Sleeping pills for flying on an airplane: permitted drugs. How to sleep on an airplane: tips Seat tilt - maximum

Sleeping pills on the plane allows you to cope with anxiety, stress and fear of heights when it is impossible to fall asleep on your own. However, not all drugs are safe and sometimes unreasonable taking of pills can cause significant harm to the body.

There is a list of medicines that are allowed to be taken in flight, but it is recommended to use sedatives only as directed by a doctor.

Indications for admission

Taking sedative medications should be agreed with the doctor. Drugs are prescribed for increased excitability and fear of flying. The use of sleeping pills on an airplane is justified in the following cases:

  • change of time zones, sound sleep during the flight will help the body to adapt more easily, especially important for frequent flights;
  • with chronic insomnia and fears enclosed space, altitude or flight;
  • children during long flights.

Features of taking sleeping pills on an airplane

Reception sleeping pills should be carried out subject to certain rules designed to reduce their negative impact on health:

  • Self-administration of the drug is not allowed. A sedative should be selected by a doctor.
  • The sedative is started early. Especially if the person did not use sedatives and sleeping pills. Firstly, in case of a negative reaction, a person will be provided with timely health care, you won't have to rely on it in the sky. Secondly, many drugs act in full force only after some time, for example, valerian, and when taken once, they will not have the desired effect. Thirdly, nervousness begins a few days before the flight. Taking sleeping pills in advance, a person will better prepare mentally for the flight and get enough sleep before a difficult day.
  • Dosage reduction done gradually, which will make it easier to transfer the landing and avoid weakness after the flight.
  • Complete exclusion of alcohol. The combination of sleeping pills and alcohol is not allowed.

Important! When flying, you should choose in advance the method of sedation, alcohol or sedatives. Mixing these substances will lead to the opposite effect and can cause nervous system disorders and breakdowns.

List of sleeping pills that are allowed to take on a plane

Not every vehicle can be taken with you to the airport. To transport medicines with you, you need to have a receipt and a prescription for the drug written in English with you.

Important! You can bring syrup or drops up to 100 ml into the cabin of the aircraft, tablets come with a certificate from a doctor confirming the need to take the medicine.

Sedatives and tranquilizers are subject to declaration. You can take with you medications that have a mild sedative effect.


A drug plant origin, which has a sedative effect positive influence for sleep. Available in tablets and solution.

  • plus is a mild effect on the body. However, valerian has a pronounced specific smell.
  • Contraindication for admission valerian is an allergic reaction.
  • Price valerian from 27 rubles.
  • According to customer reviews the drug does not instantly put you to sleep, has a sedative effect, reduces anxiety and helps to relax and fall asleep naturally.
  • analogue drug is motherwort, novo-passit.

Prices for Valerian P tablets 100 pcs.;

Prices for Valerian medicinal tablet 20 mg 50 pcs.;

Prices for Valerian medicinal tincture 25 ml;


The motherwort belongs to natural preparations mild sedation. Available in tablets and solution. Start taking 2-3 days before the flight.

  • Advantages means - lack of addiction and serious side effects.
  • disadvantage is the possibility of an allergic reaction.
  • Not assigned children under 12 years old.
  • The drug lowers blood pressure people can't suffering from heart failure, bradycardia and hypotension.
  • Price from 50 to 70 rubles.
  • According to reviews patients has a calming and mild hypnotic effect. When taking the drug, it is possible to sleep, mood improves and stress resistance increases.
  • Analogues motherwort: persen, novo-passit, soothe, valerian, valoserdin, peony tincture.

Prices for Motherwort Forte Evalar tablets 40 pcs.;

Prices for Motherwort Premium capsules 40 pcs.;


Synthetic drug, has a sedative and hypnotic effect. It is not necessary to take several days.

  • Allows fast fall asleep, improves adaptation to jet lag.
  • To disadvantages The drug "Melaxen" includes the risk of swelling and an allergic reaction.
  • It is forbidden accept passengers of child age.
  • Analogues:"Circadin" and "Melarena".
  • Packaging cost the drug "Melaxen" for 24 tablets varies from 640 to 700 rubles in different pharmacies of the country.

Prices for Melaxen tablets 12 pcs.

Prices for Melaxen tablets 24 pcs.


An antihistamine that helps to cope with nausea, dizziness and motion sickness in transport. They have mild sedative properties.

  • Pros: is not addictive, the therapeutic effect occurs within 10 minutes after ingestion, no pre-application is required.
  • Minuses: after sleep, provided by taking the drug "Dramina", a feeling of weakness and drowsiness.
  • Contraindications: diseases of cardio-vascular system in the stage of decompensation, the period of pregnancy and lactation. Do not use the drug in case of personal intolerance to one or more components. In case of diseases of the skin system, you should also refuse to take this remedy.
  • Price: 200 rubles.
  • Reviews: according to user reviews, it copes well with motion sickness in transport, facilitates flight in an airplane.
  • Analogues on pharmacological action: Aviamarine, Ciel.

Prices for Dramina tablets 10 pcs.;

Prices for Dramina tablets 5 pcs.;


A hypnotic tablet that has a hypnotic effect with a sedative effect. The therapeutic effect is achieved at the first dose, it allows you to quickly fall asleep and wake up completely rested.

  • Pros: an effective hypnotic effect that has a positive effect even with severe insomnia. It is used once when you need to sleep.
  • Minuses: after taking the remedy, a sore throat and dry mouth are possible. Long-term use without a doctor's prescription is unacceptable. Do not apply to people employed in jobs that require a high concentration of attention. After taking Donormil, you can not drive a car
  • Contraindications: increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma), intolerance to components medicinal product, kidney failure.
  • Price: 320 rubles.
  • Reviews: according to user reviews, it helps well in difficult stressful situations.
  • Analogues: valerian, motherwort, peony, sondox, bioson, reslip.

Prices for Donormil tablets 30 pcs.;


A herbal preparation is prescribed to eliminate anxiety, nervousness and irritability. Assign when prolonged stress and before situations that cause excitement.

  • Pros: the drug is excellent for migraines, insomnia, stress and is not addictive.
  • Minuses: in addition to personal intolerance of individuals, natural components have not been identified.
  • Contraindications: age less than 12 years, liver damage, head injury, alcohol intoxication, drug allergy, heart and vascular disease, severe underweight.
  • Price: 180 rubles.
  • Reviews: has a mild effect on nervous system, consists of natural components.
  • Analogues: persen, good-natured.

Prices for Novo-Passit tablets 10 pcs.

Prices for Novo-Passit tablets 30 pcs.

Prices for Novo-Passit tablets 60 pcs.

Prices for Novo-Passit oral solution 100 ml bottles

Prices for Novo-Passit oral solution 200 ml vials

Drops Rescue Remedy

Natural drug allows you to prescribe it even to children early age It has sedative and hypnotic properties.

  • Pros: fast advance therapeutic effect and lack of addiction.
  • Minuses: not identified.
  • Contraindications: personal allergic reaction to one or more components of the product.
  • Price: 720 rubles.
  • Reviews: the drug helps to cope with the endless stresses of life, has a strong hypnotic property.
  • Analogues:, nervoheel, magne relax, novo-passit.

Prices for Rescue Remedy (Bach) homeopathic drops 20 ml


The herbal preparation is available in drops, has a pronounced hypnotic and sedative effect.

  • Pros: effective after the first application, not addictive.
  • Minuses: an allergic reaction with personal intolerance to the plants that make up the drug.
  • Contraindications: tendency to allergic reactions and bronchial asthma.
  • Price: 990 rubles.
  • Reviews: helps in stressful situations. With course treatment, it contributes to the normalization of sleep.
  • Analogues: tincture of valerian, motherwort, peony.

If you can't relax and sleep during a flight, then a 10-hour flight can feel like an eternity. The following 7 simple secrets will tell you how to fall asleep on an airplane and forget about discomfort, feeling unwell and disruption of biorhythms.

Have you thought about it? But this is the foundation of the foundations. While waiting for a boarding announcement, how many times do you go to the coffee machine out of boredom? And then you are sincerely surprised that all the way you have no hint of sleep, and your eyes are like two tennis balls. Cut down on pre-flight drinks, especially those containing caffeine.

2. Don't Sleep Before Your Flight

Many people like to have a good sleep before a trip. Like, you need to save energy for a tiring flight. Still, watch movies for 12 hours or enviously look at sleeping neighbors, how can you not get tired here ... Isn't it better to come to the airport a little tired? In this state, you can fall asleep on the plane even before they start serving food.

3. Take music on the road

Music is a great and long-known way to change the perception of reality. However, many people use this tool incorrectly, without getting the desired result. Before the flight, we download gigabytes of specially recommended music for relaxation or classics, which we immediately delete upon arrival, because “it doesn’t help”.

Our brain is designed in such a way that if you turn on an unfamiliar melody, it will be in a state of increased activity, trying to process new information. And vice versa, if you put on the usual music, to which you successfully fall asleep at home, then sleep will not keep you waiting. Therefore, you should pre-compile a special playlist that acts on you like sleeping pills.

4. Do not take a lot of hand luggage

Having dragged two trunks into the salon, be prepared for the fact that one of them will lie at your feet all the way, interfering not only with sleep, but even with taking a comfortable position. and take a minimum of things with you. This is the only way you can sleep peacefully on the plane.

5. Think ahead

Don't wait until you feel sleepy to ask for a pillow and blanket. Do this immediately after takeoff. Most airlines do not carry a supply for each passenger, so whoever took it first fell asleep. Alternatively, you can take your own inflatable pillow and blanket on board. At the same time, grab a sleep mask.

6. Dress comfortably

Yes, these jeans fit you just divinely, but if they are even slightly tight at the waist, you will not see sleep. Clothing and footwear for the flight should be light and comfortable. Leave evening dresses and tuxedos in your luggage, and put on your favorite tracksuit yourself. Your well-rested body will thank you for it upon arrival.

7. Choose Your Location Carefully

Believe it or not, it plays an almost decisive role in whether you manage to fall asleep on the plane. Take care of this in advance and you will be surprised how comfortable the flight can be.

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Sleeping on an airplane is the best way to pass the time during a long flight. For overnight flights, sleeping on the plane will also help prevent jet lag after you reach your destination. However, the noise sunlight and a large number of people can interfere with your sleep. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take before your flight to ensure you have a relaxing flight.


Part 1

Flight preparation

Bring a head support pillow, sleep mask, earplugs, and compression stockings. Assemble an airplane sleep kit that includes all of the above items. The cushion will support your head and neck even if the plane hits turbulence and you doze off in your seat. The mask will keep the light from keeping you awake, and the earplugs will reduce the noise around you. . Headphones can also muffle the noise around you on the plane and help you concentrate on your sleep.

put on warm clothes which you can easily take off and put on again. Dress in comfortable clothes and don't forget to bring or wear a sweater, as you can get cold on the plane due to inactivity or constant air circulation.

  • You should also wear comfortable shoes that you can easily put on and take off. Taking off your shoes during a flight will improve your circulation and help you sleep. If your feet usually get cold on the plane, you should wear socks with your shoes, or bring an extra pair of socks with you.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol and foods or drinks containing caffeine, such as coffee, tea, or soda, will keep you from resting and falling asleep during your flight. Resist the temptation to have a cup of coffee before boarding. It is better to give preference to water or juice when you are offered different drinks during the flight.

    It is better not to eat before the flight. You will be fooled if you pay a large amount for a tasteless sandwich or a bag of chips during the flight. Not only is airline food expensive, but it can also cause indigestion and gas that will make it impossible for you to sleep. Instead, have a light, easy-to-digest snack before your flight, such as yogurt, almonds, and oranges, which are a great source of vitamin C and fluids.

    • A cocktail of freshly squeezed fruits and vegetables is also in a good way fill your stomach and not cause indigestion or dehydration. If you really want a hot drink, use a decaffeinated herbal tea. It is advisable that you drink plenty of water both during and before your flight to avoid dehydration.
  • Don't use sleeping pills. Many people use sleeping pills or special sleep aids such as the hormone melatonin. They must be handled with care, as lifting to such a height after using them can cause blood clots or deep vein thrombosis. If you still feel the need to use them, then check with your doctor to find out exactly which sleeping pills you can use before taking anything before flying.

    Good news: you bought your plane tickets and are looking forward to your dream trip. Bad news: the flight is long, or overnight, or super-early, and you are not one of the lucky ones who fall asleep sweetly, as soon as the plane takes off from the ground. You probably already know all these “life hacks”, they say, buy earplugs and a mask, take a pillow, or better, book a seat in business class, where the seats are more comfortable. Thank you, cap, we have a couple of more relevant tips.

    Remember how you sleep and buy the appropriate seat. Even if you fly with Ryanair, save a few euros to. When unsure, rely on Seatguru . If at home you sleep on your right side, take chairs on the right side and vice versa. No need to chase places at the very beginning - a mother with a small child will be put there with a 100% probability, which usually does not contribute to sound sleep. The armchair by the window is the most trump card - you can lean against the wall and close the porthole shutter so that there is less light.

    Choose the right position. It is best to recline the seat all the way back (no wonder it was placed at an angle of 135 degrees) to normalize the pressure on the spinal discs. The second place in the ranking of the best sleeping positions is sitting up straight with your back at an angle of 90 degrees (have pity on the neighbor in the back!). The only point: if you have a weak abs, your lower back will not receive any support - and you will wake up with pain in the very bottom of your back. To avoid this, ask the flight attendant for a blanket and put it under your back in the lumbar region. Please don't cross your legs.

    Flip your pillow. Rotate the inflatable pillow so that it is between your chin and chest, and your neck is snug against the chair. Usually it is already ergonomic enough to sleep without an extra pillow. The fixed chin will save you from sudden awakenings when the plane enters the turbulence zone.

    power off. Tablets in armchairs, mobile phones, tablets - try to get rid of all the blue screens that keep your brain and eyes in suspense and prevent you from falling asleep. Leave only the player, where you first download some sounds of the forest or “white noise”.

    Do what you normally do before bed. Brush your teeth, think about how your day went, read a book or scroll through a Facebook feed carefully saved in advance like Pocket. Change into comfortable clothes, take off your shoes. Just please, take care of the psyche of others and do not put on pajamas.

    Don't overeat. We know it's difficult, especially if food is included in the ticket price, but it's best to eat a hearty meal at least two hours before bedtime.

    Instead of alcohol - herbal tea. And although you already know how to drink properly, try not to do this, because in this case you will not be able to fall asleep quickly. Limit yourself to something soothing like herbal tea.

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    You can call the real lucky those people who manage to sleep on the plane. Most of us find it difficult to even doze off while sitting in an uncomfortable position among strangers.

    We are in website we have studied the advice of experienced travelers and are ready to tell you how to relax during the flight and get down on the ground cheerful.

    The best time to fly is at night

    It's great if you can choose a flight time that matches your usual bedtime. The night before the flight get up 2-3 hours earlier usual to fall asleep faster on board.

    The best days are Tuesday and Wednesday

    Do you want the plane to have less people and more free space - choose unpopular days. Traditionally it is Tuesday and Wednesday. Friday and any pre-holiday days there is a peak of flights.

    Ideal place - by the window

    Please select when registering window seat.So you can put your head on one side, leaning it against the wall, and the neighbor will not disturb you when he wants to go to the toilet.

    Avoid places near the partition. There is a lot of legroom, but often such places are reserved for families with babies. Places next to the toilet are also an unfortunate option.

    Seat tilt - maximum

    Do you want to have a good rest? recline backrest as much as possible, just make sure the passenger behind doesn't mind. Sitting in a chair at a 90° angle for many hours can lead to lower back pain. And lying with your head resting on a table or chair back in front is bad for your neck and spine.

    Clothing - warm and comfortable

    The key to successful sleep on board is free, clothing that does not restrict movement. If the airline does not provide a blanket, bring a jacket and warm socks. It is quite cold during the flight. This is what often prevents you from relaxing and falling asleep.

    Seat belt - over clothing

    A seat belt fastened over clothing or a blanket is unlikely to make sleep more comfortable. But if you manage to fall asleep, and the plane gets into a turbulence zone at that time, the stewardess don't have to wake you up.

    Sleep accessories

    The biggest obstacle to falling asleep on an airplane is light and noise. Use sleep accessories - eye mask and earplugs or noise canceling headphones.

    To create a comfortable position for the head and neck, take on the road special pillow. If not, you can use a scarf or sweater by rolling it into a bagel.

    Put your gadgets away

    Do not watch movies on your phone, tablet or laptop. Screen light from gadgets keeps the brain awake. Instead, you can take regular book. The main thing is that it be boring and drive you to sleep. Also, it will not be superfluous to listen to the recorded on the player soothing sounds: birdsong or the sound of rain.

    Drinks and food

    If you want to sleep soundly on an airplane, don't overeat. Food should be light and healthy. From drinks, give preference tea(preferably herbal) or ordinary water. It is better to forget about coffee and alcohol on board. Although it is believed that alcohol relaxes, the quality of sleep from it significantly deteriorates.