Formation and development of teeth. How teeth are formed in babies, an approximate diagram of teething

All new parents look forward to the teething of their children's first teeth. But if they do not erupt in the established norms by doctors, in this case, adults begin to sound the alarm and worry about the kids. These fears are quite logical, since the timely teething is a sign of the normal development of the child.

Also, these experiences can occur when replacing milk teeth with molars. Against this background, many questions arise: what are the terms for the eruption of the first teeth and their replacement with molars? What teeth and at what time are cut in children, up to what age do the main teeth climb, in what order do they appear, how many should a child have under one year of age?

Symptoms and timing of teething in children

The first symptoms of teething are increased salivation, which is necessary for disinfecting the oral cavity, slight swelling of the gums, the child's fingers and toys are in the mouth all the time.

Many parents indicate the appearance of high body temperature, chills and liquid stool However, these are the signs it is not necessary to define exactly teething, since this process cannot cause such symptoms. Most likely this is infectious disease, which can easily hit the baby due to weak immunity during teething.

In what order does cutting take place?

Quite often, young mothers are interested in what is the most correct order of teething in babies under one year old. No doctor can tell the exact time of eruption, since everything happens individually for any baby. But still there are two basic rules that determine the order of eruption:

  • "Lower Revolution". natural system eruption in babies up to a year old implies that the lower teeth erupt first in any case, and only then the eponymous teeth sprout from above. Naturally, this rule has an exception regarding the eruption of the lateral incisors (first the upper ones grow, then the lower ones);
  • pairing. Teeth of the same name, as a rule, erupt almost simultaneously. If the upper left incisor sprouts, then very soon it is necessary to expect the germination of its right counterpart. In some cases, babies may experience eruption of several pairs at the same time.

Even despite the eruption time set by doctors, adults are most often based on the practical time of their germination:

  • Lateral incisors;
  • Upper and middle lower incisors;
  • fangs;
  • First molars;
  • Second molars.

Some babies may start to have an upper eruption. Sometimes this is a sign of rickets, but, as a rule, this is an individual feature of the growth and development of the child.

There may also be cases when there are already several teeth on top, and even no symptoms of early germination appear below. You should not worry too much in this case, if during the examination the pediatrician did not identify any violations, then the child will certainly acquire missing teeth in the near future. It’s just that this process will take a little more time and, most likely, you will need to increase the amount of consumed products with calcium (milk, sour cream, etc.). It must be remembered that the drawn up diagram and growth table is only an approximate, and not an exact eruption rate.

Growth time

Most often, only a born child does not have teeth, but sometimes there may be cases when teething in babies is like in the womb and he is born already with several teeth. As a rule, the first teeth in babies up to one year old grow in pairs with an interval of several months. The middle lower incisors usually grow first, this happens at the age of 7-8 months, then the middle upper ones appear.

Approximately by the year the upper lateral incisors are shown, and after a short time and below. At about a year and a half, the first molars appear, then - fangs and when the baby reaches the age of about two years, the second molars appear.

At this stage, the formation of a milk bite is completed, there are only 20 milk teeth in children. The replacement of milk teeth with molars begins most often at the age of approximately 5–8 years.

Growth is out of order

Growth retardation can be explained from a genetic point of view or the time of birth of a child. For example, babies born in winter acquire milk teeth in quite early age. But if at the age of one year they did not germinate, then you still need to play it safe and consult a dentist, since such a delay may indicate a problem with metabolic processes or be a symptom of the development of rickets. But, when milk teeth are the only drawback of a happy and healthy child, then, probably, adults simply induce unnecessary panic and rather want to see the appearance of the first teeth in their baby.

It is also very important immediately after their appearance to begin timely care for them and accustom your baby to constant cleaning. These activities will greatly increase the chances of keeping them healthy and beautiful.

Regarding the order or the sequence of growth, in this case, too, everything goes on an exclusively individual basis and the sequence of eruption may differ significantly from that generally accepted by doctors. Many dentists believe that all aspects of development are directly influenced by the lifestyle of the mother, her illness, the passage of pregnancy and childbirth itself.

But still, when a child's teething is completely out of place, then there is no need to worry much and escalate this situation. No one has yet made a drug that would cause the teeth to erupt in a clear order, and when they are fully grown, it will absolutely not matter in which order they appeared.

What affects the growth of molars?

A number of factors can influence the timing of the change of milk teeth to molars:

  • Disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • Gender of the child;
  • The form of feeding and its duration;
  • Negative moments of the passage of pregnancy (for example, toxicosis);
  • The genotype of the child;
  • Transferred infectious diseases;
  • Violation of metabolic processes.

It is necessary to ensure that the time of change of molars, which are indicated in the table or calendar, coincides with the schedule for the loss of all milk teeth. It often happens that milk falls out much earlier than the required time. This may occur as a result of mechanical deformation of the bone tissue, due to malocclusion or excessive pressure on the indigenous.

The rapid time of loss of milk teeth is dangerous because those nearby begin to shift, thus filling the void that has appeared. As a result, by that time when the time comes for the eruption of the root, he simply does not have enough space and, most likely, he will be crooked.

In case of untimely loss, it is necessary to undergo an examination with the child by an orthodontist, if necessary, he will install plates in order to prevent the dentition from shifting.

In the case when the milk teeth do not want to fall out on their own at the right time, when the molars are already obliged to replace them, this is fraught with the development of malocclusion. You should definitely visit a doctor to take the required measures. It is very important that adults pay attention to the age at which the child's teeth appeared and how they are in the dentition. Because malocclusion can affect not only aesthetics, but, in general, has a significant impact on the health of the baby.

Queue of germination of molars

The eruption of molars in children has a special order, which makes it possible to correctly form a bite. When should they erupt, and what is their order? For a better understanding, the molars are numbered starting from the medial incisor.

According to the eruption scheme, the first molars or lower sixes begin to appear first. The approximate age of the baby at their eruption is 5-8 years. It should be noted that these teeth do not change milk teeth, but are immediately indigenous. A place for their germination is provided in advance due to the growth of the jaw itself. Then the lateral middle incisors grow, after the first premolars, upper sixes, second premolars and canines. Full formation of molars is completed by adulthood.

Eruption features:

  • Brown-yellow enamel most often associated with the use of antibiotics by the mother in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy, or by the use of antibiotics by the baby during teething;
  • Wrong row formation occurs for a number of reasons: genetic predisposition (very small jaw), congenital anomaly of metabolic processes in the connective tissue, injury;
  • Enlargement of spaces between teeth. This feature speaks of the active development of the jaws and during the replacement transition of temporary teeth to permanent teeth is regarded as a normal condition. An enlarged gap (usually between the middle upper front teeth) appears due to the deep location of the frenulum on the upper jaw. The orthodontist deals with the correction of this defect;
  • Formation of malocclusion happens due to a long time sucking on pacifiers or due to abnormal development of the jaws;
  • Gray edging around the neck most often appears while taking soluble preparations with iron content or with severe inflammation;
  • Very rarely, teeth that have not appeared by one year are symptoms of adentia.- lack of rudiments. To determine this diagnosis is possible only with the help of radiovisiography.

How to take care of your teeth?

It is necessary to start oral hygiene even during the introduction of complementary foods. Up to one year, this can be done with a soft toothbrush or a cloth soaked in warm water.

Closer to the year you need to brush your child's teeth at night without paste with a special brush. It must be changed at least twice a month.

You can start using special children's pastes without fluoride from the age of two years.

Encourage your child to feel the need for periodic preventive dental check-ups at least every 6 months. The first trip to the doctor should be carried out when the first teeth erupt, at the age of about six months.

Teach your child to brush their teeth twice a day, especially at night. To prevent the appearance of caries, which is so prone to milk teeth, do not abuse the excessive consumption of sweets and foods with a lot of sugar.

Your baby is growing, bringing you more and more happiness. Behind was a difficult period of sick tummies and colic, now the baby smiles and mumbles something. Parents sighed calmly, when suddenly one day everything changes, the child refuses to eat, is naughty and whimpering. It's time for teething. To understand how the baby feels, remember how you cut your wisdom teeth.

Bookmarking of teeth during fetal development

Teeth begin to form in the fetus at 5–6 weeks of development. At this time, the primary epidermal cord or dental plate is laid. The first trimester of pregnancy is very important because it is at this time that the foundations of future teeth are laid, while many women suffer from nausea and vomiting. If vomiting occurs frequently, the mother's body may be impaired mineral metabolism, which entails a violation in the process of tooth formation in the fetus. Small and frequent meals, frequent snacks with a spoonful of cottage cheese, half an apple, a handful of sesame seeds and other healthy foods will help reduce the frequency of vomiting.

At the eighth week of development, tooth buds form in the places of the dental plates. These are the rudiments of future milk teeth, consisting of a dental sac, a dental papilla and an enamel organ. By week 10, all the rudiments of milk teeth should form. It is this time (weeks 6–10) that can be the starting point for future dental problems in a child.

From the fifth month of development until birth, the fetus undergoes mineralization of milk teeth. At the same time, the laying of permanent teeth takes place, which are formed up to 5 years.

The following situations can lead to caries and pathologies of the teeth in a child:

  1. Active caries in a pregnant woman
  2. Poor health of a woman in the second half of the gestation period
  3. Pathologies during the second half of pregnancy

Thus, in order to give her unborn child good teeth, the mother needs to cure all her teeth before pregnancy, and during gestation, periodically undergo an examination at the dentist in order to eliminate everything in time. possible problems. It is impossible to drink tetracycline antibiotics during pregnancy, as they also affect the formation and development of small teeth. And, of course, the most important thing is the proper and balanced nutrition of the expectant mother, rich in vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts and dairy products.

Harbingers of teeth

The first teeth begin to cut in a baby at the age of 5-6 months. In life, of course, there are different, quite normal deviations from this norm. The first teeth may appear at 4 or 8 months. But already a month before the appearance of the tooth, the baby may begin to experience discomfort and itching in the gums, and this will inevitably lead to a change in his behavior.

The baby may become irritable and often whimper. He begins to salivate strongly, his appetite may disappear and his sleep may be disturbed. Some children have a disorder of the stool and a rash on the ass, someone has a fever. All these symptoms disappear when the tooth erupts. When the tooth approaches the top of the gum, before eruption, you will see that the gum is swollen and reddened, then it will appear white dot- this tooth is making its way to freedom.

The behavior of infants during this period is very typical. They constantly ask for breasts, as this is their main sedative, but, having sucked, they bend, cry, throw down the breast, then again ask for it back. This is because the process of sucking, on the one hand, relieves itching, and on the other hand, causes the child an unusual discomfort until now. Be patient with the baby at this time, because he does not understand that itching and pain are temporary, he does not understand what is happening to him and seeks protection first of all from you.

It is worth noting that not all children have hard teeth. There are also lucky ones who present the first tooth to their parents with an unexpected surprise.

By the age of two, a baby should have 20 teeth. They are cut gradually, most often in pairs according to a certain pattern:

  • The lower incisors emerge first, followed by the upper pair of incisors.
  • After some time, the second pair of lateral upper incisors is cut, and after that the lower ones.
  • After a year, the lower pair of molars (chewing teeth) grows first, and then the upper one.
  • Next, fangs should erupt - the lower ones, and then the upper ones.
  • The posterior molars are the last to come out, eruption begins with mandible, and then the teeth grow from above.

Thus, by the age of two, your baby becomes toothy. Teeth can be cut according to the rules in pairs, or maybe several pairs at once, this is also the norm. A slight deviation is considered to be situations where the order of the exit of the teeth is violated. In this case, consult a pediatric dentist and make sure that everything is in order with the child's health. This may be the result of some developmental disturbances during the gestation period.

A very early coming out of the teeth can be a symptom of endocrine disorders, and too late, may indicate infectious diseases, rickets, or metabolic problems. On the other hand, without any other symptoms of diseases, it may simply be individual feature child.

How to help a child during teething

Unfortunately, it is impossible to make this process painless. After all, even a not very strong itch scares a baby who is not yet familiar with what pain is, and also does not know such a thing as “temporarily”. Therefore, the main help in this situation is love, care and patience. Who, if not you, will help the baby to overcome the unpleasant period. Do not be afraid to spoil the child, such a baby cannot be spoiled with care or patience.

During the period when the child is teething, strong salivation. As a result, irritation may appear on the child's chin. To avoid this, lubricate the area around the lips with baby cream or coconut oil. Do not use petroleum jelly, it is a petroleum product and is unlikely to benefit delicate baby skin. Dress your baby in cloth bibs so as not to change the undershirts every half hour.

Another "tooth" symptom is diarrhea and consequently strong irritation in the anus of a child. During this period, children's stool is characterized by increased acidity, which leads to severe irritation. Be sure to lubricate this area with baby protective zinc ointment. Do not wipe your ass with tissues, but wash it in the shower or over the sink clean water. If irritation has already appeared, sea buckthorn oil can help. Ideally, the best prevention of irritation in such a situation would be to remove the diaper from the baby and running water every time the child poops.

Many children during this period rise temperature. It can reach up to 38 degrees. The experience of many mothers suggests that the temperature increase is associated with the teeth. However, it can also be an infection against the background of a weakened immune system, so contact your pediatrician to rule out the disease. high temperature you can knock down the medicine given to you by the pediatrician.

While the tooth breaks out, the baby constantly pulls various objects and fists into the mouth. Some children "chew" their hands to the wounds. Thus, he tries to scratch the gums and reduce itching. There are several ways to help your child reduce itching:

  • Dental rings and toys. There are dozens of different chew toys on the baby products market. It can be a pimply rubber toy or a ring with a cooling filler. It is important to remember that such toys must be safe for the baby. Make sure there are no parts that a child can bite off and swallow. If it is a stuffed toy, it should be thick enough on all sides so as not to tear. Such toys should be cooled in the refrigerator, and not in the freezer, because ice, it can "burn" the delicate gums of the crumbs.
  • cold vegetables. Our ancestors, who did not have special teethers, used cold pieces of apples or carrots. The kid procrastinated a piece of vegetable that scratched and cooled the gums without doing any harm. Drying can be used for the same purpose. Do not give crackers to babies. Firstly, they can scratch inflamed gums, and secondly, it is easy to choke on a piece of cracker.
  • Cold rags. You can give your child to chew wet chilled gauze. In addition, now there are special soft handkerchiefs with a soft toy on sale, which can also be chewed. You can try giving a baby soft new toothbrush.
  • Pain relief gels. Most of these gels contain substances for local anesthesia. Most often it is lidocaine, which is not very useful for the child, therefore, when choosing a gel, try to keep its percentage small. In addition, the composition of the gels includes antiseptics. There are homeopathic gels based on chamomile and other plants. On average, the gel removes pain for 20–30 minutes. Do not use the gel before breastfeeding. Sensitivity is lost not only in the gums, but also in the tongue and it will be difficult for the child to suck.

Folk remedies for pain relief

Calming tea. Tea will be useful for both mother and baby, as it has a calming effect, and it will also relieve pain for the baby. Take equal parts of lemon balm, chamomile, catnip and lavender flowers. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, then strain. Tea can be drunk in any quantity, it is safe for both the child and the mother.

clove oil. Has an analgesic effect on sore gums baby. Because pure oil can burn your gums, dilute it 1.5:1 with olive or almond oil.

Chamomile. Soothes and anesthetizes, weak chamomile tea can be given to the baby to drink, and more concentrated rubbed into a sore spot on the gum.

Valerian. The tincture of valerian, which is made with brandy, soothes the gums. To prepare the tincture, crush 30 g of valerian roots into powder and pour them with half a glass of brandy. Insist 3 days, then strain. Lubricate the gums with tincture to relieve itching.

Roots. The child can be given to gnaw the roots of strawberries or chicory. These plants slightly anesthetize the sore spot, and the spine scratches the gums.

Sage. Girls can be given a weak infusion of sage and rub it on the gums. Sage will strengthen the tooth and gum tissue. A decoction of sage can be added to the bath while bathing, it has a calming effect.

Amber beads. Baltic amber beads contain up to 8% succinic acid, which is a natural analgesic. Our grandmothers used this property of amber to relieve pain for children. Beads should be worn under the child's shirt and in contact with the baby's skin. Check the thread on which the beads are strung, it is desirable that it be a ribbon that cannot be torn, tied into several complex knots. Simple fasteners for children are not safe. Never leave your baby to sleep in beads. Wear beads during the day under adult supervision.

  • A clean mother's finger, which he will chew with rapture, can also facilitate the exit of the first tooth for the baby.
  • Raise the top edge of your crib mattress at night to reduce blood rush to your gums.
  • You can massage your baby's gums with your finger.
  • Buy your child a new toy or book, try to distract him more often with games, songs and fairy tales.
  • Remember that as soon as the first tooth comes out, it must be cleaned. This can be done with a finger wrapped in gauze, very carefully, since the enamel is still soft. Toothpaste up to two years is not needed. Massaging the gums while brushing improves blood circulation and makes it easier for the remaining teeth to come out.

As a rule, the first teeth in children erupt at the age of 4.5-7.5 months. Of course, there are rare exceptions when milk teeth in children are first shown at about a year or, conversely, at 3 months. This feature is due to genetic predisposition.

The development of teeth in children, or rather their eruption takes place in a certain order - first the lower central incisors, then the upper central incisors, then come the premolars, canines, molars. Most babies during the period of teething behave restlessly, refuse to eat or, conversely, “hang” on their mother’s chest for days, sleep poorly and act up for any reason.

As children develop teeth, they may experience symptoms such as:

These kids always put in their mouths miscellaneous items, trying to "gnaw" their gums to alleviate their condition. Give your baby special children's toys made from ecological material. Such toys are also called "biter" and they are filled with liquid inside. Gryzak can be put in the refrigerator for a while and give the baby a cool toy that perfectly relieves pain in the gums. Of course, any mother should monitor the perfect cleanliness of the toys that the baby tastes, since during teething the immune system crumbs weakens and some kind of infection can easily join.

Before daytime and nighttime sleep, parents can use special baby gels that are designed to relieve pain and swelling of the gums during the eruption of the first teeth. Such gels are usually made on the basis of medicinal herbs and natural ingredients, so there is nothing dangerous if part of the medicine gets inside with saliva.

When to expect the first teeth: a standard developmental scheme

The development of milk teeth in a baby begins even in the period of its intrauterine existence. The rudiments of teeth are hidden deep in the gums and after the birth of the crumbs by a certain age, they erupt.

Pediatricians note that most often the first tooth erupts in crumbs aged 4 to 6 months, but everything is purely individual and depends on heredity. If your baby is already six months old, and there is not even a hint of teeth, but at the same time the baby is developing well and does not suffer from rickets, do not worry!

Most often, milk teeth appear in the following order:

In most cases, by the age of 2.8-3 years, the baby has 20 milk teeth, in some children they erupt much earlier. By school age, milk teeth begin to gradually fall out, often in the same order, and permanent molars erupt in their place.

Symptoms of teething first teeth

Already from a child, most parents notice an increase in salivation in the crumbs, a slight swelling of the gums, and a desire to taste everything. Many parents and pediatricians also associate these phenomena with rapid teething, but such thoughts are not always justified. When the teeth really show soon, the baby will become restless and capricious, will constantly rub his mouth with his fists and try to “nibble” his fingers, will bite rubber rings and special toys with force with his gums.

A few days before a tooth erupts on the surface of the gums, an attentive mother may notice a seemingly thin extruded line resembling a loose incision. Sometimes a thin white “thread” can be shown through this “cut” - this is the tooth, in a few days it will already click loudly if you carefully touch it with a spoon.

Are diarrhea, fever and cough always signs of imminent teething?

Most young parents attribute any symptoms of a cold to their teeth, but this is not always a true belief. Sometimes the temperature cough and runny nose have nothing to do with teething, but rather are signs viral infection. In this case, just soldering the child breast milk and lubrication of the gums will not be enough, the baby needs adequate treatment. Children infancy during a viral infection, literally a few hours from the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, they become very “severe”, and in the absence of timely medical care their condition may become critical!

The most common occurrence of diarrhea elevated temperature, cough and runny nose in pediatrics is not associated with teething at all, and all these symptoms develop against the background of a weakening of the child's body's defenses and the addition of a viral or bacterial infection. In any case, when the above symptoms appear, parents should call the local pediatrician to the house, who will examine the child and rule out a viral infection.

Diarrhea during the eruption of the first teeth is most often caused by the swallowing of a copious amount of saliva by the child, as a result of which intestinal motility is accelerated and stool liquefaction develops. Normally, diarrhea during teething occurs no more than 3 times a day and lasts no more than 2-3 days. With frequent and watery stools, the child's body can quickly lose electrolytes, which threatens with dehydration. and requires immediate rehydration! Appearance in feces mucus, blood, green or purulent inclusions is in no way associated with teething and requires immediate consultation with an infectious disease specialist!

Wet cough during teething in children appears as a result of accumulation a large number saliva that flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx and irritates the respiratory canal. The use of antitussive or expectorant drugs in such cases is not required, but only if the doctor has really ruled out a viral infection.

How to relieve the condition of the baby during teething?

Remember that the baby experiences severe discomfort and pain during the eruption of the first teeth, but he cannot tell his mother about this. There is no need to show your displeasure and get annoyed when the baby is once again capricious and “asks” to be held. Take him in your arms, pat him on the back, calm him down, give him a breast or a bottle. To reduce gum pain, use one of the children's gels, such as Dentokind or Kamistad. These drugs have an excellent anesthetic effect and will help the baby cope with pain. The composition of Dentokind includes herbal ingredients that not only help relieve pain and swelling of the gums, but also have a calming effect on nervous system child. Be patient, it usually takes a few days for the teeth to erupt. After that, the unpleasant symptoms quickly pass, and the baby again becomes cheerful and cheerful.

What absolutely can not be given during teething?

In the days of our grandmothers, the only "rescue" remedy during teething in a child was to give the crumbs a crust of bread or a bagel to chew on. Remember that you cannot do this categorically! Despite the fact that the baby does not yet have teeth, he easily soaks bread or a bagel with saliva, a piece of which can get into Airways. Unfortunately, there are many cases when such babies could not be saved ...

Do not repeat the mistakes of our mothers and grandmothers, do not give the kids any bread crusts!

Dentistry Articles

How do teeth appear


When teeth erupt

Most people have heard that the phrase "teeth are being cut" means something bad, associated with illness, the whims of the baby and sleepless nights for his parents. Meanwhile, the process of teething is a much more individual thing than is commonly believed. Its timing is very blurred: in one child, the first tooth may appear as early as 3 months, in another only at 1 year. Both situations are variants of the norm and, most often, have nothing to do with the presence of any diseases or developmental delays in the crumbs. Dentists consider a delay in the eruption of milk teeth within 6 months to be quite natural. An exception can be considered, for example, rickets or adentia (lack of tooth germs).

In the "average" toddler, the first teeth appear at 7-8 months, but even before this period, he begins to "bite", "drool" and experience bouts of irritability. Just before the teeth begin to appear, you can feel what looks like bumps when you run your finger along the baby's gums. You can purchase special teething toys - teething stimulators, or you can do a light massage of these areas of the mouth on your own.

As a rule, a one-year-old baby celebrates his first birthday with 4 upper and lower incisors in his mouth. However, we must not forget that in the first 2.5 years a child grows as many as 20 teeth, that is, as it is easy to understand, they grow almost constantly. This is precisely what explains the fact that during this period, any indisposition of the baby can be explained by the fact that his “teeth are being cut”. By the way, the appearance of teeth in itself is not the cause

Most people, hearing about the development of teeth, imagine a baby under a year old with a pair of erupted teeth. But the formation of teeth does not begin at the time of eruption. The development of teeth begins in utero, and this process is called odontogenesis.

Teeth begin to develop in very young fetuses in the womb. The diet of a pregnant woman and the maximum abstinence from the use of medicines play a decisive role in the formation of teeth. The expectant mother should receive enough calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C and vitamin D, pediatric dentists say

During pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to take many drugs (for example, tetracycline groups), as they can cause discoloration of the developing teeth of the embryo.

The structure (anatomy) of a human tooth

Before discussing how teeth develop, it is very important to know a little about the structure of the tooth and the four main tissues that form it. These four tissues are enamel, cementum, dentin and pulp.


The outer, visible layer of the tooth and the hardest material in the body due to the maximum concentration of mineralized substances.


A thin layer of bone that covers and supports the root of a tooth.


The inner layer and the main part of the tooth, and most of the dental tissue. Dentin is a connective tissue located between the enamel or cementum and the pulp.


The soft connective tissue in the center of the tooth, filled with blood vessels and nerves. Capable of producing dentin.

The invisible part of the tooth that fixes it in the jaw bone is called the root.

There are four main stages in tooth development:

  1. The first stage begins in the fetus at about six weeks of age. Buds of teeth are formed.
  2. Further formed hard tissue teeth, somewhere from three to four months of pregnancy.
  3. The stage after the birth of a child, when the tooth actually protrudes through the gum.
  4. And, finally, the loss of temporary, milk, teeth, and their replacement with permanent ones.

Formation and development of teeth

Odontogenesis is the process by which teeth form from embryonic cells, grow, and at some point grow out of the gums. Healthy teeth require the proper development of dentin, enamel, periodontium and cementum at their respective embryonic stages.

The temporary, also called "milk" teeth, begin to form into the jawbone six to eight weeks after conception. Permanent teeth begin to develop from the 20th week.

Teeth should begin to develop at the specified gestational age. Otherwise, they will not form at all.

Teeth are formed through the mineralization of matrix protein. Although this process begins in the womb, it is not completed adolescence when the growth of the root structure is finally completed.

It is interesting to note that most babies are born without visible teeth, but about one in 2,000 babies is born with a grown tooth.

Intrauterine tooth formation

By the end of the third week after conception, the base of the mouth is already formed. Over the next few weeks, the tongue, jaws, and palate develop. During the sixth week of pregnancy, tooth buds are created from embryonic cells that will eventually take the form of teeth. By eight weeks of pregnancy, the buds of all the baby's milk teeth are clearly visible, and at the twentieth week, the dental buds of the permanent ones begin to develop.

Development of teeth after birth

The development and eruption of teeth in the jaw continues after birth. Typically, the first milk teeth begin to appear in the mouth about six months after birth. Primary central incisors, lateral incisors, molars, canines and second molars appear in this order between 6 and 24 months. Teeth grow alternately - first the lower, then the upper, and so on for all types of teeth.

At the age of two and a half years, a child usually has a full set of 20 milk teeth grown - 10 in the upper and 10 in the lower jaw. As the child grows, so do the jaws, increasing the distance between all milk teeth. This is necessary so that there is enough room for the growth of large permanent teeth.

Scheme of milk teeth in a child

The incisors are the front teeth located in the upper and lower jaws. Each cutter has a thin cutting edge. The upper and lower incisors touch like scissors to cut food.

Canines are pointed teeth located on either side of the incisors in the upper and lower jaws. They are used to tear out pieces of food.

Molars are teeth with wide flat surfaces for grinding food.

When do children cut their teeth?

Of course, each child is different, but temporary teeth begin to erupt between the ages of six and 12 months. Most milk teeth grow by 33 months. It happens earlier in girls than in boys.

Scheme of eruption of milk teeth:

  1. The middle is cut first anterior tooth on the lower jaw, central incisor. Immediately behind it is the second central incisor on the lower jaw. These two front teeth (central incisors) in the lower jaw are fully grown by 10 months.
  2. The upper incisors are cut next. The two front teeth (central incisors) in the upper jaw erupt between the ages of eight and 13 months.
  3. After the central ones, the lateral incisors are cut in the same way: first the two lower ones, then the two upper ones.
  4. By 16-23 months, fangs (sharp teeth) erupt, next to the lateral incisors.
  5. As a rule, when a child reaches the age of two, he has four second molars (the last in a row of milk teeth).
  6. The second set of upper and lower molars becomes visible by 25-33 months.

The following eruption periods are often taken as a standard:

As a rule, the average three-year-old child has a full set of 20 milk teeth.

Teeth in the upper jaw are usually erupted one to two months after the symmetrical tooth in the lower jaw has grown. After the first incisor has grown, the child erupts one tooth every month.

The sequence and duration of teething is different for each individual child, so there is no need to worry ahead of time. A pediatric dentist may be needed if the child does not have a single tooth by the year.

Requirements for a pregnant woman to develop healthy teeth in the fetus

A mother's lifestyle plays a significant role in the development of her child's teeth. A healthy diet and regular meals almost 100% guarantee the correct formation of teeth in a baby. If a woman suffers from severe nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy, the chances of developing dental malformations in the fetus increase, and teeth will be more susceptible to caries in adulthood.

The development of healthy teeth is impossible without good nutrition, rich in useful minerals fluorine, calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, C and D.