What not to do after facial mesothreads. Rehabilitation after thread lifting

In the field of modern cosmetology, there is a whole range of techniques that can cope with age-related skin problems. One of these methods is mesothreads. This unique facial reinforcement technique is gaining more and more popularity. At the same time, it is still not known for certain how effective it is, and most importantly, how safe it is. The same applies to possible side effects. The editors of Estet-portal decided to understand this technique in more detail and turned to specialists for help. Our questions were answered by practicing cosmetologists from Russia and Ukraine.

Mesothreads in cosmetology: important information for specialists

The year 2013 was marked by an explosion of interest in a new minimally invasive technique for rejuvenating the face, neck and décolleté using the implantation of smooth resorbable threads based on polydiaxone (PDO). This technique was developed and started to be used in South Korea two years ago, and quickly spread to the countries of Southeast Asia (China, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Japan, Philippines). Currently, she is gaining her popularity in Russia and Ukraine. Until now, there is no established name either for the threads themselves or for the method based on their application.

Most often, such threads are called "mesothreads", but there are other terms: "microthreads", "3D threads".

The technique itself is often called "threadlifting". (A.A. Sharova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cosmetology and Cellular Technologies, Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow).

On the one hand, everything is correct - literal translation from the English language, the phrase “thread lifting” means “thread lifting”. However, the term “threadlifting” is not new and, according to prevailing ideas, refers to a minimally invasive facelift operation using special threads with micro-notches / cones / teeth. In Ukraine, these techniques are represented by the world's leading brands - Aptos, Silhouette Lift. This technique is well known and recognized all over the world. In 2005, it was approved by the US FDA.


  • thread lifting technique: basic information about mesothreads;
  • comments of leading specialists of aesthetic medicine in Russia about mesothreads;
  • commentary by a practicing Ukrainian cosmetologist about mesothreads;
  • important information about the safety and effectiveness of mesothreads;
  • what makes the doctor opt for “mesothreads.

Thread lifting technique: basic information about mesothreads

It is worth emphasizing once again that "thread lifting" with the use of such certified and internationally recognized brands as Aptos, Silhouette Lift is fundamentally different from the "mesonite // 3D threads", which are actually discussed in this publication. Briefly about the technique The system for setting the thread is a hollow flexible steel needle, in the lumen of which a segment of a smooth thread based on PDO is freely placed. Part of the thread is outside the needle and is fixed with a foam ball or piece of foam rubber. The needles can have a different caliber, their length is 25-120mm. An important condition for an adequate procedure is the correct level of implantation of the thread. If the needle is not inserted at an adequate level, there is no way to remove it along with the thread. The thread inserted into the needle is a monofilament structure, made of polydiaxone, a material that has long been used in surgery for stitching tissues, biodegrades in tissues within 4-6 months. After application anesthesia, the needle is subcutaneously passed to its full length along the intended trajectory. Then the needle is removed, and the thread remains in the tissues.

When comparing the properties of five types of materials used for skin stitching, it was PDO that was characterized by the least manifestations of irritating action. A group of researchers analyzed the results of wound healing after applying more than 1500 intradermal sutures using PDO threads. Clinically, after the initial lifting is achieved, there is a slow increase in the effect and an improvement in the quality characteristics of the skin over the next approximately 4 months. Depending on the area of ​​injection and the number of threads inserted rehabilitation period takes about a week. The most common adverse events observed after the introduction of PDO threads are hemorrhages, soreness and swelling of the implantation zone. After the procedure, the patient may experience some discomfort during active movements in the places where PDO threads are installed.

Comments of leading specialists of aesthetic medicine in Russia about mesothreads

The method of threadlifting with smooth PDO threads has appeared quite recently, we are just beginning to accumulate our own clinical experience, develop scientifically and clinically substantiated approaches to placing threads. The technique still requires detailed study, clinical and experimental studies and analysis of possible long-term effects, both positive and negative. Only a calm, reasonable attitude to the method, without prejudice, but without unnecessary euphoria, will determine its place in the arsenal of therapeutic cosmetology. (A.A. Sharova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cosmetology and Cellular Technologies, Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, 2013).

I don't have much experience with threading yet. Limited to 3 months. I did not observe any adverse events in my patients, with the exception of swelling and soreness during the first week after the procedure. However, patients came for a consultation both with complications of an infectious and inflammatory nature, and those associated with the migration of the thread to the skin surface. The euphoria associated with the use of "mesothreads" will certainly pass soon, and it will be replaced by balanced recommendations and proven methods of setting threads. (E.I. Karpova, Ph.D., plastic surgeon, Danischuk Clinic, Moscow, 2013).

My experience with threads does not exceed a year, and observations of patients indicate that the cosmetic effect lasts for 2.5-11 months. To achieve a lasting effect, we carry out an additional procedure 1-3 months after the first one. Highly important point prevention of infectious complications:

  • thorough make-up removal of the entire face;
  • double treatment of the skin, including the hairline, with an antiseptic solution;
  • isolation of hair and neck with fixed sterile wipes;
  • after the implantation of the threads, the skin is carefully treated with an antiseptic;
  • before the procedure, quartz treatment is carried out in the office.

Typical adverse events after the procedure are local hemorrhages and swelling. At the stage of mastering the technique, one of my patients developed an extensive hematoma in the temporal region, which “slid” onto the cheekbone. The patient complained of pain during articulation and chewing. Another patient developed severe edema that persisted for more than a week.

With regards to other undesirable phenomena, only two cases were noted in my practice: displacement and eruption of the thread 3 days after the procedure. We removed the "cut through" thread, we could not remove the displaced thread, we are monitoring the patient.

The patient of one of the colleagues had an infectious complication - an abscess of the soft tissues of the cheek. The abscess was surgically treated against the background of antibiotic therapy, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing therapy. Also, once I consulted a patient with the visualization of the threads under the skin when they were implanted too superficially (shone through with blue stripes). Threads have been removed. In my experience, the most common adverse event is the lack of results! Summing up, I would like to say that the method and materials are promising, but they need additional study. Of course, we want the promises that companies give us and that we broadcast to patients to come true. (M.A. Shirshakova, Ph.D., dermatovenereologist, assistant of the Department of General Medicine, RMAPE, scientific consultant of the REC “Expert”, Moscow, 2013).

Indeed, when threads such as Aptos or Silhouette Lift are implanted, they are fixed to the skin or fascia. And due to the tension due to the presence of micro-notches or micro-cones, a pronounced lifting effect develops - the movement of the soft tissue array upwards, against the vector of gravitational ptosis. When using smooth threads, direct tissue displacement is not possible. Today, the implantation of PDS threads is a "fashionable verdict".

In the future, I expect a significant increase in the number of these procedures. This is due to the availability of the technique for cosmetologists. The clinical experience accumulated over time will allow us to improve the methodology and clearly formulate indications and contraindications for aesthetic threadlifting. It is possible to discuss the real possibilities of the procedure, its advantages and disadvantages only in the future. (M.I. Barannik, Ph.D., plastic surgeon, associate professor of the department plastic surgery FPKVR RUDN University, head of the clinic "Diamand", Moscow, 2013).

Commentary by a practicing Ukrainian cosmetologist about mesothreads

  1. The technique was developed and started its application in South Korea two years ago; leading specialists in the field of aesthetic medicine in Russia have less than a year of experience in applying this technique.
  2. In Ukraine, the widespread use of the methodology began even later than in Russia, therefore, the presence of a significant practical experience and, as a result, understanding the effectiveness (feasibility) of the methodology, the risks of developing the nearest and long-term effects speech is not.
  3. At the time of writing this article, "mesothreads" are not widely used both in Western Europe and in the USA, the technique is not certified by the FDA, the USA, which is a good form rule for ALL cosmetic preparations, equipment and methods, medical preparations; every doctor in his practice is constantly faced with certain “result / safety” weights when deciding on the appropriateness of this or that method of treatment, this or that procedure.

Important information about the safety and effectiveness of mesothreads

The safety and effectiveness of the use of mesothreads depends on many factors, and the decision to use them is made only by a specialist.


  • in the vast majority of patients, the rehabilitation period takes about a week;
  • the most common adverse events observed after the introduction of PDO threads are hemorrhages, soreness and swelling of the implantation zone;
  • only for the last 5 months of 2013. we observed more than 20 patients who underwent the procedure of setting "mesothreads" in various institutions of Donetsk and the region with more serious complications. Such as: purulent inflammation along the threads (violation of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis during the procedure), aseptic inflammation that developed several weeks after the threads were placed (probably, we are talking about an allergic reaction of the body to the inserted suture material) - the most complex complication, which is extremely difficult to correct even by surgery, contouring and protrusion of the ends of the threads under the skin (violation of the method of setting the threads, or the nuances of the technique itself); moreover, these are only those cases when the doctor who performed the procedure was not able to solve the problem that arose and the patient turned to a specialized medical institution, but how many such cases are there in total?


  • manufacturing companies announce two effects achieved when setting “mesothreads” - lifting (skin tightening and improvement of facial features) and improvement of the quality characteristics of the skin.
  • in modern aesthetic medicine, there are at least two directions aimed at achieving a lifting effect (threads with protrusions or cones are more effective in this regard - Aptos or Silhouette Lift; hardware technologies that work on various levels– CO2 lasers, radio wave lifting; ultrasonic SMAS-lifting), which have a more pronounced effect and, what is important, an understandable, high safety profile, confirmed by both European certificates and the US FDA;
  • improvement of the quality characteristics of the skin: in order to “reinforce” the skin long time technologies such as intra and subcutaneous injections of stabilized hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite preparations are successfully used to moisturize and improve the circumflex processes in the dermis - injections of unstabilized hyaluronic acid (biorevitalization) and mesotherapy to improve microcirculation, the functioning of fibroblasts and the quality of skin metabolic processes - injections PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma - Plasmalifting) ... and that's not counting the whole arsenal various methods hardware cosmetology. Isn't that enough?! The main thing is that each of them has an achievable result, understandable to the doctor, and a confirmed safety profile.

What makes the doctor opt for "mesothreads"

On the one hand, this is the desire for a new, more perfect, effective one (but you should be objective and differentiate the promises of manufacturers from the results of clinical trials, documented evidence of efficacy and safety by quality committees in Europe and the USA).

On the other hand, I will only express my assumption - the cost of one thread is 20-60 UAH. (depending on the manufacturing company), 30-40 threads are usually used for face treatment, the average cost of the procedure in Donbass is 7.500 UAH. I think the math is fun.

If you intend to perform the procedure of aesthetic correction of appearance with the help of “mesothreads”, you should read the above material.

  • perform this procedure under appropriate sterile conditions (requires actual operating room conditions);
  • the procedure performed is purely medical, and the doctor must have adequate qualifications and appropriate certification;
  • make sure that the threads to be implanted have a registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine;
  • weigh the pros and cons, having received comprehensive information about the possible alternative methods aesthetic correction;
  • often they are more gentle and effective;
  • like everything new, convincing data on the effectiveness and safety of "mesothreads" will appear over time;
  • I am convinced that every patient expects a high-quality, safe, effective procedure, there are more than enough of them today.

The editors of Estet-portal do not incline you to this or that procedure. We just care about the health and beauty of our readers. Therefore, I would like to note that, regardless of the type of procedure, it must be approached wisely. This applies to both patients and doctors.

Threadlifting - good method correction of aesthetic defects caused by gravitational ptosis and age-related changes. After the introduction of polydioxanone threads, a lifting effect is observed, which is explained by the mechanical “lifting” of soft tissues. The revitalizing effect also deserves attention. Polydioxanone stimulates the function of fibroblasts, accelerates the synthesis of collagen-elastin scaffold fibers and hyaluronic acid, which forms the basis of the intercellular matrix.

The face after mesothreads looks younger; the effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure. Threadlifting allows you to smooth wrinkles in the frontal area, raise the eyebrows and lateral corners of the eyes, and correct the sagging of the soft tissues of the cheekbones. Lowering the corners of the mouth, restoring clear contours of the oval of the face, reducing the severity of nasolabial folds, correcting defects in the neck-chin angle - all these are direct indications for the use of mesothreads.

Another field of application of the method is skin revitalization due to the stimulating effect of polydioxanone on the synthetic function of fibroblasts, and there are many questions here. Experts are skeptical about the use of mesothreads only for revitalization. Taking into account tissue injury during the introduction of threads, it is more expedient to use more sparing technologies for deep rejuvenation and skin renewal (without lifting). For example, biorevitalization, mesotherapy or Fraxel laser rejuvenation.

Complications after mesothreads

The skeptical attitude of specialists is explained by the fact that complications after mesothreads are not so rare. In most cases, they are caused by a violation of the technique of introducing threads. Women turn to cosmetologists without proper qualifications and, as a result, they get a lot of aesthetic and medical problems. Some complications do not require special treatment, while others not only negatively affect the aesthetics of the face, but also pose a real threat to health.

If the technique of the procedure is violated, it is possible to visualize the threads, the appearance of folds in the form of an "accordion" and local seals. Their cause is most often incomplete straightening of the threads or their too superficial location, as well as the development of fibrous seals due to methodological errors during the procedure. Unfortunately, not all defects are easy to fix.

An example of a persistent defect is bumps after mesothreads. "Bumps", or seals, are the result of the formation of fibrous tissue around the threads. Since the threads are made of polydioxanone, which is destroyed by enzyme systems in a few months, the bumps after the mesothreads should also dissolve. However, fibrous tissue is highly durable, and, unfortunately, there are no guarantees of a successful outcome.

Cosmetic procedures after mesothreads help to solve the aesthetic problems that have arisen. For these purposes, microcurrent therapy, massage, electroporation and other hardware methods are used. As a rule, a course of procedures is required, but practice shows that any defect can be corrected. You just need to find a dermatocosmetologist who has rich clinical experience.

Bruises after mesothreads, swelling, soreness and discomfort should not be considered as complications. These are inevitable consequences of tissue injury during the installation of threads. After a few days, they pass, and do not require special treatment.

When talking about complications after mesothreads, it is worth mentioning the risk of infection, but this complication is not associated with the threads themselves at all. The cause of purulent inflammatory processes is non-compliance with the elementary rules of asepsis and antisepsis during the procedure. The cosmetologist should be blamed for this, who neglects simple rules and endangers the beauty and health of the patient.

Skin care after mesothreads should be very careful, due to the risk of infectious complications. It will take several days for the skin to fully recover from the procedure. In order to protect yourself from inflammation, you should treat your face with antiseptic agents several times a day and do not use decorative cosmetics until the integrity of the skin is completely restored. It is undesirable to visit the pool, fitness center or sauna, where the risk of catching an infection is always high.


The technique is imperfect, but it has many supporters among well-known cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. The procedure requires jewelry technique, but in the hands of a professional, with proper use, it gives a high aesthetic result and does not cause complications. The use of mesothreads as an alternative to a surgical lift is fully justified, but in order to revitalize the skin, it is preferable to focus on more gentle and safe procedures.

Anti-aging procedures have long become a familiar part of women's lives, especially after 30 years. Aesthetic cosmetology offers a wide range of non-surgical techniques that give an effect comparable to plastic surgery. One of them is a facelift with mesothreads. Thread rejuvenation - relatively new way, it has been used for only about 15 years. During this time, techniques, types and materials have changed. In 2011, an innovation was the use of mesothreads for a facelift - fibers made from biodegradable material.

What is a facelift with mesothreads

Mesothreads are fibers from polydiaxon (PDO) self-absorbable surgical suture material. The procedure for implanting them into the epidermis is called thread lifting (translated from English as a thread lift), which is one of the varieties. Polydiaxone is considered a hypoallergenic material and is not rejected by our body. The threads are so thin that they are not felt as something foreign; hematomas or edema rarely occur at the site of their implantation. Another name for the material is 3D threads. Coating of polydiaxon suture with polylactic or polyglycolic acid provides moisturization of the skin areas at the sites of implantation.

Mesothreads are inserted under the skin with the thinnest needle made of medical steel

Mesothreads are inserted into the epidermis with the thinnest surgical needle made of flexible medical steel, which allows the beautician to work in different layers of the skin.

During plastic surgery the surgeon stretches the skin, removing the resulting excess. Threadlifting allows you to achieve the same result, minimally injuring the dermis.

Mesothreads do not allow weakened skin to fall, fastening it with an additional frame. But this is not only the essence of the procedure. Biodegradable polylactic threads dissolve within a few months, and areas of new connective tissue form in their place. Thus, by increasing the synthesis of collagen, the body responds to the rapid decomposition of polydiaxone. The further lifting effect is provided by its own internal resources.

Mesothreads are inserted to a depth of no more than 4 mm, forming a supporting frame

Another type of threadlifting is practiced - acupuncture. The threads are inserted into bioactive points, enhancing the cosmetic effect of the procedure. As a result:

  • stimulates local metabolism and blood circulation;
  • decrease skin rashes and pastosity (swelling) of the face;
  • subcutaneous fat is leveled;
  • sagging tissues are toned.

With deep age-related changes, a mesothread lift is combined with plastic surgery - skin sagging is eliminated with a scalpel, and wrinkles are corrected with threads.

Mesothreads have several modifications, each of which is designed for certain zones and the type of correction.

Table: types of threads and their purpose

Type of threadApplication areaPurpose
Smooth (linear)
  • Chin.
  • The area around the lips.
  • Smoothing of lip wrinkles.
  • Increase skin elasticity by stimulating collagen production.
  • Strengthening the skin on the neck.
  • Elimination of the second chin.
  • Spiral (screw).
  • Springs.
  • Nasolabial folds.
  • Nasolacrimal groove.
  • Face contour.
  • Linear wrinkles.
  • Brows.
  • Chin.
  • Eyebrow lifting.
  • Correction of deep wrinkles.
  • Lifting of the oval of the face and the second chin.
  • Elimination of nasolabial folds.
  • Needle with notches (serrated).
  • Pigtails (double thread).
  • Middle and lower third of the face.
  • Lateral lines of the neck.
  • Any part of the body.
  • Contour plastic of the face and body.
  • Neck line lift.
  • Elimination of facial asymmetry.

Linear thin threads are considered basic, they are often used to prevent sagging of the skin - they slow down its withering. Thin threads tighten the skin in the corners of the eyes.

Each type of mesothread has its purpose

Screw threads take the desired shape after insertion under the skin. It is this ability that allows best effect braces, securely fixing the subcutaneous frame. They are used in isolation or combined with other types of threads. Springs are used to lift the corners of the lips.

The most durable are serrated mesothreads and pigtails. They allow you to achieve the maximum lifting effect. Due to their high strength, they are used in other areas of the body that require contour correction. The introduction of jagged threads is a painful procedure performed with enhanced anesthesia.

Features of 4D mesothreads

Korean cosmetologists have developed new material for threadlifting - 4D Lead Fine Lift threads. The technique of manipulation practically does not differ from 3D-lifting. However, the result is more impressive. 4D threads are implanted deeper - into the subcutaneous fat. Notches on them allow you to hold a larger array of sagging tissues. Lead Fine Lift threads are used to correct pronounced ptosis of the lower third of the face, they significantly improve the contour, eliminate puffiness and restore lost elasticity to the skin.

The difference between mesothreads and other types of threadlifting

Previously, the term "threadlifting" meant skin tightening with threads made of precious metals of the highest standard - gold or platinum. They do not dissolve over time, give a more lasting effect compared to mesothreads and are recommended for women with pronounced signs of aging. However, today the technique using non-degradable threads is considered obsolete and is used infrequently. In addition, it is not suitable for thin skin.

Gold and platinum threads give a more lasting effect compared to mesothreads

In addition to gold and platinum, threadlifting uses partially degradable materials. The basis of such a thread is polypropylene or teflon. It has knots and cones that act as anchors, clinging to the fabric and fixing the thread in a certain position. They consist of absorbable materials - polylactic acid and glycolide. They leave behind new connective tissue. A significant disadvantage of using cone threads is the risk of the formation of tubercles and prolonged swelling of the face during the rehabilitation period. Partially degradable threads are used to correct already well-marked signs of aging, but up to 50 years.

Mesothreads give a less lasting effect compared to metal or polypropylene. They are placed close to the surface of the skin and do not have such a strong adhesion to the tissues. Polylactic threads are more suitable for the prevention of age-related skin changes. Such a lifting is recommended for people aged 30 to 40 years.

Each type of threadlifting has its advantages and disadvantages. A cosmetologist will help with the choice, taking into account the age of the patient, the severity of skin changes, its condition and face shape.

Indications and contraindications for mesotherapy

Beauty injections and hardware cosmetic procedures not able to cope with all age-related skin changes. Threadlifting is great for those who are no longer helped by injection techniques, but do not want to resort to plastic surgery yet. Mesothreads, which give a long-term cumulative effect, become a salvation for women. Indications for threadlifting:

  • deep linear wrinkles on the forehead (lifting effect is similar to the use of Botox, only longer);
  • deep nasolabial creases;
  • folds of skin near the ears formed as a result of a sharp weight loss;
  • wrinkles around the eyes;
  • sagging skin of the cheeks, chin, neck;
  • deep wrinkles on the neck.

With the threadlifting procedure, you can get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, on the neck and other age-related skin changes.

Contraindications for the introduction of mesothreads

There are temporary and absolute contraindications for bioreinforcement. It is strictly forbidden to resort to this method of rejuvenation for people suffering from:

  • systemic connective tissue diseases (scleroderma, lupus erythematosus);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased tendency to scarring;
  • pathologies accompanied by a decrease in blood clotting;
  • malignant tumors of any localization;
  • allergies to painkillers.

Temporary contraindications:

  • acute period of infectious disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • fat deposits at the site of implantation of threads (in this case, the procedure is ineffective);
  • menstruation;
  • inflammation, microtrauma and exacerbation of skin diseases in the treatment area.

Hard age restrictions after 18 years no. But cosmetologists advise resorting to a facelift no earlier than at the age of 30-35. Until that time, less traumatic methods are quite enough to maintain youthful skin.

Facelift mesothreads - pros and cons: before and after photos

When choosing threadlifting as a rejuvenating procedure, one must remember that the threads correct only skin defects without affecting the muscle layer. Therefore, not all problems can be solved with the help of mesothreads. They will not cope with the change in the shape of the face caused by excess body fat, and deep folds formed due to sagging muscle tissue.

Mesothreads are effective for facelift at the age of 30 to 40 years

Beauticians warn that with age, the effectiveness of tightening with mesothreads decreases. The maximum recommended threshold is 50 years. The disadvantages of the technique include the possibility of complications. Although in most cases, the patients themselves or the cosmetologist, who is poorly versed in the threadlifting technique, are to blame for them.

The advantage of bio-reinforcement is that mesothreads are compatible with almost any cosmetic procedure.

Advantages of a facelift with mesothreads:

  • the possibility of carrying out the procedure in the cabin (no need for hospitalization);
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • speed of carrying out - from 30 to 60 minutes;
  • gradual increase in cosmetic effect.

The procedure is not very painful and is well tolerated by patients. Compared to gold and platinum predecessors The advantage of mesothreads is that they can be tightened repeatedly as needed.

Video: is it worth doing a facelift - the opinion of a beautician

Preparation and conduct of the procedure

Preparation for lifting begins with an examination by a cosmetologist. He will determine general state skin in need of correction of the zone and the number of threads. Before cosmetic surgery, you must undergo medical examination to avoid health consequences in the presence of contraindications. A week before the procedure, it is advisable to exclude spicy and salty foods from the diet. This will help to avoid prolonged swelling of the face after a facelift.

The procedure begins with the application of an anesthetic solution or cream to the face. If the intervention is extensive, then injections with an anesthetic may be needed. On the face, the doctor marks the lines along which the threads will be implanted. They are injected under the skin with needles.

Video: how the threadlifting procedure works

Effect after tightening

The first changes are noticeable within a day after the lifting. The surface of the skin is leveled, wrinkles are smoothed out. But more than one month will pass before the final result - the threads must dissolve and start the internal process of rejuvenation. Practicing cosmetologists say that a pronounced effect from smooth mesothreads is observed from 2.5 to 11 months. To maintain it, it is recommended to conduct an additional tightening session after 1-3 months. In general, the effect can last up to 2 years.

Possible Complications

Avoid sometimes side effects and complications from mesothreads fail. The most common of these are hematomas at the puncture site and swelling of the face. They do not need to be treated, they will pass on their own within a few days. If, nevertheless, bruises do not go away for a long time, you need to use absorbable ointments or gels (for example, Troxevasin). Edema is treated with diuretics. But their choice must be agreed with the doctor.

Increased sensitivity, stiffness and slight soreness will be felt for several days - the skin should get used to foreign body, which mesothreads are for her. With complete healing, the discomfort disappears, and the threads are not felt on palpation.

The tuberosity of the skin after lifting is due to the fact that the threads take the desired position within 7 days after the procedure

Bumps and tuberosity most often occur with the introduction of spiral mesothreads. They do not immediately take the desired position, it will take about 7 days. The bumps should disappear with the end of the rehabilitation period. If this does not happen, you need to contact your beautician again. He must correct this defect.

More serious complications- a violation of facial expressions, an infection brought in at the puncture site, and the formation of papules on it. Incorrectly done lifting can break the symmetry of the face. These problems can be eliminated, but this should be done only under the supervision of a cosmetologist who performed the operation.

Rehabilitation after threadlifting

The recovery period after the introduction of mesothreads with correct execution the procedure lasts no more than 7-12 days. During this time, the following restrictions apply:

  • the first day you can not use decorative cosmetics;
  • do not touch your face for 12-20 hours;
  • do not smoke for at least a few hours after the procedure;
  • for three days to abandon the bath, sauna and swimming pool, solarium and sunbathing;
  • try not to touch the pillow while sleeping.

During rehabilitation, you can not leave the skin without care. You can wash your face with soap only one day after the implantation of mesothreads. Two days later, you can start using a tonic or lotion. It is good to do oxygen masks within a month. When you go outside, be sure to apply sunscreen with a high SPF. Sports activities can be resumed no earlier than two weeks after threadlifting.

The limitations of facial expressions are due to the fact that mesothreads are attached under the skin only at the ends. The middle part remains movable. To keep them in the correct position for a week, you need to avoid any emotions. Physical exercise cause involuntary facial muscle tension, which can also change the position of the threads. In order to avoid an increase in edema, it is recommended to give up alcohol and strong coffee for a month. Any cosmetic procedures associated with pressure or aggressive effects are contraindicated - massage, mechanical or chemical peeling.

After lifting with mesothreads, it is not necessary to carry out anti-aging procedures with hyaluronic acid. She is active substance and accelerates the resorption of polydiaxone. This will shorten the duration of the lifting effect.

Mesothreads for facelift: reviews

I'm 45 years old. Objectively speaking, I look good. But, of course, time takes its toll. She became dissatisfied with the oval of her face, or, as they say, “brills”, but you can’t get away from gravity. I decided to correct the line of the chin. Mesothreads promised an ideal contour, collagen production and other benefits. I chose good material in the salon on the advice of a specialist and put 10 pieces on both sides of the face (quantity, also on advice). A special anesthesia cream is applied, the procedure is really painless. After the procedure, there were huge bruises and swelling. But, it does not depend on the skill of a specialist or the quality of the material, it’s just that each organism has its own characteristics. The procedure is not cheap. Looking forward to the result. The bruises are gone, the swelling remains. The fleas that I wanted to get rid of for some strange reason became even larger. I called the clinic, they told me that I had to wait, the puffiness would go away, and I would only see the result in about a month, when the material would work. In any mirror that I passed, I saw only my sagging cheeks, the problem simply intensified. One would think that this is psychosis, but I took a “before” photo. In general, the threads did not help me. Yes, the swelling subsided and it was already a joy. I had to miss several events, as the rehabilitation period clearly did not correspond to the promised one.



I am a little over 40 years old. But of course, now, at the end of winter, age is felt. Pale, flaccid skin, the oval has swollen, some folds have appeared ... In general, I have ceased to please my appearance. For a long time, of course, I wanted to put my face in order, but the fear of surgeons and possible complications overpowered my desire to look younger. But in this case, female curiosity haunted me, because the face of a friend not only became younger, there were no traces of the procedure performed, no artificiality or unnaturalness. Therefore, in the end, I decided and turned to the medical center. What else spurred me to decide, besides the sight of my girlfriend? Of course, I was bribed by the fact that this is still a medical center! Not a salon, not a barbershop in the yard, but normal medical institution where there is a license, doctors with specialized education, etc. In general. When I came for a consultation, it turned out that not everything is so simple, there are a lot of subtleties! It turns out that not all meso-threads are the same: there are mono, spiral, with notches ... Each of them is suitable for correcting a particular defect. In addition, much depends on the accuracy of the introduction of each thread. My consultation with a beautician lasted more than 30 minutes, but this is not the main thing. The most surprising thing is that I, a skeptic by nature, suddenly immediately wanted to try this method on myself. I signed up for mesothreads, and chose those that were most suitable for me. The doctor who introduced the threads turned out to be super-professional. Before the procedure, I began to shake a little, but she spoke to me, reassured me. I panicked for nothing. All manipulations took about an hour, everyone was anesthetized. It was a little discomfort, but they were not so much from the introduction of the threads, but from my expectation of something terrible. Of course, for the first three days, there was a slight discomfort and soreness in the places where the threads were inserted, but the result! Despite the fact that the effect should be visible only after 3 weeks, the very next day it became noticeable how the face tightened. And a week later I was called a "girl" in the store! It's like I've grown wings! Thank you very much for this medical center, I'm happy with my face now, I need to take care of the figure


Mesothreads are universal - they are able to eliminate minor cosmetic defects and form a 3D frame in case of severe weakening and sagging of the skin. This is what makes the procedure in demand among women over 30 years old.

Increasingly popular is modern method skin tightening is a mesothread for the face that combines two unique methods of rejuvenation: mesotherapy and lifting the contours of the “visiting card” using threads. 3D mesothreads, reviews of which can be found on almost any women's forum dedicated to beauty and health, have established themselves as a tool that can smooth out even long-standing deep wrinkles, as well as restore vitality and elasticity to adult, sagging skin.

Features of the procedure and what are mesothreads

Unlike the traditional facelift with the help of threads made of polypropylene (Aptos) or precious metal - gold, mesothreads, in addition to the lifting effect, have an additional revitalizing effect on the tissues, restoring youthfulness to the skin. In addition, in the process of biodegradation, mesothreads break down into safe natural components (water and carbon dioxide), without causing rejection or allergic reactions in the human body.

Mesothreads are made from an ultra-thin, biocompatible material - from polydioxanone, which can be absorbed in the human subcutaneous layer within several months (6-8 months). Types of mesothreads differ from each other in the structure and methods of fixation:

1. Smooth, most simple, linear mesothreads, or line, are monofilament sutures with a simple setting. The procedure associated with its introduction is practically painless. Threads can have a standard length of 25 - 90 mm. This parameter is selected depending on the aesthetic task at hand:

  • wrinkle depth,
  • skin thickness,
  • staging area,
  • the severity of age-related defects of the dermis.

At the same time, the price of mesothreads is determined by the piece, it does not depend on their length. Areas of application of linear mesothreads:

  • Reinforcing cheeks with suture material, strengthening their turgor and lifting facial ptosis;
  • Lifting of forehead wrinkles and ptosis (omissions) upper eyelid;
  • Elimination of wrinkles of various depths around the eyes;
  • Tightening of sagging skin in the temporal zone;
  • Reinforcement of the lower part of the face: elimination of the "double chin",
  • Tightening of weakened neck skin;
  • Modeling the contour of the lips and eliminating wrinkles around the mouth.

You will learn about what express facelift is by reading this article at your leisure. At a preliminary consultation with a doctor, he will make a detailed examination of weakened areas of the skin and recommend installing 20 or 30 threads to correct the facial oval, 5-10 threads in the eyebrow area, and to align the contour of the chin in order to remove the fat fold under it (“second chin” ) - at least 15 threads.

2. Spiral mesothreads, or screw, allow you to achieve a pronounced lifting effect due to the property of the thread after tension to return to its original shape. They can be used in combination with different types threads, and in an isolated version. Their length is traditionally 50 or 60 mm.

Areas of their optimal application:

  • Nasolabial folds, as well as in the chin area, under the lower lip (3-5 threads on each side);
  • Correction of weakened skin in the area of ​​the eyebrows - 1-3 threads;
  • Elimination of the second chin;
  • Collar area and neckline.

3. Needle mesothreads with notches - cog (claws) - the most "powerful" threads of their entire range, are used for enhanced tightening in the middle third of the cheeks and face. They securely fix the framework of tissues due to the structure with multidirectional notches. Usually 3 to 10 threads are required on each side of the face. The downside is sufficient soreness during their introduction, therefore, for a comfortable procedure, local anesthesia is necessary.

4. Mesothreads "pigtails"- braided, "twisted" pair of individual threads with a double effect, have better strength and better supporting ability.

Women over the age of 50 will be interested to read what it is, as they are most concerned about sagging cheeks due to gravitational ptosis.

We are waiting for a miracle or when the effect of mesothreads comes

Experts assure that the visual effect of placing mesothreads is visible immediately upon completion of the procedure. After about a couple of months, a young connective tissue appears around the 3d mesothreads, which serves as a frame due to its further compaction (retraction). This greatly enhances the original positive result skin rejuvenation, increasing the effectiveness of this method.

All varieties of mesothreads, which contribute to the fixation of tissues and form the necessary elastic frame of the skin, have a prolonged effect. Their effect lasts from six months to two years, delighting the owners of elastic and toned skin.

For women 25-30 years old, it will be interesting to learn about a unique way to deal with the first wrinkles, how to help cope painlessly and effectively with initial signs skin aging.

Opinions for and against: mesothreads

Reviews of surgeons mainly for skin rejuvenation with mesothreads, since:

  • Facelift in this case is less traumatic (excludes excision of excess skin), does not require anesthesia, and the material is absolutely hypoallergenic;
  • Reinforcement of the face is performed using microscopic punctures that are invisible and heal quickly. In addition, the threads themselves are microscopic in size, which makes them invisible under the skin;
  • Special techniques for introducing mesothreads under the eyes exclude the appearance of blood microoutflows, which means that an experienced doctor will not experience bruises and hematomas on the patient's body;
  • Does not cause scarring;
  • 3D facial mesothreads are produced from polydioxanone, a material that has been used for decades in pediatric cardiac surgery and ophthalmology. Its safety is confirmed by laboratories of well-known manufacturers of medical equipment and drugs;
  • There is no need for medical examination, long-term rehabilitation, while the effect can last from 18 to 24 months;
  • Numerous and multifaceted studies have shown the absence of side effects;
  • Its effect is comparable to that surgical facelift faces.

Of the shortcomings, experts often distinguish:

  • Fast period of biodegradation (resorption) of threads. So, for example, should patients over 40 years of age give up non-absorbable aptos propylene threads, which help maintain a young face shape for up to 5 years, preferring mesothreads? The answer is unequivocal - no, it is not worth it.
  • Hardware plus injection procedures are not available after threadlifting for 1-2 months.
  • Limited use, many contraindications.
  • Threadlifting requires the fulfillment of certain conditions after the procedure, which reduces comfort and worsens the quality of life for a while.

We will talk about what not to do after mesothreads in the next section.

Proper rehabilitation after mesothreads for the face

For a couple of weeks, you need to monitor your facial expressions for the eyes and face, and avoid sudden muscle movements. While eating or chewing gum, you need to limit the number and intensity of chewing reflexes. In this period, after threadlifting, the muscle frame is built around the mesothreads of collagen and elastin, which will further provide skin turgor and a clear oval of the face.

Modern threadlifting with 3d mesothreads

In the arsenal of cosmetologists today, for threadlifting, there is a wide selection of a wide variety of mesothreads for reinforcing the face:

  • derli (derli) - monofilament polydioxanone threads of the DERLI brand from South Korea. Laser sharpening, diamond processing of needles, soft, delicate penetration under the skin and no need to correct the thread at the stage of returning the needle. These cosmetic products are manufactured and patented by the South Korean company DONGBANG;
  • rose (rose) - a thick thread (0.3 mm in diameter) with spikes. These threads of the third generation make it possible to achieve an impressive result of rejuvenation through the use of vector lifting, which significantly reduces skin trauma and speeds up the rehabilitation period. At the same time, a rigid (due to notches) and, at the same time, an elastic frame is created inside the skin;
  • The modern innovative threadlifting technique with reandne v line mesothreads allows you to model skin areas in any direction, including those that were previously inaccessible. Reandne v line - premium class threads, restore facial contours with the most natural result;
  • miracu mesothreads is another brand of the South Korean company DONGBANG, a recognized leader in the production of cosmetics skin rejuvenation with reinforcement. Very thin mesothreads, great for women with thin, sensitive skin;
  • lead fine lift is a well-known South Korean brand of mesothreads, well-established among our customers. These mesothreads are subject to any age-related changes skin;
  • Tornado screw NEO - spiral mesothreads from the Korean company NEO Genesis;
  • Linen mesothreads help to correct the relief of the face, tighten the skin. Some progressive cosmetologists, along with the threadlifting procedure, perform contour plastic surgery, introducing fillers into the nasolabial folds, the nasolacrimal sulcus, and so on. As a result, those who set it get an excellent effect for the oval of the face and its rejuvenation;
  • Silhouette Soft - Silhouette soft - is used by aesthetic surgeons and cosmetologists for bio-restoration of the contours and structure of the skin of the patient's face;
  • Omega - VL Cog - mesothreads with notched claws that allow you to get an instant lifting effect.

Contraindications for threadlifting are the same as for any cosmetic procedure:

  • Acute infectious (including exacerbations of chronic) diseases,
  • Inflammatory processes of the skin in the correction zone,
  • Oncology (including with a benign course).
  • Blood clotting disorders and autoimmune diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period,
  • Tendency to tissue scarring
  • The presence of non-biodegradable fillers,
  • Mental disorders.

A video of the threadlifting process can be viewed above, a good professional video. Very often, an attractive price becomes a criterion for choosing a specialist or institution, but it does not always justify itself. It is better to turn to professionals, since mesothreads for the face should be placed only by professionals who have been trained precisely in the mesothreads of that trademark that they offer to people. Be beautiful and healthy!

The modern beauty industry provides many opportunities to achieve rejuvenation, from light masks to surgery. This includes hardware and injection methods, which combine a significant effect and softness of the impact. One of the innovations is mesothreads. The procedure in which they are applied is called threadlifting.

Mesothreads - what is it

Mesothreads are super-thin absorbable threads. They are made from polydioxanone, which is coated with polyglycolic acid. They have another name 3D mesothreads.

Enter them into skin covering by means of carrier needles different lengths(mm):

A session using such threads is called threadlifting. This is enough new technology, which was offered by cosmetologists from Korea. It was created specifically for South Korean women, whose skin is distinguished by such a feature as sensitivity and thinness.

Polydioxane has many useful functions:

  • Prolonged resorption - for 180 to 240 days;
  • No rejection;
  • There are no allergic reactions.

Within six months after the introduction of the threads, a strong skeleton of collagen fibers is formed on the face. It provides support from outside the skin for another couple of years. Thus, the achieved result is stored for more than 2 years.

Also, the threads have an increased strength, therefore, when the exact architecture of the input and application of several mesothreads is observed, the cosmetologist can form a three-dimensional frame that is integrated into the tissues and stimulates the formation of collagen.

Varieties of mesothreads and their effect

Mesothreads are made from a biologically compatible superthin material that dissolves under the skin of a person for several months.

Varieties of mesothreads differ in structure and method of fixation:


The simplest linear threads that look like a suture monofilament element. Installing them is easy. The input session is almost painless. The typical length of 3D filaments is 25 - 90 mm.

The indicator is selected based on what effect is needed and what the task is:

  • The thickness of the skin;
  • Depth of wrinkles;
  • Age-related skin defects.

It is worth noting that the cost of the mesothread is set by the piece, regardless of the length.

The areas of use of such a thread are as follows:

  • Lifting wrinkles on the forehead and ptosis of the upper eyelid;
  • Strengthening the skin of the cheeks, fixing the turgor and tightening the ptosis of the face;
  • Lifting of the sagging cover of the skin near the temples;
  • Elimination of wrinkles around the eyes;
  • Tightening the weakened integuments on the neck;
  • Destruction of the second chin;
  • Modeling of lip contours;
  • Elimination of wrinkles around the mouth.

Before installing the threads, the beautician performs an examination. To correct the facial oval, 20 or 30 pieces are usually installed, to eliminate the second chin - at least 15, and for the eyebrow area - from 5 to 10.


The effect of spiral threads makes it possible to make a pronounced tightening, since they tend to return to their original configuration after stretching. They are used as an independent tool, and in combination with other types of mesothreads. Usually their length is 50 or 60 mm.

Scope of use of 3D Screw threads:

  • Neckline;
  • Nasolabies;
  • Double chin;
  • Eyebrow area;
  • Collar zone;
  • The area under the lip from below.


These are needle threads with notches. They are the most powerful of all. They are used when intensive restoration of the facial and buccal middle third is necessary. As a result, the frame of the fabric is excellently fixed, since they have a structure with notches in different directions. As a rule, 3-10 3D threads are needed on one side of the face. The negative feature of such an injection is pain, therefore, anesthesia is often performed in advance.


Such threads are a twisted braided pair of individual elements (doubles effect). They are the most durable and most qualitatively support the skin cover.

Indications and contraindications

There are certain indications when the effect of 3D threads occurs:

  • Wrinkles in the décolleté, facial area and neck;
  • Nasolabial folds;
  • Gravitational lowering of the face;
  • Wrinkles and drooping around the ears;
  • Eyebrow drooping;
  • Wrinkles of different directions on the frontal part of the face;
  • Gubochin wrinkles;
  • Asymmetry after a poorly performed plastic surgery;
  • Flabbiness of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms;
  • Skin irregularities after elimination of fat through surgery.

Any intervention has its contraindications.

Threadlifting also has them:

  • Blood diseases;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Neoplasms and inflammatory processes in the treated area;
  • Cancer-type ailments;
  • Hypertension of the arterial type;
  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Carrying and feeding a child;
  • Mental disorders, neurosis;
  • Presence of non-biologically degradable implants previously implanted.

As cosmetologists say, the maximum effect of the threads will be after their combination with RF-lifting or fillers.

Cosmetologists say that the effect will be visible immediately after the procedure. After 2 - 3 months, a new connective tissue is formed near the mesothreads, which serves as a frame due to its further compaction. This significantly increases the primary positive effect of rejuvenation and enhances the effectiveness of threadlifting.

All types of threads that contribute to the fixation of tissues create the necessary elasticity of the skin frame. They differ in prolonged properties. Many patients are interested in how long the effect of them lasts. The result can be observed after the procedure for 6 months - 2 years.

If you correctly enter 3D mesothreads, in just 1 session you can achieve quite serious results, such as:

  • Skin rejuvenation for 5-6 years;
  • Correction of the corners of the lips, the area of ​​the eyebrows and deep wrinkles;
  • Perfect elimination of both small and large wrinkles;
  • Elimination of defects that occur after pumping out fat and plastics.

Although 3D threads are super thin, they perfectly tighten the skin, fixing it in the required state. They successfully eliminate age wrinkles, natural for every woman, as well as structural folds, which are a physiognomic feature.

Moreover, the mesothreads are so small and colorless that they go unnoticed even under very thin skin.

After threadlifting, slight swelling and bruising may appear. This phenomenon is absolutely normal. It is bad when thickening, compaction or inflammation is formed after the session. In this case, you need to contact a beautician who will prescribe treatment.

Side effects

Despite the fact that mesothreads are effective, their installation can provoke the following undesirable consequences:

  • The formation of the "accordion" effect - with an illiterate introduction, the skin in the injection area may wrinkle;
  • Seals at the insertion point - if the beautician does not have the appropriate skill, then the thread is compressed rather than straightened, which results in a lump;
  • Problems with blood microcirculation - if the thread is inserted incorrectly, then in addition to this effect, facial expressions may deteriorate.

The process of inserting mesothreads will require professionalism and knowledge. Only a specialized cosmetologist should perform it. On the skin, due to the balance of the dynamics of muscle tissues, visible changes are formed, which are expressed in the formation of wrinkles, sagging areas on the face, a change in the oval, and so on. Muscle strengthening and precise maintenance is the basis for tissue restoration and obtaining the desired result.

3D threads are inserted and fixed vertically to the muscle axis without disturbing microcirculation. They are installed using a special conductor needle. It is injected together with a thread under the cover. After the tip of the needle reaches the predetermined point, it is released. Only the thread is left under the tissues, and the needle is removed.

Despite the fact that this operation looks simple, installation requires accuracy and anatomical knowledge of the human body. Otherwise, rejuvenation and tightening of the skin can provoke negative results.

For several weeks, facial expressions and eyes should be observed. You can not make rough muscle movements. In the process of eating, it is necessary to limit the saturation and the number of chewing movements.

After the session, the creation of a muscle frame begins around the threads of elastin and collagen. In the future, it will provide a distinct oval and turgor. Massage of the neck, face can be done on the recommendation of a beautician only after 30 days. And peelings, hardware procedures and injections only after 2 months.

Combination of mesothreads with other procedures

Often, cosmetologists advise using additional procedures after threadlifting in order to consolidate and improve the effect.

The most requested procedures are:

  • Radio wave lifting (RF) - it can be done 3 weeks after reinforcement with 3D threads, it significantly enhances the result and stimulates the formation of collagen;
  • Fillers with hyaluronic acid - this combination allows you to achieve the maximum effect in the form of an ideal relief and absolute correction of wrinkles: mesothreads form a frame, and fillers replenish volume;
  • Fractional or laser rejuvenation, myostimulation, ultrasonic liposuction.

Distinctive features of the procedure

Threadlifting is different in that mesothreads have a fairly long decay period. Before the procedure is carried out, it is determined how many mesothreads are needed. For general facial skin rejuvenation, from 150 to 200 pieces will be required, and for one zone - about 30. Thus, when counting the threads, the doctor does not proceed from the treated area, but from the total number of elements used.

Mesothreads do not cause irritation and itching, so they are fully compatible with human tissues. With proper introduction, a cosmetologist can achieve a double result - to eliminate wrinkles and tighten the skin. The reason is that after the introduction of mesothreads, a framework of collagen is formed, so the skin straightens.