When menstruation begins after a miscarriage: the norm and deviations. When can I expect my period to start after a miscarriage? Why there is no period after a miscarriage

modern woman strives to be able to do everything and understand everything. Takes on household chores, making money. At the same time, he completely forgets about his health, does not follow his diet. There just isn't enough time for all this. But the birth of a child is the main function of a woman. Under the influence of unfavorable external and internal factors long-awaited pregnancy is increasingly ending in miscarriage. Physical health problems are added to the psychological trauma and constant torment. I want to try again as soon as possible. At the same time, one important question is of interest: “When will the restoration of menstruation occur after a miscarriage, what should they be?”

The peculiarity of menstruation speaks of health, readiness female body to conception. It is difficult to predict when ovulation will occur. Theoretically, it happens like this: the moment of miscarriage is considered the beginning of egg maturation, after 14-16 days ovulation occurs. The nature of menstruation depends on the duration monthly cycle before pregnancy, the duration of menstruation. Normally, the duration of menstruation after a miscarriage is no more than 7 days. On average, critical days appear 26-35 days after the miscarriage. It does not mean that in the same month a woman will be able to get pregnant again. The complete normalization of the female body, the cycle as a whole, depends on many factors:

  • the gestational age when the miscarriage occurred;
  • additional cleaning of the uterus was carried out or not;
  • the reasons for the miscarriage;
  • the state of the female body as a whole;
  • duration of hormonal treatment.

A miscarriage is considered early at up to 12 weeks of gestation. There are no special adverse effects for the physical female body. Essential hormonal changes occur after 16 weeks. A miscarriage at this time is equated to childbirth. Full normalization of menstruation and restoration of the cycle will occur in 3 months. After the incident, an ultrasound should be performed. The doctor examines the condition of the uterus, carefully examines the organ. If it was cleaned on its own, there are no clots, mechanical cleaning is not additionally carried out. And menstruation will appear in 30 days. The delay can be up to 7, which is not considered a significant deviation from the norm. Subsequently, the cycle is normalized.

The nature of the discharge during menstruation

When performing mechanical cleaning, the discharge of the first menstruation after a miscarriage will be painful, profuse, with the presence of clots. It is necessary to sound the alarm and seek help from a specialist when menstruation begins ahead of time, there is an unpleasant smell, there are pain. This state of menstruation after a miscarriage indicates the remains of the fetus in the uterus. In the future, this threatens with inflammation, sepsis. It is necessary to re-examine the ultrasound. Unprotected sex in the first time after a miscarriage leads to infection and the onset of the inflammatory process. On the walls of the uterus, the epithelium is damaged, the organ becomes open to the penetration of infections.

Abundant discharge is considered during menstruation, if they differ from the previous ones. Compared with the monthly cycle before pregnancy. For every woman there is a concept of "abundant". Heavy discharge for 7 days in large numbers are bleeding. This leads to a weakening of the female body, anemia. Periods may be scanty. Which is also cause for concern. If this picture is repeated within 2 cycles, you should consult a doctor. The reason for this is psychological stress, or the presence of adhesions. In the first case, antidepressants and sedatives will be prescribed. In the second, you have to go through more serious treatment. Adhesions prevent the onset of a new pregnancy. For the same reasons, a woman may be childless after the incident.

The basis of effective treatment is finding out the causes of miscarriage

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must find out the cause of the miscarriage. Most cases occur before 12 weeks of gestation. Fading of pregnancy and rejection of the fetus can occur for reasons:

  • genetic disorders of fetal development;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • immunological incompatibility;
  • presence of STD infections;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infection in the body;
  • in the past;
  • taking certain medications;
  • stress and severe psycho-emotional state;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • rough sexual intercourse;
  • physical injury, heavy lifting.

Late miscarriage at 16 to 22 weeks is due to inflammatory processes in the uterus. This threatens with premature detachment of the placenta, the cessation of the production of the necessary substances for the development of the fetus. The presence of infections in the body, surgical interventions in the past on the uterus and blood vessels lead to a late miscarriage.

Treatment immediately after a miscarriage at any time is aimed at preventing bleeding and infection. In the future, efforts are directed to strengthening the female body, restoring menstruation after a miscarriage. To be passed:

  • gynecological examination;
  • to identify latent infections for a woman and her partner;
  • measure basal temperature, make a schedule.

It is advisable to plan a new pregnancy for a period not earlier than 6 months after the miscarriage. You can have sexual intercourse after a month. During this time, the woman's body should return to normal.

Useful video:

Recovery of the body to normalize menstruation after a miscarriage

Mechanical cleaning takes place under general anesthesia, less often local. Prescribed to prevent bleeding medications. The most harmless - tincture of water pepper. Take 3 times a day, 10 drops. To prevent the penetration of infection, the onset of the inflammatory process, take doxycycline. 2 ampoules 1 time per day for 3 days. With an increase in body temperature. You need to see a doctor urgently.

  • One of the causes of unauthorized termination of pregnancy is hormonal imbalance. A woman should be tested for hormones. In such cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed. Usually birth control pills. Treatment lasts 1-6 months. The hormonal background, the monthly cycle is restored. Often prescribe drugs Regulon, Yarina. Under the influence of tablets, spotting is possible bloody issues within 2 months. If the hormonal balance is not restored, the monthly cycle with deviations, long-term therapy is prescribed.
  • If the reason for the abortion was nervous stress, to normalize menstruation after a miscarriage, sedatives are prescribed. Based teas medicinal herbs, tinctures. The most harmless valerian, motherwort, glod, Novo-passit. Peace, the attention of loved ones, a beloved man, proper rest and sleep are the basis of therapy, the key to a quick recovery of the monthly cycle.
  • Proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits. Many doctors constantly say that most health problems are from malnutrition. Unfortunately, they pay attention to this already when problems have appeared. Smoking during pregnancy, drinking alcohol is one of the reasons for interruption at an early and late term. These same bad habits interfere with the normalization of the monthly cycle. In addition, the load on the intestines should be reduced. Fatty, fried, smoked foods, convenience foods, chips, crackers should be banned.

To help the body bounce back, you need to pay attention to it. Watch how menstruation goes for 3 months. Any cause for concern should be discussed with the gynecologist.

Miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) - self-termination of pregnancy by various reasons. For a woman, it is a heavy blow in the psychological and physical sense. After an abortion, it is necessary to help a woman maintain her reproductive health in order to subsequently conceive and bear a child. That is why the question arises, how to restore the body when menstruation comes after a miscarriage?

If the abortion occurs in the first trimester (at 4-9 weeks), then you can do without cleaning (curettage of the uterine cavity).

Spontaneous abortion is accompanied by bleeding, with which the whole fetal egg can come out, in this case the uterus remains clean, and curettage is not performed. In any case, in pregnant women with bleeding in the early stages, an ultrasound examination is performed. Based on the data of which, a decision is made to clean the uterine cavity.

In the event that small remains of the fetus and membranes are found in the uterus, the doctor may decide to observe the patient without cleaning (although this is quite rare). These particles can come out along with the secretions, and after 14 to 21 days the uterus will be cleared. If they are not present on the control ultrasound, then no intervention is performed.

Curettage is carried out if a missed pregnancy is detected, bleeding is observed after a miscarriage, or large remnants of the fetal egg are found in the uterine cavity.

Uterus after spontaneous miscarriage

Spontaneous abortion traumatizes the uterus, which can lead to massive bleeding that must be stopped. The inner walls of the uterus are the wound surface. And the uterus itself is enlarged in size, even if the gestational age was short.

The involution of the uterus, that is, its reverse development (reduction), occurs gradually. This process usually takes one month, during which healing and contraction of the organ occur simultaneously.

If a cleaning was carried out, then adhesions may form in the uterine cavity, which will lead to a change in the nature of menstruation.

Menstrual cycle after miscarriage

When do periods start after a miscarriage? Usually after a spontaneous abortion, there are bleeding within 1 - 1.5 weeks. Every day the amount of discharge should be reduced, otherwise you need to seek medical help.

When to expect menstruation? After a miscarriage without cleaning, periods should come in 3 to 5 weeks. The day of bleeding after a miscarriage is the first day of the cycle. Therefore, normally, menstruation should be in a month, but there are often cases when they are not there even after a month and a half. It's connected with individual features organism. Someone needs more, and someone less time to restore the body and its functions. Also, the delay in menstruation is observed due to the high level of progesterone, the decrease of which after the termination of pregnancy occurs rather slowly.

If after a miscarriage there are no periods, and the body temperature rises sharply, it means that an inflammatory process develops in the uterus. In this case, you must urgently seek medical help.

Duration and nature of menstruation

How many days do periods go after a miscarriage? The duration should fluctuate between 3 - 7 days, ideally they should go the same number of days as before the onset of pregnancy.

  • The first menstruation is usually painful. But if the bleeding lasts longer than 7 days, it is profuse and accompanied by severe pain, then you need to see a doctor, as complications may develop. In this case, it is necessary to do an ultrasound examination of the uterus, possibly a curettage to stop the bleeding.
  • Also, a deviation from the norm is the premature arrival of menstruation, in which the discharge has an unusual color (brown) and a fetid odor. This may indicate the presence of parts of the fetus in the uterine cavity.

  • There may be scanty periods, which are no less dangerous if more than 2 cycles in a row are observed. The causes of these secretions are the adhesive process in the uterus or severe stress;
  • Abundant discharge can cause anemia. Therefore, if you have any doubts, you should not postpone going to the gynecologist.
  • The absence of critical days after spontaneous abortion may indicate a violation of ovarian function or the onset of a new pregnancy.

Pregnancy after spontaneous abortion

Pregnancy can occur as early as 30 days after a miscarriage, but it is worth remembering that the body has undergone a lot of stress and is not ready for new stresses. That is why doctors recommend contraception for the first 2 to 4 months, and preferably six months. During this time, the body will get stronger, in addition, it is necessary to identify the cause of the termination of pregnancy before planning a new conception.

If there is no menstruation, then it is necessary to do a pregnancy test, ultrasound and visit a gynecologist.

Recovery of the body

In order for the body to fully recover, it is necessary to support it, starting from the moment of miscarriage:

  • As prescribed by the doctor, take drugs: painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hemostatic and others.
  • Relaxation. The first day after a spontaneous abortion, bed rest must be observed. The body needs sleep to recuperate. If there is no ban, then the next day you need to take small walks.

  • The use of sanitary pads, which will help not only protect against leaks, but also control blood loss. With each change of hygiene products, it is necessary to wash the external genitalia. Take a shower should be 1 - 2 times a day. You can not douching and any other vaginal manipulations on your own without appointments.
  • An important element in the restoration of the body is nutrition. It must be complete and balanced. It is worth giving preference to foods rich in protein, vitamins and fiber. It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids (up to 1.5 liters per day). The body needs calcium, so it is worth including dairy products (cottage cheese, natural yogurt, milk, cream, sour cream) in the diet. Fruits, vegetables and herbs should make up 50% of the total daily diet.

  • The first 30 - 60 days it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse, since at this time the healing of the uterine cavity and vagina takes place. Use of contraceptives is recommended within 6 months after a miscarriage. Hormonal oral contraceptives are usually prescribed to help restore the menstrual cycle.
  • The loss of a child for any woman is a big stress. But don't close yourself in. If the doctor considers it necessary, he will prescribe antidepressants.


With spontaneous abortion, spotting occurs, but they should not be confused with menstruation. Menstruation after a miscarriage begins in 21-35 days. The exact period depends on the patient's state of health, hormonal levels, the regularity of the cycle before spontaneous abortion.

Features of the menstrual cycle after a miscarriage

When pregnancy occurs, the amount of progesterone, a hormone necessary for the development of the fetus, increases significantly. If the fetal egg is rejected, leaves, the hormonal background changes dramatically, the restructuring of the body begins. This affects the nature of menstruation, which begins after a spontaneous abortion.

Bleeding that occurs after a miscarriage is similar in nature to menstruation. It is necessary for the uterine cavity to be freed from the endometrium, which has grown under the influence of progesterone. The discharge will be more abundant than with normal menstruation. During this period, it is necessary to monitor their intensity so as not to miss the onset of bleeding.

Some women do not have problems after the rejection of the fetus. Sharp fluctuations in hormone levels can lead to malfunctions of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and ovaries. As a result, the regularity of the cycle is disturbed in a woman, the intensity and nature of the discharge changes.

How long after a miscarriage do periods start?

After an unplanned termination of pregnancy in the absence of complications, menstruation begins after 28-35 days. If a woman had a cycle duration of more than 35 days before pregnancy, the situation will not change. It is necessary to expect the onset of the next menstruation in the usual number of days. The countdown is from the date when the termination of pregnancy occurred.

If there is a delay in menstruation after a miscarriage, you should consult a gynecologist. In the absence of menstruation, a gynecological examination and ultrasound are performed. Examinations are needed to assess the condition of the uterus, ovaries. Sometimes drug therapy is required to restore hormonal levels.

Important! With abundant discharge, doctors recommend monitoring blood counts in order to detect the onset of anemia in time.

Menstruation after early miscarriage

Termination of pregnancy even in the first weeks is a strong stress for the body. In the absence of complications, a quick recovery of the body, the next menstruation will come after 4 weeks.

When miscarried early term complications are rare. The fetal egg comes out completely, the probability that the uterine cavity will not be freed from foreign bodies is low. By the nature of the discharge after a spontaneous abortion in the early stages, they practically do not differ from the standard menstruation.

When do periods start after a late miscarriage?

With a miscarriage in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the likelihood of complications is higher. If there are no problems, menstruation begins in 3-5 weeks. With a long gestation period, a woman's body has time to undergo complex hormonal changes. It takes time to normalize.

With a miscarriage for a long time, complications may occur, recovery takes 1-6 months. In some women, menstruation begins earlier than expected. If they are brown, have a pronounced unpleasant odor, an ultrasound is required. The cause of this condition is the incomplete exit of the fetus, the child's place, in which foreign bodies.

Patients with late spontaneous abortion are prescribed curettage. The operation allows you to free the uterine cavity from foreign objects. This reduces the likelihood of complications.

Menstruation after miscarriage without cleaning

If a woman's fetal egg came out completely, additional medical intervention is not required. The next menstruation will begin in a month. Doctors recommend a control ultrasound a week after the release of the fetal egg from the uterus. An examination is necessary to make sure that all foreign bodies have come out, that an inflammatory or adhesive process has not begun in the cavity.

Important! The nature of menstruation may vary. With a miscarriage without subsequent curettage, the periods in many women are more abundant, more painful.

Menstruation after miscarriage with cleaning

Immediately after a surgical abortion for medical reasons, menstrual flow begins. They last 3-5 days. If there are no problems after a miscarriage and curettage, menstruation will begin a month later. When menstruation appears before the 21st day of the cycle, it is necessary to see a gynecologist. The doctor will assess the state of health, check for postoperative complications.

After a surgical abortion, a woman may experience the following problems:

  • development of endometriosis;
  • the appearance of hormonal disorders;
  • activation of the adhesive process.

By the nature of the discharge after curettage should not differ from normal. If menstruation is scanty or plentiful, the release of blood is accompanied by the appearance of a large number of clots, an unpleasant odor, then it is necessary to check the state of reproductive health.

The duration and nature of the first menstruation after a miscarriage

The first menstruation after an unplanned termination of pregnancy in the absence of health problems should not differ from normal periods. The onset of discharge after 3-5 weeks from the date of miscarriage is considered the norm. Over time, the regularity of the cycle is restored.

In the first 1-2 cycles, women complain of heavy periods, during which severe pain in the lower abdomen, sacrum. Appearance allowed blood clots, slime. But after 2 months the situation should be normalized.

Do not panic if there are abundant discharges in the first days of menstruation. The exception is when the pads have to be changed every 1-3 hours. A visit to the gynecologist is necessary if the condition has not returned to normal by the 3rd cycle.

If after the release of the fetus, the woman does not stop bleeding, the discharge continues for a whole month, then doctors recommend an ultrasound scan. Based on its results, it is decided whether it is necessary to scrape the uterine cavity. This procedure is done to stop bleeding.

How many days do periods go after a miscarriage

The standard duration of bleeding after termination of pregnancy is 7-10 days. The next period should start in a month. The duration of menstruation varies from 3 to 7 days. The reason for panic will be the appearance of meager discharge, which stops after 2 days, heavy bleeding lasting more than a week.

What discharge is considered normal

Gynecologists recommend that patients after a spontaneous abortion monitor the nature of menstruation. It is considered normal if about 20-50 ml of blood is released per day, the maximum allowable blood loss is 80 ml. If 4-6 pads are enough for a day, then there are no deviations from the norm.

Attention! The appearance of a small amount of blood clots and mucus is a variant of the norm.

Scanty periods after miscarriage

As a result of stress and abrupt hormonal changes in the uterus, some patients develop synechiae. One of the symptoms of the appearance of adhesions are scanty periods.

A decrease in the abundance of secretions is possible due to hormonal disorders. To identify problems, they examine the hormonal background, check the condition of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes.

Heavy menstruation after miscarriage

Women who have to change their pads every 2-3 hours should see a gynecologist complaining of heavy periods. By establishing their cause, it is possible to avoid aggravation of the condition and the appearance of complications. Abundant discharge, some patients may confuse with the onset of bleeding. Lack of timely medical care is one of the causes of death.

The appearance of heavy periods is possible with the activation of the inflammatory process, the development of endometriosis, the addition of an infection. Depending on the situation and the cause, doctors prescribe diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity or select drug hemostatic therapy.

Why there is no period after a miscarriage

If the patient does not begin menstruation after 5 weeks after the termination of pregnancy, then they speak of a delay. Reasons why menstruation may not start on time:

  • the emergence of a new pregnancy;
  • functional disorders of the ovaries;
  • hormonal changes;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • adhesion process.

Sometimes the absence of menstruation is the result of severe stress experienced by a woman. If there are no physiological changes indicating a deterioration in health status, then expectant tactics are used.

Possible Complications

After a spontaneous abortion, a woman needs to carefully monitor her health, during this period many chronic diseases, new ones emerge. After a miscarriage, the following complications may occur:

  • hormonal imbalance, failure in the functioning of brain structures, ovaries;
  • the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases due to the activation of pathogenic microflora;
  • adhesive process, as a result of which the fallopian tubes become impassable.

These reasons can lead to secondary infertility. You can avoid the occurrence of most complications if you control your condition, take prescribed medications, and consult a doctor if problems arise.

Important! After a miscarriage, you need to do an ultrasound of the uterus, appendages, check for hidden infections: mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, HPV, herpes.

If a spontaneous abortion has occurred, doctors often prescribe oral contraceptives. It is necessary to drink tablets for 3-6 months. They are recommended to be taken to minimize the likelihood of pregnancy during this period and to avoid the development of hormonal problems.


Menstruation after a miscarriage in the absence of health problems begins after 21-35 days. If the body was able to recover in a month, then the nature and intensity of the discharge will be the same as during normal menstruation. Minor changes in the abundance of discharge for 1-3 months after a spontaneous abortion are the norm. Having noticed significant deviations in the nature of menstruation, pain, a violation of the general condition, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

Regardless of whether a woman plans to conceive again in the near future, first of all, you should make sure that her reproductive system functions as it should. Flow menstrual cycle is directly related to this, but when an abortion occurs, it often loses its former stability. And then, of course, the question arises: when does menstruation begin?

What is a miscarriage and how does it happen

According to statistics, from 15 to 20% of all pregnancies for one reason or another end in miscarriage, that is, spontaneous abortion. However, according to experts, this figure is much higher. If the miscarriage took place at an early date, the girl may not even be aware of this and take the signs of what happened for an ordinary delay in critical days, and then for abundant menstrual flow. A miscarriage is considered as such only during spontaneous abortion up to 22 weeks. In the period from 22 to 37 weeks, this is already premature birth. As for when menstruation begins after a miscarriage, it depends on its type. The following are distinguished:

  • Failed - the embryo or fetus dies, but does not leave the uterine cavity.
  • Incomplete or inevitable - when acute pain occurs in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, accompanied by rupture of the fetal membrane with uterine hemorrhages and an increase in the lumen of the cervix.
  • Complete - the embryo or fetus completely leaves the uterus.
  • Repeated - if spontaneous abortion in the early stages occurred at least three times.
  • Anembryony - fertilization without the formation of the fetus itself, sometimes accompanied by some symptoms of pregnancy.
  • Chorionic adenoma - instead of an embryo, a small piece of tissue grows, gradually increasing in size.

How long after a miscarriage do periods start?

Many must be aware that any pregnancy affects the stability of the hormonal background and, in general, the state of the woman's body. Which in turn affects the process of restoring the menstrual cycle. On average, the first menstruation after an early miscarriage begins when 1 month passes after conception, and they last from 3 to 7 days. The duration of recovery is also affected by the cause of fetal loss, gestational age, general state organism and whether mechanical cleaning uterus after the incident.

Terms of normalization of the menstrual cycle

Depending on the quality of the cleansing procedure, if at all, the first discharge will be copious, painful and with clots. If we talk about how many days after a miscarriage menstruation of a normal nature begins, then the terms for their recovery, as a rule, should not exceed three months. If the bleeding occurred in the first days after the miscarriage before cleaning, do not confuse the disposal of the uterus from its contents after pregnancy with menstruation. The latter takes time. And it should be mentioned that in the first few months, when menstruation begins after a miscarriage, they can begin with delays of up to a week. There is no need to be afraid of this, because the cycle has not yet had time to normalize.

Why doesn't my period start after a miscarriage?

When critical days begin after a miscarriage, it largely depends on the duration of pregnancy and the reason for its termination. After early miscarriage in pregnancy lasting up to 12 weeks, the body should return to normal faster, since it has not yet been subject to major changes. But if menstruation has not been resumed after 40-45 days, it is necessary to undergo an examination. The reason for such a long delay may be a long recovery of the body, severe hormonal failure, infection, ovarian dysfunction, etc. After all the necessary tests and examinations, a diagnosis will be made and a decision will be made on how to fix the problem. Starting from taking anti-inflammatory or hemostatic drugs, ending with repeated curettage. The latter is possible if the fetus has not completely left the uterus, and this is already fraught with the development of sepsis or intrauterine adhesions. If the pregnancy was terminated at a later date, then it is possible that in order to eliminate the pathologies, you will have to go to the hospital.

Discharge after miscarriage

Having figured out how long after a miscarriage menstruation begins, it is necessary to raise the issue of other discharges after a failed pregnancy. Earlier, it was already mentioned about spotting in the first time after the loss of the fetus, as well as the fact that some girls take them for critical days. In fact, these are the consequences of rejection by the uterus of traces of an interrupted pregnancy. When the embryo is detached from its walls, the blood vessels and tissues of the uterus are injured, from which bleeding occurs. The duration of such secretions can be up to 10 days or pursue periodically until the final restoration of the cycle. Their distinguishing features from menstruation:

  • They begin suddenly and at any phase of the cycle.
  • They have a plentiful character and a scarlet color.
  • There are clots up to 2 cm in size.

At the beginning and end of the cycle, red-brown highlights of a smearing nature are also acceptable. It is necessary to take into account the term of the interrupted pregnancy. The more he was, the more the uterus managed to increase and its walls stretched. Consequently, the injury with further loss of blood turned out to be more serious with him. If a woman during this period is haunted by spasms and aching pains of a moderate nature, you should not worry.

Pathological discharge

Every girl who cares about her health should know which secretions are the norm and which ones indicate violations in the body. You should be wary when, after a miscarriage, menstruation begins earlier than the due date, and their appearance is accompanied by a sharp unpleasant odor, strong painful sensations and an increase in temperature. This may indicate that the fetus has left the uterus only partially and ultrasound with repeated curettage is necessary. If the reason is not in the remains of the fetus, then probably. an infection has occurred or an inflammatory process has begun, which could have been caused by unprotected intercourse in the first time after a miscarriage. The fact is that it takes time to restore the walls of the uterus, and until the epithelium has had time to regenerate, the organ remains vulnerable to various infections.

You also need to pay attention to the volume of allocations. Too meager menstruation can mean not only a violation of the cycle, but also the formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity. Their presence, in turn, can lead to further infertility or repeated termination of pregnancy. But before drawing conclusions, it is necessary to conduct a professional examination.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage

Even when menstruation after a spontaneous one has not yet had time, conception can somehow occur during the first month. Since the day when the pregnancy was interrupted is considered the first day of the cycle, and after a few weeks, the onset of ovulation follows. However, this pregnancy is most likely not to end successfully. Due to the risk of recurrent miscarriage and possible infection of the uterus, doctors advise using barrier contraceptives and avoiding conception for 6 months to 1 year. This is due to the fact that recovery is necessary not only on an emotional level, but also in the body itself. If conception with subsequent spontaneous abortion does occur, this will only increase the likelihood of infertility in the future. After three miscarriages, the chances of getting pregnant will be only 50%.

The duration of her rehabilitation, the ability to conceive a child again and give birth to him whole and healthy depend on how a woman will follow the restoration of her body in the future. To do this, you will need to follow certain instructions and advice from doctors, among which are the following:

  1. In the first few months, control the volume, structure and duration of the discharge.
  2. Observe personal hygiene and change pads in a timely manner (it is advisable to refrain from tampons at first).
  3. Avoid heavy lifting and overwork, both physical and emotional.
  4. At least for the first five days, monitor body temperature.
  5. Refrain from sexual activity for 1-2 months.
  6. Take all medications prescribed by your doctor, especially general tonic and anti-inflammatory, and, if necessary, painkillers.
  7. Follow the diet, supplementing it with foods rich in iron, calcium and other useful trace elements.


The question of when menstruation should begin after a miscarriage can be answered unequivocally: after the restoration of the body. But it is worth pointing out that even if they begin on time, this will not necessarily mean that the woman's health is no longer in danger. However, timely examinations by a doctor and your own observation will help to avoid any complications.

If the loss of a child left behind a strong emotional shock and does not get better over time, neglecting the help of a professional psychotherapist is completely out of place. Among other things, stressful situations can seriously affect the state of the menstrual cycle, which women should be aware of.

is a spontaneous abortion. It causes not only a strong psycho-emotional shock, but also physical ailments and hormonal disruptions. Among the consequences of a miscarriage are menstrual irregularities.

The first sign of a miscarriage is bloody discharge, sometimes with clots, from the genital tract, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. After the expulsion of the embryo, the discharge persists for some time - from 4 days to a week. If there was a surgical intervention (cleaning), then the discharge can last up to 10 days. This bleeding is of a different nature and is not menstruation.

Real menstruation will come about 25-35 days after the miscarriage. Sometimes hormonal failure in the body is so strong that menstruation can be delayed up to 45 days. If even after this time, menstruation did not come, this is an occasion to consult a gynecologist.

If a week and a half after the end of the discharge associated with the termination of pregnancy, menstrual-like discharge began, then this is hardly menstruation. Rather, particles of the membranes of the fetal egg and endometrium come out of the body. It is necessary to do an ultrasound of the uterine cavity, especially if the discharge began against the background of an increase in body temperature, pain in the abdomen and other symptoms of a deterioration in well-being.

The effect of cleaning on menstruation

The duration of menstruation after a miscarriage depends on whether surgery has been applied. If it was, then the discharge is longer than usual. If a woman has not been cleansed, then menstrual flow is short-lived. This picture persists for 2-3 cycles, after which menstruation acquires its usual character. If this does not happen, then hormonal correction is needed under the supervision of a doctor.

The abundance of secretions also depends on the presence or absence of surgical intervention. If it was, then menstruation is plentiful, if not, then it is scarce. Clots may be present in the secretions - these are particles of the endometrium, vaginal epithelium, blood clots.

The color of the discharge is normal, but lighter or darker, brownish-brown discharges are also normal. Fear should cause scarlet discharge: this is a sign uterine bleeding. A cloudy color, green or black blotches, and an unpleasant odor indicate a uterine or vaginal infection.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

After an early miscarriage, the menstrual cycle is restored within 2-3 months.

After surgery (cleansing), the cycle is restored longer due to the fact that in addition to a failure in the hormonal sphere, the body suffered a complication unforeseen by nature in the form of curettage of the uterine cavity. The uterus needs to recover physically after such an impact.

What to do in case of delay

The onset of menstruation is acceptable 45 days after the miscarriage. If 45 days have passed, and menstruation has not come, you need to be examined for inflammatory processes, endometritis, ovarian failure, adhesive processes and other abnormalities.

You also need to do a pregnancy test, a woman can become pregnant immediately on the very first ovulation that occurs after a miscarriage, even with an irregular cycle, so a delay in menstruation due to pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

It is unacceptable to take any drugs on your own to restore the disturbed menstrual cycle. They should be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. For any violations in the sexual sphere, you need to visit a gynecologist. He will conduct an examination, take the necessary tests, send to general analyzes blood and urine, ultrasound and other studies, will record all complaints and prescribe treatment. If the problem is caused by malfunctions in the hormonal sphere, then observation by an endocrinologist is mandatory.