Inflammation of the lungs in a kitten treatment. Pneumonia in cats: treatment, symptoms, causes, consequences

It is desirable for every loving owner to know the symptoms of pneumonia in cats, so that in case of problems with the health of pets, they can be able to provide them with needed help. For a cat, like for a dog, pneumonia is a serious test. The route of infection of an animal can be different. If you miss the onset of pneumonia, there is a serious threat to the life of the cat, and even treatment does not always save the pet. At a young age and good health pneumonia in cats is not common. However, with age or with poor ecology, the lungs become very vulnerable, and pneumonia can occur one after another.

Symptoms of pneumonia

When pneumonia is at the beginning of development, its symptoms in a cat are not very pronounced, and the owner, if he is not attentive enough to his four-legged friend, may miss the disease. Therefore, the first symptoms and treatment of pneumonia in cats in most cases do not begin at the same time - therapy is somewhat behind. After 2-3 days, the symptoms of pneumonia become bright, and it is no longer possible not to notice them.

Inflammation of the lungs in a cat is manifested by the following signs:

  1. persistent thirst;
  2. hot dry nose;
  3. temperature increase up to 41 o;
  4. increased heart rate;
  5. rapid breathing;
  6. lacrimation;
  7. salivation - does not always happen;
  8. plentiful purulent discharge from the nose, having a sharp, extremely unpleasant odor;
  9. cough dry or wet;
  10. rapid exhaustion;
  11. unhealthy hair.

Pneumonia develops quickly, and the cat's condition worsens before our eyes, so you should visit the veterinary clinic without delay. Any delay in the treatment of pneumonia can cost the death of the pet.


Without a full examination of the animal, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis, since the signs of pneumonia in cats are in many ways similar to the symptoms of other pathologies. To recognize this disease, it is necessary to carry out the following:

  • x-ray of the lungs - reveals their edema and the nature of the development of inflammation, may be required in several projections;
  • biochemical and general analysis blood;
  • listening to the lungs for wheezing;
  • sputum examination to determine the causative agent of pneumonia in order to use those antibiotics that will be effective against it;
  • temperature measurement.

Typical pneumonia is caused by well-known pathogens and is treated with narrow-spectrum antibiotics. When inflammation of the lungs is atypical, then it is provoked by unexplored bacteria, and to get rid of them, it is necessary modern antibiotics wide spectrum of action.

If, after diagnosis, the cat's condition is assessed as serious, then hospitalization of the pet will be required, since he needs constant supervision of a veterinarian. Without a chance emergency assistance on the part of a specialist at home, the animal may die. At moderate condition or its mild form, therapy for pneumonia is carried out at home with strict adherence to the recommendations of the veterinarian.


The disease called pneumonia has a different nature. Therefore, it is necessary to determine its pathogen before starting therapy. Self-medication of pneumonia in cats can be fatal, even if the disease is uncomplicated. Given this, as soon as manifestations of pathology appear, show the pet to a specialist who will decide how to treat pneumonia in a cat in a particular situation. The duration of treatment is from 3 to 6 weeks, and in exceptional cases - 2 months.

Unauthorized change of the dacha scheme is not allowed medicines or their replacement. When the owner believes that it is better to cancel the drug for the cat or choose another one, he must first coordinate this with the veterinarian. If permissions for these actions are not obtained, then they should not be taken. If desired, the traditional treatment regimen for pneumonia can be supplemented with home remedies. Good results are given by giving the cat a small amount of honey.

Conditions for the animal during the period of therapy need special. A sick cat should be at rest. She needs to arrange a couch in a quiet and warm place with subdued light. She must not be disturbed by children or other animals. When the pet wants to communicate, he will come to the person. Regular humidification of the air will also be required, since if it is too dry, the condition of the inflamed lungs will only worsen, and the respiratory process will be even more difficult.

All food, as well as water in the drinker, should be warm. Not infrequently, with inflammation of the lungs, the animal completely loses its appetite. If the cat stops eating, she will not have enough strength to recover, and therefore the owner should find ways to persuade the animal to eat. If even the most beloved treats are ignored, infusions of saline and glucose will be required to maintain the animal's strength, as well as force-feeding through a syringe of broths and liquid feeds.

Breathing difficulties in cats common occurrence with pneumonia. Light massage helps to cope with it. To speed up the cleansing of the lungs from sputum, massaging is carried out chest. With it, gently tap with your fingertips on the chest of the cat, without causing pain and moving up from the abdomen. If after the procedure there is a cough, in which sputum is released, there is nothing to worry about. Such a reaction of the body to the procedure is allowed.

When a cat is very chilly with pneumonia, you can use a special hammock bed for it, which is fixed on the battery. Its walls are quite dense, and the pet will definitely not get burned, but the warming up will be complete. Instead of such a lounger, you can also use a chair, which is moved to the radiator, previously hung with a blanket.

In the treatment of pneumonia in cats, when the disease is caused by bacterial infections, antibiotics must be used. When gram-negative pathogens are detected after bacteriological examination, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Levfloxacin.
  • Moxifloxacin.
  • Ciprofloxacin.

For pathogens from the gram-positive group, the following antibiotics are indicated:

  • Amoxicillin.
  • Azithromycin.
  • Spiramycin.

All medicines administered by injection. When taking antibiotics, itching may occur. This phenomenon is temporary and not dangerous.

In addition to drugs whose action is aimed directly at combating the causative agent of the disease, a course of maintenance therapy is also carried out in the treatment of pneumonia. It allows you to avoid complications of the condition and speed up the recovery of the cat.

Be sure to prescribe immunomodulators, such as gamavit and fosprenil, as well as vitamin complexes. To accelerate the discharge of sputum and quickly cleanse the lungs, it is necessary to use mucolytic agents. Most often, lozalvan and mucoltin are prescribed by veterinarians. They are given only when the cat's cough becomes wet. With a dry cough in animals, as well as in humans, expectorant drugs are categorically contraindicated.

Means for relieving coughs are unacceptable, as they will not allow sputum to go away and be cleared by the lungs, from which the pet's condition will only worsen.

If there are violations of the cardiac system, then sedatives are also included in the complex therapy. When edema is present, the treatment is supplemented by the inclusion of diuretics.

Pneumonia in cats, like in humans, is dangerous disease which always requires urgent and competent treatment.


One of the most common groups of diseases in pets are diseases of the respiratory system. Among them, pneumonia in cats is of particular importance. This serious inflammatory pathology in the lungs requires immediate treatment and prevention of all kinds of complications. The task of the owner is to recognize the signs of the disease in a timely manner and urgently show the pet to a veterinary specialist.

The main factors predisposing to the development of infectious inflammation of the bronchi and lungs are hypothermia and malnutrition. In connection with These veterinarians have identified the following risk groups:

  • Premature and weak kittens. In young pets, the immune system is poorly developed, and minor errors in maintenance and feeding can lead to pneumonia.
  • Stray cats and cats. Living in the cold, in unheated rooms, street animals are regularly exposed to hypothermia. A poor diet, irregular meals greatly undermines the body's immune system.
  • Pets in shelters. In addition to malnutrition, in such establishments animals are kept crowded, in poorly ventilated, cold rooms, which also provokes the disease.
  • Animals weakened by other diseases. The presence of helminths, viral rhinitis and other respiratory pathologies, chronic infectious diseases provoke the development of pneumonia.
  • Elderly pets. Pneumonia in an aging cat is a fairly common disease due to a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in thermoregulation processes.
  • Previous diseases, especially viral and fungal nature.
  • Immunodeficiency states.

Pets can be at risk of pneumonia during prolonged stressful situations, unsatisfactory living conditions, violation of nutritional standards and an inadequate diet. Inflammation is provoked by frequent bathing, as well as feeding the pet with frozen foods.

Classification of pathology

Inflammation of the lungs in a cat is an infectious process in the lung tissue, which is accompanied by a general intoxication of the body. Pathology can be either primary, caused various reasons and as a complication of other diseases. In veterinary medicine, it is customary to distinguish between the following types of pneumonia, depending on the nature of the infectious onset.

Types of pneumonia

a brief description of


Inflammation of the lungs, provoked by various kinds of bacteria, is the most common type of pathology. With this type of disease, veterinarians identify bacilli such as Bordetella bronchiseptica and Pasteurella spp in sick animals.

Cats are often diagnosed as being caused by Chlamydophila psittaci bacilli.


Provoked by a variety of microorganisms of viral origin, such pneumonia is one of the most difficult to diagnose and treat. As an independent form of the disease, viral pneumonia rarely develops.

More often observed secondary against the background of other infectious diseases. The most common pathogens are rotoviruses and coronoviruses. As a secondary form, viral pneumonia develops in diseases such as infectious rhinotracheitis, calcivirosis.

This type is complicated by a bacterial infection.

fungal pneumonia

This form of the disease occurs in primary form, and develops due to concomitant diseases. The causative agents are often pathogenic fungi of the genus Cryptococcus.

In addition to cryptococcosis, fungi of the genus Aspergillus are diagnosed, as well as Histoplasma capsulatum and Sporothrix schenckii. Fungal pneumonia is difficult to diagnose and requires long-term treatment.

Aspiration pneumonia

With this form of the disease, the inflammatory process develops due to the inhalation of foreign objects. The cause of this type of inflammation is often the incorrect use of liquid intranasal drugs.

Veterinarians often encounter aspiration pneumonia in cats from inhaling mineral oils and tasteless foods.

In addition to classifying pneumonia according to the type of aggressive factor, pneumonia is divided according to the forms of the course of the disease. Distinguish between acute and subacute forms of the disease chronic course. Veterinary specialists also distinguish between serous, purulent and croupous forms of the disease, knowledge of which is essential for determining treatment tactics.


The owner of a fluffy pet should be aware of the symptoms of pneumonia in cats in order to sound the alarm in a timely manner and provide qualified assistance to the sick animal.
help. Symptoms characteristic of pneumonia include the following:

  • Cough. The inflammatory process is characterized by the accumulation of exudate in the lungs. Mucus and inflammation products irritate nerve fibers that provokes coughing.

As a rule, at the beginning of the disease, a dry cough reflex is observed, in the process of development of inflammation, the cough becomes wet, frequent and with sputum.

  • Hard breath. Impaired normal lung function leads to difficulty breathing. The cat commits respiratory movements with difficulty, which is a consequence of the accumulation of exudate in the respiratory tract and the difficulty of normal gas exchange.
  • Pneumonia in a cat is accompanied by wheezing. With the development of inflammation, wheezing can be heard even without a phonendoscope. To do this, the owner should only put his ear to the chest of the pet or put his hand on it.
  • Outflow from the nasal cavity observed in half of the cases, especially with the serous nature of pneumonia. They are mucous or mucopurulent in nature. There is frequent sneezing.
  • Temperature body tends to increase if there is acute form diseases. Fever with pneumonia is characteristic of a bacterial infection. Chronic course and atypical form of pneumonia in most cases passes without the appearance of hyperthermia.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Cyanosis of the mucous membranes.
  • Hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Such nonspecific signs as lethargy, depression, reduction or complete refusal of food depend on the severity of the development of the pathological process.

For symptoms and treatment of pneumonia in cats, see this video:


Before treating pneumonia in cats, it is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis. Such a complex and dangerous disease for an animal can only be recognized by a veterinarian. In addition to a clinical examination of a sick pet, the following diagnostic tests will be carried out in a specialized clinic

  • Auscultation of the chest. It is done with a stethoscope. With auscultation, a veterinarian can identify not only the presence of wheezing, their nature, but also determine the localization inflammatory process.
  • Percussion. This type of diagnosis is carried out either with fingers or with a special tool - a hammer, in order to identify the boundaries of the lung, which normally has a clear, clear sound. Inflammatory phenomena in the organ lead to the fact that a dull sound is detected during percussion.
  • X-ray examination. The most effective and reliable method for diagnosing pneumonia is an x-ray. To obtain it, the study is carried out in lateral and direct projections.
  • Blood test. A general blood test helps to identify the inflammatory process, as well as to detect the nature of the disease. Immunological analysis will give a picture of the presence of certain antibodies.
  • Bacteriological research. Sowing biological material on special media helps to identify the pathogen: to determine the type of bacillus, virus or fungi.

Before you begin to treat pneumonia in a cat, it is necessary to differentiate the disease from other pathologies with similar signs. The diagnosis is carried out in relation to diseases such as:


The owner of a sick animal should be aware that the treatment of pneumonia in a cat requires careful adherence to the doctor's instructions and recommendations for care and feeding.

If the cause of pneumonia is a bacterial infection, then the course of treatment involves the use of antibiotic therapy. The choice of one or another antibiotic is based on the determination of sensitivity to the bacillus. If gram-positive bacteria are detected, then drugs such as amoxicillin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, spiramycin, the first generation of cephalosporins are effective.

Gram-negative microorganisms are sensitive to amikacin, fluoroquinolone (moxifloxacin, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin). For anaerobes, ampicillin, amoxicillin, clindamycin, second and third generation cephalosporins are used.

Drugs for the treatment of viral pneumonia in cats

Without fail, the animal is prescribed immunomodulators: anandin, gamavit, fosprenil, gamapren. Vitamin therapy helps to increase immunity. In the treatment of pneumonia, veterinarians usually prescribe vitamin A, D and ascorbic acid.

Mucolytic and expectorant drugs for the treatment of pneumonia in cats are designed to facilitate the discharge of sputum and improve the condition of the pet. For these purposes, veterinarians prescribe mukaltin and lazolvan. Mucolytic agents should be taken only in the second phase of the disease. With the development of the pathological process, when the cough is dry, it is impossible to use expectorants.

Experts do not recommend giving antitussive drugs for pneumonia in cats, since cough suppression makes it difficult to expel sputum and mucus.

Depending on the clinical condition a sick pet and the course of pneumonia, the animal may be prescribed heart drugs, for example, cardiamine. In the presence of edema, veterinarians use in complex therapy also diuretics.

In the successful treatment of pneumonia in cats importance have conditions of keeping and feeding. For a speedy recovery and effective treatment Veterinarians recommend following these tips:

  • provide the cat with peace;
  • reduce the activity of the pet for the duration of therapeutic procedures;
  • to facilitate the discharge of exudate, regular chest massage is recommended;
  • food and water should be warm;
  • nutrition should be complete and balanced.

Given the seriousness of such a pathology as pneumonia, the owner should carefully consider the pet when the first symptoms appear. An accurate diagnosis is possible only in a specialized veterinary clinic. Therapy of pathology is complex and largely depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding a sick animal.

Pneumonia in cats is a serious disease and is not so rare. Inflammation of the lungs can be picked up not only by an old, weakened animal. One difficulty is pathological condition it is not easy to diagnose, therefore, most often the animal dies from the lack of appropriate therapeutic assistance. Hypothermia and poor nutrition are considered the most important predisposing factors, therefore, the high-risk group for morbidity includes:

  • weak, premature offspring;
  • cats and cats from shelters with crowded content;
  • stray animals;
  • weakened individuals after any diseases plus the elderly.

Pneumonia can lead to various consequences and disruption of the functioning of not only the lower, but also the upper respiratory tract. The worst consequence is death.

The main symptoms of lung problems

The very first symptoms are not specific and are often overlooked by cat owners:

  • lethargy, apathy, inactivity;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sluggish response to the nickname;
  • the cat is constantly sleeping, sometimes trying to hide in a secluded place.

All these are common signs of ill health. Within 1-3 days, the condition usually worsens and pneumonia in cats acquires vivid and specific symptoms:

  • a sharp jump in temperature up to 40-41 ° C, accompanied by a hot and dry nose (SARS can be without fever);
  • noticeable and almost constant thirst;
  • wool becomes disheveled, its smoothness and shine decrease;
  • feverish state with rapid heartbeat and respiratory rate;
  • the appearance of expiration from the nose (from mucous to purulent with an unpleasant odor);
  • sometimes lacrimation and excessive salivation;
  • cough (dry, sharply barking, turning into wet);
  • during auscultation (listening to the lungs) hard, shortness of breath, whistling, wheezing;
  • pulmonary edema due to heart failure (a rather rare symptom in cats, but clearly pronounced);
  • sudden noticeable weight loss;
  • some time after the appearance of a clear clinic of pneumonia, the mucous membranes change color to bluish-pale (due to lack of oxygen against the background of developing pulmonary insufficiency).

It should be noted that the pathology develops very quickly, so the condition worsens literally before our eyes. A visit to the veterinarian should not be postponed in any case, because. The worst consequence of pneumonia is the death of a pet!

What does an x-ray show

When examining any pathologies of the lower respiratory tract, radiography is considered the most informative and reliable diagnostic method. An x-ray of the lungs in cats with pneumonia is always done in two projections - on the side and on the stomach.

Images are read only by a radiologist. clearly visible the slightest change in the lung tissue, fluid effusion, seals, the degree of lung damage, the location of the inflammatory focus and its distribution are determined.

Several X-ray procedures are shown in dynamics at certain intervals after the start of therapy due to the fact that the fight against pneumonia in animals can take up to one and a half months.

What causes pathology and how it is classified

Pneumonia is a pathological condition in which the animal has difficulty breathing against the background of pulmonary edema and narrowing of the bronchial lumen due to accumulated pus and fluid. Viruses and bacteria complicate the process, and the following factors can initially provoke an inflammatory process:

  • complications due to any respiratory infections, bronchitis;
  • bruises of the chest, injuries, hematomas;
  • defeat by pulmonary helminths;
  • decreased immunity for any reason;
  • hypothermia for a long time, reaction to drafts;
  • hypothermia after bathing with a long stay with wet hair;
  • cold drinking water or food;
  • inhaling something foreign.

By the nature of the pathogen, pneumonia is provoked;

bacterial pneumonia

It is provoked by bacteria and is considered the most common form. When sputum is cultured to detect bacteria, Pasteurella spp. is most commonly isolated. and Bordetella bronch. In addition, cats have a chlamydia form with a specific pathogen Chlamydophila psittaci.

The name speaks for itself - with the defeat of worms, it is this form of pathology that develops. Most often, roundworms are involved in this, less often - capillaries (Capillaria aerophila) or nematodes (Aelurostrongylus abstrusus). In a newborn offspring, pathology is incurable, infection occurs in utero.

Viral pneumonia

The most difficult to diagnose form, provoked by a viral infection. It rarely happens as an independent disease, most often it occurs as a complication against the background of other infections - for example, calicivirus and rhinotracheitis. The causative agents are roto- and coronaviruses. Often complicated by bacteria.

fungal infection

It can be as an independent disease, it can go as a complication of the main one. The most common are cryptococcosis and aspergillosis. It is very difficult to diagnose and takes the longest to treat.

Aspiration pneumonia

Appears when Airways some foreign object enters. The most common cause of this situation is improper artificial feeding of kittens when food particles are inhaled, as well as incorrect use of liquid forms of intranasal agents. Also, such inflammation of the lungs can develop when inhaling droplets of fine chemical liquids.

It is possible to distinguish one from the other only by blood tests with sputum cultures to isolate the pathogen. Given the severity of the disease and the rate of progression, a blood test is indicated immediately upon contacting the clinic. It determines the presence of inflammation and its nature.

Therapy for pneumonia

Pneumonia in cats is treated for a long time and only comprehensively. It is important to accurately determine the diagnosis. Owners need to know what diagnostic procedures conducted by a veterinarian for exact definition inflammation of the lungs. Before determining how to treat pneumonia, in a veterinary clinic, they carry out:

  • inspection and thermometry;
  • listening to the lungs with a phonendoscope;
  • auscultation (thumping of the chest - convenient and informative in large cats);
  • appointment of a blood test;
  • sputum smear;
  • x-ray.

Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme (all information is given for review and cannot be used as a direct guide to action):

Depending on the pathogen are assigned:

  • antibiotics (amoxicillin, clindamycin, levofloxacin, ceftriaxone, azithromycin, gentamicin, tetracycline, etc. - approximate dosages can be found here). Ideally, if culture is done and the sensitivity of bacteria to an antibacterial agent is determined. However, in most cases there is simply no time for this because of the rarely worsening condition, therefore, broad-spectrum antibiotics and sulfonamides in therapeutic doses are prescribed;
  • antimycotics (antifungal agents):
  • anthelmintics in therapeutic doses (according to the individual instructions for each drug);
  • antiviral drugs:
  • Immunomodulators:
  • Drugs that dilute sputum and facilitate its release (the duration is determined individually in each case):
  • In severe cases, diuretics (furosemide, veroshpiron/spironolactone) may be given to relieve an attack of pulmonary edema by removing excess fluid to facilitate breathing. The dosage is always selected individually and only by a specialist, depending on the results of the examination and the state of the cardiovascular system.
  • If, against the background of oxygen starvation, heart failure develops, the work of the heart is necessarily supported:
  • Vitamin preparations for general maintenance of the body - mainly the emphasis is on vitamins C (despite the fact that it is synthesized in cats in the body), D and A or injectable multivitamins:
  • Feeding drips may be indicated if the sick animal is refusing food and water. Do not drip solutions if you suspect pulmonary edema, because. the injected fluids are not absorbed by the body and provoke new edema.
  • Antipyretic is better to use veterinary ones, which are least likely to give side effects:
  • Bronchodilators - to expand the bronchi, heart and brain vessels and facilitate breathing during spasms and attacks of pulmonary insufficiency.

How Owners Can Help

To help your pet recover, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  1. Self-treatment attempts are strongly discouraged.
  2. It is important to follow all the prescriptions of the veterinarian, despite the fact that the treatment can take from 3 weeks to 1.5 months. Do not make any independent adjustments to the therapeutic regimens and do not interrupt the course of taking medications without the instructions of a specialist.
  3. Provide the pet with peace, high-quality, nutritious and balanced nutrition for the duration of treatment, protect it from potential stress.
  4. With a decrease or absence of appetite, force-feeding of semi-liquid food, high in protein and easily digestible, is indicated.
  5. Do not give your cat cold water and cold food.
  6. Do a light, tapping chest massage.
  7. During the treatment period, try not to load the cat with games, so as not to provoke shortness of breath, increased fatigue and oxygen starvation.

Pure pneumonia in cats is extremely rare, most often inflammation of the bronchi, which is called bronchopneumonia, develops. The disease belongs to the group of dangerous and can lead to irreparable consequences, it can develop independently or as a complication of other diseases of the respiratory organs.


Depending on the causes of pneumonia, there are several types of the disease.

bacterial pneumonia

Most often, a disease in a cat develops against the background of other infectious processes in the body that weaken the immune system, which leads to the active growth and reproduction of the pulmonary microflora.

Normally, the pet's body is able to cope with the bacteria on its own, but with a decrease in the body's resistance, pneumonia in cats develops as a secondary disease.

Viral pneumonia

Usually, pulmonary form viral infections, as an independent disease, occurs very rarely. Most often, the disease develops a second time, against the background of other pathological processes in the body.

In cases where the pathogen is very virulent, pneumonia in a cat develops as an independent primary disease, and is complicated by the layering of bacterial microflora.

With intrauterine infection of kittens, the entire litter may die due to pneumonia caused by the presence of roundworm larvae in the lungs.

fungal pneumonia

The cause of the inflammatory process in the lungs of a cat is the presence of pathogenic fungi in them. This form of the disease is characterized by the severity of the course and the difficulty of treatment.

Depending on the form of the disease and its course, the symptoms of inflammation, the features of treatment and the possibility of developing negative consequences may differ.


  • Increase in body temperature. This symptom not specific. Depending on the course of the disease, the temperature may increase slightly and for a short time. In an acute process, the temperature can rise to 41 degrees, a chronic course may be accompanied by a slight increase in temperature or its normal state.
  • Oppression. The degree also differs from the course and staging of the disease. The animal becomes lethargic, appetite decreases or completely disappears. The thirst persists. The cat is losing weight, trying to move away from the person.
  • Cough. This symptom is cause for concern. Cough does not always signal the development of pneumonia, but in the absence of timely treatment development of pneumonia is inevitable. In the process of inflammation in the pulmonary passages accumulates a large number of mucus, purulent or serous exudate, which irritates the nerve fibers. In an attempt to free the airways from foreign agents, the animal coughs.
  • Wheezing. Feel even when touching the hand to the chest. Depending on the affected part of the lungs, they can be heard in different areas of the chest.
  • Heaviness of breathing. Associated with the accumulation of exudate in the lungs and the difficulty of gas exchange in them.
  • Arrhythmia. A rapid heartbeat or rhythm disturbance can be observed due to pulmonary edema during inflammation, which causes compression of blood vessels and a heart shirt.
  • Nose discharge. The sign is not specific only for pneumonia, it indicates pathological processes in the respiratory organs, which may not be associated with pathologies of the lungs.


Pneumonia can only be diagnosed by a veterinarian based on the symptoms of the disease and additional tests.

  • Auscultation. With the help of a stethoscope, the veterinarian listens to the lungs, detects the presence of wheezing and their localization.
  • Percussion. It is carried out with fingers or a special percussion hammer, with its help, zones are determined in which there is inflammation in the presence of dull sounds. Normally, the lungs have a clear sound on percussion, in the region of the heart it becomes dull. Diagnosing pneumonia in this way is a rather complicated process, this is due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lungs.
  • X-ray studies. Most effective method diagnostics.
  • Blood studies. Necessary to identify the nature of the disease, the presence of antibodies to infectious diseases and their antigens.
  • Bacterial seeding. To determine the nature of the pathogen and prescribe appropriate therapy.


Like any living creature, cats often have various health problems. Of particular danger are diseases of the respiratory system. AT last years Veterinarians are increasingly diagnosing pets with pneumonia. In cats, symptoms and treatment this disease will be discussed in today's article.

Varieties of the disease

In the first case, the causative agent of the disease most often becomes pneumococcus, in the second - the ingress of foreign objects, liquid or food into the respiratory tract, in the third - roundworms that develop in the lung tissue. The most severe and intractable is fungal pneumonia in a cat, the causative agent of which is Cryptococcus.

Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, total, lobar and segmental forms can be distinguished. In the first case, the disease covers the entire lung, in the second, it affects individual areas. There are also chronic, subacute and acute pneumonia.

The reasons

It develops under the influence of a whole complex of factors that reduce the body's resistance. Also, pneumonia in a cat can be caused by viral and bacterial infections, severe hypothermia, frequent bathing and exposure to drafts.

No less dangerous to the health of the animal are excessively cold water and food. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to feed frozen food to pets. It can also develop due to the ingestion of animal fluid into the respiratory tract, foreign bodies and even household dust.

Pneumonia in cats: symptoms

It is very important to recognize this disease in the early stages. So your pet will have a better chance of a favorable outcome. One of the main ones is coughing. It is he who should be the signal that the animal needs to be shown to the veterinarian.

Most often, pneumonia begins acutely and entails a sharp deterioration in well-being. pet. The stronger the cat's body, the slower the symptoms of the disease will develop. Inflammation of the lungs is usually accompanied by a cough. At the initial stage, it will be dry. As the disease progresses, the cough will become wet and sputum will begin to flow.

Most cats diagnosed with pneumonia have difficulty breathing. This is due to a violation of the normal functioning of the lungs. In sick animals, small and large bubbling rales are clearly audible.

Also, bacterial in cats is accompanied by high fever. It is she who is considered the main sign of intoxication of the body. Atypical forms inflammation of the lungs occur without fever. The animal becomes lethargic, it drinks a lot and refuses to eat.

Diagnostic methods

One of the main studies to accurately recognize pneumonia is a chest x-ray. As a rule, it is done in a lateral and direct projection. Thanks to this, the specialist will be able to make a thorough examination of all parts of the lungs.

To determine the severity of the infectious process, a general blood test is taken from the animal. To accurately determine which pathogen caused pneumonia in a cat, a veterinarian must conduct a serological or microbiological study. It is also advisable to take tests for helminthic invasions. In addition, the doctor must listen to the furry patient. This will establish the nature of wheezing and the so-called silent zones. The latter refers to foci of inflammation in which breathing is not audible.

Pneumonia in cats: treatment

Animals diagnosed with pneumonia are prescribed a course of sulfanilamide antibiotics. As a rule, they are administered in the form of injections. If after three days the cat does not show positive dynamics, then she is tested for sensitivity to drugs. This procedure will allow you to select effective medicine. The duration of the course is at least twelve days. Even with a clear improvement in the well-being of the pet, you cannot independently cancel the therapy recommended by the veterinarian.

To facilitate the process of removing sputum, the pet is prescribed "Bromhexine", "Lazolvan" or "Mukaltin". In especially severe cases, infusion therapy is used to reduce intoxication. However, such procedures should be carried out exclusively in veterinary clinic under the supervision of a doctor. This is the only way to avoid the possible development of cerebral or pulmonary edema.

If pneumonia in a cat is complicated by phlegmon or abscess, then immediate surgical intervention is necessary.

Diet and regimen

It is desirable to feed a sick and recovering animal with high-calorie, easily digestible food. It is important that the feed contains a large amount of protein. During this period, vitamins and minerals must be introduced into the diet of a shaggy patient. This will strengthen the immune system.

Single and bilateral pneumonia in cats (chronic and acute) greatly weakens the body of the animal. Therefore, it is better to hospitalize young pets in a veterinary clinic.

If for some reason this is not possible, then the pet should be provided with complete rest and high-quality round-the-clock care. Try to disturb your four-legged friend as little as possible. For the duration of illness and recovery, move the cat's place to a warm secluded corner.

To facilitate the removal of sputum, it is advisable for the cat to massage daily. With absence high temperature the animal is recommended to give lungs physical exercise causing cough.

Preventive measures

As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Avoid hypothermia to prevent pneumonia pet. Cat food and water should be at room temperature.

To strengthen immune system It is important to regularly give your cat vitamin and mineral complexes. It is strictly forbidden to keep the animal in drafts and in the cold. Also, do not forget about the timely vaccination. In addition, it is desirable to systematically fully examine a pet for the presence of chronic diseases.