Prepare mashed potatoes for a 6 month old baby. How to make mashed potatoes for baby's first feeding

When can I give mashed potatoes to babies, at how many months? There are disputes on this topic, and mothers are all in doubt. Potatoes very rarely cause allergies, are nutritious and healthy. However, it contains a large percentage of starchy substances, which causes difficulty in digestion in young children.

However, we should start talking about useful substances oh, a valuable vegetable, about when you can introduce potatoes into complementary foods, from how many months? Next, you need to choose the right cooking recipe in order to preserve the vitamins in the finished product as much as possible.

The value of potatoes is:

  • phosphorus;
  • vitamin C;
  • a large amount of potassium;
  • absence of allergens;
  • improvement of water balance;
  • removing toxins from the body.

The special value of potatoes lies in the protein, which is similar in its properties to the animal. The amino acids included in this protein are involved in the construction of new cells in the baby's body. That's why formula-fed/mixed-fed babies can be introduced to potatoes after four months.

Fiber helps to normalize the activity of the intestines and frees the body of toxins; Therefore, you need to give mashed potatoes for babies before dinner, so that he has time to waste the calories received.

Potatoes contain folic acid, which ensures the full development of the brain and balances the nervous system.

However, a large amount of carbohydrates can increase the weight of the baby, form fat folds.

Therefore, children who are prone to weight gain should limit their consumption of potatoes.

Possible harm

When can a potato harm a baby? It depends only on the terms and conditions of storage. If you make puree from green tubers, the child's body will receive toxic substances along with useful ones. Even if you use the right recipe, trouble cannot be avoided.

In some cases, introducing potatoes into the first complementary foods is not recommended. This is due to weak intestinal motility of the baby: constipation may appear. Even if you soak the fruits in water before cooking, the starch still remains. Potatoes can be given only in the absence of failures in the digestion of the baby.

Pediatricians set right time the first complementary foods - 6 months, when the baby has mastered fruits and cereals.

cooking potatoes for baby

First you need to choose the best tubers for cooking. The product must be:

  • from your region;
  • medium size;
  • not watery inside;
  • without sprouts and green spots on the skin.

The recipe for cooking a root crop differs from the “adult” one: potatoes are steamed without water. You can also cook on water, but boiling vegetables in water deprives them of a large number valuable substances passing into the liquid.

Important! It is not recommended to add oil for the first feeding.

The second cooking method

If the baby is prone to gaining excess weight or does not absorb starch well, the recipe for cooking potatoes needs to be changed. How to make puree? To do this, the fruit is rubbed on a grater, the liquid is squeezed out and the mass is prepared in a slow cooker.

One more recipe. The potatoes are peeled, cut into slices and soaked in water for a couple of hours. Of course, many useful substances dissolve in water, but the vegetable is freed from starch. How best to cook, decide for yourself.

If you will boil the fruits in water, put them in boiling water. Cover the pot with a lid to help the potatoes cook faster.

Acquaintance of the baby with potatoes

How to start weaning? If the baby has just turned 5 months old, and he is already actively eating fruits and zucchini with cabbage, you can safely treat him with potatoes. First, give one coffee spoon for testing - do you like it or not? The consistency of the puree should be liquid, like milk.

If the baby liked the potatoes, the baby reacted positively to the new dish - double the portion daily. Starting from the fifth day, offer the crumbs already 50 grams of puree. On the sixth day - all one hundred grams, and on the seventh - 130 grams.

What vegetable should be replaced with potatoes? The new kind food is always introduced drop by drop and gradually. If you gave your baby zucchini puree for lunch, continue to give it. Add potatoes to the zucchini, gradually reducing the portion.

The method of replacing one product with another is the rule of all new complementary foods.

It is advisable to start introducing the first complementary foods into the baby's diet with vegetable puree or porridge. Many pediatricians still advise opting for mashed vegetables, as vegetables contain useful vitamins, organic acids and trace elements, in addition, they include vegetable fibers and pectins, due to which the intestinal microflora is normalized and constipation does not occur. In the event that the baby is poorly gaining weight, has liquid stool, it is better to give preference to porridge. In any case, on the choice of complementary foods for the baby, you should seek the advice of a pediatrician.

Vegetable puree is considered one of the most best options first feeding

The procedure for introducing vegetables into the diet of the baby

The order of introducing vegetable complementary foods is determined depending on the main qualities of vegetables. The table below will help you figure out the sequence of introducing complementary foods with vegetables.

Name of the vegetableCharacteristicAllergy Risk
Suitable for overweight children. Helps to remove toxins, has a diuretic effect, eliminates the problem with constipation.Very low
Improves digestion, effectively restores hemoglobin levels and reduced immunity.Short
It has a high calorie content and a high content of starch, the excess of which can cause bloating and pain in the tummy, and frequent stools. The proportion of potatoes in mashed potatoes should not exceed 20-30% of the total volume. Before cooking, cut the potatoes in half and soak in water for 1-2 hours.Average level
It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. Can improve condition skin and very good for the eyes.High
Favorably affects the work of the digestive organs, prevents the formation of constipation, cleansing the body. Increases immunity.High

The usual mashed potatoes for adults should be given to a child carefully, in small quantities (more in the article:)
  • 5-6 months - zucchini. Low calorie, contains copper and potassium.
  • 5-6 months - cauliflower. It has a high content of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.
  • 6-7 months - potatoes. Helps improve metabolism.
  • 7-8 months - pumpkin (more details in the article:). Enriched with fiber, iron and carotene.
  • 9 months - carrots. It has a high content of vitamin B, carotene, potassium and phytoncides.
  • 9 months - green pea. Contains vitamins B, C and PP.
  • 9-10 months - beets (we recommend reading:). Contains vitamins B, C and iron.
  • After 1 year - cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant and bell pepper. In children younger than this age, the gastrointestinal tract is not yet able to digest foods containing coarse fiber, which can contribute to the formation of increased gas formation, bloating and pain in the tummy.

The volume of vegetables during the 6th month should be in the range from 50 to 100 g, during the 7th month - 150 g, by the year the volume is increased to 200 g. Given the age and taste of the child, the mother herself can start choosing which vegetables used for preparing multi-component dishes.

Zucchini puree is ideal for the first baby food

Rules for the first feeding with vegetables

If it is necessary to introduce vegetable complementary foods into the infant's diet before six months (but not earlier than 4 months of age), the choice between vegetables and porridge is made taking into account the weight of the crumbs and the nature of the stool. When introducing complementary foods, observe the following rules:

  1. To track how the child reacts to each individual ingredient, give the baby vegetable food in the form of a single-ingredient puree. After getting used to each individual product, try introducing multi-component dishes into the diet.
  2. Choose zucchini, broccoli or cauliflower as your first vegetable food (we recommend reading:). If acquaintance with one vegetable puree was successful, try giving dishes from other vegetables, according to the age of the baby.
  3. Follow the standard scheme for introducing complementary foods: on the first day, the baby is allowed to try 1/4 teaspoon, on the second day - 1/2, etc. The serving volume is adjusted to 50 g (when replacing vegetables, feeding with a mixture of up to 100-150 g). It is optimal to introduce the child to a new product in the morning. After the baby eats vegetable puree, he needs to be supplemented with breast milk or formula. The next new dish the baby can try in 1-2 weeks.
  4. Do not salt or add sugar to baby food. Although the natural taste of individual vegetables may seem doubtful to adults, the child is still obliged to find out what a vegetable really is.
  5. When buying a finished product in a store, read the composition on the jar. It should contain only water and vegetables. Give preference to products from a trusted company.
  6. If the mother herself is preparing vegetable puree at home, it is better to use vegetables grown in her garden. Imported products (especially in winter) should not be bought, as they often contain nitrates that are dangerous for a baby, even in small quantities. If you buy frozen vegetables, check their consistency (the mass should be crumbly, not in the form of a "lump"). Products from which baby puree is prepared cannot be re-frozen.

Puree preparation

Vegetable puree should be given only fresh, it should be prepared immediately before feeding. When reheated, vitamins and nutrients become less, moreover, even when stored in the refrigerator, microbes are able to multiply. Try to choose only fresh, if possible, “homemade” vegetables that have not been grown with chemical fertilizers.

To save the most mineral salts and vitamins, it is better to steam or stew vegetables by adding a small amount of water (a double boiler or pressure cooker will do). Thus, the baby will receive all the valuable components of vegetables.

So the scheme for preparing any puree is simple:

  1. rinse vegetables well, rinse again with water after cleaning;
  2. bring the water to a boil, put vegetables in it, reduce the heat (if you cook several types of vegetables in one dish at once, you need to start them in turn, according to the degree of softening);
  3. grind ready-made boiled vegetables with a sieve or blender;
  4. add the remaining vegetable broth (about 1/3 or 1/4 of the total volume of vegetables).

It is allowed to put vegetable oil in the finished vegetable puree (the “first cold pressed” olive oil is perfect), starting with 1 drop and increasing the volume to 3 ml in a week (at the age of 4.5 to 6 months), 5 ml (after 6 months) . Vegetable oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and phosphatides, which the baby needs for subsequent growth and development. Here are a few simple recipes vegetable purees.

Ingredients: small zucchini without any damage, water (or breast milk/formula). Cooking process:

  1. Wash vegetables well and peel. Cut into small cubes, about 1x1 cm in size.
  2. Pour small pieces clean water, bring to a boil and reduce heat. Cook for about 15-20 minutes until the zucchini is soft.
  3. Grind the zucchini until smooth so that there are no lumps (for this purpose, you can use a sieve or blender). Add vegetable broth - bring the puree to the desired consistency.

cabbage puree

Ingredients: 7-10 cauliflower florets, 50 ml water (or breast milk/mixture). Cooking process:

  1. Wash cabbage florets thoroughly.
  2. Drop into boiling water. Cook for about 10-15 minutes (the same time will take when using a double boiler).
  3. Throw the boiled cabbage in a colander and cool.
  4. Grind cabbage using a sieve or blender, add cabbage broth. The consistency should be liquid sour cream.

Cauliflower puree is sure to please the child if you add a little milk or mixture to it.

carrot puree

Ingredients: 100 g carrots, 50 ml water (or breast milk/formula), 3 drops of oil. Cooking process:

  1. Thoroughly wash and clean the root crops. Cut into strips or grate using a coarse grater.
  2. Pour boiling water to a level just above the carrots. Simmer over low heat until the roots are soft.
  3. Throw boiled carrots in a colander and chop it in any convenient way.
  4. Pour in the broth, bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  5. Add vegetable oil, mix thoroughly.

Carrots contain a lot of valuable elements for the baby, so it must be given in the form of mashed potatoes.

If the baby has a negative reaction to a new product, you should consult a pediatrician or be examined by an allergist. To avoid detrimental consequences for the first feeding of the child, use hypoallergenic vegetable dishes (we recommend reading:). They are perfectly digested, they contain all the nutritious macro- and microelements, fiber and vitamins necessary for a growing child's body. After the baby gets used to them, you can move on to getting acquainted with mashed potatoes from other products.

Rating of ready-made vegetable purees

Preference should be given to mashed potatoes of well-known companies:

  1. "Fruto Nanny". First place in the ranking. Vegetable puree practically does not cause allergic reaction. It contains only natural ingredients, and the age of the baby is taken into account in the manufacture. The taste of puree is pleasant, and the baby eats a new product with appetite. The assortment of the company includes vegetable purees from broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower and carrots.
  2. "Gerber". It occupies one of the leading places in the ranking. Produces one-component vegetable puree using only environmentally friendly products. It can be given to crumbs prone to food allergies. Wonderful taste and quality.
  3. "Grandma's basket". High quality and budget cost. The composition does not contain preservatives and starch - only water and vegetables. Among the one-component purees you can find cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin and zucchini. This firm is often chosen for formula-fed babies and those prone to allergies.
  4. "Topic". For the first feeding, puree of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin and zucchini is suitable. In the manufacture, except for water and vegetables, nothing is used.
  5. "Hipp". Food is made only from fresh and high-quality products. Rarely leads to allergies and stool disorders. For babies, there are complementary foods made from cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, zucchini, parsnips or broccoli.
  6. "Humana". Complementary foods are good for children prone to allergies and digestive problems.
  7. "Agusha". The products are subjected to strict quality control, thanks to which they have earned great popularity.

After opening, the product can be stored for no more than a day. Before using puree, transfer the required volume from the jar to another dish and heat it in a water bath.

Even 30-40 years ago, potatoes were the first vegetable that a baby tried. It was boldly given to a baby at an early age, sometimes up to 4-5 months, and no one thought about the consequences. But times have changed, parents have become more literate, they approach complementary foods with greater responsibility. That is why potatoes are rarely given first, and the timing of the introduction has shifted upwards. And there are many good reasons for this.


At what age should potatoes be introduced

You can not give potatoes to a child at 4 months or earlier. The intestines at this age are not able to digest the product completely. As a result, the remaining substances are susceptible to the work of bacteria, increasing the risk of abdominal pain, problems with stools, skin rashes and other manifestations of allergies. The body must be ready to process the starchy tuber. The necessary enzymes are produced in sufficient quantities only at 6 months. But you can postpone the product for up to 7-8 months, this will not be a mistake.

Important! If the child began to introduce potatoes early, any problems appeared, you should immediately remove the vegetable from the diet, and also postpone acquaintance with other products for 1-2 weeks until complete recovery, cleansing of the body.

Dangers and Warnings

Potato contains many vitamins, the vegetable is hearty, affordable, but not always positive influence on the child's body. In rare cases, it can cause serious problems. The most common is an allergy or individual intolerance to the product. In this case, it is worth completely abandoning it and introducing it only after a year. Sometimes the tuber is added to vegetable soups, but in a small amount after pre-soaking in cold water at least 4 hours.

Other problems:

  1. Poisoning. You can not use for feeding tubers lying in the light, with green areas, spoiled or grown using chemical fertilizers. Avoid imported vegetables.
  2. Constipation. Vegetable fiber usually helps with stool problems, but this may be different with potatoes, as they contain starch. In this case, you do not need to abandon the product, it is wiser to find a suitable supplement.
  3. Overweight. If the child is well and quickly gaining weight, is obese, potatoes can aggravate the situation. In this case, it is worth reducing its use to 1-2 times a week.

Video: Five mistakes in the introduction of complementary foods

Rules and size of the first servings

You can not make changes in the child's diet spontaneously. Everything has its time. You need to choose the most favorable period for complementary foods. The kid should be calm, healthy, be at home under the supervision of parents. If you have recently had a cold or other illness, at least a week should pass after it. It is also worth checking whether the child's teeth are climbing, view the schedule of preventive vaccinations.

How much to give mashed potatoes, schedule:

  • 1 day: 10 g;
  • 3 day: 20 g;
  • Day 5: 50 g;
  • Day 7: 80-100 g.

For 2-3 weeks, you can bring the portion to 120-150 grams, that is, feed the child to saturation. But you should not introduce the product into the diet every day. The presence of starch makes the dish heavy, it is enough to give it 2-3 times a week, alternating with other types of vegetables.

What to give potatoes

Potatoes belong to vegetable complementary foods, but you do not need to introduce them very first. It is advisable to give way to zucchini, Brussels sprouts or cauliflower. They are easier to digest and have a neutral taste. Later, when the baby gets acquainted with at least one vegetable, you can give potatoes. It can be a one-component puree or a certain amount of a new product is added to a familiar dish.

What goes with potatoes:

  • cabbage of different types;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • pumpkin.

A little later, carrots and onions are added, the puree is seasoned with herbs, garlic, and supplemented with meat, poultry, and fish. With the introduction of a chicken egg, boiled yolk can also be laid in a dish. But at the very beginning of the introduction of potatoes, this is not recommended. Otherwise, when an allergic reaction occurs, it will be difficult to trace the culprit.

Advice! food diary - best helper for parents. In the notebook you need to enter everything that the child eats. Records make it easier to identify the allergen, control the portion size, and create a children's menu.

How to choose tubers for making baby puree

Mashed potatoes for baby food- This is one of the few dishes that is better to cook on your own. Yes, it's rare for sale. It is important to be able not only to cook complementary foods, but also to choose good tubers.

Signs of quality potatoes:

  1. Tuber shape. It is advisable to choose smooth, undamaged vegetables without protrusions and processes.
  2. Color. The peel can be white, pink, red, purple, yellow, there are varieties with different colors (for example, Ivan da Marya). But the tubers should not be dark spots and even more green, which contains a poisonous substance.
  3. Elasticity. Tubers take juicy, fresh, in sluggish vegetables there are fewer useful substances, they are tasteless.

It is advisable not to buy washed potatoes in supermarkets. To improve the presentation, manufacturers not only remove dirt, but also carry out treatments with different compounds. The child's body does not need them.

How to cook healthy mashed potatoes

Many pediatricians say that salt should not be added to baby foods. But in fact, sodium is necessary for any organism. In addition, the child grows, after a year it can be gradually transferred to a common table with salted dishes, but children who are not accustomed to salt do not always like their taste. Therefore, it is better to add spices immediately, but only in small quantities. A few grains of salt are enough for a serving of puree. It is better if it is sea or simply iodized.

Cooking secrets:

  1. If the potatoes are imported, then before cooking it must be cut and soaked in cold water. Part of the vitamins will be lost, but nitrates and other harmful substances will also come out.
  2. If the potatoes are good, high quality or homemade, you can cook them in their uniforms. This will save more nutrients.
  3. You can’t grind hot potatoes with a blender, the gluten will stretch, the dish will turn out to be slippery, it will be difficult to swallow, the taste will suffer.
  4. You can cook potatoes not only in water, but also for a couple. So the product retains more vitamins.

What to season with puree? Usually, a few drops of vegetable oil or a piece of butter, not exceeding 3-5 g, are added to a portion. You can dilute the boiled vegetable with breast or other baby milk. This technique will make acquaintance with a new taste easier.

Puree recipes for complementary foods

Mashed potatoes for children are prepared differently than for adults. It is important to get the right consistency. The dish should turn out semi-liquid, reminiscent of mashed soup. It must be remembered that after cooling the mass will become thicker. The vegetable is thoroughly kneaded so that no lumps remain. Small child can choke on even small grains. But gradually, when the child gets used to the taste, the consistency can be made thicker, leaving small lumps.

Simple puree recipe

Potato - 150 g
Water - 200 ml
Salt - 0.5 g

Peel potatoes, cut into pieces, rinse several times with cold water. If necessary, leave for 2-3 hours to soak the starch. Change the water, put on the stove, boil until soft. Add salt at the end. Boil for a couple of minutes. Drain excess liquid, mash the pieces until smooth. You can add breast milk or a few drops of oil.

Recipe for mashed potatoes with zucchini

Potato - 100 g
Zucchini - 100 g
Salt to taste
Oil - 3 g

Cut the peeled zucchini into cubes. If there are seeds, then they need to be removed. Also cut potatoes. If there is a lot of starch in the tubers, rinse thoroughly, soak. Pour in water so that the liquid barely covers the ingredients. Cook until soft over low heat. Drain the water, mash the vegetables, add the right amount of milk or broth. Salt and season with oil to taste. Similarly, a dish with carrots is prepared, different types cabbage, pumpkin.

Video: How to make baby mashed potatoes

Potato contains potassium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, vitamins, antioxidants and organic acids, which have a positive effect on digestion and cardiovascular system. However, despite its benefits, it is impossible to start complementary foods with potatoes. First, the baby needs to be taught to other monocomponent purees: broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini. Babies can be introduced into the diet of potatoes from six months. Children who are on artificial nutrition - from five, but you should not rush. The optimal age for feeding potatoes is six months.

The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky does not recommend rushing to introduce potatoes to the baby's menu. The doctor advises first to accustom the baby to cereals and sour-milk dishes, and only then move on to potatoes. It can be given when the child has at least one tooth. The most suitable period for the introduction of potatoes is 8 months, the pediatrician notes. And you need to start first with vegetable broths, after which you can move on to vegetable puree, and then - to a variety of soups.

Like any other complementary foods, potatoes should be introduced into the baby's diet from small volumes. For the first time, half a teaspoon is enough. The next time, if the baby reacted normally to a new dish, the portion is increased. If the child does not want to try a new dish, the mother should not insist: it is best to postpone the acquaintance with him for a few days, and then repeat the “procedure” again.

Baby potato menu

There are many ways to cook potatoes for baby food. Tubers can be boiled in boiling water under a lid, in a double boiler, and also baked in a microwave or oven. Grind cooked potatoes until pureed. If this is the first acquaintance with the root crop, you should add breast milk or milk formula to it, which the baby prefers. You can also dilute potatoes with a decoction in which the vegetable was boiled.

Later, when the child gets used to it, cow's milk or vegetable oil can be added to the puree. For extra flavor by 8-9 months, blender-chopped greens can be added to the puree. It is also useful to combine potatoes with other vegetables. And when the baby gets acquainted with meat, then with meat puree or meatballs, which must first be chopped and then combined with potatoes.

When preparing children's meals for babies, if possible, try to do without salt and spices (especially at the beginning of complementary foods) or use them very carefully.

Potatoes are a traditional product for our region. The mother's body is accustomed to its assimilation, which means that the child should tolerate the start of complementary foods well.

The familiar and tasty potato dish is a vegetable dish, which automatically makes it healthy, according to moms. In fact, this is not so true.

The main advantage of mashed potatoes for a child from the age of five months is that the product rarely provokes a negative reaction in his body. The most important thing in complementary foods is not to saturate the child, but to accustom his body to the absorption of more complex food than mother's milk. This means that the process should begin with the most harmless and neutral food.

Mashed potatoes for a six-month-old baby are well suited for this role, although the product is not quite familiar to the baby.

As for the benefits of the dish. There are few useful components in the product. It contains potassium, iron and phosphorus, some vitamins and antioxidants. At the same time, potatoes contain enough fast carbohydrates that contribute to active weight gain. That is why they should not feed overweight children, but with a lack of body weight, a specialist, on the contrary, may recommend eating potatoes.

A big plus of potatoes is that they are tasty and eat well by children. It can be slowly mixed with already familiar carrot or other already tried purees.

Cons of mashed potatoes

Problems with this product may include:

  • May cause constipation in a child;
  • For the same reason, allergies can occur - not often, but it happens;
  • It can be poorly absorbed, due to the children's stomach not quite adapted to such food;
  • If you did not notice and cut off the green spots on the potatoes, the child may be poisoned. These parts contain poison, which is practically not noticeable in small quantities for adults, but it is well manifested in children.

If you carefully consider the procedure for feeding mashed potatoes, problems with allergies or poisoning can be excluded. The first test should be minimal. Further, during the day you need to carefully monitor the reaction and if everything is calm, continue to feed the baby. If the slightest “bad”, warning signs caught your eye, it’s better to leave this dish alone and try again in a month or two.

When cleaning, it is better to cut off healthy potatoes once again than to feed the child with poison, but you should not be too zealous either. Remember, most of the vitamins are located in the skin. It is better to initially choose a whole, not spoiled potato for cooking children's dishes.

Also an important aspect is that such a dish can be given to a child no more than three times a week. It is nutritious, high-calorie and can cause allergies - do not be zealous in feeding a child, give him more than a few spoons.

How many months should a baby be for potato feeding?

Mashed potatoes should be fed to a child after he normally perceives acquaintance with other vegetable dishes of this nature. First give your baby cauliflower, maybe broccoli, and only then move on to potatoes.

Mashed potatoes can be given to a child at 5 months if he eats artificial mixtures. In this case, it is still better to wait another three weeks, four - to be sure. If the baby is breastfeeding- then only from the sixth. Some doctors believe that this is best done at all from the eighth month.

What is the best thing to do, the mother herself must decide, since she knows her child well, how he tolerates food and reacts to complementary foods. After the first trial, you can stop giving this product for a while, even if there are no visible problems, but the child feels heaviness or discomfort. Simply, such complementary foods happened too early for him.

If there are no problems, then from the tenth month you can add finely chopped greens to mashed potatoes.

How to make baby puree?

Mashed potatoes for a 5-month-old baby should be prepared in a certain way in order to eliminate unnecessary risks if possible.

Mom should do the following procedures if she decides to boil potatoes:

  1. Peel the potatoes well from the skin, eyes, dark spots and other defects. In winter, the potatoes are not young, cut off two or three extra millimeters, if about summer, then just try to scrape off the skin - there are more useful substances under it;
  2. Put the peeled potato in a bowl of water overnight. This is necessary so that excess starch comes out.
  3. Boil potatoes in a little water. You should not add salt and other spices to the water - it wakes up superfluous and with early age teach the child to perceive only flavoring additives in food;
  4. After cooking, you need to remove most of the water, and crush the potatoes in the rest. It was in it that most of the usefulness remained;
  5. It is advisable to skip the resulting mass through a mixer or blender. Then you get an airy consistency.

More useful would be a dish of baked potatoes. To do this, you need to do the first two points, and then just bake the resulting in the oven. Mash or beat with a blender with or without milk.

Here in such a puree you can add a little breast milk, and give it. You can do without it. Remember that the dish must be freshly prepared and moderately warm, you can not reheat! If the child does not eat well, you can mix it with carrot puree. So it will acquire a bright color and a familiar shade of taste, which means it will become more attractive and interesting.

Mashed potatoes according to this recipe for babies will be a good complementary food. However, if you are giving it for the first time, give a small amount and make sure the baby is not allergic. It is also possible that Negative consequences like pain in the tummy and constipation. This is explained by the fact that the stomach of a little man, who is not yet a year old, finds it difficult to digest potatoes in large quantities.

It is a mistake to think that the baby can do without this product. The body begins to grow and develop, and therefore it needs starch and carbohydrates. Parents, adhering to the simple rules for preparing this product, will be able to provide their child with tasty and healthy potatoes at the same time.