Job description of a nurse in the psychoneurological department. Functional duties of a nurse in a neurological office of a polyclinic

What is the structure of a psychiatric hospital?

regular branch psychiatric hospital consists of two halves: restless and calm, or sanatorium. On the restless half are patients in an acute state with psychomotor agitation or stupor, abnormal behavior, hallucinations and delusions. In this state, patients pose a danger to themselves and others and therefore need round-the-clock supervision. Some of them are placed in the observation chamber, where there is a permanent post, consisting of an orderly (nurse) and nurse. The calm (sanatorium) half of patients are transferred during the recovery period, when they are already able to serve themselves and do not pose a danger to themselves and others.

The doors of the psychiatric ward are permanently locked with a special lock, the keys to which are available only to doctors and medical personnel. The windows have bars, screens or safety glass. Windows can only be opened if there is a grill, and the windows should be located out of reach of patients.

What are the basic requirements for paramedical personnel?

Bright cosmetics and jewelry should be avoided, especially beads and earrings. The nurse in the department wears a gown and a cap or scarf. There are several sisters in the department at the same time, who perform different functions. Exist general rules which are mandatory for all medical personnel, regardless of their duties. First of all, a patient, friendly and attentive attitude towards patients is necessary, even in those cases when they show aggressive tendencies. At the same time, the nurse must be vigilant and constantly remember that the actions of the mentally ill are unexpected and, as a result, sometimes lead to tragic consequences. It is necessary to ensure that all doors remain closed, and the keys do not fall into the hands of patients and their relatives. Patients often try to open doors with the help of spoon handles, wood chips, wire. Therefore, the nurse periodically checks the contents of the pockets of patients, their bedside tables, beds. In addition, all doors of the department must be in the field of view of the staff.

The nurse must ensure that scissors, blades and other cutting and stabbing objects are not left unattended in the department.

How are the duties of nurses in a psychiatric hospital distributed?

The duties of the sisters in the department are distributed as follows: procedural, insulin (see "Insulinotherapy"), chlorpromazine and guard sisters.

The duties of the procedural nurse include the fulfillment of therapeutic appointments, the receipt and storage of medicines, and the call of consultants.

An insulin nurse conducts insulin therapy, one of the treatments for schizophrenia.

What is the responsibility of the aminosine nurse of the hospital?

Aminazine sister distributes psychotropic drugs. Distribution is carried out in a special room equipped with a fume hood, in which already opened boxes of medicines are stored, medicines are prepared for distribution to patients, and injection syringes are filled. Before dispensing medicines, especially before filling syringes, the nurse puts on a rubber apron, another gown over it, and a gauze mask. After the distribution is over, the nurse removes the top coat, apron and mask and stores it in a special closet. Syringes and utensils are washed with rubber gloves. At the end of the work, the chlorpromazine cabinet is thoroughly ventilated. It is desirable to distribute medicines and injections of psychotropic drugs only within a special chlorpromazine room. Patients should not enter it in the absence of a sister. Do not turn away from the medicine tray when dispensing them, or allow patients to take their own pills. It is necessary to check whether the patient has swallowed the medicine. To do this, you should ask him to open his mouth and raise his tongue or check the oral cavity with a spatula. Medicines accumulated by the sick can be used for the purpose of suicide. The sister should ensure that patients do not collect gauze and bandages in cases where compresses and bandages are applied to them. Bandages can also be used for suicide attempts.

What are the responsibilities of a hospital nurse?

The duties of the guard sister include round-the-clock supervision and care of the sick. She monitors the implementation of the daily routine, the duration of night sleep and afternoon rest, medical work, food intake, and sanitary and hygienic measures.

How are patients cared for and monitored in a psychiatric hospital?

Once a week, patients take a bath and change bed linen. Particular attention is paid to debilitated patients, as well as patients with suicidal tendencies. Every day, under the supervision of staff, patients are taken for a walk in the garden, enclosed by a fence with a well-locked gate, near which there is a post. The nurse is obliged to know the number of patients taken for a walk, and to pay Special attention those who are prone to escape and have suicidal thoughts. Every day, relatives give parcels to the sick and come to Oy*-Dania on the set days and hours. The nurse checks everything that is given to the sick. She has no right, bypassing the doctor, to send notes, to allow visits and telephone times. the thieves. In transfers and on dates, patients should not be given cutting and stabbing objects, products in glass jars, stimulating drinks, matches, cigarettes.

The sister keeps all products in a special closet and gives out to patients as needed. The sister enters her observations of the sick into the guard journal, which is transmitted by shift. The journal reflects changes in the condition of patients, features of their behavior and "statements. In children's and senile departments, the work of medical personnel has features associated with the age of patients. In these cases, care and feeding of the patient are of primary importance.

On strengthening measures to prevent epidemiological typhus and the fight against pediculosis. 6. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 36 dated 03.02.1997 "On the improvement of measures for the prevention of diphtheria". TRAINING. Working as a nurse, I constantly improve my professional level, I attend all nursing studies. Annual testing according to orders No. 408, according to OSTU, VBI, emergency care, OOI, tests-tasks for nurses of the infectious diseases department. For self-education and improvement of my professional level, I constantly read medical literature. I systematically improve my skills by studying the relevant literature, participating in conferences, seminars.

Job description of a nurse in a neurological office

Responsibilities of the head nurse The main vocation of the head nurse is to use the professionalism of the department staff with maximum efficiency in order to provide high-level medical care. The head sister of the department is appointed in accordance with the recommendation of the head. Usually this position is held by a nurse with a high level of professionalism.


She must have management skills. Her work experience in a medical institution is at least 5 years. As a financially responsible person, she monitors the equipment and apparatus in the department. The head nurse takes part in all meetings held in the hospital department.

A specialist of this level acts as an organizer of the work of middle and junior medical personnel, is responsible for discipline in the team and maintaining order at work.


A nurse in a polyclinic must constantly improve her professionalism. What is the responsibilities of the department nurse The functional responsibilities of the department nurse are as follows:

  • observation of general condition sick;
  • implementation of patient care activities;
  • fulfillment of prescriptions given by the doctor;
  • communication at a professional level with medical personnel, sick people and their relatives;
  • preparation of patients for examinations;
  • observance of hygiene standards in the department;
  • maintaining documents in the prescribed form.

A nurse working in the department should be able to make all types of injections, use a sterile table and tray. She is obliged to change the patient's linen, both underwear and sleeping.

Her duties include measuring temperature, pulse and blood pressure patient.

Functional duties of a nurse in the neurological department.

The functional duties of the head nurse include drawing up acts for the supply of the necessary equipment, medicines and tools. The head nurse is responsible for occupational health and safety. She personally draws up a work schedule for her subordinates and distributes their vacation time. She keeps the payroll and draws up sick leave temporarily disabled employees. A nurse of this profile keeps a record of medicines containing poisonous, narcotic and potent substances, controls their use. Its functions include monitoring the cleanliness of the dressing material and the sterilization of medical instruments.

Job description of a nurse in a psychiatric office of a polyclinic

EXAMPLE DUTIES OF THE NURSE OF THE NEUROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT (OFFICE) 1. A specialist with a secondary medical education and special training is appointed to the position of a nurse in the neurological department (office). 2. The nurse of the neurological department (office) is appointed to the position and dismissed by the chief physician (head) of the polyclinic in the prescribed manner.

3. In her work, the nurse of the neurological department (office) is guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the polyclinic, the Regulations on the neurological department (office), orders and orders of the head physician, orders of the head nurse and neurologist, job description. four.

Functional duties of a nurse in a polyclinic and department

VYKOV I have professional skills in accordance with the requirements in the field of "Nursing". I know: - the theoretical foundations of nursing; - organization nursing care for patients in stages nursing process; - psychology of professional communication; - the basics of nutrition; - main reasons, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods, complications, principles of treatment, prevention of diseases and injuries; - the main drug groups and their indications, contraindications, complications of drugs, regulatory documents regulating the pharmaceutical order in medical institutions; – infection control system, infection safety of patients and staff medical institution; — main types of medical documentation; — safety and labor protection in medical institutions; - health insurance system; — medicine of catastrophes and emergencies.

Job description of a nurse in the pre-medical reception room

In my work I great importance I pay attention to: - the culture of relationships with colleagues, doctors and other nurses of the polyclinic and hospital - attitude to one's own health. I try to maintain the authority and reputation of my profession. I observe the rules of personal hygiene - an integral quality of a person.


I pay due attention to my workplace, I do not allow violations of the sanitary and hygienic regime. My work is proactive and creative. In my work are not allowed: ambition, increased tone, imposition own opinion, personal animosity. I accurately and competently provide medical care patients seeking help.

An important role in communicating with subordinates and patients is played by how I look. A snow-white, starched dressing gown is my visual characteristic.

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Responsibilities To perform their functions, the nurse of the neurological office is obliged to: 1. Prepare workplaces before an outpatient appointment with a neuropathologist, controlling the availability of the necessary medical documentation, equipment, inventory, checking the serviceability of equipment and office equipment. 2. Prepare and submit to the registry self-recording sheets of patients, coupons for an appointment with a doctor for current week. 3. To bring before the beginning of the reception from the card depository the medical records of outpatients, selected by the registrars in accordance with the self-recording sheets. 4. Monitor the timely receipt of research results and stick them in the medical records of outpatients. 5. Regulate the flow of visitors by fixing the appropriate time in the self-registration sheets for repeat patients and issuing coupons to them. 6.

Abstract: the acquisition of professional skills

In my work I use literature: Directory of a nurse, journals: "Nursing", "Nursing". Health education is one of the most important effective methods disease prevention and control. Promotion of prevention issues consists of two main components: - hygiene education and education of the general population - preventive propaganda (primary prevention).
It is carried out in two directions - a) dissemination of knowledge about prevention among the general population. It is important that this work be carried out correctly methodically - only in terms of targeted information designed to ensure the early detection of the disease and the mass participation of the population in activities aimed at strengthening the body's defenses; b) hygienic education of the patient and their families.
The nurse of the neurological department (office) is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of their duties, non-compliance with labor and performance discipline, internal regulations, medical ethics and deontology. ^ APPROXIMATE PROVISION on the cardiology office of the city polyclinic 1. The cardiology office, as a structural subdivision of the city polyclinic, is created in the absence of a cardiological dispensary in the city. If there is a cardiological dispensary, a cardiologist of the dispensary can work in the office.
2. The management of the cardiology office is carried out by a cardiologist appointed and dismissed in the prescribed manner by the chief physician of the polyclinic. 3.

The main tasks of a cardiologist are the development and implementation of preventive measures, early detection and effective treatment patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, living in the area of ​​activity of the polyclinic, 6. Evaluation of the work of a cardiologist is carried out by the deputy chief physician of the polyclinic for the medical unit based on the results of work for the quarter (year) based on taking into account the qualitative and quantitative indicators of his work, compliance with them requirements of fundamental official documents, rules of labor discipline, moral and ethical standards, social activity. 7. In accordance with the tasks assigned to the cardiology office, the cardiologist: 7.1.

conducts outpatient appointments according to the schedule approved by the administration of the polyclinic, regulating the flow of visitors through the rational distribution of repeat patients; 7.2.

Functional duties of a nurse in a neurological office of a polyclinic

The obtained data are clearly recorded in the graphic sheet of the patient. The nurse of the department knows how to draw up all the necessary documentation. In addition, her responsibilities include:

  • preparation of biks for sterilization;
  • removal of an ECG;
  • setting compresses, cans, enemas and heating pads;
  • tying the limbs with an elastic bandage;
  • performance preventive measures that do not allow the appearance of bedsores;
  • gastric lavage;
  • acceptance and surrender of duty.

District nurse The district nurse performs treatment and diagnostic procedures in accordance with the doctor's prescription. The functional responsibilities of the district nurse are quite wide. She must prepare the office for receiving patients. Under the supervision of a doctor, certificates are issued, prescriptions are issued, referrals for examination and other medical documentation are issued.

A psychiatric hospital is a regime department, that is, subject to its own rules. The doors are locked, the keys to which are kept only by the staff and are handed over to the attendants when the shift is handed over. All windows have bars. Any nurse in psychiatry must know and strictly observe the operating hours of the department.

The uniform of medical personnel should be kept in a calm style, wearing short gowns is prohibited. Patients should be kept at a distance. However, you should never show your fear. By following security measures, unwanted excesses can be prevented.

Under no circumstances nurse in psychiatry should not:

  • turn your back to the patient
  • enter the ward without being accompanied by a nurse;
  • speak in a familiar or aggressive tone;
  • joke is inappropriate.

Guard (ward) nurse in psychiatry on duty around the clock monitors patients, notices changes in their behavior and condition, monitors sleep, appetite, mood of patients and reports everything to the doctor at daily planning meetings. If there is a sudden change in the behavior of the patient, the attending physician or doctor on duty should be notified immediately.

The duty nurse is also involved in distributing medicines to patients, preparing for research, and making appointments for consultations of patients with specialists appointed by the attending physician. Before the change of the ward nurse in psychiatry fixes in a special journal the behavior of patients under supervision and supervision, as well as the case of seizures and attacks of patients on patients and staff.

procedural nurse in psychiatry fulfills the appointments of the attending physicians: injections, drip infusions, blood sampling for research.

insulin nurse in psychiatry is engaged in insulin therapy under the guidance of a doctor.

Aminazine nurse works in a specialized office with a fume hood and well-functioning supply and exhaust ventilation. The chlorpromazine sister treats patients with chlorpromazine according to the doctor's prescription - distributes tablets (pellets) and performs injections. Work in the chlorpromazine office is carried out in a special apron, over which an additional dressing gown is put on. Be sure to wear a mask and rubber gloves.

Both fasting and chlorpromazine nurse in psychiatry must wash their hands with soap and water after dispensing tablets medicines.

Despite various myths and "horror stories", the work of a nurse in psychiatry is interesting and serves as a good school of life. Psychiatric departments are among the most successful in terms of almost total absence staff turnover.

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Job Responsibilities nurse may vary depending on which medical institution She works (hospital, polyclinic). Therefore, the proposed sample job description for a nurse needs to be adapted to a specific work situation.

Job description of a nurse

1. General Provisions

1.1. The nurse belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. A nurse is appointed to a position and dismissed by order of the head of the institution.
1.3. The nurse reports directly to the head of the department / senior nurse of the department.
1.4. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of a nurse: secondary medical education in the specialty "Nursing".
1.5. During the absence of a nurse, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.6. The nurse should know:
- laws Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on health issues;
- the basics of the treatment and diagnostic process, disease prevention;
- organizational structure of the healthcare institution;
- safety rules for working with medical instruments and equipment.
1.7. The nurse is guided in her work by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the organization, internal labor regulations, other regulations of the company;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Responsibilities of a nurse

The Nurse has the following duties:
2.1. Carries out all stages of the nursing process in caring for patients (initial assessment of the patient's condition, interpretation of the data obtained, care planning, final assessment of what has been achieved).
2.2. Timely and qualitatively performs preventive and medical-diagnostic procedures prescribed by the doctor.
2.3. Assists in the doctor's treatment and diagnostic manipulations and minor operations in outpatient and inpatient settings.
2.4. Provides emergency first aid at acute diseases, accidents and various types catastrophes with the subsequent call of the doctor to the patient or sending him to the nearest medical and preventive institution.
2.5. Introduces drugs, anti-shock agents (with anaphylactic shock) patients for health reasons (if it is impossible for the doctor to arrive to the patient in time) in accordance with the established procedure for this condition.
2.6. Informs the doctor or the head, and in their absence, the doctor on duty about all detected serious complications and diseases of patients, complications resulting from the medical manipulations or about cases of violation of the internal regulations of the institution.
2.7. Ensures proper storage, accounting and write-off of medicines, compliance with the rules for taking medicines by patients.
2.8. Maintains approved medical records and reports.

3. Rights of a nurse

The nurse has the right to:
3.1. Receive the information necessary for the accurate performance of their professional duties.
3.2. Make suggestions to improve the work of a nurse and the organization of nursing in the institution.
3.3. Require from the head nurse of the department to provide the post (workplace) with equipment, equipment, tools, care items, etc., necessary for the quality performance of their functional duties.
3.4. Improve their qualifications in the prescribed manner, undergo certification (re-certification) in order to assign qualification categories.
3.5. Participate in professional associations of nurses and other public organizations not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility of a nurse

The nurse is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance current instructions, orders and instructions for the preservation of confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Clinical nurses should be knowledgeable in the following areas:

  • laws;
  • regulatory documentation;
  • regulations of the medical institution in which they work;
  • rights and functions;
  • principles of work of outpatient institutions;
  • rules for caring for sick people;
  • bases of medical examination of citizens;
  • pharmacological effects of essential medicines;
  • methods of instrument sterilization;
  • organization of hygiene;
  • preparation of a therapeutic diet;
  • safety rules for handling medical instruments.

A nurse of this level is involved in informing the public about the preventive measures taken against diseases and their possible complications.

Job description of a nurse in a neurological office

A cardiologist has the right to: 8.1. make proposals to the administration of the polyclinic on improving the organization of medical and preventive care for the population; 8.2. participate in meetings on the organization of cardiac care; 8.3. Reasonably prescribe and cancel any therapeutic and preventive measures, based on the patient's condition; 8.4. receive information necessary for the performance of official duties; 8.5. to present subordinates at work to the nursing staff for incentives and make proposals for the imposition of penalties in case of violation of labor discipline, unsatisfactory performance of official duties; 8.6. in accordance with the established procedure to improve their qualifications, as well as to be certified for the assignment qualification category. 9.

Functional duties of a nurse in the neurological department.


A nurse in a polyclinic must constantly improve her professionalism. What is the responsibilities of the department nurse The functional responsibilities of the department nurse are as follows:

  • monitoring the general condition of the patient;
  • implementation of patient care activities;
  • fulfillment of prescriptions given by the doctor;
  • communication at a professional level with medical personnel, sick people and their relatives;
  • preparation of patients for examinations;
  • observance of hygiene standards in the department;
  • maintaining documents in the prescribed form.

A nurse working in the department should be able to make all types of injections, use a sterile table and tray. She is obliged to change the patient's linen, both underwear and sleeping.

Her duties include measuring the temperature, pulse and blood pressure of the patient.


The functional duties of the head nurse include drawing up acts for the supply of the necessary equipment, medicines and tools. The head nurse is responsible for occupational health and safety. She personally draws up a work schedule for her subordinates and distributes their vacation time.

She maintains a payroll and draws up sick leave for temporarily disabled employees. A nurse of this profile keeps a record of medicines containing poisonous, narcotic and potent substances, controls their use. Its functions include monitoring the cleanliness of the dressing material and the sterilization of medical instruments.

Job description of a nurse in a psychiatric office of a polyclinic


Monitor the timely receipt of research results and stick them in the medical records of outpatients.2.5. Regulate the flow of visitors by fixing the appropriate time in the self-registration sheets for repeat patients and issuing coupons to them.2.6. Help patients, at the direction of the doctor, during an outpatient appointment to prepare for examination and examination.2.7.

Notify the map storage of all cases of transfer medical records outpatients to other offices in order to make an appropriate entry in the substitute card. 2.8. Keep records of dispensary patients, participate in dispensary and other preventive examinations.2.9. Systematically improve their skills by studying the relevant literature, participation in conferences, seminars.2.10.
Participate in the conduct of sanitary and educational work among patients. 2.11.

Job description of a nurse in a urological office

The main tasks of a cardiologist are the development and implementation of preventive measures, early detection and effective treatment of patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, living in the area of ​​the polyclinic, for a quarter (year) on the basis of taking into account the qualitative and quantitative indicators of his work, his compliance with the requirements of fundamental official documents, labor discipline rules, moral and ethical standards, and social activity. 7. In accordance with the tasks assigned to the cardiology office, the cardiologist: 7.1.
conducts outpatient appointments according to the schedule approved by the administration of the polyclinic, regulating the flow of visitors through the rational distribution of repeat patients; 7.2.
The volume of work (specific) workload of specialists is determined in accordance with the tasks of the neurological department (office), the provisions on their functional duties, as well as the estimated time standards for conducting various studies. 9. The neurological department (office) interacts on issues of its specialty with all structural divisions of the polyclinic and organizations of the territorial medical service. 10. The Neurological Department (office) maintains the necessary accounting and reporting documentation in accordance with approved forms and an archive of medical documents in compliance with the established normative documents storage periods. EXAMPLE JOB RESPONSIBILITIES OF A NEUROLOGIST 1. A specialist with a higher medical education who received the specialty "General Medicine", who underwent special training in the prescribed manner. 2.

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VKK and MREK; 7.6. carries out, in accordance with the indications, timely hospitalization of patients; 7.7. actively introduces into practice new means and methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular diseases; masters hospital-replacing technologies; 7.8. provides guidance and advisory assistance doctors of other specialties, including at home, early detection cordially - vascular diseases, premorbid conditions, persons with risk factors, on improving the quality of diagnosis, treatment, clinical examination of patients with cardio- vascular pathology; 7.9. provides continuity between the outpatient organization and the hospital in the examination and treatment of patients; 7.10. observes the principles of deontology in its work; 7.11.