Sinusitis symptoms in children 5. How to recognize sinusitis in children in time

Usually, sinusitis, especially in children, is perceived as very serious and dangerous disease, which, if not treated in time, can “provide” the child with lifelong suffering due to severe runny nose and unbearable pain in the sinus region. Is it really? What are sinusitis? And which one is the most dangerous for children?

Sinusitis in children: everything has its time and place

The human body is arranged in such a way that from the moment of inhalation until the moment air enters the lungs, this very air must have time to warm up to the required temperature, to be moistened and cleansed. In fact, it looks like this: no matter what air we inhale (be it the sultry and hot air of the desert, or vice versa - the frosty air of the Siberian taiga), the air that “gets” to the very bottom of our lungs will always be the same - it will have body temperature and 100% humidity. Directly in the nose, the air does not have time to warm up, moisten, or purify, of course.

That's exactly why we have sinuses in the facial bones - special cavities - lingering in them for a while, the air manages to reach the desired "condition" (warm up, moisturize and cleanse itself to some extent). And only after having been in the sinuses, the “processed” air moves further along respiratory tract to the lungs.

When a child has a runny nose medical language- sinusitis), then inflammation and increased secretion of mucus occurs throughout the nasal cavity, in all sinuses at the same time, because there is no isolation between them. Thus, with a runny nose in the first days of the disease, the child demonstrates both symptoms of sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinus) and symptoms of frontal sinusitis (inflammation of the frontal sinus). However, all these symptoms safely pass exactly at the same time when the runny nose also passes. And only in one case out of a hundred, sinusitis turns into a form that is really dangerous for the health of the child ...

However, the facial sinuses themselves (frontal, maxillary and the so-called ethmoid labyrinth) are formed in people not at the time of birth, but much later. For example, newborn children do not have frontal sinuses at all - they are fully formed only by the age of 10-12 years. And the maxillary sinus in children under five years old is almost embryonic in size.

In connection with these anatomical features, in children under the age of 3-4 years, in principle, there are no sinusitis. And frontal sinuses (inflammation of the frontal sinuses) do not happen even longer - up to about 8-10 years.

Runny nose and sinusitis: what is the connection?

In the nose of children (and even adults) there is often a runny nose - inflammation of the mucous membrane and swelling. For example, at or at . Unbeknownst to us, the same edema and the same inflammation also affects the sinuses, because nasal cavity- this is a single space in which normally there are no isolated corners.

To the surprise of parents, there is no difference between a runny nose and sinusitis in children. Nature is arranged in such a way that immediately after inhalation, the air first of all enters the so-called sinuses of the child - in other words, into the sinuses. The maxillary sinus, well known to everyone for such a diagnosis as "sinusitis", is also one of the sinuses.

Therefore, to be precise, sinusitis in children is essentially only one of the varieties of sinusitis - that is, the inflammatory process in the sinuses.

Sinusitis in 99 cases out of 100 is just a special case of sinusitis. Which does not threaten the health of the child with any complications and consequences.

Imagine: a child took another breath, and some kind of viral infection rushed into his body with the air (the one that usually causes 99% of cases of SARS in children). First of all, it enters the nasal cavity. However, in nature there cannot be such a situation in which the virus would settle on the nasal mucosa, but at the same time it would not penetrate and begin to “be active” in the sinuses, including the maxillary one.

All sinuses of the nose are a single complex - if the virus enters the nasal cavity, it penetrates into all the sinuses at the same time. And if inflammation starts somewhere, it will also develop simultaneously in all nasal cavities.

If a child has a nosebleed, this by definition “guarantees” that the same child also has acute viral sinusitis and often frontal sinusitis as well. In fact, these "sores" are like twin brothers, they cannot exist one without the other: in each sinus there is inflammation, which simply has its own name, and all of them together constitute a common sinusitis (runny nose).

Popular pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky: “If a hundred children with a runny nose in the first days of the development of ARVI take a picture of the nasal cavity, the whole hundred will have sinusitis in unison. But there is nothing wrong with that! This is completely normal with respiratory viral infection. Such sinusitis does not need treatment - it will pass by itself as soon as the runny nose passes.

It's too early to rejoice: sinusitis sinusitis discord

In essence, the word "sinusitis" means inflammatory process in the maxillary sinus. However, it can be caused not only by a viral infection (as in the case of the common cold, which we discussed above). In addition, the "causative agents" of sinusitis (that is, the culprits of inflammation in the maxillary sinus) can also be bacteria and allergens.

Thus, sinusitis in children can be viral, bacterial or allergic origin. Just like the cold itself.

At allergic rhinitis in a child (as in an adult), allergic sinusitis also naturally occurs - after all, if swelling occurs in the nasal cavity, it is not localized only somewhere in one “corner”, it spreads to all the sinuses at once.

And viral and allergic sinusitis pass easily, without any consequences or complications exactly at the same time when the runny nose itself passes.

But with bacterial sinusitis(the most difficult and dangerous of all!) the situation is slightly different. As a rule, bacterial (that is, essentially purulent) sinusitis occurs when the maxillary sinus is deprived of natural ventilation. Namely: through a thin tubule, air enters the maxillary sinus (and also leaves it) - that is, this cavity is constantly “ventilated”. However, if this thin tube (air channel) is suddenly clogged, for example, with a lump of dried mucus, then air stops flowing into the cavity. In such a “locked” environment, bacteria instantly begin to multiply, which periodically enter any sinuses with air, including the maxillary sinuses. Bacteria multiply and pus forms. This is the beginning of purulent sinusitis, which, unlike viral or allergic, can really be considered as serious complication against the background of another disease (for example, SARS).

If viral and allergic sinusitis often go away on their own - simultaneously with recovery from general illness(from SARS or from an allergy attack), then purulent sinusitis almost always requires serious and surgical therapy.

Sinusitis, which disappears within three weeks, is called sharp(acute viral, acute allergic, acute bacterial). If the maxillary sinuses are not cleared of pus in 21 days - sinusitis should already be considered chronic.

Symptoms of bacterial sinusitis in children

Symptoms of viral and allergic sinusitis are similar to those of the common cold. But when there is a blockage of the channel that supplies air to the maxillary sinus and bacteria begin to multiply and accumulate in it (roughly speaking, the sinus fills with pus) - the first signs of classic bacterial sinusitis appear:

  • Nasal congestion;
  • Violation of smell (temporarily the baby will not be able to distinguish smells);
  • elevated temperature;
  • Pain in the area maxillary sinuses.

The most important and main symptom of bacterial (purulent) sinusitis in children is severe aching pain in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, which increases significantly when leaning forward.

It is important to understand that nasal radiography is not a diagnostic tool for bacterial sinusitis. The picture will only indicate that there is some kind of filling in the maxillary sinuses. But what exactly has accumulated there - just excess mucus, or dangerous purulent clots, an x-ray, alas, will not be able to recognize.

Throughout the civilized world, the diagnosis of bacterial sinusitis (and the rest are not even considered serious illnesses, being essentially a common cold) occurs only on the basis of symptoms: runny nose, heat and aching, constant pain, aggravated by bending over.

How to treat sinusitis in children

Treatment of viral sinusitis

Recall that viral sinusitis in a child is the same as a runny nose. If there are all signs of SARS, but there is no severe aching pain in the sinus area, which sharply increases when leaning forward, then a runny nose in such a child can be safely called viral sinusitis, or vice versa, sinusitis is a runny nose. Viral sinusitis does not need any special treatment - it will pass on its own along with SARS.

Treatment of allergic sinusitis

Allergic sinusitis is not caused by the activity of viruses or bacteria, but by swelling of the mucosa during an allergic reaction. As soon as you eliminate the allergen and carry out antihistamine therapy, the swelling will decrease, and the runny nose (aka allergic sinusitis), respectively, too.

Antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial sinusitis

The most reasonable and adequate method of treating acute bacterial sinusitis in a child is antimicrobial therapy. Nevertheless, do not forget: not parents, relatives or neighbors have the right to prescribe antibiotics, but qualified doctors and only they!

Alas, the doses of antibiotics in the treatment of sinusitis in children are usually large - and even the course itself is not the traditional 7 days, but 10-14. The fact is that for the effective treatment of sinusitis it is necessary that the desired concentration medicinal product accumulated not in the blood, but in the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus itself.

Therefore, if you started treatment of sinusitis with a course antimicrobials- in no case do not interrupt it, even if you observe a noticeable improvement in the child's condition.

AT modern therapy against purulent sinusitis, painful injections of antibiotics are no longer resorted to. And they use pills.

Chronic sinusitis in a child

As a rule, within 21 days, acute sinusitis (any: viral, allergic, and the most severe - bacterial) is cured. Otherwise, doctors attribute the definition of "chronic" to it. However, modern pediatricians tend to believe that as such chronic sinusitis a child cannot have - there must be some weighty condition that “warms up” the inflammatory process. The most likely conditions are:

  • 1 In the environment of the child there is an unidentified allergen - it is he who provokes a constant swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, including the maxillary sinus. And until this allergen is identified and eliminated, the child will have signs of sinusitis (either weakening, or intensifying).
  • 2 The bacteria that caused purulent inflammation in the maxillary sinus turned out to be resistant to the antibiotics that were used to treat sinusitis (this often happens when a child is given antibiotics “for no reason” - for example, with acute respiratory viral infections, in order to prevent the development of pneumonia).

If the treatment of sinusitis was adequate and correct, then the disease should recede in a maximum of 21 days.

Puncture in the treatment of acute bacterial sinusitis

There are situations in which pus in the sinus accumulates too quickly (bacteria multiply too actively), the child suffers from terrible pain, experiencing temperature “overloads”, and antibiotic treatment does not bring positive result. In such extraordinary conditions, the question arises - how to quickly eliminate the abscess from the sinus, until a rupture occurs? Until recently, doctors solved this problem with the help of a special puncture - through the nose with a sharp and long needle, they penetrated into the maxillary sinus and washed it, freeing it from accumulated pus.

A puncture in the area of ​​the maxillary sinus is a painful and unpleasant procedure, especially for a child. But in situations where antibiotics do not work, this becomes the only way to save the baby from unbearable pain and the risk of rupture of the abscess.

Meanwhile, in fairness, it should be noted that in last years domestic medicine is less and less using punctures of the maxillary sinus for the treatment of sinusitis - there are already modern antibacterial drugs that can quickly alleviate the condition of the child with this disease.

However, often today a puncture in the sinus area is used for the most accurate diagnosis - with the help of this technique, a puncture is taken from the sinus in order to determine which bacteria caused the inflammation.

Parents should realize and believe that there is no tragedy in the diagnosis of sinusitis. Two types of this disease - viral and allergic sinusitis - are generally akin to the common cold and do not need any special treatment. Their bacterial "brother" is much more insidious and dangerous - it's true. But he, too, is a banal "sore", which, with adequate and timely treatment passes quickly and without consequences.

Young children are more prone to colds especially in the first few years of life. However, if your child has been over for more than a week, the cause may be inflammation of the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis. Signs of sinusitis in children 3 years old differ from those in adolescents and adults, and the methods of treatment are different. This article will help parents figure out how to help their child during sinusitis.

Causes of sinusitis in a child of 3 years

The maxillary sinuses are present in children from birth, but they do not fully develop until a couple of years later. At this time, the greatest number of sinusitis is recorded. The most common cause of sinusitis in a child at 3 years old is a viral infection (,).

Also, the disease can be provoked by bacteria (for example, staphylococci) and fungi. Initially, infection with a virus can occur, under the influence of which the mucous membrane of the nose and its sinuses swells strongly, the fistulas of the sinuses overlap, and the secretion of mucus increases. Such sinusitis is called catarrhal. But in the blocked sinuses, bacteria or fungi can begin to develop, then the disease will take on a purulent appearance.

For the diagnosis of sinusitis in a child at 3 years old, nasal swabs can be taken. If neutrophils predominate in them, then the type of disease is, and if eosinophils, then. This information influences the choice of further treatment.

Drug treatment of sinusitis in children 3 years old

Usually, catarrhal inflammation, which has developed against the background of SARS, goes away on its own along with the virus. There are no available drugs that could destroy the virus, but the child's immunity is able to defeat it itself. It just takes time, about 5-7 days.

What can you do to help your child?

  1. Regularly clear the nasal passages of accumulated mucus, help the child blow his nose.
  2. Bury saline drops or spray. This will help clear the nose and moisturize the mucous membrane. The saline solution will help clear the mucus from the sinuses and prevent it from thickening and further pus formation. At 3 years old, you can even do nasal lavage.
  3. Do inhalations. Mucus often dries to the walls of the nose, causes discomfort, and interferes with breathing, therefore, to treat sinusitis in a child of 3 years old, it must be steamed. Let the child inhale the steam for 5 minutes several times a day. During do not use boiling water to avoid burns. Instead of ordinary water, you can take a decoction of herbs (chamomile, mint, etc.).
  4. At a high temperature (from 38 ° C), use an antipyretic in the form of a syrup (Coladol, Milistan, Ibunorm).
  5. To stimulate the immune system, give the child special drugs, preferably plant origin or homeopathy - Aflubin, Immunal, Engystol, Immunoflazid.

Don't forget about folk remedies treatment of sinusitis in children. For example, make drops from aloe, cyclamen or beetroot juice. 1-2 times a day, you can put cotton turundas soaked in ointment from propolis, sea buckthorn or honey in the nose.

If the symptoms of sinusitis in children 3 years old do not go away for more than a week or the condition worsens (for example, the temperature rises sharply), this indicates that bacteria are at the root of the problem. Usually, acute treatment consists of antibiotic therapy, but the above auxiliary methods should not be abandoned.

It is worth noting! Treatment of sinusitis in children 3 years old can be dangerous at home, so a doctor's consultation is required.

First of all, children are prescribed antibiotics that are active against S. pneumoniae and H. Influenza, the two most common infectious organisms that cause sinusitis. The most affordable and safe drug is (Amosin) or its combination with clavulanate ().

Children allergic to penicillin are prescribed Azithromycin, and in the case when these drugs do not help, they choose a more powerful antibiotic - Zinnat. For high-quality treatment of sinusitis, it is imperative to complete the entire course, which can last from 5 to 10 days.

If the cause of sinusitis is an allergy, the doctor will prescribe antiallergic drugs. It is also necessary to calculate the allergen that provokes a reaction in the child, and avoid contact with this irritant.

In children, sinusitis in most cases begins as a result of complications of the flu or a cold. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that at first it is difficult to distinguish it from the common cold. Being engaged in the treatment of SARS at home, parents do not recognize the first symptoms of sinusitis and go to the doctor only after the manifestation of more serious symptoms. In this case, it is much more difficult to defeat the disease.

How to distinguish a common cold from sinusitis?

How can you independently determine and timely recognize sinusitis in your child?

  • It is very easy to distinguish one-sided sinusitis from a runny nose - the baby will complain about congestion on one side. With a runny nose, breathing will be difficult through both nostrils.
  • Press lightly with your thumbs on the points at the inner corners of the eyes and in the center of the cheeks. If it is sinusitis, the baby will feel pain.
  • The child feels pain in the area of ​​​​the inflamed sinus (cheekbones and forehead). This pain or unpleasant, pressing sensation subsides a little after blowing your nose.

Methods for diagnosing a disease in children

How is sinusitis diagnosed in children?

  • Doctors to determine the presence of sinusitis in children use the method anterior rhinoscopy. It is carried out using conventional or special nasopharyngeal dilators and mirrors. To determine the type of virus or bacteria that caused the disease, the ENT takes mucus samples and analyzes them in the laboratory.
  • Find out the disease and the root cause will help and blood tests.
  • Method radiography paranasal sinuses used to determine the complexity of the disease.

Characteristic features of the disease

How does sinusitis usually manifest itself in children?

  • The first signs of sinusitis in children are manifested by pain in the forehead and nose, nasal congestion.
  • The temperature in acute course is high.
  • The baby feels discomfort in brightly lit rooms, his eyes begin to spontaneously watery, photophobia appears.
  • A clear symptom is a decrease in the sense of smell.
  • General weakness and loss of appetite is a sign of many diseases, sinusitis is no exception.
  • With sinusitis, the voice sounds nasal, the child seems to be talking through the nose.
  • With the development of sinusitis, the temperature in a child may rise to a fever, or vice versa, stay within 37.8 degrees (this is typical for chronic form).
  • Discharge from the nose acquires a clear and very unpleasant odor, it can be purulent and even bloody. In the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses and near the eyes, you can notice redness and swelling, with pressure on these areas, the baby will feel pain.

You should pay attention to the appearance of the child when he wakes up in the morning. One of the clear signs of sinusitis is swelling of the face, which becomes less noticeable after a few hours.

Signs of varieties of sinusitis in children

Depending on the form of sinusitis, special symptoms may appear that are characteristic only for a certain type of disease.

  • Unilateral sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of one of the maxillary sinuses. Depending on which side is affected, pain occurs to the right or left of the nose. Unpleasant sensations can arise and pass into the ear, eye or cheek when chewing, pressing on the tooth.
  • Bilateral sinusitis is much more severe. Nasal congestion with bilateral sinusitis in a child may not even bother much, since mucus stagnation in both maxillary sinuses causes weakness, severe headaches, a sharp increase in temperature and even fever.
  • Spicy sinusitis in a child occurs suddenly, usually after the flu, a cold with a runny nose, measles, scarlet fever, and others infectious diseases. In addition to nasal congestion, temperature and general weakness, characteristic of all types of sinusitis, the child complains of a headache that goes into the gums or forehead area.
  • Chronic sinusitis in symptoms is similar to the acute course of the disease. Special symptoms of chronic sinusitis in children are weakening or total loss smell. There is no serious fever and obvious pain. The child may complain of an unpleasant smell from the mouth or from the nose, which you will definitely feel. Learn about the children. Discharge from the nose in chronic sinusitis is scanty, but breathing is difficult. Another sign of the chronic form of the disease is the hoarseness of the child's voice.
  • Purulent sinusitis can be recognized by the smell, which is difficult to confuse with others. Pain, fever are also present. With purulent sinusitis in children, nasal discharge will be viscous, with pus and even blood. All symptoms of acute and chronic sinusitis can occur, but they are much more pronounced.

Let's figure out if there is sinusitis without a runny nose.

If the disease is not accompanied by a runny nose

Nasal congestion, which is not accompanied by mucus discharge, may be one of the symptoms of sinusitis.

It is not easy to determine this, but attentive parents will definitely notice other symptoms of sinusitis without a runny nose:

  • For several days, the temperature of the child is kept around the mark of 37.8 degrees.
  • Nasal congestion does not go away for more than a week.
  • pain or just discomfort in the head, ears, or jaw, which are worse during chewing and talking, or when the child is lying down.
  • The child may develop bad breath.
  • The kid becomes lethargic, gets tired quickly.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the region of the nose, which become stronger in the evening.

Without an examination by a doctor, you will not be able to independently determine whether the child is sick with sinusitis. But, these symptoms should serve as a signal to immediately go to the hospital.

Read about why it still stuffs your nose without a runny nose.

The main methods of treatment for symptoms of sinusitis in children

Parents should not make the diagnosis and decide on treatment methods on their own. Sinusitis is too serious a disease that, without proper treatment, can lead to very bad consequences.
The disease is treated comprehensively.

  • Specialized drugs to eliminate the cause of the disease and the overall strengthening of the baby's body.
  • Conducted in the hospital physio procedures local character.
  • Also, apply nasal lavage with the addition of drugs, this procedure flushes out mucus along with germs and normalizes the mucous membranes.
  • If the cause of sinusitis is an attack of bacteria, they are used antibacterial drugs. If the cause of the disease is fungal in nature, antibiotics will only aggravate the situation, completely different drugs are needed here.
  • Decision on surgical intervention the doctor accepts only in very difficult cases. It consists in puncturing the maxillary sinuses, removing pus and administering drugs. Rarely, but it happens that main reason occurrence of sinusitis - curvature or abnormal development of the nasal passages. In this case, you can get rid of sinusitis only with the help of surgery.

For information on how to recognize sinusitis in yourself, see the video below.

Sinusitis is called inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which is very common in children at the age of three. Therefore, every parent should know how to identify and cure sinusitis. Let's talk about this in more detail.

The main reason for the development of sinusitis in children is common cold. Also, the disease occurs if the child's immune system is weakened. In addition to all of the above, it can provoke sinusitis a large number of infections and viruses, including influenza, measles, scarlet fever.
What symptoms indicate that a 3-year-old child has sinusitis? Signs of the disease include:

  • Difficulty breathing and nasal congestion.
  • Headache.
  • Heat.
  • Yellow or greenish discharge from the nose.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Poor sleep and appetite.
  • Puffy eyelids and cheeks.

When the first signs of the disease occur, it is urgent to show the child to an otolaryngologist, since sinusitis is a dangerous disease that is fraught with various unpleasant consequences.

How to treat sinusitis in a three-year-old child?

Treatment of sinusitis in a child of 3 years is usually carried out in a complex manner. The treatment regimen includes:
medications that eliminate the symptoms of the disease;
local procedures to strengthen immunity;
with exacerbation - surgical intervention.
Drops and sprays, antibiotics and antibacterial drugs are used as medications. Also, the baby is assigned physiotherapy.
Among other things, the doctor may prescribe medications with analgesic and antihistamine effects that will help eliminate the symptoms of the disease in the baby. Antibiotics are used for the advanced form of sinusitis. Very often, children are prescribed UV radiation, UHF currents. But all procedures are used exclusively in combination with medicines.
Washing of the maxillary sinuses and nose is carried out with a severe course of the disease. With the help of these procedures, accumulated mucus, as well as microbes, are removed, and swelling is reduced. In addition, in the focus of infection with this procedure is introduced into the drug.
No need to be scared and panic if your baby has all the symptoms of sinusitis. If you notice signs of the disease, immediately make an appointment with the doctor. He will appoint effective treatment, focusing on the age of the child and the severity of the course of the disease, and your baby, subject to all the recommendations, will definitely recover.


Dear readers, along with autumn and winter colds, many of us are faced with diseases caused by infections. Our children are no exception, who often develop a disease such as sinusitis. In today's conversation with doctor Tatyana Antonyuk, we will look at the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in children and how you can avoid it in the future. I give the floor to Tatyana.

Good afternoon, readers of Irina's blog! Mothers often ask if children have sinusitis and how it differs from an adult's disease. Sinusitis is acute inflammation mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses located on the sides of the nose. Anatomical features The maxillary sinuses of a child differ from the structure of the sinuses of adults, so sinusitis in children proceeds somewhat differently.

In newborns and children infancy sinuses are not yet developed, so they do not have this disease. As the sinuses form, the risk of developing sinusitis increases. It can occur in children older than 3-4 years. The growth and development of the sinuses is completed by the age of 16-17. From this age, the course of the disease is no different from the disease of an adult.

How to recognize sinusitis in a child

Any pathological inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity have a negative impact on the condition of the sinus cavity. Various forms sinusitis develop against the background of viral infections and with reduced immunity. Most often, sinusitis is diagnosed with rhinitis, tonsillitis, influenza, adenoids. Provoking factors include prolonged exposure to a draft, severe hypothermia.

Much less often, the disease can be caused by injuries, pathologies in the development of teeth, or disturbances in the functioning of organs. endocrine system. chronic course diseases are rarely diagnosed.

Signs of sinusitis in children

Symptoms of sinusitis in children can be different depending on the age of the baby and individual features his body. However, we can distinguish the most characteristic of them, which occur in most cases:

  • swelling and congestion of the nose, nasality when talking;
  • pain in the forehead and wings of the nose, aggravated by sneezing or physical activity;
  • increased body temperature;
  • cough that gets worse at night
  • copious secretions of yellow or green mucus, sometimes mixed with pus;
  • toothache;
  • lacrimation, photophobia;
  • lack of smell due to swelling of the nose;
  • hearing loss;
  • general intoxication - weakness, lethargy, capriciousness, sleep and appetite disturbances.

Symptoms of sinusitis in babies

No less dangerous is sinusitis without fever in a child in early age. The disease develops against the background of a sluggish infection. Since the baby cannot yet clearly talk about his feelings, parents should pay attention to symptoms such as lethargy, increased moodiness, refusal to eat, bad dream. Mucus that penetrates the back of the nasopharynx causes coughing, especially at night. In the morning, yellow crusts form in the nose of the child.

The absence of a temperature is not a reason to take the disease lightly. This condition may indicate that the child's body is weakened and does not fight well with a spreading infection.

In the absence of proper treatment, the risk of bilateral sinusitis in a child increases, in which inflammation of both sinuses is noted. The disease is much more severe, the purulent form of the disease is especially dangerous.

Catarrhal sinusitis in children - mild form illness. Swelling and pain are less significant, nasal discharge is moderate, colorless and odorless. The disease can cause complications such as conjunctivitis, brain abscess, meningitis, inflammation of the membranes and tissues of the eyeball.

How to treat sinusitis in children

In order to get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time, timely and complex therapy. The choice of methods and means of treatment depends on the form of the disease, the presence of complications, the age of the child. Medications aimed at relieving inflammation and pain, cleansing the sinuses, destroying the infection.

Treatment of sinusitis in children includes the appointment of the following groups of drugs:

  • antibiotics ("Amoxicillin", "Flemoklav", "Azithromycin") - used for purulent form of the disease;
  • antipyretics ("Ibufen") - are prescribed if the child has a temperature with sinusitis;
  • mucolytic drugs (ACC, "Sinupret") - necessary to thin the mucus and remove it from the sinuses;
  • means for washing the nose ("Akvalor", "Aqua Maris");
  • antihistamines ("Zodak", "Loratadin") - to eliminate allergic reactions and severe swelling.

Indications for the treatment of sinusitis in children with antibiotics are such signs as high body temperature (38 ° C and above), severe headaches, the presence of pathogenic flora in the analysis of bakposev from the nose. The effectiveness of therapy is judged by the condition of the child two days after the start of treatment. In most cases, patients note a weakening of the headache, a decrease in the amount of mucus secreted and an improvement in overall well-being.

Antibiotics for sinusitis in children are prescribed in the form of tablets and capsules, suspensions, injections. Tablets are not prescribed to children under 6-7 years of age, since at this age not all patients can swallow the medicine. Also not excluded allergic reaction organism. At preschool age, a suspension is better than others.

The introduction of injections is carried out with the rapid development of the symptoms of the disease, they can only be done in a hospital setting. In the treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics, individual selection of the dosage is very important, taking into account possible contraindications. The choice of means and dose can only be carried out by a doctor! Remember that many antibiotics are contraindicated for children of primary school age.

How to restore nasal breathing

To eliminate edema, moisturize the nasal mucosa, remove mucus, use various methods washing the nasal cavity. Of the medical solutions, furatsilin is most often used, saline solutions, Aqua Maris.

The most effective for a child is a solution based on sea ​​water Aqua Maris. The compounds of magnesium, potassium, chlorine and sodium in its composition thin the viscous mucus, relieve inflammation and pain. The drug does not cause side effects They are convenient to use thanks to the syringe that is included in the kit. Perhaps the use of vasoconstrictors ("Rinazolin", "Nazivin", "Tizin").

Among the many folk recipes it is possible to distinguish washing with decoctions based on blackcurrant leaves, chamomile and, celandine, juice. Nasal lavage is used only in complex therapy.

For many years, a method of washing, called the "cuckoo", has been popular in the treatment of sinusitis. Its implementation consisted in the introduction of a disinfectant liquid through one nostril in order to remove it from the other. Such washing can be harmful in the treatment of unilateral sinusitis, since the inflammatory process can move to another sinus.

We offer you to watch a video about how to treat sinusitis in children - gargling, rinsing the nose, warming up, massage, UHF.

What are therapeutic turundas and why are they needed

Turundas are called special lotions for the nasal cavity. They are made from a gauze or cotton swab dipped in a medicinal solution. The introduction of turundas helps to reduce swelling, destroy viruses and bacteria, and restore nasal breathing. As a solution for the preparation of turundas, sea buckthorn oil, Levomekol ointment, a mixture of propolis with vegetable oil are used.

Turundas soaked in the prepared solution are placed in the nasal passage for 30 minutes. Before the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the nose and clear it of crusts.

Is a puncture dangerous with sinusitis

If conservative methods did not allow to cope with the disease, they resort to surgical intervention- puncture. Most parents are afraid of such a procedure, believing that it will cause great discomfort to the child. However, this manipulation is a necessary measure if there is a risk of developing otitis media or a brain abscess. It is also necessary when a neglected disease has become chronic.

The operation is carried out under general anesthesia. With a thin needle, a puncture is made in the sinus and then it is cleaned of accumulated mucus. The final stage of the operation is washing the sinus with several drugs. Proper puncture by an experienced doctor will not cause complications and will allow you to successfully cope with the disease.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

A well-known doctor points out that sinusitis is an inevitable companion of SARS. Komarovsky notes that sinusitis in children is a natural reaction of the body fighting infection.

Treatment of sinusitis in children according to Komarovsky is, first of all, regular washing and cleansing of the maxillary sinuses. The doctor does not advise the use of antibiotics if sinusitis occurs against the background of a viral infection. With a purulent form, Komarovsky states, antibiotics are indispensable.

Further, the doctor debunks the myth that a sinus puncture will have to be repeated throughout life. However, he notes that such a procedure is justified only if other methods of treatment have failed and the disease lasts more than two weeks without apparent relief.

The doctor is very critical in relation to the methods traditional medicine. Especially categorical is Komarovsky's opinion about the procedures for warming up the nose with purulent sinusitis. Exposure to heat can cause a breakthrough of purulent masses or burn the delicate skin of a child. Various folk remedies used at home can only be used to improve general condition patient and must be agreed with the attending physician.

How to prevent the development of the disease

You can prevent the disease if you follow certain rules. Prevention of sinusitis in children is as follows:

  • treat viral and bacterial infections at the first signs of the disease, preventing their complications;
  • monitor the condition of the baby's oral cavity, treat caries of milk teeth in time;
  • during an exacerbation of the disease, observe bed rest;
  • carry out hardening procedures, maintain immunity;
  • eliminate contact with the allergen if the child is prone to allergies;
  • ensure sufficient exposure to fresh air, sports and outdoor games;
  • observe the regimen of the day, sleep and nutrition, dress warmly in cold and windy weather;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilation of the premises, including in the cold season;
  • give the baby vitamins, diversify his diet.

Noticing the first symptoms feeling unwell, you need to see a doctor, and not search for miraculous home methods. Treatment of sinusitis is carried out by a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist.