once upon a time they even managed to sew sails from it.

How to deal with burns?

Nettle burn is an unpleasant phenomenon, but there is usually no cause for concern. Grass can only bring serious trouble to delicate children's skin. Often mothers are interested in why the nettle burns? For children, such burns are really dangerous. The resulting allergic reaction can be delayed and cause a lot of trouble for the baby and his parents.

When swelling occurs, doctors usually recommend taking antihistamines. To relieve redness, you need to hold the affected limb in cold water. Alternatively, you can apply a gruel of tea soda. Alcohol lotions also help adults. Most importantly, before using any medicines, including traditional medicine get advice from a doctor.

So, we answered the question of why the nettle burns. It is noteworthy that such an unpleasant phenomenon as a burn can sometimes help the human body.

“Oh, oh!” - the son, burnt with nettles, screams, tearing up. And I calm him down in the same way that my mother once calmed me in childhood: “Nothing, dear, it’s useful!”.

And one day I thought, maybe this is really useful? After all, my mother is not just a loving, caring woman, but also a smart and rational person.

And as soon as I started asking this question to the search engine, I realized that not only me was comforted by such a phrase. Unfortunately, there were very few intelligible answers to my request, mainly on forums where people expressed their personal opinion, not supported by an information base. On this I, of course, decided to dig deeper.

And here's what I found out. It turns out that there really is a benefit from nettle burn! After all, at the moment of a nettle “bite”, blood instantly rushes to the upper layers of the skin, the work of capillaries increases, thereby stimulating general blood circulation.

Believe it or not, there are even special treatment methods based on nettle burns. They are aimed at combating diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins veins. And the method consists precisely in numerous nettle burns that improve blood flow to a certain area of ​​​​the body.

And with a “bite” of nettle, formic acid, known for its analgesic properties, enters our body. You ask how it gets inside, because the nettle just burns? But no, she just bites. Now I'll tell you everything.

How the nettle "bites".

A nettle sting is very similar to a mosquito bite. And according to the mechanism of action and the final result (“buns” on the skin that itch). The entire “body” of the nettle is covered with fine hairs (you probably noticed that both the stem and leaves of the nettle are soft and velvety). But these soft hairs are not as safe as they seem at first glance. Inside, they contain the very substances that cause a burn: choline, histamine, and the formic acid mentioned above. Like the proboscis of a mosquito, the hairs pierce the skin almost imperceptibly to us and release their useful "poison". However, it's not useful for everyone.

Harm of nettle burns.

There is good news - in our area there are no such types of nettles that can cause a reaction that is dangerous to human life. Except in cases of severe allergy to substances contained in this plant. However, these are indeed very rare cases. Luckily.

Therefore, the main harm is painful discomfort in the burn area, redness, slight swelling.

How to get rid of discomfort with a nettle burn.

What to do with nettle burns? Do not panic. Even if you get burned Small child. After all, it will pass quickly and besides ... it is useful! As we found out above. The main thing is to drink just in case antihistamine: suprastin, loratadine, diazolin or others (after all, we already know that only severe allergic reactions are dangerous). This would be the end, but after all, there is still discomfort and redness and I would like to get rid of them. Here's what you can do:

- hold the burn site under a stream of ice water or lower the limb that was burned into ice water;

- alcohol (or vodka) lotions also help a lot;

- dilute the soda to the state of slurry, thickly apply the slurry to the burn site.

What else is good about nettles.

In general, nettle is useful not only when it “bites”. Basically, it's useful. The plant is very rich in vitamins and minerals.

When eaten, it helps us to be strong, healthy and beautiful, tones, gives strength, helps immunity. Put young nettle leaves in the salad or cook nettle soup. Tasty and healthy!

Nettle is also used in cosmetology. A decoction of this plant regularly wash the face in the presence of inflammation, acne, boils. Nettle-based masks add shine to the hair, the hair is strengthened and grows quite quickly.

And physicians, herbalists, homeopaths and just connoisseurs of well-being are well aware of nettle as a medicinal plant. Best Recipes for health, we have collected in a small video block:

Good luck and health!

Nettle is a plant that has been known for a long time, a kind of “cutting dog” among the biological kingdom of plants. Few people have not experienced her burning tingling and itching on the skin, after accidental contact with her. Even rubber gloves and thin layers of clothing are not afraid of this sultry grass.

Why does nettle sting?

In fact, such an effect of nettle on an external stimulus is a way of self-defense from herbivores. The latter, knowing about this ability of nettles, bypass the bushes of the plant. The stem and leaves of the nettle are entangled on top with thin, barely visible to the eye, and very sharp villi, which easily pierce the skin membrane of a person and an animal, and, breaking, remain in it. The villi contain juice.

The composition of the juice is formic acid, histamine and vitamin B4. When the villi enter the skin, the juice flows out under the skin and causes a burning sensation at the punctured area. Juice acts as a kind of poison, but for a person this dose does not pose a particular danger. On the contrary, from such an injection, blood circulation in the body increases and the blood begins to pump faster through the vessels, removing excess toxins, toxins and other debris that is harmful to humans from the body. It is not for nothing that in the bath one of the most popular brooms for bath procedures is from nettle. For 7-10 visits to the steam room with such a broom, the blood becomes clean, like that of a healthy small child.

Why does nettle sting? For children, this issue is of particular relevance when blisters swell on the legs and arms, which itch, itch and spoil the mood when remembering unpleasant moments of life.

Growing near roads, in wastelands, near fences and dwellings, nettle, harmless at first glance, does not form large thickets, which does not prevent frolicking children and inattentive passers-by from getting into its green “embraces”. It is the property of the nettle to burn that determines its wholesale destruction by the available improvised means: a sickle, a shovel, a scythe. Oh that nettle! Why does it burn, thereby causing a negative attitude towards it?

What is the value of nettle?

Considered a weed by many, nettles are actually valuable medicinal plant, rich in vitamins C, K, A, stops bleeding, is an excellent remedy for beriberi. No wonder people believe that nettles will replace 7 doctors.

Why does nettle burn if it is so useful? That's how nature works. Containing many necessary trace elements (calcium, potassium, manganese, iron, iodine, copper, sodium, chromium), this herb stimulates metabolism, improves immunity. In terms of iron content, nettles are inferior to many medical preparations. Not everyone knows what a burning plant stimulates active muscle building. But everyone knows how malicious the nettle is. Why does it sting useful plant? What can you do ... But nettle stimulates appetite, lowers blood sugar levels, stimulates the production of interferons that protect the body from viruses, is used in cosmetics; this is effective remedy when taking care of your hair.

Stinging nettle for strengthening hair

To strengthen the hair with a liter of boiling water, pour about 150 grams of nettle, add a spoonful of thick honey to the resulting composition and leave for about an hour. After the broth, strain, divide into several parts. When washing your hair in warm water intended for rinsing, you should dissolve 2 cups of the resulting product. Nettle rinse gives hair strength, shine and silkiness.

The effect of nettle on the body

In ancient times, a person who had frostbite was wrapped in a nettle blanket, which often saved the latter from death. The protein content of this natural medicine twice as much as in legumes. Nettle strengthens the walls of blood vessels, is useful for Bladder, kidneys, liver; this useful herb normalizes the female cycle and increases the amount of milk in nursing mothers. Due to the content of lignin and cellulose polysaccharides, nettle contributes to the rapid removal of toxins from the body.

Nettle in the folk industry

In ancient times, strong threads, ropes, and fishing nets were made from the fibers of nettle stalks. To do this, they grew a special variety of nettle - ramie, which burns very strongly. To clean it, people even put on special, very tight clothes. This type of grass is so tall that even a horse can hide in its thickets.

Its young shoots are edible; fish and meat wrapped in nettle leaves are better preserved, dishes washed with such grass shine like new. Despite such useful qualities, the nettle plant has one, but a very big minus. Why is she stinging? Perhaps in this way the plant is trying to protect itself. In some islands of the Indian Ocean and in India, the nettle sting is similar to the bite of a poisonous snake. What burns such a seemingly harmless plant? Nettle does not seem to have obvious spines and thorns. Why does nettle sting?

Stinging nettle secret

In fact, nettles have spines, only they are very small, they can even be called “hairs”. In each of them is hidden a kind of tiny "bottle", the contents of which is a burning acid, characterized by a complex chemical composition. The neck of such a "vessel" is very sharp, upon contact with the skin, it instantly digs into it, breaking apart inside and thus releasing a burning liquid.

The result of contact with nettles is the appearance of redness and blisters on the skin of the hands and feet, and tears of pain and resentment in the eyes, and the question in my head is: who invented such a malicious nettle? Why does it burn without warning and cruelly? Nettle burns are practically harmless. In England, there is even a world championship in eating nettles, and in the form in which it grows in nature, without any processing.

Nettle that does not burn

How to make the nettle not burn? The grass loses its malicious properties if it is scalded with boiling water. By the way, in this state, it is a very nutritious and healthy feed for livestock. For the first spring cabbage soup, nettle is simply an indispensable component. In addition, it appears earlier than meadow sorrel and garden greenery. absolutely safe if you follow certain rules. Its leaves can be boiled, dried, frozen or consumed in fresh. Dried leaves are an excellent ingredient for a fragrant healthy tea, for the preparation of which you just need to pour boiling water over them and leave for 10 minutes.

If the nettle is intended for long-term storage, the dried leaves should be crushed in a blender or with a mortar and the crushed raw materials should be placed in an airtight container. Such a preparation can also be used as a seasoning for first courses or salads.

Nettle is a plant found almost all over the world. This plant is, generally speaking, a herbaceous perennial, which means that the nettle has all the properties of herbs and grows in the same places year after year. Nettle leaves and stems are covered in brittle, hollow "hairs" that act like intradermal needles when touched. Plant chemicals pass through these hollow tubes and cause skin unpleasant feeling burning and rash. The sting caused by nettles is quite painful, but it can be cured.


How to clean the affected area

    For starters, do not touch the burned area. If possible, do not touch or rub the affected area for 10 minutes. Pour the nettle burnt area clean water and don't touch it. Even if the pain or itching increases during the first few minutes, try not to rub or touch the affected area, otherwise the pain or discomfort may linger for several days.

    Use water and soap. Wash the burnt area with soap and water - this will help remove plant chemicals that can cause pain, swelling, redness, and itching. Very often, after washing the affected area, redness and pain disappear completely or decrease significantly.

    Use a clean cloth. If you don't have soap and water on hand, then take a clean piece of cloth (it could be a piece of clothing or a handkerchief) and gently remove the dirt and plant elements so that the skin is completely clean.

    Use tape. Use sticky tape or tape to gently dab the affected area to remove any remaining fibers that irritate the skin.

    Try using wax for epilation. If tape does not completely remove all elements of the plant from the skin, then you can try to remove them with hair removal wax.

    Avoid exposure to high temperatures. Take a bath or shower with cooler water. Try to avoid exposing the area to the nettle burn with heat. More low temperatures better soothe the skin and help reduce redness and inflammation.

    Take advantage of over-the-counter drugs. Creams, ointments, or lotions containing hydrocortisone can help reduce redness and stop itching.

When to See a Doctor

    Seek immediate medical attention if allergy symptoms worsen. In rare cases, stinging nettle can cause a severe allergic reaction, especially if the person is allergic to any of the chemical substances that are found in nettles. allergic reactions can be dangerous to human life, therefore, in such cases, immediate medical attention is needed.

    Recognize an allergic reaction. call immediately ambulance call 103 (mobile) or 03 (landline) or go to the hospital if you or someone else has the following symptoms of an allergic reaction after being burned by nettles:

    • difficulty breathing, wheezing, or tightness in the throat;
    • feeling of tightness in the chest, which makes it difficult to breathe;
    • swelling in the mouth, including swelling of the lips or tongue;
    • rash that spreads beyond the nettle burn - sometimes the rash can appear all over the body;
    • upset stomach, cramps, vomiting, or diarrhea can sometimes also be signs of an allergic reaction.
  1. Contact your pediatrician if a small child has been burned by nettles. The doctor may prescribe creams or ointments, talk about the treatment of symptoms after a nettle burn, characteristic only for young children.

    Call a doctor if symptoms are severe. If a sufficiently large area of ​​skin has been exposed to nettles, or if symptoms do not improve within 24 hours, consult a doctor. A doctor may prescribe strong creams, ointments, or oral medications to help the body fight the body's response to stinging nettles.

  2. Seek medical attention if the affected area looks infected. If the area affected by the nettle was scratched or scratched, or if it simply had some kind of damage to the skin, then there is a high probability of infection.

    • If the area with broken skin is warm to the touch, if pus comes out of the wound, or if it looks more inflamed than other areas, then an infection is likely to develop. Call your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms or if you have a fever. The doctor may prescribe creams or ointments to be applied to the inflamed area, as well as a course of antibiotics.
  • Do not scratch the affected area as this may aggravate irritation.
  • Treat the affected area of ​​skin as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more itching and burning will be.
  • The burning sensation can last from half an hour to several days, depending on the sensitivity of your skin.
  • If one of the remedies does not help, then try another.
  • Seek medical attention if symptoms become severe, spread over too large an area, change, or worsen. Do not neglect the help of a specialist, especially when it comes to a child.
  • You can apply vinegar to the affected area. Apply it with light dabbing movements with a clean cloth, cotton pad or piece of cloth.
  • You can soak the affected area in a container of salt and a tea bag - this will reduce the pain.
  • When itching becomes severe, try to think of something pleasant so that you do not scratch the affected area and that it heals faster.
  • Nettle is often found near rivers and in wet areas. If you are burned by nettles and there is a river nearby, enter it, take mud from the bottom and rub it into the affected areas two or three times.
  • Cold compresses really help. Try not to touch anything with the affected area, otherwise the painful sensations from the stuck "hairs" of the nettle will only intensify.