Do I need to bury my eyes before cataract surgery. Preparing for cataract surgery

What should be done before the operation?

  • undergo an ophthalmological examination, which includes: computer refractometry and tonometry (IOP measurement), visometry, examination of the posterior corneal epithelium, calculation of the optical power of the IOL on an optical or ultrasound biometer, biomicroscopy of the eye and ophthalmoscopy of the fundus;
  • examination by a surgeon;
  • general examination.

What is included in the cost of the operation?

includes the operation itself, the use of disposable consumables, anesthesia support, stay in the ward, meals. The cost of a standard IOL is included, the cost of enhanced IOLs is an additional charge.

What happens on the day of the operation?

The patient comes to the clinic in the morning, is issued in admissions office, is placed in a comfortable single or double room and awaits surgery. Operations are usually performed in the morning.

After the operation, the patient can rest and go home. In this case, you will need to come for an inspection in the morning of the next day.

If it is difficult for the patient to move or have to travel far, it is possible to stay in the clinic until the morning.

How is the operation going?

Before the operation, drops are instilled that dilate the pupil and suppress pain sensitivity eyes. Anesthesiologists administer sedatives intravenously.

The patient is conscious but does not experience pain or anxiety. The total duration of stay in the operating room does not exceed 15-20 minutes.

The main method of cataract surgery is ultrasonic phacoemulsification (PEK) - the gold standard for cataract surgery worldwide. Sometimes it is mistakenly called laser cataract removal.

FEC - consists in ultrasonic destruction and suction of the clouded lens, while maintaining its natural capsule, through a small (≈2 mm) incision that does not require suturing.

The operation is completed with IOL implantation.

IOLs can vary according to the materials used and depending on the manufacturer. We can offer any kind of IOL. All advantages and disadvantages of specific IOLs should be discussed with the surgeon. The choice of IOL must be approached very responsibly, IOL is usually implanted for life, and its replacement is very risky.

How to behave after the operation?

By the morning of the next day, vision is usually restored to almost full result, you can read and watch TV

The operation most often does not cause discomfort, although there may be slight irritation, feeling foreign body on the 1st day, local hemorrhage (redness of the eye for up to 5-7 days), which is not a complication, but a natural reaction of the eye to incisions, albeit minimal ones.

The return to normal life and work depends on the nature of the activity.

The first day after the operation, the eye will be covered with a transparent bandage, allowing you to see the surroundings. In the future, the bandage is not needed.

At home, it is necessary to bury the prescribed drops. The first week 3 types of drops. In the future, the number of instillations will decrease every week. The total duration of instillation is 5 weeks. In no case do not press on the operated eye, collect a tear with a clean napkin on the cheek. Try not to sleep on your stomach and on the side of the operated eye for the first 5-7 days, although this is not dangerous.

For the first 7 days, it is advisable to wear goggles, wash the eye area with boiled water, and avoid getting dust, sand, snow, water and aggressive liquids into the eye. You can wash your head, but you should avoid getting water in the eye, after which it is necessary to drip drops once again. Avoid lifting weights over 4 kg, shocks and shocks, hypothermia, visual stress, leading to eye fatigue.

Within 1 month after the operation, visits to the steam room or sauna are prohibited. It is advisable to avoid colds and inflammatory diseases, exposure to the sun, hypothermia. Heavy physical labor with tilting the head and lifting heavy weights is excluded. Preferably outpatient treatment after surgery on sick leave within 2-3 weeks. It must be remembered that the final stabilization of vision after phacoemulsification occurs after one month, therefore, before this period, do not draw final conclusions about the quality of the operation performed and strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physician.

What are the lenses?

Doctors instead of the term "artificial lens" prefer to use the term - intraocular lens (IOL). Following are the main types of IOLs.

Single focus IOL. An IOL that provides clear vision at a predetermined distance. You can choose a single focus artificial lens based on good vision distance (watching TV, driving a car, etc.) and wearing reading glasses, or choose a lens for near vision (reading, doing small work) and wearing glasses for a distance (more suitable for people who initially had moderate or high myopia ). An intermediate option is vision at a household distance (to a workbench or kitchen table). This provides acceptable distance vision, but you will need glasses to read fine print. Such IOLs can be spherical or aspherical.

Toric IOL. It is inherently monofocal, but eliminates astigmatism (optical distortion). Allows you to significantly improve the result with small degrees of astigmatism. And with pronounced astigmatism, it solves the problem of expensive and uncomfortable glasses with a "cylinder".

monovision. Your doctor may implant an IOL in one eye for distance vision and the other for near vision. The condition when one eye sees well at a distance, and the other near, is called monovision, and allows you to read without glasses. This method successfully used in contact correction and refractive surgery. getting used to this species correction requires some time, but usually does not exceed 1-2 weeks. In the future, the patient does not pay attention to which eye he sees near, and which far.

Multifocal IOL. This lens provides distance vision and partially retains the ability to accommodate (focusing at close range). Such lenses allow you to correct age-related weakening of near vision. The action of these lenses is based on various optical phenomena, as well as on the ability of the brain to adjust the image.

Multifocal IOL best choice for people whose activities are related to switching their vision from close objects to the distance (teachers, lecturers, lawyers ...) and those who need to use additional funds eye protection and just people who want to get rid of glasses in ordinary life. For example, solves the problem of applying makeup.

The decision to use a multifocal IOL requires serious discussion with the surgeon.

The most advanced and world-renowned method of cataract removal using ultrasound is phacoemulsification.

Modern ophthalmosurgery of small incisions allows cataract phacoemulsification without subsequent suturing, since the microincision is self-sealing. This makes it possible in the future not to limit physical and visual stress.

The patient begins to see well immediately after the operation, and the maximum visual acuity is restored in a period of up to 1.5 months. In the clinic "Eye Surgery" surgery for the treatment of cataracts is carried out in the "one day" mode, without hospitalization. This is a complex microsurgical intervention, but all its stages are provided by the use of modern techniques and materials.

Before the operation it is necessary:

  • 2 days before surgery drops Vigamox(3 times a day 1 drop in one eye)
  • the night before the operation Diakarb(1 tablet), Asparkam(1 tablet)
  • in the morning on the day of the operation, Diakarb(1 tablet), Asparkam(1 tablet)

On the day of the operation, arrive at the clinic by 8:30. You must have with you:

  • passport for sick leave
  • removable shoes, cotton socks, cotton shirt
  • have breakfast.

Come to the operation in a free and comfortable clothes(with a wide neck or with a clasp on the front placket).

After the operation it is necessary:

  • strictly follow the treatment recommended by the doctor

Drops can be instilled independently in front of a mirror, or your relatives can do it. First you need to wash your hands, pull back the lower eyelid and drip 1 drop of medicine. At the same time, you need to look up. The interval between instillations is 5-10 minutes.

  • In good weather, daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Meals can be normal. Alcoholic drinks must be excluded.
  • Do not touch the operated eye while washing.
  • 2 days after the operation, you can take a warm shower, you can wash your hair for 4-5 days
  • Sleep preferably on the back or on the unoperated side.
  • Do not do housework in an inclined position and do not lift weights over 2 kg.
  • Avoid gymnastics.
  • You can watch TV, go to the theater, shop. Any visual activity at close range (reading, computer) is prohibited for the first 2 weeks.

ATTENTION! In cases where required emergency help(sudden decrease in vision, redness, pain, etc.) You should immediately contact your doctor.

The next day after the operation, a re-examination!

We wish you a speedy recovery!

Cataract of the eye is a complex ophthalmic pathology characterized by clouding of the lens. Absence timely treatment threatened with loss of vision. The disease usually progresses slowly into adulthood. However, certain types of cataracts are characterized by rapid development and can lead to blindness in the shortest possible time.

At risk are people after fifty years. Age changes and violation of metabolic processes in the eye structures often lead to a loss of transparency of the lens. The cause of cataracts can also be eye injuries, toxic poisoning, existing ophthalmic pathologies, diabetes mellitus, and much more.

All patients with cataracts have a progressive decrease in visual acuity. The first symptom is fog in the eyes. Cataracts can cause double vision, dizziness, photophobia, and difficulty reading or working with fine details. As the pathology progresses, patients even cease to recognize their acquaintances on the street.

Conservative treatment it is expedient only at an initial stage of a cataract. It is worth understanding that drug therapy protects against the rapid progression of the disease, but it is not able to save a person from the disease and restore transparency to the lens. If the clouding of the lens further increases, cataract surgery is required.

General information about cataract surgery

At the first stages of clouding of the lens, dynamic observation by an ophthalmologist is indicated. The operation can be performed from the moment the patient's vision begins to decrease significantly.

A direct indication for lens replacement surgery is visual impairment, which causes discomfort in everyday life and limits labor activity. The selection of an intraocular lens is done by a specialist. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. An anesthetic drops are instilled into the conjunctival sac before the operation. Usually the removal of the lens lasts half an hour. On the same day, the patient can be at home.

ATTENTION! In case of complete blindness, cataract surgery will not bring any results.

modern medicine does not stand still, so the replacement of the lens of the eye with cataracts can be done in various ways. The essence of the procedure is to remove the natural lens. It is emulsified and removed. An artificial implant is placed in place of the deformed lens.

Surgery may be used in the following cases:

  • overripe stage of cataract;
  • swelling form;
  • dislocation of the lens;
  • secondary glaucoma;
  • abnormal forms of clouding of the lens.

There are not only medical, but also professional and household indications for the operation. For workers in some professions, there are high requirements for vision. This applies to drivers, pilots, operators. The doctor may also recommend a lens replacement if the person is unable to perform normal household chores due to decreased vision, or if the visual field is severely narrowed.


Any eye surgery has a number of limitations, and lens replacement is no exception. Cataract removal with lens replacement is prohibited in the following cases:

  • infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of a chronic process;
  • ophthalmic disorders of an inflammatory nature;
  • recent stroke or heart attack;
  • period of pregnancy or lactation;
  • mental disorders accompanied by the inadequacy of the patient;
  • oncological processes in the eye area.

The ban on the operation of pregnant women and nursing mothers is explained by the fact that during surgical intervention medical support for the patient is required. Doctors prescribe antibacterial, sedative, analgesic drugs, which may not have the best effect on the condition of a woman and a child.

Age up to eighteen years is a relative contraindication to the operation. In each case, the doctor makes an individual decision. It largely depends on the condition of the patient.

It is dangerous to perform surgery for decompensated glaucoma. This can lead to bleeding and loss of vision. Surgical intervention should be carried out after the normalization of intraocular pressure.

If the patient has no light perception, surgical treatment is not performed. This indicates that irreversible processes have begun to develop in the retina and surgical intervention will no longer help here. If during the study it turns out that vision can be partially restored, an operation is prescribed.

Complicating factors during surgery include:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • under the age of eighteen.

Most often, cataracts occur in old age. Elderly people often have serious illness. In some of them, anesthesia is a big health risk. Many modern techniques involve the use local anesthesia, which does not exert an increased load on cardiovascular system.

Lens replacement surgery should not be done infectious diseases


Let's talk about four modern techniques that help to completely get rid of the clouding of the lens.

Laser phacoemulsification

The operation requires the surgeon to be extremely precise and focused. It is prescribed when hardening is detected in the eye environments, which is absolutely not sensitive to ultrasonic exposure. Laser phacoemulsification is not available to many patients, as it involves the use of special expensive equipment.

The operation can be performed in extremely difficult cases:

Before the procedure, the patient is given anesthetic drops. A healthy eye is covered with a medical napkin, and the area around the affected eye is treated with an antiseptic.

Next, the surgeon makes a small incision through the cornea. Laser ray crushes the clouded lens. It focuses in the thickness of the lens, while not damaging the cornea. After that, the clouded lens is split into tiny particles. During surgery, patients may see small flashes of light.

Then the capsule is prepared for the implantation of an artificial lens (about the rules for choosing an artificial lens). A pre-selected intraocular lens is placed. The incision is sealed using a sutureless method.

IMPORTANT! During the operation, the surgeon does not insert instruments into the eye, thereby reducing the risk postoperative complications.

Complications appear quite rarely, yet they are possible. Among negative consequences we can distinguish the appearance of bleeding, displacement of the artificial lens, retinal detachment. Compliance with all doctor's recommendations and hygiene rules is the best way avoid development dangerous complications!

Laser phacoemulsification does not imply mandatory hospitalization. A few hours after the procedure, a person can return home. Recovery of visual function occurs within a few days.

However, some restrictions will have to be taken into account for some time. During the first two months, try not to overwork your eyes. Better to stop driving. To minimize the risk of complications, you will have to take medications and vitamins prescribed by your doctor.

Ultrasonic phacoemulsification

This technique is recognized as one of the most effective and safe in the treatment of cataracts. If already at the first stage a person experiences discomfort, then, at his request, a replacement of the lens can be carried out.

Surgical treatment absolutely painless, the patient does not experience any discomfort during the procedure. Anesthetize and immobilize eyeball with local funds. Drops with an anesthetic effect can be used: Alkain, Tetracain, Proparacaine. Also, for anesthesia, injections are carried out in the area around the eyes.

With the help of ultrasound, the damaged lens is crushed into small particles, turning into an emulsion. The removed lens is replaced by an intraocular lens. It is made individually, taking into account the characteristics of the eye of each patient.

ATTENTION! Concomitant eye pathologies reduce the effectiveness of surgical interventions.

During the procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision. This became possible due to the high flexibility of the IOL. They are introduced in a folded state, and already inside the capsule they are straightened and take the desired shape.

During the recovery period, intensive physical activity and high temperatures. Doctors categorically forbid visiting saunas and baths. It is not recommended to sleep on the side on which the eye was operated on. In order to avoid infection, it is temporarily better to stop using decorative cosmetics. Your eyes should not be exposed to the harsh rays of the sun, so don't forget to wear glasses with an ultraviolet filter.

Extracapsular extraction

This is a simple traditional technique without the use of expensive equipment. A large incision is made in the shell of the eye, through which the clouded lens is completely removed. A characteristic feature of EEC is the preservation of the lens capsule, which serves as a natural barrier between the vitreous tolium and the artificial lens.

Extensive wounds require suturing, and this affects visual function after surgery. Patients develop astigmatism and farsightedness. The recovery period takes up to four months. Extracapsular extraction is carried out with mature cataracts and a hardened lens.

When extracting a cataract, the surgeon has to make a large incision, followed by suturing

The most commonly used tunnel technique. During the operation, the lens is divided into two parts and removed. In this case, the risk of postoperative complications is reduced.

Removal of sutures does not require anesthesia. About a month later, glasses are selected. Postoperative scar can cause astigmatism. Therefore, in order to avoid its discrepancy, injuries and excessive physical exertion should be avoided.

Despite the high efficiency of modern techniques, in some cases, specialists prefer traditional surgery. EEC is prescribed for weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the lens, overripe cataracts, corneal dystrophy. Also, the traditional operation is indicated for narrow pupils that do not expand, as well as for the detection of secondary cataracts with IOL disintegration.

IMPORTANT! Vision begins to recover already during the operation, but it takes time to fully stabilize.

Intracapsular extraction

It is carried out using a special tool - a cryoextractor. It instantly freezes the lens and makes it hard. This facilitates its subsequent removal. The lens is removed along with the capsule. There is a risk that particles of the lens will remain in the eye. It is fraught with development pathological changes visual structures. Unremoved particles grow and fill the free space, which increases the risk of developing a secondary cataract.

Among the advantages of IEC, one can single out the affordable cost, since it eliminates the need to use expensive equipment.


What tests should be done before the operation? The visual apparatus and the whole organism are checked to exclude contraindications for surgical intervention. If during the diagnosis any inflammatory processes, before the operation, pathological foci are sanitized and anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out.

The following studies are mandatory:

  • general analysis blood and urine;
  • coagulogram;
  • hematological biochemistry;
  • blood glucose test;
  • analysis for HIV infection, syphilis and viral hepatitis.

Disinfecting and pupil dilating drops are injected into the operated eye. Can be used for anesthesia eye drops or injections into the area around the organ of vision.

The selection of an artificial lens is a complex and time-consuming process. This is perhaps one of the most crucial stages of preparation, since the patient's vision after surgery depends on the quality of the chosen lens.

Recovery period

The operation is well tolerated by patients in most cases. In rare cases, experts complain about the appearance discomfort, among which:

  • photophobia,
  • discomfort,
  • fast fatiguability.

After the operation, the patient goes home. A person put on the eye sterile dressing. During the day, he must observe complete rest. Approximately two hours later, food is allowed.

IMPORTANT! In the first time after surgery, patients should avoid sudden movements, not lift weights, and refrain from alcohol.

For a speedy recovery, you must follow medical recommendations:

  • follow the rules of eye hygiene;
  • within three weeks after the operation, do not go out without sunglasses;
  • do not touch the operated eye and do not rub it;
  • refuse to visit swimming pools, baths or saunas;
  • reduce the time spent in front of the TV and computer, as well as reading;
  • do not drive a car for the first two weeks;
  • dietary compliance.

Learn more about rehabilitation after surgery.

Cataract of the eye is a complex ophthalmic pathology characterized by clouding of the lens. Lack of timely treatment threatens with loss of vision. The disease usually progresses slowly into adulthood. However, certain types of cataracts are characterized by rapid development and can lead to blindness in the shortest possible time.

At risk are people after fifty years. Age-related changes and disruption of metabolic processes in the eye structures often lead to a loss of transparency of the lens. The cause of cataracts can also be eye injuries, toxic poisoning, existing ophthalmic pathologies, diabetes mellitus, and much more.

All patients with cataracts have a progressive decrease in visual acuity. The first symptom is fog in the eyes. Cataracts can cause double vision, dizziness, photophobia, and difficulty reading or working with fine details. As the pathology progresses, patients even cease to recognize their acquaintances on the street.

Conservative treatment is advisable only at the initial stage of cataract. It should be understood that drug therapy protects against the rapid progression of the disease, but it is not able to save a person from the disease and restore transparency to the lens. If the clouding of the lens further increases, cataract surgery is required.

General information about cataract surgery

At the first stages of clouding of the lens, dynamic observation by an ophthalmologist is indicated. The operation can be performed from the moment the patient's vision begins to decrease significantly.

A direct indication for an operation to replace the lens is visual impairment, which causes discomfort in everyday life and limits work. The selection of an intraocular lens is done by a specialist. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. An anesthetic drops are instilled into the conjunctival sac before the operation. Usually the removal of the lens lasts half an hour. On the same day, the patient can be at home.

ATTENTION! In case of complete blindness, cataract surgery will not bring any results.

Modern medicine does not stand still, so the replacement of the lens of the eye with cataracts can be done in various ways. The essence of the procedure is to remove the natural lens. It is emulsified and removed. An artificial implant is placed in place of the deformed lens.

Surgery may be used in the following cases:

  • overripe stage of cataract;
  • swelling form;
  • dislocation of the lens;
  • secondary glaucoma;
  • abnormal forms of clouding of the lens.

There are not only medical, but also professional and household indications for the operation. For workers in some professions, there are high requirements for vision. This applies to drivers, pilots, operators. The doctor may also recommend a lens replacement if the person is unable to perform normal household chores due to decreased vision, or if the visual field is severely narrowed.


Any eye surgery has a number of limitations, and lens replacement is no exception. Cataract removal with lens replacement is prohibited in the following cases:

  • infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of a chronic process;
  • ophthalmic disorders of an inflammatory nature;
  • recent stroke or heart attack;
  • period of pregnancy or lactation;
  • mental disorders accompanied by inadequacy of the patient;
  • oncological processes in the eye area.

The ban on the operation of pregnant women and nursing mothers is explained by the fact that during surgery, medical support for the patient is necessary. Doctors prescribe antibacterial, sedative, analgesic drugs, which may not have the best effect on the condition of a woman and a child.

Age up to eighteen years is a relative contraindication to the operation. In each case, the doctor makes an individual decision. It largely depends on the condition of the patient.

It is dangerous to perform surgery for decompensated glaucoma. This can lead to bleeding and loss of vision. Surgical intervention should be carried out after the normalization of intraocular pressure.

If the patient has no light perception, surgical treatment is not performed. This indicates that irreversible processes have begun to develop in the retina and surgical intervention will no longer help here. If during the study it turns out that vision can be partially restored, an operation is prescribed.

Complicating factors during surgery include:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • under the age of eighteen.

Most often, cataracts occur in old age. Elderly people often have serious illnesses. In some of them, anesthesia is a big health risk. Many modern techniques involve the use of local anesthesia, which does not put an increased burden on the cardiovascular system.

The operation to replace the lens can not be done in case of infectious diseases


Let's talk about four modern techniques that help to completely get rid of the clouding of the lens.

Laser phacoemulsification

The operation requires the surgeon to be extremely precise and focused. It is prescribed when hardening is detected in the eye environments, which is absolutely not sensitive to ultrasonic exposure. Laser phacoemulsification is not available to many patients, as it involves the use of special expensive equipment.

The operation can be performed in extremely difficult cases:

  • with glaucoma;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • subluxation of the lens;
  • dystrophic changes in the cornea;
  • various injuries;
  • loss of endothelial cells.

Before the procedure, the patient is given anesthetic drops. A healthy eye is covered with a medical napkin, and the area around the affected eye is treated with an antiseptic.

Next, the surgeon makes a small incision through the cornea. The laser beam crushes the clouded lens. It focuses in the thickness of the lens, while not damaging the cornea. After that, the clouded lens is split into tiny particles. During surgery, patients may see small flashes of light.

Then the capsule is prepared for the implantation of an artificial lens (about the rules for choosing an artificial lens). A pre-selected intraocular lens is placed. The incision is sealed using a sutureless method.

IMPORTANT! During the operation, the surgeon does not insert instruments into the eye, thereby reducing the risk of postoperative complications.

Complications appear quite rarely, yet they are possible. Among the negative consequences are the appearance of bleeding, displacement of the artificial lens, retinal detachment. Following all the doctor's recommendations and observing the rules of hygiene is the best way to avoid the development of dangerous complications!

Laser phacoemulsification does not imply mandatory hospitalization. A few hours after the procedure, a person can return home. Recovery of visual function occurs within a few days.

However, some restrictions will have to be taken into account for some time. During the first two months, try not to overwork your eyes. Better to stop driving. To minimize the risk of complications, you will have to take medications and vitamins prescribed by your doctor.

Ultrasonic phacoemulsification

This technique is recognized as one of the most effective and safe in the treatment of cataracts. If already at the first stage a person experiences discomfort, then, at his request, a replacement of the lens can be carried out.

Surgical treatment is absolutely painless, the patient does not experience any discomfort during the procedure. Anesthetize and immobilize the eyeball with topical agents. Drops with an anesthetic effect can be used: Alkain, Tetracain, Proparacaine. Also, for anesthesia, injections are carried out in the area around the eyes.

With the help of ultrasound, the damaged lens is crushed into small particles, turning into an emulsion. The removed lens is replaced by an intraocular lens. It is made individually, taking into account the characteristics of the eye of each patient.

ATTENTION! Concomitant eye pathologies reduce the effectiveness of surgical interventions.

During the procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision. This became possible due to the high flexibility of the IOL. They are introduced in a folded state, and already inside the capsule they are straightened and take the desired shape.

During the recovery period, intense physical activity and high temperatures should be avoided. Doctors categorically forbid visiting saunas and baths. It is not recommended to sleep on the side on which the eye was operated on. In order to avoid infection, it is temporarily better to stop using decorative cosmetics. Your eyes should not be exposed to the harsh rays of the sun, so don't forget to wear glasses with an ultraviolet filter.

Extracapsular extraction

This is a simple traditional technique without the use of expensive equipment. A large incision is made in the shell of the eye, through which the clouded lens is completely removed. A characteristic feature of EEC is the preservation of the lens capsule, which serves as a natural barrier between the vitreous tolium and the artificial lens.

Extensive wounds require suturing, and this affects visual function after surgery. Patients develop astigmatism and farsightedness. The recovery period takes up to four months. Extracapsular extraction is carried out with mature cataracts and a hardened lens.

When extracting a cataract, the surgeon has to make a large incision, followed by suturing

The most commonly used tunnel technique. During the operation, the lens is divided into two parts and removed. In this case, the risk of postoperative complications is reduced.

Removal of sutures does not require anesthesia. About a month later, glasses are selected. A postoperative scar can cause astigmatism. Therefore, in order to avoid its discrepancy, injuries and excessive physical exertion should be avoided.

Despite the high efficiency of modern techniques, in some cases, specialists prefer traditional surgery. EEC is prescribed for weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the lens, overripe cataracts, corneal dystrophy. Also, the traditional operation is indicated for narrow pupils that do not expand, as well as for the detection of secondary cataracts with IOL disintegration.

IMPORTANT! Vision begins to recover already during the operation, but it takes time to fully stabilize.

Intracapsular extraction

It is carried out using a special tool - a cryoextractor. It instantly freezes the lens and makes it hard. This facilitates its subsequent removal. The lens is removed along with the capsule. There is a risk that particles of the lens will remain in the eye. This is fraught with the development of pathological changes in visual structures. Unremoved particles grow and fill the free space, which increases the risk of developing a secondary cataract.

Among the advantages of IEC, one can single out the affordable cost, since it eliminates the need to use expensive equipment.


What tests should be done before the operation? The visual apparatus and the whole organism are checked to exclude contraindications for surgical intervention. If any inflammatory processes were detected during the diagnosis, the pathological foci are sanitized and anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out before the operation.

The following studies are mandatory:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • coagulogram;
  • hematological biochemistry;
  • blood glucose test;
  • analysis for HIV infection, syphilis and viral hepatitis.

Disinfecting and pupil dilating drops are injected into the operated eye. For anesthesia, eye drops or injections into the area around the eye can be used.

The selection of an artificial lens is a complex and time-consuming process. This is perhaps one of the most crucial stages of preparation, since the patient's vision after surgery depends on the quality of the chosen lens.

Recovery period

The operation is well tolerated by patients in most cases. In rare cases, experts complain about the appearance of discomfort, including:

  • photophobia,
  • discomfort,
  • fast fatiguability.

After the operation, the patient goes home. A sterile bandage is applied to the person's eye. During the day, he must observe complete rest. Approximately two hours later, food is allowed.

IMPORTANT! In the first time after surgery, patients should avoid sudden movements, not lift weights, and refrain from alcohol.

For a speedy recovery, you must follow medical recommendations:

  • follow the rules of eye hygiene;
  • within three weeks after the operation, do not go out without sunglasses;
  • do not touch the operated eye and do not rub it;
  • refuse to visit swimming pools, baths or saunas;
  • reduce the time spent in front of the TV and computer, as well as reading;
  • do not drive a car for the first two weeks;
  • dietary compliance.

Learn more about rehabilitation after surgery.

The section is led by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Loginov Gennady Nikolaevich.

Why does the lens become cloudy?

A cataract is any violation of the transparency of the lens, which has different reasons, location and expression.

Clouding of the lens (especially in its central part) leads to a decrease in visual acuity. Vision decreases gradually pain. All surrounding objects become visible at first in a light fog, and then less and less clearly, and glasses in this case practically do not help.

Preservation of the transparency of the lens is possible only with normal nutrition of epithelial cells: the supply of nutrients to them and the excretion of metabolic products. If their excretion is disturbed, harmful substances accumulate in the epithelial cells, which do not allow the formation of transparent fibers. The cloudy substance of the lens cannot be removed because it is in a dense closed capsule. Therefore, there is practically no possibility of “lightening” it. But it is possible to stop the process of cataract development. To do this, it is necessary first of all to improve the excretion of metabolic products. Limits the removal of age-related deterioration of venous outflow from the eye. To date, many different medications to prevent the development of cataracts in the initial stages of the disease. However, such therapy rarely leads to success and can only be considered conditionally effective.

New opportunities

With the discovery of the role of microvibration in venous and lymphatic outflow, the possibilities for preventing cataract progression have also expanded. The mechanism of increasing the outflow of intraocular fluid from the eye under the influence of microvibration has been studied - this is the so-called effect of "microvibration pumps". Strengthening the venous and lymphatic outflow should undoubtedly improve the metabolism in the epithelial cells that form the lens. On the early stage cataracts, when the operation to replace the lens is not yet urgent, and also as a prevention of its development, the phonation method can be used. During phonation, the eye area is saturated with microvibration, which improves transport and metabolism. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of the occurrence of cataracts, it is recommended to start implementing the preventive program outlined at the end of the page. The method is implemented with the help of devices for phonation, oriented for home use.

;The method is implemented using devices for phonation, oriented for home use

Clouding of the lens is irreversible

The lens is a transparent formation surrounded on all sides by a capsule, resembling a lens in shape (see the section "Structure of the eye"). In its capsule, although constituting a single whole, the anterior and posterior sections are conventionally distinguished (usually called the anterior and posterior capsule). The capsule is a cell-free structure consisting of thin plates. As a semi-permeable membrane, it plays an important role in the process of metabolism in the avascular and nerveless lens.

On the inner surface of the anterior capsule there is a layer of epithelial cells that perform the functions of assimilation, excretion and construction of the lens itself. epithelial cells in the process of development they turn into transparent fibers (substance) of the lens. This is a very important circumstance for understanding the causes of cataracts.

The lens differs from other tissues in that, as it grows, its old cells are not rejected; this prevents the capsule. They become more compact and are squeezed in the center of the lens by young cells from the periphery, which are again covered with new fibers and also gradually move towards the center. The cut of the lens is very similar to sawing a tree trunk: the oldest rings lie in the center, and the young ones along the circumference.

So far the only radical method treatment of patients with cataracts is the removal of the cloudy lens and its replacement with an artificial intraocular lens. But for a number of reasons, the operation is not always possible, and surgery sometimes it can be delayed for many years.

Prevention program

The program includes phonation of the eye area, area cervical spine, kidneys and liver.

Vasomotor and trophic functions for the organ of vision are performed by the upper cervical sympathetic nerve nodes located in the cervical spine on both sides of the spinal column at the level of 2-3 cervical vertebrae at the border of the scalp. At the same time, this is also the area of ​​passage of the vertebral veins, which affect the hemodynamics of the brain. Vibrosound treatment of this zone improves the blood supply to the eye and brain area.

In the utilization of metabolic products, the kidneys and liver are involved to one degree or another. Therefore, these organs also need to receive an additional resource of microvibration.

The vibrosound method for preventing the development and progression of cataracts using Vitafon or Vitafon-T devices:

Exposure parameters

Start time

Vonation time increase rate

Final phonation time

Kidney area, "K" points

Plus 1 min. daily

Liver area, "M" points

Plus 1 min. after 2 days

Left eye area

Plus 1 min. after 2 days

Right eye area

Plus 1 min. after 2 days

Spine, points "D1"

Plus 1 min. after 2 days

Spine, points "E40" * (Fig. 3)

Plus 1 min. after 2 days

* The impact on the points "E40" is carried out whenever possible.

Phonation of each area 1-2 times a day. It is recommended to follow the sequence indicated in the table.

The duration of treatment is not limited. Local drug treatment(instillation of drops) is not canceled. There is no need to make special breaks in vibroacoustic therapy. Intervals of 3-5 days a month are formed by themselves according to the circumstances of life. It is not recommended to take breaks for more than three months. If this happens, then the procedures should be resumed from the start time indicated in the table.

Contraindications - severe concomitant diseases (condition after a stroke or heart attack, the presence of an implanted pacemaker).

Preparing for lens replacement surgery

If the clouding of the lens has already taken place, then an operation is necessary to replace it with an artificial intraocular lens. Despite the fact that the modern technique of cataract extraction practically makes it possible to equate such an operation with an outpatient one, but for an elderly person this situation is undoubtedly stressful and requires special training for it from a number of specialists - a general practitioner, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist (ENT), dentist, etc.

We recommend additionally before the operation to perform a three-month general strengthening course of phonation according to the above method of preventing the development of cataracts. It includes vibrosound not only in the area of ​​the kidneys, liver and cervical spine, but also in the area of ​​the eye. Such resource support of the body has a beneficial effect on general condition of the patient, allows the tissues of the eye to respond more easily to surgery due to improved drainage of end products of metabolism. After the replacement of the lens, the operated eye does not need phonation.