The best toothpastes for whitening teeth. Whitening toothpaste rating: which one is better? Toothpaste "New Pearl - Gentle whitening"

  • What is the difference between mechanical teeth whitening and chemical whitening?
  • What are the principles of action of different whitening toothpastes, and what is the advertisement silent about;
  • What is important to know about the whitening components of toothpastes indicated in the composition;
  • Why is it important to consider the RDA when choosing a paste;
  • What specific whitening toothpastes are better, and what features and “highlights” each of them has;
  • You will also learn about important practical rules for choosing and using whitening pastes, which will allow you not to harm your teeth too much if something happens.

The high popularity of whitening toothpastes, which today is largely due to massive advertising, often leads to the fact that they are bought by almost every second inhabitant of our country. At the same time, in pursuit of a snow-white smile, not everyone takes into account the potential danger of whitening paste, especially in case of the wrong choice.

First of all, you should keep in mind that not all whitening toothpastes are equally effective and safe to use. The principle of operation of most of them is based on the abrasive abrasion of colored plaque - in this case, the enamel itself is almost always abraded to one degree or another. In turn, this can lead to various dental problems, of which the most obvious is their increased sensitivity to the action of various stimuli (for example, cold or hard food).

This state of affairs is also confirmed by the reviews of many people who are trying to restore snow-whiteness to their smile: along with the charming white color of the teeth, their high sensitivity often occurs.

“So I don’t know how others manage to pick up a whitening paste for themselves, but I have already tried 8 pieces from different companies. And I tried the vaunted Japanese pastes, both German and Italian Presidents, but with my sensitive teeth they are all too rough, or something. They whiten whiten, but at the same time, the teeth begin to break right away. Moreover, I tried some pastes, which seem to be designed specifically for sensitive teeth, and after 2-3 cleanings from them, it’s not like apples - it’s impossible to eat bread ... "

Vadim, St. Petersburg

In addition, sometimes characteristic depressions appear in the cervical region - wedge-shaped defects (at first they can be almost invisible, but if a person frantically rubs his enamel with an incorrectly selected whitening paste for several months, then these “grooves” gradually become very deep).

Meanwhile, by choosing the right whitening toothpaste, in many cases you can really brighten your smile noticeably with minimal risks to dental health. So what is toothpaste best for whitening teeth and safe to use? How to choose the best option for yourself and what you should pay attention to - let's talk about this in more detail.

And to make the choice more meaningful, it is useful to first say a few words about interesting nuances regarding the principle of operation of whitening pastes ...

Principles of operation of whitening pastes

It is important to distinguish between the concepts of "clarification" and "whitening" of teeth.

Teeth whitening refers to the removal of stained plaque from the surface of the enamel, which is formed after eating, drinking a cup of coffee or smoking a cigarette. A good whitening toothpaste effectively removes plaque, and the smile takes on a natural enamel color. The key point here is that the enamel should naturally be quite light.

On a note

In some people, by nature, tooth enamel has a pronounced yellow. Accordingly, even the best whitening toothpaste will not be able to lighten teeth in this case.

A separate story is when the enamel is naturally light, but over time it has become dark due to the penetration of coloring substances into it to a certain depth from the outside. In this case, it will also not work to get a snow-white smile with the help of whitening pastes, since it is necessary not only to lighten, but to whiten such enamel.

Teeth whitening (as opposed to bleaching) involves the chemical bleaching of colored compounds that are not only on the surface of the enamel, but also in its surface layer to a certain depth. For example, such whitening can be carried out in the dentist's office - for this, a special gel is used that contains rather high concentrations of acid and hydrogen peroxide (photo-whitening of teeth is especially popular today in this regard).

Some manufacturers of whitening toothpastes, in pursuit of the consumer, indicate that their product whitens due to the action of “active oxygen”: the presence of hydrogen peroxide can be seen in the paste (usually 1-2%, or even less). So, many dentists consider this technique to be largely a publicity stunt, since the severity of the whitening effect of hydrogen peroxide in such a low concentration is very doubtful. It is impossible to use a higher concentration, since it will already be unsafe for the oral mucosa.

And again, if the tooth enamel is naturally dark (yellow), then neither in-office whitening, nor, moreover, whitening toothpastes will give a significant effect.

It is interesting

Just imagine such a thing: in some clinics they immediately honestly say that even after several procedures of exposure to aggressive acids in combination with hydrogen peroxide as much as a 30% concentration for 20-30 minutes, the whitening effect may not be achieved, even if you crack or one semitone on the scale.

And one more thing: for a number of people, the procedure of “real” (desk) bleaching brings a rather weak result (half-tone-tone). This suggests that it is almost impossible to etch the naturally caused yellowness of the teeth from the enamel layers.

A whitening toothpaste gives a good effect if the enamel is naturally light, but there is a colored plaque on its surface.

Removal of plaque when brushing your teeth can occur in two significantly different ways:

  1. By simple abrasive abrasion. It's like cleaning a frying pan with a special brush: tooth whitening toothpaste "scratches" plaque due to abrasive components, gradually cleaning it off. The advantage of this method lies in its high efficiency - with a high abrasiveness of the paste, you can whiten your teeth in just a matter of days. The main disadvantage of the method is the damage to the enamel itself by abrasive particles (simply speaking, the enamel is also erased). Highly abrasive toothpastes are the most dangerous in this regard, especially with prolonged and improper use, so it is recommended to use them only for short courses. The photo below shows how whitening paste can be polished, for example, the glass of a car headlight:

  2. The second way to remove plaque is to dissolve it with special enzymes (for example, papain, bromelain). Such enzymes do not erase plaque, but chemical ones break down its protein base - food debris, bacterial membranes and their metabolic products. Thus, plaque can be removed very gently, without excessive wear on the enamel, which is especially important for sensitive teeth.

As a rule, the presence of enzymes in the composition of the paste leads to a noticeable increase in its cost. In addition, the presence of enzymes does not preclude the simultaneous use of a gentle abrasive-polishing system with a low RDA abrasiveness index in the paste, which we will discuss below.

On a note

Toothpastes may also contain components that help remove tartar. It is partly removed by an abrasive-polishing system, however, the presence of polyphosphates in the paste (for example, sodium or potassium pyrophosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, etc.) significantly speeds up this process.

Polyphosphates, being effective complexing agents, "draw" calcium from the tartar matrix, loosening its structure and making it more pliable to mechanical cleaning. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that at the same time, calcium will be partly washed out of tooth enamel, so polyphosphates are usually not added to toothpastes intended for sensitive teeth.

As noted above, the removal of pigments from the deep layers of enamel with the help of whitening toothpastes can hardly be achieved, even if a small amount of peroxide compounds is present in the composition. Although in some reviews, optimists suggest walking with a whitening paste containing hydrogen peroxide smeared on teeth for 30 minutes 2-3 times a day - and an allegedly certain whitening effect is still achieved (how the oral mucosa behaves from such "bullying" is silent) .

On a note

Sometimes they try to use activated charcoal to whiten teeth, believing that due to its high adsorption capacity, it will draw out the pigments from the enamel and thereby whiten it. In fact, cleaning with charcoal, including activated charcoal, is not able to get rid of deep staining of enamel, but can only remove stained plaque from its surface.

An example of a charcoal toothpaste is Blackwood Splat.

Whitening paste ingredients

The key components of whitening pastes responsible for the target effect can be divided into four groups:

  • Abrasive polishing components;
  • Plaque-dissolving enzymes;
  • Whitening peroxide compounds;
  • As well as complexing agents that help remove plaque and tartar.

Of the abrasive components in whitening pastes, the following are most often used:

  1. Silicon compounds (Silica - silicon dioxide, Hydrated Silica - silicic acid; silicates are less commonly used, for example, aluminosilicates). Amorphous silicon dioxide and silicic acid allow you to accurately remove plaque without severely damaging the enamel. Since these compounds are obtained synthetically, the degree of their abrasiveness can be set in production. The advantage of these silicon compounds is their chemical inertness - they do not react with other components of the toothpaste, and usually do not cause allergic reactions.
  2. Calcium Carbonate, very popular in the past due to its cheapness, but today is used much less and mainly only in highly abrasive pastes. Due to the special shape of the crystalline particles, calcium carbonate is very abrasive; as part of the paste, it provides a quick whitening effect, but also severe damage to the enamel.
  3. Titanium Dioxide, a fairly mild abrasive when used in low concentrations. In addition, this substance can be found in almost any white toothpaste, since "part-time" titanium dioxide is a highly effective white pigment (used in white paints).

It is interesting

Perhaps, among the abrasive components of toothpastes, it is also worth mentioning polyethylene (Polyethylene).

With regard to this abrasive, everything is not so simple - the use of the smallest dispersions of plastic particles has been used for a relatively long time in the production of toothpastes of some popular brands. However, there are studies that point to the harm of such polyethylene particles. According to these studies, the smallest plastic particles get stuck in the gum pockets, between the teeth, and, being bioindegradable, remain here for a long time, while contributing to the attraction of bacterial microflora to their surface. As a result, this creates the risk of developing periodontitis.

In particular, the manufacturer decided to exclude polyethylene from their composition.

More examples of abrasive components: clay (used in), charcoal (already mentioned above in Splat Blackwood), baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, for example, in Parodontax pastes), etc.

The degree of abrasiveness of a whitening toothpaste depends not only on which chemical compounds are used in it as abrasives, but also on their preparation or production method (which, in turn, determines the particle size of the substance and their shape). Therefore, even looking at the composition of the paste, it is not always possible to unambiguously say how abrasive it will be.

Now a few words about the enzymes used in toothpastes:

Among the whitening peroxide compounds in the composition of toothpastes, the following substances can be found:

  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Carbamide peroxide (a derivative of urea and hydrogen peroxide).

The concentrations of these substances in the composition of toothpastes are so small that the bleaching effect of peroxides is almost zero. However, the advertising effect is very good - the promises of teeth whitening with active oxygen really encourage people to opt for such pastes. Meanwhile, the pastes themselves can be quite good, brightening the enamel due to abrasive components and (or enzymes).

The following compounds contribute to the removal of tartar (and with it plaque):

  • Potassium or sodium pyrophosphate (Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate, Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate);
  • sodium hexametaphosphate;
  • sodium tripolyphosphate;

…and other polyphosphates. It should be borne in mind that due to their ability to bind calcium ions, these compounds can contribute to enamel demineralization and the development of tooth sensitivity.

Given these subtleties, as well as focusing on the reviews of dentists and people who have tried different means, you can make a small rating of whitening toothpastes - we will consider it later. But before that, let's briefly touch on such an important issue as the quantitative assessment of the abrasiveness of toothpastes, expressed by the RDA index.

Index of controlled abrasiveness of toothpastes RDA

The abrasiveness of most toothpastes today is controlled and quantified by the RDA index (with the exception of exotic toothpastes, for example, from Thailand, whose properties seem to be practically not controlled at all).

Depending on the index of controlled abrasiveness, RDA pastes can be divided into the following types:

  1. For sensitive teeth: 25 RDA;
  2. Children's toothpastes: usually 25 to 50 RDA;
  3. For daily use: 70-80 RDA (75 is usually indicated). At a level of abrasiveness above 80 RDA, the paste is no longer recommended for daily use, since prolonged use can excessively wear out the enamel;
  4. Relatively speaking, whitening pastes are relatively mild action: 100-150 RDA. Used in most cases for whitening teeth with normal sensitivity;
  5. Highly abrasive whitening pastes: RDA above 150 (sometimes good for smokers with healthy and strong but yellow teeth).

Rating of whitening toothpastes of increased abrasiveness

The pastes of this group will help brighten the smile of people with naturally light tooth enamel that has darkened, for example, due to smoking, coffee or tea addiction. Important point at the same time, the teeth should not be prone to sensitivity: if the enamel is initially weak, reacts painfully to cold or hard food, then the use of the following whitening pastes will significantly aggravate such sensitivity.

President White Plus:

  • Production - Italy;
  • RDA - 200;
  • Abrasive components: silicon dioxide, calcium carbonate, diatomaceous earth, titanium dioxide;
  • Additional active ingredients: calcium glycerophosphate (promotes enamel remineralization);
  • The price is about 300 rubles per 100 ml tube.

This is the most "hard" of the pastes presented in this review. Not bad whitens (more precisely, brightens) teeth, and many reviews indicate that the effect is already observed literally after 2-3 applications. According to the instructions, you can not use it more than once a week because of the strong abrasion of the enamel.

Additional comments

Teenagers and people with pathological abrasion of tooth enamel and its high sensitivity should stay away from this paste.

It is also worth noting the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate in the composition of the paste, around which a very negative informational background has developed today - this substance is credited not only with the ability in some cases to cause ulcers in the mouth (not unreasonably), but even carcinogenic properties (very doubtful).

It did not do without a preservative, which was used as methylparaben. This substance can cause a severe allergic reaction.

R.O.C.S. Sensational Whitening:

  • Production - Russia;
  • RDA - 139;
  • Abrasive components: silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide;
  • Additional active ingredients: bromelain (breaks down plaque), calcium glycerophosphate (serves to remineralize enamel);
  • Fluorine content: does not contain F;
  • The price is about 250 rubles per tube for 74 g.

In general, the composition of this whitening toothpaste can be called quite "advanced": in addition to the abrasive effect, it will dissolve stained plaque due to the bromelain enzyme. In addition, the enamel damaged by abrasive particles will be restored to a certain extent due to mineralization with calcium glycerophosphate - this is a significant plus, since the risk of developing enamel sensitivity is reduced.

A pleasant moment is also the absence of R.O.C.S. Sensational whitening sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, as well as powerful and not always useful antibacterial components (chlorhexidine, triclosan).

“I bought myself Rox Sensational Whitening on the advice of a friend. Before that, I used Bionics for a long time, but I want to whiten my teeth well, so I decided to take something new and more powerful. Cleaned as usual, twice a day. A friend said it was best pasta for teeth whitening, but I still disagree. It whitens, but I would not say that it is very strong, it is definitely very far from ideal whiteness. And I want even whiter, I’ll have to look for something further ... "

Olya, Novokuznetsk

  • Production - Germany;
  • RDA - about 120;
  • Abrasive components: silicon dioxide, silicic acid, titanium dioxide;
  • Additional active ingredients: sodium pyrophosphate, potassium pyrophosphate, sodium triphosphate (all these three compounds contribute to the destruction of tartar and plaque removal), sodium fluoride (promotes enamel mineralization), aluminum lactate (strengthens the gums and prevents their inflammation);
  • Fluorine content: 1357 ppm;
  • The price is about 300 rubles for a 75 ml tube.

Pretty good composition, provided that your teeth are really strong. It should be borne in mind that the presence of potassium salts in the paste (potassium pyrophosphate - Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate) will reduce the sensitivity of the enamel even in case of local damage, thereby masking the warning signs of its excessive abrasion.

In general, the presence of sodium and potassium pyrophosphates, as well as sodium triphosphate, will favorably affect the removal of tartar. The capture of calcium from the tooth enamel by these polyphosphates will be partially compensated by fluoride ions, which, on the contrary, will strengthen the structure of the enamel, contributing to its mineralization. So the composition of this whitening toothpaste can be considered quite thoughtful and more or less balanced.

But the price, perhaps, is too high for such a composition, especially considering the presence of the same sodium lauryl sulfate in it, as well as potentially allergenic preservatives (methylparaben and propylparaben).

Blendamed 3D White Luxe Glamor:

  • Production: Germany;
  • RDA - about 100;
  • Additional active ingredients: sodium fluoride (promotes enamel mineralization), sodium pyrophosphate (favors the removal of tartar);
  • Fluorine content: 1450ppm;
  • The price is about 400 rubles for a 75 ml tube.

With a not very remarkable composition, one might even say quite poor, the price of this whitening toothpaste is clearly overpriced. Among the poles, one can name, perhaps, the absence of parabens and sodium lauryl sulfate in the composition, which was replaced by a less aggressive surfactant, sodium laureth-2 phosphate.

“I have been looking for a long time which toothpaste whitens my teeth better, I even bought Brilliant once. I literally killed my teeth with it, then I could not eat anything but oatmeal, I recovered for three months, until the pain disappeared. Then I tried Blendamed 3D White Lux. It is certainly a thing. I can’t say that this is the coolest whitening paste, but at least my teeth don’t start to hurt with it. Her price, of course, is not the smallest, but it’s better than suffering later.”

Pastes with peroxides

For these pastes, manufacturers claim not only whitening (lightening) due to the removal of colored plaque from the surface of the teeth, but also due to the chemical bleaching of colored compounds that are in the structure of tooth enamel. This bleaching effect is attributed to active oxygen, which is able to be released from peroxides.

ROCS PRO Oxygen whitening (positioned as a professional whitening gel toothpaste):

  • Production - Russia;
  • RDA - no data, the manufacturer indicates a “very low abrasiveness index”, and also warns that the paste does not have polishing properties and is not able to effectively remove dental plaque;
  • Abrasive components: polyethylene (generally speaking, polyethylene can hardly be called a typical abrasive component, and ROCS PRO Oxygen bleaching is more of a gel than a paste);
  • Additional active ingredients: carbamide peroxide (the main whitening ingredient), calcium glycerophosphate (for enamel mineralization);
  • Fluorine content: does not contain F;
  • Price - 400 rubles per tube weighing 60 grams.

Things to consider before buying this toothpaste:

  • If you have smoker's plaque or tartar on your teeth, then ROCS PRO Oxygen whitening will not the best option, as it will simply not be able to clean deposits from the surface of the enamel. To whiten dental plaque and deposits, and not the enamel itself, is, as they say, money down the drain.
  • As for the possibility of whitening enamel with low concentration carbamide peroxide, this is a very dubious task, which can be characterized in advance as having low efficiency. In the event that the tooth enamel is dark (yellow) by nature, then it is even less necessary to rely on whitening.

“... Once I already took this paste, but somehow I didn’t understand it - it’s kind of strange in general. I recently decided to give her a second chance. I used it only in the evenings, and in the morning I applied Rox delicate whitening. Well, what can I say, it took me a while. My teeth started to hurt terribly while brushing. They hurt all the time while brushing. And they became sensitive, but somehow I didn’t particularly notice the whitening effect. ”

Dasha, St. Petersburg

“I've been using this paste for several months, but I don't stop, because there is an effect! My teeth definitely became a little whiter, especially the spaces between them, which used to be yellowish. But her aggressiveness is not frail, sometimes I feel that my jaw is already aching from cold water.

Ekaterina, Perm

Splat Extreme White:

  • Production - Russia;
  • RDA - 75;
  • Abrasive components: silicic acid;
  • Additional active ingredients: carbamide peroxide granules (the main whitening ingredient), sodium fluoride (for enamel mineralization), papain (for dissolving the protein base of plaque);
  • Fluorine content: 500ppm;
  • The price is about 250 rubles for 75 grams.

Unlike ROCS PRO Oxygen whitening, Splat Extreme White paste is characterized by a more complex effect on the teeth: here is an abrasive effect, and the dissolution of plaque due to the papain enzyme, and, in fact, the effect of carbamide peroxide in order to chemically bleach the colored compounds in the surface layer of tooth enamel . With all this, the composition of the product also provides for some enamel mineralization due to sodium fluoride.

Among the disadvantages of the paste, one can note the presence in its composition of sodium lauryl sulfate and the preservative methylparaben.

Faberlic White Plus:

  • Production - Russia;
  • RDA - no data;
  • Abrasive components: silicic acid;
  • Additional active ingredients: a complex of hydrogen peroxide with polyvinylpyrrolidone (the main whitening component), papain (to dissolve plaque);
  • Fluorine content: does not contain active fluorine;
  • The price is about 200 rubles for 75 grams.

This paste is included in the review only because Faberlic distributors trumpet its amazing effectiveness on almost every corner. In fact, this paste does not contain anything extraordinary, which could provide a particularly high efficiency in teeth whitening.

“Faberlic whitening toothpaste was sold to me by a distributor friend. In dentistry, I was always afraid to bleach, because they told me that it was harmful to enamel and all that. So I realized that all my hopes for white teeth are contained somewhere in tubes of whitening pastes, you just need to find a good one. But the Faberlic paste did not impress me. It seems inexpensive, good taste, but I did not notice a whitening effect from it. They promised mountains of gold, but it turned out that she didn’t whiten very much. I don’t know about others, but my gums still started to hurt from it. Recommend some other good whitening toothpaste.

Olga, Moscow

To the question of whether all teeth can be whitened ...

It is important to understand that if a person’s natural shade of tooth enamel is far from light, then you should not expect a miracle even from the most expensive and effective whitening paste. With dark enamel, even after photobleaching of teeth in the clinic, the result will be the most minimal.

On a note

Smokers, lovers of coffee, red wine, strong tea and chocolate should take into account the fact that when using whitening pastes, the enamel becomes especially vulnerable to the penetration of colored compounds into it. Therefore, manufacturers often do not recommend eating coloring food for several hours after brushing your teeth with a highly abrasive paste.

If, looking in the mirror, you see that there is really a lot of tartar on your teeth, then it is advisable to contact your dentist for a procedure. professional hygiene oral cavity (ultrasonic teeth cleaning, Air-Flow). And only then use whitening pastes to prevent the re-formation of dental plaque. Otherwise, especially when choosing a low-abrasive paste, it can be very problematic to obtain a normal brightening effect.

With weak enamel and hypersensitivity teeth whitening pastes should be used very carefully, as this can significantly exacerbate the problem. For example, the teeth will start to hurt even more, and the so-called wedge-shaped defects may begin to deepen in the cervical zone.

If you have fillings on your front teeth, it is useful to keep in mind that deep whitening of the enamel, for example with hydrogen peroxide, would cause these fillings to look like dark patches in the smile area. So in this case, the low efficiency of peroxide pastes will be even better.

Rules for the selection and use of whitening pastes

Generally speaking, ideally, whitening toothpaste should be used under the supervision of a dentist - taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's oral cavity and the dynamics of the paste itself. However, the situation is such that a significant part of people not only will not consult a dentist about this, but they do not even plan to visit him in the next couple of years.

Therefore, it makes sense to finally give a number of practical tips on how to choose a whitening paste for yourself without the help of a specialist and how to use it, so as not to harm your teeth too much if something happens.

  • If your enamel is naturally dark, then you should not expect a miracle from the whitening paste - in most cases, the effect will be minimal;
  • If your teeth ache even from cold air or there are unpleasant sensations from solid food, then when using a whitening paste, the pain will most likely become much stronger;
  • If your teeth are already white enough, but, no matter what, you want a “Hollywood” smile, then it makes sense to undergo a photo-whitening procedure in the clinic;
  • If, after applying the whitening paste, the teeth began to hurt, then you should not torment them further - be sure to take a break of several weeks;
  • If the teeth are full of tartar, then it makes sense to remove it in the dentist's office, since it may not be possible to completely remove it with a whitening paste;
  • Highly abrasive whitening pastes should be used rarely, not confusing them with daily products (and if you mix them up, problems will not be long in coming);
  • When using whitening pastes, you should take care of enamel mineralization in advance - look for products with calcium glycerophosphate, calcium citrate, sodium fluoride or aminofluoride (it can also be written "active calcium", "fluorine").
  • When choosing, pay attention to the composition of the whitening paste, and this article will help you draw the appropriate conclusions;
  • Well, and finally - do not give whitening paste to children. Often families use the same paste for everyone, but you don’t want a child to wash their milk teeth with a paste with RDA 200, right? ..

if you have personal experience use of whitening toothpastes - be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page. Perhaps it will help someone make the right choice.

An interesting video about the safe use of whitening toothpastes

Comparison of the effectiveness of whitening paste and folk remedies for whitening tooth enamel

For the most part, whitening pastes work on the principle of removing contaminants from the surface of the enamel by stronger mechanical cleaning than in conventional prophylactic products. Sometimes this leads to negative consequences: abrasion of hard tissues, hypersensitivity or wedge-shaped defects.

Types of whitening toothpastes

Whitening toothpaste PRESIDENT White Plus

The Italian hygienic enamel brightener has a high abrasiveness index (RDA 200), so the manufacturer advises brushing your teeth with this paste no more than once a week. The product has a unique patented composition and abrasive, which is based on silicon, calcium, as well as components of sea shells.


  • high cleaning ability due to the highly abrasive component;
  • the calcium included in the composition takes part in the remineralization of the enamel layer;
  • product contains extract medicinal plant- Icelandic cetraria, which has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • no fluorides.


  • can not be used by people with hypersensitivity and pathological abrasion of enamel;
  • high RDA index;
  • the price exceeds the cost of many other whitening toothpastes.

Whitening toothpaste REMBRANDT "Anti-tobacco and coffee"

One of the few pastes that can whiten all pigmentation on the teeth, even such persistent ones as from tobacco and coffee.

The effectiveness of the components included in the composition ensures the clarification of the enamel:

  • abrasives - oxides of silicon and aluminum provide mechanical removal of food residues and plaque;
  • active substances - papain and citroxaine destroy the chemical structure of mineralized deposits and facilitate their discharge;
  • fluorides - create conditions for the restoration of the crystal lattice of enamel and prevent the development of hypersensitivity.

The disadvantage of toothpaste is only one - the high price.

Whitening toothpaste LACALUT White & Repair

An effective brightening agent that not only changes the shade of the enamel by several tones, but also has a reparative effect on hard tissues tooth. The composition contains abrasive polishing granules, pyrophosphate compounds that destroy pigments and deposits.

In addition, sodium fluoride and hydroxyapatite have a remineralizing effect on enamel. Availability is considered a significant advantage of pasta, because it has a low price. Significant deficiencies not found.

Whitening toothpaste PRESIDENT White

The paste has a similar composition to PRESIDENT White Plus, except for the abrasion index of the products. Since it is lower, you can apply the paste daily without the risk of damaging the enamel. However, dentists recommend using any bleaching agents in a course with intervals of several months.

Paste composition:

  • silica and calcium compounds as an abrasive;
  • fluorine for enamel remineralization;
  • extracts of ginseng, mint and cetraria have an immunomodulatory, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

The product has few disadvantages, but they are present: high cost and the simultaneous presence of calcium and fluorine in the composition, which become ineffective due to the precipitation of the substance.

Toothpaste SPLAT "Whitening Plus"

Worthy of attention whitening paste Russian production, which is not inferior in quality to imported analogues. Titanium dioxide, together with silicon compounds, remove deposits on the teeth, while papain and polydon provide chemical breakdown of plaque. The presence of fluorine and potassium in the composition prevents the occurrence of sensitivity.

Pasta is cheap positive result from use lasts for several months with proper oral care and limiting the use of products with dyes. According to the instructions, toothpaste can be brushed daily, as it does not have a destructive effect on the enamel.

Whitening toothpaste SILCA Arctic White

A paste that performs various tasks:

  • due to the content of fluorine serves prophylactic against caries;
  • abrasive components and pyrophosphates clean the accumulation of plaque on the teeth;
  • freshens breath;
  • brightens enamel with regular use.

Whitening toothpaste ROCS PRO "Delicate whitening"

The paste has a mild effect on the teeth due to the fact that the composition includes only one type of abrasive that does not have pronounced edges. This provides a gentle effect, however, it is a kind of minus - the shade of the enamel changes slightly.

The paste contains bromelain - a special enzyme that destroys deposits on the teeth and pigment particles. Calcium glycerophosphate is present as a remineralizing agent. The line of whitening pastes is characterized by the absence of fluoride compounds. For a Russian-made product, it has a high cost.

Whitening toothpaste ROCS "Sensational whitening"

The composition of this paste is almost identical to the previous remedy. A more pronounced whitening effect is achieved by introducing a second additional abrasive - titanium dioxide.


  • mild effect on enamel;
  • remineralization of hard tissues of the tooth;
  • lightening by several tones during the course application;
  • effective plaque removal.


Whitening toothpaste Blendamed 3D White

The daily cleanser is available in six different flavors:

  • "Glamour";
  • "Mint Kiss";
  • "Pearl extract";
  • "Cool freshness";
  • "Anti-tobacco freshness";
  • "Healthy Glow"

All of these pastes have the same composition, the difference lies only in the degree of expression of taste and smell. The active components are pyrophosphates, fluoride ions, silicon dioxide in hydrated form.

The paste has a good cleansing ability, freshens the breath and eliminates some types of enamel pigmentation. Due to the presence of pyrophosphate, the risk of calcium leaching from the structure of the crystal lattice and the appearance of hypersensitivity increases.

Whitening toothpaste Colgate "Complex whitening"

Another representative of inexpensive pastes for oral care.

The composition contains the following abrasive components:

  • titanium dioxide and silicon;
  • sodium bicarbonate.

The product is enriched with sodium fluoride in a preventive concentration (1450 ppm). Among the shortcomings, it can be distinguished that there are no enzymes that can break down pigments and deposits on the teeth.

The toothpaste is suitable for daily use for adults without the risk of enamel damage with proper brushing techniques.

Toothpaste New Pearl "Whitening"

One of the cheapest tooth whitening pastes. Has a standard composition. Due to the fact that the content of pyrophosphates is high, the likelihood of enamel hypersensitivity due to leaching of calcium minerals increases.

However, it is pyrophosphates that have the entire whitening effect of the product due to the destruction of the matrix of pigmented plaque. A significant disadvantage is also the fact that the manufacturer does not indicate the dosage of fluorine compounds on the packaging.

Toothpaste New pearls "Gentle whitening"

It is an improved formula of the previous remedy, since the composition does not contain pyrophosphates that negatively affect the enamel. Teeth whitening occurs due to abrasives: hydrated silica. The contained sodium fluoride at a concentration of 0.78% protects against the occurrence of hyperesthesia, and also participates in the mineralization of enamel.

The paste has a low cost, is allowed for daily use. However, you should not expect a significant change in the color of the teeth from the remedy.

Features of whitening paste based on carbamide peroxide

It should be understood that it is impossible to achieve a Hollywood smile simply by using toothpastes with a whitening effect. The maximum lightening of the enamel will turn out only a couple of tones. To maintain the result obtained, it is necessary to adhere to a "white" diet and periodically repeat the course.


There are fewer whitening pastes that work with active oxygen.

Whitening toothpaste REMBRANDT Plus

The most effective, but also quite expensive paste that allows you to lighten the enamel without visiting the dentist.

It contains:

  • carbamide peroxide;
  • monofluoride phosphate;
  • papain;
  • aluminium oxide;
  • sodium citrate.

These components provide discoloration of age spots and the elimination of plaque, due to which a positive result is achieved. The paste is not recommended for regular use due to the possible destruction of the enamel.

Whitening toothpaste SPLAT Extreme White

A tool that whitens teeth well with course use. The manufacturer recommends cleaning the enamel for a month with SPLAT Extreme Whitening paste, and then taking a break for at least 60 days.

Whitening is achieved by releasing active oxygen during the reaction of carbamide peroxide with saliva, as well as by mechanical action of abrasive components. Fluorine ions protect against hyperesthesia and prevent caries.

The manufacturer claims that it is possible to lighten by 2 tones with four weeks of use.

Whitening toothpaste ROCS PRO "Oxygen whitening"

Thanks to carbamide peroxide, pigments deeply located in the enamel structure are split. However, significant whitening is not to be expected, since the paste has a low RDA. The agent does not contain fluorides, remineralization is carried out with the help of calcium glycerophosphates.

How to choose the right tooth whitening paste

Often people come to the dentist with the question of which toothpaste is best for whitening teeth. Among the variety of funds, it is easy to get confused even for an enlightened buyer. Before buying a paste, it is better to consult a doctor about what remedies are allowed in your case and whether they will harm the enamel.

When choosing a paste, read the composition and instructions for use.

Pay attention to the following:

  • abrasiveness index - the permitted frequency of use of the paste depends on it;
  • whether there are remineralizing components - calcium or fluorine.
  • what is the mechanism of action of the agent - due to the removal of plaque or by splitting the pigments, bleaching occurs.

Patients often ask dentists what is the best tooth whitening paste. It is difficult to choose one remedy, because it depends not only on the composition of the paste, but also on the initial state of the teeth, the enamel structure and on the expectations of the patient himself.

Useful video about whitening toothpastes

At the request of many patients: "advise which toothpaste is best for whitening", many dentists answer - "Crest" from the well-known company Procter & Gamble.

Today, the Crest brand is synonymous with a healthy and snow-white smile! The strongest oral health experts, the most powerful research base, the latest scientific advances, and as a result, the American Dental Association accepts and recommends more and more Crest products.

Crest products are recognized as the most effective and safest and are approved by dentists in Europe and the USA.


Effective Russian-made toothpaste contains an innovative formula for safe teeth whitening, suitable for very sensitive enamel.

  • Polishing particles in combination with papayin and polydon break up plaque in hard-to-reach areas, effectively brighten the enamel, making the surface of the teeth perfectly smooth.
  • Potassium ions provide a decrease in enamel hypersensitivity. Natural antibacterial ingredients care for fresh breath and prevent plaque formation.
  • Splat normalizes the pH balance of the oral cavity, preventing the development of caries, ensures the absorption of minerals, calcium, safely whitens and perfectly polishes the enamel.
  • Splat paste is ideal for lovers of strong tea, coffee and smokers. For a month of use, the enamel is lightened by one and a half tones.


Hygiene products from Thailand are unparalleled, they are usually organic and combine 3 important properties: enamel strengthening, whitening and gum regeneration.

An unsurpassed and completely unique toothpaste, due to the presence of many active substances and a special composition, has a powerful whitening effect, prevents the growth of bacteria and the occurrence of tartar, caries and periodontitis.

The whitening paste does not contain chemical additives and preservatives, it is created exclusively from natural ingredients based on several therapeutic essential oils.


Sensational whitening, providing radiant whiteness of teeth, is guaranteed by Rox whitening toothpaste (manufacturer Switzerland-Russia).

The ROCS formula is based on one of the principles of preventing plaque development and strengthening teeth. The combination of biological components: xylitol, bromelain, as well as mineral compounds - sources of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, provide:

  • delicate whitening of enamel;
  • prevention of tartar formation;
  • strengthening teeth and preventing the development of caries;
  • long-term cleanliness of teeth;
  • giving freshness to the breath;
  • elimination of bleeding gums;
  • normalization of the composition of the microflora of the oral cavity (has the properties of a prebiotic).

As an addition to delicate whitening, dentists recommend using ROCS oxygen whitening paste. Thanks to the unique properties of active oxygen, this product deeply whitens tooth enamel, eliminates inflammatory process in the gums and an unpleasant odor.

Whitening toothpaste R.O.C.S. Sensation Whitening for sensitive teeth


The action of Rembrandt is based on the principle of low abrasiveness, the level of which corresponds to the standard of toothpastes for children.

Rembrandt brightens teeth by approximately 2 tones without damaging the enamel. This product contains citroxaine, a mixture of the natural enzyme papain and a very mild polishing agent that will restore teeth to their natural color.

Chinese Pasta Orecare

Orecare whitening paste combines the elements modern technologies and features medicines Chinese medicine.

Orecare has an anti-inflammatory hypoallergenic composition: an extract of the root bark of the Chinese national flower - peonol, which has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial effects and is completely safe.

Chinese whitening paste:

  • gently and effectively cleans plaque;
  • reduces enamel abrasion;
  • preserves the natural whiteness of the teeth;
  • provides fresh breath for a long time;
  • effectively reduces tooth sensitivity;
  • renders effective prevention oral diseases and caries.

Chinese whitening paste Orecare with medicinal herbs


Opalescence toothpaste is a minimally abrasive product for home use. It is perfect for anyone who wants to maintain whiteness after teeth whitening or restoration.

The unique formula of Opalescence promotes the maximum accumulation of fluoride in tooth enamel.

White Glo

The unique White Glo ensures maximum oral hygiene. Thanks to a special formula, the paste fights the yellowing of tooth enamel that occurs after the consumption of coloring foods and drinks.

White Glo whitening paste contains minerals, herbs, natural ingredients

Microwax particles protect tooth enamel from the formation of new stains. WhiteGlo contains vitamin-rich rosehip oil, which improves the protective qualities of the mucous membrane. The effect is noticeable after 3 days.


Yotuel Whitening is the perfect choice for daily use. The combination of active ingredients included in its composition (carbamide peroxide, fluoride, xylitol, calcium and phosphates) has not only a whitening effect, but also a deep healing effect, remineralizing enamel and actively fighting caries, gingivitis symptoms and tooth sensitivity. Yotuel has a low abrasive composition, allowing you to remove the yellowness of the enamel without scratching.


Blendamed is produced by the well-known American company P&G. Its innovative formula contains natural pearl extract, as well as whitening particles that act as an abrasive and restore tooth enamel to its natural color.

Blend-a-med is suitable for sensitive teeth - it delicately comes into contact with the enamel, removing plaque and deposits, and preventing their reappearance.

Minerals in Blend-a-med strengthen enamel while protecting oral cavity from caries. With its regular use, the teeth are guaranteed reliable protection against harmful bacteria and germs. This hygiene product contains vanilla extract and mint extract, which fight against unpleasant odor and give fresh breath.


GSK's Sensodyne actively whitens teeth. At the same time, its active component, potassium nitrate, penetrates into the hard tissues of the teeth and protects their nerve endings, making the teeth less susceptible to hot or cold food.

Thanks to its formula, Sensodyne not only effectively removes plaque, but also reliably protects against the formation of new stains.

Contained sodium fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, preventing the development of caries

Sensodyne can be used for a long time as a daily oral care product. In its composition, sensodyne does not contain inherently harsh abrasives, therefore, after its use, tooth enamel does not collapse and does not become more sensitive.

The effect of using Sensodin paste is noticeable after a couple of weeks.


Pasta President saturates tooth enamel with calcium salts and has a whitening and remineralizing effect. Its unique formula provides high-quality whitening while strengthening enamel and protecting gums.

President contains the following active ingredients:

  • a compound of calcium and silicon - this combination perfectly whitens teeth without harming the enamel, as it has a low abrasiveness index;
  • increased concentration of fluorine ions in combination with calcium provides enamel remineralization;
  • Icelandic cetraria has an immunostimulating, bactericidal and wound-healing effect;
  • ginseng extract has a tonic and tonic effect on the metabolism in soft tissues.

swiss smile

Swiss Smile whitening product is the result of the latest research by scientists from Switzerland, which is ideal for regular use. In its unique formula there are no chemically active substances, acids, abrasive components and other rough compounds.

A special combination of active ingredients perfectly whitens teeth, removes plaque and slows down its formation for a long time.

Swiss Smile whitening kit: toothpaste, conditioner and toothbrushes


The Swiss company Swissdent is known for its high quality dental health products.

Swissdent is issued using the latest technologies, combining the action of already proven whitening ingredients with the most advanced nanotechnology.

Effective and safe paste has a low abrasiveness and does not damage the enamel.

Naturally eliminated with antioxidants, minerals and enzymes dark spots and flying. The composition of the product also includes coenzyme Q10 and fluoride, due to which the teeth become not only snow-white, but also healthy.

Swissdent whitening kit: toothpaste, whitening stick, spray

Brilliant has an excellent whitening effect, restoring natural whiteness to teeth.

Brilliant hygiene product protects teeth from plaque and calculus, strengthens enamel, destroys bacteria that cause periodontal disease and caries.


Colgate high-quality toothpaste restores the natural whiteness of your smile by gently removing dark spots from the surface of the enamel.

Colgate is:

  • bleaching agent for regular use;
  • safe deep whitening;
  • non-abrasive technology;
  • protection against caries;
  • fresh breath.

Whitening toothpaste Colgate Whitening with soda and peroxide


German manufacturer Lacalut restores the natural whiteness of teeth, preventing the formation of tartar and caries.

Therapeutic German whitening toothpaste Lacalut White

"Lakalut" contains aluminum lactate - lactic acid salts that are very useful for teeth, which strengthen the gums, have an astringent effect and reduce the sensitivity of the enamel. The composition of Lakalut toothpaste also includes aluminum fluoride, allantoin, bisabol and chlorhexidine, which strengthen tooth enamel, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, quickly destroy plaque.


Aquafresh is comprehensive protection oral cavity. It contains fluoride, which helps to resist harmful bacteria.

Regular use of Aquafresh restores the natural color of the enamel, prevents caries and refreshes the oral cavity.

Japanese pasta Kobayashi

Kobayashi Whitening - Mint Charcoal Toothpaste:

  • polishes and whitens enamel;
  • removes dental stains and plaque;
  • herbal aroma prevents odor and freshens breath.

Are whitening pastes harmful?

Despite the fact that modern dentistry has safe whitening products, there is a category of people who should refrain from using them.

  1. In order not to aggravate the problem, it is not recommended to do teeth whitening for people with carious lesions of the teeth, thin sensitive enamel or periodontal disease.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as children, should refrain from using bleaching agents.
  3. If you wear braces, have crowns or many fillings, the whitening will be uneven.
  4. Do not use a paste containing more than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide!

A snow-white smile, like in Hollywood, haunts you? Do you dream of the same, but you can’t get to the dentist for professional enamel whitening? Then the best whitening toothpaste will help you, which can eliminate unaesthetic yellow plaque and eliminate the need to cover your mouth when laughing. Each company praises its product, and what ordinary buyers think about it, you will learn from our rating. As a result, the chosen remedy will definitely not disappoint you!

The best whitening toothpastes - which company to choose

Only the Russian company Splat-Cosmetics was among the leaders among the CIS manufacturers. This is the choice for those who want to save on whitening and not harm the enamel. Products of the middle price segment are offered by American and German firms. Italian brands have also proven themselves well.

Here is a list of the top 6 firms:

  1. La Perioe- concern LG Household&HealthCare. This well-known manufacturer began its activity precisely with the production of cosmetics - cream and tooth powder in 1947.
  2. Leon- the largest manufacturer of personal care products in Japan. Differs in high stable quality of production and modern developments.
  3. Colgate- an international manufacturing company inexpensive funds for personal care, founded in 1806 in the USA.
  4. Splat Cosmetics– is better known on the market as SPLAT. Trademark registered in 2000 in Russia, under it hygienic products of the middle price segment are produced.
  5. Lakalut- the brand belongs to the German concern Dr. Theiss Naturwaren, a manufacturer of oral hygiene products. They have been repeatedly awarded with various awards, one of which is “Toothpaste of the Year”.
  6. Rembrandt is an expert company in the field of products for a snow-white smile. The firm is based in California, USA and has been operating since 2001.
  7. R.O.C.S.– the manufacturer is part of the commercial and industrial company "Diarsi" and produces products for oral hygiene, certified according to European standards.
  8. PRESIDENT- Italian company for the production of safe premium formulations with its own laboratory. The products have ISO quality certificates.

Rating of the best whitening pastes

  • Price;
  • Brand;
  • Compound;
  • Volume;
  • Package;
  • Consistency
  • Smell;
  • Effect;
  • Safety.

How to choose the right whitening paste so that your teeth do not suffer is described in as much detail as possible in this video:

The best whitening toothpastes

There are two types of such products - acting gently, with abrasive and polishing ingredients, and with an aggressive composition (oxygen, citric acid, soda). The former are suitable when the plaque is not pronounced, while the latter are relevant for smokers, coffee lovers and tea lovers. Both those and others cannot cope with a strong hard coating - they are only intended to lighten the enamel by 1-2 tones and remove stains.

"Perioe Pumping Citrus" from the manufacturer La Perioe is a versatile, economical teeth whitening product. Available in a large tube with a convenient dispenser, which allows you to control the amount of paste. It freshens breath well, has a gel-like consistency and several flavor lines. Contains sodium fluoride and silicon dioxide, prevents the formation of tartar and restores the enamel to its natural shade. Users note a comfortable feeling after brushing their teeth, the breath remains fresh for a long time and a pleasant aftertaste is preserved.


  • Big packing;
  • thick;
  • Doesn't sting;
  • Leaves no film;
  • polishes;
  • Whitens several shades.


  • Contains abrasives;
  • Not suitable for teeth with thin enamel.

Some users also experience increased gum sensitivity after prolonged use.

The best toothpaste for gums and enamel

"Lion White & White" - a paste with fluorine and calcium. Produced in a standard tube (150 g), it has a slightly liquid, white consistency and a non-standard cap. The tool not only strengthens the enamel, but also has a whitening effect, which is achieved due to the calcium bicarbonate included in the composition. It foams well, so the consumption is small, one pea is enough for a single use. Judging by the reviews, whitening toothpaste cleans off plaque from tea, coffee and cigarettes and does not spoil the surface.


  • Pleasant taste;
  • Safe composition;
  • Does not cause discomfort using;
  • Suitable for daily use;
  • Low price.


  • Not sold in regular stores;
  • Instructions in Japanese.

Also, lion white white toothpaste promotes secondary calcification of microcracks in the enamel.

The best complex whitening paste

"Colgate complex whitening" - available in a 100 ml tube in the USA. The composition includes distilled water, soda, lemon powder, polyethylene, glycerin, sorbitol. The product contains 0.2% fluorides, dyes, flavor and is intended for ages 18+. It is recommended to use it 2-3 times a day, thoroughly rinsing the mouth with water. Mass cannot be swallowed!


  • Inexpensive;
  • Refreshes breath;
  • Well-known brand;
  • Sold in any store;
  • Suitable for absolutely everyone except children;
  • Does not spread on the brush.


  • Increases tooth sensitivity;
  • The effect does not give immediately;
  • Unpleasant taste;
  • Bakes the mucosa in violation of its integrity.

The best product of Russian production

"Splat whitening plus" is a product of a Russian manufacturer, packaged in tubes of 40 ml and 100 ml, with a taste of fresh mint. The color of the composition is white, the consistency is thick. It is made on the basis of water, potassium ions, fluorides, polydon. Papain is responsible for brightening the surface of the teeth. The composition has not only cleansing, but also antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, soothing properties.


  • Copes even with plaque from smokers and coffee lovers;
  • Does not increase the sensitivity of the enamel;
  • Gently cleanses;
  • thick;
  • Has remineralizing and hemostatic effects;
  • Does not damage enamel;
  • Sold in two volumes.


  • Contains a lot of fluorine;
  • Poorly polishes the surface;
  • Practically does not freshen breath;
  • Tested on animals;
  • Contains animal ingredients, not suitable for vegans.

The best paste with the longest effect

Lakalut white and repair - designed for systematic use for all types of teeth. Produced in Germany and sold in tubes of 50 and 75 ml. Pentasodium triphosphate, aluminum lactate, disodium pyrophosphate, hydroxyapatite and tetrapotassium pyrophosphate served as ingredients. The product is designed for use by adults 2-3 times a day. It reduces the likelihood of caries, strengthens enamel and freshens breath.


  • Does not spread on the brush;
  • Virtually odorless;
  • Good tasting;
  • Does not contain artificial flavors and dyes;
  • European quality.


  • Not cheap;
  • Not suitable for children;
  • It takes a long time to brush your teeth;
  • Poor protection against caries.

"Lakalut" is suitable for persons over 12 years old.

PRESIDENT WHITE is an Italian product designed for accelerated whitening on an occasional basis to a natural color. The effectiveness of the product is provided by a natural abrasive derivative of the sea shell. The composition contains Icelandic moss, calcium dihydrogen phosphate, water. Indications for its use are drinking coffee and tea, smoking, a tendency to form plaque and tartar.


  • Contains no fluorine
  • Copes even with a hard coating;
  • Does not contain synthetic antiseptics;
  • No parabens.


  • Can be used no more than 1-2 times a week;
  • Not cheap;
  • Not very palatable.

Best for gentle whitening

"R.O.C.S. PRO Acid Whitening - designed to create a radiant smile, has a safe formula and is suitable for removing stains from coffee, tea, smoking. One tube contains 60 and 135 ml. The tool includes glycerin, propylene glycol, a natural aromatic additive, polyethylene and strengthens enamel, produced in Russia. It is recommended to apply it in courses - for 1 month with a break for 4 weeks, twice a day.


  • Carefully cares for enamel;
  • Suitable for permanent use;
  • Does not contain fluorine, parabens, dyes;
  • Smells good;
  • Large volume.


  • Expensive;
  • It is recommended to combine with the "oxygen whitening" paste of the same company;
  • Smells too strong.

Rembrandt Deeply White - produced in the USA, belongs to the elite and is designed to restore the natural color of the teeth. The product is recommended for daily use. Visible result noticeable after 2 months. The composition includes peroxide, fluorine, citroxain, citric acid, papain, fragrance, etc. Designed for ages 12+, has a hazelnut scent.


  • Quickly fights yellowness;
  • European quality product;
  • Designed for permanent use;
  • Unique formula;
  • Suitable for adults and children.


  • Not very thick;
  • Expensive;
  • Contains many aggressive substances;
  • Doesn't give a long lasting effect.

Which whitening paste is better to buy

With a strong darkening of the enamel, products with fluorine, citric acid and others are needed. active ingredients. In order to maintain the resulting color, products intended for use in courses are sufficient.

Here is what is suitable for what case:

  • Permanent application. Here you need products that do not contain soda, lemon and fluorine, since these ingredients destroy enamel with prolonged use. PRESIDENT WHITE and Lakalut white and repair products are well suited for these purposes.
  • Removing coffee and tobacco stains. REMBRANDT from the USA with active oxygen will help to reduce them.
  • Course application. In this case, you can not do without compositions with an aggressive formula - R.O.C.S. PRO and Splat whitening plus. They clean the teeth in 1-2 weeks, but with regular use they spoil their surface.

A snow-white smile, just like Hollywood stars, no one can guarantee you, but the best whitening toothpaste is capable of lightening the enamel by several tones and removing unaesthetic soft plaque.