Serene dream. Peaceful sleep of a baby: truth and fiction

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The meaning of the word serene

serene in the crossword dictionary

  • Quiet, calm, not restless, not embarrassed by anything, going his own way. Serenity peace, tranquility, silence, calmness. Serenity m. serene f. dead, indifferent, indifferent person

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal


quiet, calm, not restless, not embarrassed by anything, going his own way. Serenity peace, tranquility, silence, calmness. Serenity m. serene f. a dead, indifferent, indifferent person.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


serene, serene; serene, serene serene (book). Nothing to worry about, unperturbed calm. Serene childhood. Serene dream.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Aya, oh; - wives, - wives. Nothing to worry about, calm. Serene childhood. B. sleep.

noun serenity, -i, f.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. Not experiencing excitement, anxiety; imperturbably calm.

      characteristic of such a person.

    1. trans. Nothing broken.

      Nothing marred.

Examples of the use of the word serene in the literature.

And tired serene, the sexless face on its obverse was not the face of Vodalus at all.

Oak trees around the court serenely rustled, the azalea thickets were impenetrable, the path, covered with colored tiles, was visible far away.

She snaked up the slopes of the treeless hills, serenely beautiful summer despite the harshness.

And although Rare-Rudolf already serenely flourished in Israel, Becher tenaciously kept his accomplice in his paws.

At this time, Leonardo, away from everyone, serenely he worked on a painting which he had begun long ago by order of the Servite monks for their church, Santa Maria del Annunziata in Florence, and then, being in the service of Cesare Borgia, he continued with his usual slowness.

The reader, however, having completed the chapter, serenely he began to read another, and having finished with it, began to read the next one, and the hawkers decided that his joke was somewhat delayed.

Even Georg, this seasoned predator, who was slowly approaching the coat, stretching out his nose sniffing, could not break it. serene calmness.

But this picture is full of dignity serene rural life and your genuine and angry surprise when you heard me laugh at something that would make any court-fed dog, accustomed only to bark at the moon from the court in Whitehall, completely killed me.

When I grow up, she told us serenely- I pluck all the hairs.

They are so enthusiastic serene Around these trifles fussed, That, rejecting caution in vain, Veloso with them went into the distance into the forest.

Mr. Gillespie drank his punch slowly, savoring it, placing the glass carefully on the table, and gazing fixedly at Mr. Shrieg, who serenely admiring the flames in the fireplace.

The youth and uncaptured dissidents immediately grabbed a leaflet, put it in their bosoms and accepted serene view.

Stefan's death confused me, and serene the life I led in Ephesus seemed useless to me.

Circled serene with eyes first of animals, then of children, he turned to Zeb, who was a little taller than Dorothy.

Although his head was heavy and noisy, everything was absolutely correct and real: he was standing near his sofa bed, looking at Kvach, who was intensely following the readings of the instruments, saw serenely Sharik, who collapsed in his place, saw the sleeping Zeta and Miro, already awakened Ten.

The fact that a person spends about a third of his life in a dream is a well-known fact. Sleep is essential for recuperation. Recently, somnology - the medical science of human sleep and its disturbances - is gaining more and more development, especially promising is its field that studies sleep during pregnancy, possible violations sleep and their impact on the health of the baby.

It is quite natural that a significant hormonal and physiological restructuring of the body during pregnancy very often affects such a susceptible, subtle sphere - sleep. Almost 50% of pregnant women have sleep disorders, which vary depending on, individual features the future mother, her state of health, the course of pregnancy, etc. However, here we can speak with caution about pathology, because what is really a sleep disorder under normal conditions during pregnancy can be one of the many mechanisms that prepare a woman for future motherhood and.

Everything has its time

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the leading hormone is progesterone. It is produced mainly in the ovaries. Enhanced Level progesterone is responsible for the occurrence of drowsiness, lethargy, increased fatigue and decreased in the expectant mother. Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, a woman's body begins to prepare for bearing a child. Therefore, in the first trimester, it is desirable to increase the time of sleep in order to give the body the opportunity for sufficient rest. In the second trimester of pregnancy, ovarian function is taken over by the placenta, which forms around the 12th week of pregnancy. Along with progesterone, the placenta actively produces estrogens, which help to overcome progesterone-induced drowsiness. However, during this period, the stomach increases, which forces you to change your usual position during sleep. The uterus begins to press on bladder causing more frequent urination and the need to get up at night.

The third trimester of pregnancy is often the time of sleepless nights. There are many reasons for the occurrence of sleep disorders: it is difficult to take a comfortable position - the back becomes numb, a large belly makes it impossible to take a familiar position - you have to settle down for a long time to ensure yourself at least minimal comfort during sleep. The baby becomes quite active, sometimes it hurts with legs in the area of ​​​​the liver, diaphragm. It is more difficult to breathe for the lungs, compressed by the enlarged uterus, in addition, the mucous membranes swell somewhat, the tone of the muscles of the pharynx decreases, which can cause snoring. Due to frequent urination, sometimes you have to get up several times during the night. A common problem is skin itching that interferes with sleep.

Doom my cycle

Sleep is a rather complex and unexplored process. It is not easy for a person to imagine that when consciousness is turned off during sleep, activity internal organs continues, although it may undergo some changes. The activity of the central nervous system, in particular the brain, in some phases of sleep is sometimes even higher than during wakefulness.

Sleep consists of several successive cycles. Each cycle includes phases of the so-called non-REM and REM sleep. According to the English abbreviation, these phases are called non-REM and REM sleep phases (from the English Rapid Eye Movement - rapid eye movements. In REM sleep eyeballs make fast, clearly visible movements through the eyelids). The cycles last from 90 to 120 minutes, during the night in a dream a person experiences 4-6 such cycles.

Non-REM sleep, which occupies most of the "sleepy" time (only 5-10 minutes per REM sleep), is also divided into stages. The beginning of sleep is preceded by an intermediate stage - on the verge of sleep and wakefulness - drowsiness. Then the person falls into a dream: the consciousness turns off, the muscles are relaxed. At this time, changes occur in many biological processes: body temperature drops by a few tenths of a degree, breathing slows down, pulse slows down, blood pressure decreases, levels of various hormones change (the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol drops, the content of growth hormone increases). As a rule, upon awakening during the phase slow sleep a person does not remember his dreams, awakening is rather difficult, one feels lethargy, drowsiness. Gradually, he sinks into a deep sleep, then the stages of non-REM sleep follow in reverse order, but the person does not wake up - it is the turn of REM, or paradoxical REM sleep.

During REM sleep, life processes accelerate, breathing becomes uneven, fluctuations are noted blood pressure, pulse. At this time, as a result of the active activity of the central nervous system, a person sees vivid, colorful, emotional dreams that are well remembered when waking up during this phase of sleep. The paradox of this phase is that the activity of all life processes corresponds to that of a person when he is awake, but the consciousness is turned off, and the direction of the processes is internal.

Why is sleep needed?
Scientists have found that prolonged sleep deprivation leads to severe physical and mental disorders: fatigue, headache, muscle tremors occur, memory deteriorates sharply, up to a short-term loss of it, hallucinations may appear. This is not surprising, because during sleep, the biochemical processes of recovery, accumulation of wasted energy resources, the synthesis of a number of hormones and other biologically active processes are activated. active substances.

Non-REM sleep accounts for about half of the total amount of time spent sleeping. The duration of REM sleep varies throughout life: in newborns it is also equal to half of the total sleep time, after birth, the duration of REM sleep is significantly reduced, and in adults it is about 25% of all sleep.

Dreams and dreams during pregnancy

As a result of significant hormonal changes during pregnancy, women often change their psycho-emotional mood. This is reflected in the structure of sleep. For this reason, approximately from the second half of pregnancy, a woman begins to see colorful emotional dreams. In addition, dreams are often the result of some kind of experience, disturbing situations, fear of the future, but by no means a sign of terrible events. Vivid dreams often torment pregnant women, frightening with their reality. But despite the threatening interpretations of dreams from various dream books, it should be remembered that dreams are the result of a bizarre processing in the central nervous system of our emotions, experiences, seen, heard, remembered or, at times, not even recorded by consciousness - everything that fell into the depths of our memory and was strangely synthesized into some images, situations. Many scientists have tried to unravel the nature of dreams. So, according to Freud, the interpretation of dreams is the way of knowing the unconscious in the human soul. Jung believed that a dream reflects what a person lives today and his possibilities in the future. Sometimes in a dream, truly brilliant ideas come to people: for example, in a dream, Mendeleev discovered his famous periodic table of elements.

The dreams of a pregnant woman often reflect upcoming worries, anxiety about the child, his health, fear of future childbirth, responsibility, fear of not being able to cope with her new maternal responsibilities. Often expectant mothers dream of water, the process of childbirth, the future baby. With increased sensitivity, suspiciousness and emotionality, which is typical during pregnancy, women are tormented by nightmares. The most important thing in this case is to calm down. Until now, it has not been accurately and reliably established why we see dreams, what their purpose is, what they mean. While waiting for a child, vivid dreams are an absolute norm, and upon awakening it is better not to exaggerate the dream events, guessing their meaning, but to try to forget the dreams that stole your peace. If some events from the dream continue to bother you, share them with a person you trust, who, without ridiculing, will listen to you carefully. After such a conversation, it will be easier for you to find out true reason anxiety. In the future, going to bed, tune in to pleasant dreams. Ask your husband or other loved one to wake you up if you have signs of restlessness in your sleep, screaming, groaning, accompanied by rapid movements of the eyeballs.

By the way, if you share good dreams, then the positive emotions received from them multiply.

Sleep disorders during pregnancy
A variety of sleep disorders can be divided into several groups:

  • disorders associated with falling asleep - the so-called starting insomnia;
  • restless, disturbing dream;
  • interrupted sleep with frequent awakenings;
  • waking up too early and unable to go back to sleep - end-phase insomnia.
Various sleep disorders during pregnancy occur in 80% of women. In the second half of pregnancy, starting insomnia is most common. An uncomfortable posture, pain in the legs, back, heartburn, skin itching, baby movements, etc. prevent the expectant mother from falling asleep.

Sleep duration

In one of the scientific experiments, it was found that the duration of human sleep should be about 10 hours. Of course, in our stormy convict, not everyone can afford the luxury of spending almost half a day sleeping. A modern person, at best, sleeps 7-8 hours a day, or even less, and pays for this with chronic fatigue, depression, poor health, and even serious health problems.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, when severe drowsiness develops under the influence of progesterone, it is better for the expectant mother to obey the requirements of nature and give the body the opportunity to rest for at least 10 hours. If it is impossible to spend so much time on uninterrupted sleep, a 1.5-2-hour daytime rest is recommended. In a situation where the expectant mother works, she has to fight with sleep. To increase activity during pregnancy, strong tea and coffee are not suitable, therefore, it is recommended to raise the tone cold and hot shower, gymnastics for pregnant women, green tea. However, it should be remembered that only 2-3 full-length sleeps are capable of returning the body to "sleepy" debt, for which it is advised to use days off.

According to other sources, sleep longer than 10 hours, with waking up closer to lunchtime, is also harmful: it causes a biorhythm failure, leading to a deterioration in well-being. It was found that the longest life expectancy is typical for people sleeping 7-8 hours a day. Thus, most likely, the normal duration of sleep for each person is individual. History knows cases of good rest with a daily sleep duration of no more than 4-5 hours. It was found that in people who sleep little, the slow-wave sleep phase is lengthened. It can change throughout life, as it depends on many external and internal causes. The division of people into the so-called "larks" (those who go to bed early and get up early) and "owls" (those who go to bed late and get up late) is genetically determined, i.e. this is an innate property, although habits developed during life can somewhat change the time of the greatest activity of life processes.

The norm for the duration of a night's rest - 7-8 hours - was derived by superimposing the rhythm of the "internal clock" (the center for determining the time is located in humans and animals in the brain) and the time of wakefulness (after a certain time of work, fatigue of the brain structures occurs). When these rhythms are superimposed, the most common time for sleep is determined - from 23 to 7 hours; it depends on fluctuations in hormones, biologically active substances, body temperature, etc.

Go away, please, insomnia!

Expectant mothers should be warned against the use of various sleeping pills. Absolutely safe psychotropic drugs (and hypnotics are among them) do not exist: they all cross the placenta and have an adverse effect on the fetus, sometimes very serious. In the first trimester, the use of such drugs is prohibited, in the second and third trimesters, sedatives, sleeping pills medicines are used only in the presence of serious indications and are prescribed only by a doctor. In addition, sleep caused by the action of drugs differs significantly from natural sleep: the ratio of sleep phases is disturbed, with a significant shortening of REM sleep. Often after such a dream, a person feels tired, weak, drowsy, without feeling a good rest. In addition, the constant use of hypnotics is fraught with the development of drug dependence, and if they are abruptly canceled, the phenomenon of "recoil" with severe sleep disturbances, nightmares, and frequent awakenings may occur.

Therefore, during pregnancy, it is necessary to use all non-drug methods to combat insomnia and, if possible, avoid the use of medicines. The fundamental point in the prevention and treatment of insomnia in expectant mothers is compliance. In the second - third trimesters of pregnancy, it is better to give up daytime sleep. You can't completely deprive yourself physical activity; its optimal types are gymnastics for pregnant women, as well as walking at a slow pace, shortly before bedtime.

How to beat insomnia during pregnancy?
Relaxation exercises, which expectant mothers are taught in schools for pregnant women, contribute to general relaxation, calming and falling asleep quickly. The main task during relaxation is the gradual relaxation of the whole body in time with slow rhythmic breathing (exhalation is approximately 2 times longer than inhalation). Feel how pleasant bliss covers you, how your arms and legs fill with heaviness and warmth. Draw soothing landscapes in your imagination: a sunny meadow, the chirping of grasshoppers, the singing of birds, a quiet water surface, a light breath of the breeze - in general, what brings you peace.
Aromatherapy helps a lot. You can use a pillow filled with dry mint grass, lemon balm, hop cones, juniper, oregano, pine needles, chamomile flowers, immortelle, rose petals (the pillow should be placed nearby, inhaling the light aroma of the herbs filling it). Essential oils These plants can be added to a warm bath to promote relaxation. However, before taking a bath, consult your doctor: in some situations, this procedure is contraindicated. If you are allowed to use aromatic oil, remember that 1-2 drops are enough for a bath.

The air temperature in the bedroom should not exceed 21 °C. The air in the bedroom should be fresh, so the room should be ventilated whenever possible. Humidifiers are used to prevent dry air, which adversely affects the mucous membranes. Ionizers enrich the air with light negative ions, bringing it closer in composition to mountain air. The future mother should have a comfortable sleeping place: the pregnant woman should not be cramped, the bed should not be very hard or excessively soft, a comfortable pillow should be chosen under her head. Bed linen should be made of natural materials, sufficiently hygroscopic (moisture-absorbing), breathable. It is better to refuse spectacular synthetic fabrics. Bed linen should be changed at least once a week.

Pillows that are placed under the head, neck, between the legs, support the back can help to take a comfortable position for a pregnant woman. There is a special large curly pillow for pregnant women, which allows you to get most comfortable. It is recommended that the expectant mother sleep on her left side: it is in this position that placental circulation improves, large vessels and organs located behind the pregnant uterus are not squeezed, as a result of which kidney function improves, swelling decreases, nutrients and oxygen are better supplied to the fetus.

What's stopping you?

With pain in the back and legs, a massage of the lower back and calf muscles, which the husband can do, will help. For foot massage, it is good to use gels or creams that normalize the tone of the veins - these vessels have to experience an increased load during pregnancy. For leg cramps, you should consult with your doctor: you may need an additional prescription of calcium supplements,. And the following measure serves as an ambulance in such a situation: you should pull thumb legs, cramped, simultaneously rubbing, kneading, pinching her calf muscle. Gymnastics for pregnant women is a good prevention of such unpleasant phenomena.

To get rid of itching that develops due to stretching of the skin, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of the abdomen with special creams for pregnant women. They increase the elasticity of the skin, contribute to its hydration and nutrition, and prevent the formation of stretch marks. Another annoying problem that interferes with normal falling asleep is heartburn. A number of physiological changes during pregnancy - muscle relaxation, compression of the diaphragm by the pregnant uterus, a change in the position of internal organs - contribute to the appearance of heartburn and discomfort in the epigastric region. Restriction or complete exclusion from the diet of spicy, salty foods, late dinner (4 hours before bedtime), the use of special drugs that reduce acidity gastric juice(only with the recommendation of the attending doctor) will help get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. A number of doctors recommend eating for dinner protein products(dairy products, cheese, meat, fish), rich in tryptophan - a natural component that reduces the excitability of the nervous system. According to other experts, a pregnant woman's dinner should consist mainly of carbohydrate foods that are quickly digested (vegetables, fruits, flour products). In this way, the best choice there will be a light dinner including yoghurts, dairy products, fruit.

Frequent urination is common during pregnancy. Often it causes night rises, intermittent sleep. This is due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder. Therefore, to reduce the load on the urinary system and reduce the number of rises at night, it is necessary to limit fluid intake 4-5 hours before bedtime.

Very noticeable movements and tremors of the baby in the womb can also interfere with the mother's falling asleep. Try to change the position: sometimes the baby calms down when changing position. In addition, various thoughts and experiences can contribute to insomnia. In such cases, natural sedatives help (they have a mild sedative effect on both the mother and the baby in her womb). A glass of warm milk, a decoction of chamomile flowers with the addition of a spoonful of honey have a hypnotic effect. Teas from lemon balm, thyme, mint, lavender, decoctions of motherwort, valerian help to calm down and fall asleep. Also reduce the excitability of the nervous system juices of some vegetables: pumpkins, beets, turnips. You can add 1 teaspoon of honey to the juice and take the resulting mixture 3 times a day. However, the daily use of honey by a pregnant woman is not recommended due to the high likelihood of developing allergic reactions the baby in the future.

Do not worry if, despite all the efforts made and the implementation of various recommendations, you still cannot fall asleep. The duration of sleep cycles is 90-120 minutes, so after this time the body will take its toll and you will fall asleep - the need for sleep is absolute for all living beings. And the time that has appeared can be taken by looking at photos, listening to pleasant music through headphones (so as not to disturb anyone), knitting. Set yourself up that everything will be fine - and that's exactly how it will happen! After giving birth, rarely any of the mothers complains of problems with falling asleep.

Good night to you and your baby!

Julia Lukina
Therapist, Ph.D. honey. Sciences, Researcher
State Research Center
preventive medicine of Roszdrav
Article provided by the magazine "9 months" No. 01 2007

Julia Lukina

The sleep needs of newborns are different from those of older children. This article will help you understand your child's sleep patterns and coordinate your daily routine accordingly.

Read more, listen and beware of bad advice

Everyone, without exception, has their own, of course, the only correct opinion on how to solve problems with the sleep of a newborn. For young, inexperienced parents, the danger is that this unsolicited (albeit well-intentioned) advice can negatively affect your parenting skills and, as a result, the normal development of your child ... if you do not meet them head-on. The more knowledgeable you are about children's sleep, the less likely you are to be challenged by others around you.

By thoroughly understanding the facts and developing a detailed plan for caring for your child, you will be able to confidently respond to all those who, in good intentions, give erroneous advice and advice that should be done exactly the opposite. So, first of all, you need to wise up and understand the situation! Determine what you should do and why. Read about your problem in books and magazines, attend special classes in support groups - this will help you understand the essence of the problem and find the right solution.

Newborn Sleep: Biology

In the first months of life, the child sleeps only when he gets tired - no more, no less. It is not in your power to put the baby to sleep when he does not want to, and vice versa - you are unlikely to be able to wake him when he is fast asleep.

Newborns have a tiny tummy. However, it grows by leaps and bounds, which is in no way facilitated by liquid food, which infants quickly digest. Yes, it would be nice to put the little one to bed at the appointed time and not hear a sound from him until the morning. However, when it comes to a tiny baby, this is almost impossible. Newborns need to be fed every two to four hours - and sometimes more often.

Sound night sleep

Inexperienced parents are often under the misconception that babies are fast asleep through the night shortly after birth. However, for a newborn, “all night” comes down to five hours. Many (but not all) newborns can sleep peacefully from midnight to five in the morning (this does not mean that this is actually the case). Yes, this has little to do with your idea of ​​the notorious "baby sleep"!

What's more, some babies who sleep soundly at night suddenly start waking more frequently, often taking a year or two to regain a healthy sleep pattern.

Falling asleep while breastfeeding or bottle feeding

It is natural for a newborn to fall asleep while breastfeeding while sucking on a bottle or pacifier. However, in this case, there is a certain danger: if the child constantly falls asleep in this way, he will begin to associate sleep with sucking movements, and over time it will be difficult to teach the baby to fall asleep without a pacifier. This is probably one of the most pleasant associations with sleep that a child can have. However, a significant percentage of parents who face the problem of putting older children to bed have to contend with this strong association.

Thus, if you want your baby to fall asleep without your help, it is important to make sure that the baby sucks on the pacifier before falling asleep, and not during sleep. If possible, gently wean him off the breast, take away the bottle or pacifier, so that the baby falls asleep on his own. If you do this often enough, he will learn to fall asleep without a pacifier or breast.

Night feedings

Many pediatricians recommend that parents make sure to wake their baby for feeding every four hours, and most newborns wake up much more often. However, be that as it may, your baby will definitely wake up several times a night. The main thing is to learn to determine when you need to feed the child, and when you just rock him to sleep again.

Here's a secret you absolutely need to know. Babies make a variety of sounds while they sleep, from grunts to whimpers to loud screams. These sounds do not always portend the awakening of the baby. Even while making these “sleep sounds”, your baby is sound asleep.

Learn to distinguish "sleep sounds" from "waking sounds". If the baby woke up and wants to eat, you need to feed him as soon as possible, and he will fall asleep peacefully for a few more hours. However, if the baby "speaks" outside - do not wake him up!

Teach your baby to distinguish between day and night

As a rule, a newborn sleeps sixteen to eighteen hours a day, and this sleep is often divided into six or even seven periods. You can help your baby to distinguish between night and daytime sleep, i.e. help him sleep longer at night.

During the day, put your baby to sleep in a lighted room where he can hear what is happening around him. At night, try to put the baby in a dark room where extraneous sounds do not penetrate, with the exception of white noise (background lulling sounds). Evening bathing before going to bed and dressing in pajamas will also help you teach your child to distinguish between day and night - gradually the child will learn to perceive these actions as a prologue to sleep.

signs of fatigue

Learn to recognize when your baby wants to sleep and put him to bed as soon as you notice signs of fatigue. A child who is awake when his body calls for sleep is an unhappy child. Over time, this will lead to sleep disturbances, which will complicate the formation of a sleep pattern. Learn to guess the child's desire to sleep by the right signs - he calms down, loses interest in others and toys, starts to act up - and put the baby to bed as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

Take care of your own comfort

Do not doubt that the baby will periodically wake you up, so tune in to this in advance. First of all, relax and don't worry about night feedings. Your constant displeasure and bad mood will not change anything. Every day the situation will improve. You won't have time to look back, as your baby grows up - he will start walking, talking, and bumping into everything ... during the day, and sleep peacefully all night.

Another "Mother Teresa" buried her iron nose in the cold bottom of the Atlantic. She no longer heard the screams of horror and the groans of passengers and calmed down forever and ever in anticipation of a slow overgrowth of shells and rusting of the skeleton. The "bearded boy" walked away from the periscope, satisfied with the work done, and put a tick in the ship's log, having previously drooled over the pencil. "Papa Doenitz" will be pleased!
He stretched with pleasure, stretched his stiff joints, rubbed his eyes and yawned contentedly. However, it's time to get ready for a reunion with the "wolf pack". Another trading caravan is coming and it’s impossible to miss it. The boys are definitely tired. But in the end, a raid is a raid, it must be completed and returned to the base with your head held high. And there he will be waiting for us, our beloved "Papa", our "Lion", as we jokingly call him, always stingy with praise, but invariably pleased with our work done. Let Raeder work with the upper tower, this is his headache. We are in the trade part, and a little bit in the medical part. So what to do? Not figs on Teresa to transport military equipment. Are we made with a finger, can’t we calculate the mass by the ship’s draft? All live cargo weighs no more than two tanks! And if all the trough below the waterline is gone, don’t pamper your mother? And with what speed does he go to visit Neptune, for one or two? No, guys, it’s not so easy for us to get a kandachka ... ... b! So for your stretchers and not very much, you are foul, you will bear the responsibility in full. And so we passed by.

The captain closed his eyes, scratched his beard, called an assistant and gave the order to gather in a “pack”. Then he calmly and serenely crouched ... He dreamed of Emma, ​​his beloved dog and children (whom he never had time to give birth to). His sleep will not be long, divers sleep little. He looked forward to the placidly sparse praise of "Papa Doenitz". And ahead of him was a caravan, escort ships, torpedo bombers and, perhaps, not an easy death. But all this would be ahead, in the near and indefinite future, which now worried him little. He quietly dozed like a child, like hundreds of passengers of the "Red Cross", who fell asleep forever in, opened their spiritual arms for them, the great waters of the Atlantic. A virgin smile froze on his lips and the quiet roar of the submarine's turbines lulled him to sleep with its gentle motherly lullaby...

Karl Doenitz, Grand Admiral. Sentenced by the Nuremberg Tribunal for waging "unrestricted submarine warfare" to 10 years in prison. Released 1 Oct. 1956. Author of three books. Died 24 Dec. 1980. He was buried in the village of Aumühl, in the province of Schleswig, without military honors. Former military personnel and foreign naval officers who came to pay tribute to him were forbidden by the German government to be present in military uniform and awards.


I agree with good care. Another thing was not tormented by his conscience for the wounded, women and children left at the bottom of the Atlantic? I'll tell you one story: A former punisher who killed a 6-year-old girl during a cleansing operation came to Martin Bormann Jr. for confession. For 25 years, he did not start a family and children, and at night he was tormented by nightmares. Bormann absolved him of his sins, but the soldier hanged himself a week later anyway ... That's it! Thanks for the feedback. Read the biography...

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    dream- serene sleep sound sleep heroic dream deep sleep sound sleep dead sleep dead dream invincible dream unawakening dream... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    serene, serene, serene; serene, serene, serene (book). Nothing to worry about, unperturbed calm. Serene childhood. Serene dream. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

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    dream- boundless (Balmont); dreamless (Remizov); thoughtless (Kuzmin, Nadson); carefree (Minsk); silent (Lokhvitskaya); silent (Sologub); serene (Korolenko, Kozlov, K.R., Frug); crazy (Balmont, Fet); blessed (Corinthian); ... ... Dictionary of epithets

    SERENE, oh, oh; wives, wives. Nothing to worry about, calm. Serene childhood. B. sleep. | noun serenity, and, wives. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    App., use. comp. often Morphology: serene, serene, serene, serene; more serene; nar. serenely 1. Human life is called serene if it flows calmly, without unrest. serene happy childhood, being. |… … Dictionary of Dmitriev

    Serene- calm, quiet sleep, not interrupted by anything terrible ... Brief Church Slavonic Dictionary

    Aya, oh; wives, wives, wives. 1. Alien worries and unrest; indicative of peace of mind. Second state. B. laughter. Second facial expression. 2. Flowing calmly, without worries and troubles; undisturbed or disturbed by anything. My childhood… encyclopedic Dictionary

    serene- oh, oh; wives, wives, wives. see also serene, serenity 1) Alien to worries and unrest; indicative of peace of mind. Second state. Silent/slow laughter. Second facial expression. 2) Flowing calmly, without unrest and not ... Dictionary of many expressions

    This article is about a non-academic line of research. Please edit the article so that it is clear both from its first sentences and from the subsequent text. Details in the article and on the talk page ... Wikipedia

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