Neosmectin - complete instructions. Neosmectin for children: instructions for use Neosmectin instructions for use

Neosmectin is an excellent remedy for diarrhea. With diarrhea of ​​any origin, it quickly removes all unpleasant symptoms. It also helps to quickly cope with indigestion. Many already know a drug with a similar therapeutic effect- Smekta. Neosmectin - new drug which has good medicinal properties. It is quite affordable. This drug is domestic, while Smecta is French. Their composition is identical, but the price can be quite different.

A very important advantage of Neosmectin over other sorbents is that its composition is dominated by components plant origin. It contains a minimum amount of chemical additives. This means that patients will not suffer from unwanted side effects. It works gently, quickly and reliably. Due to its unique composition, it has a pronounced stabilizing effect and is an effective adsorbent. If toxic substances or harmful microorganisms have entered the body, Neosmectin will quickly deal with them. We will find out how it works, how to take it correctly, in which cases it is not necessary to take it, and also what side effects and contraindications to taking it can be.

How Neosmectin works

Diarrhea occurs when excess fluid accumulates in the intestines for some reason. Neosmectin can quickly absorb excess fluid from the intestines, thereby relieving the patient from the manifestations of diarrhea. But this unique effect does not end the action of the drug. It also fights viruses and harmful bacteria very well. If pathogenic microorganisms have appeared in the gastrointestinal tract, then taking Neosmectin is the right decision. But it is better to consult a doctor before that in order to know exactly why diarrhea began, what the treatment regimen should be. If you use Neosmectin, the instructions for use are important in order to choose the right dose and treatment regimen. Thus, you will get the maximum therapeutic effect.

In order not to get the opposite effect and not risk your health, it is important to read the instructions very carefully before taking the drug. It describes in sufficient detail and in an accessible way the treatment regimen for various pathologies of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract. If you take it in the doses that are recommended, then intestinal motility will not suffer, and you will quickly get the desired therapeutic effect. Neosmectin is able to cope with many types of diarrhea.

Neosmectin is a fairly popular remedy for diarrhea. It has a pronounced adsorbing and antidiarrheal effect. Such a therapeutic effect is provided by its main component. Active substance drug - dioctahedral smectite. It has the following therapeutic properties:

  1. Antidiarrheal. The drug quickly stops the phenomenon of diarrhea, normalizes intestinal motility.
  2. Adsorbent. It is able to remove toxins from the body, due to which the condition of the gastrointestinal tract quickly stabilizes.
  3. Enveloping. It favorably affects the condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, enveloping them. Getting on the mucous membrane, Neosmectin stimulates its production. This means that the protective effect of the cyst is enhanced. The drug relieves inflammation, prevents the irritating effect of food and other drugs on the mucous membrane.
  4. Gastroprotective. The drug is often prescribed to protect the gastrointestinal tract from harmful bacteria and toxins. It is able to quickly stabilize the work of the gastrointestinal tract in case of poisoning, allergies.

Neosmectin: indications for use

Very often, the phenomenon of diarrhea becomes just one of the many symptoms of a gastrointestinal disorder. It is joined by nausea, belching, increased gas formation, vomiting. These symptoms often occur due to gastritis - inflammation of the walls of the stomach lining. Therefore, it is very important to protect the mucous membrane. Due to the fact that Neosmectin can stabilize the gastrointestinal mucosa, it quickly eliminates inflammation. This drug is used by gastroenterologists, as it has pronounced enveloping properties. After its application, there is an improvement in the work of all the most important parts of the gastrointestinal tract. It increases the ability of mucus to attach to the walls of organs digestive system, stabilizes its barrier. When treated with Neosmectin, doctors observed an increase in the ability of mucus to protect the digestive organs. In the intestines, mucus reliably protects the body from the influence of hydrogen ions, toxins and pathogens. All these irritants are quite sensitive to this drug. Neosmectin also has a slight ability to swell. This effect is not so pronounced, but it also affects its therapeutic effect.

An important advantage of Neosmectin is that it does not affect the normal state of intestinal motility. But it is important to understand that we are talking about the recommended doses of the drug. If you exceed the recommended dose, then you can provoke a violation of intestinal motility. Studies have shown that Neosmectin is able to absorb pathogens and toxins that enter the intestinal lumen. Due to this, diarrhea and gastrointestinal upset quickly pass.

The convenient form of release of the drug makes it available for use in almost any conditions. Neosmectin powder is packaged in convenient sachets. The main thing is to have something to dilute it and get a suspension. The resulting suspension must be taken according to the instructions. Sachets for single use are packed in a cardboard box. The number of sachets per box may vary. There is a package of three small bags, and there are thirty. Which one to buy is up to you.

When should you take Neosmectin?

Diarrhea can lie in wait for us quite unexpectedly. Nobody is immune from it. Even if you eat right, avoid fast food or just poor quality food, this does not mean that diarrhea will not happen to you. There can be many reasons for its appearance:

  1. All kinds of infections. We are surrounded by millions, billions of harmful microorganisms. You can't even imagine how many of them live now on your keyboard or mouse! Entering public transport, picking up money or simply shaking hands with a friend, we immediately populate the surface of our palms with whole colonies of pathogenic bacteria. They are in unimaginable quantities on door handles, clothes, hygiene items, toys, dishes and other things familiar to us.
  2. Allergy. We often forget that it's not just infections that cause diarrhea. It can be an allergic manifestation to the ingestion of a certain allergen. In this case, it is important to determine to which particular allergen such a violent reaction occurred. common cause diarrhea may be a food allergy.
  3. The use of certain drugs. Some medications can also cause diarrhea. To avoid this, it is important to strictly observe the dosage and the scheme of their use. Remember that a specialist should prescribe treatment!
  4. If the diet has been violated. In violation of normal nutrition, the body can also violently protest. Appears diarrhea, dyspepsia, worsening appetite and general well-being.
  5. Eating poor quality food. It is very important that our body receives a complete and high-quality nutrition. Do not eat a lot of fatty, fried, smoked meats. Make sure food is fresh. And try to buy those products that contain a minimum amount of dyes and preservatives. Pay attention to the expiration date of the product. The longer it is, the more preservatives it contains. It has already been proven that preservatives enter our body from food and negatively affect it. This is very harmful for adults, but for children it is simply unacceptable! Be careful when buying baby food! Don't give him too many sweets. Chips and crackers are very harmful. They contain a lot of salt, spices and flavorings. It is also better not to buy juices in the store, but to prepare them yourself. Eat more fermented milk products. They contain useful bifido and lactobacilli. Vegetables and fruits are very useful for the intestines. But meat can cause stagnation and even rotting in it. For the proper functioning of the intestines, it is important to prevent the appearance of dysbacteriosis. If you often experience diarrhea, bloating, rumbling in the intestinal area, consult a doctor and get tested. Perhaps he will prescribe you not only Neosmectin, but also a drug from the probiotic group. The point is that due to malnutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle, the beneficial intestinal microflora suffers greatly. Probiotics help restore it.

Neosmectin is also taken in complex treatment all kinds of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps to relieve a number of unpleasant symptoms: bloating, diarrhea, nausea. If you need to quickly get rid of heartburn, you can also take it. Removes this drug bloating, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Neosmectin is recommended to be taken with such pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • diarrhea due to medication;
  • diarrhea due to allergies;
  • diarrhea due to a violation of a balanced diet or the use of low-quality food;
  • with peptic ulcer;
  • with gastroduodenitis;
  • with duodenal ulcer;
  • at various symptoms violations of the digestive tract (heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn, discomfort, flatulence);
  • in the treatment of various colitis.

Also, the drug is often used in the complex treatment of infectious diarrhea. But it is important to remember that Neosmectin can adsorb other drugs. Therefore, it should not be taken simultaneously with other medicines. Wait an hour or two after taking Neosmectin before you can take the rest of your medications.

How to take Neosmectin

The correct use of the drug largely determines how effective it will work. Therefore, Neosmectin must be taken as described in its instructions. You can also consult with your doctor. As we have already mentioned, the drug is packaged in powder form. You need to take one sachet of this product and dissolve it in 100 ml of water (warm). Mix the resulting suspension well. Neosmectin is taken by mouth. Adults and children over 12 years old take 1 sachet three times a day. For children under 12 years old, the powder is diluted in 50 ml of water (warm). It is permissible to give this drug to babies who are not yet 1 year old. But only with the permission of the doctor. In no case do not self-medicate the baby! Children under 1 year old are prescribed 3 grams of the drug, at the age of 1-2 years - 6 grams each, after two years - 6-9 grams each. This dose is daily. It is very important that it be divided into several methods. Most often, it is 2-3 doses per day. You can also add Neosmectin powder to children food or I'm going. At the same time, its effectiveness will not decrease at all, and you will get a good therapeutic effect. If you have a little prepared suspension left, do not rush to pour it out. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 16 hours. It is important that the suspension is stored in a closed container. Such a suspension, which has been stored for some time, should be shaken well immediately before use.

There is no data on whether Neosmectin can be used during pregnancy or when breastfeeding. Such studies have not been carried out. Therefore, it is better for such patients to consult a doctor. If you believe the instructions, then during pregnancy and lactation, this drug can be used, since it is not absorbed, and works locally. However, it is important to remember that it can provoke constipation. This is due to the fact that the sorbent reduces the amount of free fluid in the intestine. When taking Neosmectin, you need to drink a lot (not less than 2 liters per day).

There is also Neosmectin with various flavorings. There are raspberry, orange, lemon. They are recommended for children. So the baby will be more pleasant to take the medicine.


Please note that Neosmectin has some contraindications for use! You can not take this remedy for intestinal obstruction. Also, do not use the drug if you are allergic to any of its components. Very carefully you need to take the drug to those patients who suffer from diabetes. The fact is that Neosmectin contains a little dextrose. It is used in it as an auxiliary substance. In diabetic patients, dextrose can cause dangerous adverse reactions. It is also important to understand that Neosmectin can affect the rate and extent of absorption. useful substances from the gastrointestinal tract. This may interfere with the absorption of components of other medicines. Therefore, doctors share the reception of Neosmectin and others medicines and sometimes refuse to use it at all. complex therapy. Neosmectin and other medicines should be taken at least one hour apart.

Side effects

Almost every drug has side effects. Neosmectin is no exception. Although its side effects are observed quite rarely, you need to know about them, and take the medicine strictly according to the required dosage. According to some practitioners, with a sharp decrease in the dosage of Neosmectin, constipation began in some patients. It didn't happen often, but it did happen. Therefore, it is important not to abuse this remedy. It is important to understand that any remedy for diarrhea in one way or another affects intestinal motility. If too much abuse of such means, then intestinal motility may weaken. This leads to constipation.

If you take Neosmectin long enough and therapeutic effect If you don't see it, it's time to see a doctor. He may just prescribe you another drug. Do not exceed the recommended dosage and frequency of taking the drug! Follow all the recommendations that are set out in the instructions! Feel free to read it carefully.

In some patients who started treatment with Neosmectin, its individual intolerance was observed. Against its background began to appear allergic reactions. Therefore, it is important to know that you are not allergic to this drug or any of its ingredients. If you are taking this remedy for the first time, do so as directed by your doctor. If the allergy still manifests itself, pause in treatment and consult a doctor. Remember that there are a number of other drugs that can help manage diarrhea.

Do not prescribe this drug to yourself! If you have any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, if you are worried about diarrhea, nausea, gas formation and other symptoms, contact your doctor. To understand whether you need to take Neosmectin, you need to assess the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe certain tests, conduct an examination. If you are nevertheless prescribed Neosmectin, take this drug rationally. Despite the fact that it is of plant origin, do not exceed the dose recommended in the instructions. Remember that shock doses of the drug can cause constipation!

If constipation still appears, it is important to normalize normal intestinal motility as soon as possible. To do this, the dosage of Neosmectin must be reduced. Do not take this medicine if the expiration date has passed.

Neosmectin is a remedy that is mainly used to treat diarrhea of ​​various origins.

Neosmectin also has an adsorbing therapeutic effect. It helps to increase the amount of mucus and stabilize the mucous barrier in the gastrointestinal tract.

Available in the form of a soluble powder with various flavors.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antidiarrheal drug with adsorbent action.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Neosmectin cost in pharmacies? The average price is at the level of 130 rubles.

Release form and composition

Neosmectin is produced in the form of powder for suspension for oral administration (vanilla, lemon, raspberry or orange): from grayish or yellowish white to brownish or grayish yellow, with a vanilla smell; the prepared suspension has the color of a powder and the smell corresponding to the flavor (in bags of 3.76 g, 10 or 30 bags in a carton pack (vanilla), 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 or 30 bags in a carton pack or plastic bags ( lemon), 10 packs per carton pack (raspberry and orange)).

1 package includes:

  • Active substance: dioctahedral smectite - 3000 mg;
  • Auxiliary components (vanilla / lemon / raspberry / orange): dextrose monohydrate (glucose monohydrate) - 749/726/726/726 mg; sodium saccharin (sodium saccharin) - 7/7/7/7 mg; vanillin - 4/4/4/4 mg; lemon flavor - 0/23/0/0 mg; raspberry flavor - 0/0/23/0 mg; orange flavor - 0/0/0/23 mg.

Pharmacological effect

Neosmectin is an effective antidiarrheal drug of natural origin, which has an adsorbing effect. The use of the drug contributes to the stabilization of the mucous barrier, the formation of polyvalent bonds with mucus glycoproteins, the improvement of the gastroprotective properties of mucus (in relation to the action of bile salts, hydrochloric acid, microorganisms and their toxins), as well as an increase in the amount of mucus.

This tool has a selective sorption effect, which is due to the discoid-crystal structure of the drug. Wherein this remedy adsorbs bacteria and viruses located in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug, used in therapeutic doses, does not have a direct effect on intestinal motility.

Indications for use

What does the medicine help? Neosmectin is effective in diarrhea of ​​various origins, accompanying gastrointestinal pathology:

  1. At loose stool, which arose as a result of an infectious pathology of the intestine and the accumulation of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. If diarrhea is the result of an allergic reaction of the body to drugs or certain foods.
  3. With food poisoning as a result of eating products of dubious quality, accompanied by bloating and diarrhea.


The medicine should not be taken with:

  • intestinal obstruction, constipation;
  • diabetes mellitus, so the composition contains glucose;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug - fructose, glucose, dioctahedral smectite.

The agent can affect the rate of absorption of the intestine, therefore, between taking Neosmectin and other drugs, some time should pass, at least an hour. Side effects also include constipation, allergic manifestations. When the dosage is exceeded, cases of violation of peristalsis are observed.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Negative effects on the fetus during pregnancy and on the child during breastfeeding have not been identified. In addition, it is known that the drug is not absorbed into the blood, and therefore the use of this drug during pregnancy and lactation is allowed, but before that, a medical consultation should be carried out.

The course of treatment during pregnancy should not be more than three days, as this can cause constipation, which is not uncommon in this position.

Dosage and method of application

The instructions for use indicate that the suspension is taken orally. Recommended doses of adsorbent per day depending on age:

  • Children under 1 year - 1 sachet;
  • Children 1-2 years old - 2 sachets;
  • Children 2-12 years old - 2-3 sachets;
  • Adults and children over 12 years old - 3 sachets.
  • The daily dose is divided into 3-4 doses.

Powder gradually pour into the liquid and stir evenly:

  • Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 3 g (1 sachet) 3 times / day. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in 100 ml of water, gradually pouring in the powder and stirring it evenly.
  • For children under the age of 12, the contents of the sachet are dissolved in 50 ml of liquid. Children under the age of 1 year are prescribed 3 g (1 sachet) per day; at the age of 1-2 years - 6 g (2 sachets) per day; older than 2 years - 6-9 g (2-3 sachets) per day. The daily dose is divided into 3-4 doses during the day.

Side effects

When using Neosmectin, according to patients, the development of constipation is sometimes possible. When observing this side effect a reduction in the dosage of the drug is required, usually this is enough to restore bowel activity.

Also, taking the medication can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions, in such cases, you should stop using the suspension and consult a doctor.


Cases of overdose in clinical practice not noted, since there is no systemic absorption of the drug.

special instructions

Before you start using the drug, read the special instructions:

  1. The interval between taking Neosmectin and other drugs should be 1-2 hours.
  2. For small children, the contents of the sachet are dissolved in a baby bottle (50 ml) and divided into several doses throughout the day, or mixed with some semi-liquid product (porridge, puree, compote, baby food).
  3. In the event that a single dose is less than 1 sachet, the prepared unused suspension should be stored in a closed container in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 ° C for no more than 16 hours. Shake the suspension thoroughly before each dose.
  4. 1 sachet of Neosmectin (3.76 g) contains 0.06 XE, the daily dose of the drug for adults (3 sachets) is 0.19 XE.

drug interaction

Reduces the rate and degree of absorption of simultaneously taken drugs.

Antidiarrheal drug with adsorbent action

Active substance

Release form, composition and packaging

Powder for suspension for oral administration (vanilla) from yellowish or grayish white to grayish or brownish yellow, with a vanilla smell; prepared vanilla suspension from yellowish or grayish white to grayish or brownish yellow, with a vanilla smell.

1 sachet
smectite dioctahedral 3 g

Excipients: dextrose monohydrate (monohydrate) - 0.749 g, sodium saccharinate (sodium saccharin) - 0.007 g, vanillin - 0.004 g.

Powder for suspension for oral administration (orange) from yellowish or grayish white to grayish or brownish yellow, with a vanilla smell; prepared orange suspension from yellowish or grayish white to grayish or brownish yellow, with an orange-vanilla odor.

1 sachet
smectite dioctahedral 3 g

Excipients: dextrose monohydrate (glucose monohydrate) - 0.726 g, sodium saccharinate (sodium saccharin) - 0.007 g, vanillin - 0.004 g, orange flavor - 0.023 g.

3.76 g of the drug (3 g active substance) - heat-sealed sachets made of combined material (1) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the preparation (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from a combined material (3) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the preparation (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from the combined material (5) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the drug (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from the combined material (10) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the drug (3 g of the active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from the combined material (20) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the preparation (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from a combined material (30) - packs of cardboard.

Powder for suspension for oral administration (lemon) from yellowish or grayish white to grayish or brownish yellow, with a vanilla smell; prepared lemon suspension from yellowish or grayish white to grayish or brownish yellow, with a lemon-vanilla odor.

1 sachet
smectite dioctahedral 3 g

Excipients: dextrose monohydrate (glucose monohydrate) - 0.726 g, sodium saccharinate (sodium saccharin) - 0.007 g, vanillin - 0.004 g, lemon flavor - 0.023 g.

3.76 g of the drug (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from the combined material (1) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the preparation (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from a combined material (3) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the preparation (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from the combined material (5) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the drug (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from the combined material (10) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the drug (3 g of the active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from the combined material (20) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the preparation (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from a combined material (30) - packs of cardboard.

Powder for suspension for oral administration (raspberry) from yellowish or grayish white to grayish or brownish yellow, with a vanilla smell; prepared raspberry suspension from yellowish or grayish white to grayish or brownish yellow, with a raspberry-vanilla smell.

1 sachet
smectite dioctahedral 3 g

Excipients: dextrose monohydrate (glucose monohydrate) - 0.726 g, sodium saccharinate (sodium saccharin) - 0.007 g, vanillin - 0.004 g, raspberry flavor - 0.023 g.

3.76 g of the drug (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from the combined material (1) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the preparation (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from a combined material (3) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the preparation (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from the combined material (5) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the drug (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from the combined material (10) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the drug (3 g of the active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from the combined material (20) - packs of cardboard.
3.76 g of the preparation (3 g of active substance) - heat-sealed sachets from a combined material (30) - packs of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

The drug of natural origin, has an adsorbing effect. Stabilizes the mucous barrier, forms polyvalent bonds with mucus glycoproteins, increases the amount of mucus, improves its gastroprotective properties (in relation to the action of hydrochloric acid, bile salts, microorganisms and their toxins). It has selective sorption properties, which are explained by its discoid-crystal structure. Adsorbs bacteria and viruses located in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. In therapeutic doses, it does not have a direct effect on intestinal motility.


Not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, excreted unchanged.



  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Carefully: diabetes(due to the presence of dextrose in the preparation).


The drug is taken orally.

Adults and children over 12 years old appoint 3 g (1 sachet) 3 times / day. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in 100 ml of water, gradually pouring in the powder and stirring it evenly.

Children under the age of 12 the contents of the sachet are dissolved in 50 ml of liquid. Children under 1 year old appoint 3 g (1 sachet) per day; at the age of 1-2 years- 6 g (2 sachets) per day; over 2 years old - 6-9 g (2-3 sachets) per day. The daily dose is divided into 3-4 doses during the day.

Diarrhea is an annoying disease that always occurs at the wrong time. Many medicines, however, cure it, but at the same time cause serious damage. internal organs. The most popular and safe drug for diarrhea today is Neosmectin. Instructions for use this medicine very simple, but more on that below. What is this wonderful "doctor"?

Every mother whose child once suffered from diarrhea is familiar with Neosmectin. For newborns, this medicine is suitable in the same way as for adults - no side effect until today no one noticed. On any parent forum on the Internet, you can find rave reviews from young parents who got rid of an unpleasant illness in a day or two using Neosmectin. During pregnancy, this drug is also safe for both the mother and the fetus, but clinical testing in pregnant women has not been conducted. If you are interested in the positive properties of the drug for use, it is waiting for you below.

This medicine is a powder with the smell of vanillin, which is easily soluble in water. "Neosmectin" for newborns and children is easy to drink because it does not have a disgusting taste. Belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of drugs against diarrhea. Note that "Neosmectin" consists entirely of components of natural origin.

When should you take Neosmectin? Instructions for use notes the following diseases: gastritis, diarrhea, colitis, eating disorders, eating poor-quality food. In addition, this miracle drug relieves heartburn, or just discomfort, which is very typical for small children and newborns.

How does Neosmectin work? Once in the body, the drug immediately stabilizes barrier function mucous membrane, increases its quantity, fights bacteria and viruses in the intestines, removes microorganisms, toxins, bile salts, etc. But if you are hypersensitive to drugs of this kind or it is better not to take this medicine, but immediately consult a doctor .

How and when to drink "Neosmectin"? Instructions for use notes the following: adults should take the medicine one sachet three times a day. We take a glass half-filled with water and dissolve the contents of one sachet, but pour the powder into the water gradually, and not immediately. As for children, if your child is not a year old, then one sachet per day will be enough for him. Children 1-2 years old are already prescribed 2 sachets, and for older children already 2-3. It should be noted that if Neosmectin is taken by a non-adult, then the sachet should be dissolved in 50 ml of water, juice, soup, etc. In the case of infants, give the medicine by dissolving it in milk through a bottle.

Children sometimes experience allergic reactions, constipation begins, which should be treated by gradually reducing the dose of neosmectin. In addition, you should not take this drug along with other medicines, because. in this case, "Neosmectin" will reduce the speed and extent of the impact of other drugs. To avoid this, for the most effective treatment, take this drug 1-2 hours apart before or after other remedies.

"Neosmectin" is 4 years old, so it is very convenient to keep a few bags at home just in case at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees.

Thus, you should always have "Neosmectin" in the medicine cabinet. The instructions for use presented above should have convinced you of this. Of course, we hope that you will not need this drug, but it is better to play it safe.

wish good health you and your loved ones!

INSTRUCTIONS for medical use drug

Registration number:



Neosmectin ®

МНН or primer name:

smectite dioctahedral

Dosage form:

powder for suspension for oral administration [vanilla, orange, lemon, raspberry].

Ingredients per sachet:

powder for oral suspension [vanilla]:
active substance:
Excipients: dextrose monohydrate (glucose monohydrate) - 0.749 g, sodium saccharinate (sodium saccharin) - 0.007 g, vanillin - 0.004 g;

Powder for oral suspension [orange]:
active substance: dioctahedral smectite - 3 g
Excipients: dextrose monohydrate (glucose monohydrate) - 0.726 g, sodium saccharinate (sodium saccharin) - 0.007 g, vanillin - 0.004 g, orange flavor - 0.023 g;

Powder for oral suspension [lemon]:
active substance: dioctahedral smectite - 3 g
Excipients: dextrose monohydrate (glucose monohydrate) - 0.726 g, sodium saccharinate (sodium saccharin) - 0.007 g, vanillin - 0.004 g, lemon flavor - 0.023 g;

Powder for oral suspension [raspberry]:
active substance: dioctahedral smectite - 3 g
Excipients: dextrose monohydrate (glucose monohydrate) - 0.726 g, sodium saccharinate (sodium saccharin) - 0.007 g, vanillin - 0.004 g, raspberry flavor - 0.023 g.


Powder from yellowish or grayish white to grayish or brownish yellow with a vanilla smell.
Description of the prepared suspension:
- vanilla: suspension from yellowish or grayish white to grayish or brownish yellow with a vanilla smell;
- orange: suspension from yellowish or grayish white to grayish or brownish yellow with an orange-vanilla odor;
- lemon: suspension from yellowish or grayish white to grayish or brownish yellow with a lemon-vanilla odor;
- raspberry: suspension from yellowish or grayish white to grayish or brownish yellow with a raspberry-vanilla odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATC code: A07BC05

Pharmacological properties

The drug of natural origin, has an adsorbing effect.
Stabilizes the mucous barrier, forms polyvalent bonds with mucus glycoproteins, increases the amount of mucus, improves its gastroprotective properties (in relation to negative action hydrochloric acid, bile salts, microorganisms and their toxins). It has selective sorption properties, which are explained by its discoid-crystal structure. Adsorbs bacteria and viruses located in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. In therapeutic doses, it does not have a direct effect on intestinal motility.

Not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, excreted unchanged.

Indications for use

Diarrhea (allergic, medicinal genesis; in case of violation of the diet and the qualitative composition of the food).
Diarrhea of ​​infectious origin - as part of complex therapy.
Treatment of symptoms associated with diseases of the stomach and intestines (heartburn, feeling of heaviness, bloating and discomfort in the abdomen).


Hypersensitivity, intestinal obstruction.

Diabetes mellitus (due to the presence of dextrose in the preparation).

Dosage and administration

inside. Adults and children over 12 years: 1 sachet 3 times a day. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in 100 ml of water, gradually pouring in the powder and stirring it evenly.

Children under 12 years old - the contents of the sachet are dissolved in 50 ml of liquid. Under the age of 1 year - 1 sachet per day; from 1 year to 2 years - 2 sachets per day; children over 2 years old - 2-3 sachets per day. The daily dose is divided into 3-4 doses during the day.

Side effect

Constipation (as a rule, bowel function is restored with a decrease in the dose of the drug), allergic reactions.

Interaction with other drugs

Reduces the rate and degree of absorption of simultaneously taken drugs.

special instructions

For small children, the contents of the sachet are dissolved in a baby bottle (50 ml) and divided into several doses throughout the day or mixed with some semi-liquid product (porridge, puree, compote, baby food).
In the event that a single dose is less than 1 sachet, the prepared unused suspension should be stored in a closed container in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 ° C for no more than 16 hours. Shake the suspension thoroughly before each dose.
The interval between taking Neosmectin ® and other medicines should be 1-2 hours.
One sachet of Neosmectin (3.76 g) contains 0.06 bread units, the daily dose of the drug for adults (3 sachets) is 0.19 bread units.

Release form

Powder for suspension for oral administration [vanilla, orange, lemon, raspberry] 3 g.
3.76 g of the drug (3 g of active substance) in heat-sealed bags made of combined material.
1, 3, 5,10, 20 or 30 sachets, together with instructions for use, in a plastic bag or a pack of cardboard.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not higher than 25 °C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

4 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Without recipe.

Name and address of the manufacturer / organization accepting claims