Dissection of the gums wisdom tooth. Reasons for the appearance of a hood on a wisdom tooth

Sometimes, when teething, a hood appears on the wisdom tooth. In dentistry, this condition is called pericoronitis. There are two ways to solve the problem - removal of the hood or wisdom tooth. If measures are not taken in time, an abscess may develop, and in the future - sepsis. To avoid complications, it is recommended to start treatment when the first symptoms appear. After surgical intervention inflammation and pain disappear, chewing and speech normalize. During the rehabilitation period, it is important to follow the rules of oral care and hygiene.

Wisdom teeth are the eighth in a row, so dentists call them eights or third molars. Their eruption is possible at any age, and the absence is considered the norm. The terminal location contributes to the overhang of the gum, which forms the hood of the wisdom tooth. Overhanging tissue makes it difficult to chew and swallow, leads to the accumulation of pathogenic microflora, interferes with normal growth tooth.

Dmitry Sidorov


Important! Pericoronitis is an inflammation of the hood over the wisdom tooth, in most cases associated with the eruption process.

The dental hood retains food residues and impurities, provokes the spread of the inflammatory process to the soft tissues and bones located in close proximity to it. The condition is characterized by sharp pain sensations, swelling and decay of the gums, disruption of the functioning of the entire dentoalveolar apparatus.

The main reasons for the appearance of the hood

The hood over the wisdom tooth forms a cavity in which liquid, food debris, and pollution are retained, that is, pathogenic microflora is constantly present. This creates conditions conducive to increased reproduction and spread of harmful microorganisms. The result of the fact that the gum has grown on the wisdom tooth is inflammation, suppuration, and acute pain.

Symptoms of pericoronitis

Inflammation of the hood of the wisdom tooth takes place against the background of increasing pain symptoms. Patients complain of painful swallowing, chewing, talking, often people cannot even open their mouths. Severe inflammation is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, lymph nodes can be enlarged. A complication when there is a hood on the tooth can be phlegmon, abscess, osteomyelitis, sepsis.

Dmitry Sidorov


Important! Pericoronitis is easily confused with other diseases that do not involve the teeth. For example, with pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, even the common cold. This is due to the fact that the pain has a wandering character, and in inflammatory process nearby organs are involved - ear, throat, nose.

According to symptoms and timing, pericoronitis is classified into 3 forms. They are presented in the table.

Item number Name Symptoms and complaints The timing of the disease, the results of the examination Treatment recommendations
1 Superficial or catarrhalThe condition is generally satisfactory, the mouth opens freely, there is no pronounced edema.The hood is clearly visible, the problem arose recently.Clarification of the position of the tooth is carried out according to the radiograph, with early treatment favorable outcome.
2 PurulentThe patient's condition deteriorates sharply, the pain increases, there is an increase in body temperature, the opening of the mouth is limited, the lymph nodes under the jaw are enlarged and painful when pressed.Edema spreads to the soft tissues of the cheeks and face, there is an abundant formation and release of pus, there is an unpleasant odor, the pathological process develops in a few days.Anti-inflammatory drugs are taken locally and orally, antibiotics are prescribed if necessary, excision is carried out after the acute inflammatory reaction has been eliminated.
3 ChronicThere is a constant soreness of a moderate nature on the part of the lesion, the condition worsens from time to time, the body temperature is normal.The gums are edematous, hyperemic, the sensitivity is increased, suppuration is observed, the process can last for a long time.The focus of infection is urgently eliminated, without treatment, severe complications are likely to occur.

Treatment Methods

The treatment is aimed at stopping discomfort and inflammation, preventing the spread of the inflammatory process into the deep structures of the jaw. When contacting dental clinic in a patient with acute pain, an excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth is urgently performed. If the crown of the tooth is damaged and there is not enough space in the row for the normal position of another unit, then the wisdom tooth itself is removed under the hood.

Dmitry Sidorov


Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth

Pain is the main symptom of the hood. To get rid of pain, you need to reduce inflammation. You can stop the inflammatory process only by removing the cause of its development. Therefore, if the hood over the wisdom tooth is inflamed, then it is surgically cut off. This procedure is done under local anesthesia, it takes only 2-3 minutes. The surgeon excises part of the gum with a scalpel, completely freeing the erupting surface of the dental unit. Further, disinfection and hemostatic measures are carried out, sutures are not applied. Subject to hygiene and care, the wound after excision of the hood of the wisdom tooth quickly heals.

Removal of the hood over the wisdom tooth

If the excision of the hood over the tooth does not work, then the figure eight is removed. An indication for the removal of an erupting tooth is the progressive nature of the disease, the increase in symptoms, and repeated relapse. The operation is performed only after the removal of the acute stage of the inflammatory process. In this case, the doctor has to remove the hood over the wisdom tooth.

The doctor cuts the gum, opening free access to the terminal tooth. The surgeon can now grab the tooth and pull it out along with the roots. Eights are large in size, so sometimes a specialist has to divide them into parts and take them out of the gum one by one. The hole remaining after surgery is disinfected. The bleeding is stopped by applying a cotton pad. In some cases, they resort to suturing.

Dmitry Sidorov


Important! General anesthesia is administered to the patient at the individual request, when there is a panic fear of any dental manipulation. However, this condition is extremely rare in medical practice.

After the procedure, swelling of the gums and face remains for several days, minor pain. With strict implementation of medical recommendations, the normal state is restored within 2-3 days. If the discomfort persists and progresses for several days in a row, then you should seek the help of your doctor again.

Indications for treatment

The growth of wisdom teeth is activated at the age of 20-25 years. In this regard, they received their usual name for all "wise men." By this moment, the human jaw is fully formed, there is no room for a new unit in the row. What is a wisdom tooth hood? This is the part of the gum that hangs over the tooth when it begins to erupt outwards.

Indications for excision of the hood over the tooth:

  • the formation of a pocket from the gums near the tooth;
  • acute inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth;
  • painful reaction with any movement of the jaw, associated with this violation of the quality of life.

Removal of the hood and tooth is carried out:

  • with recurrent pericoronitis, when the treatment of the hood over the wisdom tooth has already been carried out earlier and did not give a positive result;
  • with improper growth of the figure eight, which creates crowding, grows into the bone or soft tissues of the face;
  • an impacted tooth that cannot erupt on its own, interfering with the normal functioning of other organs;
  • in the absence of adjacent molars (antagonists), since the growth of the figure eight in this case is associated with additional difficulties.

What are the complications of refusing treatment?

The terminal units of the dentition, due to their distant location, are practically not washed by saliva. Meanwhile, it is saliva that cleans the oral cavity and protects it from bacteria. Due to the same remoteness of the extreme teeth in the mouth, their hygiene is also quite difficult. As a result, inflammation and pain increase with a vengeance, leading to various negative consequences. At the same time, the hood over the wisdom tooth hurts a lot, the gums and cheeks swell, pus forms, which is swallowed and enters the body. The infection can get into any organ and system, cause other serious illness, internal inflammation.

What can be done at home if the hood over the wisdom tooth is inflamed?

If a hood appeared at the wisdom tooth, then the only right decision would be to contact a specialist. To relieve pain before a visit to the doctor, you can drink an anesthetic pill (Pentalgin, Analgin, Ketanov). You can rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or calendula to relieve the inflammatory reaction. It is good to use a soda solution, which has pronounced disinfectant properties.

From ready-made solutions, it is recommended to rinse oral cavity Chlorhexidine at a concentration of 0.05% for the purpose of disinfecting the mucous surface. For pain relief, Holisal dental gel should be rubbed into the gum. It is applied in a thin layer every 4-6 hours, it cools, temporarily relieves pain and swelling. At acute pain you need to go to the doctor immediately!

Dmitry Sidorov


Important! Warming procedures are contraindicated, as they accelerate the growth of the number of pathogenic microflora, which means they lead to the rapid spread of inflammation.

When the doctor performed the procedure to excise the gum pocket, then for the next hours you should refrain from food and drinks. It is important that at the site of the wound formed blood clot. In the future and the next day, a sparing menu of liquid and semi-liquid consistency is recommended. If the gum hurts for several days after removing the hood, then you need to re-visit the dentist. Perhaps this will be an indication for the removal of the eight.


A hood on a wisdom tooth is a common occurrence that accompanies the process of eruption of the extreme units in a row. To avoid complications, it is necessary to stop the inflammatory process in a timely manner, start surgery. It is possible to facilitate the eruption of third molars by excising the hood and disinfecting the focus of infection. If this procedure does not help, the wisdom tooth is removed. After removal, the doctor prescribes antiseptic rinses, painkillers and hemostatic agents. A re-examination will make sure the successful outcome of the operation, the normal course of healing of the gums.

What does it mean when they say that the hood on the wisdom tooth is inflamed? Let's figure it out.

Wisdom teeth are popularly called chewing teeth (large molars), located on the edge. They appear, as a rule, at the age of 16-36 years. In total, a person can have four wisdom teeth, however, dental practice is faced with situations where only 1 or 2 extreme molars erupt. At the same time, the rest continue to grow under the gum, being under a strong slope or in a supine position. In some cases, the rudiments of eights in patients are completely absent. When wisdom teeth do not erupt before the age of 35, a person should undergo an X-ray examination in order to rule out possible anomalies.

Eruption is always a painful process, which is accompanied by inflammation of the hood of the wisdom tooth. This is due to the complex interweaving of the root system. With severe inflammation, accompanied by accumulation of exudative fluid, hyperemia, abscesses extending into the deep layers of soft tissues, the patient is diagnosed with pericoronitis. Given pathological condition is typical for the eruption process of eights, but this does not mean that therapy for this condition is not required. The neglected form of pericoronitis is capable of turning into inflammation of the deep layers of the mucosa, which has a destructive form.

Possible causes of pericoronitis

Pericoronitis is a very painful process, so it is very important to determine the causes that cause severe inflammation during the eruption of the closing teeth. When an x-ray shows an anatomical misalignment of the tooth or the presence of intertwined roots, the doctor will refer the patient for a consultation with a dental surgeon, who determines whether the gum should be excised and the tooth extracted before it begins to erupt.

The appearance of extreme molars may be accompanied by the development of complications associated with other causes. Knowledge of the factors contributing to the inflammation of the hood of the wisdom tooth will ensure timely prevention of this pathology.

thickening of the gums

In about a tenth of all patients, the tissues located at the site of wisdom tooth growth have thickened walls, which prevents tooth eruption. In this case, the person has severe pain, often accompanied by a rise in temperature, headache, deterioration in general well-being. Some patients with thickened gum walls have hearing loss, pain in the ears and eye sockets. If teething does not occur for a long time, the lymph nodes located under the jaw begin to become inflamed.

For what other reasons does the hood on the wisdom tooth become inflamed?

Dense plaque of bacterial origin on the gums

If hygiene standards and oral care are neglected, the likelihood of developing pericoronitis in a patient increases several times. When a tooth erupts, the gums rise and then rupture. Microbes and bacteria located on it are able to penetrate into damaged areas and provoke severe inflammation.

A photo of the wisdom tooth hood is presented.

This form of pericoronitis is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  1. Strongly swells and swells the gums in the area of ​​wisdom tooth eruption.
  2. Any load on the site of the lesion causes the appearance of a pain syndrome of high intensity. Moreover, the pain affects not only the site of the molar, but the entire jaw.
  3. The temperature rises to 38.5 degrees Celsius.

In the absence of timely therapeutic measures, the pathological process can transform into a purulent-infectious one, which is dangerous because blood infection can occur.

Types of Pericoronitis and Symptoms

Symptoms of inflammation of the wisdom tooth hood depend on its shape. Acute pericoronitis is characterized by severe pain and high intensity of the main symptoms, so the diagnosis of an acute course of difficulties usually does not cause. Typical symptoms of acute pericoronitis are:

  1. The appearance of a sharp and unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, which intensifies after eating. At the same time, the use of hygiene products does not allow to eliminate it.
  2. Hyperemia of the mucous membranes develops, the temperature rises locally in the area of ​​eruption.
  3. There is an acute form of pain syndrome, which interferes with eating, talking, opening the mouth.
  4. Pain radiates to the temple area, lower or upper jaw, ear.
  5. Inflamed cervical or submandibular lymph nodes.
  6. The body temperature rises.

If at this stage the patient does not seek help from a dentist and tries to cure the disease on his own, the process begins to take on a chronic form.

Chronic pericoronitis

Chronic pericoronitis develops, as a rule, if tooth eruption occurs for a long time, and also in cases where the patient self-medicates an acute form of pericoronitis, stopping pain with analgesics and avoiding a visit to the dentist.

When the hood of the wisdom tooth is inflamed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Unlike acute pericoronitis, chronic is not accompanied by intense pain - the patient can almost painlessly open his mouth, but when eating, the pain increases significantly. The lymph nodes with pericoronitis in chronic form increase slightly, palpation does not cause pain. The exceptions are cases when the pathology flows into osteomyelitis of the jaw or periostitis.


The chronic process is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Pus is released from under the gum hood.
  2. The load on adjacent teeth increases, resulting in increased mobility and fragility.
  3. Abscesses and abscesses appear at the site of teething.

In the absence of adequate therapy, chronic pericoronitis contributes to the development of phlegmon - a purulent inflammation in an acute form that has no definite boundaries.

In addition, the inflammatory process is classified according to the form of its course:

  1. Pericoronitis catarrhal. It is the initial stage in the development of the inflammatory process, the symptoms in this form of pathology are mild.
  2. Purulent pericoronitis. It is the most dangerous form of pathology. Inflammation in this form of pericoronitis is accompanied by suppuration of the affected tissues.
  3. Ulcerative pericoronitis. Distinctive feature this form is the presence of an ulcerative necrotic process in the affected gum.
  4. Pericoronitis is retromolar. With this form of pathology, the purulent focus is hidden, as a result of which the normal outflow of exudate is disturbed. Because of this, pus begins to accumulate in soft tissues, the inflammatory process penetrates deeper, affecting the periosteum and provoking the formation of an abscess.

When the hood over the wisdom tooth is inflamed, the treatment should be comprehensive.

Treatment of pericoronitis

Dentists consider the only adequate way in the acute or chronic form of surgical intervention. Only 2% of uncomplicated pathology can be treated with anti-inflammatory ointments, gels and other agents. That is why experts do not recommend wasting time and effort trying to cure pathology at home.

Taking into account the anatomical localization of the tooth and the severity of the pathology, the doctor chooses one of two surgical techniques treatment - extraction of the figure eight and its root system or excision of the gum hood over the wisdom tooth. The first technique is used only in extreme cases, since surgery can provoke various complications, and the recovery period takes up to six months. In some cases, the operation to extract the figure eight from the bone alveoli is performed under general anesthesia. general action in the maxillofacial surgical hospital, which significantly increases the load on the heart muscle and other important human organs.

Indications for wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom tooth extraction is carried out only when there are strict indications:

  1. The patient has specific anatomical structure jaw (for example, the jaw arch is too narrow, and there is no room in the dentition for a tooth to erupt).
  2. Pathological disorders in the formation of the rudiments of teeth in the embryonic period.
  3. Abnormal location of the figure eight, its roots, incorrect tooth growth.
  4. Lack of effect, relapse of the pathology after the hood was cut off on the wisdom tooth.
  5. The formation of a new gingival hood (occurs quite rarely, only in 5% of cases).

Both surgical method For excision of the hood of the wisdom tooth, careful preparation and effective anesthesia are required. Upon completion of the surgical intervention, the patient is assigned to comply with a special regimen, which involves minimizing the load on the area that has been damaged. It is also recommended to use various medications aimed at preventing possible complications.

Medical treatment after surgery

The patient after surgical removal of the wisdom tooth or excision of the gingival hood must be prescribed drug therapy. One of its components are antibacterial drugs. The most commonly used antibiotic drugs with a wide range of effects, which show their activity against most anaerobic and aerobic pathogens. Most effective drugs are:

  1. "Hemomycin". The patient is prescribed a single use per day of one tablet, the duration of the course is about 5 days.
  2. "Amoxicillin". Shown three times a day one tablet. Therapy takes up to 10 days.
  3. "Zinnat". Assign twice the use of one tablet per day, therapy takes up to 10 days.
  4. "Metronidazole". Double or triple intake of one tablet for 10 days.
  5. "Tsiprolet". Two or three times a day one tablet for a week.
  6. "Ciprofloxacin". Three times a day, one tablet. Therapy usually takes 10 days.

Inflammation of the hood of the wisdom tooth

The use of oral preparations should be combined with the use of topical agents. Quite often, dentists recommend rinsing and mouth baths using antiseptics such as Miramistin, Hexoral, Chlorhexidine. Sometimes prescribed the use of anti-inflammatory gels, which have soothing components, antibacterial substances and antiseptics. Some of them contain lidocaine, which helps to reduce the intensity of pain after removing the figure eight.

If the hood over the wisdom tooth is inflamed, taking into account the indications, the patient may be prescribed the following gel preparations with a local type of effect: Dentinox, Metrogil Denta, Asepta, Kamistad, Cholisal.

It is important to consider that any medications after surgery can be used only on the recommendation of the dentist, and the combination local preparations and oral medication is allowed only in some cases. With uncontrolled use of drugs antibacterial group dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity may develop, which reduces the protective functions of the mucous membranes and increases the risk of complications.

Therapy of pericoronitis with folk methods

Pericoronitis is one of the few oral diseases that cannot be cured by the use of folk recipes. Alternative treatment this disease has a very low efficiency, it is for this reason that dentists recommend immediately contacting medical institution without waiting for the development of a purulent form of pericoronitis.

Inflammation of the hood over the wisdom tooth is one of the most dangerous and serious pathologies in dental practice. If untreated, pericoronitis can lead to serious consequences, among which the greatest danger is systemic blood poisoning. When the eruption of eights is accompanied by the appearance of primary signs of an inflammatory process, the patient should immediately contact the dental clinic. Prevention of the disease involves periodic visits to the dentist. This will allow you to detect existing deviations at the most early stages, predict the further course of the pathology, take measures to prevent the development of complications, if necessary, start treatment immediately.

It is important to remember that only timely diagnosis and therapy will avoid undesirable consequences in case of inflammation of the hood of the wisdom tooth.

According to medical research, in the process of evolutionary development, wisdom teeth have lost their primary functions, and modern people simply do not need them. However, for many, they never appear.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from the Crimean Medical Institute. institute in 1991. Specialization in therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry, including implantology and prosthetics on implants.

Ask an expert

I think that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then the treatment really may not reach the point - it will not be required. Microcracks and small caries on the teeth can be removed with ordinary paste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I single out Denta Seal. Try it too.

According to some dentists, in a couple of centuries, the eruption of eights will be a rarity.

Now, experts advise against removing molars - they may be needed when installing a prosthesis. The eruption of such teeth brings a lot of torment.

The main causes of pericoronitis

Wisdom teeth erupt between the ages of 18 and 25. The scientific name for the masticatory organ is the third molar. When a free space, called a hood, remains between the chewing organ and the surface of the gum hanging over it. Most often, food particles penetrate there and remain.

Over time, food remains deteriorate, which leads to the development of microorganisms. This provokes bad breath, inflammation of the hood and the formation of pus.

The main reasons causing the inflammatory process in the hood area are:

  • dystopia of the third molar - its location at an angle or parallel to the row, often common for the lower jaw;
  • semi-retention - the condition is accompanied by the eruption of only part of the tooth, while the rest is still in the bone;
  • thickening of the mucous tissues of the oral cavity in the region of the wisdom tooth;
  • the small width of the dental arch, which does not allow the figure eight to erupt normally.

All such cases are accompanied by the formation of a hood over the third molar, even if in the future it will take its usual position in the dentition.

Symptoms of pericoronitis

The early stages of the disease are almost asymptomatic. However, after a couple of days, the accumulation of food pieces provokes the development of inflammation. The process is complicated by the lack of the ability of saliva to penetrate under the hood. As a result, the acid-base balance is not balanced.

Signs of the development of pericoronitis are symptoms:

  • swelling of the gums;
  • difficulty in swallowing;
  • the inability of a person to fully open or close his mouth;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • putrid odor from the mouth;
  • elevated temperature;
  • advanced stages are accompanied by facial swelling.

Signs become enough to worsen a person's well-being. With delayed therapy, the results can be severe. The problem is that the infection spreads to nearby tissues.

Chewing muscles become such, as a result of which even a slight movement of the jaw is accompanied by acute pain.

Methods for the treatment of pericoronitis

With the formation of inflammation of the gingival surface near the third molar, therapy often involves the removal of the hood. If there is a pronounced purulent inflammation, then excision becomes undesirable because of the likelihood of developing inflammatory complications.

To facilitate the outflow of the purulent compartment, a dissection of the hood is performed, then anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. Complete elimination is carried out after the suppression of active inflammation. In addition, sometimes it may be necessary to remove the eight.

Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth

The method involves the excision of the overhanging mucous tissue above the molar, which began to appear. The procedure involves the elimination of conditions for the development of pathogens. This is a microsurgical intervention, which is characterized by low trauma. In rare situations, a large amount of gum tissue is excised.

Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth is performed by a dental surgeon, local anesthesia is applied. When visiting a competent specialist, correctly administered anesthesia, the procedure is painless.

Pain occurs after the anesthesia has passed (after half an hour), for this reason, it is better to take an analgesic before the onset of pain.

Excision involves the steps:

  • application local anesthesia;
  • direct excision of the overhanging gum. The dental surgeon uses a scalpel and surgical scissors in his work;
  • decontamination of the wound with special antiseptic agents;
  • imposition of iodoform turunda on the site of the excised hood.

The procedure ends with the receipt of medical recommendations, the appointment of a second examination.

Wisdom tooth hood removal

Extraction of the hood of the third molar is quite a simple operation. Local anesthesia is used for the procedure.

The procedure is facilitated by the presence of one of the prerequisites:

  • crowding of chewing organs;
  • lack of need for the functioning of the third molar;
  • insufficient width of the jaw.

Features of gum excision

Manipulation to remove the hood by itself does not pose any particular difficulties. But it requires compliance with certain medical recommendations, which will help prevent relapse. Usually excision is carried out as follows. The dentist consults the patient, informs some details of the procedure. After that, anesthesia is applied based on the collected history.

The operation is performed with a scalpel or surgical scissors. The dentist makes an incision in the soft tissues, then dissects them away from him. A similar procedure ensures the release of the molar crown.

In this case, the gingival lobes occupy an extreme position from the masticatory tubercles. The procedure will provide the patient with normal oral care, as the mucosa will move away from the crown part of the molar.

Usually, a dentist prescribes a therapeutic course, including baths. This is easy to do at home. Most likely you will need a regular solution of salt or chlorhexidine. When you receive medical preparations do not forget about the obligatory consultation with a specialist. This is due to the likelihood of complications, as well as bleeding. As a rule, the dentist takes into account the level of complexity of the disease; if purulent inflammation is detected, antibiotics are prescribed.

It is important to remember that dissection of the hood does not always guarantee protection against problems caused by the growth of the wisdom tooth in the future.

Often there are cases of re-covering the molar with the gum. This is usually caused by the slow growth of the rudiment. If the molar remains partially impacted after the procedures, it is removed.

When is a wisdom tooth removed?

Often the removal of the hood over the third molar becomes insufficient. Therapy of this kind does not provide the desired effect in the following situations:

  1. The oral cavity does not have enough space for further eruption of the tooth. Extraction is prescribed when it is directed towards neighboring masticatory organs or bone tissue.
  2. Absence of neighboring molars with a wisdom tooth. Such situations do not bring sense for the safety of the eight. For this reason, it is removed before it begins to cause problems for the patient.

The hood is formed exclusively on wisdom teeth that have not erupted to the end. So, the procedure for their removal will be quite difficult. There is no access to extract the element from the well using simple dental instruments. For this, a drill is used, which divides it into several parts. After that, the dentist carefully removes the particles of the molar from the alveolar process.

The peculiarity of removing a wisdom tooth with a hood is the complexity of its implementation. The process entails additional difficulties. The operation lasts much longer than the usual cutting off of excess soft tissue. Most patients are stressed by this, especially those suffering from a panic fear of treatment at the dentist.

For such cases, apply general anesthesia. It helps to immerse the patient in undisturbed sleep and lack of response to specialist manipulations. panic fear becomes not the only reason for the use of anesthesia.

It is activated with an increased gag reflex in humans. During the operation, the dentist can hook the tongue, causing a gag reflex. To prevent unpleasant embarrassment, it is better to completely disable the person's reflexes through general anesthesia.

Do you get nervous before visiting the dentist?


Due to the short duration of the operation, the anesthesia used does not pose a danger to the body. Despite this, women during the first and last trimesters of pregnancy are not recommended to use such painkillers.

The effect of anesthesia on the fetus has not yet been fully studied, however, it is not always possible to exclude so complex operation which requires general anesthesia.

Most modern qualified dentists do not support the removal of a wisdom tooth, as it may be useful for further prosthetics. Others, on the contrary, strongly recommend its removal. This will avoid dental problems.

Most people on different reasons are afraid of visiting the dentist, this is a condition for painful eruption of wisdom teeth. People act intuitively and turn to folk medicine. It is important to know that such actions are erroneous, they will only temporarily relieve the symptoms without solving the root of the problem. In addition, it can blur the overall picture, act as a source of the course of the disease.

It is not recommended to resort to self-acquisition and administration of bactericidal drugs. Because such drugs have a local effect, the inflammation process will only deepen its effect. The process can be purulent complications in the lymph nodes and pharynx.

Wisdom teeth bring a lot of trouble to their owners. Their eruption is often associated with pain, inflammation and many complications. In the process of evolution, the jaws have undergone significant changes, and there is simply nowhere for the last molars to grow, hence the problem of pericoronitis.

Before we talk about the procedure for removing the wisdom tooth hood, consider the cause of its inflammation:

  1. Since the eights, in fact, have no place in the dentition, they most often erupt by a third or half. In turn, the gum, which should frame the tooth, partially covers it from above and a kind of pocket is obtained.
  2. In such a cavity, food remains are easily clogged, which is not possible to clean out. As a result, bacteria begin to multiply there, which, in turn, provoke tissue inflammation.

The need for removal

At first, a person may not attach importance to such a pocket and the food clogged into it, but very soon the symptoms of pericoronitis begin to appear:

  1. Severe pain in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth.
  2. Mucosal edema.
  3. Bad breath caused by pathogenic bacteria.
  4. In an advanced case, the discharge of pus.
  5. Inability to chew and open the mouth because the swelling presses on the masseter muscle.
  6. Increased temperature due to inflammation.

In the most severe cases, when the patient has reached the last, a situation arises in which it is necessary to open an abscess with outside cheeks.

You should not wait for the manifestation of all the symptoms of the disease, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

Preparing for the operation

At the first discomfort, you should visit a dentist who will examine the wisdom tooth with its hood and decide on further actions.

If the doctor sees that the tooth has the prospect of growing properly, it is left and then only the gum is excised above it.

First, you need to take an x-ray of your teeth and understand how the figure eight grows. If the position of the tooth is initially incorrect, then a decision is made to remove it. Accordingly, the pocket, which can become inflamed, will also be eliminated.

Operation steps

On the appointed day, the patient comes to the clinic, where the essence and course of the operation should be explained to him. After that, it is necessary to make a skin test for the anesthetic that will be used.

This is very important because some anesthetics can cause severe pain. allergic reaction up to anaphylactic shock.

If the skin test is in order, proceed to the operation itself:

  1. The patient is injected with an anesthetic, which begins to act after 10-15 minutes.
  2. Next, the doctor removes excess gum tissue using surgical scissors, a scalpel, or a special laser. Excision occurs in the direction away from you. With the right actions, the crown of the tooth should fully show.
  3. The doctor washes the resulting wound from food debris, pus and blood with an antiseptic solution.
  4. Then measures are taken to stop the bleeding and special healing ointments are applied to the wound.
  5. The doctor sets a date for a re-examination in order to control the healing process and avoid unforeseen complications.

Care after surgery

As a rule, on postoperative period doctor prescribes:

  1. Reception (for example, Ketanov).
  2. Rinsing or baths for the oral cavity based on low concentration water, infusion of chamomile and calendula, or other antiseptics that are not allergic.
  3. . It is not necessary in all cases, but there are situations when the body itself cannot cope with the consequences of the inflammatory process that took place in the gums;

After the wound has completely healed, you should do preventive examinations see a doctor, since in very rare cases there are relapses and the gum mucosa can grow and re-cover the tooth, of course, this is more of an exception to the rule, but it does occur.

After the doctor has completely freed the last molar, it is necessary to carefully monitor its hygiene and clean it as well from food debris as the neighboring teeth.

Price and reviews

The cost of excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth consists of the cost of anesthesia, the operation itself and concomitant drugs. The estimated price of such a procedure is about 2000 rubles, it all depends on the level of the clinic and the region of residence.


Olga, 35 years old:“Recently, a wisdom tooth began to hurt, it has not yet erupted completely. In addition, my throat hurt and my ear began to shoot. I thought it was a sore throat, which would pass soon, looked in the mirror, and there part of the gums swelled and turned red.

I suffered a terrible pain for a couple of days, and went to the dentist. They diagnosed inflammation of the hood of the wisdom tooth, made an anesthetic injection and started the operation, it was done with a laser, and the remnants of the gums were cut off with a scalpel. The ointment was applied at the end.

The whole operation lasted about 5 minutes. After the operation, after 20 minutes, I began to feel pain. At home, I rinsed my mouth with a solution of soda, diluted 1 spoon in a glass of boiled water, swelling and pain began to go away, and then I took a painkiller tablet Ketanov.

The doctor said that you can also use Holisal or Metrogil Denta gel, applying 1 cm to the damaged area. I was not able to go to the re-examination that the doctor recommended, but now I regularly rinse my mouth and do chlorhexidine baths.”

Irin, 48 years old:“I often go to my trusted clinic, and one fine day, when I came there with a toothache, the dentist said that my wisdom tooth was not growing properly and urgently needed to be removed.

And he didn't take any pictures. Of course, I doubted and decided to go to another clinic, they took a picture, everything turned out to be in order with the tooth, it grows normally, and in order to remove the pain, it turns out that it is necessary to make an excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth.

Before the operation, they injected me with a portion of the painkiller, waited a little and made several incisions, everything took 10-15 minutes.

The gums covered a little, but they put a thick cotton swab on me, and I held it for about 15 minutes, after 30 minutes a dull pain began, from which Nimesulide helped. The whole operation together with the picture cost 870 rubles. I think if the tooth is growing normally, it is better to leave it and cut off the hood over it.”

Irina, 33 years old:“Once, once again, my wisdom tooth began to erupt, which for a long time and stubbornly tries to grow, rose heat even got a sore throat. I went to the dentist, he examined and said that the hood of the wisdom tooth was inflamed, gave me an injection, took out small surgical scissors and cut off the extra gum.

It all lasted just a couple of minutes, there was very little blood, then the wound was treated with an antiseptic and a cotton swab was applied. I was prescribed an antibiotic and told not to eat or drink for 3-4 hours. After a while, my temperature subsided, and the gum healed in 3 days. I rinsed my mouth with “Hepilor” for a few more days.”

Wisdom teeth are different from other molars in many ways. They have a more complex root system and are the last to erupt. Firstly, this happens already at a conscious age, according to statistics, from 18 to 25 years old, although there are times when eights appear only after 30 or even forty. Secondly, this process can stretch for a long period, and often proceeds with a number of complications. The most common of these is the formation of a hood over the tooth, accompanied by bouts of pain. In this case, it is often necessary to remove this part of the gum.

Symptoms and description of the hood over the tooth

In the process of eruption of eights, a hood often forms over the teeth. It is a gum tissue that hangs in those places where the tooth crown did not have time to erupt.

Since the figure-eights erupt gradually, in the gap between the mucous membrane and the crown, which still remains inside, a free space is formed in the form of a hood. Remains of food easily get there, and they cannot be completely removed even with the most thorough cleaning. This creates a favorable environment in which harmful microorganisms multiply, resulting in inflammation. This complication is called pericoronitis.

Symptoms at the initial stage of the development of inflammation are reduced to:

  • swelling of the gums;
  • pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200beight;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • odor from the mouth.

Without proper treatment, the situation worsens and the initial symptoms are joined by:

When is gingival excision indicated?

When the gum pocket overhangs the third molar, a dentist consultation is always necessary. He will determine the condition of the hood and decide if it needs to be cut. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, then the entire molar will overlap, and the inflammation will begin to move to neighboring soft tissues. This, in turn, is fraught with the development of an abscess or phlegmon, the fight against which consists in making special incisions on the affected gum.

Excision of the hood is done in the presence of:

Inflammation of the gums over the wisdom tooth

It takes some time for the gums over the erupting wisdom tooth to become inflamed. At the beginning of the formation of the hood, any discomfort are absent, and the person may not notice that there is a problem. However, if it gets under the pocket of food, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply rapidly in suitable conditions.

Unfortunately, saliva is not able to penetrate the gap between the wisdom tooth and the overhanging gum and perform its protective functions. This makes it impossible to wash out food residues and restore the acid-base balance, which contributes to the development of unfavorable flora.

Features of the growth of the gums in a child

If in an adult, gum growth occurs only when wisdom teeth erupt, then a child faces a similar problem when his milk teeth climb. For some, this process goes quickly and imperceptibly, for others it does not.

Other unpleasant symptoms can join the reddening of the gums and the formation of a hood. At this point, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. If the child is small, then he will constantly put his fingers in his mouth and can easily infect or injure the gums, and this is fraught with inflammation and the formation of pus.

Operation steps

The only option to deal with a hood over a tooth that has become inflamed is surgery to remove the build-up over the tooth. It is not particularly difficult, it is carried out quickly, in several stages:

  1. Administration of local anesthesia. In the gum next to the damaged soft tissues give an injection of the selected anesthetic drug. This is usually enough to ensure that the patient does not experience pain during the operation.
  2. Pretreatment of education with antiseptic agents.
  3. Removing the hood. After the injection begins to act, with the help of special surgical scissors or a scalpel, the doctor makes several incisions on the gum hanging over the wisdom tooth.
  4. Washing wounds in places of incisions. For this, solutions with antiseptic and analgesic properties are also used.
  5. Stop bleeding.
  6. Applications of iodoform turundas or with Alvogel.

How long does the gum heal after the intervention?

Despite the fact that the very excision of the gingival part that has grown over the tooth, the procedure is simple, and the soft tissues are injured, which means that a certain period is required for the healing of the resulting wounds. How much the incision will hurt and heal depends on the quality of the procedure, the neglect of the problem and the patient's compliance with all recommendations.

An important role after the hood is cut off is oral care. The more accurately you follow all the instructions of the dentist in the period after the operation, the faster all the unpleasant consequences of cutting the gums can disappear. Usually the rehabilitation process takes several days, after which you should visit your doctor again.

Gum treatment after surgery

The treatment of the gums, after a certain part of them has been incised, comes down to simple procedures that the patient is able to carry out on his own at home. They consist in:

  1. Creating baths for the oral cavity with Miramistin, Chlorhexidine 0.05% or a water-salt solution at least 2 times a day for 5 days. They have an antiseptic effect.
  2. Lubrication of affected tissues with Holisal gel.
  3. Taking analgesics if the damaged area is very sore after removal.
  4. A course of antibiotics in case of pus.

It often happens that removing the formation above the figure eight does not help. Despite the fact that the hood was cut, after a while it grows again. This is due to the fact that the wisdom tooth can grow very long time. The third molar can even come out only halfway and stop.

In such a situation, dentists advise immediately removing a wisdom tooth, and not suffering, continuing to constantly cut neoplasms. So you can avoid many problems and after a while return a healthy smile in the photo.

At home

Before proceeding to home therapy, it is important, under the supervision of a doctor, to eliminate the inflammatory process and possible complications. Folk methods effective only as ancillary procedures to speed up recovery.

  • Rinse your mouth with decoctions, tinctures or plain water. It is important to rinse carefully.
  • Brush your teeth with low intensity horizontal translational movements.
  • Take warm food. Hot or cold can irritate the injured mucosa. Salt and spices are also best removed from the diet.