When should women get their period after a miscarriage? When do periods come after a miscarriage and what can they be? Delay after an early miscarriage.

Termination of pregnancy contributes to a serious hormonal disorder in the female body. A miscarriage is accompanied by cramping pain and heavy bleeding. In the absence of complications after an unsuccessful pregnancy, menstruation stabilizes for the next cycle, but sometimes more time is required.

Restoration of menstruation

Pregnancy can be terminated at any time. A miscarriage in the fourth week is called biochemical pregnancy. In this case surgical intervention not required. The body independently gets rid of the embryo and the upper layers of the endometrium. Interruption at a later date requires medical attention. Held curettage of the uterus, which damages the internal mucosa. This is accompanied by slow growth of the endometrium in subsequent cycles.

The rate of recovery of the endometrium depends on how well the curettage was carried out.

The loss of a child, even in the early stages of pregnancy, is a strong psychological blow for a woman. The longer the period, the more difficult it is to restore the body. After a miscarriage, especially in the first three months, it is necessary to carefully monitor menstruation, and the state of the body as a whole. If any deviations occur, you should consult a gynecologist. Let's figure out when menstruation begins after a miscarriage, what is considered the norm, and what is a deviation.

The state of the body and the causes of miscarriage

The psychological and physiological state of a woman has great importance for a successful pregnancy. A miscarriage can occur at various stages of pregnancy. It is a situation where the developing embryo cannot stay in the uterine cavity due to various reasons. A miscarriage is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • bleeding

The appearance of bleeding is due to the fact that the placental bladder breaks away from the walls of the uterus, and leaves it together with the embryo. It is very important that all the remains of the undeveloped embryo come out of the cavity. If this does not happen, then the development of an inflammatory process and even sepsis is possible. In such cases, doctors conduct.

  • pain in the lumbar region

Inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs most often manifest themselves as pain in the lumbar region. This is due to the fact that the nerve endings from the uterus go to the spinal column, and with deviations in the work of this muscular organ, they respond with pain in this area.

  • spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen

They are associated with spasms in the uterus. To push out the placental bladder, blood and the remains of the embryo, it contracts.

If such symptoms are observed, then you should immediately consult a specialist.

Spontaneous abortion is divided into the following types:

  • early in pregnancy

In this case, in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy. During this period, the woman's body does not yet have time to fully rebuild at the hormonal level. Therefore, this physiological stress will have a less traumatic effect on the reproductive system. After a miscarriage in this period, the woman's body quickly returns to normal.

  • mid-term

The failure of pregnancy for a period of 4-6 months seriously affects the body of a woman. The fruit is already almost formed. In this period, curettage is most often prescribed, since biomaterial particles remain in the uterine cavity.

During this period, the baby is fully formed, and miscarriage is often classified as a premature birth with a live or dead fetus.

With an early miscarriage, the body can recover more easily, since hormonal changes have just begun to take place.

The causes of spontaneous abortion can be different, they can be divided into physiological and psychological.

The nature of menstruation after a miscarriage

After a miscarriage, the woman's body should return to normal. This takes about six months, and if there were complications, the process may drag on for a longer period. After the failure of pregnancy, menstrual function should be restored again. In the first 3-4 months, menstruation may not be the same as usual, and the cycle is irregular.

Expect another bleeding should be a month after the miscarriage. A woman needs to pay attention to the nature of the discharge:

  • amount of blood

Normally, during the first menstruation after a miscarriage, the frequency of changing pads should be no more than 4-5 times a day. If this happens more often, then we can state the presence of bleeding, especially if the color of the blood is not dark, but scarlet.

  • smell

An uncharacteristic smell should also alert, if it is sour, putrid, then there is an inflammatory process. You need to immediately contact a specialist to prevent the development of sepsis.

Color menstrual blood usually red with a brownish tint, if the blood is scarlet, then this indicates the presence of bleeding, if the discharge is brown or black, then a latent inflammatory process.

  • duration

The duration of menstruation after a miscarriage should not exceed a week. If they do not stop, then you need to see a doctor. The menstrual cycle during this period may vary slightly, this is normal, since the woman's body has not yet recovered from a miscarriage.

  • physiological symptoms

Availability severe pain and spasms should also alert. Such physiological discomfort indicates the presence of a hidden inflammatory process.

If there are any deviations, then you need to contact a specialist. Depending on the test results, ultrasound readings and the physiological state of the woman, curettage may be prescribed for her.

anxiety symptoms

Symptoms such as:

  • the duration of menstruation is more than a week;
  • profuse bleeding;
  • pain in the lower back and lower abdomen;
  • fever body;
  • fetid smell;
  • irregular cycle.

How quickly a woman's monthly cycle recovers is influenced by various factors:

  • was there a scraping

Any mechanical impact on the uterine and vaginal mucosa, even if done by a high-level specialist, leaves micro-scratches on it, which then heal for a long time and can fester and become inflamed.

Cleaning significantly increases the rehabilitation process reproductive system after a miscarriage. There is a risk of adhesions and neoplasms. Menstruation can remain irregular for a long time.

  • at what time was the abortion of the embryo

The shorter the gestation period before a miscarriage, the better. The body does not have time to rebuild and receives less physiological stress. After that, menstruation usually returns to normal within six months.

  • cause of miscarriage

This also plays an important role. If the cause of the failure of the pregnancy was any traumatic factor, for example, a fall or an accident, then the recovery will take many times longer. With a miscarriage due to psychological stress, the recovery process is somewhat easier.

Health status matters a lot female body generally. If immunity is weakened, there are many chronic diseases, including the reproductive system, it will take a long time for menstruation to return to normal.

Causes of irregular periods after miscarriage

Sometimes it happens that menstruation does not recover for a long time. The main reasons for this may be the following:

  • adhesive processes of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • malfunctions of the ovaries;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • severe psychological stress;
  • bad environment and nutrition.

The nature of menstruation after a miscarriage is influenced by a large number of various factors. On average, it takes 5-6 months for a woman's body to return to normal.

How to restore your menstrual cycle after a miscarriage

During this difficult period, a woman's body needs supportive therapy. You should not engage in self-medication; before taking certain drugs, you should consult with a specialist. The main ways to normalize menstruation after a miscarriage include the following:

  • vitamin therapy

Before taking various vitamin complexes, you should consult a gynecologist. Depending on the state of the body and the characteristics of the medical history, the doctor will select necessary drugs, which are best suited for the speedy improvement of the reproductive system.

  • traditional medicine

Do not forget about the healing power of natural ingredients. To restore menstruation in the period after a miscarriage, various decoctions of herbs, such as oregano, mint, lemon balm, are suitable. They will help you calm down. nervous system and accelerate the regenerating processes in the body.

  • light physical activity

We should not forget about physiotherapy exercises in this period. This will help the body to get in shape and gain strength. However, the load should be light so as not to provoke a deterioration in the woman's condition. To do this, you need to discuss this point with a specialist.

  • walks in the open air

This is necessary to enrich the body with oxygen and restore the psychological and physiological forces of the body.

  • revision of the diet

Don't overload digestive system. Include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Try to eat less fatty, carcinogenic foods and fast food.

  • revision of the sleep and rest regimen

This is necessary, especially in the first time after a miscarriage, so that the body can recover faster.

  • lack of stress

This is one of the main factors for normalization after a miscarriage. Often it is the psychological factor that is the main cause of miscarriage and premature birth.

  • work with a psychologist

Sometimes a pregnancy failure has such a strong effect on a woman's psyche that she can go into a deep depression. It is important to understand that this period simply needs to be experienced, there will still be a chance to become a mother. If you can’t get out of this state on your own, then you need to seek help from a specialist.

Failure of pregnancy is a serious psychological trauma for a woman. In the first months after a miscarriage, it is necessary to monitor the state of the body and the menstrual cycle. With various kinds of deviations, such as an uncharacteristic color and smell of discharge, a long duration, pain, you need to contact a gynecologist. With normal rehabilitation, menstruation after a miscarriage is restored in six months.

Early miscarriages are common, and it is important for a woman at this difficult moment to get back into her usual routine of life. When menstruation begins after a miscarriage, how many days should pass before it starts and whether it is possible to find out about the violations in the body by the nature of menstruation, many women are concerned about this situation.

When should menstruation start?

The onset of bleeding is considered an integral part of spontaneous abortion, which develops against the background of endometrial rejection. The first day of bleeding in this case is considered the first day of menstruation. On average, the duration of menstruation after such an event is early term pregnancy lasts for 10 days.

Within 1.5 months after an early miscarriage, the body recovers, and in some cases, minor spotting may occur. How many days should pass and when menstruation should begin depends on the specific circumstances. The following factors influence the duration and nature of menstruation:

  • the level of transferred stress;
  • early or late pregnancy;
  • the appearance of infections;
  • complications of a bacterial nature;
  • features of recovery and quality of therapy.

Normally, the next menstruation after the loss of a child in early pregnancy or cleansing occurs for 25-35 days, which directly depends on the length of the woman's menstrual cycle. Menstruation after a miscarriage without cleansing may include small remnants of the membrane or fetus in the uterus, which can come out along with the discharge for 14-21 days, a complete cleansing occurs.

In the first 2 or 3 months, menstruation may differ from the nature of the earlier menstruation. They can begin with more or less abundant, short or long discharges, which may be due to hormonal surges after a miscarriage. In this regard, the possibility of taking oral contraceptives should be discussed with the gynecologist.

What happens after a miscarriage?

There are several types of miscarriages, including threatening, failed, incipient and incomplete miscarriages. Regardless of the type, in the presence of heavy bleeding, a decision is made to clean and, without fail, a control ultrasound is performed after that.

Cleaning the uterus helps to reduce the risk of the negative impact of spontaneous miscarriage in the future, and histological examination of fetal tissues allows you to establish the root cause of the situation and prescribe a course of correction of the condition. Within a month, expectant tactics are necessary. In a situation of purity of the uterus or a small number of clots and the woman has a satisfactory condition, it is prescribed drug treatment. In most cases, to normalize the monthly course of therapy is reduced to the following appointments:

  • the appointment of medications in the form of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hemostatic, reducing the uterus funds;
  • medical control using ultrasound;
  • maintaining the body with mineral and vitamin complexes;
  • lack of stress and the organization of the correct daily routine.

Menstruation after an early miscarriage or after cleansing in most cases is characterized by an abundance of discharge.

Within 2 months, it should normalize, otherwise there should be suspicions of the appearance pathological changes in the pelvis or the development of infection.

Appearance excessive heavy menstruation, which is bleeding in nature is dangerous and in this case hospitalization is necessary.

Abundant periods after a miscarriage lead to anemia. Associated symptoms include the following:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • severe weakness;
  • constant desire to sleep;
  • pale skin color.

In this case, iron-containing preparations are prescribed to normalize the condition. Sexual relations after a miscarriage can begin only after one cycle, when menstruation after a miscarriage is normal, and there will be no contraindications. In this case, the first contacts should be protected in order to exclude infection.

Is it normal to have a scanty period after a miscarriage?

The danger is not only excessively heavy periods after a miscarriage, but also scanty menstruation. The body's response to a spontaneous miscarriage or a cleaning procedure may be the formation of synechia. Such adhesions often form inside the uterus and can further prevent conception, since in this case they have the same effect as the intrauterine device.

In this case, the woman is assigned laboratory research, the material for which is taken on the 2nd or 3rd day of menstruation. Additionally, the following examinations may be prescribed:

  • hysteroscopy for carrying out further, if necessary, operational and diagnostic manipulations;
  • sonohysterosalpingography to exclude the risk of obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Scanty menstruation often indicates ongoing hormonal imbalances and the need for therapeutic intervention to prevent the development of pathologies.

When should you be concerned?

Menstruation after a miscarriage is considered normal, and on average, such menstruation lasts for 4-10 days. How many days should pass depends on the woman's gestational age and the degree of cleaning of the uterus from the fetus. If bleeding continues for more than this period, then it is necessary to contact medical institution.

The main danger lies in the possibility of the presence in the uterus of the remains of the fetal egg, in the presence of which an inflammatory process develops. If such a problem is detected, additional cleaning may be required, the need for which is determined by the results of an ultrasound scan.

A cause for concern and the need to see a doctor is the presence of the following circumstances after a miscarriage:

  • too pronounced pain of menstruation;
  • an unreasonable increase in temperature, which may indicate the development inflammatory processes;
  • the presence of blood clots in the secretions;
  • excessively profuse menstruation.

Abundant periods after a miscarriage may indicate bleeding.

If the gasket has to be changed more often than after 3 hours, then this is a signal for the urgency of contacting a medical institution. In most cases, hospital treatment and the appointment of hemostatic drugs are required.

With the normal process of rehabilitation recovery, the menstruation cycle occurs after 25-35, when the uterus is restored and the hormonal background is normalized. If within the specified period, menstruation has not occurred, then you should consult a gynecologist. in number possible causes includes:

  • the onset of an unplanned pregnancy;
  • functional disorders of the ovaries;
  • pathological changes in the pelvis.

Is an early pregnancy possible?

From the point of view of physiological processes, after a miscarriage, a woman can become pregnant within the first month. Experts advise avoiding such a scenario of events, since the body after the stress must recover and normalize the cycle of menstruation, and doctors must establish the exact cause of the miscarriage in order to exclude such problems in the future.

Doctors advise not to rush into pregnancy after a miscarriage and postpone the event, the earliest pregnancy should be planned in six months. During this period, hormonal contraception is prescribed in most cases to prevent pregnancy.

An earlier onset of menstruation after a miscarriage compared to the established norm for the onset of menstruation is also considered a deviation that requires the intervention of a specialist. The danger lies in the appearance of bleeding, which smoothly flows into menstruation.

There are certain rules for the onset of menstruation after a miscarriage, regardless of whether it became spontaneous or was the result of the need for cleaning. The nature of menstruation in the first months may differ from the woman's previous cycles. The reason for concern should be the lack of menstruation, the appearance of excessive or too meager discharge.

A woman whose pregnancy is interrupted is interested in when menstruation begins after a miscarriage. If menstrual flow does not come on time, then this, as a rule, indicates the development of pathology. If any deviations are found, you need to contact a gynecologist. Perhaps, to identify the causes of reproductive failure, you will need to undergo an examination.

When will my period come after a miscarriage? The body of each woman is individual, but there are certain terms, deviations from which are considered a pathology. How quickly the cycle normalizes depends on a number of factors. It is necessary to take into account how the pregnancy proceeded, why it was interrupted, and also remember that after a spontaneous abortion, fetal particles may remain that can lead to complications.

Period after miscarriage

In the early stages, a woman, as a rule, is not aware of her “interesting” position, does not take action to maintain her pregnancy, so the likelihood of a miscarriage is very high. During gestation, hormonal changes occur in the body. Consequently, any miscarriage leads to hormonal imbalance and becomes stressful not only for the woman, but also for her reproductive system.

There are four types of spontaneous abortion, each of which corresponds to a certain stage of the pathology: failed, incomplete, threatening, begun and held. When the body recovers largely depends on at what stage of the gestational period the failure occurred, as well as on the individual characteristics of the reproductive system.

Menstruation after a miscarriage should not be confused with bleeding, which is considered normal. How many days the discharge will go is determined by the period of spontaneous abortion and the degree of cleaning of the uterus from the embryo. Allocations can disturb a woman for 4-10 days. If at the end of this period the bleeding does not stop, then you should consult a doctor.

Most likely, the gynecologist will send the patient for an ultrasound examination to make sure that there are no remnants of the fetal egg in the uterus, because otherwise an inflammatory process will occur. Perhaps, after a spontaneous abortion, it will be necessary to carry out additional cleaning of the reproductive organ. Menstruation will begin as soon as the uterus contracts and the hormonal background normalizes.

How long does it take for periods to start after a miscarriage?

During pregnancy, the body is significantly rebuilt, so if it is spontaneously interrupted, then menstruation does not occur immediately. In a successful scenario, the first cycle begins 25-35 days after the failure occurred (depending on the state of health of the woman; the term of the interrupted pregnancy, additional cleaning of the uterus and a number of other indicators).

If after the specified period, menstruation does not occur, then you need to contact a specialist. Starting too early is also considered a deviation. menstrual cycle after a spontaneous abortion, for example, when the bleeding that opens smoothly turns into menstruation. In this case, it is necessary to perform an examination to identify the causes of the pathology and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

The first period after a miscarriage can be different intensity. If a woman finds that the discharge has become more abundant than before, then you should not be afraid. This phenomenon is considered normal. Too strong and prolonged bleeding often indicates the rejection of the uterus of the remnants of the fetus. This pathology can be observed for three or four cycles.

When should you see a gynecologist? If menstruation after a spontaneous abortion is very painful, accompanied by fever, blood clots.

The first 2-3 cycles after a miscarriage are often spotting, which is considered a physiological norm. Different duration of cycles is allowed within 2-3 months after spontaneous abortion.

Delayed period after miscarriage

How long the period will come after a miscarriage depends, first of all, on how quickly the body returns to normal. Pregnancy is accompanied by a significant production of progesterone, and after its interruption, active secretion of estrogen begins. A woman may notice that she does not have her period until her hormonal balance is restored.

If a new cycle does not start 40-45 days after the miscarriage, then it is advisable to consult a specialist. To determine the cause of this phenomenon, a woman will have to undergo an ultrasound examination, as well as examinations to detect endometritis, ovarian failure, hormonal imbalance, infection infectious diseases take blood and urine tests.

Having found violations, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Most likely, the use of hemostatic, anti-inflammatory drugs will be required. With an incomplete exit of the fetus from the uterus, additional curettage will be required. If the miscarriage happened on late term gestation, then rehabilitation period is likely to be delayed. In this case, the woman will probably be offered to go to the hospital.

How long does it take to get pregnant after a miscarriage? New life can arise even before the normalization of the cycle. That is why a woman will need to take a pregnancy test if her period is delayed. Considering the psychological and physiological problems that occur after a miscarriage, it will be wrong to plan a child until the body is fully restored.

is a spontaneous abortion. It causes not only a strong psycho-emotional shock, but also physical ailments and hormonal disruptions. Among the consequences of a miscarriage are menstrual irregularities.

The first sign of a miscarriage is bloody issues, sometimes with clots, from the genital tract, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. After the expulsion of the embryo, the discharge persists for some time - from 4 days to a week. If there was a surgical intervention (cleaning), then the discharge can last up to 10 days. This bleeding is of a different nature and is not menstruation.

Real menstruation will come about 25-35 days after the miscarriage. Sometimes hormonal failure in the body is so strong that menstruation can be delayed up to 45 days. If even after this time, menstruation did not come, this is an occasion to consult a gynecologist.

If a week and a half after the end of the discharge associated with the termination of pregnancy, menstrual-like discharge began, then this is hardly menstruation. Rather, particles of the membranes of the fetal egg and endometrium come out of the body. It is necessary to do an ultrasound of the uterine cavity, especially if the discharge began against the background of an increase in body temperature, pain in the abdomen and other symptoms of a deterioration in well-being.

The effect of cleaning on menstruation

The duration of menstruation after a miscarriage depends on whether surgery has been applied. If it was, then the discharge is longer than usual. If a woman has not been cleansed, then menstrual flow is short-lived. This picture persists for 2-3 cycles, after which menstruation acquires its usual character. If this does not happen, then hormonal correction is needed under the supervision of a doctor.

The abundance of discharge also depends on the presence or absence of surgical intervention. If it was, then menstruation is plentiful, if not, then it is scarce. Clots may be present in the secretions - these are particles of the endometrium, vaginal epithelium, blood clots.

The color of the discharge is normal, but lighter or darker, brownish-brown discharges are also normal. Fear should cause scarlet discharge: this is a sign uterine bleeding. A cloudy color, green or black blotches, and an unpleasant odor indicate a uterine or vaginal infection.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

After an early miscarriage, the menstrual cycle is restored within 2-3 months.

After surgery (cleansing), the cycle is restored longer due to the fact that in addition to a failure in the hormonal sphere, the body suffered a complication unforeseen by nature in the form of curettage of the uterine cavity. The uterus needs to recover physically after such an impact.

What to do in case of delay

The onset of menstruation is acceptable 45 days after the miscarriage. If 45 days have passed, and menstruation has not come, you need to be examined for inflammatory processes, endometritis, ovarian failure, adhesive processes and other abnormalities.

You also need to do a pregnancy test, a woman can become pregnant immediately on the very first ovulation that occurs after a miscarriage, even with an irregular cycle, so a delay in menstruation due to pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

It is unacceptable to take any drugs on your own to restore the disturbed menstrual cycle. They should be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. For any violations in the sexual sphere, you need to visit a gynecologist. He will conduct an examination, take the necessary tests, send to general analyzes blood and urine, ultrasound and other studies, will record all complaints and prescribe treatment. If the problem is caused by malfunctions in the hormonal sphere, then observation by an endocrinologist is mandatory.