What blood group is called universal. Blood type (AB0): essence, compatibility, definition in a child, what does it affect? Group IV carrier as a donor

Human blood contains various substances and performs vital functions in the body. With the help of the circulatory system, cells are saturated with oxygen and various nutrients. With a decrease in the amount of blood, a real threat to human life occurs. It is not surprising that with the development of medicine, scientists wondered about the process of blood transfusion from a healthy person to a sick person. Over time, the problem of compatibility by groups arose, which blood type suits everyone?

Division into blood groups

The system of blood transfusion or blood transfusion was first tried at the end of the 17th century. First, the experiments were carried out on animals, and after successful results, the system was tested on humans. The first experiments were also successful. However, many procedures ended unsuccessfully, and this fact haunted the scientists of their time. Many leading experts in the field of medicine have been studying the system of transfusion and blood composition. Success in the study was achieved by the Austrian scientist K. Landsteiner in 1900.

Thanks to this immunologist, three main types of blood were discovered. The first compatibility scheme and recommendations for transfusion were also drawn up. Some time later, a fourth group was discovered and described. On this, K. Landsteiner did not stop his research and in 1940 discovered the existence of the Rh factor. Thus, the possible incompatibility of the donor and the recipient was minimized.

When is a transfusion needed?

A situation where a person may need a blood transfusion can come at any time. Therefore, it is very important to know your blood type and Rh factor. This information must be included in the personal medical card, but unforeseen circumstances can take you by surprise, and then the patient himself must provide the doctor with all the information about himself.

What biological components are used for transfusion:

Components Application
erythrocyte mass Used when blood loss is 30% or more of the total. The reasons for this condition can be different: complications during surgery, severe injuries, car accidents, blood loss during childbirth, etc.
Leukocyte mass Donation is used with a significant decrease in leukocytes as a result of a decrease in the number of white blood cells after chemotherapy or radiation sickness, etc.
Platelet mass Transplantation of biological material is carried out in diseases that cause deviations in the hematopoietic function.
Frozen blood plasma It is used to treat patients with liver diseases, as well as with extensive bleeding.

Before preparing for serious medical procedures, basic medical examinations patient.

Upon admission to inpatient treatment, before surgery, when registering pregnant women, etc. in case of unforeseen complications, it is necessary to determine the blood type.

In order to donate biological material and become a donor, you must contact one of the medical institutions. Healthy citizens aged 18–60 and weighing more than 50 kg are allowed to donate. A potential donor must be healthy, free from pathologies and any abnormalities. At least two weeks must have elapsed since the last medication. You should tell your doctor about past infections and medications.

Compatibility by groups and Rh factor

The process of using blood for transfusion is complicated by the fact that the donor and recipient must be compatible. Thanks to the results of many years of scientific research, today physicians around the world have comprehensive information on how to save lives through transfusion.

What type of blood can be used for transfusion to all people:

  • The biomaterial of donors of the first group (O or I) can be transfused to everyone. This material does not contain antigen cells, special hereditary traits of type A and B. The versatility of the biological material allows medical institutions stock up for emergencies.
  • The blood of the second group (A or II), which is suitable as a donor for two groups at once, contains two types of antibodies at once (A and B).
  • The third or type B (III) is compatible with recipients of the third and fourth groups.
  • Biomaterial from donors of the fourth group (AB or IV) is extremely rare and contains two types of antibodies A and B at once. This material is used only for transfusion only in patients with group 4.

For a long time, scientists of the last century were concerned with the search for a universal donor, a person whose biological material could be used for transfusion to any recipient.

Such a need could arise in emergency cases, for example, on the battlefield or while assisting the wounded in an accident.

How is the choice of biological material for transfusion to people of different groups. The reaction of recipients to transfused material was studied.

  • Representatives of the first (O or I) category are suitable only for the same type of biological material that they have.
  • People with the second group (A or II) can be injected with biological material of the first and second groups.
  • For a person of the third group (B or III), donor blood from the first or third is suitable.
  • The recipient of the universal blood group, the fourth category (AB or IV), is suitable for absolutely any type of donor.

Despite the reasonable conclusions of scientists, the first universal group did not always give positive results when transfused. There were cases when, even with compatible indicators, agglutination occurred. Studies on the compatibility of the donor and the recipient are still being conducted and improved.

For an RH- (Rhesus negative) recipient, it is incompatible for transfusion to use an RH+ (Rhesus positive) donor. Failure to comply with this requirement threatens serious violations that can lead to death for a person. Determining the compatibility of biological material is a complex process in which errors are unacceptable.

In contact with

In medicine, blood as a biological material has four main groups. If a transfusion is necessary, specialists focus specifically on the blood type, however, if there is no suitable one or no one can pass the necessary group, then they use the universal one.

Studies have shown that some blood types can be completely incompatible when transfused. Therefore, if a person is injected with biological material that is not compatible with his blood type, then a fatal outcome should be expected as a result.

Detailed characteristics of each blood type

I(O)This group is also defined as zero, universal. It contains no antigens, so the first group is considered compatible with all others. If the donor of the zero group has a positive Rh, then a transfusion can be done to a person with any group, but with a positive Rh
II(A)The second group is less universal, since it is used only in patients with group II or IV. Due to the fact that agglutinogen A and agglutinin betta are present in the blood. If Rh is positive, then such blood can only be transfused to recipients with groups II and IV with the same Rh factor
III(B)Like the second group, the third can only be transfused to carriers of groups III or IV. Given the Rh factor, donation of III + group is possible to III and IV groups with a positive Rh, and III - with the corresponding groups, regardless of Rh
IV (AB)Is one of the most rare groups because it contains two unique antigens. Transfusion to carriers of this blood type is possible from a carrier of any other group, but they can only give their blood to a recipient with an IV group. IV+ blood can only be transfused to a recipient with the same Rh

Attention! Based on the data in the table, we can conclude that it is the first group that remains the universal group, which does not contain antigens. It is donors with a zero blood group who can donate their biological material for transfusions to all carriers of other blood groups.


Almost 50% of the total population have the first group, the second is limited to approximately 30%, the third hardly reaches 15%, and the fourth - no more than 5%. Blood is characterized by a positive or negative Rh, so it must be taken into account when transfusing. This is very important, since in a positive Rh factor, the antigen is located on top of the red blood cells. It is extremely rare to find people with a negative Rh, where the antigen is absent.

Reference! Women who are Rh negative may experience pregnancy problems later on. It is not excluded that conception will be with complications if the child inherits a positive Rh from the father.

When transfusing, specialists use two concepts - this is the recipient, the one who accepts the biological material and the donor who donates blood. Based on this:

  • The 1st group will suit only the 1st;
  • The 2nd group will fit both the 1st and 2nd;
  • 3rd group will fit 1st and 3rd;
  • Group 4 is suitable for all groups.

It is important! Depending on who will be the recipient and who will be the donor, compatibility will be determined. For example, the 4th group (as a recipient) is compatible with all other groups.

Blood incompatibility

Blood donation remains an essential part of medicine for saving lives in various clinical situations. In case of incompatibility of groups, the donor blood coagulates, while the necessary one continues to actively circulate. Therefore, without fail, before the procedure, it is necessary to carry out a manipulation that allows you to establish the compatibility of blood and Rhesus.

If a person is infused with incompatible biological material:

  • blood can immediately clot;
  • clogging of blood vessels will occur;
  • oxygen that enters the cells will be blocked due to inappropriate biological material.

The result is the same - the death of the body occurs. Therefore, it is categorically contraindicated to transfuse incompatible blood, both by group and by Rh. Transfusion of the universal group (today this is the first) should be carried out only in case of emergency.

Note! The universality of the first group lies in the absence of antigens. In addition, when transfusing the zero group, no agglutination process is observed. However, a recipient with the 1st group only needs a donor with a similar group. In the case of an infusion of another group of biological material, a person can die instantly.

About innovative technologies that allow you to transfuse any blood and the versatility of the 1st group can be found in this video.

Video - Universal human blood

The need for a transfusion

The blood transfusion procedure is very life-threatening, therefore it is carried out only in cases of emergency. In this case, the indications are as follows:

  1. Increased blood loss (mainly when injured or after a car accident).
  2. If the patient has an ailment characterized by a lack of red blood cells (for example, severe anemia).
  3. Complicated intoxications.
  4. Blood infection.
  5. Sepsis.
  6. Hematological diseases of a malignant nature.

Human blood is a fluid and mobile connective tissue of the body. Its structure is divided into two components: the liquid part - plasma and formed elements - erythrocyte cells, leukocytes and platelets. Blood performs many important functions in the body, including respiratory, protective, transport and excretory.

The movement of blood in circulatory system organism

With serious blood loss, the patient needs a transfusion of donor material. Such a procedure has saved a huge number of lives, but this would not have been possible without knowledge of the characteristics of blood, ignoring which would lead to incompatibility between the donor and patient material.


At this stage in the development of medicine, it is known that there are two significant systems for classifying human blood - according to the Rh factor and group. Due to ignoring these parameters, the concept of "incompatibility" appeared.

The first successful transfusion was recorded in France in the middle of the 17th century. However, we can say with confidence that it was a success, because the doctors of that era had no idea about the groups, did not know which blood group could be transfused to everyone, and the biomaterial of the lamb was used as a donor. And only by the beginning of the 20th century, through a huge number of scientific studies, the scientist Karl Landsteiner proposed a classification into 4 groups, which is still used today.

Blood types

The system that separates blood according to this indicator is known as the AB0 system. According to her distinguish:

  • The first group, sometimes called zero. Denoted 0 (I).
  • The second group, designated A (II).
  • The third, designated B (III).
  • And the fourth, the designation of which is AB (IV).

What was the basis for such a division? Protein molecules were found on erythrocytes, which turned out to be individual for each person. Among them are those that have a significant impact on the blood and its formation. These protein molecules are called antigens, or agglutinogens, and are denoted A and B. Plasma can contain agglutinins, denoted by the symbols α and β. The combination of these proteins determines the blood type.

People in the first group lack agglutinogens, while group II has the A antigen. Carriers of the third group have an antigen designated B. Group four has both A and B, but lacks agglutinins. It is considered the rarest. People with group I are considered to be frequently encountered, which, given its universality, has become the main reason for the presence a large number donor material. It's easy to get it.

Attention! A person is born with a certain blood type, which does not change with age and remains so throughout life.

Classification of blood by groups

When transfusing an inappropriate blood group, erythrocytes begin to stick together, it folds, and small vessels become blocked. High risk of fatal outcome. This process is triggered by the ingress of antigens of the wrong type.

Rhesus affiliation

Rhesus refers to another antigen found on red blood cells. If it is present, the blood is defined as Rh-positive, if the protein is absent, they speak of a negative Rh. The majority of the population has an Rh factor positive, according to the latest information, the number of this part of people reaches 85%, the remaining 15% are Rh-negative.

The indicator plays a crucial role in the development of hemolytic disease of the newborn. Pathology - main reason development of jaundice in the fetus. Due to the Rhesus conflict, the child may begin to break down red blood cells, since its blood components are perceived as foreign to the woman's body, resulting in the production of antibodies.

The prevalence of blood by group and Rh factor

To determine the group and the Rh factor, it is necessary to take a sample on an empty stomach for analysis. Despite the fact that food intake does not affect them, as in many other laboratory research, material sampling is done in the morning on an empty stomach.

Blood transfusion by group

The scheme of blood transfusion allows you to take into account its group in each individual case. The transfusion is called a blood transfusion. The procedure is performed in a critical condition human body, because, despite the millions of lives saved with its help, it carries a risk to the health of the patient. The branch of medicine that studies the mixing of body fluids and the problems of their compatibility is called transfusiology.

The person who donates the material for transfusion (donation) is called the donor, and the one to whom it is transfused is called the recipient. With blood transfusion, the Rh factor and blood groups are taken into account. The transfusion of material takes place taking into account the following features:

  • People with the first blood group will be suitable for the same group.
  • It is permissible for persons with the second group to transfuse the first and their own group.
  • Third, people with I and III are suitable as donors.
  • Fourth, you can pour all kinds of material.

Compatibility of human blood groups during transfusion has importance

Based on the data table, we can conclude which blood type is suitable for everyone: people with blood 0 (I) do not have antigens, so the first blood type is considered a universal donor. However modern medicine blood transfusion of this group is not welcome. This practice is used only in critical situations. People with group IV are considered universal recipients capable of accepting any biomaterial.

Important! For a successful blood transfusion procedure, it is not enough to know which blood type is suitable for all blood types. A prerequisite is the observance of the Rh factor, if an inappropriate biomaterial is transfused, the risk of a Rh conflict is high.

Transfusion indications and risks

Blood transfusion is a test for the body, and for this reason, indications are needed for implementation. These include the following pathologies and abnormal conditions of the body:

  • Diseases based on a lack of red blood cells (anemia), as a result of which the body is unable to independently form a sufficient number of these elements.
  • Hematological diseases of malignant type.
  • Significant blood loss resulting from injuries or accidents.
  • Severe intoxication, the correction of which is impossible in other ways.
  • Complex operations, which are accompanied by tissue damage and bleeding.

The introduction of donor material into the body increases the load on many systems, enhances metabolic processes, which provokes the development of pathologies. Therefore, a number of contraindications to the procedure are taken into account:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • transferred thrombosis;
  • heart muscle defects;
  • disorders in the work of the kidneys and liver;
  • acute form of cardiopulmonary insufficiency;
  • violations in cerebral circulation etc.

Characteristics of a woman's blood and pregnancy

It is believed that the negative Rh factor does not adversely affect the conception of a child. Also, the indicator does not threaten anything in the case of the first pregnancy or if both parents have Rh-positive indicators.

The risk of an Rh conflict is determined in a situation where the mother's blood with a negative Rh factor is combined with the father's positive Rh. This is explained by the reaction of a woman's blood to a protein present on the membrane of the erythrocytes of a Rh-positive child, as a result of which antibodies are produced in the body of the expectant mother, the purpose of which is the fetus developing in the womb.

Table of Rh conflicts during pregnancy

If for a woman with Rh-negative blood pregnancy is the first, she does not have the presence of specific antibodies. For this reason, there is no threat to the mother and baby, and pregnancy and childbirth will be perfect.

Otherwise, in order to monitor the possible development of a conflict of Rh indicators during the period of bearing a child, a woman should appear to a gynecologist in order to be under increased supervision. The control of a specialist and compliance with the recommendations will positively affect the course of pregnancy and will minimize the risks of complications and consequences for the mother and child.

You can learn about the biology of blood, the discovery of its varieties and which blood type is considered universal and interchangeable in the video below:

There are frequent cases when, with a large blood loss, the patient needs to undergo a transfusion of liquid connective tissue from a donor. In practice, it is customary to use biological material that matches the group and Rh factor. However, the blood of some people is considered universal, and in a critical situation, its transfusion can save the patient's life. There are also individuals who can be transfused with liquid connective tissue of any group. They are considered universal recipients.

Why is blood type compatibility important?

Transfusion of fluid connective tissue is a serious medical procedure. It must be carried out under certain conditions. As a rule, blood transfusion is indicated for seriously ill patients, people who have complications after surgical intervention etc.

Before performing a transfusion, it is important to select a donor whose blood is compatible with the recipient's biomaterial by group. There are four of them: I (O), II (A), III (B) and IV (AB). Each of them also has a negative or positive Rh factor. If the compatibility condition is not observed in the process of blood transfusion, an agglutination reaction occurs. It involves the gluing of red blood cells with their subsequent destruction.

The consequences of such a transfusion are extremely dangerous:

  • hematopoietic function is impaired;
  • there are failures in the work of most organs and systems;
  • metabolic processes slow down.

A natural result is post-transfusion shock (manifested by fever, vomiting, shortness of breath, rapid pulse), which can be fatal.

Rh compatibility. Its significance in transfusion

When transfusion should be taken into account not only the blood type, but also the Rh factor. It is a protein present on the membranes of red blood cells. The vast majority of the inhabitants of the Earth (85%) have it, the remaining 15% do not have it. Accordingly, the first have a positive Rh factor, the second - negative. When transfusing blood, they should not be mixed.

Thus, a patient with a negative Rh factor should not receive liquid connective tissue, in the erythrocytes of which this protein is present. If this rule is not observed, the recipient's immune system will begin a powerful fight against foreign substances. As a result, the Rh factor will be destroyed. When the situation repeats, the red blood cells will begin to stick together, thereby provoking the appearance of serious complications.

The Rh factor remains unchanged throughout life. In this regard, people who do not have it should be given special attention during blood transfusion. Women who have a negative Rh factor should notify their doctor and obstetrician-gynecologist about this when pregnancy occurs. A mark containing this information is entered in the outpatient card.

Universal recipient

Give your blood, i.e. Anyone can be a donor for people who need it. But when transfusing, it is important to consider the compatibility of the biomaterial.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a scientist from Austria suggested, and soon proved, that the process of gluing red blood cells (agglutination) is a sign of activity immune system, due to the presence in the blood of 2 reacting substances (agglutinogens) and 2 that can interact with them (agglutinins). The first were given the designations A and B, the second - a and b. Blood is incompatible if substances of the same name come into contact: A and a, B and b. Thus, the liquid connective tissue of each person must contain agglutinogens that do not stick together with agglutinins.

Each blood group has its own characteristics. special attention deserves IV (AB). In the erythrocytes contained in it, there are both A and B agglutinogens, but at the same time, there are no agglutinins in the plasma, which contribute to the gluing of red blood cells during donor blood transfusion. Group IV people are considered universal recipients. The process of transfusion in them rarely causes complications.

A universal recipient is a person who can receive blood from any donor. This will not cause an agglutination reaction. But meanwhile, blood of group IV is allowed to be transfused only to people with it.

Universal Donor

In practice, doctors select a donor that is most suitable for the recipient. The blood is transfused of the same group. But this is not always possible. In a critical situation, the patient can be transfused with group I blood. Its feature is the absence of agglutinogens, but at the same time there are a and b agglutinins in the plasma. This makes its owner a universal donor. When transfused, erythrocytes will also not stick together.

This feature is taken into account when transfusion of a small amount of connective tissue. If a large volume needs to be transfused, only the same group is taken, just as a universal recipient cannot accept a lot of donated blood from a different group.


Blood transfusion is a medical procedure that can save the lives of critically ill patients. Some people are universal blood recipients or donors. In the first case, they can take liquid connective tissue of any group. In the second, their blood is transfused to all people. Thus, universal donors and recipients have special groups of connective tissue.

Some life situations(upcoming operation, pregnancy, desire to become a donor, etc.) require an analysis, which we used to call simply: “blood type”. Meanwhile, in the broad sense of this term, there is some inaccuracy here, since most of us mean the well-known AB0 erythrocyte system, described in 1901 by Landsteiner, but do not know about it and therefore say “blood test per group”, thus separating, another important system.

Karl Landsteiner, awarded for this discovery Nobel Prize, throughout his life continued to work on the search for other antigens located on the surface of red blood cells, and in 1940 the world learned about the existence of the Rhesus system, which occupies the second place in importance. In addition, scientists in 1927 found protein substances secreted into the erythrocyte systems - MNs and Pp. At that time, this was a huge breakthrough in medicine, because people suspected that it could lead to the death of the body, and someone else's blood could save life, so they made attempts to transfuse it from animals to humans and from humans to humans. Unfortunately, success did not always come, but science was steadily moving forward and at the present time we are only out of habit talking about the blood type, meaning the AB0 system.

What is a blood type and how did it become known?

The determination of the blood group is based on the classification of genetically determined individually specific proteins of all tissues of the human body. These organ-specific protein structures are called antigens(alloantigens, isoantigens), but they should not be confused with antigens specific for certain pathological formations (tumors) or infection-causing proteins entering the body from outside.

The antigenic set of tissues (and blood, of course), given from birth, determines the biological individuality of a particular individual, which can be a person, any animal, or a microorganism, that is, isoantigens characterize group-specific features that make it possible to distinguish these individuals within their species.

The alloantigenic properties of our tissues began to be studied by Karl Landsteiner, who mixed the blood (erythrocytes) of people with the sera of other people and noticed that in some cases, erythrocytes stick together (agglutination), while in others the color remains homogeneous. True, at first the scientist found 3 groups (A, B, C), the 4th blood group (AB) was discovered later by the Czech Jan Jansky. In 1915, the first standard sera containing specific antibodies (agglutinins) that determined group affiliation were already obtained in England and America. In Russia, the blood group according to the AB0 system began to be determined in 1919, but the digital designations (1, 2, 3, 4) were put into practice in 1921, and a little later they began to use alphanumeric nomenclature, where antigens were designated in Latin letters (A and C), while antibodies are Greek (α and β).

It turns out there are so many...

To date, immunohematology has replenished with more than 250 antigens located on erythrocytes. The major erythrocyte antigen systems include:

These systems, in addition to transfusiology (blood transfusion), where the main role still belongs to AB0 and Rh, most often remind of themselves in obstetric practice.(miscarriage, stillbirth, birth of children with severe hemolytic disease), however, it is not always possible to determine the erythrocyte antigens of many systems (except for AB0, Rh), which is due to the lack of typing sera, the production of which requires large material and labor costs. Thus, when we talk about blood groups 1, 2, 3, 4, we mean the main antigenic system of erythrocytes, called the AB0 system.

Table: possible combinations of AB0 and Rh (blood groups and Rh factors)

In addition, approximately from the middle of the last century, antigens began to be discovered one after another:

  1. Platelets, which in most cases repeated the antigenic determinants of erythrocytes, however, with a lesser degree of severity, which makes it difficult to determine the blood group on platelets;
  2. Nuclear cells, primarily lymphocytes (HLA - histocompatibility system), which opened up wide opportunities for organ and tissue transplantation and solving some genetic problems (hereditary predisposition to a certain pathology);
  3. Plasma proteins (the number of described genetic systems has already exceeded a dozen).

The discoveries of many genetically determined structures (antigens) made it possible not only to take a different approach to determining the blood group, but also to strengthen the position of clinical immunohematology in terms of fight against various pathological processes, made possible safe, as well as transplantation of organs and tissues.

The main system that divides people into 4 groups

The group affiliation of erythrocytes depends on group-specific antigens A and B (agglutinogens):

  • Containing in its composition protein and polysaccharides;
  • Closely associated with the stroma of red blood cells;
  • Not related to hemoglobin, which does not participate in any way in the agglutination reaction.

By the way, agglutinogens can be found on other blood cells (platelets, leukocytes) or in tissues and body fluids (saliva, tears, amniotic fluid), where they are determined in much smaller quantities.

Thus, on the stroma of erythrocytes of a particular person, antigens A and B can be found.(together or separately, but always forming a pair, for example, AB, AA, A0 or BB, B0) or not to be found there at all (00).

In addition, globulin fractions (agglutinins α and β) float in the blood plasma. compatible with the antigen (A with β, B with α), called natural antibodies.

Obviously, in the first group, which does not contain antigens, both types of group antibodies, α and β, will be present. In the fourth group, normally, there should not be any natural globulin fractions, because if this is allowed, antigens and antibodies will begin to stick together: α will agglutinate (glue) A, and β, respectively, B.

Depending on the combinations of options and the presence of certain antigens and antibodies, the group affiliation of human blood can be represented as follows:

  • 1 blood group 0αβ(I): antigens - 00(I), antibodies - α and β;
  • 2 blood group Aβ(II): antigens - AA or A0(II), antibodies - β;
  • 3 blood group Bα (III): antigens - BB or B0 (III), antibodies - α
  • 4 blood group AB0 (IV): antigens only A and B, no antibodies.

It may surprise the reader to learn that there is a blood type that does not fit into this classification. . It was discovered in 1952 by a resident of Bombay, which is why it was called "Bombay". Antigen-serological variant of erythrocyte type « bombey» does not contain antigens of the AB0 system, and in the serum of such people, along with natural antibodies α and β, anti-H are found(antibodies directed to substance H, which differentiates antigens A and B and does not allow their presence on the stroma of erythrocytes). Subsequently, "Bombay" and other rare types of group affiliation were found in different parts of the world. Of course, you cannot envy such people, because in case of massive blood loss, they need to look for a saving environment all over the globe.

Ignorance of the laws of genetics can cause tragedy in the family

The blood group of each person according to the AB0 system is the result of the inheritance of one antigen from the mother, the other from the father. Receiving hereditary information from both parents, a person in his phenotype has half of each of them, that is, the blood type of the parents and the child is a combination of two traits, therefore it may not coincide with the blood type of the father or mother.

Mismatches between the blood types of parents and the child give rise to doubts and suspicions in the minds of individual men about the infidelity of their spouse. This happens due to the lack of elementary knowledge of the laws of nature and genetics, therefore, in order to avoid tragic mistakes on the part of the male, whose ignorance often breaks happy family relationships, we consider it necessary to once again explain where this or that blood group comes from in a child according to the AB0 system and bring examples of expected results.

Option 1. If both parents have the first blood type: 00(I) x 00(I), then the child will have only the first 0(I) Group, all others are excluded. This is because the genes that synthesize antigens of the first blood group - recessive, they can only manifest themselves in homozygous state when no other gene (dominant) is suppressed.

Option 2. Both parents have the second group A (II). However, it can be either homozygous, when the two traits are the same and dominant (AA), or heterozygous, represented by a dominant and recessive variant (A0), so the following combinations are possible here:

  • AA(II) x AA(II) → AA(II);
  • AA(II) x A0(II) → AA(II);
  • A0 (II) x A0 (II) → AA (II), A0 (II), 00 (I), that is, with such a combination of parental phenotypes, both the first and second groups are likely, third and fourth are excluded.

Option 3. One of the parents has the first group 0 (I), the other has the second:

  • AA(II) x 00(I) → A0(II);
  • A0(II) x 00(I) → A0(II), 00(I).

Possible groups in a child are A (II) and 0 (I), excluded - B(III) and AB(IV).

Option 4. In the case of a combination of two third groups inheritance will follow option 2: a possible membership would be the third or first group, while the second and fourth will be excluded.

Option 5. When one of the parents has the first group, and the second the third, inheritance is the same option 3– the child may have B(III) and 0(I), but excluded A(II) and AB(IV) .

Option 6. Parent groups A(II) and B(III ) when inherited, they can give any group membership of the system AB0(1, 2, 3, 4). The emergence of 4 blood types is an example codominant inheritance when both antigens in the phenotype are equal and equally manifest themselves as a new trait (A + B = AB):

  • AA(II) x BB(III) → AB(IV);
  • A0(II) x B0(III) → AB(IV), 00(I), A0(II), B0(III);
  • A0(II) x BB(III) → AB(IV), B0(III);
  • B0(III) x AA(II) → AB(IV), A0(II).

Option 7. With a combination of the second and fourth groups parents can the second, third and fourth group in a child, the first one is excluded:

  • AA(II) x AB(IV) → AA(II), AB(IV);
  • A0(II) x AB(IV) → AA(II), A0(II), B0(III), AB(IV).

Option 8. A similar situation develops in the case of a combination of the third and fourth groups: A(II), B(III) and AB(IV) will be possible, and the first one is excluded.

  • BB(III) x AB(IV) → BB(III), AB(IV);
  • B0(III) x AB(IV) → A0(II), BB(III), B0(III), AB(IV).

Option 9 - the most interesting. Presence of blood types 1 and 4 in parents as a result, it turns into the appearance of a second or third blood type in a child, but neverfirst and fourth:

  • AB(IV) x 00(I);
  • A + 0 = A0(II);
  • B + 0 = B0 (III).

Table: child's blood type based on parents' blood types

Obviously, the statement about the same group affiliation in parents and children is a delusion, because genetics obeys its own laws. As for determining the child's blood group according to the group affiliation of the parents, this is only possible if the parents have the first group, that is, in this case, the appearance of A (II) or B (III) will exclude biological paternity or motherhood. The combination of the fourth and first groups will lead to the emergence of new phenotypic traits (group 2 or 3), while the old ones will be lost.

Boy, girl, group compatibility

If in the old days, for a birth in the family of an heir, they put the reins under the pillow, but now everything is put almost on a scientific basis. Trying to deceive nature and “order” the sex of the child in advance, future parents perform simple arithmetic operations: they divide the father’s age by 4, and the mother’s by 3, whoever has the largest balance wins. Sometimes this coincides, and sometimes it is disappointing, so what is the probability of getting the desired gender using calculations - official medicine does not comment, so it’s up to everyone to calculate or not, but the method is painless and absolutely harmless. You can try, what if you get lucky?

for reference: what really affects the sex of the child - combinations of X and Y chromosomes

But the compatibility of the blood type of the parents is a completely different matter, and not in terms of the sex of the child, but in the sense of whether he will be born at all. The formation of immune antibodies (anti-A and anti-B), although rare, can interfere with the normal course of pregnancy (IgG) and even feeding the baby (IgA). Fortunately, the AB0 system does not interfere with reproduction so often, which cannot be said about the Rh factor. It can cause miscarriage or the birth of babies with, the best consequence of which is deafness, and in the worst case, the child cannot be saved at all.

Group affiliation and pregnancy

Determining the blood group according to the AB0 and Rhesus (Rh) systems is a mandatory procedure when registering for pregnancy.

In the case of a negative Rh factor in the expectant mother and the same result in the future father of the child, you don’t have to worry, because the baby will also have a negative Rh factor.

Do not immediately panic a "negative" woman and first(abortions and miscarriages are also considered) pregnancies. Unlike the AB0 (α, β) system, the Rhesus system does not have natural antibodies, so the body still only recognizes the “foreign”, but does not react to it in any way. Immunization will occur during childbirth, therefore, so that the woman’s body does not “remember” the presence of foreign antigens (Rh factor is positive), on the first day after childbirth, a special anti-Rhesus serum is introduced to the puerperal, protecting subsequent pregnancies. In the case of a strong immunization of a “negative” woman with a “positive” antigen (Rh +), compatibility for conception is a big question, therefore, without looking at long-term treatment, a woman is haunted by failures (miscarriages). The body of a woman with a negative Rh, having once “remembered” a foreign protein (“memory cell”), will respond with active production of immune antibodies at subsequent meetings (pregnancy) and will in every possible way reject him, that is, her own desired and long-awaited child, if he has positive Rh factor.

Compatibility for conception sometimes should be borne in mind in relation to other systems. By the way, AB0 is quite loyal to the presence of a stranger and rarely gives immunization. However, cases of the occurrence of immune antibodies in women with AB0-incompatible pregnancy are known, when the damaged placenta provides access to the fetal erythrocytes in the mother's blood. It is generally accepted that the highest probability of isoimmunization of a woman is introduced by vaccinations (DPT), which contain group-specific substances of animal origin. First of all, such a feature was noticed for substance A.

Probably, the second place after the Rhesus system in this regard can be given to the histocompatibility system (HLA), and then to Kell. In general, each of them is sometimes able to present a surprise. This is because the body of a woman who has a close relationship with a certain man, even without pregnancy, reacts to his antigens and produces antibodies. This process is called sensitization. The only question is to what level sensitization will reach, which depends on the concentration of immunoglobulins and the formation of antigen-antibody complexes. With a high titer of immune antibodies, compatibility for conception is in great doubt. Rather, we will talk about incompatibility, requiring huge efforts of doctors (immunologists, gynecologists), unfortunately, often in vain. A decrease in titer over time also does little to reassure, the “memory cell” knows its task ...

Video: pregnancy, blood type and Rh conflict

Compatible blood transfusion

In addition to compatibility for conception, no less important is transfusion compatibility where the AB0 system plays a dominant role (transfusion of blood that is incompatible with the AB0 system is very dangerous and can be fatal!). Often a person believes that the 1 (2, 3, 4) blood type of him and his neighbor must be the same, that the first will always suit the first, the second - the second, and so on, and in some circumstances they (neighbors) can help each other friend. It would seem that a recipient with a 2nd blood group should accept a donor of the same group, but this is not always the case. The thing is that antigens A and B have their own varieties. For example, antigen A has the most allospecific variants (A 1, A 2, A 3, A 4, A 0, A X, etc.), but B is not much inferior (B 1, B X, B 3, B weak, etc. .), that is, it turns out that these options may simply not be combined, even though when analyzing blood for a group, the result will be A (II) or B (III). Thus, given such heterogeneity, can one imagine how many varieties can a 4th blood group have, containing both A and B antigen in its composition?

The statement that blood type 1 is the best, as it suits everyone without exception, and the fourth accepts any, is also outdated. For example, some people with 1 blood type are for some reason called a "dangerous" universal donor. And the danger lies in the fact that, having no antigens A and B on the erythrocytes, the plasma of these people contains a large titer of natural antibodies α and β, which, when they enter the bloodstream of a recipient of other groups (except the first), begin to agglutinate the antigens located there (A and / or AT).

blood type compatibility during transfusion

At present, transfusion of different types of blood is not practiced, with the exception of some cases of transfusions that require special selection. Then the first Rh-negative blood group is considered universal, the erythrocytes of which, in order to avoid immunological reactions washed 3 or 5 times. The first blood group with a positive Rh can be universal only in relation to Rh (+) erythrocytes, that is, after determining for compatibility and washing the erythrocyte mass can be transfused to a Rh-positive recipient with any group of the AB0 system.

The most common group in the European territory of the Russian Federation is the second - A (II), Rh (+), the rarest - 4 blood group with negative Rh. In blood banks, the attitude towards the latter is especially reverent, because a person who has a similar antigenic composition should not die just because, if necessary, they will not find the right amount of erythrocyte mass or plasma. By the way, plasmaAB(IV) Rh(-) is suitable for absolutely everyone, since it contains nothing (0), however, such a question is never considered due to the rare occurrence of 4 blood groups with negative Rh.

How is the blood group determined?

Determination of the blood group according to the AB0 system can be done by taking a drop from the finger. By the way, every health worker with a diploma of higher or secondary medical education should be able to do this, regardless of the profile of their activity. As for other systems (Rh, HLA, Kell), a blood test for a group is taken from a vein and, following the method, the affiliation is determined. Similar studies are already within the competence of the doctor. laboratory diagnostics, and immunological typing of organs and tissues (HLA) generally requires special training.

A blood test per group is done using standard sera made in special laboratories and meeting certain requirements (specificity, titer, activity), or using tsoliklones obtained in the factory. Thus, the group affiliation of erythrocytes is determined ( direct method). In order to eliminate the error and obtain complete confidence in the reliability of the results obtained, at the blood transfusion stations or in the laboratories of surgical and, especially, obstetric hospitals, the blood group is determined cross method where serum is used as the test sample, and specially selected standard erythrocytes act as a reagent. By the way, in newborns, it is very difficult to determine the group affiliation by the cross method, although α and β agglutinins are called natural antibodies (data from birth), they begin to be synthesized only from six months and accumulate by 6-8 years.

Blood group and character

Does the blood type affect the character and is it possible to predict in advance what can be expected in the future from a one-year-old rosy-cheeked toddler? Official medicine considers group affiliation in this perspective little or no attention to these issues. A person has a lot of genes, group systems too, so one can hardly expect the fulfillment of all the predictions of astrologers and determine the character of a person in advance. However, some coincidences cannot be ruled out, because some predictions do come true.

the prevalence of blood groups in the world and the characters attributed to them

So astrology says:

  1. Carriers of the first blood group are brave, strong, purposeful people. Leaders by nature, possessing indefatigable energy, they not only reach great heights themselves, but also carry others along, that is, they are wonderful organizers. At the same time, their character is not without negative traits: they can suddenly flare up and show aggression in a fit of anger.
  2. Patient, balanced, calm people have the second blood type. slightly shy, empathetic and taking everything to heart. They are distinguished by homeliness, thriftiness, the desire for comfort and coziness, however, stubbornness, self-criticism and conservatism interfere in solving many professional and everyday tasks.
  3. The third blood type involves the search for the unknown, a creative impulse, harmonious development, communication skills. With such a character, yes, move mountains, but that's bad luck - poor tolerance for routine and monotony does not allow this. The owners of group B (III) quickly change their mood, show inconstancy in their views, judgments, actions, dream a lot, which prevents the realization of the intended goal. Yes, and their goals are changing quickly ...
  4. With regard to individuals with the fourth blood type, astrologers do not support the version of some psychiatrists who claim that among its owners there are most maniacs. People who study the stars agree that the 4th group has collected the best features of the previous ones, therefore it is distinguished by a particularly good character. Leaders, organizers, possessing enviable intuition and sociability, representatives of the AB (IV) group, at the same time, are indecisive, contradictory and peculiar, their mind is constantly fighting with their hearts, but which side will win is a big question mark.

Of course, the reader understands that all this is very approximate, because people are so different. Even identical twins show some individuality, at least in character.

Nutrition and diet by blood type

The concept of a blood type diet owes its appearance to the American Peter D'Adamo, who at the end of the last century (1996) published a book with recommendations proper nutrition depending on the group affiliation according to the AB0 system. At the same time, this fashionable trend penetrated into Russia and was ranked among the alternative ones.

According to the vast majority of physicians with medical education, this direction is anti-scientific and contradicts the prevailing ideas based on numerous studies. The author shares the view official medicine, so the reader has the right to choose whom to believe.

  • The assertion that at first all people had only the first group, its owners "hunters living in a cave", mandatory meat eaters having a healthy digestive tract can be safely questioned. Group substances A and B were identified in the preserved tissues of mummies (Egypt, America), whose age is more than 5000 years. Supporters of the concept "Eat right for your type" (the title of D'Adamo's book), do not indicate that the presence of O(I) antigens is considered risk factors for diseases of the stomach and intestines (peptic ulcer), in addition, carriers of this group more often than others have problems with blood pressure ( ).
  • The owners of the second group were declared clean by Mr. D'Adamo vegetarians. Considering that this group affiliation in Europe is prevalent and in some areas reaches 70%, one can imagine the outcome of mass vegetarianism. Probably, mental hospitals will be overcrowded, because modern man is an established predator.

Unfortunately, the A (II) blood group diet does not draw the attention of those interested in the fact that people with this antigenic composition of erythrocytes make up the majority of the number of patients. , . They happen more often than others. So maybe a person should work in this direction? Or at least bear in mind the risk of such problems?

Food for thought

An interesting question is when should a person switch to the recommended blood type diet? From birth? During puberty? In the golden years of youth? Or when old age knocks? Here the right to choose, we just want to remind you that children and adolescents should not be deprived of the necessary trace elements and vitamins, one should not be preferred and the other ignored.

Young people love something, they don’t like something, but if healthy man ready, only having crossed the age of majority, to follow all the recommendations in nutrition in accordance with group affiliation, then this is his right. I just want to note that, in addition to the antigens of the AB0 system, there are other antigenic phenotypes that exist in parallel, but also contribute to the life of the human body. Should they be ignored or kept in mind? Then they also need to develop diets and it is not a fact that they will coincide with the current trends that promote healthy eating for certain categories of people who have one or another group affiliation. For example, the HLA leukocyte system is more than others associated with various diseases, it can be used to calculate in advance the hereditary predisposition to a particular pathology. So why not do just that, more real prevention immediately with the help of food?

Video: the secrets of human blood groups