Dances with a description for preschoolers. Musical-rhythmic movements

Starting position for all variants (unless otherwise specified): legs in the main stance, arms in any position.

"Swing small" - children stand, holding hands and slightly shaking them from side to side.

"Swing big" - the same, only they swing their arms strongly from side to side.

"Spring" - standing still, easily, often, continuously squat. At the same time, the knees are slightly parted to the sides. The back is straight. This movement can be performed from the 6th position of the legs (on the "narrow path"). In this case, the knees of the legs are not divorced.

Inflow - standing on the left foot, rhythmically stomp the right, slightly springy with both.

"Three Floods"(initial position "narrow path") - in place step with the right foot, then the left and again the right, slightly stamping. Repeat with the left leg. The movement is performed rhythmically.

Stamp alternately with two legs - the technique is the same, only for “one, and” - the right (left) foot, and for “two, and” - the left (right) foot.

Stitch in combination with a "point" - heel, toe of a non-supporting leg next to the supporting leg or at a distance of a small step in front.

Squat - the technique is the same, only for “one” - squatting, for “two” - returning to the starting position. The amplitude depends on the age of the children. Full squat is performed only in preparatory group. At the same time, the heels of the legs come off the floor, and the knees are spread apart, the back is straight, strong.

Half squat - performed in combination with a "point" - the heel or toe of the right (left) foot at a distance of a small step forward.

Half squat with body rotation - do a semi-squat, turning the body to the right (left) by 90 °. Turning the body straight, take the starting position.


1st option: the right foot is placed back on the toe, then brought forward on the heel and in place - three stomps.

2nd option: bend the right (left) leg at the knee and put it to the side on the toe non-reversibly (heel up); at the same time slightly bend the knee of the left (right) leg. Stretching the straight right (left) leg, put it on the heel. Make a triple stomp, starting with the right (left) foot.

"Undershirt" - for a “time” half-squat with a “patty” clap with arms bent at the elbows in front and above. On "two" - straighten up and put the right (left) foot at the "point" in front of the right on the heel. At the same time, stretch your arms diagonally: right - side-down, left - side-up. On the 2nd measure, the same with the other foot.

"Samovarchik" - on "time" - half-squat and cotton "patty" with arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. On "two" - straighten up, left hand pull to the side-up, right - slap on inside lower leg of the left leg, bent at the knee and raised up at an angle of 90 °.

"Herringbone" - starting position: legs - “narrow path”, hands “shelf”, “belt”, etc.. For “time” - turn the feet (tearing off the socks from the floor) to the right at an angle of 45 °. On "two" - the same heels. The movement can be performed both on straight legs and on a “spring”. The back is straight.

"Big Harmonica" - legs together. On "one" - breeding socks to the sides, on "two" - breeding heels. Then return to the starting position in the same order.

"Topotushki" - starting position - legs together, slightly crouching, hands clenched into fists on the belt (akimbo). Often alternately stomp your feet in place.

"Lever" - feet on the "narrow path". On "one" - the right hand bends at the elbow and reaches the right shoulder with a jerk. Simultaneously with the arm up, bending at the knee, the first leg rises. On "and" - to the starting position.

Everything is on the "spring".

Turning around (circling) - standing facing the audience, start moving to the right. It is easy to turn around on your toes and stop in the starting position.

"Comb" - children stand in a checkerboard pattern. At a distance from each other facing in the same direction.

1st option: first, the second rank passes forward through the first, stopping a little ahead. Then the first (being behind) passes forward through the second, stopping a little ahead, and so on.

2nd option: The first line goes back, while the second line moves forward. Passing through each other - the lines change places.

"Play with a handkerchief" - holding a handkerchief (folded diagonally) at two corners in front of you at chest level, alternately lift one or the other corner of the handkerchief.

  • Dance movements for boys 6-7 years old:

"Goat" - starting position - the right leg is in front of the left, arms crossed in front of the chest. This movement is performed on a jump. Jumping on the left foot, strongly stomp the right. At the expense of "one" - the arms open in an arc upwards (the fists are slightly compressed and raised upwards), at the expense of "two" - they return to their original position.

"Funny feet" - rear crouching position. The legs are often, sharply "thrown out" alternately forward. Returning to the starting position, the leg rests with the toe on the floor.

"Goose step" - starting position - in a semi-squat position, legs on a "narrow path". Walk wide in a half-squat on a "spring". With arms bent at the elbows, wave back and forth. Follow your posture. The duration of the movement is not 8 bars.

"Volchok" - leaning on the floor with the palm of the right hand, stretching the body and legs to the left diagonally, move in a “minching” run around its axis (as if describing a full circle with a compass.) Left hand - arbitrarily.

kneel - get down on the right knee, the left leg is bent in the form of a chair. The foot of the left leg is at the knee of the right leg.

Galina Nizhelskaya
Musical-rhythmic movements. Description of Dances.

"Merry Mouse" (performed by M. Levanova)

/For children of the middle group/

(Girls - "mice" sit in a line, facing the audience)

Introduction: 1. Sitting on your knees, booty on your heels, perform a rhythmic "spring".

2. "Scrape their paws" in front of.

At the end, they change seats, stretching their legs in front of them.

1 verse: 1 – 4 line: Clap hands alternately on the knees.

5 - 6 line: Knock the toe on the floor

7 - 8 line: Perform "winder" hands in front of the chest.

losing: They get on their feet and rebuild one after another, take the tip of the skirt in front of the one in front (for "tails")

verse 2: 1 – 4 line: Go "mining" stepping on toes "snake"

5 - 8 line: "Disintegrate" around the hall, walking.

losing: Find free places in the loose, step in place.

verse 3: 1 – 4 stitch: Alternately put the foot on the heel, while "paws" lift, bent at the elbows. Lowered, putting the foot in place.

5 - 8 line: Perform by hand "winder" in front of.

losing: Walking in place, spinning.

Alternately raise and lower straight arms, spreading fingers.

"Roosters crowing"(Spanish. Show group "Smile")

/For children of the middle group/

(All children participate, wearing pet hats)

Introduction: 1. Sit on their knees, hands under the cheek, "sleep".

Gradually "wake up" stretching, standing up.

2. (cheerful) They walk in place, waving their arms vigorously.

1. couplet: 1 – 2 line: Hands depict playing the pipe.

3 - 6 line: They walk scattered around the hall like cockerels (highly raising their legs bent at the knee and spreading their arms - "wings" to the sides).

Chorus: "Where - tah - tah ..."- wave their arms bent at the elbows, fists in front of the chest

(small wings).

"Ku-ka-re-ku..."- Clap while performing "spring".

"Ku-ka-re-ku..."- Alternately throw your hands up, spreading your fingers.

2. couplet: Lie on your stomach, hold your head with your palms, wave your legs, bending them at the knees (sunbathing).

Chorus: The movements are the same just sitting on your knees.

losing: Repeat the game on the pipe.

They roam about like roosters.

"Dance of Gnomes and Dolls"/for children of the middle group/

(Boys participate - "gnomes" and girls - "chrysalis" 6 - 8 pairs)

Introduction: Children stand in pairs, facing each other. Hands on the belt and behind the dress.

Perform "spring" with a half turn.

1 Verse: a) Holding hands, perform "Pilochka" With "spring".

b) They circle in pairs, holding hands and spreading them apart.

Chorus: Stand facing each other again, hands in front of the chest, "shelf"

"Gnomes, gnomes..."- Alternately open one hand to the side, then the other.

"Little Gnomes..."- Close hands in turn "shelf".

"Come…"- Knocks "hammers"- cam on cam on one side, on the other.

2 Verse: Sitting on their knees, facing each other, hold hands and perform "Swing" (swing back and forth)

Chorus: (as in the first chorus, only sitting)

losing: Boys, with a cheerful step, go behind the Christmas tree (hide)

At this time, girls, facing the audience "surprise" (raise and lower the shoulders with a spring with a half turn).

"Look into the distance" putting your hand "visor", one way, the other.

verse 3: Girls, with a cheerful step, go behind the Christmas tree, they are built with the boys "engine" and go out with a stomping step from behind the Christmas tree to the strip.

At the end, raise your hands - "flashlights" up.

"Have friends"(Spanish. Group "Barbariki")

/For children of the preparatory group/

At the central wall on both sides are 4 - girls and 4 - boys

Introduction: For each phrase, 1 boy and 1 girl run out in jumps.

Move crosswise to designated places. At the last phrase, everyone squats down.

1 Verse: Alternately stand by numbers, starting from the 4th. At the same time, the hands at the top waving the brushes, alternately tearing off the heels from the floor.

At the end, everyone lowers their arms along the torso.

"…Sunday, Saturday…"- put the foot on the toe to the side to each other, turning the head. Put your foot in place. Expose the other leg in the opposite direction from each other. (repeat traffic)

Chorus: "Have friends."- They move in a lateral gallop, changing places.

"…for them"- Put your foot on the heel, in a half turn to each other, twist the heel.

Lateral gallop will return to their places. Put your foot on the heel and twist.

2 Verse: Children in their columns move forward step by step and meet in the center, each with their own pair. Clap each other's hands (welcome) and go to their places.

Chorus: Movements are repeated.

verse 3: They scatter around the hall, play, frolic.

At the end, they gather in a free group at the central wall of the hall and turn to the left corner of the hall.

Chorus: Move to the left corner with a cheerful step, at the end of the clap. Move back and clap

On the second phrase, move to the right corner and clap, then back and clap.

At the end: Return to the columns, dance. At the end, they put their foot on the heel to each other, stretching out their hand with a raised thumb (great).

Dance "Sled" under the music "Zimushka"

/ for senior, prepared. groups/

Introduction: Children stand in pairs around the Christmas tree like "sleigh"(girl after boy, holding hands. Perform "spring" looking at each other.

1 Verse: Move "high step" in a circle (the boys roll the girl on "sledge"). At the end, they stop and turn to face each other.

Chorus: a) Perform one clap, then clap on each other's hands - repeat 2 times. circling "boat", changing places.

b) Do traffic"sarafan" (Expose the heel, spreading the arms) one way, the other. circling "boat", changing places again.

2 Verse: "Sled" move the other way (girl "rolls" boy).

Chorus: The same movements, as in the first.

losing: Everyone runs out in front of the Christmas tree, freely dance.

"We are on the train"(Spanish. Show group "Smile")

/for middle or senior group/

(All children participate, are divided into 2-3 rows - this "wagons")

Introduction: Sitting facing the corner, legs extended forward.

1. "Bike"- Alternately bend and unbend the legs.

2. They knock with fists twice on the knees, twice on the shoulders. - repeat.

3. "Motor"- twist fists in front of the chest.

4. Sit on your knees, hands "shelf"(palm to palm, put under the chin (look out the window, while "spring" and shake their heads.

1 Verse: 1 – 2 line: Sit, "Looking out the window".

3 line: Raise the right hand to the side, then the left

Right hand "shelf", left hand "shelf".

4 line: Perform circular movements"shelf".

Chorus: 1 – 2 line: Cams on the knees 2 times, on the shoulders. - repeat.

3 - 4 line: "Motor".

losing: Get up and rearrange "Locomotive".

2 Verse: 1-3 line: Move "snake", "stomping step".

4 - scatter everywhere, find a free place.

Chorus: Loosely repeated.

losing: They run, have fun, at the end they raise their hands up.

"Chicken Dance" under the music "Chicken"

/for junior or middle group/

Introduction: Children squatting (like chickens in nests).

Get up gradually (grow up).

1 Verse: Walking in all directions, hands - "wings" slightly laid back, waving.

Chorus: "Ko-ko..."- Tilt forward, hands back. Straighten up.

"That's how..."- They jump in place on their toes, slightly flapping their wings. - Everything will repeat again.

"Ko-ko..."- Tilt forward - "peck", straighten up.

"That's how..."- wag "tails", crouching slightly. - repeat.

2 Verse: a). Putting your hand to your right ear "listening" stretching slightly to the right. Then “listen to the other side.

b). "Naughty"- move lightly in place, "rowing" paws in front of the chest.

Chorus: The same movements.

verse 3: Are rebuilt one after another on "path", are taken for "tails", go "snake". At the end of the verse, they quickly scatter around the hall.

Chorus: The same movements.

The ending: Walking around their imaginary "nest".

Raise your hands to the sun.

Dance "Round dance"(Spanish Show group "Smile")

/for the preparatory group/

Children stand in pairs, facing the audience, in the hands of the sultans.

Introduction: They tap alternately with their heels, shake them with sultans in front of them. At the end, lower your hands down, on the right side.

1 Verse: 1. With two hands, draw a circle on the right through the top and lower it on the left side, sit down a little. Also on the other side.

2. They circle around themselves on jumps, sultans in front of them or above their heads.

3 - 4. - Repeat 1 and 2. Turn in pairs to face each other.

Chorus: 1. Lunge towards each other with one foot, connect the sultans at the top. Return to starting position.

2. Swap places while running or jumping.

Repeat again.

Little loss: Couples hide behind each other (girl after boy).

2 Verse: 1. "Peek Out", leaning, the boy in one direction, the girl in the other. And vice versa - repeat 4 times.

2. The girl runs around the boy and become facing each other.

Chorus: The same movements.

losing: Have fun moving around the Christmas tree.

Chorus: The same "attacks", only in a circle, to the Christmas tree.

On repeat: They run out in front of the Christmas tree, raise their hands up.

Dance with ribbons "Rays"/ for the senior, underg. groups/

Introduction: Children stand in pairs scattered, facing the audience, waving ribbons below, perform "spring"

1 Verse: a). "Lunge" to the right, raise your hands "cross" over your head. Return to starting position. "Lunge" left, hands "cross" over your head.

b). They spin around on the jumps.

Repeat a) and b).

Chorus: Upwards "snake" ribbons in front of you. Sweep over your head "cross".

"Snake" ribbons top to bottom "breeze".

On repeat: Step with your right foot to the side, stretch with both hands to the right up, play with ribbons. In this case, the left leg is in place on the toe. Smoothly "roll over" on the left leg and move the hands from the bottom up. The right foot remains on the toe. As a couple, turn to face each other. Ribbons at the bottom, spring, "breeze".

2 Verse: - Step with one foot to each other, raise your hands "roof", the other leg remains behind on the toe. They return to their original position.

On the jumps they change places.

repeat traffic"roof".

They switch places again, returning to their place.

Turn around to face the audience.

Chorus: The movements are the same.

losing: Change into a general circle on easy jumps.

Chorus: - Girls lightly move to the center of the circle, forming a small circle, raising the ribbons, perform "cross" over your head. At the end, they sit down sharply, lowering the ribbons.

The boys move the same way and stop behind the girls. They sit down at the end. And the girls get up and raise the ribbons up, waving "cross". - repeat everything movements again.

At the end: "Disintegrate" throughout the hall, find an empty seat.

At the end, the ribbons are raised above the head or tossed.

At preschool agemusical education- one of the main skills that kids need to master. After all, it is at this age that children most easily learn new material, most receptive to music, rhythm. It is important to teach them to understand music, its mood, figurative component.

Young children are usually mobile. They rarely sit still. Many children also love to dance, they convey their mood, their emotional outbursts through movement. Therefore, before the teacher in kindergarten the task is to teach children to convey the mood and figurative component of music in motion. After all, it is this unity of music and movement that gives rise to dance as a work of art.

Dance as an activity for children is important precisely because of its synthetic nature. After all, it involves a combination of many aspects: the perception of the imagery of music, rhythm, dance is important as part of aesthetic, rhythmic, musical, physical education.

In addition, moving together in a team, children learn to work in pairs, a sense of camaraderie, a sense of shoulder. Therefore, dance becomes not just an activity that allows you to learn how to move to the music, but also a business that helps you master a large number of necessary skills for the child.

And at the same time, dance is what kids need exercise stress, which can give pleasure while improving health. Dance has a positive effect on blood circulation, respiration, develops muscle strength, improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and metabolism.

The peculiarities of the work of energy exchange in the body of children are determined by the fact that after intensive dancing, their energy becomes not less, but, on the contrary, even more. The influence of dancing on the vestibular apparatus is also very important. Little dancers improve motor skills, they are easier to navigate in space. Work is getting better musculoskeletal system, develops the skeleton, muscles, improves posture. Gradually, grace, smoothness, lightness, speed appear in the movements of children. Movements become rhythmic, energetic, expressive. Children gain lightness in dance, learn to improvise, reveal themselves as artists. The movements of each become individual, convey the mood, create an image.

Creative activity, which dances are, affects the work of the higher parts of the brain. A child who is engaged in dancing turns on associative, figurative thinking, creative intuition, freedom of behavior, intellectual processes that were previously inaccessible are connected. So dance classes with preschoolers contribute to the comprehensive development of kids.

The perception of music, attempts to comprehend it with the help of movement, help children to dance expressively, expressively. When a kid likes a musical composition, he will definitely turn on his rich childish imagination. Children begin to feel that each dance has its own character, learn to convey it with the help of plasticity, feel the rhythm, create artistic image. Perceiving the sequence of movements, memorizing them, the guys develop mechanical memory, observation.

Dances, which are most often staged today in children's groups, are divided into several types according to the composition of movements.

First of all, this dances and dances with a fixed composition of movements. They involve children learning a certain sequence of movements, a pre-thought-out composition.

The second type of dance is free dancing and dancing where children can independently, improvising, reveal their creative abilities.

Productive for child development are combined dances, which combine the possibilities of the first two types.

Folk dancing and dancing consist of original elements of traditional folk dances.

Artistic talents of young dancers can reveal characteristic dances, which involve the performance in the images of different characters.

become popular and ballroom dancing, children are happy to learn the characteristic steps of the waltz, polka, gallop, Latin American dances. Ballroom dancing develops in children the ability to perceive different rhythms, work in pairs, and teach the basics of communication.

Worth paying Special attention on the composition of movements that you offer to kids. AT modern world children often begin to copy the style of movements of adults. This can negatively affect their artistic taste. Make sure that the kids do not start moving in a vulgar, non-musical way. Think for them best option dance, in which plasticity and movements will be ideal for a certain age of the performers. Consider their physical abilities and the ability to create certain images.

If the movements and style of a certain dance are categorically not suitable for little dancers. In such cases, it is worth coming up with such a combination of dance elements to the music they like, which children can master by conveying the right mood. Steps, jumps, gallops, jumps, springs, turns - these are the basic children's movements, to which you can add original elements at your discretion. Thus, children will learn the programming skills for each dancer, while simultaneously starting to acquire a creative individuality.

Besides, children, comprehending new elements, begin to feel the difference between different dances. Make sure that there are very different compositions in the repertoire. Different in pace, in mood. Children should clearly feel this difference in order to dance each number in a special way, conveying the original flavor.

When learning new dances, you need carefully limit the load, Considering psychological features children. If the number of new elements is too large, children will lose interest, they will not be able to remember and perform movements expressively enough. Remember that it is interest in work that is the key to success in dancing with preschoolers.

There are details that you need to pay special attention to when working with children. The guys themselves can forget about them, so it’s worth working to ensure that the correct setting of each detail becomes a habit in children, brought to automatism. Determine, first of all, the exact number of classes and their time duration, depending on the wishes of the doctors for a particular age group. During classes, monitor the posture of the students, correct it immediately, barely noticing the mistake. Follow for the position of all parts of the body. At the same time, pay special attention to any child's complaints, and talk to the parents of all children in advance to be aware of the health status of each.

When creating a dance composition for children to perform, carefully work on its clarity and clarity. Try to accurately relate it to the music. Pay attention not only to the general correspondence to the music, but also to the separately rhythmic, tempo, harmonic, register, formal features of the composition. Your task is to create the most easy to remember, natural version of the dance for children.

At the very beginning of the teacher's work on staging a dance with preschoolers it is important to carry out special explanatory work. Let the children feel the dance. Talk about what plot, what emotional load it should carry. Listen to the music together, notice all its features, discuss the structure. It will be useful to work out the rhythmic pattern of the dance with the help of clapping to the beat, counting. Children should completely immerse themselves in the dance that they have to dance, feel it, its mood, dynamics.

Starting the actual learning process the teacher should work out the technique in detail every movement. Standing in front of a mirror, perfect each element before showing it to the children. It is extremely important that the students correctly perceive all the movements from the first time and memorize them accurately.

A good example that a child sees in front of him often becomes a reason to try harder. A little dancer sees how beautiful this or that movement can look, and wants to learn how to do the same.

Pay attention to musical accompaniment dance lessons. First of all, music must correspond to the ideas of good taste, because it is during this period that children develop an understanding of beauty. Interesting music captivates any child, liberates him, helps to show individuality.

Elena Karataeva
Description of dances for older preschool children

Dance "Childhood"

Song performed by Y. Shatunov

I. p. Children stand in pairs one after another.

Introduction: Children in pairs walk around the hall and stand in a checkerboard pattern, turn around, hold hands facing each other ( "boat"). On the "once"- take a step forward with the right foot towards each other, on "two"- put the leg in place, stand up straight and shake the legs. This movement is performed from the left leg. Again it is repeated from the right foot, then circling around in a boat.

1 verse:

I. p: Children stand facing each other.

“Childhood, childhood….”-children change places with each other, for a word "hurry"- make cotton.

"Childhood, childhood..."- return to their places, to the word "flying"- make cotton. Repeat these movements 2 times.

I. p. legs shoulder-width apart, bent at the knees, hands are on their knees.

"And I want"- take a step to the side with the right foot and put the left foot to the right foot.

"I want again"- take a step with your left foot to the left, and attach right leg to the left leg. When performing this movement, the legs spring back. Repeat twice.

"Tease Natasha..."- do jumping jumps, then to the left side,

then to the right side.

"On a scooter"- we perform alternating jumps with the right and left legs, the arms move parallel to the legs.

losing: The intro movements are repeated.

verse 2:

The girls take the boys by the arms and walk in a circle until the end of the verse.


1-4 bars - couples turn forward. They go forward, setting aside either the right or the left leg.

Measures 5-8 - move back to their places with the same step.

Bars 9-11 - the girl and the boy join hands, the girl circling runs in front of the boy to the other side and makes a clap.

12-14 bars - repeat the movements of 9-11 bars, only in the other direction.

15-16 bars - dance the twist.

verse 3: Repeat the movements of verse 1.

With the end of the music - a bow.

Dance "One two Three"

Band song "Paints"

Introduction: children stand in 4 columns.

1 verse:

1) The right hand is straight - makes a swing to the left hand, while the left leg is set aside. We do the same with the left hand and foot.

2) We put the right and left hands in front of the chest, the brushes are gathered into fists, we make alternate turns either to the left or to the right side.

3) We alternately raise our hands up - swing 2 times.

4) We draw the sun above the head with both hands.

Chorus: a) We do squats, while the knees move to the right, then to the left, the hands do the same.

b) into words "lips, lips kissed" palms each hand touches the lips.

c) repeat the movements - under the letter a).

d) hold hands and turns to the right and left.

e) repeat the movements - under the letter a).

e) to the words " danced"We alternately put the right, then the left foot on the heel.

g) clap your hands, stomp your feet.

Chorus movements are repeated.

verse 2:

1) With the index finger of the right hand, we draw a semicircle in front of us.

2) Raise your hands up one by one.

3) into words "White Daisies" raise the right and left hands above the head, while the hands move up and down, hands gradually lower down.

4) "Nothing more beautiful" we open our hands in front of us, palms up.

5) Draw the sun

6) Wrap your arms around you (cold).

Chorus: The movements are repeated.

Dance "Little country"

Song performed by N. Koroleva

I. p. The children stand one behind the other outside the door.


1-4 bars - girls come in, follow each other and stand in one line (side of the hall).

5-8 bars - the boys come in and stand opposite the girls.

1 couplet:

"Beyond the mountains..."- girls and boys who stand on even numbers come forward towards each other.

“There are animals….”- connect the right hands, spin ("asterisk") and return to their places.

“There is a miracle lake…”- there are children who stand on odd numbers.

"There in the palace..."- connect right hands, spin ( "star").

"Gives light..." All children face forward.

Chorus 1: Children stand in 4 columns, facing forward.

"Little country"- perform 2 side steps to the right.

"Little country"- perform 2 side steps to the left.

"Who will tell me" - the children join their right hands, spin around 4 people - "star" (it turns out 4 stars in four corners).

The pattern is repeated.

verse 2:

1-4 bars - holding hands, go in pairs in a circle and stop.

5-8 bars - children turn to each other, boys stand still, girls make 2 strokes right hand and circling pass to another boy. The same movement is performed with the left hand and returned to their places.

Chorus repeat:

I. p. Children connect palms with each other.

"Little country"- perform circular motions(draw "Sun").

"Who will tell me."- circling in pairs on outstretched arms.

Repeat the figure.

verse 3:

1-4 bars - the boys go in a circle and hold hands (asterisk,

5-8 bars - each girl approaches her boy, join hands and circle "carousel".

Chorus: Children stand scattered. Repeat the movements of chorus 1.


I. p: Children stand in pairs one after another.

1 : They go one after another and pass through the center of the hall. Get up.

2 : Disperse in pairs and stand in a common circle in pairs.

3 : Circling in a boat.

4 : Girls go to the center (boys stay where they are) are taken with right hands and perform a carousel (circling).

5 : They return to their boys and circle with an asterisk.

6; They go around in pairs.

7 : Girls perform a snake (pass between the boys) and return to their boy.

8 : They walk in a circle in pairs and stand in place.

"Dance with Flowers"

music by Paul Mauriat (cassette "Music for the soul")

dance an even number of girls. They stand in 4 rows, each row has its own flowers.

1 piece of music:

1st phrase - the first row with flowers runs out, they sit in one line, their heads are lowered, their hands with flowers on the floor.

2 phrase - the second row with flowers, sit in a line, the position is the same.

3rd phrase - the third row with flowers, sit in a line, the position is the same.

4th phrase - the fourth row with flowers, sit in a line, the position is the same.

2 part music:

1 phrase - girls stand in 4 lines, gradually picking up flowers.

2nd phrase - the girls of the 3rd line do the same.

3rd phrase - the girls of the 2nd line do the same.

4 phrase - girls of the 1st line do the same.

At the same time, the girls who got up swing smoothly, rhythmically to the right - to the left with their hands above their heads.

3 part music:

1 phrase - give each other right hands "star", circling.

Phrase 2 - the same movement is performed with the left hand.

3rd phrase - all 4 lines go forward, gradually raising the flowers, circle around themselves once.

4 phrase - They step back, gradually lowering their hands, spinning.

4 part music:

1 phrase - they run after the leading girl one after another, forming a circle.

2 phrase - run to the center - "bouquet".

Dance "Blue scarf"

Music by G. Petersburg

dance any even number of girls and boys of the preparatory group.

The boys are dressed in tunics, the girls in dresses, with a blue scarf on their shoulders.

I. p. The boys stand along the side of the hall. Girls stand in one line near the other side of the hall.


I. p. The girls stand in one line, with handkerchiefs on their shoulders, handkerchiefs are held by the corners and sway from side to side.

1-15 measure - the boys go one after another, approach the girls, give their right hand, the girl puts her left hand on the boy's hand. They go in circles.

16-17 bars - turn to each other "boat", take a side step to the right.

18-20 bars - side step to the left.

21-24 bars - spinning "boat".

25-30 bars - dance"waltz"(the girl puts her left hand on the boy’s shoulder, and puts her right hand on the boy’s left hand. The boy puts his right hand on the girl’s belt, and gives the girl the left).

1-15 bars: They walk in pairs in a circle and stand in one line, the girls stand with their backs to the boys, and the boys face the girls. The boys have their hands behind their backs and sway from foot to foot.

Bars 16-17 - the girls, holding the handkerchief in their right hand, make 2 strokes of the handkerchief to the right.

18-19 bars - make 2 strokes with a handkerchief to the left, (handkerchief in left hand).

20-30 bars - turn to the boys and dance"waltz".

End: the boys go marching "Farewell Slav".

Dance "Katyusha"

dance an even number of boys and girls.

I. p. girls stand one behind the other, behind them the boys, stand one behind the other.

1 figure: Girls come out first, step and stand in one line to the audience.

2 figure: They go to the right side and open their arms, come back. They go to the left side and open their arms, come back.

The repetition of the melody takes 4 side steps to the right and back.

3 figure: Come out boys (girls make a spring) march, take the girls by the waist with one hand, the second connects with the girl's hand (arrow) go in circles.

4 figure: AND. P: The hands of the girls are on the shoulders of the boys, and the boys are holding the girl by the belt with both hands.

a) Make turns to the side and 3 inflows, also make in the other direction and 3 inflows.

b) Disperse, then converge and embrace.

losing: The boy takes the girl by the waist, the girl puts one hand on the boy's shoulder, the free arm is extended. They are spinning.

5 figure: They go in a circle in pairs, spinning in a boat. They go to their places

Dance "Stork on the Roof"

Song performed by S. Rotaru

4 girls dancing.

I. p. The girls stand in 4 corners, facing each other.

Introduction: The girls who stand opposite each other change places. The same movement is performed by other 2 girls.

1 verse:

“Where was it….” girls running around "fly".

"He wondered to me..."- spinning with right hands joined "star".

Chorus: Girls stand in two lines.

“People, I beg…”- go forward gradually raising their hands, shaking their hands above their heads "breeze".

into words: "In the Mist"- hide face palms, rhythmically springing legs.

"Stork on the Roof"- 2 hand swings "flap of wings".

"Peace on earth"- circling.

verse 2:

"Stork on the roof, stork's nest ..."- rebuild in a circle, stand with their backs to each other, connect palms to each other running on toes in a circle.

"Stork on the roof, happiness under the roof ..."- stop palms connected, make a spring to the left, then to the right.

Chorus: The movements are repeated.

losing: stand in pairs, hold hands and circle on outstretched arms, change position and circle, turning back to back, palms connected.

Chorus: The movements are repeated.

End: Go and pick up "Earth" (round ball drawn as a globe)

Factory girls

(dance - dramatization for the middle group)

Introduction: boys with balalaikas sit on chairs, imitate playing the balalaika.

There are lights across the river...- girls come out one after another and stand in front in one line. Hands on a shelf, in the right hand a handkerchief.

There are only guys across the river ...- the girls turn, point to the boys, shrug their shoulders.

Their service... - the girls follow each other, stand behind the chairs on which the boys are sitting.

Lose: they wave handkerchiefs over their heads.

And the commander is so strict... - they join hands, come out from behind the chairs, make a circle. They dance in a circle.


Factory girls...- hands with a shelf spring.

Meet the boys...- expose the right leg, then the lion. on your toes while spreading your arms.

Sometimes these meetings...- circling around themselves, a hand with a handkerchief raised up.

Factory girls ... -hands shelf spring.

Golden curls ... - expose the right leg, then the lion. on your toes while spreading your arms.

And love is trusting... - they circle around themselves, the hand with the handkerchief is raised up.

Loss: girls approach boys, choose a mate.

Scarlet lips... - circling in a pair of a boat to the right.

And they are dreams... - circling in a pair of boats to the left.


Factory girls with guys ... -the girl walks around the boy, waving a handkerchief. The boy has his hands behind his back, stomping on one foot.

Factory gold girls ... -the boy sits down on one knee, gives the girl his right hand, the girl goes around him, waving a handkerchief.

Chorus (repeat): a boy and a girl go arm in arm to the chairs, the boy puts the girl on his chair, he himself stands behind the chair and takes the balalaika.

To the final music, the rest of the balalaika players who did not participate in the pair dance come forward and play the instruments like rock guitarists.



(a comic number for the song “Our Heroic Strength”. Two boys participate with a clear contrast in height and weight)

Introduction . Bogatyrs come out from behind a Christmas tree or a screen. Each comes to their attributes. The big boy has a big barbell and two big weights, the little boy has a small barbell and two small weights. The heroes approach each other, shake hands and return to their places.

1 couplet.

That not formidable sky frowns ...- stretch out their hands, shake their fists at the sky.

Blades do not sparkle in the steppe ... -proudly marching

These are the fathers of Ilya Muromets ... -they hit their chests with their fists.

Students came out to fight ...marching proudly.

Losing. Everyone approaches their weights, they begin to lift. A healthy hero understands that he can’t cope, wipes the sweat from his forehead, runs to the frail hero and takes away small weights, which he barely lifts just above his knees. In turn, the frail hero shows the audience his muscles and, without any difficulty, lifts two huge weights over his head many times. Thus the heroes changed their places.

2 couplet.

Bogatyrs march to opposite walls and back, showing their “biceps” to the accent in the music

Loss: The heroes take one kettlebell in their left hand. A healthy strongman - a small weight, a frail one - a large one, and synchronously throw it into the right hand, then behind the back again into the left. Thus, having described two circles with a kettlebell around him, they raise it with his left hand above his head. Repeat twice.

It would be necessary for us to live beautifully

We need to live apart... - turntable, clap, change hands.

Our heroic strength

Strength of mind and willpower

losing . They fit the bars. A healthy strongman barely raises a small barbell to waist level, and a frail one lifts a huge barbell several times above his head, then begins to lift it with one hand: either with his left or with his right.

3 verse. The heroes slowly leave behind the Christmas tree or behind the screen.

Losing. They carry out a long paper chain, the ends of which hang on the shoulder of each strongman. Carry the burden slowly, bending over.

It would be necessary for us to live beautifully... - exactly after these words, the accent in the music breaks the chain in half, each half of the chain remains hanging on their shoulders.

We need to live apart... - each of them tear their own half to the accent in the music.

Our heroic strength... - they threaten the sky with their fists.

Strength of mind and willpower ... -beat themselves on the chest.

It would be necessary for us to live beautifully... - turntable, clap, change hands.

We need to live apart... - turntable, clap, change hands.

Our heroic strength... - turntable, free hands up, hands in fists (as if hands are ready to break through the sky)

Strength of mind and willpower... - a turntable, with the fists of their free hands they beat themselves on the chest.

Losing. They take weights, carry them behind a screen or behind a Christmas tree. A frail strongman carries weights confidently over his head, a healthy hero drags small ones. Same thing with the bars. When the music subsides, they come out, bow and leave.


Dance of the Mammoth

(middle group)

1 couplet:

On the blue sea ... - children sit on their knees, sway, as if they are swimming.

They don't scare me ... - stand up, wave their hands over their heads

I swim to the only one... - spread their arms from the chest to the sides.

I swim through the waves... - wave their hands over their heads.

To the only mother... - spread their arms from the chest to the sides.

verse 2:

Hurry to the ground ... - circle once on the jumps around them.

I am here, I have arrived... - jump up, while raising your hands up.

I will scream to her ... - palms to the mouth, as if screaming.

I will scream to my mother... - spread their arms from their chest

I will scream to my mother... - palms to the mouth, "shouting"

verse 3:

Let mom hear...- follow their mothers.

The child and mother are spinning in a pair, hands in a boat. Then the mother claps, the child jumps around her. The children pronounce the last words in the song loudly in chorus: “FINALLY IT DOES NOT HAPPEN IN THE WORLD THAT CHILDREN WERE LOST!” After these words, the children hug their mothers tightly.


Dance with toys

(Melody from the movie "Toy" with Pierre Richard)

1 figure.

Children with toys in their hands. The first four people run out in turn to a repeated musical phrase. They become scattered. Those who are already standing still perform a spring with turns. Then everyone else runs out, also becoming scattered.

To repeat the second motive - 4 swings of the arms up: right, left, right, left.

2 figure.

They squat down. Children drive toys on the floor (teach them to walk), shake hands with dolls, bears, etc.

They get up, put the toy on their hand and stroke it (as if they are lulling it)

3 figure.

Rebuild in a circle and run with toys in a circle. At the end of the musical phrase, they circle around themselves in place.

4 figure.

They put the toys on the floor, except for one child, and pass the toy in a circle.


Dance of flowers

(“Song of a Magic Flower” by S. Yu. Chichkov, music by M. Plyatskovsky from the cartoon “Silk Tassel”)

Introduction . Sitting one after another on their haunches, they sway as if the breeze is blowing.

1 couplet:

There is a flower in the world... - the children rise in turn, starting with the last girl and ending with the first (as if a flower is blooming). Then they sit down one by one (the flower closes), starting with the first and ending with the last girl. So several times 3-5, depending on the number of girls.

Maybe there for the seventh pass... - are rebuilt in a circle.

A sip fresh as the wind will flare up ... - they move in a circle.

most fabulous and... - they run on tiptoes in a circle, smoothly raising their hands.

unprecedented ... - back from the circle, hands lowered.

The most magical ... - circling around themselves.

La la la la ... - an asterisk. On repeat, change the direction of the asterisk.

verse 2:

Remembering a joyful miracle... - they sit down (the flower closes) alternately clockwise and also get up (the flower blooms) one after another, but already turn their faces in a circle.

maybe there ... - rebuild from a circle into a snake and stand in a line along the wall.

most fabulous ... - slowly run forward on toes, gently raising their hands up.

unprecedented ... - they run back, dropping their hands.

The most magical ... - circling around themselves.

La la la la - scatter in all directions and sit down in the starting position.


Gypsy dance.

(To the song "Fortuneteller" from the movie "Ah, vaudeville, vaudeville ..." performed by the group "Fabrika")

1 couplet.

Gypsies with tambourines come out from behind the screen, waving their skirts and line up in a wedge.


Side step to the right + blows to the tambourine for "one" at the top right, for "two" at the bottom right,

Side step to the left + blows to the tambourine for "one" at the top left, for "two" at the bottom left.

(4 times)

To repeat the chorus: two side steps to the right + shake the tambourine with the right hand at the top right, and with the left hand we swing the skirt, then two side steps to the left + shake the right hand with the tambourine at the top right, with the left hand we swing the skirt.

(2 times)

2 couplet.

“Fortune-telling predicts happiness in life ...” - a square of side steps: forward, right, back, left (2 times)

“The old cards will fall like a fan ...” - we lean forward, shaking our shoulders, arching back, shaking our shoulders. (2 times).

Chorus: repeated.

verse 3:

They're walking along big circle, waving skirts, then line up in a semicircle. At the end of the verse, they sit on their knees.

Chorus: beats on a tambourine for "one" at the top right, for "two" at the bottom right, for "three" at the top left, for "four" at the bottom left. (4 times)

To repeat the chorus, sitting on their knees, they describe a semicircle with their torso, moving their shoulders.

After the chorus to the repeated phrases “Well, what can I say (4 times), I want to know, I want to know what will happen (6 times)”, the presenter leads the gypsies out of the circle to the audience with an outstretched hand. One after another, the gypsies pass, and go behind the screen, looking at the audience.- wave hands over head

Loss: circling on a stomping step, spring.

2 couplet.

The children walk around in a circle.

Chorus and loss. The movements are the same.

3 verse.

Children, holding hands, go to the center of the circle, gradually raising their hands up. They take the hero and disperse in all directions facing the viewer.

The chorus and the break are repeated.

On the last chord, raise your hands up.