Temperature after radiation therapy in oncology. Consequences and complications after radiation therapy

When a person is faced with a disease associated with neoplasms in the body, he asks the question "Radiotherapy - what is it and what are the consequences."

Radiation therapy is a universally recognized and relatively effective method of combating one of the most insidious diseases of mankind - cancer. For many years, this type of fight against malignant tumors of various localization and degree has been actively used in oncology. According to statistics, in more than half of the cases of cancer, radiation therapy, in combination with other methods of treatment, gives positive result and the sick are healed. This fact gives an undeniable advantage of using radiotherapy before other treatments.

The history of the creation of radiation therapy

The discovery of X-rays opened up many possibilities in medicine. It became possible to accurately diagnose various diseases through examination internal organs x-ray. After studying x-rays, scientists came to the conclusion that a certain dose of it has a detrimental effect on harmful cells. This was a real breakthrough in medicine, there was a chance to cure all cancer patients. A lot of side effects after a radiation reaction were also revealed, since healthy cells were also affected.

Many scientists were skeptical about radiation therapy. Things got to the point that research was banned, and researchers involved in the possibilities of X-rays were sharply criticized both by some eminent colleagues and by the public. But the steady increase in the number of cancer patients forced physicists, oncologists, and radiologists to return to research. Today, modern equipment makes it possible to carry out radiation therapy without harm to healthy cells, which gives many patients hope for healing. And in many cases, this is the only chance to overcome the disease.

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So, let's figure out what it is "radiation therapy".

Radiation or radiotherapy (radiology) is one of the methods of treating cancerous tumors using high-energy radiation. The purpose of this therapy is to eliminate cancer cells by directly destroying their DNA, thereby eliminating their ability to reproduce.

The side effects of this type of radiation have decreased significantly compared to the first applications, which gives good predictions for healing. It became possible to change the direction and dose of radiation, thanks to which the effectiveness of therapy has increased. With early detection of cancer, the use of radiation therapy alone gives a chance for a full recovery.

Types and methods of radiation therapy

Cancer cells respond well to radiation therapy because they differ from healthy cells in that they reproduce very quickly, making them susceptible to external influences. Their elimination is carried out due to the destruction of the DNA of malignant cells. Radiation therapy is often combined with other cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, chemoradiotherapy, laser therapy, and surgery. The type of therapy, their combination, is selected depending on the size of the formation, localization, stage, concomitant diseases. For example, radiotherapy is often given before surgery.

The reason for this is a decrease in the size of the tumor, as well as the absence of malignant cells in healthy areas of the body during a surgical operation. In severe cases of diseases, when a malignant tumor actively metastasizes, radiation therapy is the only possible method fight the disease, since other methods are no longer effective. This therapy is resorted to after surgery if doctors admit that there are still malignant cells in the adjacent areas to the site of the tumor.

  1. alpha particles- affect the body with the help of alpha radiation by isotopes, in particular radon and thoron products. The patient takes radon baths, drinks radon water, dressings soaked in radon and thoron products are applied to the necessary areas of the skin. Ointments containing these substances are also used. Their use is advisable only for certain diseases of the nervous, circulatory, endocrine systems. At cancer this method is contraindicated;
  2. beta particles- beta particles and some radioactive isotopes are used, such as phosphorus, thallium, etc. There are interstitial, intracavitary and application beta therapy. For example, application therapy is used for inflammatory processes in the eyes that have become chronic. Interstitial therapy is used to treat radioresistant tumors. Such radioactive solutions as solutions of gold, yttrium, silver are used. They are impregnated with tissue and applied to the affected area. With intracavitary therapy, colloidal solutions of a certain type are administered. This type of beta therapy is mainly used for tumors of the peritoneum or pleura;
  3. . The achievement of science was that it became possible to regulate X-ray radiation, thereby influencing lesions of a different nature. The higher the radiation energy, the higher the penetrating power. So, for relatively shallow lesions or mucous membranes, short-focus X-ray therapy is used. For deeper damage, the radiation energy increases;
  4. . Another significant achievement modern medicine. It is also referred to as the gamma knife. The essence of the technology lies in the fact that ionizing radiation occurs in very high doses, mainly applied once. Radiosurgery or stereotaxic surgery is also used to eliminate non-malignant tumors in hard-to-reach places. Its most important advantage is that there is no need for craniotomy and other surgical interventions, which significantly reduces the patient's recovery time and possible complications;
  5. external beam radiation therapy. The name itself gives an idea of this method therapy. The device is located outside the body. The beam is directed to the tumor, passing through the skin and tissues;
  6. contact therapy when the radiation carrier is directly injected into the tumor tissue. Carriers can be intracavitary, intravascular, interstitial. In the fight against the disease, such a contact type of therapy as brachytherapy is often used. Has proven itself in wrestling;
  7. Radionuclide radiation therapy- radioactive particles in certain doses are contained in drugs, when taken, they are able to accumulate precisely in the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe person. An example of this therapy is iodine in the thyroid gland.
  8. Proton beams. A real breakthrough in medicine was the use of proton beams, which proved to be a very effective method of treating cancer. Protons are accelerated in special accelerators. Upon reaching their destination, the protons emit radioactive radiation, the purpose of which is to destroy malignant cells. The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that due to targeted radiation, healthy cells are not affected, and harmful cells are destroyed to the maximum. The only drawback is the high cost of both the treatment itself and the equipment. Only 1% of patients in Russia have the opportunity to use this method of treatment.

Each type of therapy is used for certain types of diseases and has its own individual characteristics. Remote radiotherapy, for example, is often used in postoperative period in breast cancer, in order to remove the remaining cancer cells after surgery. This will prevent the reappearance of malignant cells. But if metastases are already taking place, then a remote method is also used to reduce their size. The remote method of therapy is widely used for malignant tumors in the female genital organs, both in combination with surgery, as well as independent therapy.

Widely used for treatment. Capsules and needles, which contain a certain dose of isotopes, are placed in the tumor formation. Thus, the tumor tissue itself is destroyed, and nearby healthy tissues are not affected.

Stages of radiation therapy.

In the treatment of any disease using radiation therapy, each stage of treatment is important. This is due to the complexity of the therapy itself, the patient's condition before and after it. It is very important not to miss or underfulfill any of the instructions of specialists. Consider these steps:

The first stage is the so-called pre-beam period.
. Preparing the patient for the therapy itself plays a very important role in the fight against the disease. The patient is carefully examined for the presence of concomitant diseases, in the presence of which, the patient is medical therapy. Skin integuments are carefully studied, since their integrity and healthy state. After all this, a number of specialists, such as an oncologist, a radiotherapist, a physicist, a dosimetrist, decide what dose of radiation will be applied, exactly through which areas of the tissue the therapy will be carried out.

The distance of the beam to the tumor is calculated with millimeter accuracy. For this, ultra-modern technology is used, which is able to recreate a three-dimensional image of the affected organ. After all the preparatory procedures performed, specialists mark the areas on the body from where the effect on the tumor cells will be carried out. This is reproduced by marking these areas. The patient is counseled on how to behave and what to do to preserve these markers until future therapy.

Second phase and most responsible is the direct ray period. The number of sessions of a course of radiation therapy depends on several factors. It can last from one to two months. And if radiation therapy is carried out to prepare the patient for surgery, then the period is reduced to 2-3 weeks. Typically, the session is carried out for five days, after which the patient regains his strength for two days. The patient is placed in a specially equipped room where he lies or sits. A radiation source is installed on the marked area of ​​the body. In order not to damage healthy tissues, the remaining areas are covered with protective blocks. After that, the medical staff, after instructing the patient, leave the room. Communication with them occurs through special equipment. The procedure is absolutely painless.

Third and final stage – post-radiation period, rehabilitation period. The patient went through a difficult time to fight the disease, and when the main period, namely the process of radiation therapy itself, has passed, the person feels severe physical and emotional fatigue, apathy. Relatives and friends of the patient should create an emotionally comfortable environment for him. A person should fully rest and eat, attend cultural events, theaters, museums, in a word, conduct a full-fledged, healthy life. This will help restore strength. If radiation therapy was performed remotely, it is necessary to care for the skin that has been exposed to radiation, following the doctor's instructions.

After all stages of treatment, it is necessary to periodically visit specialists. The doctor must monitor the patient's condition in order to avoid complications. But if the condition worsens, it is necessary to visit the attending physician unscheduled.

During the course of radiation therapy, the doctor gives recommendations on what can and cannot be done during this very important period of treatment. Basically these rules are:

Nutrition plays a very important role in restoring the strength of the patient. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the required amount should be present in human food. High-calorie food is not forbidden, as a person loses a lot of energy and strength. Doctors recommend drinking more fluids. The reason for this is the presence in the body of toxins in large quantities, which occur during the decay of harmful cells.

It is indisputable to reject bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol.

Since the skin is mainly exposed to radiation, it is necessary to carefully care for it, do not wear synthetics, and do not expose it to direct sunlight. If the patient detects any changes in the form of itching, dryness, redness, you should immediately contact your doctor and do not self-medicate.

Don't waste time searching uselessly for inaccurate cancer treatment prices

* Only on condition of obtaining data on the patient's disease, the clinic representative will be able to calculate the exact price for the treatment.

You definitely need a good rest, walks in the fresh air. This will strengthen not only the physical health of the patient, but also the psychological state.

Side effects of radiation therapy

Despite the undeniable advantages of radiotherapy, there are a number of side effects that affect well-being:

Tolerance varies from patient to patient. It all depends on the radiation dose, skin condition, age and other indicators. Despite the presence of side effects, radiation therapy is effective method treatment of many diseases. Side effects after some time after the end of therapy will disappear, and the person will quickly recover. You just need to follow the recommendations of doctors.

Contraindications for radiotherapy

In some cases, radiation therapy should not be used. These are:

  1. Intoxication of the body for one reason or another;
  2. High temperature, the cause of which must be identified and, if possible, eliminated;
  3. Cachexia - when cancer cells are so widespread that radiation therapy is no longer effective;
  4. Diseases associated with radiation injury;
  5. A number of serious illnesses;
  6. Severe form of anemia.

Various rumors about harmfulness radiation treatment cancer, side effects, makes some people turn to traditional healers. But many diseases, especially cancer, where radiation therapy is the only option for a cure, cannot be cured. folk remedies, but time can be wasted. Therefore, one should not believe in rumors and speculation, but be treated only in specialized centers under the supervision of doctors.

Radiation therapy is a method of treating cancer using high energy that kills tumor cells. The goal of radiotherapy is to destroy cancer cells without harming healthy ones.

Different people have different side effects from radiation therapy and exposure to radiation. Some people have very few of them and they are moderate. And in other people, the side effects of radiation therapy can be very serious and in large numbers. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict this in advance. In addition to the individual response, side effects depend on the type of radiation, its dose, the area of ​​​​the body that is irradiated, and the health of the patient.

How quickly do side effects from radiation therapy appear?

In fact, there are two types of side effects after radiation therapy - early and late. First side effects of radiation therapy, such as nausea and fatigue are usually temporary. They appear during or immediately after treatment and continue for several weeks after treatment ends. But over time, these symptoms disappear. Late Side Effects of Radiation Therapy problems such as heart or lung problems may develop over several years. And often they become chronic.

The most common side effects of radiation therapy are fatigue and skin problems. Other early effects, hair loss and nausea, are usually associated with radiation exposure to a specific part of the body.

What to do with radiation therapy fatigue?

Fatigue due to cancer or after radiation therapy can be very intense. Such that it will not allow to lead a habitual way of life. On some days, fatigue may increase, while on others it gets better.

Sometimes doctors find other causes of fatigue. And in this case it is possible to reduce this problem. The level of fatigue is often related to the health of the patient. Therefore, it is important for patients with cancer to treat not only oncology, but also other concomitant diseases. Take the medicine prescribed by your doctor on time. Get plenty of rest, maintain an acceptable level of physical activity, and eat well. Keep a balance between work and rest. Too much bed rest can make you even more tired. But do not overexert yourself, rest if necessary.

Fatigue after radiation therapy is usually temporary and resolves within a few weeks after the end of the course of treatment.

2. Skin problems, hair loss, digestive problems

Radiation therapy and skin problems

Another side effect of radiation therapy is that the skin looks like after a long exposure to the sun. It may be red and tanned. Sometimes there are swelling and blisters, dryness, peeling and itching. The skin may “peel off”, as if you were burned in the sun.

Therefore, to alleviate the condition of the skin after radiation therapy, you need to follow a few recommendations:

  • Do not wear tight clothing in the area affected by the radiation;
  • Do not rub the skin, use mild soap and warm water to wash;
  • Do not apply anything cold or hot to the affected areas unless advised by a doctor;
  • Check with your doctor before using any ointments, oils, creams, or lotions;
  • Avoid the sun. Wear cover-ups and ask your doctor about the best sunscreens to use;
  • If radiation therapy is being used to treat breast cancer, do not wear a bra. Or choose pitted cotton models;
  • Do not bandage the affected areas unless advised by a doctor.

Skin irritation decreases a few weeks after the end of radiation therapy. But even after recovery, the skin may acquire a darker shade. And in any case, after radiation therapy, you need to protect the skin from the sun for a year after the course of treatment.

Hair loss due to radiation therapy

Hair loss after radiation therapy occurs in those patients who receive radiation in the head area. If the hair falls out, it usually happens suddenly and in large quantities. Hair can fall out in whole strands. In most cases, after the completion of the course of radiation therapy, the hair begins to grow again. But they can be thinner or have a different structure.

One way to minimize hair loss after radiation therapy is to shorten it before treatment so that the weight of the hair becomes less. If hair falls out, be sure to wear a hat to protect your head from the sun's rays.

Problems with the digestive system

Radiation therapy to the head, neck, or digestive system can cause loss of appetite. But even in this case, it is important to eat right in order to maintain strength and health.

  • Eat small meals five to six times a day. It's better than a large plate of food three times a day.
  • Try some new foods or vice versa, familiar and favorite dishes. Perhaps they will stimulate your appetite.
  • Snacking will help keep you energized when you're hungry and unable to eat properly.

3. Oral problems, hearing problems, nausea, diarrhea, genital problems

Oral problems

Before starting radiation therapy to the head and neck, see your dentist for a thorough examination and treatment of dental and oral problems. Radiation can cause unpleasant symptoms:

  • Ulcers in the mouth;
  • lack of saliva;
  • Thickening of saliva;
  • Difficulty swallowing.

It is important to tell doctors about these side effects of radiation therapy. Most likely, they will help to cope with problems. Among other things, to get rid of these symptoms, you need to give up spicy and sour foods, as well as alcohol and tobacco. It is helpful to brush your teeth frequently with a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

hearing problems

Radiation therapy can lead to hearing loss. One of possible causes is a thickening of wax in the ears due to radiation. This problem must be reported to the doctor.

Nausea and radiation therapy

Radiation to the head and any part of the digestive tract can cause nausea and vomiting. Tell your doctor about this symptom because there are medications that can solve the problem.


Radiation therapy to the abdomen and stomach can cause diarrhea as a side effect. Diarrhea usually starts a few weeks after starting treatment. Most likely, in this case, the doctor will prescribe special drugs and a special diet.

Sexual problems

Radiation therapy to the pelvis can affect fertility and sex drive. Pregnancy is contraindicated for patients undergoing radiation therapy, as radiation can seriously harm the fetus. Radiation therapy to the pelvis in women can stop menstrual periods and cause other menopausal symptoms.

In men, radiation around the testicles can affect sperm count and sperm function. This doesn't necessarily mean you can't have children. But in any case, the problem should be discussed with the doctor.

Radiation that affects the pelvic area can cause painful intercourse in some women. In addition, due to radiation therapy, scarring can occur, affecting the ability of the vagina to stretch. In men, radiation can affect the nerves and blood vessels responsible for erections.

4. Late Side Effects of Radiation Therapy

Late side effects of radiation therapy can appear months or even years after cancer treatment. But this does not mean that these side effects appear in all patients.

What can happen? For example, scar tissue formed by exposure to radiation can affect the functioning of the heart and lungs. Radiation in the abdomen or pelvis can cause problems with bladder, bowel and sexual problems.

Another possible side effect is re-oncology. There are studies that confirm that radiation therapy has a carcinogenic effect. Although not common, some people develop a second tumor after radiation therapy and treatment of their first cancer. Therefore, when choosing radiation therapy as an oncology treatment, it is important to talk with your doctor and identify all the possible pros and cons of this step.

Radiotherapy is a method of treating oncological diseases based on the use of ionizing radiation. It was first applied in 1886 to an Austrian girl. The impact turned out to be successful. After the procedure, the patient lived for more than 70 years. Today, the considered method of treatment is widespread. So, radiation therapy - what is it, and what consequences can a person exposed to radiation have?

Classical radiation therapy in oncology is carried out using a linear accelerator and is a directed effect of radiation on tumor cells. Its action is based on the ability of ionizing radiation to influence water molecules, forming free radicals. The latter break the DNA structure of the altered cell, and makes it impossible to divide.

It is impossible to outline the boundaries of the action of radiation so precisely that healthy cells are not affected during the procedure. However, normally functioning structures divide slowly. They are less affected by radiation and recover much faster after radiation damage. The tumor is not capable of this.

Interesting to know: the effectiveness of radiotherapy increases in proportion to the rate of tumor growth. Slowly growing neoplasms react poorly to ionizing radiation.

Classification and exposure dose

Radiotherapy is classified according to the type of radiation and the way it is delivered to the tissues of the neoplasm.

Radiation can be:

  1. Corpuscular - consists of microparticles and, in turn, is divided into alpha type, beta type, neutron, proton, formed by carbon ions.
  2. Wave - formed by X-rays or gamma rays.

According to the method of delivering radiation to the tumor, therapy is divided into:

  • remote;
  • contact.

Remote techniques can be static or moving. In the first case, the emitter is stationary, in the second case it rotates around the patient. Mobile methods of external influence are more sparing, as they affect healthy tissues less. The sparing effect is achieved due to the changing angles of incidence of the beam.

Contact radiation therapy can be intracavitary or intrawound. In this case, the emitter is introduced into the patient's body and brought directly to the pathological focus. This allows you to significantly reduce the load on healthy tissues.

During treatment, the patient receives a certain dose of radiation. Radiation exposure is measured in grays (Gy) and is selected before the start of therapy. This indicator depends on many factors: the age of the patient, his general condition, type and depth of the tumor. The final figure differs in each case. For example, the load needed to treat breast cancer varies from 45 to 60 Gy.

The calculated dose is too large and cannot be given at once. To make the load acceptable, specialists carry out fractionation - dividing the required amount of radiation by the estimated number of procedures. Usually the course is held for 2-6 weeks, 5 days a week. If the patient does not tolerate treatment well, the daily dose is divided into two procedures - morning and evening.

Indications for appointment in oncology

A common indication for radiation therapy is the presence of malignant neoplasms. Radiation is considered an almost universal method of treating tumors. The impact can be independent or auxiliary.

Radiotherapy performs an auxiliary function if it is prescribed after the surgical removal of the pathology focus. The purpose of irradiation is the elimination of altered cells remaining in the postoperative zone. The method is used in conjunction with chemotherapy or without it.

As an independent therapy, the radiological method is used:

  • to remove small, intensively growing tumors;
  • inoperable tumors nervous system(radio knife);
  • as a method of palliative treatment (reducing the size of the neoplasm and alleviating symptoms in hopeless patients).

In addition to the above, radiation therapy is prescribed for skin cancer. This approach avoids the appearance of scars at the site of the tumor, which is inevitable if the traditional surgical method is used.

How is the course of treatment

A preliminary decision on the need for radiotherapy is made by a doctor involved in the treatment of oncology. He refers the patient to a consultation with a radiologist. The latter chooses the method and determines the features of the treatment, explains to the patient the possible risks and complications.

After the consultation, the person goes computed tomography, with the help of which the exact localization of the tumor is determined and its three-dimensional image is created. The patient should remember the exact position of his body on the table. It is in this position that therapy will be carried out.

The patient enters the radiological room in a loose hospital gown. It is located on the table, after which the specialists put the equipment in the required position and put marks on the patient's body. In subsequent procedures, they will be used to configure the equipment.

The procedure itself does not require any action from the patient. The person lies in a predetermined position for 15-30 minutes, after which he is allowed to stand up. If the condition does not allow this, transportation is carried out on a stretcher.

Note: to fix the patient's body in a given position, various external structures can be used: head masks, Shants collars, mattresses and pillows.

Effects of radiation therapy and side effects

As a rule, the dose of radiation is selected in such a way as to minimize the effect on healthy tissues. That's why Negative consequences Therapies occur only in multiple long sessions. One of the most common complications in this case is radiation burns, which can have 1st or 2nd degree of severity. Treatment of uninfected burns is carried out using regenerating ointments (Actovegin, Solcoseryl), infected - with antibiotics and local antimicrobial agents (Levomekol).

Another common side effect of radiotherapy is nausea due to high doses of radiation. You can reduce it if you drink hot tea with lemon. Medication Correction of the state is Cerucal. Other effects are less common.

Patients complain about:

  • fatigue;
  • alopecia (hair loss);
  • puffiness;
  • skin irritation;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes.

The side effects on the list are difficult to treat if it is carried out against the background of an incomplete course of radiotherapy. They pass on their own some time after the treatment is completed.

Nutrition during radiation therapy

Exposure to radiation leads to the gradual destruction of tumor tissue. Decay products enter the bloodstream and cause intoxication. To remove it, as well as minimize the negative impact of the procedures, you need to eat right.

Nutrition during radiation therapy should be carried out in accordance with the principles of healthy eating. The patient should consume up to 2 liters of liquid (compotes, juices, fruit drinks) per day. Food is consumed fractionally, up to 6 times a day. The basis of the diet should be protein products and foods rich in pectin.

  • egg;
  • seeds;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • berries;
  • greens.

Interesting to know: radiotherapy will be better tolerated if the patient daily eats a large baked apple with honey.

Recovery period

The recovery period usually passes without the use medicines. If the treatment has been successful and the tumor has been completely removed, the patient is advised to healthy lifestyle life: giving up bad habits, psychologically comfortable environment, sufficient rest time, good nutrition, moderate physical exercise. In such conditions, rehabilitation takes several months. During this time, a person visits a doctor several times and undergoes an examination.

If therapy was carried out with a palliative purpose, there is no talk of recovery as such. The patient is prescribed antibacterial agents, analgesics, provides him with good nutrition. It is better if a person is surrounded by relatives and relatives, and not in a hospital.

Radiation therapy is a modern and highly effective way to treat tumors. With early detection of a pathological focus, radiation can remove it completely, with inoperable neoplasms, it can alleviate the patient's condition. However, this method should be treated with caution. Its improper use negatively affects the patient's well-being.

Radiation therapy: what is it and what are the consequences - a question that interests people who are faced with oncological problems.

Radiation therapy in oncology has become enough effective tool in the struggle for human life and is widely used around the world. Medical centers providing such services are highly appreciated by specialists. Radiation therapy is carried out in Moscow and other Russian cities. Often, this technology can completely eliminate malignant tumor, and in severe forms disease - to prolong the life of the patient.

What is the essence of technology

Radiation therapy (or radiotherapy) is the effect of ionizing radiation on the focus of tissue damage in order to suppress the activity of pathogenic cells. Such exposure can be carried out using X-ray and neutron radiation, gamma radiation or beta radiation. The directed beam of elementary particles is provided by special medical-type accelerators.

During radiation therapy, there is no direct breakdown of the cellular structure, but a change in DNA is provided that stops cell division. The impact is aimed at breaking molecular bonds as a result of ionization and radiolysis of water. Malignant cells are distinguished by their ability to rapidly divide and are extremely active. As a result, it is these cells, as the most active ones, that are exposed to ionizing radiation, while normal cellular structures do not change.

Strengthening the impact is also achieved by different directions of radiation, which allows you to create maximum doses in the lesion. Such treatment is most widespread in the field of oncology, where it can act as an independent method or supplement surgical and chemotherapeutic methods. For example, radiation therapy for blood various types lesions, radiation therapy for breast cancer or radiation therapy of the head show very good results at the initial stage of the pathology and effectively destroy cell remnants after surgical intervention at later stages. A particularly important direction of radiotherapy is the prevention of metastasis of cancerous tumors.

Often this type of treatment is also used to combat other types of pathologies not related to oncology. So radiotherapy shows high efficiency in eliminating bone growths on the legs. Radiation therapy is widely used. In particular, such irradiation helps in the treatment of hypertrophied sweating.

Features of the implementation of treatment

The main source of a directed particle flow for performing medical tasks is a linear accelerator - radiation therapy is carried out with the availability of appropriate equipment. The treatment technology provides for the immobile position of the patient in the supine position and the smooth movement of the beam source along the marked lesion. This technique makes it possible to direct the flow of elementary particles at different angles and with different radiation doses, while all movements of the source are controlled by a computer according to a given program.

The irradiation regimen, the therapy regimen and the duration of the course depend on the type, localization and stage malignant neoplasm. As a rule, course treatment lasts 2-4 weeks with the procedure 3-5 days a week. The duration of the irradiation session itself is 12-25 minutes. In some cases, a one-time exposure is prescribed to relieve pain or other manifestations of advanced cancer.

According to the method of applying the beam to the affected tissues, surface (remote) and interstitial (contact) effects are distinguished. Remote irradiation consists in placing beam sources on the surface of the body. The flow of particles in this case is forced to pass through a layer of healthy cells and only then focus on malignant tumors. With this in mind, when using this method, various side effects occur, but despite this, it is the most common.

The contact method is based on the introduction of a source into the body, namely in the zone of the lesion. In this embodiment, devices in the form of a needle, wire, capsule are used. They can be inserted only for the duration of the procedure or implanted for a long time. With the contact method of exposure, a beam directed strictly at the tumor is provided, which reduces the effect on healthy cells. However, it surpasses the surface method in terms of the degree of trauma, and also requires special equipment.

What types of beams can be used

Depending on the task that is set before radiation therapy, can be used different types ionizing radiation:

1. Alpha radiation. In addition to the flow of alpha particles obtained in a linear accelerator, various methods are used based on the introduction of isotopes, which can be eliminated from the body quite simply and quickly. The most widely used are radon and thoron products, which have a short life span. Among the various methods, the following stand out: radon baths, drinking water with radon isotopes, microclysters, inhaling aerosols with saturation with isotopes, and using bandages with radioactive impregnation. Find uses for ointments and solutions based on thorium. These methods of treatment are used in the treatment of cardiovascular, neurogenic and endocrine pathologies. Contraindicated in tuberculosis and for pregnant women.

2. Beta radiation. To obtain a directed flow of beta particles, the corresponding isotopes are used, for example, isotopes of yttrium, phosphorus, thallium. Sources of beta radiation are effective at contact method exposure (interstitial or intracavitary variant), as well as when applying radioactive applications. So applicators can be used for capillary angiomas and a number of eye diseases. For contact with malignant formations colloidal solutions based on radioactive isotopes of silver, gold and yttrium are used, as well as rods up to 5 mm long from these isotopes. This method is most widely used in the treatment of oncology in abdominal cavity and pleura.

3. Gamma radiation. This type radiation therapy can be based on both the contact method and the remote method. In addition, a variant of intense radiation is used: the so-called gamma knife. The cobalt isotope becomes the source of gamma particles.

4. X-ray radiation. For the implementation of the therapeutic effect, x-ray sources with a power of 12 to 220 keV are intended. Accordingly, with an increase in the power of the emitter, the depth of penetration of the rays into the tissues increases. X-ray sources with an energy of 12-55 keV are aimed at working from short distances (up to 8 cm), and the treatment covers the superficial skin and mucous layers. Long-range remote therapy (distance up to 65 cm) is carried out with an increase in power up to 150-220 keV. Remote exposure of medium power is intended, as a rule, for pathologies not related to oncology.

5. Neutron radiation. The method is carried out using special neutron sources. A feature of such radiation is the ability to combine with atomic nuclei and the subsequent emission of quanta that have a biological effect. Neutron therapy can also be used in the form of remote and contact exposure. This technology is considered the most promising in the treatment of extensive tumors of the head, neck, salivary glands, sarcomas, tumors with active metastasis.

6. Proton radiation. This option is based on the remote action of protons with energies up to 800 MeV (for which synchrophasotrons are used). The proton flux has a unique dose gradation according to the penetration depth. This therapy makes it possible to treat very small foci, which is important in ophthalmic oncology and neurosurgery.

7. Pi-meson technology. This method is the latest achievement in medicine. It is based on the emission of negatively charged pi-mesons produced on unique equipment. This method has so far been mastered only in a few of the most developed countries.

What threatens radiation exposure

Radiation therapy, especially its remote form, leads to a number of side effects, which, given the danger of the underlying disease, are perceived as an inevitable, but small evil. The following characteristic consequences of radiation therapy for cancer are distinguished:

  1. When working with the head and in the cervical area: causes a feeling of heaviness in the head, hair loss, hearing problems.
  2. Procedures on the face and in the cervical area: dryness in the mouth, discomfort in the throat, pain symptoms during swallowing movements, loss of appetite, hoarseness in the voice.
  3. The event on the organs of the chest region: dry type cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain and pain symptoms during swallowing movements.
  4. Treatment in the breast area: swelling and pain symptoms in the gland, skin irritations, muscle pain, cough, throat problems.
  5. Procedures on organs related to the abdominal cavity: weight loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the abdominal area, loss of appetite.
  6. Treatment of the pelvic organs: diarrhea, impaired urination, vaginal dryness, vaginal discharge, pain in the rectum, loss of appetite.

What should be considered during the course of treatment

As a rule, during radiation exposure in the area of ​​contact with the emitter, skin disorders are observed: dryness, peeling, redness, itching, rash in the form of small papules. To eliminate this phenomenon, external agents are recommended, for example, Panthenol aerosol. Many reactions of the body become less pronounced when optimizing nutrition. It is recommended to exclude spicy seasonings, pickles, sour and rough foods from the diet. Emphasis should be placed on food cooked on a steam basis, boiled food, crushed or pureed ingredients.

The diet should be set frequent and fractional (small doses). You need to increase your fluid intake. To reduce the manifestations of problems in the throat, you can use a decoction of chamomile, calendula, mint; instill sea buckthorn oil into the sinuses, consume vegetable oil on an empty stomach (1-2 tablespoons).

During the course of radiation therapy, it is recommended to wear loose-fitting clothing, which will exclude mechanical impact on the site of the installation of the radiation source and rubbing skin. Underwear is best to choose from natural fabrics - linen or cotton. You should not use the Russian bath and sauna, and when bathing, the water should have a comfortable temperature. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

What does radiation therapy do?

Of course, radiation therapy cannot guarantee a cure for cancer. However, the timely application of its methods allows you to get a significant positive result. Considering that radiation leads to a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood, people often have a question whether it is possible to obtain foci of secondary tumors after radiation therapy. Such occurrences are extremely rare. The real risk of secondary oncology occurs 18-22 years after exposure. In general, radiation therapy allows you to save a cancer patient from very severe pain in advanced stages; reduce the risk of metastasis; destroy residual abnormal cells after surgery; really overcome the disease in the initial stage.

Radiation therapy is considered one of the most important ways to fight cancer. Modern technologies are widely used around the world, and the world's best clinics offer such services.

Is radiation therapy. It was revealed that young, malignant cells cease to multiply under the influence of radioactive radiation.


In radiation therapy, the effect of ionized learning occurs. His goals:

  • damage to malignant cells
  • cancer growth restriction,
  • prevention of metastasis.

Used in conjunction with surgical treatment and chemotherapy.

During radiation exposure, cells do not decay, but their DNA changes. The advantage of the method is that healthy structures do not undergo any changes.

Strengthening the effect is also achieved due to the fact that the doctor can correct the direction of the rays. This makes it possible to use the maximum doses in the lesion.

Sometimes this method is also used to treat non-oncological pathologies. For example, to combat bone growths.

Video about pre-beam preparation:


The method is used in 60-70% of patients with cancer. It is considered the main one for the treatment of tumors that are characterized by a high degree of radiosensitivity, rapid progression, and also with some features of the localization of the formation.

Radiation therapy is indicated for cancer:

  • nasopharynx and rings of pharyngeal tonsils,
  • cervix,
  • larynx,
  • skin, breast,
  • lung
  • language,
  • uterine body,
  • some other organs.

Types of radiation therapy

There are several treatments. Alpha radiation involves the use of isotopes, such as radon, thoron products. This type has a wide type of application, positively affects the central nervous system, endocrine system, heart.

Beta therapy is based on therapeutic effect based on the action of beta particles. Various radioactive isotopes are used. The decay of the latter is accompanied by the emission of particles. There is such therapy interstitial, intracavitary, application.

X-ray therapy is effective for the treatment of superficial lesions of the skin, mucous membranes. The energy of X-ray study is selected depending on the location of the pathological focus.

Radiation therapy is also divided for other reasons.


The view differs from the rest in that the sources of rays are located directly on the tumor. It is typical for him to distribute the dose so that its main part remains in the tumor.

The method is good if the size of the formation is not more than 2 cm. This type is divided into several types.

close focusIrradiation affects the formation cells themselves.
intracavitaryThe radiation source is introduced into the body cavities. It remains throughout the course of contact radiation therapy.
InterstitialThe radiation source is injected into the tumor. The impact is continuous.
RadiosurgicalRays are exposed after a surgical operation. The place where the tumor was located is exposed to radiation.
ApplicationThe radiation source is applied to the skin using a special applicator.
Selective accumulation of isotopesLow-toxic radioactive substances are used.


It implies that the source of radiation is at some distance from the human body. the beam enters the body through a certain area.

Gamma therapy is more commonly used. This method is good because it allows you to bring a high dose of radiation to the formation, while keeping healthy cells intact.

For small cancers, protons and neurons are used. Remote therapy can be static or moving. In the first case, the radiation source is stationary.

In modern oncological dispensaries, the method is rarely used. The mobile technique allows you to direct the source along different trajectories. This provides the most efficiency.


The specificity lies in the introduction of radiopharmaceuticals into the patient's body. They affect hearths. Targeted delivery of substances generates very high doses in the foci with little side effects and minimal damage to healthy tissues.

Radioiodine therapy is popular. The method is used not only for cancer patients, but also for the treatment of people with thyrotoxicosis. If there are bone metastases, then several compounds are used at once.


Radiative forcing when 3D exposure planning is used to obtain the shape of the field. The method makes it possible to deliver adequate doses of radiation to tumors. This greatly increases the chance of a cure.

To exclude the exit of the tumor from the irradiated area, special devices are used, for example, equipment for active control of breathing.


Radiation therapy based on the use of protons, which are accelerated to large values. This allows for a unique dose distribution over depth, with the maximum dose concentrated at the end of the run.

At the same time, the load on other surface cells is minimal. The radiation does not scatter through the patient's body.

Typically, the method is used for small formations, tumors located close to critically radiosensitive structures.


This species has several types. Allows for the prevention of recurrence and metastasis. The source is introduced into the body cavity and remains during the entire irradiation session.

It is used to create the maximum dose in tumor tissues.

Usually this method is combined with remote. Radiation therapy of this type is used to treat cancers of the female genital area, rectum, and esophagus.


This method allows to reduce the time of cancer treatment.

It is used for the treatment of internal organs, the circulatory system. The rays act very precisely on the tumor.

Photo of stereotactic radiotherapy

Held from full control for the location of the tumor, allows you to adjust to the patient's breathing and any other movement.

The result of such exposure is not immediately visible, but after a few weeks, since the tumor cells die off gradually.


There are several situations when radiation therapy is contraindicated:

  • general serious condition with signs of intoxication of the body,
  • fever,
  • extensive damage to cancer cells, accompanied by bleeding,
  • radiation sickness,
  • severe forms of concomitant diseases,
  • severe anemia.

The limitation is also a sharp decrease in the blood leukocytes or platelets.

How is radiation therapy performed?

First, additional procedures are performed to accurately determine the location of the tumor and its size. From this, the dose is selected. With the help of a special apparatus, the irradiation field is determined. There may be several such areas.

In the process of radiation treatment, the patient is in the supine position. It is important not to move during radiation, as this can cause the rays to damage healthy tissue. If a person cannot move for a long time, then the doctor fixes the patient or area of ​​the body.

Some parts of the machines can move and make noise, you should not be afraid of it. Already at the beginning of treatment, it is possible to reduce pain, but the greatest effect is achieved after the completion of the course.

Course duration

Treatment is most often done on an outpatient basis. The session, depending on the method used, lasts 15-45 minutes.

Most of the time is taken by the correct positioning of the patient and the direction of the device for irradiation. The process itself takes several minutes. The staff will leave the premises during this time.

The course is from 4 to 7 weeks. in some situations, it is reduced to 14 days. This is advisable if it is necessary to reduce the size of the tumor or improve the patient's condition. Sessions are held 5 times a week. Sometimes the dose is divided into 2-3 sessions.

How is the procedure tolerated?

Radiation therapy itself does not cause pain. After the procedure, it is recommended to rest for several hours. This will help restore strength, as well as reduce the risk of side effects.

If the throat or mouth was exposed to radiation, then it is recommended to rinse the mouth with decoctions of herbs or sea buckthorn oil to relieve discomfort.

Symptoms after exposure

After a course of radiation therapy, you may experience:

  • fatigue,
  • mood and sleep disorders
  • reactions from the skin and mucous membranes.

If the impact was carried out on the area chest, there is shortness of breath, shortness of breath, cough.


The skin is most often affected. She becomes tender, sensitive. Can change color.

The skin reaction to radiation is about the same as when sunburn but it develops gradually.

There may be blisters. In the absence of proper care, such areas can become infected.

If the organs of the respiratory system were exposed, then radiation injuries develop over the next three months. An unproductive cough appears, body temperature rises, and general well-being worsens.

Experts point out that often side effects become:

  • hair loss,
  • hearing and vision loss,
  • an increase in the number of heartbeats,
  • change in blood composition.

Recovery after radiation

The recovery process can take place at different times, doctors recommend setting yourself up for a long journey.

Burn treatment

Redness usually appears immediately, but in some people, burns do not begin to be detected immediately. After each session, it should be lubricated with a protective cream.

At the same time, this should not be done before the procedure, as this may reduce the effectiveness of the manipulation. For processing, "D-Panthenol" and other drugs are used to relieve inflammation and restore the dermis.

How to raise white blood cells after radiotherapy?

You can increase the number of leukocytes only after permission received from the doctor. Be sure to diversify your menu with raw vegetables, buckwheat, fresh fruits, hercules.

Pomegranate juice and beetroot have a positive effect on the composition of the blood. If these methods do not help, the doctor will prescribe special medications.

What to do with temperature?

Temperature in most cases is a sign of infection. After radiation therapy, it takes a long time to restore immunity.

It is better to immediately consult a doctor who will help identify the cause and prescribe treatment. If not possible, observe bed rest, use antipyretics that are not contraindicated for your illness.


They are treated with high doses of steroids. Then the symptoms disappear after 24-48 hours. The dose is reduced gradually.

Additionally, breathing exercises, massage, inhalation and electrophoresis are used.

The treatment program is compiled individually, taking into account the type of tumor and its prevalence, the presence of other complications.


For treatment, it is necessary to strictly observe a diet and bed rest, use medicines and remedies. traditional medicine. Radiation leads to disruption of the maturation of the epithelium, inflammatory processes on mucous membranes.

Used for treatment local therapy, which allows you to cleanse the intestines and eliminate inflammatory processes.


To eliminate the problem, laxatives, cleansing enemas are used. High efficiency was shown by a warm shower directed to the area of ​​the rectum, baths with potassium permanganate.

The doctor may prescribe hormones, rectal suppositories, and anesthetics.

Diet food

Good nutrition is one of the main methods of treatment of radiation damage. you need to take soft foods. If affected by radiation oral cavity, then effectively use oil, a solution of novocaine.

During the radiation therapy itself, patients usually complain of a lack of appetite. At this time, add nuts, honey, eggs, whipped cream to the menu. They contain many nutrients. To get protein in the diet, puree soups, low-fat fish and meat broths are added.

Contraindicated in the use of products containing a large number of cholesterol, fatty meat, mushrooms, tangerines, sausage.

Answers on questions

  • How is chemotherapy different from radiotherapy?

Chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer with the use of drugs. Radiation therapy is based on the principle of destruction of cells under the influence of rays.

The world standards provide for a combination of these two methods, since the chance of a cure in this case increases.

  • Does hair fall out after radiation therapy?

After exposure to radiation, the hair falls out only at the site of the passage of the rays. Usually doctors warn about the possibility of baldness. It is best in this case to make a short haircut.

For hair care from the start of treatment, use a wide-toothed comb or buy a newborn comb. Before going to bed, use a special sleep net so that the hair is not pressed and pulled out.

  • Can you get pregnant after radiation therapy?

Many treatments leave a negative mark, affect reproductive functions. After radiation therapy, it is recommended to protect yourself for several years.

This will allow the body to recover, to give birth to a healthy child. The oncologist usually says the term, depending on the stage of the cancer, the results of the treatment.