CMV is positive. What does IgG and IgM mean for cytomegalovirus

Hello dear friends! Suppose you passed an ELISA test for cytomegalovirus disease and found “cytomegalovirus IgG positive” in the results. What will happen now? What is this result in general and how to live with it?

First of all, calm down, do not panic, but rather carefully read this article, which will tell you how to decipher the ELISA analysis.

After receiving a similar result, you probably wondered what this means. This means that you are a carrier (carrier) of the above herpes infection. And now what? Should I run to the pharmacy for antiviral drugs?

Not at all, since such a result does not mean that your infection is in an active stage and threatens you with something.

A positive ELISA test result can be cause for concern during pregnancy and in people with a critically weakened immune system. Do you want to know why?

Then read on this site about the provocateur-cytomegalovirus in women in position and in newborns. And now let's see what kind of analysis can give such a result and what is the essence of this diagnostic method.

Test for IgG to herpescytomegalovirus: how is it carried out and what is its essence?

This diagnostic technique is considered the most accurate to date. It is carried out by the method of blood sampling, therefore, in the common people it is called a "blood test". Its essence lies in the search for antibodies to a viral infection provocateur.

Antibodies are written in the results as "Ig". This is the abbreviation for immunoglobulins. In turn, the antibody-immunoglobulin serves as a protective protein that is secreted by our body after an infectious attack.

For each type of infectious agents, our body secretes its own Ig. In an adult, a huge range of these antibodies is collected in the blood. The ELISA test allows you to find all kinds of antibodies in each of us.

What does the prefix "G" mean? This letter denotes the Ig class. In addition to G, each of us has antibodies: A, M, D and E.

How are antibodies and cytomegalovirus infection related?

When this disease penetrates into our body, antibodies begin to be actively produced in it. A person who has not experienced an illness will, of course, not have antibodies.

Some viral diseases disappear without a trace after recovery, so the antibodies disappear over time. Others, including cytomegalovirus, remain for life, so Ig will be constantly determined in the carrier.

In the results of the ELISA test, there is another class of Ig - M. In this case, one class can be positive, and the other - negative. How does the above class of antibodies differ from the previous one?

How is class M different from class G?

In fact, if you look, everything seems simple and clear:

  1. G are “slow” antibodies that accumulate in the body gradually and remain for a long time in order to maintain the immune defense system in the future and help it fight the provocateur of the disease.
  2. M are "fast" Ig, which are produced instantly and in large volume, after which they disappear. Their purpose is to quickly overcome the disease, to weaken its provocateur as much as possible. 4-6 months after the viral attack, these Ig will die, and only the previous ones will remain in the body.

Based on the foregoing, we conclude that immediately after infection, IgM antibodies are formed in the body, and after them, IgG immunoglobulins begin to gradually stand out.

The first will gradually be removed, and the second will remain for the entire period of the presence of infection in the body and will help it contain the disease.

In the results of the ELISA test, you can see various options for the ratio of the above classes of antibodies.

How to understand what exactly is happening in your body after receiving a result in which IgG turns out to be positive? Let's learn how to decipher the results on our own.

Possible options for the ratio of Ig G and M in the results of the ELISA test for cytomegalovirus

  1. Ig M-positive, G-negative - you have recently become infected, now the disease is showing maximum activity. Such an analysis is rare, since the infection described in this article develops in almost everyone without symptoms. Not many of us pass such tests just like that for no particular reason. Therefore, such results are obtained in isolated cases.
  2. Ig M-negative, G-positive - the disease is present, but does not show its activity. Most likely, you picked it up a long time ago and now do not feel any symptoms. This is the most common result people can get. different ages and status. By the way, infection of cytomegalovirus origin is considered one of the most common. It is available in almost 100% of people over the age of 45-50 years. Therefore, if you get such a result, do not despair, as you are far from alone.
  3. M-negative, G-negative - you have never encountered the disease and you have no immunity against it. It would seem that this is a wonderful result, but not always. If a pregnant woman receives such a result, then she needs to be very careful in the future and observe prevention, since infection in this position is considered the most dangerous, not only for the expectant mother, but also for her fetus (even to a greater extent).
  4. M-positive, G-positive - you have an activation of the disease. There can be many reasons, for example, a sharp or chronic weakening of the protective functions of the human immune system.

In addition to G and M, the avidity index (activity and abundance) of immunoglobulins is prescribed in the results.

This indicator is indicated as a percentage and can be as follows:

  • less than 50% - primary infection (occurred recently, before that the body did not encounter the disease);
  • more than 60% - the disease has been present for a long time, may be active;
  • 50-60% - a situation of an uncertain nature, it is recommended to check again after a while.

If the results show negative both Ig, then the index will be zero. See how easy it is when you figure it out? Now you know how the ELISA test is deciphered. And what to do after passing it and receiving a positive G-immunoglobulin?

The result is positive: to treat or not to treat?

The disease caused by the cytomegalovirus provocateur has a very interesting character. If it settles in the body of an ordinary person with a standard relatively strong immunity, then it will not manifest itself somehow.

Strong immunity is able to strangle the virus on its own (as mentioned above, it is completely impossible to get rid of the provocateur of the disease, but it can be put into an inactive state).

In an ordinary person with average immunity, the disease can only worsen periodically (like other types of herpes infection).

An exacerbation is called mononucleosis and, in terms of symptoms, it is very similar to classic tonsillitis, although it lasts a little longer.

The same course of the disease will be in a child infected after 5 years. At an earlier age, and especially in infancy, the disease poses a threat and can affect further mental as well as physical development. How will it affect?

Most likely, very negatively - in young children and people with an immunodeficiency after infection, they may experience:

  • jaundice;
  • hepatitis;
  • specific pneumonia (causes death of 95% of all patients diagnosed with AIDS);
  • disorders in the digestive system;
  • encephalitis;
  • retinitis.

Treatment is required only for such sick people (weakened and very small). And the average person can easily do without it. At the same time, the infection will not do anything catastrophic to him.

It will also not affect life expectancy if you monitor your health, strengthen your immune system and avoid stress.

Positive G-immunoglobulin in a woman in position: what to do?

For women in position, the primary infection and exacerbation of herpes during pregnancy is dangerous. Both can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

For example, the first infection early dates sometimes it causes a miscarriage, and an exacerbation leads to intrauterine infection of the child (this does not always happen), because of which various abnormalities (physical and mental) may be found after birth. Why does the disease worsen during pregnancy?

Like any other herpes, this one needs favorable conditions for exacerbation. The most favorable condition is the weakening of the immune defense system. Weakening comes necessarily, since strong immunity will simply reject the fetus as a foreign object.

If class G antibodies appear in the first 12 weeks, then the woman is assigned an emergency antiviral therapy. She is appointed by the attending specialist after a thorough study of the medical history and characteristics of the body. Further treatment is selected individually, if necessary.

That's all, dear readers. Now you know what to do if the result of the ELISA test shows a positive G-immunoglobulin. Share what you read in social networks with friends who will also benefit from learning about such a common disease. Subscribe to updates and visit us more often. See you soon!

Data 06 Aug ● Comments 0 ● Views

Doctor   Dmitry Sedykh

Viruses of the herpes group accompany a person throughout life. The degree of their danger is directly related to the level of immunity - depending on this indicator, the infection may be in a dormant state or provoke serious illnesses. All this fully applies to cytomegalovirus (CMV). If a blood test showed the presence of IgG antibodies to this pathogen, this is not a reason for panic, but important information for maintaining health in the future.

Cytomegalovirus belongs to the family of herpesviruses, otherwise it is called human herpesvirus type 5. Once in the body, it remains in it forever - there is no way to completely get rid of infectious pathogens of this group today.

It is transmitted through body fluids - saliva, blood, semen, vaginal discharge, so infection is possible:

  • by airborne droplets;
  • with a kiss;
  • sexual contact;
  • using common utensils and hygiene items.

In addition, the virus is transmitted from mother to child during gestation (then we can talk about the congenital form of cytomegalovirus infection), during childbirth or through breast milk.

The disease is widespread - according to research results, by the age of 50, 90-100% of people are carriers of cytomegalovirus. Primary infection, as a rule, is asymptomatic, however, with a sharp weakening of the immune system, the infection is activated and can cause pathologies of varying severity.

Getting into the cells of the human body, cytomegalovirus disrupts the processes of their division, leading to the formation of cytomegals - huge cells. The disease can affect various organs and systems, manifesting itself in the form of atypical pneumonia, cystitis and urethritis, inflammation of the retina, diseases digestive system. Most often external symptoms infection or relapse resemble seasonal colds - acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections (accompanied by fever, muscle pain, runny nose).

The most dangerous is the primary contact with. This can lead to intrauterine infection of the fetus and provoke pronounced deviations in its development.

Cytomegalovirus: causative agent, transmission routes, carriage, re-infection


Most carriers of cytomegalovirus are unaware of its presence in the body. But if it is not possible to identify the cause of any disease, and the treatment does not give a result, tests for CMV are prescribed (antibodies in the blood, DNA in a smear, cytology, and others). It is mandatory to check for cytomegalovirus infection for pregnant women or women planning to conceive, for people with immunodeficiency conditions. For them, the virus poses a serious danger.

There are several research methods that are successfully used to diagnose CMVI. For a more accurate result, it is advisable to use them in combination. Since the pathogen is found in body fluids, blood, saliva, urine, vaginal secretions, and even breast milk can be used as biological material.

Cytomegalovirus in a smear is detected using PCR analysis - polymerase chain reaction. The method makes it possible to detect the DNA of an infectious agent in any biomaterial. A smear for CMV is not necessarily a discharge from the genitals, it can be a sputum sample, discharge from the nasopharynx, saliva. If cytomegalovirus is detected in the smear, this may indicate both latent and active form diseases. Besides, PCR method does not make it possible to determine whether the infection is primary or if it is a recurrence of the infection.

If cytomegalovirus DNA is found in the samples, additional tests may be ordered to clarify the status. A study on specific immunoglobulins in the blood helps to clarify the clinical picture.

Most often, ELISA is used for diagnosis - enzyme immunoassay, or ICLA - immunochemiluminescent analysis. These methods determine the presence of the virus due to the presence of special proteins in the blood - antibodies, or immunoglobulins.

Diagnosis of cytomegalovirus: research methods. Differential Diagnosis cytomegalovirus

Types of antibodies

To fight the virus, the human immune system produces several types of protective proteins that differ in terms of appearance, structure and function. In medicine, they are designated by a special letter code. The common part in their names - Ig, stands for Immunoglobulin, and the last letter indicates a specific class. Antibodies to detect and classify cytomegalovirus: IgG, IgM and IgA.


The largest immunoglobulins in size, "rapid response group". During the initial infection or when the "sleeping" cytomegalovirus is activated in the body, IgM is produced in the first place. They have the ability to detect and destroy the virus in the blood and intercellular space.

The presence and amount of IgM in a blood test is an important indicator. Their concentration is highest at the beginning of the disease, in the acute phase. Then, if the viral activity can be suppressed, the titer of class M immunoglobulins gradually decreases, and after about 1.5-3 months they completely disappear. If a low concentration of IgM persists in the blood for a long time, this indicates chronic inflammation.

Thus, a high IgM titer indicates the presence of an active pathological process (recent infection or exacerbation of CMV), a low titer indicates the final stage of the disease or its chronic course. If negative, this indicates a latent form of infection or its absence in the body.


Class G antibodies appear in the blood later - 10-14 days after infection. They also have the ability to bind and destroy viral agents, but unlike IgM, they continue to be produced in the body of an infected person throughout life. In the results of the study, they are usually designated by the code "Anti-cmv-IgG".

IgG "remember" the structure of the virus, and when pathogens enter the body again, they quickly destroy them. Therefore, it is almost impossible to become infected with cytomegalovirus a second time, the only danger is the recurrence of a “sleeping” infection with a decrease in immunity.

If the analysis for antibodies of the IgG class to cytomegalovirus is positive, the body is already “familiar” with this infection and has developed lifelong immunity to it.


Since the virus mainly fixes and multiplies on the mucous membranes, the body produces special antibodies, IgA, to protect them. Like IgM, they cease to be produced shortly after the suppression of the activity of the virus, and 1-2 months after the end acute stage diseases are no longer detected in blood tests.

Of fundamental importance for the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus status is the combination of IgM and IgG antibodies in the results of the study.

Avidity of immunoglobulins

Another important characteristic of IgG antibodies is avidity. This indicator is measured as a percentage and indicates the strength of the relationship between the antibody (immunoglobulin) and the antigen - the causative virus. The higher the value, the more effectively the immune system fights the infectious agent.

The level of IgG avidity is quite low during the initial infection, it increases with each subsequent activation of the virus in the body. The study of antibodies for avidity helps to distinguish the primary infection from the recurrence of the disease. This information is important for prescribing adequate therapy.

Cytomegalovirus Igg and Igm. ELISA and PCR for cytomegalovirus, avidity for cytomegalovirus

What does positive IgG mean?

A positive test result for IgG to CMV means that a person has already been infected with cytomegalovirus before and has long-term stable immunity to it. This indicator does not indicate a serious threat and the need for urgent treatment. The "sleeping" virus is not dangerous and does not interfere with a normal life - most of humanity coexists with it.

The exception is people who are weakened, with immunodeficiency conditions, cancer patients and those who have undergone cancer diseases, pregnant women. For these categories of patients, the presence of the virus in the body can pose a threat.

IgG to cytomegalovirus positive

High titer of IgG in the blood

In addition to the data, whether IgG is positive or negative, the so-called titer of each type of immunoglobulin is indicated in the analysis. This is not the result of a "piece" calculation, but rather a coefficient that gives an idea of ​​the activity of the immune response. Quantitative determination of the concentration of antibodies is carried out by repeated dilution of blood serum. The titer indicates the maximum dilution ratio at which the sample retains positive result.

The value may vary depending on the reagents used, the characteristics of the laboratory test. If the Anti-cmv IgG titer is significantly increased, this may be due to both virus reactivation and a number of other reasons. For a more accurate diagnosis, a number of additional tests will be needed.

A titer that goes beyond the reference values ​​does not always indicate a threat. To determine whether there is a need for urgent treatment, it is necessary to consider the data of all studies in a complex, in some cases it is better to do the analysis again. The reason is the high toxicity of antiviral drugs that are used to suppress the activity of cytomegalovirus.

It is possible to more accurately diagnose the status of the infection by comparing the presence of IgG with the presence and amount of “primary” antibodies, IgM, in the blood. Based on this combination, as well as the immunoglobulin avidity index, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and give recommendations for the treatment or prevention of cytomegalovirus infection. The decoding instructions will help you independently evaluate the result of the analyzes.

Deciphering the results of the analysis

If antibodies to cytomegalovirus are found in the blood, then there is an infection in the body. The interpretation of the results of the examination and the appointment of therapy (if necessary) should be entrusted to the attending physician, however, to understand the processes occurring in the body, you can use the following scheme:

  1. Anti-CMV IgM negative, Anti-CMV IgG negative: the absence of immunoglobulins shows that the person has never been infected with cytomegalovirus, and he has no immunity to this infection.
  2. Anti-CMV IgM positive, Anti-CMV IgG negative: this combination indicates a recent infection and an acute form of the disease. At this time, the body is already actively fighting the infection, but the production of IgG immunoglobulins with "long-term memory" has not yet begun.
  3. Anti-CMV IgM negative, Anti-CMV IgG positive: in this case, we can talk about a latent, inactive infection. The infection occurred long ago, the acute phase has passed, and the carrier has developed a strong immunity to cytomegalovirus.
  4. Anti-CMV IgM positive, Anti-CMV IgG positive: indicators indicate either a recurrence of infection against the background of favorable conditions, or about a recent infection and an acute stage of the disease - during this period, primary antibodies to cytomegalovirus have not yet disappeared, and IgG immunoglobulins have already begun to be produced. To understand more precisely the doctor will help the indicator of the number of antibodies (titers) and additional studies.

In evaluating the results of ELISA, there are many nuances that are understandable only to a specialist. Therefore, in no case should you make a diagnosis yourself, you should entrust the explanation and prescription of therapy to a doctor.

What to do if IgG to CMV is positive

The answer to this question depends on several factors. Antibodies of IgG to cytomegalovirus found in the blood testify to the once infection with CMVI. To determine the algorithm for further actions, it is necessary to consider the diagnostic results as a whole.

Cytomegalovirus detected - what to do?

If the totality of data obtained during the examination indicates the active phase of the disease, the doctor will prescribe a special course of treatment. Since it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus, therapy has the following goals:

  • protect internal organs and systems from damage;
  • shorten the acute phase of the disease;
  • if possible, strengthen the body's immune response;
  • reduce infection activity, achieve stable long-term remission;
  • prevent the development of complications.

The choice of methods and preparations is carried out on the basis of individual clinical picture and features of the body.

If the cytomegalovirus is in a latent, latent state (only IgG is found in the blood), then it is enough to monitor your health and maintain immunity. Recommendations in this case are traditional:

  • complete proper nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • timely treatment of emerging diseases;
  • physical activity, hardening;
  • avoiding unprotected sex.

The same preventive measures are relevant if no antibodies to CMV are detected, that is, the primary infection has not yet occurred. Then, when the virus enters the body, the immune system will be able to suppress the development of infection and prevent serious diseases.

A positive test result for antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG is not a sentence, the presence of a latent infection in an adult healthy person does not affect the quality of life. However, in order to prevent the activation of the virus and the development of complications, it is necessary to make efforts to maintain physical health - avoid overwork and stress, eat rationally and maintain a high level of immunity. In this case, the body's own defenses will suppress the activity of cytomegalovirus, and it will not be able to harm the carrier.

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Patients are interested if antibodies are found in cytomegalovirus igg, what does this mean? Nowadays, there are a number of diseases that do not manifest themselves in any way, and their presence in the body is detected only with the help of laboratory methods sometimes quite by accident. One such infection is cytomegalovirus. What does it mean if cytomegalovirus igG antibodies are detected?

What are cytomegalovirus antibodies?

Analysis of igG antibodies to cytomegalovirus reveals the presence of this infection.

Cytomegalovirus (abbreviated as CMV) is a member of the herpesvirus family that causes cytomegalovirus in humans. Cytomegaly is viral disease that is transmitted from person to person. It is characterized by the fact that the virus attaches to healthy cells of human tissues, changes their internal structure, as a result, huge cells, the so-called cytomegals, form in the tissues.

This virus has the peculiarity of living in human body and show nothing. If the immune balance in the body is disturbed, the virus is activated, and the disease begins to progress very quickly. Cytomegalovirus is usually localized in salivary glands, since it is similar in structure to this species fabrics.

in the human body are isolated independently. According to official data, antibodies to this virus were found in children adolescence in 10-15% of cases, and in adults - in 40%.

Cytomegalovirus spreads:

  • airborne, for example, through saliva;
  • transplacental, i.e. from mother to fetus through the placenta, as well as in the process of the child passing through the birth canal;
  • alimentary, that is, through the mouth when eating or drinking, as well as through dirty hands;
  • sexually - in contact, for example, with the mucous membrane of the vagina, contact of mucous membranes with sperm;
  • during blood transfusion;
  • during lactation through mother's milk.

The incubation period of CMV lasts from 20 to 60 days, the acute period of the disease passes within 2-6 weeks. In the acute phase of the disease in humans, the following manifestations are observed:

After passing through the acute stage of the disease, the immune system works, and antibodies are produced. If the immune system is weak due to previous diseases and poor lifestyle, the disease becomes chronic stage and affects tissues, and often the internal organs of a person.

For example, CMV provokes the development of wet macular degeneration, i.e., diseases of the eye cells responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses from the organ of vision to the brain.

The disease manifests itself in the form:

  • ARVI, in some cases pneumonia;
  • generalized form, namely, defeat internal organs, for example, inflammation of the liver, pancreas and other glands, as well as tissues of the intestinal walls;
  • problems with the organs of the genitourinary system, manifested in the form of recurrent inflammation.

Especially strongly you need to worry if a pregnant woman becomes infected with cytomegalovirus. In this case, the pathology of the fetus develops, when the viruses in the mother's blood are transmitted to him through the placenta. Pregnancy ends in miscarriage, or the child's brain is affected, as a result of which he suffers from diseases of both a physical and mental nature.

It is necessary to pay great attention to the diagnosis of the disease of the intrauterine form. It is especially important to establish how a pregnant woman became infected. If before conception the body had already suffered a disease, and during pregnancy there was a re-infection, this fact means more high chance for the birth of a healthy baby. Cytomegalovirus provokes diseases that have a high risk of severe complications for life.

How is the disease diagnosed? The methods used in the diagnosis of CMV are as follows:

  • immunofluorescence method, which allows to detect the virus in biological fluids of the body;
  • method of immunochemiluminescence (IHLA), based on the immune analysis;
  • polymerase chain reaction(PCR) - a method of molecular biology that allows you to identify virus DNA in human biological fluids;
  • sowing on cell culture;
  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA), which determines whether there are antibodies to CMV in the blood.

What does it mean if Anti-CMV IgG is detected?

The listed types of analyzes are aimed at identifying specific antibodies called immunoglobulins. This, in turn, allows you to determine at what stage of development the disease is. The most effective and frequently used of these are ELISA and CLIA.

There are 2 classes of immunoglobulins that appear in CMV. The analysis reveals their quantitative indicator, which goes beyond the reference values, i.e., exceeding the norm.

Immunoglobulins M, rapidly responsive to viral infections. These antibodies have the international abbreviation ANTI-CMV IgM, which means antibodies that have arisen against class M cytomegalovirus.

These antibodies do not form immune memory and are destroyed in the body within six months.

With an increased amount of cytomegalovirus IgM, an acute stage of the disease is diagnosed.

Immunoglobulins G, formed throughout life and activated after the suppression of infection. ANTI-CMV IgG is the abbreviation for these antibodies, according to international classification, which means class G antibodies. IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus indicate that the virus is developing in the body. Laboratory studies can determine the approximate time of infection. This is indicated by an indicator called titer. For example, a cytomegalovirus igg 250 titer indicates that the infection has entered the body for several months. The lower the score, the longer the duration of infection.

When assessing the likelihood of infection, an analysis of the ratio of antibodies of the IgG class and the IgM class is used. The interpretation of the ratio is:

It is especially important to conduct these studies in women of reproductive age. If a positive result for cytomegalovirus IgG is obtained with a negative IgM before conception, this means that during pregnancy there will be no primary infection (the most dangerous for the fetus).

At positive IgM pregnancy should be postponed and consult with your doctor. And if the result for cytomegalovirus IgG and IgM is negative, then there is no virus in the body, and there is a chance of primary infection.

What should I do if IgG antibody test results are positive?

Treatment for CMV is usually aimed at strengthening the immune system in order to bring cytomegalovirus into a latent form that can be controlled. immune system person.

Therapy is also based on the intake of antiviral drugs of antiherpes action. Concomitant diseases that develop along with CMV are treated with antibiotics.

For the prevention of CMV, a special vaccine has been developed, aimed primarily at protecting pregnant women. According to studies, the vaccine currently has an effectiveness rate of approximately 50%.

Results showing a positive cytomegalovirus igG should not be taken as a verdict. The CMV virus is present in the body of the vast majority of people. Timely analysis, prevention and adequate treatment can minimize the risks of the disease provoked by this infection.

Services of the treatment room are paid additionally. Cost - 60 rubles.

Material for research: Serum

Research method: Linked immunosorbent assay

Training: It is allowed to donate blood from a vein after a 4-hour fasting period. On the eve and on the day of blood donation, intensive physical activity, drinking alcohol, smoking. You can drink water.

Description:Qualitative and quantitative determination of antibodiesIgMandIgGto cytomegalovirus Cytomegalovirus infectioninfection caused by herpes virus type 5 (cytomegalovirus). Included in the group of infections TORCH-complex, including rubella, toxoplasmosis, as well as the pathology caused by the herpes virus type 1 and 2. The infections included in the TORCH complex pose a serious threat to the health of the child, fetus, and patients with immunodeficiency. The virus is transmitted from the patient through close contact with biological fluids, sexual contact, transplacental from mother to fetus, during childbirth, breastfeeding. CMV is able to infect and damage cells of various tissues and organs.

Individuals with a healthy immune system are usually asymptomatic. The main manifestations include low-grade fever, headache, myalgia, pharyngitis. Symptoms of a congenital infection are characterized by jaundice, pneumonia, enlargement of the liver and kidneys. hearing loss, visual impairment, mental retardation, severe violations CNS leading to microcephaly. To date serological diagnosis is the main tool for verification and determination of the stage of infection, including the determination of specific IgM and IgG antibodies, as well as the calculation of the avidity index for positive results of two classes of immunoglobulins.

Antibodies of the IgM class are the main indicator of both the acute stage of infection and reinfection / reactivation. It is important to consider that this class of antibodies can circulate in the body for more than a year. In some cases, in uninfected subjects, false positive IgM results may be detected. Thus, the study of IgM antibodies should be carried out exclusively in combination with other serological methods.

Class G antibodies appear after IgM and persist in the body for a long time. They are detected during the acute, chronic and latent stages of infection. The detection of antibodies together with IgM, as well as a 4-fold increase in the concentration of IgG with an interval of 2 weeks, may indicate an acute stage of CMVI. In these cases, to clarify the stage of the infectious process, it is necessary to determine the antibody avidity index. It is also recommended to use "direct" methods for determining the virus, such as PCR.

Indications for the study:

    examination of women planning a pregnancy

    pregnant women who do not have antibodies to CMV (with an interval of 1 time in 3 months)

    pregnant women with signs of current infection


    patients with suspected acute CMVI (picture infectious mononucleosis, prolonged low-grade fever, enlarged liver and spleen, pneumonia of unknown origin)

    doubtful result of the previous examination


Reference values:



Positivity index >1.0


Presence of antibodies

Positivity index 0.8 – 1.0


Zone of uncertainty

Positivity Index<0,8


Absence of antibodies



>0.25 IU/ml


Presence of antibodies

0.2 - 0.25 IU / ml


Zone of uncertainty

<0,2 МЕ/мл


Absence of antibodies

IgG (-) IgM (-) - repeated testing during pregnancy is necessary (1 time in 3 months).

IgG(+)IgM(-) - immunity from past infection, no further testing required. If an active infection is suspected, resend the sample after 10-14 days to monitor the IgG titer.

IgG (-) IgM (+) - retest after 3 weeks to exclude a false positive result or the onset of an active infection.

IgG (+) IgM (+) - an acute stage of infection is possible, an avidity test is performed.

It is doubtful - the result does not allow to make a conclusion about the presence or absence of antibodies, it is recommended to retake the analysis after 14 days.

Seeing a positive cytomegalovirus IgG indicator in their analyzes, many visitors to the dermatovenereologist begin to worry about their health.

After all, usually positive tests mean the presence of a serious pathology in the body, which will take a long and difficult time to treat. However, cytomegalovirus is rather an exception to the rule.

What are the features of this virus, and how to evaluate the results of an antibody test, are often asked by patients.

When is treatment absolutely necessary, and when is there definitely no threat?

What is this virus

Cytomegalovirus is better known to people under the more convenient and memorable abbreviation CMV. This pathogen belongs to the herpes group, and in fact is the fifth strain of the herpes virus.

CMV is a representative of a weak group of antigens.

This means that when infected, the symptoms of the disease may either be completely absent, or differ in very mild severity. There is nothing surprising in the fact that in this situation, most patients do not even suspect that they are infected with a viral agent. Naturally, in this case, the results of the study are a strong shock for them.

It is important to remember the following things about CMV:

  • it is no longer possible to completely get rid of the infection after it has appeared in the body;
  • the pathogen cannot be eliminated, but it can be driven into a state of hibernation so that it will not remind of itself in any way;
  • children are mostly infected with the virus through contact with those infected by airborne droplets;
  • adults are more resistant, and therefore they are characterized mainly by sexual infection.

CMV can exist in the human body for years without showing itself. A person often does not even suspect that he is a carrier of the virus.

The essence of the study

Many patients do not understand the nature of the antibody test. This is not surprising, since it can be difficult for a person who is not familiar with immunology to understand such things.

Everything is simple. What happens if a pathogen enters the human body?

The body begins with the help of the immune system to synthesize special proteins called immunoglobulins. In humans, five such proteins can be produced.

In the analysis for CMV, classes G and M matter.

These proteins have the ability to fight viral particles. Preventing them from actively multiplying in the human body and causing significant harm.

Often, patients are interested in the question of the differences between class G immunoglobulins and class M immunoglobulins. Here, as doctors note, there is nothing complicated either.

The first class is slow immunoglobulins. They are formed in the body in order to constantly keep the immune system working against a particular virus.

The second class is fast proteins. They are formed in order to provide an immune response, as they say, here and now. It is impossible to provide permanent immunity with their help, since they die rather quickly.

In the study, doctors pay attention to both classes.

If cytomegalovirus IgM is positive, then contact with the virus has occurred recently. If a G-class is detected, then the infection is quite old. In order to perform the analysis, blood is mainly taken from a vein.

The rules for preparing for the study do not differ from the rules that should be followed for standard blood tests from a vein for other reasons. At the reception are in the morning on an empty stomach. Before the study, do not drink alcohol, follow a light diet that protects the body from adverse effects.

When can you relax

According to doctors, human immunity can be of two types: competent and incompetent. If the immune system is competent, then the immune system of the body responds adequately to encounters with various pathogenic microorganisms. That is, it can provide full protection against them. If the patient is completely healthy, and his immunity is working correctly, he should not worry even if the results of the CMV test are positive.

The statute of limitations of infection also does not matter. The body itself will suppress the virus. The maximum that can be encountered is a slight malaise for a couple of days, accompanied by fever and sometimes sore throat.

It is important to remember that if class M immunoglobulins are detected, then the infectious process is in the active stage. During this period, the virus can be transmitted from an infected person by airborne droplets. Even if there are no symptoms of the disease, it is worth reducing the level of social activity.

The main thing is to bypass pregnant women, since CMV is especially dangerous in their condition.

What to do if the test is positive in a pregnant woman

First of all, the doctor draws attention to the presence of IgM. These proteins indicate a recurrence of the disease or a recent infection. Their appearance in the blood of a pregnant woman in the first 12 weeks after conception is especially dangerous.

The virus has a pronounced teratogenic effect, and it is urgent to take measures aimed at treating the patient. However, in order to make an adequate decision, the doctor also needs to assess the amount of IgG in a pregnant woman.

If proteins of this class are contained in the body, then the danger is not so great. After all, CMV during the period of gestation can worsen.

However, there is active immunity to infection, and the possibility of infection of the fetus exists only during childbirth. If IgG is absent, the situation is more deplorable. The fact is that in this case the infection is primary. Accordingly, the body cannot fully protect itself from exposure.

As a result, the entire body of the mother, including the fetus, will be affected. Usually the consequences of such an infection are irreparable.

Risk of positive results in a child

If the results of the child's tests are evaluated, it is necessary to take into account his age. The most dangerous infection for newborns. If IgG is present in their blood, then the infection occurred in the womb. In this case, the child needs special attention of the doctor. It is necessary to direct it first of all to find out if any congenital abnormalities have developed due to the action of the infection.

If any deviations are detected, parents are informed about this and prevention of further complications begins. If there are no deviations, the child is monitored and measures are also taken to prevent complications. If signs of the presence of CMV are found in an older child, you should not worry about his health.

Older children, like adults, are able to cope with cytomegalovirus, and they most often do not need outside help.

The main thing is to monitor the condition of the child and take tests to understand when strong immunity has formed to the infection. Herpes virus particles of the fifth type pose the greatest danger to children even at the stage of intrauterine development. In this case, with early infection, they can lead to damage to the nervous system, and to blindness, and to other pathologies. Intrauterine fetal death is also common.

Features in immunodeficiency

In addition to children, there is another special group of patients. For them, a positive test for cytomegalovirus can be dangerous. These patients are people with immunodeficiency. Moreover, not only immunodeficiency acquired as a result of HIV infection is taken into account. But also problems with the protective system that were present from birth due to genetic defects.

These patients often develop the following complications of CMV:

  • liver damage, accompanied by hepatitis and jaundice;
  • lung damage in the form of cytomegalovirus pneumonia, which affects about 90% of all patients with AIDS;
  • various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cytomegalovirus encephalitis, which is accompanied by loss of consciousness, severe headaches, depression of mental abilities, sometimes paralysis;
  • inflammatory processes in the retina of the eye, which can lead to blindness without timely medical attention.

Even if IgG is found in the blood of an immunocompromised patient, you should be on your guard. Due to the insufficient activity of the body's defenses, the infection can go into an exacerbation phase with the development of complications at any time.

What to do

Many patients wonder what to do if the test result is positive. If a person does not have a state of immunodeficiency, then after a short consultation with a doctor, he can safely forget that he is infected.

As already mentioned, for healthy people without problems with the body's natural defenses, the pathogen does not pose a threat.

Another thing is immunocompromised people. They should get advice from their doctor about starting antiviral medications. With their help, it will be possible to suppress the activity of the virus and avoid the development of complications.

The choice of drugs is made strictly individually. It is not recommended for healthy people to drink them, as they have a fairly wide range of side effects.

Cytomegalovirus is an infection that poses a threat to certain groups of people. If we are talking about a person without immune problems, he should not worry even if the test for this pathogen showed positive results.

It is important to remember that pregnant women are in a special risk group!