Orthopantomogram of teeth: method and indications. How often can an X-ray of the teeth be done and what does it show? X-ray of the tooth how much is done in time

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X-ray and radioactivity

X-ray is an integral diagnostic procedure both in the process of studying the general condition of the body, and in the struggle for a good result in the treatment of certain diseases. A visual inspection will not give a complete picture of what is happening. In addition, many processes do not have pronounced symptoms. And the picture itself allows you to estimate the amount of work ahead, possible complications and invisible damage various forms. As a result, the patient receives competent and high-quality treatment.

An example of a photograph at the dentist

Is x-ray harmful to humans?

How dangerous this species exposure? As we know, natural radioactivity follows us everywhere. The natural radiation background has a certain dose of radiation created by cosmic rays and the radiation of natural radionuclides, it is found in the earth, water, air, certain elements of the biosphere, in food and the human body.

The radioactive background permeates everything around - somewhere its level exceeds the norm, somewhere it is minimal. The main source of natural or natural background radiation is considered to be radon released from the earth's crust. The radioactive inert gas is retained in enclosed spaces as it passes through the foundation. Radionuclides can be found in brick and concrete. Radon tends to be formed during the combustion of natural gas, it is present in the water of artesian wells. Since natural radiation has acceptable standards, it does not pose a particular health hazard.

Consider also examples of radioactivity created by human activity, for example, an airplane flight becomes - 0.005-0.020 millisieverts per hour (the main reason for this is solar radiation). Scanners (introscopes) at airports - up to 0.001 mSv per one act of checking a passenger. As a result, the average annual dose of ionizing radiation from external and internal sources (such as air, water, food) has the following indicators:

  • solar radiation and cosmic rays - from 0.300 millisieverts per year (at an altitude of 2000 m - three times more than at sea level)
  • soil and rocks - 0.250 - 0.600 mSv / g (more shines on granites - about 1 millisievert per year)
  • housing, buildings - from 0.300 ...
  • food – from 0.020 …
  • water - from 0.010 to 0.100 millisieverts (daily water consumption in the amount of 2 liters).
  • in the air (radon 222 Rn, thoron 220 Rn and short-lived decay products) - 0.2 - 2 mSv/year.

The radioactive background permeates everything around

In general, approximately three to four millisieverts per year per adult. This is a safe total indicator that takes into account both external and internal sources of exposure (natural, man-made, medical, and others).

Types of x-rays and scope in dentistry

  • Orthopantomogram (panoramic picture) - allows you to make a highly informative picture of both dentitions (an image of the crown and root parts of each tooth, periodontal tissues, joints). Such a picture is the main one and is necessary when drawing up a treatment plan, prosthetics, drawing up a plan for dental implantation. With it, you can see exactly where the cyst is located, how many teeth are affected, whether there are fractures, cracks and other deformations of the teeth or jaw, etc.
  • Aiming shot - this name has X-ray diagnostics one or more teeth. In this case, the state of dentin, root canals, bone tissue, gums and adjacent vessels are examined. This picture allows you to make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe the optimal treatment, allows you to control its process and evaluate the results. In addition, this procedure reveals hidden diseases that are invisible during an ordinary examination - for example, the development of caries at the initial stage, periodontal disease, etc. Sighting pictures are taken, as a rule, after receiving a general picture of the condition of the teeth and jaw as a whole.
  • Interproximal radiography - applicable to determine the pathologies of the crown of the tooth. With the help of such images, it is possible to detect the presence of carious cavities on the contact surfaces of the teeth and in the cervical regions. Also, this type of radiograph detects hidden defects formed under crowns and fillings, the presence of tartar, and also checks the quality of the marginal fit of the restorations, which makes it possible to correctly see the marginal sections, which are otherwise distorted.
  • Occlusal radiography - this method assesses the condition of the hard palate, reveals neoplasms and calculi (stones) of the sublingual salivary and submandibular glands. An occlusive x-ray of the teeth also allows you to see general state internal and external cortical plates of the jaws for the presence of cysts or other neoplasms. The location of the jaw fracture is determined. This method is used in the event that a point study for some reason does not give clear results.

The use of x-rays in dentistry

Methods of research and dosage of radiation

  • Standard method - is about 0.001MZV (SR - unit of measurement of the dose of ionizing radiation)
  • Radiovisiography - due to the natural background environment a person receives about 3.0 MZV, for the purposes of prevention (not treatment), the dose received per year should be no more than 1.0 MZV.
  • Orthopantomogram - obtained from a panoramic radiograph, is 0.02 MZV. For a film image, the exposure time is 0.5-1.2 seconds.
  • Computed tomography - the duration of exposure will be limited to 0.05-0.3 seconds, which is 10 times less

How often can an adult x-ray be done?

The number of x-rays depends on the equipment used during the diagnostics, the radiation dose of which is different. The safest method- digital research. Film research is considered more harmful. The dose of radiation in this case should not exceed 1000 microsieverts (µSv) per year. This is when talking about preventive examinations. When discussing treatment, the allowable dose will be higher. How to figure out what the dosage is? What is 1000 µSv comparable to?

In short, this indicator will be equal to 500 images on a computer radiovisiograph or 100 images on high-quality X-ray equipment. One thousand microsieverts becomes 80 digital photographs. It is unlikely that someone will expose their body to so many radiations in a year. You can not worry about the harm from this procedure and take pictures on a radiovisiograph at least every day and at the same time not exceed the maximum allowable limit of permitted exposure.


Now people react more calmly to the next visit to the dentist, as the process of examination and treatment does not cause any particular inconvenience and discomfort. But the prejudices that are associated with X-rays are quite difficult to avoid. Some have concerns that X-rays are radioactive. Radiologists, in turn, are sure that getting radiation sickness by going for an x-ray of the teeth is simply unrealistic, but dispelling stereotypes is not so easy.

For example, for pregnant women, this issue becomes especially acute, at some points, an x-ray is needed for a more accurate picture of the patient's condition and the dose is scanty. In other cases, the dose of radiation is somehow present, and it is not known how it will affect the development of the fetus.

Important! In any form, good doctor will evaluate each case individually. If possible, it is better to carry out treatment after the onset of delivery. As a last resort, it is worth resorting to x-rays by the second trimester. Here, methods of protection against radiation will already be provided, a special apron will be fixed on the woman's body, protecting the organs and the fetus from negative effects. Pregnant women and girls who are breastfeeding need to understand that the extra stress of visiting a doctor and undergoing an X-ray procedure is more harmful than the radiation itself.

Severe bleeding in oral cavity, severe or unconscious patient, will be another reason for contraindications.

In the dental x-ray room

How to take a picture of a tooth

This procedure usually takes place in a dedicated office. There are basic requirements here. It is imperative that the walls and floor are covered with lead. This is important for the protection of neighboring premises. In particular, if it is a small clinic, which is located in a multi-storey residential building.

Before starting the diagnosis, the patient removes any jewelry. Since their presence can drastically distort the picture. A special heavy lead apron is put on the chest. Then a sensor is placed on the desired tooth, connected to the X-ray machine. There is a pressing of a special button that starts the x-ray.

3D snapshot

The 3D imaging procedure is slightly different. The patient's head is fixed in the desired position, the x-ray itself is placed near the patient's head. The machine does circular motions while taking a series of shots at that moment. Information enters the computer or is directly written to disk.


X-ray of the teeth is essential. No matter which type of x-ray is used in a particular case, the radiation dose is minimized. The picture informs the doctor about where the inflammatory process, there are defects, pathologies and how to fix it correctly. In any case, you need to go for it. If you receive a referral for an x-ray, then you should not refuse it. The benefits are great and the harm is minimal.

Dental x-rays are an important procedure for both the doctor and the patient. Using the image, the dentist evaluates the features of the upcoming work, possible complications and invisible damage to the oral cavity. As a result, the patient receives competent and high-quality treatment. And this is the main desire of a person suffering from a toothache. Consider all the features of the X-ray of the teeth and dispel some prejudices.

X-ray as a procedure

X-ray examination is necessary in most cases. Based on them, the doctor makes the correct diagnosis. The dentist evaluates the condition of the canals, root and other tissues. X-ray machines allow you to thoroughly examine each part of the jaw.

If treatment is delayed for longer time, you may need to take multiple shots. The doctor evaluates the tactics and progress of treatment, as well as the final result.

Dentists only by looking at the picture can assess how long the treatment will last, the complexity of their work and what is the exact diagnosis.

Detailed readings

Most dental problems cannot be detected by visual examination. In addition, some processes are asymptomatic. An accurate picture can only give a picture of a special x-ray machine.

Dental X-ray provides comprehensive information in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Root fracture or fracture. Basically, such a defect occurs after a trauma suffered by a person. The main characteristics of the disease are severe inflammation of the gums, piercing pain when biting and the mobility of the tooth itself.
  • Periodontitis. Here, bone tissue suffers, its atrophy begins, the gums become inflamed and bleed, and tooth mobility also occurs.
  • Periodontitis. The main characteristic of the disease is inflammation, which manifests itself in the form of a cyst or granuloma of the root apex. The cyst is constantly increasing in size, but does not cause severe discomfort. If treatment is not carried out, a fistulous tract or periostitis (in another flux) will gradually appear on the gum. Such complications lead directly to the complete loss of the tooth.
  • Caries in hidden areas. Often, the carious process begins where it is impossible to see them (for example, under crowns). In this case, an x-ray is an indispensable device.
  • Anomalies in the location of the dental joint.
  • Neoplasms or abscesses.
  • Before implantation.
  • At the beginning of prosthetics.
  • during bone grafting.
  • Before orthodontic treatment.
  • During the treatment of canals of teeth. A picture is taken before and after treatment in order to control the canal treatment and filling.

X-rays are recommended to be done annually, even without the presence of dental diseases. This action is necessary for preventive control. This is especially true in cases of implants, pulpless units, large-volume restorations and created structures.

X-ray shows the exact location of the inflammatory process, helps to determine the general condition of the bone tissue, whether there is caries in the intermediate space between the teeth or under the installed crown. The X-ray machine shows all possible internal inflammations, cracks in the channels and soft tissue disease of the gums.

X-ray makes it possible to establish the correct plan of action in further treatment, which will give a good result in advance.

Types of x-ray

In clinics, X-ray examination can be carried out using the old and latest technology. There are several types of radiography, depending on the equipment used:

  1. bite. Has the ability to detect tartar and caries.
  2. Aiming. It helps to see the real condition of the gums, roots, internal cavity of the tooth and evaluate the quality of the filling. The picture has the ability to cover from 1 to 3 teeth at the same time.
  3. Panoramic. Gives a fairly accurate picture of the general condition of the jaw. In addition, it covers maxillary sinuses and helps to consider the complexity of the problem. This survey x-ray is indispensable during the consultation and during the course of treatment.
  4. Digital or 3D x-ray. It is characterized by the possibility of obtaining a clear picture of both the tooth individually and the entire dentition.

There is another classification of X-ray images depending on the technical implementation of the process:


With this picture, the film is installed inside the oral cavity. Intraoral images are also divided into:

  • Periapical. Here the film is pressed against the patient's teeth from the side. The picture taken allows you to see 2-3 teeth at once, bone tissue and some part of the gum.
  • Occlusal. During the x-ray, the film is squeezed between the teeth. The picture gives comprehensive information about the state of the dentition. After receiving the information, you can come to the conclusion about the correction of the bite.


This picture is usually taken to assess the condition of a particular jaw area. The dentist receives information about the relationship between the various bones of the jaw. According to its results, it usually comes to the conclusion about orthodontic treatment.


X-ray provides information immediately about the condition of the entire jaw. Not all clinics have such a device. On it, the shooting is done gradually from one end of the jaw to the other. To obtain a high-quality picture, it is customary to fix the head and neck tightly.

Harm from x-rays

In modern clinics, devices are used that display information not on a physical image, but on a computer (radiovisiographs). The share of radiation in such a picture is negligible. Radiation does not negatively affect the human body, but only gives important information for further treatment. Also, a computer image provides the doctor with the opportunity to examine the area of ​​interest in more detail.

X-ray of a tooth during pregnancy

At the first stages of pregnancy, a woman is examined by all specialists. It also includes mandatory visits to the dentist. The doctor in case of an unclear picture will have to send it for an x-ray. And here there are two sides of the situation. On the one hand, an x-ray is necessary for the clarity of the picture and the dose during the study is negligible. On the other hand, the radiation dose still exists and it is not clear how it will affect the development of the baby. In any case, the doctor evaluates each case individually from a professional point of view. If there are conditions, then it is better to carry out treatment after the onset of delivery. But in extreme cases, you can resort to x-rays in the second trimester.

Today, manufacturers of modern X-ray machines claim that the radiation received cannot have any effect on the child, thereby claiming the complete safety of the procedure. However, dentists doubt such information. That is, the conclusion suggests itself that it is necessary to resort to X-ray examination only with absolute indications, when there are more serious health risks from the disease than from X-rays.

If nevertheless X-ray examination have to be done, then the doctors carry out the following sequence of actions with the patient:

  1. A woman's chest and, of course, her stomach are covered with an apron.
  2. Each tooth is carefully examined by the doctor, after which the specialist selects the best exposure for the shooting.
  3. If a woman is given an x-ray for caries, then a special sensitive film is chosen for this purpose.
  4. The specialist presses the installed film with his finger and after a while the device captures the picture.

X-ray and breastfeeding

After childbirth, women often run to dental clinic. Nine months of bearing a child greatly exhausts the body and puts the teeth in poor condition due to the constant loss of calcium. You should not be afraid of x-rays during this period. It does not adversely affect breast milk. That is, breastfeeding can be continued even during the examination of the teeth with the help of the named apparatus. You can feed the baby immediately after the x-ray. No need to complicate the situation: express breast milk, take breaks in feeding, or, in general, wean. You can feed your baby in the usual way.

X-ray of a child's teeth

Do not be afraid if an x-ray was ordered little child. Often adult mothers do not know this and begin to experience a state of panic fear.

Practice shows that children need x-rays much more than adults. The thing is that the first milk teeth of a small patient are often highly susceptible to caries. In this case, the disease develops in those places that are problematic to consider with the help of tools. In addition, X-rays of children's teeth can reveal the problems of eruption of distant molars, diseases of dental and bone tissues. Such a study is necessary for competent orthodontic treatment. After all, it is known that bite is best corrected in childhood.

Dental radiography has become an integral part of modern dentistry. It is used for preventive examinations and the construction of a treatment plan, prosthetics, tooth extraction. With the help of X-rays, it is possible to identify both existing problems and diseases or pathological conditions that do not yet manifest as toothache.

Indications for dental x-rays

The direction for the x-ray is given by the dentist after a visual examination of the oral cavity and a questioning of the patient. There are many indications for radiography.

Root fracture or fracture

Feeling severe pain in a certain part of the jaw when biting or chewing food is a sign of a fracture of the tooth root (or a crack in it). Also, during the examination of the oral cavity near the injured tooth, one can detect edematous, hyperemic mucosa.

On an x-ray, the fracture will appear as a small dark line on the root of the tooth. Also, the picture will allow you to determine which group of fractures a particular case belongs to: transverse, vertical, oblique, comminuted.


Periodontitis is a pathological process of inflammation of the supporting apparatus of the tooth. This process in the first stages can be asymptomatic, while gradually destroying the bone tissue around the tooth, and then the tooth itself. Subsequently, the patient has bleeding gums, their swelling, slight mobility of the teeth.

Such a pathology as periodontitis has a very high frequency of manifestations (approximately 90% of the adult population in one form or another is subject to this disease). Periodic X-rays for preventive purposes (how often dental X-rays can be taken for children and adults will be discussed below) allows you to see periodontitis in its early stages and start treatment on time. In the pictures you can see the degree of change in bone tissue, the destruction of the partitions, inflammatory and purulent processes.


Periodontitis is an inflammatory process that affects the root shell of the tooth, as well as the tissues surrounding it. This pathology is most often the result of prolonged caries and the absence of any treatment.

Periodontitis on x-ray is visualized as layering in the periapical region. With such a pathology, fistulas with purulent contents appear. The x-ray shows foci of destruction with fuzzy, uneven contours.

Anomalies in the location of the dental joint

With improper growth of teeth, their non-standard arrangement (with an inclination, with a turn, etc.), a dentist or orthodontist may prescribe an x-ray to detect anomalies in the location of the tooth joint. It is better if such a diagnosis is carried out in childhood, when the location of the teeth can be changed without much difficulty with the help of braces. It should be taken into account that children should not have their teeth x-rayed as often as adults.

Neoplasms or abscesses

X-ray - The best way diagnosis of neoplasms, such as dental root cysts. In the picture, the cyst is displayed as a darkened area, which has a round or oblong shape with clearly defined contours.

An abscess is a collection of pus in a specific area dental system. It is also visible on x-rays.

Types of x-ray

After examination, the doctor may prescribe one of four possible types to the patient.


This method allows you to reflect the coronal part of the tooth in the picture. It is used to detect periodontitis, interdental caries. Bitewing can be used to take pictures of the upper and lower teeth.

Sometimes such a picture can be taken after prosthetics and crown placement to see how well the procedure was performed.


With the help of an aiming picture, it is possible to see a specific affected tooth or several. At the same time, more than 4 teeth cannot be included in such an image.


With the help of panoramic images, you can control the quality and effectiveness of the treatment already performed. They allow you to see a complete picture of the state of the entire dental system, and these are not only teeth with obvious problems (for example, caries, chipping, etc.), but also roots, periodontal tissues, paranasal sinuses nose and lower jaw joint.

On a panoramic image, the doctor will be able to see the presence / absence of filling material, hidden carious cavities, inflammation of the periradicular tissues, cysts, tumors, as well as teeth that have not yet erupted.

Digital or 3D x-ray

This type of X-ray is considered the most modern and safe. With 3D X-ray, a clear image of the entire row of teeth and a specific tooth can be obtained. The result is a three-dimensional image that is displayed on the monitor.

Description of the procedure

There is a certain algorithm that describes how to properly take an x-ray of a tooth:

  • the patient must remove metal jewelry;
  • then he is brought to the X-ray machine and asked to bite the light-sensitive film so that the tooth under study is between the film and the machine;
  • a picture is taken.

If required, the picture can be taken in a different projection. In cases where an x-ray is performed using a computer radiovisiograph, the patient puts on a special apron, and then a sensor connected to the device is placed on the examined area of ​​the dentoalveolar system. The picture is displayed on the computer.

Another option for x-rays is using an orthopantomograph. The subject stands at the apparatus and puts his chin on a special support for complete fixation. Then he bites the block with his teeth, which will not allow the jaws to close. Pictures are taken as the device rotates around the patient's head.

Usually the procedure takes only a few minutes, after which the finished images are described and transferred to the patient.

How often can a dental x-ray be taken?

As everyone knows, a large dose of X-ray radiation can harm human health. That is why there are some limitations for dental x-rays. If we talk about how often you can take an x-ray of the teeth of an adult without harm to health, then the optimal answer would be: 3-5 times a month (if required). In general, the dose of dental x-rays (as shown by SanPiN) should not exceed 150 mSv per year.

To the question of whether it is harmful to carry out dental x-rays for children, you can answer yes. Such diagnostics are prescribed only in extreme cases, when dental pathology requires an accurate study. It is better to conduct a digital study, then the harm will be minimal. Also, before the picture, it is important to protect the body of the child with a special vest or apron.

Problems when taking x-rays

In a number of cases, dental X-rays (how often you can do it in case of an unsuccessful first picture, the attending physician will tell) cannot be carried out properly due to the loss of contrast by the patient's body. This can happen for several reasons.

A granuloma, abscess or cyst has developed on a separate part of the jaw

Abscesses, cysts, granulomas can greatly darken the picture, making it impossible to accurately describe and diagnose it.

A radicular cyst appeared

A radicular cyst may hide others pathological changes in bone and dental tissues.

Incorrect canal filling

Incorrect use of filling material or canal filling after nerve removal leads to image illumination. Accordingly, it is not possible to see anything on it.

The first stage of the occurrence of cementoma

Pictures of teeth on the visiograph will not work in cases where the teeth are affected by cementoma. Statistics show that women are mostly affected by this disease. In 2% of cases of apical pathologies, it is cementoma that is the consequence. At the 1st stages, the disease can be seen in the picture. Then (after about six months) it completely loses contrast.

In the old days, many people were very afraid to visit the dentist. Now the examination, as well as the treatment, proceed as painlessly as possible. However, some prejudices still exist. In particular, they are associated with such a procedure as x-rays of teeth. Many believe that this is unsafe for health, since such a study is associated with the emission of dangerous radiation.

Probably, many have seen smiling radiologists who once again convince the patient that an x-ray of a tooth is a painless and non-hazardous procedure, after which no one will get sick radiation sickness. It is worthwhile to figure out whether such a study is harmful and how it is carried out.

X-ray of teeth: types

In some situations, it is very difficult for a doctor to make a correct diagnosis and treat. To obtain the necessary information, an x-ray of the teeth is required. A photo of such a plan allows the dentist to avoid mistakes. In some large clinics, the following pictures can be taken:

  1. Intraoral picture.
  2. Orthopantomogram - panoramic image.
  3. Cephalometric - lateral image.

What is an intraoral x-ray

Most often, an intraoral x-ray is taken. This is the most common survey method. Everyone takes at least a few pictures in their lifetime. It is worth noting that after such an examination, the doctor receives detailed information. In such a picture, you can clearly see where caries is localized, what shape they have and how the roots are located. In addition, intraoral X-ray allows you to determine the condition of the bone tissue and periodontium, as well as to monitor the condition of the entire oral cavity.

What are panoramic and side shots

In this case, the entire mouth is clearly visible in one picture - the lower and upper jaws along with the teeth. To make such an examination, a special apparatus is required, which has a device that makes a revolution around the patient's head at a certain speed. At the same time, the tube of the device moves on one side, and the film on which the recording is carried out on the other.

With such an X-ray of the teeth, the patient must remain motionless, since any movement will be reflected on the film in the form of a blurred area. More modern devices have special clamps and supports that allow you to fix a person's head for the duration of the examination. In addition, a bite block can be installed in the patient's oral cavity, which will prevent clenching of the teeth.

Externally, panoramic x-ray devices are huge machines. However, they are practically safe. The radiation from such a device is much less than during intraoral imaging.

A lateral x-ray of the tooth is taken on one side of the head. Such an examination gives an excellent overview of the state of the tissues. Also in the picture of a similar plan, the location of the teeth and their roots is clearly visible. That is why such an x-ray is used to draw up a therapy plan.

The main advantages of digital X-ray

Digital X-ray of a tooth has huge advantages, among which it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Shooting time is greatly reduced, allowing you to take a picture much faster.
  2. Significantly reduced radiation.
  3. The finished image can be processed graphically on a computer and then compared with others. This allows you to identify even minor differences that cannot be seen with your eyes.
  4. X-ray images of teeth can be stored in in electronic format, archive, print or send to a specialist by e-mail.

How often can you take pictures?

At the moment, there is a regulation SanPiNa, which states that the permissible radiation dose should not exceed 1000 microsievers. And this is only allowed for preventive examinations. Naturally, this figure increases when it comes to the treatment of the disease. Of course, not everyone knows what 1000 microsiever is. So, this indicator can be equated:

  1. Computed radiovisiography - 500 images.
  2. On good x-ray equipment - 100 shots.
  3. Film orthopantomogram - 40, digital - 80.

So is it possible to do an x-ray of a tooth without fear for your health? Of course! If absolutely necessary, the patient can take radiovisiograph images daily, and perform an orthopantomogram several times a month.

It is worth noting that such procedures do not go beyond the permissible norm. Therefore, do not be afraid to do an x-ray of your teeth. The procedure is practically safe.

Should children be x-rayed?

In certain situations, x-rays of milk teeth may be needed. Such a procedure is allowed only if the dentist cannot draw up a complete picture of the disease. Naturally, this does not allow proper treatment. In some cases, it is very difficult to do without a picture, for example, with exacerbation of periodontitis, as well as with resection of the root apex.

Is it possible to do x-rays for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a crucial period for every woman. You need to prepare for this in advance. But if you had to treat your teeth during pregnancy, then nothing can be done about it. Remember, without special need, the dentist will not prescribe an x-ray of the tooth. If a picture still needs to be taken, then this only indicates that the doctor is not able to make the correct diagnosis without such a study. It should only be remembered that it is not worth doing an x-ray in the first half of pregnancy.

The patient must inform the doctor about her condition and indicate the exact date. After that, the dentist will decide whether to do an x-ray for a woman.


Many people know how an X-ray of a tooth is done. True, not everyone knows about security measures. In dentistry, during the procedure, parts of the torso, head and neck should be shielded with special protective products. This is one of the conditions.

X-ray safety is determined by three factors: distance, time, and shielding. All three protective measures apply during pregnancy. x-ray radiation in the air, it decomposes into ions in just 5 seconds. To avoid exposure, personnel should not enter the office where the device is located during the specified time.

During pregnancy, an x-ray of the teeth is carried out, taking into account all methods of protection. It is safest to take a picture on a radiovisiograph. This digital equipment allows you to make the examination as safe as possible for the expectant mother and child.

X-ray of teeth while breastfeeding

It is worth noting that such an examination during lactation is safe for both a nursing woman and a child. If the procedure is carried out correctly and in compliance with all the rules, then there is no need to worry about radiation exposure.

So, how should a dental x-ray be performed correctly? There are several basic rules:

  1. The head, neck and torso of a woman must be covered with special lead aprons.
  2. Only state-of-the-art equipment should be used that allows the selection of the optimal exposure for a particular tooth.
  3. Also, when X-rays, an E-class film should be used, which can significantly reduce radiation exposure. But the best thing to do is digital x-ray.

X-ray is an integral diagnostic procedure both in the process of studying the general condition of the body, and in the struggle for a good result in the treatment of certain diseases. A visual inspection will not give a complete picture of what is happening. In addition, many processes do not have pronounced symptoms. And the picture itself allows you to assess the amount of work to be done, possible complications and lesions of various forms invisible to the eye. As a result, the patient receives competent and high-quality treatment.

An example of a photograph at the dentist

Is x-ray harmful to humans?

How dangerous is this type of exposure? As we know, natural radioactivity follows us everywhere. The natural radiation background has a certain dose of radiation created by cosmic rays and the radiation of natural radionuclides, it is found in the earth, water, air, certain elements of the biosphere, in food and the human body.

The radioactive background permeates everything around - somewhere its level exceeds the norm, somewhere it is minimal. The main source of natural or natural background radiation is considered to be radon released from the earth's crust. The radioactive inert gas is retained in enclosed spaces as it passes through the foundation. Radionuclides can be found in brick and concrete. Radon tends to be formed during the combustion of natural gas, it is present in the water of artesian wells. Since natural radiation has acceptable standards, it does not pose a particular health hazard.

Consider also examples of radioactivity created by human activity, for example, an airplane flight becomes - 0.005-0.020 millisieverts per hour (the main reason for this is solar radiation). Scanners (introscopes) at airports - up to 0.001 mSv per one act of checking a passenger. As a result, the average annual dose of ionizing radiation from external and internal sources (such as air, water, food) has the following indicators:

  • solar radiation and cosmic rays - from 0.300 millisieverts per year (at an altitude of 2000 m - three times more than at sea level)
  • soil and rocks - 0.250 - 0.600 mSv / g (more shines on granites - about 1 millisievert per year)
  • housing, buildings - from 0.300 ...
  • food – from 0.020 …
  • water - from 0.010 to 0.100 millisieverts (daily water consumption in the amount of 2 liters).
  • in the air (radon 222 Rn, thoron 220 Rn and short-lived decay products) - 0.2 - 2 mSv/year.

The radioactive background permeates everything around

In general, approximately three to four millisieverts per year per adult. This is a safe total indicator that takes into account both external and internal sources of exposure (natural, man-made, medical, and others).

Types of x-rays and scope in dentistry

  • Orthopantomogram (panoramic picture) - allows you to make a highly informative picture of both dentitions (an image of the crown and root parts of each tooth, periodontal tissues, joints). Such a picture is the main one and is necessary when drawing up a treatment plan, prosthetics, drawing up a plan for dental implantation. With it, you can see exactly where the cyst is located, how many teeth are affected, whether there are fractures, cracks and other deformations of the teeth or jaw, etc.
  • Aiming image - this is the name of the X-ray diagnosis of one or more teeth. In this case, the state of dentin, root canals, bone tissue, gums and adjacent vessels are examined. This picture allows you to make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe the optimal treatment, allows you to control its process and evaluate the results. In addition, this procedure reveals hidden diseases that are invisible during an ordinary examination - for example, the development of caries at the initial stage, periodontal disease, etc. Sighting pictures are taken, as a rule, after receiving a general picture of the condition of the teeth and jaw as a whole.
  • Interproximal radiography - applicable to determine the pathologies of the crown of the tooth. With the help of such images, it is possible to detect the presence of carious cavities on the contact surfaces of the teeth and in the cervical regions. Also, this type of radiograph detects hidden defects formed under crowns and fillings, the presence of tartar, and also checks the quality of the marginal fit of the restorations, which makes it possible to correctly see the marginal sections, which are otherwise distorted.
  • Occlusal radiography - this method assesses the condition of the hard palate, reveals neoplasms and calculi (stones) of the sublingual salivary and submandibular glands. Also, an occlusive x-ray of the teeth allows you to see the general condition of the internal and external cortical plates of the jaws for the presence of a cyst or other neoplasms. The location of the jaw fracture is determined. This method is used in the event that a point study for some reason does not give clear results.

The use of x-rays in dentistry

Methods of research and dosage of radiation

  • Standard method - is about 0.001MZV (SR - unit of measurement of the dose of ionizing radiation)
  • Radiovisiography - due to the natural background of the environment, a person receives about 3.0 MZV, for the purposes of prevention (not treatment), the dose received per year should be no more than 1.0 MZV.
  • Orthopantomogram - obtained from a panoramic radiograph, is 0.02 MZV. For a film image, the exposure time is 0.5-1.2 seconds.
  • Computed tomography - the duration of exposure will be limited to 0.05-0.3 seconds, which is 10 times less

How often can an adult x-ray be done?

The number of x-rays depends on the equipment used during the diagnostics, the radiation dose of which is different. The safest method is digital research. Film research is considered more harmful. The dose of radiation in this case should not exceed 1000 microsieverts (µSv) per year. This is when it comes to routine checkups. When discussing treatment, the allowable dose will be higher. How to figure out what the dosage is? What is 1000 µSv comparable to?

In short, this figure will be equal to 500 images on a computer radiovisiograph or 100 images on high-quality X-ray equipment. One thousand microsieverts becomes 80 digital photographs. It is unlikely that someone will expose their body to so many radiations in a year. You can not worry about the harm from this procedure and take pictures on a radiovisiograph at least every day and at the same time not exceed the maximum allowable limit of permitted exposure.


Now people react more calmly to the next visit to the dentist, as the process of examination and treatment does not cause any particular inconvenience and discomfort. But the prejudices that are associated with X-rays are quite difficult to avoid. Some have concerns that X-rays are radioactive. Radiologists, in turn, are sure that getting radiation sickness by going for an x-ray of the teeth is simply unrealistic, but dispelling stereotypes is not so easy.

For example, for pregnant women, this issue becomes especially acute, at some points, an x-ray is needed for a more accurate picture of the patient's condition and the dose is scanty. In other cases, the dose of radiation is somehow present, and it is not known how it will affect the development of the fetus.

Important! Either way, a good doctor will evaluate each case individually. If possible, it is better to carry out treatment after the onset of delivery. As a last resort, it is worth resorting to x-rays by the second trimester. Here, methods of protection against radiation will already be provided, a special apron will be fixed on the woman's body, protecting the organs and the fetus from negative effects. Pregnant women and girls who are breastfeeding need to understand that the extra stress of visiting a doctor and undergoing an X-ray procedure is more harmful than the radiation itself.

Severe bleeding in the oral cavity, severe or unconscious patient, will be another reason for contraindications.

In the dental x-ray room

How to take a picture of a tooth

This procedure usually takes place in a dedicated office. There are basic requirements here. It is imperative that the walls and floor are covered with lead. This is important for the protection of neighboring premises. In particular, if it is a small clinic, which is located in a multi-storey residential building.

Before starting the diagnosis, the patient removes any jewelry. Since their presence can drastically distort the picture. A special heavy lead apron is put on the chest. Then a sensor is placed on the desired tooth, connected to the X-ray machine. There is a pressing of a special button that starts the x-ray.

3D snapshot

The 3D imaging procedure is slightly different. The patient's head is fixed in the desired position, the x-ray itself is placed near the patient's head. The device makes circular movements, producing at this moment a series of pictures. Information enters the computer or is directly written to disk.


X-ray of the teeth is essential. No matter which type of x-ray is used in a particular case, the radiation dose is minimized. The picture informs the doctor about where the inflammatory process takes place, there are defects, pathologies and how to fix it correctly. In any case, you need to go for it. If you receive a referral for an x-ray, then you should not refuse it. The benefits are great and the harm is minimal.