Do tomatoes and cucumbers go well in a salad? What is healthier cucumbers or tomatoes

A traditional dish on every table in our country is a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. It is prepared for every day, served on festive table. But nutritionists sounded the alarm.

It turns out that at proper nutrition mixing tomatoes with cucumbers in one dish is strictly contraindicated!

Tomatoes, entering the body, have such an effect on the gastrointestinal tract that an acidic environment is formed. As for cucumbers, they contribute to the formation of an alkaline environment. It turns out that when an acidic environment and an alkali are combined, the process of salt formation starts.

It primarily harms the kidneys. With the constant use of this salad, serious problems with the liver can occur.

Important! Tomatoes contain ascorbic acid. It is useful for the body, but with the simultaneous absorption of red and green fruits, the ascorbic acid of tomatoes will be killed by the enzyme ascorbinase contained in cucumbers.

It turns out that even if you eat a kilogram of tomatoes, then together with cucumbers, the body will not get vitamin C, which tomatoes are rich in and able to supply the body in large quantities.

Vitamins Rivals

There is such a thing in nutrition as antivitamins. These are substances that have a similar chemical structure, but the opposite effect. In the body, such substances will conflict and cancel each other's action. As for tomatoes and cucumbers, this is a classic example of such a simultaneous intake of rival vitamins into the body.

When vitamins enter the body, they become coenzymes and interact with specific proteins. This is how the regulation of biochemical processes in the body occurs.

The roles are predetermined, and a certain vitamin can only be integrated into a protein that is suitable specifically for it. Antivitamins will also turn into coenzymes, but they will be complex.

Due to the specifics of the structure, a protein may not notice them at all, and as a result, the usual biochemical processes will be disrupted (in whole or in part).

  • Smoking (including passive smoking) and alcohol are the main enemies of vitamins. Especially, vitamins of group B, as well as C and K. One cigarette removes a daily dose of vitamin C from the body!
  • Most of all ascorbinase, which is the main antagonist of vitamin C, is found in zucchini and cucumbers.

In order for the cucumber to be absorbed by the stomach without problems, the release of certain enzymes is required. But, not a single enzyme matches those that the body needs to digest tomatoes. That is, one vegetable will be digested, while the other will begin to rot in the stomach. As a result, gases are formed.

Of course, as long as the person is young and the organs, especially the liver, are healthy and in perfect order, then there will be no problems with the joint use of tomatoes and cucumbers. But by the age of forty, the liver can already begin to work for wear and tear. To prevent this from happening, it is always better to eat cucumbers and tomatoes separately.

It is difficult to take and in one minute refuse to eat such a beloved and traditional dish. Salad with cucumbers and tomatoes always goes with a bang and these vegetables combine perfectly to taste. But you need to look at the root and think about your future, about the health of organs and systems.

For a healthy liver, you should now abandon the regular combination of tomatoes and cucumbers in one dish. This can be done occasionally to please yourself with such a favorite taste.

When used together, cucumbers and tomatoes not only form a lot of salts. It is also important to remember the fact that vitamins from these vegetables, no matter how natural and ripe they are, will not be absorbed by the body.

Feb 27, 2017 Olga

Cucumbers and tomatoes have a different structure. Due to this, the assimilation of these vegetables by the body occurs with different intensity. Although it is the easiest to prepare, it tastes good. But not everything is so simple.

What is the difference?

How to understand why you can’t eat cucumbers and tomatoes together - the answer is simple. Tomatoes are acidic, while cucumbers are alkaline. It is enough to remember the school chemistry course to understand the consequences. The reaction is inevitable. Only all processes will occur in the body. By combining these vegetables, we get salts. Why does the body need extra salt? This leads to additional stress on the kidneys and liver. As a result, the filtration of the body slows down.

Also, tomatoes and cucumbers cannot be eaten together, because tomatoes contain ascorbic acid, and cucumbers contain ascorbinases. That is, the second enzyme suppresses the first and vegetables are less digestible. It turns out that certain enzymes are required for the assimilation of each product. Together they are not absorbed. In this regard, nutritionists recommend cutting tomatoes and cucumbers into separate plates. So dietary fiber, which is so beneficial to health, does not give the products a chance to remain undigested in the body. The combination of tomatoes and cucumbers leads to destruction. So doubts about the benefits of a summer tomato salad with cucumbers are not groundless when one wonders if it is possible to eat cucumbers with tomatoes together.

Cucumbers are also highly acidic, so use them when gastric ulcer and acute gastritis is not recommended due to the risk of increased acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

A little about the benefits of products

Do not forget that each vegetable separately is a storehouse of useful nutrients. Therefore, summer vegetable salads can be alternated. Then you don’t have to worry about the question - is it possible to eat tomatoes and cucumbers together. FROM medical point view of the call not to eat these vegetables together, is well founded. Young people are unlikely to pay attention to him. But older people are already more picky about food because of the many contraindications.

It has long been noticed that with separate meals (at different times of eating), metabolic processes are easier. The body quickly copes with the task of digesting each product.

We take out the pre-stored tomatoes and cucumbers from the refrigerator, cut them, season with butter or sour cream and, voila - a quick, light salad is ready to eat. In fairness, it should be noted that these juicy vegetables are precious to humans, not only as a common basis for preparing salads and other dishes, but also are a valuable source of substances beneficial to the body. What are the benefits of cucumbers and tomatoes for beauty and health, we will consider in this article.

Photo gallery: The benefits of cucumbers and tomatoes for beauty and health

The benefits of cucumbers Health.

Good cucumber for those who want to lose weight. Firstly, the fruit is 95% water, so its use will in no way be displayed on the figure. Secondly, cucumbers contribute to better absorption of proteins and fats. Fasting days contribute to weight loss. On such days, you need to eat 1.5-2 kilograms of cucumbers.

Cucumber juice perfectly cleanses of toxins, removes sand from the liver. Potassium in cucumbers has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and heart.

Interestingly, cucumbers are best consumed unripe. No wonder so many are tempted by small cucumbers.

The beauty.

Probably every woman at least once in her life made herself a mask of cucumbers. Fresh cucumber slices are an excellent helper for swelling under the eyes. It is enough to lie down with slices of cucumber in front of your eyes for 10-20 minutes to get rid of these unpleasant bystanders. bad sleep or spending a lot of time at the computer.

In addition, cucumber refreshes tired and aging skin, moisturizes and smoothes it, protects from the sun. For such skin, it is necessary to put cucumber gruel on a cotton napkin. Leave a napkin with a mass on the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water: first cold, then warm.

It is useful to massage the face with a piece of cucumber. Such a procedure is good during the day, when the skin of the face sweats.

For normal and oily skin, the following mask is suitable: half a cucumber puree, a tablespoon of yogurt. All this is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Remove the mask with a wet swab.

For dry skin: a few slices of cucumber, fresh milk. Pour the slices with milk and insist in the cold for a day. Wipe the face with filtered milk in the morning. After wiping, allow the skin to dry and rinse with cool water.

For skin burns with sunlight, use 3 large cucumber(without skin), grated, milk (1 cup). Mix ingredients. Treat the affected areas with the mixture. You can take a bath with this composition. It is recommended to keep the mask on the skin (or take a bath) for 20 minutes.

To strengthen hair, use cucumber and cabbage juice in equal proportions. Such a composition must be rubbed daily into the scalp.

Benefits of tomatoes. Health.

Ripe tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, proteins, fiber, pectin. Contain minerals: calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, etc.

Lycopene gives tomatoes their bright red color. Lycopene is one of the most powerful antioxidants found in the human body. The substance plays an important role in preventing the development of cancer. This property is manifested in the prevention of cancer of the prostate, stomach, lungs, cervix, breast, pancreas, rectum, oral cavity. Scientists from America have bred special varieties of tomatoes, in which the content of lycopene is 2-3.5 times higher than in other varieties. This variety was bred to prevent cancer.

It is important that the heat treatment of tomatoes practically does not affect the content of lycopene. On the contrary, the concentration of the substance occurs when the fruit is evaporated. Therefore, the content of lycopene in tomatoes is high, but it is even higher in tomato products: tomato sauce, paste, juice.

The chemical composition of tomato fruits includes a large amount of iron and potassium. Therefore, tomatoes contribute to the prevention cardiovascular diseases. The health benefits also extend to the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, gonads, lungs. Tomatoes are useful in the fight against obesity.

Beauty benefits.

Tomatoes, like cucumbers, are used in cosmetology. Below are the ingredients for the masks different types skin.

At oily skin with large pores, slices or tomato puree are applied to the face. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm water. This mask tightens pores and improves skin tone.

For dry skin with wrinkles, tomato paste mixed with a few drops of olive oil is used. Starch can be added for a thicker consistency. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Oily hair is good to lubricate with mashed ripe tomato when wet.

Tomato juice helps with tired legs. To do this, warm juice must be rubbed into the feet.

The use of vegetables on the menu has been going on since time immemorial. Each person uses them in his diet, because they contain a large amount beneficial vitamins and trace elements, at the same time they help maintain the figure. And how nice it is to eat a salad in summer, crumbling fresh cucumbers and tomatoes!

But not everyone knows that due to their unique composition, these vegetables will perfectly help to get rid of extra pounds. What is the advantage of a cucumber and tomato diet for weight loss?

Necessary information

Cucumbers are almost entirely water and have very few calories. Availability a large number fiber helps the stomach and removes cholesterol. And the organic substances present in it in large quantities play an important role in metabolism, enhancing the digestion process.

Tomatoes are very useful for the body and are successfully used as dietary product. They contain many useful organic acids, mineral salts and vitamins. Tomato fruits contain pectin, which is involved in the removal of toxic metabolic products, toxins and cholesterol from the body.

The use of this vegetable relieves edema, as it has a diuretic effect on the body, removing all stagnant fluid from all cells, helping in their renewal. Lycopene, found in tomatoes, protects the body from cancer, and is a powerful antioxidant, reduces the development of cardiovascular diseases.

The greatest absorption of lycopene occurs when vegetable oils are used in salads with tomatoes. Their beneficial properties are great, they are excellent antidepressants, the presence of serotonin helps to improve mood. In general, tomatoes are a pantry of vitamins.

Features of the diet

I would like to note that the calorie content of cucumbers and tomatoes is very low, so they are great for a diet. And their combination increases beneficial features this power mode. During the diet, you need to give up: fatty, floury, sweet, exclude carbonated and alcoholic drinks and other "harmful" foods.

Meals should be fractional, five to six times a day. Drinking water or tea, preferably herbal or green, is a must.

The number of days of the diet is determined independently according to well-being and desire. This article proposes a diet for 3-5 days, this is a short-term option with weight loss up to 4 kilograms. If desired and necessary, the diet can be extended up to seven to ten days.

Cucumbers and tomatoes can be eaten separately or made into a salad.

Diet menu

Breakfast: cut cucumber and tomato into salad, add parsley and dill, sprinkle everything with a drop of olive oil, one toast from rye bread, tea.

Second breakfast: fresh cucumber.

Lunch: cucumber-tomato salad with dill, dressed with a drop of oil, 150 gr. steamed turkey breasts, tea or vegetable juice.

Afternoon snack: fresh tomato.

Dinner: egg, cucumber (you can make a salad from these ingredients by seasoning it with low-fat sour cream), herbal tea.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir (fat-free).

Undoubtedly, the benefits of this diet will be high, the body will get rid of excess weight. But the main thing is that it will be replenished with various vitamins and minerals, cleansed of unnecessary substances, due to which the complexion will improve, energy will appear.

In addition to the diet, it’s good to arrange fasting days on cucumbers or tomatoes, this will keep the body in good shape, and in addition, it will help get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

Video materials on the topic of the article

The fact is that many people perceive the adage about "give dinner to the enemy" too literally, although in fact it means that it is better to avoid too late and high-calorie evening meals and the last meal should be at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Among other things, the complete rejection of dinner is much more harmful to health than its presence, especially if you eat cucumbers at night (most importantly when dieting). That is why, arguing on the topic that if there are cucumbers, tomatoes at night, most nutritionists approve of this idea and even advise combining such vegetables with animal proteins (proteins). And all because both cucumbers and tomatoes have good performance not only in energy value(100 grams of cucumbers contain up to 16 kilocalories, while the same figure in tomatoes barely reaches 20 conventional units), but also by the glycemic index. The last indicator indicates how safe these carbohydrate-containing products are for the body and the figure as a whole.

The fact is that fast carbohydrates, the glycemic index of which exceeds the mark of 50 conventional units, when ingested, are almost instantly converted into glucose, and subsequently into body fat. Fortunately, neither cucumbers nor tomatoes are such carbohydrates, so their use in a reasonable amount, even in the evening, is not able to have a negative effect on the figure. So, out of 100 grams of fresh cucumbers, only 3 grams are allocated to carbohydrates, while the same indicator in tomatoes corresponds to 4 grams, which is also very acceptable in the context of losing weight. At the same time, such excellent indicators can be very easily spoiled if too fatty sauces or dressings are added to the products listed above. Therefore, there can be no talk of any mayonnaise, sour cream and sunflower oil, and the maximum that you can afford is a small amount of olive oil in half with lemon juice.

As an option, olive oil, which, despite all its useful properties and qualities, is a high-calorie product, can be replaced with less heavy balsamic vinegar. As for salt, it is better to refuse it or at least reduce its amount to a minimum.

Ideally, use coarse sea salt or finer garlic salt, which is made from flavored dried garlic flakes. As for other additives to fresh cut vegetables, they are also welcome, but only if their energy value and glycemic index comply with acceptable standards. For example, cucumbers and tomatoes go great with a variety of greens, onions and leeks, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, artichokes, lemon, and even avocado, with its nice creamy texture. Do not refuse the most delicious combination with food of protein origin, which include white fish, lean poultry, veal, rabbit meat, liver, and seafood.

The main thing is that at the same time the listed ingredients are subjected to certain heat treatment methods, which include steaming, baking in their own juice, and in some cases, grilling. In no case should you use the method of frying or baking until golden brown, even if it involves a minimum amount of vegetable or butter.

Portion weight is also of great importance, because you should not rely on the dietary properties of foods that allow you to use them in unlimited quantities. So, on average, you can afford to eat in the evening no more than 250 grams of a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes alone, or up to 150 grams of these vegetables with various additives that were mentioned above in the text. Naturally, there can be no talk of any bread and sweet carbonated drinks as an accompaniment to a dish.

For convenience, some people who are losing weight use the "Plate" technique, which helps to avoid overeating. To do this, half of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dish should be occupied by carbohydrates (in this case, cucumbers and tomatoes), a quarter - by proteins (lean meat, poultry, fish without skin and fat), and the remaining 25% - fats (olive oil, etc.).

Sometimes you can treat yourself to various supplements in the form of dietary fermented milk products that go well with fresh vegetables. And most often in this regard, tofu cheese, low-fat cottage cheese, delicate goat cheese with a low percentage of fat, etc. are used.

Let's talk about tomatoes today. Benefit and harm to the body. Well, the benefit is probably obvious and undeniable, what it is, I will remind you.

Now the new season of fresh vegetables is just beginning, albeit still greenhouse and imported, but you really want these fresh vitamins after a long winter.

But do you know the harm that eating tomatoes and cucumbers together can bring? And many people love to make such salads.

Health benefits of tomatoes

The benefits of tomatoes, of course, are in the presence of a large amount of vitamins needed for the body, because of which these fruits need to be eaten all year round.

There is an opinion that there is nothing useful in tomatoes grown in greenhouses. But this is not so, it’s just that the conditions for ripening are artificial, and tomatoes do not always turn out to be very tasty, but all the values ​​\u200b\u200bcontained in them are present to the maximum.

  • vitamin C, beneficial for the health of the heart and blood vessels, its amount is comparable to the content in citrus fruits
  • B vitamins that act as natural antidepressants, improve mood and help fight stress
  • vitamins A, K, PP and E
  • glucose
  • fructose
  • potassium and magnesium salts
  • calcium, molybdenum, phosphorus
  • high iron content to help treat anemia
  • oxalic acid
  • fiber we need for normal bowel function and preventing constipation
  • lycopene (red pigment) is a cancer-fighting substance.

That is why tomatoes are good for health. After all, they

  • have a diuretic and diuretic effect
  • help fight germs and viruses
  • prevent atherosclerosis
  • stimulate appetite
  • reduce blood and eye pressure
  • lower cholesterol levels.

Tomatoes for gastritis with low acidity are useful, they increase the separation gastric juice, they can be eaten diabetes practically without restrictions, the use of tomatoes for angina pectoris and coronary disease hearts.

Which tomatoes are healthier - yellow or red

Yellow tomatoes have almost the same properties as red ones. In terms of density, they will probably be harder and contain less acid, which reduces their harm when consumed, more on that below.

The benefits and harms of salted tomatoes

Surprisingly, the beneficial properties of tomatoes are preserved when they are salted, as well as when sauerkraut is sauerkraut. Moreover, it is better to salt green or brown tomatoes. I like to prepare just such, they do not fall apart after you fill them with boiling water.

Green tomatoes have all the micro and macro elements, acids that are good for our health, but there are fresh you won't. When salting, such an important element as lycopene is also preserved, and hence the antioxidant properties.

The harm of salted tomatoes can only be individual, for people with limited salt intake.

The benefits of tomatoes for women and men

Here is more information about lycopene. It is he who helps to prevent both adenoma and prostate cancer, which often appear in older men. So eat tomatoes be sure to avoid all sorts of problems.

And for women, tomatoes help in the prevention of osteoporosis, regulate metabolic processes in the body, so we can always remain slim and not get better, and beautiful, because tomatoes have a beneficial effect on our skin.

The harm of tomatoes for the body

Despite the high content of vitamin C, lycopene and other useful substances, eating tomatoes can harm our body in some cases.

Did you notice that when we cut tomatoes, liquid flows out of them. Here she is our enemy. This water contains a lot of acids. And in our stomach there is already a lot of hydrochloric acid and it does not need additional acids.

Therefore, with caution, you should use tomatoes when:

  • urolithiasis
  • stomach ulcer
  • gastritis with high acidity
  • pancreatitis
  • gout
  • liver diseases

And it is best to eat stewed tomatoes. Do not be surprised, but heat treatment not only preserves, but also multiplies the beneficial properties of tomatoes, including the effect of lycopene is enhanced. And harmful juice can thus be evaporated in the oven or when stewing.

The combination of tomatoes with other products

It seems that in 2001, scientists came to the conclusion and found that tomatoes are still a fruit, and not a vegetable, as we used to consider them.

Perhaps for this reason, tomatoes do not pair well with other foods.

Tomatoes are rich in fruit acids, pectins, and antioxidants. But if you add other multi-component dishes to tomatoes, then digestion is more difficult.

You can't eat tomatoes bell pepper, nor with eggplant and zucchini, such nutrition can lead to chronic gastritis.

If you eat tomatoes with meat, the processes of decay and fermentation intensify, increased intoxication occurs, abdominal pain and nausea are observed.

Tomatoes don't go well with almost anything! They can be used only by themselves or with herbs! By the way, it is useful to combine them with nutmeg and parsley, which lower the acidity by 4 times.

We are especially accustomed to a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes. I want to talk about the dangers of such a dish.

Actually, this information served as a desire to write this article.

Cucumbers and tomatoes. Benefit and harm

Perhaps there are skeptics who do not believe in such beliefs, I have already heard reviews, they say this is all invented news, but they always ate nothing.

But there is a scientific explanation for this.

Tomatoes familiar to all of us are not equally useful in any combination. Let's figure out what you can eat tomatoes with, and what combination of this vegetable with other products has a detrimental effect on the human body.

What goes with tomatoes?

People guided by the principles of separate nutrition take into account when compiling a daily menu chemical composition ingredients used. It is important for them to take care of their health and the body of their family members.

As a rule, the average person does not know what foods pair tomatoes with. So, for example, when making a salad with tomatoes, you should season it with vegetable oil or sour cream, and among the ingredients it is best to use bell pepper, nuts, broccoli, cheese or meat.

So, the following combinations of tomatoes are most acceptable in food:

  • vegetables - bell pepper, eggplant, broccoli, pumpkin;
  • fruits - pineapples, apples, plums, avocados;
  • poultry meat;
  • seafood - salmon, cod, shrimp, squid;
  • dairy products - cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese.

The perfect combination is tomatoes and vegetable oil. This combination helps to prolong the youthfulness of the skin and acts as a prevention of cancer.

In addition, cheese, nuts, herbs and vegetables go well with tomatoes. This means that you can safely make salads and season them with sour cream and vegetable oil.

What doesn't go well with tomatoes?

So, tomatoes are not combined with:

  • legumes - beans, peas, lentils, beans;
  • bread;
  • cereals;
  • potatoes;
  • milk;
  • confectionery and sugar.

From the point of view of biology, tomatoes are fruits, so they can cause fermentation in the body. Especially detrimental to tomatoes "meeting" with pasta and meat.

Why can't you eat cucumbers and tomatoes together?

Cucumber and tomato salad is a traditional dish on the summer table of our compatriots. However, nutritionists have sounded the alarm and claim that these vegetables do not combine. But is it?

There is an opinion that cucumbers and tomatoes cannot be mixed for the reason that the former contribute to the formation of an alkaline environment in the body, while tomatoes are acidic. With this combination, the process of formation of salts is launched, which, at a high level in the body, cause irreparable harm to the kidneys and liver.

Moreover, experts say that the incompatibility of tomatoes and cucumbers is also confirmed by the fact that tomatoes are a source of ascorbic acid, and a well-known green vegetable contributes to the neutralization of its action. Thus, the body will not receive vitamin C. Together with the first point, the benefits and harms of such a combination become obvious.

These are not all the arguments why these popular vegetables should not be eaten together. For the assimilation of cucumbers and tomatoes, special enzymes are required, different for each of the vegetables. This invariably leads to the fact that while one of them is absorbed by the body, the second rots. This leads to excessive gas production.

However, not everyone agrees with the opinion that cucumbers and tomatoes do not combine. Here is a quote from the reverse theory with the author's argumentation.

Now let me explain how things really are.

1) Cucumber is alkali, and tomato is acid. Together they give salt and it's bad…..

All this heresy comes from the acid-base balance of nutrition, which is the product of the hopeless darkness of ignorance. They even have lemon - alkali. You can't combine proteins and carbohydrates together.

It is not clear who writes this and who is on it (they didn’t go to chemistry lessons at all?) So. Let us turn to normal textbooks (biochemistry textbooks, science articles, Wikipedia, conducting an experiment, etc.):

Tomatoes are rich in various organic acids and all sorts of macro- and microelements. Pretty useful product.

Cucumbers: 95-97% water, low protein, carbohydrates. They contain a small amount of vitamins (C, B, PP), which are acids (!) And a fairly decent amount of potassium and magnesium (A rather useful product that contains a lot of digestible potassium, while with a low calorie content.)

Therefore, there can be no alkaline environment here (more details in the next paragraph). For greater certainty, I cut off a small piece of cucumber and dropped phenolphthalein on it (an indicator that determines only an alkaline environment (becomes raspberry)) - no reaction was observed - the color did not change at all.

Conclusion - this statement is nonsense at the root.

2) They write that there is a lot of vitamin C in tomatoes (in fact, not so much), and cucumbers contain ascorbinase / ascorbate oxidase (an enzyme that oxidizes ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)) and therefore it will not be absorbed when these products are mixed .

In fact, this enzyme is found in almost all plants, but its activity (and quantity) depends on the time and storage conditions (the longer it is stored, the more the enzyme is released and the favorable temperature for the action of the enzyme is up to 50 ° C (at 60 ° C it is destroyed.) In some vegetables (rutabaga, cabbage (stump), sweet pepper, onion) and fruits (tangerines, oranges, rose hips, black currants) ascorbinase is absent.

And in some, its content is low (lemon), so vitamin C is stored in it for a very long time. However, ascorbic acid can oxidize without enzymes (in fact, there are many enzymes that do not oxidize) - simply in air when interacting with O². So it is best to eat a salad of fresh vegetables (just picked), and the likelihood that there is practically no vitamin C left in its pure form (but only oxidized) in purchased products is very high. Therefore, here you can not bother too much.
P.s. ascorbinase is active only in an acidic environment (or acidified), so the cucumber cannot be alkaline.

Final conclusion: All data from the Internet should always be checked (Very Carefully). And yes, cucumbers and tomatoes can be safely mixed.

UPD: dehydroascorbic acid (oxidized vitamin C) is also quite important and beneficial for our body, just like ascorbic acid.

What vegetables go well with tomatoes?

What else goes with tomato? Let's talk about the most commonly consumed vegetables.

Onions, like tomatoes, are rich in selenium. This substance provides positive impact on the reproductive system person. Vitamin E helps selenium to be properly absorbed, so a salad with onions and tomatoes seasoned with vegetable oil is a healthy dish.

Tomatoes go well with bell peppers and white cabbage. However, people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should refrain from using the latter.

As for other products, we can say that tomatoes go well with olives. This combination acts as a preventative measure against cancer.