When to start and how to properly brush your child's teeth. How old do you have to be to brush your child's teeth? How to choose toothpaste? How long should a child's teeth be brushed?

"From six months to three years" - this should be the marking on the first toothpaste in a child's life. In addition, it is important to do this with a special children's toothbrush. It should have especially soft bristles and allow the baby, when he learns to do this, not only brush his teeth, but also scratch his gums. Of course, the child needs to change the toothbrush regularly: once a month or one and a half. By doing this, parents will be able to protect the baby's teeth from infection.

From the age of two, as a rule, the child begins to brush his teeth himself, from that time he gets used to a more standard toothbrush, and “From two to twelve” toothpaste appears in his life. The age category is indicated approximately, since after six years it is desirable to switch to an adult toothpaste. Once the parent is convinced that the child is able to brush his teeth without swallowing the paste, he should be taught to brush his teeth like an adult. In his new pasta should be the optimal amount of fluoride. Fluoride is not added to children's toothpastes. They do not contain a high percentage of abrasives and chemical additives.

So, children's toothpaste should be used until the parent is satisfied that the child is able not to swallow it. It is advisable to switch to adult paste from the age of 6-7, since only a paste containing all the necessary trace elements can provide complete protection for renewed children's teeth.

However, to achieve proper care for your baby's teeth, you should consult with a pediatric dentist. In general, as soon as the teeth appeared, parents need to learn the way to the dentist very well. Treating caries is much more difficult than maintaining healthy teeth.

A little more about brushes and pastes

There is some sense in the fact that dentists recommend special toothpastes to children. Since the enamel on the teeth gets stronger with age, children gradually switch to solid food, thus becoming more and more close to adults. This is associated with changes in brushing teeth, and in the structure of the toothbrush, and in the composition of the paste. But the most important difference between children's toothpaste and adult toothpaste is that it is harmless when swallowed.

Of course, children's toothpaste has a pleasant taste, moreover, it is deliberately made so as not to alienate the baby from the brushing procedure, but this increases the likelihood of swallowing it.

Until the age of two, children usually do not brush their own teeth, except for the use of special toothbrushes, which are usually recommended by doctors. These exercise brushes allow you not only to take care of your teeth, but also to scratch your gums, stimulating them.

The health of the molars cannot but depend on oral hygiene in early childhood. To avoid frequent meetings between the baby and the dentist, it is recommended to brush your teeth regularly.

Parents quite often have a question - at what age do children brush their teeth? Baby teeth should begin this procedure as early as possible, after the appearance of the first incisor. Usually, they appear at the age of 3-10 months.

If hygiene procedures start at about three one month old the baby will quickly get used to the manipulation. A slight pressure on the gum, will serve as a massage, relieve itching when. And it will also be prevention, because it is from this age that the baby tries to taste hands and rattles.

Many parents associate the beginning of the procedure with the appearance of the first incisor. An easy way to tell if a tooth has erupted is to tap it with a spoon. But with the departure during this period it is necessary to wait a little. An awkward touch on an inflamed gum can cause pain.

Does a child need to brush their teeth?

In parental circles, there is an opinion that there is no need to take care of milk teeth. Conditioning their opinion with the phrase - "they will fall out anyway", adults are mistaken.

Oral cavity - perfect place for the life and reproduction of bacteria. Failure to comply with hygiene leads to diseases of the gums and oral mucosa. With saliva, some of the microorganisms enter the stomach, sometimes causing inflammation and diseases of the internal organs.

Food remains are a breeding ground for microorganisms, which, in the process of life, form plaque. It releases acids. Exposure to acids released by plaque destroys thin enamel.

This leads to education. A carious tooth is a source of bacteria and infections that can lead to stomatitis, pain or discomfort in a child.

Caries-affected teeth are not only ugly. They can lead to infection of the indigenous, which are in the gum. And the early loss of milk teeth sometimes leads to incorrect eruption of permanent teeth, curvature and asymmetry of the bite.

Cleaning rules

As the baby grows, the attributes of hygiene also change. Choosing them is not an easy task.

But even the safest brush can be harmful if you do not follow simple rules:

  1. The chewing surface is cleaned in a circular motion, and the front part - only with vertical movements.
  2. The tongue also needs cleaning.
  3. Thoroughly wash the brush and do not forget to regularly replace it with a new one (every 3 months).
  4. Dentists advise twice a day.
  5. The duration of the procedure should not exceed three minutes.

First year of life

Hearing the ringing sound of a spoon on the first incisor, do not rush to run after the brush.

For babies up to a year, there are their own care products:

  • silicone fingertip;
  • sterile bandage;
  • dental wipes.

The advantages of these funds - they are worn on the finger. This allows you to feel the gums and adjust the pressure.

by the most in a budgetary way is the use of a bandage or gauze soaked in water or soda solution. Not a large number of the bandage is moistened, squeezed and wound around the finger. Treat the gums, tongue and inner surface of the cheeks.

Purchasing dental wipes will hit your pocket much more. They are designed for single use, treated with a special antiseptic solution that is safe for crumbs. Neutral in taste, will not leave discomfort at the baby.

In children's stores there is a huge selection of silicone fingertips. For the first manipulations, it is better to choose a smooth attribute.

An older baby can be offered fingertips with silicone bristles. They are more like a toothbrush and better massage the gums. After each use, wash in running water. Boil before first use.

second year of life

The child grows very quickly and already at the age of one can firmly hold the toothbrush in his hands. Of course, adults will have to manage inept hands. Rinsing the mouth for a baby is also an impossible task, therefore it is necessary to use a paste without fluoride.

At this age, the main criterion for choosing a brush is its safety. What to look for:

  • stiffness of the bristles;
  • anti-swallow handle, non-slip;
  • the size of the working part (head).

The little man chooses an attribute of hygiene with soft but elastic bristles. Rigid hairs can scratch fragile enamel and injure the gums. Preference is given to models with the same bristle height (about 10 mm), in 3-4 rows.

The size of the working surface should not exceed 20 mm (approximately the size of two teeth). The rounded head will prevent injury to the gums.

Bright handles with cartoon characters attract a child's eye. It is inconvenient to use an accessory with a massive handle at such a young age. To prevent the brush from slipping, manufacturers provide a rubberized or ribbed coating.

A protective ring is required.

At what age should you brush with paste?

Toothpaste must be rinsed thoroughly. Babies can cope with this procedure closer to two years. The amount of paste at first should be the size of a pea.

The composition of the paste for children under 3 years does not include fluoride. And also, for daily use, products with antiseptic components (for example, or triclosan) are not suitable. They adversely affect local immunity and disrupt the microflora.

But there is nothing to worry about if the baby swallows some baby paste. The composition is absolutely harmless to health.

The famous doctor Komarovsky recommends starting the process of oral care as early as possible. But do not make violence out of this procedure.

The process should give the little one pleasure, be a game. If the child resists, then you can wait until a more conscious age, up to 2-3 years. You will have to look after your baby's teeth for up to 7 years, until he learns to take care of them properly.

The task of parents is not to force, but to interest and accustom to hygiene.

But for oral health, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Diet (do not overeat at night, do not feed 24 hours a day).
  2. Clean cool air in the room, do not let saliva dry out.
  3. Drink clean water at night.

Each parent has the right to decide when to start accustoming a child to a daily oral care procedure. Timely started oral hygiene is the key to health and a beautiful smile.

Parents worried about the health of the child's oral cavity are wondering how to properly brush their children's teeth and at what age should this be done?

This is a very important topic because it is in childhood basic oral care habits are laid, which in the future may affect the health of the oral cavity.

Why do children need to brush their teeth?

Parents often think that caring for milk teeth is not mandatory for a child and that they do not need to be cleaned. Such a fairly common misconception leads to many dental diseases, especially for such a disease as caries. The fact is that the protection of milk teeth is extremely weak and various diseases quite easily overcome it.

Sick teeth become sources of infection and can lead to diseases of the whole organism. If many parents think that brushing their child's teeth is not a very pleasant experience, then, believe me, going to the dentist in such early age can be a real problem.

If the process with a caries-affected milk tooth is started, then it can come to its removal, and it is highly undesirable to do this until the moment of its natural loss. Removed prematurely baby tooth can negatively affect future bite (for example).

In addition, the removed milk tooth will cause problems with the chewing process, which is also unpleasant for children.

When to start dental care?

If we talk about the oral cavity as a whole, then care for it must begin from the first months of a child's life, since many microorganisms accumulate in the mouth.

Teeth care should begin from the moment they erupt, however, it is worth evaluating general state a tooth that has just erupted, since any cleaning of it can cause pain. The advantage of such early education is that at this age, the toothbrush and all the procedures associated with caring for the oral cavity do not cause protests in the child.

Important! Of course, the appearance of the first tooth is a purely personal phenomenon, for someone it appears at 6 months, for someone later. But it’s worth starting caring for it as soon as the condition of the oral cavity allows it, if there is no wound around the tooth, then you can start cleaning it.

Video: at what age should a child be taught to brush their teeth? The answer of Dr. Komarovsky.

Baby oral hygiene products

  • gauze swab and dental wipes - the oral cavity can be wiped with a gauze swab or special dental wipes that are impregnated with an antiseptic. It is recommended to use them after consulting a doctor, such remedies help get rid of plaque on the gums and tongue in a child. If the child is under six months old, you should not use toothbrushes - they can be dangerous for the health of the baby;
  • children's toothbrushes and pastes - when the child is already about a year old, then his first teeth should appear and the pushing reflex should disappear, then it is worth starting to use children's toothbrushes and other devices. Since a child at this age cannot yet brush his teeth on his own, this will have to be done by parents. For such a case, a special silicone toothbrush is suitable, which is worn on the finger, this device is much more convenient to brush the baby's teeth, but a children's toothbrush can also be used.

Separately, it is worth talking about children's toothpastes and brushes, because they have a certain specificity:

  • children's toothbrush should be with a short handle and very soft bristles;
  • as for toothpaste for children, it is advisable to choose with tastes that are pleasant for the child, because the cleaning effect is not so important here as the formation of pleasant associations with the process of brushing the teeth in the child.

All of the above funds should be used only after consultation with a pediatrician or dentist. Without doing this, you act at your own peril and risk, because the child's body is still very weak and extremely sensitive.

When the child can independently hold a toothbrush in his hands (this happens at the age of about 2 years), it is necessary to teach him how to care for his mouth. It will be a little more difficult to do this if you have not cared for the child's oral cavity before, but if you did, then you will be able to teach him a good habit much faster.

There are several ways that are most effective for teaching your baby how to care for their teeth.

  1. Personal example- at this age, children really want to imitate adults in everything, if a child sees that his parents brush their teeth, he will understand that it is safe and necessary, and he will also be interested in doing the same.
  2. Games with learning elements- this format is suitable if a child, due to his natural restlessness, cannot brush his teeth regularly and with the same enthusiasm, then you need to interest him through the gameplay. But you shouldn’t go too far either, because if a child treats oral care too lightly, then this will certainly affect the regularity of oral hygiene.
  3. Is always brush your teeth with your child, otherwise it may seem to him that such procedures force him to do only one, which can lead to the unwillingness of the baby to take care of his teeth.

These are the most common methods of teaching a child about dental care, but each parent knows their child better than anyone else, so using your own approaches can give much better results.

Cartoon for kids: how to brush your teeth? Good doctor dentist.

The child does not want to brush his teeth - what to do? Helpful Hints

If you decide to teach your child to brush their teeth and are faced with a lack of enthusiasm in this regard, then you should use a slightly different tactic.

  • so that such problems do not arise, dentists advise starting toothbrushing procedures as early as possible, so that by the time the baby can independently hold the toothbrush in his hands, it does not cause him fear and irritation;
  • if the child does not want to brush his teeth, do not force him to do it too abruptly, this behavior can lead to the fact that the child will see objects in the toothbrushing devices that are hostile to him, and even if you manage to force the child in this way, most likely he stop doing it at the first opportunity;
  • if the child does not want to use the toothbrush, try replacing it with something else. For example, the silicone brush mentioned above, which is worn on the finger, can be great for such purposes. It is possible that her child will also not perceive it, but most often such funds become a transitional stage on the way to a full-fledged brushing of the baby's teeth.

With all this, it is worth combining serious elements of teaching a child to brush their teeth with play ones, because at this age any boring information for a baby causes a negative reaction.

Video: the child refuses to brush his teeth, “note to moms”.

Need to know

  1. The toothbrush should be with a short handle, the cleaning surface should be small. It is necessary to carefully monitor its condition, cleanliness. Children's brushes should be changed frequently - once every 3-4 months. If the baby was sick, then such a brush should generally be replaced, and as soon as possible.
  2. When choosing a toothpaste, it is necessary to carefully monitor its composition and the recommendations of pediatricians and manufacturers in relation to age parameters. Such a paste should contain a minimum amount of fluorine, and even better - do not contain this element at all. Fluorine acts in such a way that it removes calcium from the body, which is essential at such an early age.
  3. Do not neglect the advice and examinations of specialists. Pediatricians and dentists should observe the development of your child in general, and his oral cavity in particular.

Calendar (schedule) of brushing teeth for children

For a faster and more effective learning process for a child, it is recommended to make for him a variety of visual calendars and schedules that perform several functions at once:

  • allow you to control the regularity of the child's dental care procedures;
  • bring elements of play and entertainment to the process of brushing teeth;
  • play a role in the development of the child.

You can come up with and make such a calendar yourself, taking into account all the preferences of your baby, or you can use our option.

Additional questions

Can I brush my child's teeth with an electric toothbrush?

Yes, but dentists recommend doing this only after the baby is 3 years old. This method will be not only useful for the child, but also interesting. Before the age of three, you should use a normal children's toothbrush.

Is it possible to brush the teeth of a child under one year old?

You can brush your teeth from the moment they appear, but you should do it very carefully, you need to make sure that the tissue around the tooth is not irritated or injured. This early start to the oral care process will help the child get used to the need for such procedures.

When do milk teeth fall out?

This process is individual in nature, the loss of milk teeth is associated with the formation and development of permanent ones. Milk teeth usually fall out in the same sequence as they grow. This process begins at about 5-6 years old, and ends at 12-13.

Video: “Everything will be kind” - how to teach a child to personal hygiene?

Young mothers and fathers who have a baby are often interested in questions about when to start brushing their baby's teeth, how to choose hygiene products, and whether it is advisable to carry out oral hygiene at an early age. Answers to questions, this article will help you find.

How old is it to brush a child's teeth? You should not wait for a certain age and look at the calendar, start processing oral cavity needed right from birth. Care of dental units is carried out immediately after their appearance. Cleaning procedures must be approached responsibly. The baby is not yet able to take care of his body. All these concerns should be taken over by the parents.

The tongue, gums, mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks need to be cleansed from plaque from the first days of life. Breast milk and formula are a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms. If the plaque is not cleaned in a timely manner, develop inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Concomitant factors of stomatitis are:

  1. Decreased immunity.
  2. SARS.
  3. Herpes infection.
  4. Fungal infection.
  5. Hypothermia of the body.
  6. Mucosal injury.
  7. Teething.

Inflammatory processes in the mouth bring suffering to the little man. The severity of the condition depends on the type of pathogen, the age of the patient. The baby's mood worsens, he becomes capricious, the body temperature rises. Signs indicating the presence of stomatitis: salivation, pain when eating, refusal to eat.

Up to 6 months of age of the child, it is enough to clean the oral cavity with a sterile gauze pad or swab. Gauze holds plaque well and cleans inner sides cheeks, lips, gums, tongue. Before proceeding with the procedure, a gauze swab is moistened in a glass of boiled water.

Do not use a cotton pad for procedures. It does not fit in structure, does not cope well with the task, and upon contact with the salivary fluid, it breaks up into fibers. They get stuck in the mouth, when they hit the root of the tongue, cause a gag reflex.

Basic requirements for cleaning the oral mucosa in an infant:

  • Cleanliness of parents' hands;
  • Change of napkins;
  • Disposable sterile material.

At what age do the first teeth erupt? From 6 to 8 months, the first teeth begin to appear in the crumbs. You should not look at the calendar with concern if your son or daughter is already 9 months old, and there is not a single unit in the mouth. They will definitely cut through.

With the appearance of teeth, hygiene procedures become strict and mandatory. It is necessary to clean the first teeth of a child up to a year with special brushes and pastes. Oral diseases appear even in very young children. The carious process develops rapidly, within a few months it affects the entire dental unit.

Gingivitis is a common problem. It is accompanied by soreness, bleeding gums, bad breath. The disease is a chronic focus of infection, reduces immune system, prevents the baby from fully developing, playing and communicating.

You need to know! When should you start brushing your breastfed baby's teeth?
Dentists believe that after formula feeding, it is imperative to clean the baby's mouth. At night, feeding with a mixture of children from 6 to 7 months is undesirable. If you neglect this rule, the risk of pathologies increases. Breast milk is the optimal food for newborns and babies, it is better absorbed and contains a large amount of calcium. The baby can be fed breast milk in nighttime. In this case, carry out traditional hygiene in the morning and evening.

Caring for dental units in children from 1 year

If your baby is one year old, he probably already has incisors in his mouth. How to teach a child to brush his teeth correctly in a year? At this age, kids are quick-witted, they tend to imitate adults and will happily learn an interesting and useful game.

For the procedure you will need:

  1. A glass of warm boiled water.
  2. Toothbrush with soft and slightly rounded bristles.
  3. Safe toothpaste without fluoride. The crumbs are not yet able to fully spit out saliva with a hygiene product.

How to take care of your first teeth

For babies, pharmacies sell special pastes that are safe to swallow.

Pediatric dentists recommend the following hygiene products for babies:

  • President baby;
  • Lacalut baby;
  • Weleda calendula gel;
  • Splat juicy set;
  • Splat junior from 0 -4;
  • Rocs - pro baby.

The task of parents is to captivate the child with the procedure. If the baby actively refuses hygiene measures, watch an instructive cartoon with him.

To make your child have fun, get special timer clockwork toys. Watch them while you carry out the procedures.

How to brush your 1 year old's teeth

Pick up a brush or put a special brush on your finger - a fingertip. Dip her in clean water or just rinse under the tap. Apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to your bristles. Thoroughly clean each tooth, on both sides. A child under one year old can brush their teeth only with smooth movements, from the gums to the cutting edge. Do not apply force or pressure on the handle. Take care that the toothbrush does not penetrate deep into the mouth and does not cause a gag reflex.

After thorough cleaning, rinse the brush. With a clean bristle, make a few strokes and rinse off the remnants of the hygiene product. Clean the gums, inner sides of the cheeks, lips, tongue with a special nozzle.

Offer your child a glass of water and ask them to rinse their mouth. Spitting liquid for babies is tricky business. Therefore, do not despair if the first attempts lead to the fact that the liquid is simply swallowed. Quite often, the crumbs begin to cough and choke.

To teach to spit liquid, you can give your child a glass of boiled water during the day and ask him to rinse his mouth, in addition to brushing his teeth in the morning and evening. Turn a hygiene event into a fun game, think up and tell a suitable fairy tale.

Important information

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about oral care for babies:

  • How to teach a child to brush their teeth? It is necessary to start instilling love and respect for your body from a newborn. If parents carry out hygiene procedures for children from infancy, this becomes a tradition. In such cases, if a person forgets to brush his teeth, he feels uncomfortable and rushes to correct the situation.
  • How to make a child observe daily hygiene in the morning and evening? You don't have to force anything. Parents should not only teach, but also observe important procedures themselves. It is necessary to approach hygiene not only with responsibility, but also with humor. It is noticed that the crumbs learn with pleasure, if the matter is turned into a game.
  • How to care for children's teeth in case of problems? The child's complaints should not be ignored. During the visit, the doctor will examine the baby, conduct examinations, and draw up a treatment plan. If necessary, to protect the enamel, the dentist treats children's teeth with special protective solutions. Caries is a common problem. It is a consequence of poor-quality care of dental units. After treatment, the doctor will give recommendations for further care and observation, which must be strictly observed.
  • How to teach a child to brush their own teeth? This must be done sequentially. You should not expect that a child at 11 - 12 months will carry out hygiene procedures correctly and independently. Parents are in full control of the process up to 3 years. From 3 to 7 years old, babies take care of themselves almost on their own, but sometimes they need outside help. From the age of 7, children have a good command of their actions, they can carry out procedures on their own, without control. Daily will significantly reduce the risk of developing diseases, give confidence and good health. How to care for milk teeth, a pediatric dentist will tell. It must be visited with a child every 6-7 months starting from the age of one.

When can I start brushing my child's teeth with an irrigator? The oral irrigator is good helper in the fight against plaque and bacteria. With the help of an individual nozzle, procedures are carried out from 7 to 10 years of age.

At what age should you brush your teeth with floss? It is advisable to start using a hygiene product after 7 to 10 years. Before applying an innovation, parents should instruct their son or daughter about the rules safe application. This will help eliminate negative consequences.

  • Do I need to brush my teeth before eating? No, cleaning the oral cavity with a paste and a brush is carried out 2 times a day, in the morning after breakfast, in the evening, after dinner. At night, completely exclude food intake.
  • How to brush children's teeth after a tooth falls out? On the first day, eliminate the mechanical impact on the area of ​​the missing unit. Practice good oral hygiene in the following days. To reduce the risk of injury, use special soft toothbrushes.
  • How to brush your child's teeth with mouthwash? To do this, purchase safe means appropriate for your child's age. When applying, make sure that the son or daughter does not swallow the liquid.
  • When does a child need a dentist? Preventive monitoring is carried out 1 time in 6-7 months. In order not to forget about an important event, enter the date in the electronic calendar.

If the baby complains of pain and discomfort, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.


As it became clear, it is necessary to start brushing your teeth from the moment they appear. From infancy, a child needs to instill important values ​​\u200b\u200bfor caring for his body. In this case, the risk of developing pathologies of the teeth and gums is significantly reduced. For children, as well as for adults, healthy teeth are an important component of success and harmonious development.

Not all mothers know exactly when to start brushing their child's teeth, so many start this procedure no earlier than the baby is two years old. But already at 1.5 years old, you can safely use a soft baby brush.

The most suitable period for teaching a child to independently use this object comes after about three years. High-quality cleaning can not be achieved immediately. But for this, parents are needed to control and help, instilling skills hygiene procedures little son or daughter. We do this until they learn on their own.

The main task of mom or dad is not to pressure, not to force, but to approach this matter with patience.

First toothpaste

Although there is an opinion that using toothpaste it is impossible to brush a child's teeth until the age of 18 months, 1 year is already a good time to use special tools. On sale, in addition to such products for various age categories up to 14 years, there are copies marked "0+" or "0-2".

When you think about what kind of toothpaste to brush your children's teeth, you should pay attention to the fact that the composition does not contain fluorine. Because it is harmful if swallowed. It should also be free of synthetic fragrances and sodium lauryl sulfate. It is desirable that the taste be neutral so that the baby does not want to both swallow and spit out the paste. For example, judging by the reviews of mothers, there is information that products meet safety standards for babies in this regard. trademark R.O.C.S. Baby.

Having decided on the brand that is preferred in terms of quality, the choice of a favorite taste or design of toothpaste packaging can be left to the child. This applies to older children who especially love the game "I am myself."

The first rule for little whims

First of all, a mother must take into account the condition of her child. It is necessary that he be healthy and be in a calm or cheerful mood. Most likely, brushing your teeth will be accompanied by a perplexed cry and dissatisfied crying. In such cases, it is better to postpone the procedure that is unpleasant for the child and try to continue at a more appropriate time. A caring mother will easily understand when to start brushing her children's teeth. Over time, the baby will get used to it and begin to understand that there is no reason for fear.

You should demonstrate this skill to him more often. When a baby sees how adults carry out morning procedures in the bathroom in the mornings and evenings, this can be an interesting example for him and a reason to follow. And parents will have fewer “headaches” about how to teach their child to brush their teeth regularly.

Little tricks, or Motivation

It's no secret that most parents, in order to achieve positive results for the intended purposes of educating the child in good and useful habits, some tricks are resorted to. In deciding how and when to start brushing children's teeth, one cannot do without such techniques.

  1. Explain that regular brushing of teeth will prepare him for adulthood, in which it is important to have a beautiful smile.
  2. Offer to go out together and get a toothbrush. Of course, according to the age parameters and stiffness of the bristles, an adult will better determine the choice, and a kid can do it in terms of design and color. Perhaps you will buy several brushes, which he will use according to his mood and desire. This should be of interest to the little one.
  3. Organize a joint viewing of a cartoon on a dental theme. For example, there is a suitable release in the TV series Peppa Pig.
  4. You can promise your baby before breakfast that whoever brushes their teeth and eats well will get something interesting. Before bed, offer his favorite fairy tale or cartoon after he does what his parents ask.

It is strongly not recommended to force a child to practice hygiene, intimidate him with monster germs or blackmail him with a ban on sweets and watching cartoons. Find your own ways that can arouse his interest in the process!

Cleaning children's teeth the right way

It is necessary to perform the procedure in babies with special tenderness, trying not to damage the thin soft enamel of milk teeth. You can not press hard, as the roots of babies are not yet formed. It is best to use a special fingertip, which can provide gentle plaque removal and gum massage.

Tips for parents on the topic "How to brush your children's teeth with a brush":

  1. Do not brush horizontally as the delicate gum tissue may lag behind with this method. And this will lead to the ingress of food debris, their decay. As a result of the multiplication of bacteria, caries is inevitable.
  2. The correct movements of the brush are vertical, away from the gums.
  3. Chewing surfaces are cleaned with movements in a horizontal plane, according to the principle back and forth.
  4. To thoroughly clean the front teeth from the inside, the brush must be held vertically. It is necessary to make movements from the gums to the edges of the teeth.
  5. To master the skills of using a brush, you can allow the child to practice on some toy or on one of the relatives, of course, the elders.
  6. If the baby has already learned how to wield a toothbrush, teach him to perform the procedures slowly.
  7. So you learned how to teach a child to brush their teeth. But it doesn’t hurt to show him how to put the brush and your face in order at the end of the procedure. Let him wash off the remnants of the paste with clean water.

Children should develop the habit of rinsing their mouths with water after meals throughout the day.

Once again about the important

So, what time should you brush your child's teeth? Conscious age is approximately three to four years. The child should want to do it himself, without pressure and coercion.

Uncleaned food residues on the teeth, in particular carbohydrates, contribute to the multiplication of microbes and the destruction of enamel. This is due to the fact that bacteria feed on carbohydrates. And the products of their vital activity are acids that destroy the enamel.

Hence the conclusion: thorough brushing of teeth after meals, especially before going to bed, will help to avoid tooth decay and maintain a healthy smile. It is best not to teach children to frequently eat sweets, overly sweet drinks and cakes.


Untimely access to the dentist and neglect of the rules for caring for milk teeth often leads to partial and complete damage to permanent teeth that have not yet erupted, up to the complete destruction of the rudiments. Then, for sure, the problem of how to teach a child to brush his teeth may not be the most relevant.