Ribbon embroidery bouquets of flowers. Ribbon embroidery flowers for beginners in an unusual technique, compositions of pictures of field bouquets

If you want to make the image in your picture look voluminous, it is better to embroider not with threads, but with ribbons.

Flowers made using this technique become almost alive! Such a bouquet will not leave anyone indifferent.

Multi-colored ribbons of joyful shades will help you convey the depth and freshness of summer.

A little imagination - and you will be transported to a blooming meadow, where, like yesterday, you picked up an armful of beautiful flowers and made a voluminous bouquet out of them.

Materials for the project:

Satin ribbons 3-12 mm wide Chenille needle (with a blunt end) or tapestry needle for cross-stitching (with an eye that matches the width of the ribbon) Base fabric stretched over a hoop or frame (double thread, silk, satin, gin linen, chintz or wool) Needle and fishing line (monofilament) for beads

To embroider cornflowers, draw the contours with a “back needle” seam in two threads of lilac color,

and make the middle with a four-turn French knot in two lilac strands.

Perform a French knot with dark pink ribbons (6 mm wide) and pink ribbons (4 mm wide) with knots per turn.

Bring the tape to the front side, wrap around the needle once; holding the coil, insert it into the material,

stepping back from the puncture site by two threads of fabric, and holding the turn on the needle, stretch the needle with the tape to the wrong side.

Embroider unopened flower buds with knots of light green ribbon (width 4 mm).

Embroider asters with air loops with burgundy ribbon (width 3 mm) and floss threads in 6 additions - the same color as the ribbon or a little darker.

Pass the tape to the right side of the fabric, stick it in near the point where it came from, and slowly pull it to the wrong side until a small loop is formed no more than 5 mm high.

In this case, the loops are embroidered with a ribbon and floss inserted into the needle at the same time.

Fill the middle of the aster flower with yellow beads. Use a fishing line for beads in your work (you can take a monofilament or a regular thread to match the color of the fabric or pattern).

For one flower you will need 5-15 beads.

Another interesting way to embroider is a loop with an eye. This is how the wildflowers of lilac and white color(tape width 12 mm).

Bring the tape to the front of the fabric, stick the needle near the point where it came out, and slowly pull the tape to the wrong side until a loop is formed.

Its height should be 1-1.5 cm, depending on the width of the tape. Make sure that the tape does not twist during operation.

Secure each of the completed loops with a white (pearl, cream, pinkish) bead sewn in the center.

The next technique is an elongated stitch, chrysanthemums are embroidered with it (light pink ribbon, width 3 mm).

Bring it to the front side (make sure not to twist) and make stitches of the desired length according to the pattern or the physiology of the flower.

Stitch the middle with a French knot 4 turns in 2 strands of yellow floss.

To embroider leaves, you will need ribbons of various green shades 4-12 mm wide. Sew the leaves around the flowers according to your sketch.

Fill in the voids between the flowers with greenery - and the bouquet will look richer.

You can achieve a three-dimensional image of the basket as follows: sew a cream-colored floss with a “attached” seam in 6 threads,

on the sunlit side of the basket, mark the air stripes in a checkerboard pattern.

At the end of the work, slide a needle or finger in the direction of the “twigs”, and they will fall into place - you get an imitation of a wicker vine.

The picture is ready! It remains to put it in a beautiful frame.

Based on materials from the site: trozo.ru

And some photos for the soul (you can click on each and it will increase)


Wildflowers | Country of Masters

"Dandelions" Silk ribbons, floss, synthetic winterizer. According to MK Irina Podolyak



"Field bouquet". Natural and artificial silk ribbons, satin ribbons, floss, silk thread. According to MK Irina Podolyak

Blue flowers

Looks like a bathing suit

Spikelet. Finally a lucky spike!

"Sunflowers". Satin ribbons

central flower

Sunflowers in profile

Dropped out of a vase...

As promised: framed!

Even with a passe-partout

I really like the combination of baguette and background

Good day everyone! I share the results of the development of silk ribbons: they are different. Not better or worse, just different. But: if the sunflowers turned out to be much larger than A4, then "Dandelions" - only 10 by 15 cm! "Field bouquet" a little more 15 by 20 cm. So now I'm thinking what to take on next.

The paintings are not framed, as sunflowers must be carried in a baguette, but I still think about embroidery with silk ribbons. Frames can be matched, but wouldn't a good baguette be better? I don't know the art of decoupage.

I look forward to criticism, advice, comments and more.


Good time to everyone who is interested in a master class on embroidery with ribbons. I bring to your attention the second master class, in which you will learn how to make twigs with leaves and herbs. In the first master class on embroidery with ribbons of the picture "Wildflowers" you have already learned how to embroider chamomile flowers and small lilac flowers. The first master class told how to embroider chamomile flower petals, how to make a core.

First you need to consider what you need for embroidery with ribbons:

  • floss threads different colors.
  • different needles.
  • hoop for embroidery.
  • fabric for embroidery, gabardine.
  • floss threads
  • silk threads.

Continue embroidering with ribbons. Start embroidering leaves. You have repeatedly seen how I embroider leaflets from ribbons. This time I want to show you a different way of embroidering leaves. Bring the ribbon to the front of the embroidery. And insert a needle with a ribbon into the ribbon Green colour. Tighten the ribbon, but just a little. Here is the first leaf.

Next, lay the ribbon on top of the embroidered leaves. Do not tighten the ribbon, otherwise the leaves will look ugly. Embroidering, in this way, leaflets, as a result, it turns out, as it were, a twig, but, as it were, a single leaflet.

In the same way, you need to embroider two more leaves. Again, I repeat that the ribbon should not be tightened, but laid beautifully, arbitrarily.

At the top of the composition, embroider a small branch with leaves with ribbons. Embroider the leaves in the same way as in the first case.

Now it's the turn to embroider a sprig of grass. The twig must be embroidered with silk threads. It is best to take threads with transitions from one color to another. Embroider grass randomly with these threads.

At the top of the composition, you can still embroider a few sprigs of grass.

Now, armed with acrylic yellow paint, you need to tint the petals at the core.

Add a few more sprigs of grass. Let it be grass with tiny leaves. Embroider this grass with floss threads. Embroider the leaflet with a double stitch. By embroidering the leaves of this grass in this way, they will look more realistic.

Well, after all the manipulations performed in the process of embroidery, we can assume that the embroidery is ready. The picture “Wildflowers” ​​embroidered with ribbons is ready.


Lessons of flower embroidery with ribbons with photo and video examples

Embroidery from ribbons of flowers and bouquets attracts the eye of many beginner needlewomen, because it is dazzlingly beautiful and very much resembles real bouquets and flowers.

The effect is also enhanced by the large volume and magnificent expressive colors. We bring to your attention a master class with a large number of photos in which you will see pictures from bouquets embroidered with satin ribbons.

Video: Amazing pictures with ribbon flowers

Some bouquets are made up of spring and summer flowers, and there are those that remind us of autumn. And here we see a bouquet of dazzling beauty from different flowers gathered together inside a basket, which is also made using embroidery. To embroider a picture, you need to find the pattern that will play the role of the scheme. Pay attention to the step-by-step photos, which show in detail the entire process of creating a bouquet embroidery. It contains magnificent autumn chrysanthemums collected in a beautiful basket. We also need to embroider from the ribbons of the basket, without which the picture will be incomplete. So, what follows is a video and a detailed description of embroidery.

Video: Embroider flowers with ribbons

When the patterns for the scheme are chosen, they must be schematically transferred to the fabric, painted with acrylics and ironed. We will start the embroidery process with a basket, which consists of long vertical stripes. The ribbon embroidery of the brown vertical stripes of the basket is done first. After that, we fill the gaps between the stripes with short horizontal pieces of thread. We continue to work and make embroidery from the ribbons of the central part of each chrysanthemum. This will require thin yellow satin ribbons. The middle of the flower can be embroidered with a French knot, or in another way. Then we need to complete the chrysanthemum petals, and we will do this with the help of a side ribbon stitch. This is how the effect of the petals of a real chrysanthemum is achieved.

White, blue, lilac and pink colors are used for embroidery of this picture. Now let's start embroidering stems from iris threads. We will grab these stems to the base fabric at some points. Finishing the embroidery from ribbons of flowers in the basket, you need to complete the leaves and grass, as shown in the photo. Leaves and grass are embroidered with thin green ribbons. To complete the picture, you can decorate it with a butterfly. We embroider one or two butterflies at the top, or on the side, and we can consider the work finished.

In order to embroider a butterfly, you need to have a tape five millimeters wide. Break it down into sections different lengths. Alternate seven centimeters and four and a half, then again, and so on. Having made sixteen markings, we collect the entire tape on the thread at the marked points, and tighten it. Then we straighten all the segments one by one, and arrange them in the shape of butterfly wings. Let's make the body and head from beautiful beads, and the butterfly is ready.

Video: Making butterflies from ribbons

How to embroider lilac from satin ribbons

Now let's have a lesson with step by step photos for beginners, in which we will tell you how the process of embroidering curly lilacs proceeds. It begins with the fact that we are looking for drawings for the scheme, where the lilac is the most beautiful, and we choose the most suitable one. After that, you need to schematically depict the lilac on the fabric, and paint it with paint. The vase for this picture is made separately, from thick paper and soft filler. After that, we must complete the finish with fabric and braid. Our picture will be three-dimensional, and it will depict a lilac in a vase.

Then we start embroidery with curly lilac ribbons. Ribbon embroidery in our case is very simple. The needle must be brought to the face of the work, and then sew the needle forward on the tape, and pull the thread. After that, bring the needle to the wrong side. At the point of withdrawal from the inside, the tape must be secured with threads. We got a magnificent curly lilac, but so far this is only a small part of the bouquet. We continue to embroider curly lilac, changing colors and applying other shades, until we embroider the entire space of our scheme. At the end of the work, it is necessary to supplement the picture with twigs and leaves, as in the photo.

Poppy Ribbon Embroidery

This lesson will be devoted to how to embroider poppies from corrugated nylon ribbon. In this case, we are embroidering a small picture, which depicts red poppies. In addition, it has leaves, buds and dried poppy boxes. And now a description of embroidery will follow, the patterns of which are very simple:

How to embroider pansies with ribbons

To perform embroidery from ribbons of flowers, which are called Pansies, we need:

  1. Fabric thirty by forty centimeters;
  2. Satin ribbons twenty-four millimeters wide in different colors;
  3. Satin ribbons six millimeters wide;
  4. Black floss threads.

Pansy flowers consist of two tiers, the petals of which can be the same or different colors. We need to make such Pansies, as in our video. Ribbons for each tier of petals are cut from a skein, and assembled using a simple basting seam. We insert the fabric for embroidery into the hoop, and sew our finished petals to it. We form pansies according to colors as nature and fantasy tell us. Let's complete one unopened bud, and proceed to the formation of twigs and leaves. We embroider the leaves with a green thin satin ribbon, short stitches like a spikelet. In the center of the flower we make a yellow knot, and short stitches made with a black floss thread, which give the flower an absolute resemblance to real pansies.

Video: Learning to embroider pansies with ribbons

How to embroider peonies using satin ribbons

In order to make embroidery from ribbons of flowers, which are called peonies, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  1. Drawing on fabric;
  2. Satin ribbons of various colors and widths;
  3. tapestry needle;
  4. Embroidery machine.

Let's start with stems and leaves. For the stalk, you need to twist a thin green ribbon. Peonies have leaves that are sewn with straight and side ribbon stitches. Peonies also consist of petals, and they are not exactly the same among themselves. The inner row should be made from a straight ribbon stitch, and twisted stitches. The second outer row is done by basting and gathering the satin. The central part of the flower should be made with a loop stitch. And now our magnificent peonies are ready.

We embroider cornflowers from satin ribbons

Consider embroidery from ribbons of beautiful summer wildflowers called Cornflowers. We bring to your attention a video that shows different techniques for this needlework:

  1. We embroider Cornflowers using a corrugated ribbon, but in this technique the flower turns out to be rather schematic, because there are no separate petals of a special shape extended towards the end;
  2. We carry out Cornflowers with the help of a thin blue satin. In this case, you can make the shape of the petals, which will be more similar to the real one.

To embroider a cornflower we will prepare the following materials:

  1. Satin ribbons three millimeters wide, light blue or blue;
  2. Satin stripes three millimeters green;
  3. The floss is blue and purple for the center of the flower.

Flowers Cornflowers have special petals, very narrow at the base of the flower, and wide at the end. It is not difficult to embroider such petals, and you need to do this with three straight stitches. Under the petals there is a thickening that resembles a small pineapple. Starting cornflower embroidery, draw a circle of the desired diameter on the fabric, and make a markup that divides it into eight parts. In the center, draw a small circle for the middle of the flower. This will be the scheme necessary for work.

Now let's start embroidering cornflower petals from ribbons. Gramophone-shaped petals can be made using three straight ribbon stitches of different lengths. The stitches should come out from one point, and then diverge in width. The center stitch is the longest and the other two are shorter. We embroider the central part of the Cornflower with blue and purple floss threads, and then we sew the green part under the flower using a large loop. After that, we twist the tape tightly, and make a stalk. At this stage, embroidery from Cornflower ribbons can be considered finished.

Video: Ribbon embroidery lesson: cornflowers with spikelets

We embroider lilies of the valley with a satin ribbon

In this lesson we will embroider Lilies of the valley. Embroidery from Lily of the Valley ribbons will require the following materials:

  1. Ribbon satin green three centimeters wide;
  2. White satin ribbon 4 mm wide;
  3. Iris threads;
  4. Tapestry needle;
  5. Lighter.

We embroider Lilies of the valley in a bouquet, for which we need five pieces of a wide green ribbon of different lengths, from ten to twenty centimeters. From them we embroider leaves of lilies of the valley. Each such segment must be fixed in the place where it should be in the drawing. We will thread the upper pointed end into the needle, and bring it to the wrong side of the work, securing it with threads. We roll the lower ends with a tube, and fasten with a pin on the front side, as shown in the video. We embroider the Lily-of-the-valley leaf with straight and side tape seams. We perform the stems of the Lily of the Valley with the help of a stalked seam, and then we proceed to embroidery from the ribbons of the Lily of the Valley flowers.

To embroider one Lily of the valley flower, you need to make a knot at the end of a thin white satin strip. We put the second end into the needle, and bring it to the wrong side. The knot at the same time remains on the front side of the work, and it will serve to give the flower volume. On top of this knot, we sew three ordinary straight ribbon stitches. But at the end of this stitch, you need to bring the tape back to the wrong side, forming a loop. We fix it with a pin, and then we fix it with a regular thread, and remove the pin. We embroider two more exactly the same stitches with a curl, and the Lily of the Valley flower is ready. We continue to work and embroider all the flowers and leaves, as required by the scheme, and so we reach the end of the picture.

We embroider the next Lily of the Valley flowers on the basis of a twisted loop, which will create volume instead of the first knot. Lily of the valley buds are made using a French knot. With one or two turns of thread, or double tape seam.

Embroider tulips with ribbons

Tulip ribbon embroidery is very simple, and is accessible even for children and beginners. Before starting the lesson, prepare:

  1. Atlas of different colors forty millimeters wide;
  2. Needles with a wide eye;
  3. Hoop or frame;
  4. Fabric for embroidery.

Embroidery from ribbons begins with drawing a pattern on the fabric, and stretching the fabric on a frame or hoop. We bring the needle from the inside to the front side. Making one stitch equal to the length tulip petal, and again we bring the needle to the back. Next to the first we make the second stitch, and our tulip is ready. For the bouquet we make four yellow, four red and three pink tulips. Then we will make the stems from a twisted tape, and grab them with a thread. We complement the bouquet with leaves from a green ribbon, and the picture is ready.

How to embroider Irises with ribbons

To embroider irises with ribbons, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  1. A piece of satin purple thirteen millimeters wide for flowers;
  2. Green tape for leaves;
  3. Needle and wide eye;
  4. Lighter;
  5. Textile;
  6. Hoop.

We mark the fabric, following the drawing of the diagram, and make the first ribbon stitch, which will be the inner petal. Such a stitch is different in that the needle is brought to the wrong side not only through the fabric, but also through the same tape, while making a turn. To the left and right of the inner petal, we embroider from the ribbons of the outer petals using side ribbon stitches, without stretching the ribbon, but making the volume. The side stitch is slightly different from the straight stitch in that the needle enters the tape not in the center, but on the left or right, depending on the need.

The bottom petals of the flower should be made using a twisted ribbon stitch. At the same time, the tape is twisted, and the needle is stuck into it with a turn, as in a straight stitch. After the petals, we proceed to embroider the lower part of the iris with green satin, for which we make a horizontal loop. We complete the work by embroidering the stem from a heavily twisted ribbon. At the bottom of the stem, the satin is drawn onto the face of the work, and then Iris leaves are embroidered with twisted stitches.

Video: Embroidery of irises from satin ribbons

Chamomile from satin ribbons

To make embroidery with chamomile ribbons, you must first draw the outlines of the color scheme. The chamomile pattern is two circles of different diameters inscribed in each other. We embroider white chamomile petals with a regular ribbon stitch, and the center of the flower with French knots, yellow floss threads. The stalk of chamomile must be done with a floss thread, which we fold four times, and then we sew with a stalk seam. At the end, you need to add green leaves, which are done with a regular ribbon seam, but with a wide green satin stripe.

Video: An example with embroidery of daisies with ribbons

We embroider sunflowers from ribbons

To make sunflower embroidery with ribbons, you need to prepare:

  1. silk ribbon;
  2. Canvas and hoop;
  3. Needles for ribbon and floss;
  4. floss thread;
  5. Scheme for work.

Let's start embroidery from ribbons by stretching the fabric on the hoop, after which we will mark the petals, which will require at least twenty. Before this, it is necessary to schematically depict the center of the flower. Then we thread the satin into a needle with a wide eye, and begin to embroider the petals with a ribbon seam, straight and side. A variety of these two kinds of seam, you can make a more natural and lively sunflower. We start to embroider from the inner circle, and finish on the outer circle. We carry out the middle of the sunflower by embroidering French knots with mustard-colored floss threads. And at the end of the work, you can embroider two green leaves with a wide green satin strip. Now our magnificent sunflower is completely ready.

Video: Sunflower embroidery workshop


Penguin Art -

Ribbon embroidery is a very interesting activity. With each new stitch, you can see how a real masterpiece is born before your eyes: magical and unique.

In order to learn how to embroider pictures and flowers with ribbons, you need to stock up on the materials that we need for work. All of them are sold in shops for needlewomen and are inexpensive. Of course, for each flower you will select ribbons of the desired color and width. Now we will consider only those materials that are needed for any embroidery.

Embroidery materials

When all the materials are prepared, we can start embroidering flowers.

Embroider flowers with ribbons


Poppies are very bright wildflowers. Many associate them with girlish beauty and youth.

In order to embroider poppies from ribbons, we need a wide red ribbon (about 5 cm wide), ribbons for embroidering leaves, dark green 1 cm wide, a dark green cord for decorating the core, red thread for sewing a wide ribbon and black thread for sewing on a cord.

Video: how to embroider poppies with ribbons


The blossoming lilac branch for many of us symbolizes the arrival of spring. ITS flowers are tender, and the aroma is unforgettable.

To embroider a branch of lilac with ribbons, prepare a thin purple or white ribbon and brown or swamp floss threads for embroidering the stem.

  1. On the fabric we draw an approximate arrangement of future flowers;
  2. In order to make a branch with blooming flowers, we fix the thread from the wrong side of the work;
  3. We bring the needle with the thread to the front side and pick up the tape on the needle (3-4 cm of the tape), we bring the needle to the wrong side and fasten the thread. So we continue until we issue a branch. Therefore, it is important to initially make a preliminary sketch;
  4. To make lilac buds, first embroider the stem with floss. Then pull a thin ribbon into a special needle. Fasten the tape on the wrong side and bring the needle to the front side. Wrap the tape several times around the needle, and again bring it to the wrong side through the same hole. Tighten the ribbon carefully. Continue to make such buds along the entire length of the branch.

Video: master class on embroidering lilacs with ribbons


Pansies are flowers that surprise with a variety of colors. They are yellow, red, white, pink, purple, burgundy. Therefore, in the choice of tapes, you can not limit yourself. The width of the tape can also be different. It depends on the desired flower size.


Peonies are lush and noble flowers. They delight the eye with bright, contrasting colors and a delicate aroma. In order to embroider peonies with ribbons, we need ribbons 2.5 - 3 cm wide.

  1. We make a preliminary sketch on the fabric;
  2. We embroider peony petals in a circle with straight stitches, laying one on top of the other. In the middle we leave a little free space;
  3. Embroider the middle of the peony. To do this, take a ribbon 1 - 1.5 cm and again embroider the middle of the flower with straight stitches. It is better to twist the tape a little before each stitch;
  4. To finish the peony embroidery. We make several loose loops in the middle;
  5. Complete the flowers by making leaves. They are embroidered with a simple ribbon stitch.

Video: learning to embroider a flower and a peony bud with ribbons


When it's autumn outside and everything around is painted in gray-brown tones, chrysanthemums are the only ones able to please us with bright colors. To embroider chrysanthemums, ribbons 0.5 cm wide are needed.

  1. It would seem that such a complex flower, but it is embroidered quite simply. Initially, the inner rows of petals are made. All work is done with ribbon stitches. First, the petals should taper at the base and diverge towards the top;
  2. Each next row of petals should slightly overlap the previous one. In total, 5-5 rows are obtained;
  3. We supplement the flower with leaves and stems. Chrysanthemum embroidery is finished.


Summer, delicate flowers - cornflowers. They fascinate with the depth of blue. No wonder they are also called the eyes of the sky. To embroider cornflowers, we need a ribbon 0.5 -0.6 cm wide. You can take different shades: from rich blue to light blue.

  1. We draw a contour of future colors on the main fabric;
  2. We embroider petals. They are made with simple ribbon stitches around the core. It is important that the stitches are slightly different in length and overlap each other a little. This will give the cornflowers pomp and characteristic “terryness”;
  3. Let's start embroidering the core of the flower. To do this, you need to make several knots, such as for embroidering lilac buds;
  4. Our cornflowers are ready. Instead of knots, you can sew a few black beads into the middle of the flower.

Video: embroider cornflowers with ribbons


Embroidering certain patterns with ribbons, decorating embroidered baskets, sometimes you want to decorate them with something else. Great solution for embroidery of such panels will be butterflies. There are different schemes and descriptions for creating these lovely insects. We will consider the simplest, suitable for beginner embroiderers.

To embroider a butterfly, we need a thin black ribbon for embroidering the body of a butterfly and a colored ribbon 2-3 cm wide.

  1. We embroider the head and body of our butterfly. Let's make one knot as for embroidery with lilac ribbons;
  2. We bring the needle to the front side close to our knot and make one stitch 3 cm long. The body and head are ready;
  3. Embroider wings. With colored ribbons, make two stitches in different directions from the body;
  4. With a black floss thread, you can embroider the antennae of a butterfly, and by sewing on two small beads, we get eyes.

Video: turn a satin ribbon into a butterfly

Chamomile ribbon embroidery

Daisies are a beloved wild flower. Many poems and songs are dedicated to them. It will not be difficult to embroider a chamomile from ribbons. You just need to embroider the petals in a circle with ribbon stitches, and the middle should be filled with knots.

By the same principle, a scheme for embroidering sunflower ribbons is built. Only for petals should choose a wider ribbon.

Tulip ribbon embroidery

Very simple and easy, with just a couple of stitches, you can embroider beautiful tulips - a symbol of spring and the awakening of all living things.

To create them, we need a tape 2-3 cm wide.

We bring the needle with the tape to the front side and make stitches up.

Next to this stitch, again bring the needle to the front side and make stitches down. We fix the tape on the wrong side.

Tulip is ready.

We have considered only some ways of embroidering flowers from ribbons. On our site you can find photos, descriptions, lessons for beginners, diagrams and patterns. With their help, you will learn how to embroider ribbons of irises, paintings, baskets, leaves, butterflies and other beauty.

Video: a lesson on embroidering a tulip flower with ribbons

Let's turn to history

Interestingly, ribbon embroidery has very long historical roots. Even in ancient times, girls tried to decorate their image with multi-colored silk stripes. They were woven into hair, decorated with clothes. It should be noted that this pleasure was not cheap, since silk was brought from China itself and was very expensive.

In the Middle Ages, when silk threads began to be made in Europe, almost all noble people sought to decorate their clothes with silk ribbons with a gold border. Moreover, each estate was supposed to use ribbons of a certain color.

But the real dawn of the art of embroidery with ribbons fell on the Renaissance. The French king Louis XV himself loved to delight the ladies of the court with cute trinkets embroidered by him with his own hand. At this time, every self-respecting lady tried to decorate the corset of her dress with small roses or a sprig of lilac embroidered from satin ribbons. Then came the linen. It was also decorated with satin ribbons of different colors, turning the most ordinary things into works of art. Today, wardrobe items of royal courtiers go under the hammer for crazy money.

The tradition of embroidering flowers from ribbons on clothes quickly migrated from France to the islands of Great Britain, and from there spread throughout Europe.

After the Second World War, interest in ribbon embroidery, as well as other types of needlework, subsided a bit. This was caused by the fact that people needed to restore the losses caused by military operations. But in the last few decades, the fashion for handmade products has gradually returned. Interest in ribbon embroidery also returns.

Bags, cosmetic bags, paintings decorated with ribbons are popular. You can also create unique items of clothing using embroidery.

This article describes the lessons on embroidery from flower ribbons. Having mastered each of them, you will be able to compose compositions, combine them into baskets, embroider pictures and create amazing drawings. In addition, on our website you can find many descriptions with step-by-step photos, which describe in detail how to create patterns, leaves and butterflies.

Video: ribbon basket master class

More details can be found here vnitkah.ru


Embroidery ribbons. Painting "Wildflowers". Part 1. Master class with step by step photos

I suggest you watch the master class on embroidery with ribbons of the picture "Wildflowers". Good day to all who come to the page of my master class. I offer you two master classes on the painting "Wildflowers". In the first master class, you will learn how to embroider the flowers depicted in this picture with ribbons.

In the second master class, it will be detailed how to embroider branches of leaves and sprigs of various herbs with ribbons. First, I offer you the first master class on embroidering flowers, which are depicted in the painting "Wildflowers".

What you need for embroidery with ribbons:

  • satin ribbons of white, green, lilac colors.
  • floss threads of different colors.
  • different needles.
  • hoop for embroidery.
  • fabric for embroidery, gabardine.
  • acrylic paint yellow color.

Ribbon embroidery pattern master class.

At the very beginning of the process, you need to prepare the fabric for embroidery and the hoop. Kabardine fabric needs to be ironed and inserted into the hoop.

You need to think about the plot of embroidery. It is necessary to understand where they will be, what flowers will be located. Mark with a pencil the place where the daisies will be located. Arm yourself with a white ribbon and start embroidering chamomile petals. Embroider the petals in such a way that the middle of the chamomile remains free. Do not tighten the ribbon tightly, lay it out as your fantasy suggests. If the ribbons are tightened tightly, then they will not look. For greater realism, some petals must be cut and singeed with a lighter so that the scorched edge is bent into inside.

Then start embroidering two other chamomile flowers. Make next two opened chamomile flowers. In the same way, embroider the petals first, and then embroider the middle of the flower.

After you have embroidered daisies, start embroidering other flowers. When embroidering flowers from a lilac ribbon, embroider a stem to them using floss threads. Embroider open flowers and buds, place them on the stalk that you previously embroidered.

Twigs with lilac flowers should get three things for good measure. Again, the ribbon of these flowers also does not need to be tightened. If you tighten the ribbon, then the flowers will turn out not beautiful. Embroider several petals in each bud. Some flowers may have two petals, and some flowers may have four petals. At this stage, it is not necessary to do as I have. Follow your intuition, and for sure, you will turn out more beautiful. When you embroider flower buds, then make two or even three seams with a ribbon. From this, the buds will turn out convex. The middle of the lilac flowers must be embroidered with floss threads, the so-called French stitch. To do this, you need to wind a triple of turns on a needle and insert the needle where the core of the flower should be.

The ribbon embroidery of flowers is completed and our embroidered flowers for the future picture are ready. In the second part of the master class, you will learn how to finish embroidery with ribbons.

The second part of the master class can be viewed here.

Embroidery ribbons. Painting "Wildflowers". Part 2. Master class with step by step photos

In this article, we will touch upon such a type of needlework as ribbon embroidery, as well as help you understand the general concepts and find suitable prints, drawings, YouTube video tutorials, photos and much more. It is important to start from the very basics, and also to understand that many are somehow intertwined with each other. Therefore, if there is a desire to become an experienced master, it will be necessary to learn knitting, cross-stitch, stitch and use their techniques to perfection. We will be happy to offer examples of bouquets of roses, orchids, lilacs, step-by-step lessons and secrets for beginners in different performance techniques. First of all, pictures will serve to decorate your home, and individually embroidered compositions decorate clothes and interior items. We advise you to pay attention to the schemes of birds, animals, insects, hearts and other flower images.

beautiful flowers embroidery

Surprisingly, every year there are more and more author's recommendations, new techniques for making stitches and, of course, the layouts themselves. Except general concepts on our site there are also tips from professional needlewomen, their creative approach in creating unique masterpieces. Some also use knitting and weaving techniques. Please also note that you can use it in the decoration of objects and special occasions. Each girl, having gained patience and prepared floss threads, the desired lengths of ribbons, needles, different types hoop in diameter and canvas, you can create masterpieces with flowers of poppies, sunflowers and other wild flowers. Many recommend applying the location of the stem and leaves to the fabric in advance, this allows you to better navigate and avoid mistakes.

The fastest ways to finish a canvas edge in 60 seconds

It should also be remembered that small details and the edges of the canvas are overcast with floss thread. This will add clarity to the details, preserve and decorate the edge of the fabric. Processing the edge of the fabric with floss threads with an overcast seam.

Volumetric embroidery with ribbons of flowers

Interior dahlia in the examples on the panel.

Rose and basic postulates

  • On the canvas you need to create five loops that resemble a star.
  • Through these loops we tighten the ribbon in the same color in a circle, but so that it passes either under the loop or above it.
  • As a result, you get a rather beautiful bud, which can be supplemented with elegant leaves, beads or beads, which will symbolize dew drops.

Examples of schemes supplemented with lilac branches.

Lilac branches and French knot technology

These flowers are the most troublesome. To create a branch with buds, you will need more than a dozen French knots. This is the easiest option. It is necessary to make knots from purple, which will need to be as close as possible to each other. It is better to apply the form on the fabric in advance so that it looks like a triangle.

Lilac patterns also exist in an alternative technique. It consists in cutting many pieces using a thin lilac ribbon and sewing each piece in the shape of a bow onto the canvas. We will embroider a dozen of these mini bows, in the end, we get a full flower.

French knot illustration.

Flowers of white and purple lilacs in patterns.

Blooming Japanese sakura

We start with branches. We create them with floss threads of 3 shades according to the picture. We will make the leaves with such stitches: straight, “leaf” and ribbon stitch with a curl. We will decorate the flowers with an air loop in the center with beads, and prepare them separately from a nylon ribbon. They are formed with a gathered ribbon and fastened to the fabric with a few simple stitches in accordance with the place indicated in the picture. The hearts of these flowers are also decorated with beads.

"Dancing" is the second name of this beautiful flower. We can use gabardine or any other fabric. For beautiful inflorescences, we take artificial silk. PS basis for buds. A leaflet is gradually embroidered with a tape of 7 and 13 mm. We use the reception-tape seam. And 1.3 cm thick, we create buds.
Stunning fuchsia in the example at the link below.

Read more: /wpmfc_cab_ss]

lush peonies

The idea to perfectly decorate your bedroom in a pleasant pink tone that calms and creates a romantic atmosphere is to create an amazing picture using a peony flower as the main element. Every embroiderer knows that it is recommended to use dense satin for buds, silk ones are not suitable for this. The color of ribbons and threads should be the same, only shades can differ. The bud is created by loops that hang in the air. Such loops will require a minimum of 30 to achieve volume. Knitting threads complement the project, they are also sewn with long loops under pink ribbons.

You will need a sketch to create a large flower.

We embroider flowers and compositions

The most remarkable and at the same time simple option are chamomile. That is why they are so popular among beginners. It is necessary to master a straight seam, with its help we get petals in a circle. It is important to leave the middle unsewn, so that later it can be supplemented with yellow threads, beads or beads. More experienced craftswomen, for whom this has already been mastered, can be yellow. Who does not know, the knots are performed as follows - we put them on the needle several times and pull them through the formed curls along the entire length. At the end we get neat knots.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the color of the fabric, because a white daisy on a white background will look at least stupid. Give your preference to a dark blue or even black base color. You can find any examples and lessons on specialized sites, where each step is described in detail.

Primary requirements:

  • need to learn PS and
  • contrasting fabric color
  • first of all, the petals, then decorate the middle

We fix the fabric in the hoop and embroider on a contrasting fabric. We lead the petals in a circle, use the PS.

Sunflowers on canvas

Sunflower illustrations are often used to decorate coats and bags. . This is not at all strange, because a bright flower showing off on a spring coat will remind you of sunny weather and cheer you up. A sunflower is performed in almost the same way as a chamomile, the difference will be in the length of the petals, their color and, of course, the middle. A sunflower petal is formed using the “tucked seam” technique. You will need to pierce not only the fabric using an awl or needle, but also parts of the ribbon that should lie on it. Thus, it turns out that the tip is slightly tucked up. The petals on the sunflower should overlap, there should not be much retreat between them, 0.3 cm is enough. The middle is done with black French knots, they should resemble seeds that have already ripened in the sunflower.

Prints “Sunflowers with daisies.

Ideas and secrets in creating sunflowers for beginners

Tulips from ribbons

The color of tulips can be the most diverse, here the author must already include his imagination in order to get a mosaic of incredible patterns. Complement your work with unblown flowers, that is, with closed green buds, they are made with one PS. The same, if you want to portray half-opened, use two straight fan-shaped stitches.

Tulips step by step:

  • For buds, therefore, you need to take a width of no more than 15 mm.
  • Petals with a straight stitch, but it is made from one point at the bottom.
  • The distance between the punctures in the lower part can be approximately 3 mm, no more.

simple stitch “eyelet with attachment”.

Lilies of the valley decorated with beads

On one stalk, 6 flowers can be placed on the strength, and, which is covered with a ribbon stitch. This is necessary in order to create a convex bud. It is necessary to decorate a white lily of the valley with yellow beads so that it even remotely resembles the original. Special attention when performing lilies of the valley, a stalk is given, it is performed with threads.

Interior decoration panel "Lilies of the valley"

Lily of the valley pattern.

Bell symbol of spring.

Daisy and bell print

Bouquet of gladioli and amazing orchids.

Astra or cosmos.

Gentle sweet pea and pansies.

Fairy and snowdrop pattern.

Flower angel girl.

Embroidered red poppy flowers

Poppy is done in scarlet red. It is better to take satin, unlike silk, it does not fade in the sun, it is cheaper, does not shed and perfectly absorbs moisture. For large poppies, a tape of at least 25 mm in diameter is required. Draw a circle on the canvas and you need to sew petals on it. It is more convenient to draw with a black felt-tip pen or use a simple pencil. Before fixing into a needle, singe the edges (ends) with a lighter. Then we pull out a needle with a ribbon from the wrong side of the fabric (we cut one edge at an angle of 25 degrees, inserting it into the eye of the needle, grab it into the bartack) to the front side, the same must be done with a regular thread threaded into a chenille needle No. 24 (you will find it in sets of needles), fixing it on the side. We bring it out, beautifully straighten it, as evenly as possible. With a regular seam forward with a needle and thread, we grab 5 cm of ribbon along its edge with a light accordion. You need to make sure that the stitches are not large, otherwise, your poppy leaves run the risk of not being neat.

how to learn to embroider schematically scarlet poppies

Glade of red poppies and herbs.

Embroidered leaf and stem

There are always not only petals but also leaves with stems, they can also be depicted in different ways. It is justified to create stems with ordinary threads if you need to depict, for example, a lily of the valley or a snowdrop, but if you need a sunflower stem, you will need knitting threads. Thick fleshy stems are made with a twisted stitch. To keep it better in the middle, it is sewn with a green thread, it will not be so noticeable.

To perform tulips, there is a separate version of the stem. We lay the green one, previously soaked in pva glue, on a needle. After a couple of minutes, we pull out the needle and get a tube, which is very realistic and really resembles a tulip.

Butterflies and insects, photos and diagrams

See More: DIY Butterfly

Volumetric dragonfly and grasshopper.

flower hearts

Some tips and tricks for voluminous flower heart from experienced embroiderers:

  • start by choosing a print, stop with those flowers that you are familiar with.
  • prepare all the necessary accessories (needles, ribbon of a certain length, scissors, fabric, hoop, thread, beads, lighter).
  • review the recommendations again, fix the material.
  • start with large flowers, they will form the basis of the heart and decorate them with small blades of grass and wild spikelets.

Panel in the shape of a heart

Flower letters in examples

Ribbon embroidery of three-dimensional paintings

Each such picture requires a lot of time and perseverance. Painting from experienced needlewomen in the photo gallery.

Hair from roses in a decor picture.

Lilies in the schemes

Meadow inflorescence in examples.

In the meadow flowers, Svetlana Gerasimova used a carnation, a sprig of mountain ash, a wild rose and a field spikelet.

Strawberries, berries, fruits and new ideas for creativity

Cherries and sweet cherries in a still life of meadow flowers and herbs. We also use spikelets and weave a basket of thread in the form of braids.

Rowan in jewelry, brooch and medallion.

Photo of rowan twigs, berries come in a special set.

Christmas tree landscape, decorated Christmas ball.

Christmas decoration idea.

Animals and birds in thematic landscapes

Exquisite black and white swans in the paintings.

Ornaments on clothes and jewelry

Embroidered ancient costume of aristocratic nobility.

Kanzashi hairpins are another way to transform things. Intertwines stitching and folding.

Yo-Yo hairpin style.

Stylish set of two hairpins, a tie and a hoop made of rep ribbon.

Wedding or evening dress.

Brazilian embroidery

The combination of many volumetric elements with relief embroidery. The main techniques are a stalk seam, and laying out. The motifs in it are floral ornaments. flowering trees, herbs and flowers. But the main feature is subtly delicate female illustrations. Mostly threads are used, less often ribbons.

We are happy to offer you additional MCs and more. You can dive into new horizons of folk art and learn some tricks and secrets. You can decorate clothes and household items, bags and postcards, pillows, decorate an apartment or house with a panel.

Decoration and ornaments in decor.

Unusually decorate home textiles, bedding and pillows.

Decorated jewelry or gift box

What is the difference between satin and silk. You can master straight, twisted and other types of stitches for yourself, or they are also called embroidery stitches. Learn commonly used . As a result, you can use our examples and get creative ideas for yourself. And first of all, every woman will see a talent in herself. Take it, do a miracle!

Keep in your memory the feeling of a hot summer day, a flowering meadow, carefree rest, peace and good mood.

You need to embroider wild flowers:
linen fabric of large weave or dense canvas (severe or light beige);
tapes 7 mm wide:

For clover lilac or burgundy, bright crimson, pink, light pink, plum, gray pink and pale pink;

For lilac, pale lilac and lavender bells;

For white, pale gray and yellow daisies;

For khaki, grass and light green leaves;

For grass and cereals, tapes 3.5 mm wide in beige, golden beige (ocher) and light brown: floss threads in beige and grass color;

Large eye needle;

Performing field flower embroidery.

As usual, it is necessary to prepare the fabric for embroidery (to iron, overcast the edges) and transfer the contours of the main elements of the pattern to the fabric.

Daisies. On the contour of the pattern at any point from the center, bring the needle to the front side and, retreating to the distance of the length of the petal, draw the needle to the wrong side. Also embroider petals on all daisies. Embroider a few petals with light gray ribbons. Now, with yellow ribbons, embroider the middle of the chamomile also with a simple straight stitch. To make the center convex, pass the tape through the fabric twice, applying it with some offset.

bells embroider with a straight buttonhole stitch. Unlike embroidery of chamomile petals, this seam is made more convex with a thin stick, which must be placed under the tape at the base of the stitch. Holding the stick under the ribbon, pass the needle to the wrong side, stepping back to the required distance (bell size) and gently pull the ribbon up without twisting it. For one bell, you need to make 3 stitches side by side. At the bottom, the ribbons come out from one point, and at the top they fan out.

Clover. For pink clover, use ribbons in three colors. Start embroidering from the base of the clover with darker ribbons - plum or gray-pink. Make 7-8 twisted elongated stitches about 1 cm long. To do this, you need to stretch the needle to the front side and twist the tape, pull the needle with the tape to the wrong side without pulling the tape. Then follow the same stitches, but with lighter ribbons. In the same way, embroider clover with ribbons of a different color.

Grass, cereals . On the contour of the pattern, embroider the stalks of cereals with a stalk stitch with floss threads in 2 additions. With ribbons 3.5 mm wide of different shades, sew the flowers of these cereals with straight stitches about 1 cm long. Embroider the rest of the leaves, panicles, etc. with floss threads in 2 additions with a “loop” seam, in some cases filling the empty space of the leaves with smoothness. After embroidering all the flowers, fill in all the free places in the bouquet with greenery - leaves, stems, etc.

Leaves perform two types of stitches: straight and tape loop; You can also use a ribbon offset stitch. Place a thin layer of synthetic winterizer under the embroidered picture. The edges of the fabric reverse side stretch the cardboard well and fix it with PVA glue or pull it off with bobbin threads. After that, the picture can be inserted into the frame.

(click on the picture, only then save it to your computer)

Briefly about the ribbon stitch.
We bring the mite to the front side, pull it up and draw the needle to the wrong side through the center of the tape at the top of the stitch, gently pull the needle up until the edges of the tape are wrapped. If you pass the needle to the wrong side not through the center of the tape, but through the edge, you will get a tape offset stitch.

Bonus video. Waltz of the Flowers.

Municipal state educational institution

"Bitkovskaya secondary school"

Suzunsky district of the Novosibirsk region

creative project


The product is made in the technique of embroidery with ribbons.

One stitch, another stitch
Don't sleep, my needle
A leaf has opened, a flower has blossomed
Azure silk.

Completed by: Shtogrina Kristina

8th grade student

Head: Zyablitskaya Galina Ivanovna

technology teacher

year 2014.

Table of contents

    Need, problem.

    Thinking scheme.

    From the history.

    Materials and tools.

    Identification of the main parameters and limitations.

    Bank of ideas.

    Product sketch.

    Product requirements.

    Design specification.

    Workplace organization and safety.

    Ecological justification.

    Economic justification.

    Manufacturing technology.


need, problem

I really like flowers!

In the East, the ancients worshiped plants and flowers as living beings. We had confidential conversations with plants, as with close friends. They were idolized. Monuments were erected to favorite plants, when their life unexpectedly ended. Flowers and herbs were treated with spells and prayers. They asked the wind and rain not to break the trees. In ancient hymns, they prayed not only for a good harvest, but also for the extension of the moment of flowering, no matter how fleeting it would be.

I want to embroider wild flowers. The work will be done in the technique of embroidery with ribbons. Ribbon embroidery is much faster than any other type of embroidery - satin stitch, cross stitch, etc. That's why I chose her. This type of needlework makes it possible to realize any "flower" fantasies and create a real exclusive. The works made in this technique are voluminous and bright. Patterns that are complex at first glance are quite simple to create. Ribbon embroidery can be used both for interior decoration and for creating single items. The work will be framed in a picture and will decorate my room.

Target of this work - to explore the history of embroidery with ribbons and evaluate their capabilities in its development.


Explore the history of arts and crafts

Get to know the technique of "Ribbon embroidery"

Master the skills and abilities in this technique

Complete the painting "Wildflowers".

Thinking scheme.

From the history

Silk ribbons and braid used for decoration have firmly entered our lives. They are also used in wedding dress brides are richly decorated with lace, ribbons, ruffles. Emphasize the sophistication of a wrapped gift. Ribbons “enliven” the hairstyle, and hats, handbags and dresses trimmed with them and braid will give the so-called “highlight“.

It has become customary to decorate the cars of the wedding procession with ribbons in the colors of the national flag and to tie envelopes with newborns with blue or pink ribbons, depending on the gender of the child.

The history of silk ribbon embroidery goes back to ancient Anglo-Saxon traditions. Since ancient times, narrow strips of fabric have been used in everyday life and economic activities of people. In ancient Greece, women wove strips of fabric into their hair. AT Ancient Rome clothes were trimmed with colored ribbons, and each social class had its own color and material. In the Middle Ages in Italy, the backs of chairs and canopies were decorated with ribbons, as well as heavy curtains were tied up that closed the windows to protect from the cold in winter.

The King of France, Louis XIV, decorated even his shoes with ribbons studded with precious stones and urged the whole court to dress in an original and imaginative way. It was at this time that embroidery with silk ribbons appeared in France. First, noble ladies began to decorate their dresses, decorating them with small “a la rococo” roses, leaves and a variety of flowers with pearls and crystals.

The heyday of this art came in the 70s of the 19th century. By that time, embroidery could be seen not only on dresses, but also on umbrellas, lampshades, quilts, knick-knacks for the home and hats. After World War II, public interest in all types of needlework began to decline.

But within the last two decades, there has been a renaissance in ribbon embroidery. Interest returned, and this art again shone with all its facets. In the coming years, this type of embroidery is expected to be widespread and successful.

Materials and tools

To embroider with ribbons, you need a set that is traditional for any type of embroidery - this is a fabric, threads (in this case, ribbons), hoops and needles.

For embroidery with ribbons, fabric with a mesh pattern is best suited - linen, canvas, tablecloth fabric. The fabric needs to be strong enough to hold the stitches, but also stretchy enough to allow the tape to pass through easily.

For embroidery, ribbons with a width of 4 mm or more are needed. The main selection factors are color and patency in the eye of the needle.

What needles and warps can be used for ribbon embroidery?

Two types of needles are suitable for embroidery with ribbons: chenille needles - thick needles with a sharp tip and a wide eye, into which the ribbon passes freely; knitted or tapestry needles - thick, with a blunt nose and a wide eye. The smaller the needle number, the larger the needle itself! The smallest needles No. 24 are used for embroidering silk ribbons with a width of 2mm, and needles No. 16-18 can be used for embroidery with centimeter satin ribbons.

Identification of key parameters and limitations

My product must meet the following requirements:

1.High accuracy of execution.

2. The accuracy of embroidery in accordance with theoretical information.

3. External attractiveness.

4. Economic feasibility of the product.

5. Safety of practical work.

6. Availability of purchased materials.

Bank of ideas

1 №2

3 №4

Product sketch

I choose option number 3, because. I like it the most, only I decided to make some changes.

Product Requirements

Manufacturing method

Embroidery ribbons.

Requirements in terms of safety of use

The completed product should not pose a danger to use for humans.

environmental requirements.

The product is made of materials that are safe for human health.

Design specification

The picture is made in the technique of embroidery with ribbons

Workplace organization

The table with fixtures and tools should stand so that the light falls on the work from the left side. If there is no box on the table, then ribbons and threads can be stored in a special bag, tools in a box, and sheets of tracing paper with patterns in a folder. During work, it is necessary to monitor the position of the body, which should be slightly tilted forward, do not slouch, do not bow your head low. The distance between the eyes and the work should not exceed 25 - 30 cm. The chair is moved to the table so that you can lean on its back.


    use tools carefully;

    do not stick the needle into clothes during work or do not leave it at the workplace;

    the needle should always be with a thread, in case of loss it must be immediately sought (for this it is useful to have a magnet, with its help you can easily find a fallen needle);

    during a break in work, stick needles and pins into the needle bed, put the scissors on the table with closed blades;

    pass the scissors to each other only with the rings forward. Don't swing them;

    do not take thread, fabric, needles into your mouth;

    for sewing and embroidery, thread a thread no longer than an elbow into the needle;

    at the end of class, bring your workplace in order.

Environmental rationale

The materials used to make the bags are safe for human health and the environment.

Economic justification

Fabric - 50 rubles.

Ribbons - 34 rubles.

Mouline threads - 10 rubles.

Ladybugs - 6 rubles.

Frame - 120 rubles.

Total: 220 rubles

Manufacturing technology

Canvas with a black background is used as the basis for embroidery. We draw a pattern on the fabric. This can be done freely, as you like, by hand with a simple pencil, or you can transfer an already drawn plot from paper to fabric using carbon paper or a disappearing felt-tip pen.

All embroidery is done with ribbons 6 mm wide. The petals of daisies are made with a straight stitch with a white ribbon, and the middle with a French knot (in two turns) with yellow ribbons. The stems of all colors are made with a stalked seam with green ribbons of different shades. In addition, loop-and-attach stitches were used to embroider purple flowers. Bells - ribbon stitches with ribbons blue color. Used ladybugs were used as decoration.

Steam the main fabric from the wrong side. Glue the embroidery on cardboard and insert it into the frame using a passe-partout. Check the accuracy of the work.

To work, you will need a piece of tape 30-35 cm long (if you take a longer tape, it may fray). To allow the tape to pass freely into the eye of the needle, cut off its tip at an angle of 45 degrees. To make a knot on the ribbon, fold the tip half a centimeter, prick the needle in the center and pull the needle and ribbon through both layers. You will get a soft flat knot. Be careful not to pierce the embroidered areas with the needle. If the needle does not pass well through the fabric, it can be tightened with pliers. Try not to pull the tape on the wrong side from one place to another, periodically fasten the tape. The ribbon should be fastened on the wrong side of the fabric with a thread, stitching behind the embroidered details so that they are not visible from the front side. It is advisable not to wash or iron the finished motive. But if you cannot do without it, iron from the inside out, trying not to touch the embroidered areas with the iron. Sprinkle wrinkled embroidery with a little water - the ribbons will straighten out immediately.

When buying ribbons, first of all, pay attention to the softness of the ribbon, and secondly, stick to natural shades in choosing a color! Soft ribbons and natural colors are the key to beautiful embroidery!

Seam samples

Ribbon stitch

L The enta passes not only through the base, but also through itself. Offsetting the puncture to the edge of the tape allows you to achieve very interesting effects in the embroidery of leaves and petals. Experiment

with different direction of tape tension.

Straight stitch

The simple stitch used in any embroidery is varied by the length and tension of the ribbon.

P noose with attachment

Leaves, buds and petals are embroidered with this seam. Experiment with different tape tensions and loop sizes.

french knot

The size of the knot depends on the number of turns of the tape around the needle, from 1 to 3.

stalk seam

E Tim seam embroider the stems of the flowers. Pull the needle to the face and make a stitch from the bottom up, while the needle should be slightly tilted, and the tape should fit well on the fabric. Then insert the needle inside out, reintroduce the needle to the right side in the middle of the previous stitch, keeping the angle of the needle, continuing to embroider.


After completing this project I made sure that nothing is impossible. Working in this technique for the first time, I was able to create not a bad, original composition. I not only mastered the techniques of embroidery with ribbons, but also learned a lot of new and interesting things.

Choosing the type of embroidery, I looked through a huge number of works. I was also interested in other types of embroidery. Therefore, we can say that I am a little versed in arts and crafts. I know the history of the use of ribbons to decorate both the interior and my clothes.

Any creative project provides an opportunity for the disclosure of abilities. My project turned out to be just that. I was able to create a painting with my own hands, show my imagination, find new ideas for the future, gain skills that can become the basis for generating income.

I am satisfied with the results of my work. I believe that the goal has been achieved.

Literature and sources of information

    Dafter Helen. Fantasies from silk ribbons. - Moscow. CJSC Publishing Group "Content", 2007.

    Cox Ann. Silk ribbon embroidery. - Moscow. Publishing house Kristina - new century, 2006.

    The book “Embroidery with ribbons. School of embroidery»

    Levicheva T.V. From A to Z, embroidery with ribbons. - Moscow. Publishing house Niola 21st century, 2005.

    Ciotti Donatella. Silk ribbon embellishments. - Moscow. Publishing House World of Books, 2007.



Using silk and satin ribbons, needlewomen create truly magnificent little things by embroidering. This type of creativity is extremely fashionable today. Craftswomen embroider landscapes and animals, still lifes and story paintings using this technique. And just luxuriously they get embroidery of flowers with ribbons.

Embroidery flowers with ribbons for beginners can seem complicated. Therefore, learning should start from the basics. In order for the embroidery of flowers with ribbons to turn out to be of high quality, beautiful, you must first choose the right tools and materials for work. It is on this that the result primarily depends.

It is very important that the base fabric on which flowers will be embroidered with ribbons is strong enough, because the stitches must be securely fixed. But do not forget that the matter should easily pass the needle with the tape. Most often, craftswomen use tapestry, linen, and canvas for embroidery.

Sometimes a color drawing is already printed on the canvas. It is very easy to embroider flowers with ribbons on it - schemes are not required in this case.

Selection of ribbons for embroidery

A hand-made interior item will decorate even the most modest dwelling, bring coziness and even some luxury to the room, add charm to a rich environment.

It is very important to choose the right shades of ribbons. Sometimes you have to combine several of their types, because the flower itself can have different tones at its different points. Towards the middle, for example, it is darker and richer, and towards the edges it is softer and lighter.

To make the embroidery as naturalistic as possible, use silk, satin, corrugated and nylon (organza) ribbons that are suitable in color and shades. Their width ranges from two to fifty millimeters.

Device for work

Every embroiderer knows how important it is to have a good, comfortable hoop. Only if the base on which flowers are embroidered with ribbons is stretched enough, you can count on getting a quality result.

Selection of needles for embroidery

Needlework should not only be aimed at the result. The very process of work is a pleasure, a way to relieve stress, get the joy of creation. So every little thing matters.

Particular attention should be paid to the needles. Regular ones won't work here. Embroidery with satin ribbons of flowers is done with special needles, chenille or tapestry, with a wide eye. The tape should be easy to thread through. The craftswoman will need needles from the thirteenth to the eighteenth size and one for beadwork (No. 26).

It is best to use blunt needles that push the warp threads apart, while sharp ones can tear them.

How to insert tape into a needle

Usually, for this stage of work, the embroiderer needs scissors and a lighter. The tape is cut to the desired length. one of its ends is melted so that it does not bloom.

The second edge of the tape is cut off "to the corner." With a sharp tip, the tape is directed into the eye of the needle and stretched to the very end. The soldered edge should linger near the hole.

Narrow ribbons no more than 4 mm wide are tied at the end with a regular knot. It should be of such a size that it does not slip into the ear. Wide ribbons are fixed at the end with a “cushion” knot. To do this, the singed edge needs to be folded a couple of times, the bend should be about 1 cm wide. Having pierced the resulting “cushion” in the middle with a needle, pull the tape through it.

Stitching methods

Everyone understands that working with ribbons is different from ordinary embroidery. Exist different kinds stitches that a needlewoman needs to master. This is necessary for the craftswoman so that the picture has a great resemblance to natural fresh flowers, so that beautiful and accurate embroidery with ribbons turns out.

Bouquets of flowers with lush buds look luxurious when an additional method is applied. It is based on folding the inner part of the bud with subsequent sewing into the embroidered rows of opened petals.

Embroidery of flowers with ribbons. Master class: "Roses"

Almost all people like luxurious and delicate roses. It turns out that embroidering these flowers is not so difficult if you follow step by step instructions. The lesson can be mastered even by a beginner needlewoman.

Begin work by stretching the base fabric on the hoop.

Execution of the inner rosebud

  1. The tip of the tape 5 centimeters wide is bent at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. The sharp corner obtained is folded into a tube. It takes about three turns.
  3. The working tape is bent outward, fixed at the very bottom of the bud with an ordinary needle and thread and cut off. At the same time, the lower part of the workpiece is also stitched so that it does not fall apart.

The execution of the flower itself

  1. You need to embroider a rose with a regular ribbon stitch with a shortened step. It looks like a loop and is pretty easy to do. With a tape inserted into the eye of a needle with a “cushion” knot, the base is pierced from the inside out. The tape is displayed on the front side of the work.
  2. At a distance of 2 centimeters from the entry point of the tape, the needle is brought to the wrong side. It turns out a loop.
  3. The second petal is placed very close to the first. Therefore, a new puncture from the inside out with a needle is made after 3-4 mm.
  4. They also make out the second petal - “loop”.
  5. Petals are made in a circle, side by side, straightening the ribbon and giving it the desired shape.
  6. After half a row of petals is made, a bud is inserted into the middle, which was made in advance. It needs to be fixed with a regular needle and thread.
  7. Next, you should continue to embroider a row. It should fit tightly enough to the bud.
  8. The next row of petals is done in the same way. The denser the petals are located relative to each other, the more magnificent the embroidery with ribbons will look.
  9. Flower leaves and unopened buds are done a little differently. You can start this stage of work after completing the embroidery of all large flowers.

Leaves of flowers and calyxes with unopened buds

Pictures made by the combined embroidery method

Often masters use several techniques in one work. For example, the picture “Flower lawn at the edge of the forest” looks amazing. Embroidery is done with a cross. The sky, the forest itself and the upper part of the lawn should be the background against which the wildflowers are embroidered with ribbons.

A lot of daisies usually grow in a clearing. For their embroidery, straight stitches are used. The tape is needed with a width of 1 cm to 1.5. You can use a curl stitch for embroidering daisies. It successfully imitates the natural curves of the petals. When performing this stitch, the needle first pierces the tape before exiting on the wrong side of the warp (in the pattern with stitches, option one).

The core of the flowers is made with yellow floss threads using the “rococo” method or loops.

Field poppies look just as beautiful. It's not hard to do them either. One row of petals is embroidered with bright red ribbons in the same way that roses are embroidered. The core is placed in the center of the flower.

It is sewn separately from green satin in the form of a ball stuffed with padding polyester. With black floss threads, it is pulled from the middle to the edges, dividing it into five parts with radii. From the bottom of the ball, a fringe of eyelets is made. Secure the core with a needle and thread. You can carefully paint the ends of the fringe threads with white gouache or toothpaste.

Flower stems are made of green ribbons. You can twist the tape into a bundle while sewing, making the stem thin. It is even recommended to fix it with ordinary threads. Unopened poppy buds are embroidered according to the algorithm described for a rose bouquet.

Drawings for embroidery

To create a thing that gives joy to the eye, embroidery of flowers with ribbons will help. You can draw schemes for work yourself or transfer any drawing you like to tracing paper. Then the pattern should be transferred to the fabric.

Having put a tracing paper with a pattern on the base, it is fixed with a thread with a “needle forward” seam so that both the stitches and the tracing paper itself can be easily removed afterwards. The needle makes frequent tattoos along the contours of objects that are planned to be placed on embroidery.

After this procedure, the puncture sites are rubbed with colored chalk. After removing the tracing paper, a chalk outline of the pattern will remain on the base. Its outline can be circled with a pencil for convenience. Only during embroidery, you should try to arrange the objects so that the trace of the auxiliary lines is hidden under the stitches.

Today a water-disappearing marker appeared and with a self-disappearing trace after two days. When working with them, the craftswoman should not worry at all that the auxiliary lines will spoil the finished work. The only inconvenience is the fact that the embroidery should be completed before the disappearance of the outline of the pattern.

Some needlewomen use prints on fabrics as schemes, canvas for cross-stitch or beadwork, where there is already a pattern in color.

Ribbon embroidery for beginners (schemes)

One of the beautiful and incredible types of needlework is embroidery with satin and silk ribbons. From thin ribbons you can create insanely beautiful flowers and patterns. Such embroidery decorate clothes, handbags, handkerchiefs, caskets and much more.

As in every type of needlework, embroidery with ribbons has its own secrets and tricks, but as in any business, everything comes with experience. In the meantime, the secrets and lessons of embroidery can be borrowed from more experienced ones. Ribbon embroidery for beginners can seem very difficult, so it's best to start with the simplest patterns, gradually learning all the basics of this needlework.

Ribbons can embroider flowers, butterflies, insects, baskets, paintings, panels and much more.

You will need:

satin ribbons, floss threads, needles for embroidery with ribbons, fabric for embroidery, hoops, beads or beads for decoration, embroidery scheme, a simple pencil for tracing a pattern, a candle or a lighter for burning ribbons, scissors.

Master class for beginners on embroidery with ribbons of the most ordinary rose.

Stitch by stitch and a wonderful bouquet appears.

Chamomile ribbons, which personify tenderness and innocence.

Pansies with satin ribbons and floss threads.

The stalk and leaves of the flowers are also embroidered with ribbons.

Ribbon embroidery step by step for beginners.

A few more types of flowers and insects for embroidery.

Just like alive, these insects are made of ribbons and beads.

These are the simplest ribbon flowers but make incredible 3D flowers.

Bouquets of flowers that will not wither.

The middle of the flowers can be decorated with floss threads, beads, beads, or buy ready-made stamens.

Daffodils and lilies enchant the eye.

Delicate white snowdrop is suitable for the first job.

You can embroider a panel with ribbons that will decorate your interior.

You can even create paintings from ribbons.

Some tapes are touched up after work is completed for a more realistic look.

Embroidery can be done on top of the finished print for volume and 3D effect.

Charming panel of tulips and lilies of the valley.

Ribbon embroidery for beginners

Satin ribbons are a wonderful accessory for home decoration. They can embroider a cute pattern on a curtain, bed linen, a handkerchief, and even embroider on clothes. Today, floral motifs are very fashionable, and in this article we will look at how to embroider flowers with ribbons with our own hands.

You will need: satin ribbons of different colors and different widths, canvas, hoops, threads, a needle with a wide eye, a simple pencil, matches or a lighter.

Master Class

Idea! A personalized ribbon embroidery will be a wonderful gift.

If you can easily embroider flowers from ribbons, then proceed to more complex work - creating masterpieces with your own hands!

Volumetric embroidery with ribbons for beginners

Even in Russia, a good wife was considered that girl who knows how not only to run a household, but also to do needlework. The art of embroidery has survived to this day. Among them, the most popular volumetric embroidery with ribbons.

This type of art is a complex of several methods for embroidering canvases. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the picture "blooms" before our eyes with the help of convex elements and details. Even a beginner, having mastered several important techniques, will soon be able to create his first masterpiece.

It is a mistake to assume that this technique is applicable only for the manufacture of paintings. Along with tapestries, they “paint” caskets, soft tissue furniture and decor, and even inserts into pendants. Ribbons of various lengths and nature are used in the work: satin and silk are suitable for beginners, organza and velvet are suitable for more “advanced” ones. The more details and colors, the more colorful the embroidery will be. Beads, sequins, glass beads will help to add sophistication and texture to the work.

3D embroidery ribbons for beginners seems very complicated at first glance, but it is not. We just need to be patient.

Features and technique of three-dimensional embroidery with ribbons

Deciding to discover the world of three-dimensional embroidery and ribbon applique, it is important to prepare well.

We will need:

  • Canvas (for beginners, a natural fabric with medium stiffness is suitable). It is necessary to choose such a density that a needle can freely pass through it.
  • Needle with a large hole (for the free entry of the tape).
  • Hoop (the working surface must be well stretched to avoid sagging elements, and the canvas does not interfere with further work).
  • Ribbons (material may be different). For beginners, an atlas is suitable.
  • Other accessories (beads, beads, drilled coins, ready-made applications).
  • Scissors and a lighter (in case the material starts to "bloom").

The next important step is to learn basic stitches.

Among the many seams traditionally distinguished:

  1. Classic style

In its technique, it is similar to a regular thread stitch: the fabric is pierced with a needle from the inside, going to the front side. The ribbon is laid inside out and the fabric is pierced again, but from top to bottom. This stitch allows you to make both large and small patterns, voluminous and thin.

Japanese seam

To complete the element, a small stitch is made, then the needle is brought to the front side and once again passed through the stitch, remaining on the wrong side. This technique is suitable for embroidery of leaves and petals. With different tension of the tape, it gives the effect of a 3-D image.

Traditional (French) stitch

To perform it, you need to bring the needle to the front side, leaving a small piece of tape on the wrong side. Then you should pull the ribbon a little and wrap it around the needle twice. Finally, pass the needle to the wrong side at a distance of 2 mm from the “out” point. Subject to all the rules, you should get a "knot". The traditional style is suitable for creating hearts of flowers.

Of course, a master class will help you to understand the technique of three-dimensional embroidery with ribbons the most. We offer step by step guide to master handicraft skills.

Master class on embroidery with voluminous ribbons for beginners

Volumetric embroidery with satin ribbons "Peonies" will be presented as a practical example.

At the beginning, it is necessary to “close” the fabric in the hoop and apply the future drawing with a pencil. Then the tape is pulled to the wrong side and secured with a knot.

  • It is better to start this application with stems and foliage, using a Japanese seam. It is better to take several shades of green, then from afar the foliage in the finished picture will look more natural.
  • We embroider peony flowers using a classic stitch in a circle. For larger buds, the tape should not be overtightened. Leave the middle empty.
  • Next, using a French seam, we make the center of the flowers. And then we sew the flower in 2-3 rows with straight stitches. In this case, the tape needs to be twisted a little so that our peony looks more magnificent. It is important to remember that with each row the tape should be loosened more.
  • After the picture is ready, you should process the edges with a lighter to "seal" the tips.

Note to artisans

As practice shows, volumetric embroidery and applique with ribbons, the master class for which was presented above, is a very exciting activity. In addition to the fact that the created paintings can be a good gift for a loved one, needlework develops finger motor skills.

  • It is necessary to choose a needle with a large eye. Sets of needles that can be bought at any sewing and sewing store will help here.
  • If satin ribbons are chosen as the material, do not forget that one of the sides is matte. Therefore, you should adhere to a clear execution technique.
  • If the canvas turned out to be too dense, apply the appliqué, and then sew the necessary elements of the pattern onto it.
  • We recommend using ribbons with a length of no more than 40 cm to avoid tangles and knots on the embroidery.
  • Stitch the finished picture only from the inside out.

Read about other types of volumetric embroidery in our article "Volume embroidery and its types".



gloves Beginning to the little finger, I took "gloves on the Neva knitting machine." Didn't like it.

How to knit gloves

Pattern on the machine 1. Needle bar shift by H5. Expose the needles under the full eraser. Made.

punch cards-2 Two-color (1, 2, 3.

MACHINE KNITTING №27 Machine knitting №27 Thanks to the authors whose posts I used.


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I love embroidery with ribbons. A lot of material collected in the diary. But for those who are just starting to engage in this fascinating needlework, this information is quite scattered. And on the forum of Masters of Needlework I found the MOST DETAILED MASTER CLASS for beginner craftswomen.

“First, we need fabric. In principle, ribbons can be embroidered on almost any fabric, from organza and silk to knitwear and velvet.

Needles must be with a wide eye.
Best of all, chenille needles have a wide eye and a sharp tip.

If there are none, you can sharpen up sewing with tapestry - a wide eye and a blunt tip, but it will be more difficult

You may also need a regular sewing needle with a sharp tip.

I suggest this motif for embroidery:

Those. We will embroider a heart. A small motif is used to change the shape of the finished embroidery. Those. - if there is a desire - they can fill empty places .. For example:


The scheme, in principle, is not of decisive importance, since the number of colors and their arrangement in the figure will depend on the ribbons you have and personal preferences. We need it for a general idea - in what part of the heart, what will we embroider.

We proceed from what is available at your home or in stores.
I have three sizes of ribbons: 2mm, 3mm and 5mm.
It turns out that my flowers will be quite small.

You don’t need to cut a long ribbon - otherwise it will fray during the embroidery process and wrinkle - I cut off about 40 cm

We make a knot for attaching the ribbon to the fabric
Cut off one end of the tape straight. We fold the ribbon

And we stretch the ribbon through to the very end - a neat knot is obtained at the tip of the ribbon

Just in case - the scheme

We fasten the tape on the needle
We cut off the second end of the tape at an angle - so it will be easier to insert it into the needle:

We pierce the tip of the tape with a needle, about a centimeter from the edge

We pull the long end of the tape so that the pierced hole is pulled up to the eye of the needle:

Now we take the short tip, pull it to the end of the eye of the needle and remove it from the needle, as if stitching the tape

Gently pulling this whole thing up

I want you to learn not just to embroider according to a ready-made pattern and exact instructions, but to improvise based on the available materials, and not on instructions in books or magazines: toyou:. Moreover, there is nothing complicated about it. :attack: :attack:

Each of us can draw a heart of the size that he needs. This is just a form - which we will already fill with embroidery.

The diagram will be needed only in order to roughly orientate - in which area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart which flowers to embroider.
It’s just that depending on the ribbons used, on the size of the heart, everyone will get a different number of flowers.

For example - you will have five large ones, and I will have 15 small ones.

I did the size based on the size of the existing rag:roll

My heart in the widest part horizontally turned out to be 14 cm
I outlined the contour with dots with a water-washable marker.

In the first part of the lesson, we fill in the area marked in blue on the diagram.

It is absolutely not necessary to make the same number of flowers - you can make the flowers smaller, but in larger numbers. Or a smaller number of large flowers.
Please note - between the flowers there is free space - for leaves.

For orientation, I first embroidered one flower, looked at whether its appearance and size suited me or not, and only then marked the canvas for the rest of the flowers

We will fill the selected area with roses embroidered on the cobweb.
A cobweb can be made from floss threads, or from the same ribbon that you embroider.
We will do the second way

If you have a good eye, you can do without markup: wink
We mark a circle for the future flower - mine has a diameter of about 2.5 cm. We divide it into five sectors

I hope the photos make it clear. Making a cobweb

The next photo shows that having made the last ray, we do not bring the needle inside out, but we drag the tape under the already embroidered rays

We begin to form a rose by alternately stretching the tape under or over the rays of the cobweb

Last stitch: we bring the tape to the wrong side and fasten it there

It’s better not to straighten the ribbons too much - this way the rosette turns out to be fluffier and more natural.
Choose the degree of tension yourself - there is someone who likes what. I make a tight flower (I just got used to it) You can make the tension of the ribbons weaker - the flower will look a little different
try.. experiment.. :flowers:

As I said - after sewing the first rose - I marked out where I will embroider the rest of the roses

I decided to make roses in three colors: pale blue, blue and bluish-turquoise

We take a ribbon from a long = 12.5 * ribbon width. Plus 2-3 mm on the sides - burn them with a lighter. We mark the tape into five parts of 2.5 * tape width

We sew the needle with a seam forward with ordinary threads that match the color, as shown in the figure

We take the ends of the thread, tighten the assembly and tie the threads

We cut off one tail of the thread, and thread the second into the needle and sew the flower onto the fabric. We make stitches in the center area, where the tape is gathered

With a 2mm ribbon we make French knots in the center.

Choose the number of twists around the needle yourself - I did only one turn. You can make the French not with a ribbon, but with a floss. Or sew on beads or beads.

I was not able to take a picture of the process - it is inconvenient to take pictures with one hand and at the same time twist the tape and hold it. Therefore - who does not know - how to make the French - we watch the video:

We make the required number of flowers:

We make a half-blown flower from a ribbon divided into three parts (we divide according to the same principle as for 5 petals)

We make a bud from one segment of the ribbon:

Sew on the fabric in the area where the tape is pulled together

Tip: Sew a half-blown flower and a bud onto the fabric a little away from other flowers - keep in mind that we still need to make cups of flowers.

By varying the different number of buds, large flowers and half-blown ones, you can get your own, completely individual pattern.

We make stamens. Ribbon 2 mm pull to the front side

we pierce the fabric in the area where we will have the tip of the stamen and holding the ribbon so that it does not unwind, pull it to the wrong side and immediately bring it to the front side making a hole next to the previous one - we embroider a French knot on the tip of the stamen

In the same way, we make the number of stamens you need. You can make such stamens on large flowers

We embroider thin twigs.

On the diagram, I marked them with green and light green colors. Depending on whether you will use one or two colors of ribbons when sewing ribbons, we also determine the color of the branches
If one color of the ribbons is on all the sheets, then, of course, we also embroider all the branches with the same color floss.

On the lower branches that form the shape of a heart, I took a thin ribbon of light green color for the leaves - 3 mm. There will be smaller leaves
And on the rest of the leaves, a 5 mm tape is green
picked up the color of the floss

We embroider with a regular stalk seam

On the "hanging" branches, I decided to make buds.
We will embroider them with ribbon stitches
I embroidered the buds with 5 mm ribbons
We bring the tape to the front, straighten

We pierce the tape with a needle in the area where you will have the top of the bud and bring the needle with the tape inside out

We begin to tighten, forming the top of the bud

We make cups of buds in the same way - with a ribbon stitch (I have a 5 mm ribbon). We display the ribbon just below the lowest point of the finished bud

We make a ribbon stitch - as described above, only tighten it harder to get a narrow sheet

We embroider another leaf:

The lower part of the cup is a straight stitch (with which we embroidered flowers such as daisies). It turns out, as it were, a loop, with which we clasp the bud from below.

Straighten and tighten

With the same ribbon stitch, we embroider the leaves, which are marked in green in the diagram.

Depending on how much or not so much you tighten the ribbon in this stitch, the shape of the leaves will change. You can also change the shape of the leaves by piercing the tape not in the center, but to the right or left of the center.

I embroidered leaves on the “hanging” branches with a 5 mm ribbon, and around the roses with a 1 cm ribbon

The branches at the bottom of the heart, which are marked in pale green, are embroidered with a stitch that many embroiderers know as a “lazy daisy”

For this seam, you can straighten the ribbon in the process of embroidering, you can vice versa - leave it as it will lie (it seems to me that it turns out more naturally) - in general - as you like

Here's what I ended up with:

I plan to fill the voids with beads. Now there are no suitable ones - so I just drew on the photo - so that you can imagine - how it will look:

The article was written based on materials from the sites: www.syl.ru, miryk.ru, svoimirukamy.com, xn--b1agjdzfh7a3a.xn--p1ai, www.liveinternet.ru.