What does ultrasound of veins and arteries show. How is ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities done: preparation and contraindications

Anyone can be touched. To avoid further complications, to obtain the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment, ultrasound can be performed. lower extremities which gives accurate results. Pain in the legs can be a symptom of a serious illness. From this article you will learn how ultrasound of the lower extremities is done. Photos will illustrate the process.

What could be the reasons?

Ultrasound examination of the legs is currently in demand among diagnostic methods. Its essence is quite simple: ultrasonic waves are used for examination, which help to give an objective assessment of the state of the vessels of the lower extremities.

Too energetic or, on the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle, uncomfortable shoes, bad habits - all this can be the beginning of vascular diseases. And this often causes a lot of discomfort. For this reason, disease must be fought.

Ultrasound of the lower extremities should be performed if there are any vascular disorders, namely:

  • detection of stars from small vessels or dilated veins on the skin of the legs;
  • numbness and a feeling of tingling;
  • pale feet;
  • muscle spasms of the back of the leg;
  • exhaustion of the lower extremities due to stress;
  • compression of the skin on the legs, its darkening and long-term non-healing trophic ulcers;
  • narrowing of the lower leg in size, changes in muscle strength, tone, hair growth;
  • a feeling of coolness in the legs and their rapid freezing, despite the normal air temperature;
  • the appearance of pain in the legs during movement, any load and at rest, which often indicates the need for ultrasound of the lower extremities;
  • blue fingers or the entire foot;
  • swelling of the legs, especially one-sided.

Advantages of Ultrasound

Ultrasound of the lower extremities makes it possible to examine the vessels with maximum clarity, without irradiating the patient, as well as the doctor. Due to the non-invasive focus, this procedure can be performed multiple times with the same patient.

Today, in private modern clinics, ultrasound is performed not only on the external veins of the legs, but also on the deep ones. The cost of such an examination is higher, but it can be used to prevent the formation of asymptomatic vascular diseases. And for sure, many are wondering: where to do an ultrasound of the lower extremities?

Ultrasound examination of the deep veins of the legs is far from being performed everywhere, since the manufacturers of the current technology have only recently introduced medical centers devices for such examination. When performing ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities, the price of the event will be directly determined by the qualifications of the attending medical staff, the level of depreciation and the cost of the medical equipment with which the procedure itself is carried out.

How is an ultrasound of the lower extremities done?

The process of examining the vessels of the legs is no different from a conventional ultrasound examination. A special gel is applied to the diseased limb, which is necessary for closer contact with the device. The duration of the ultrasound is no more than an hour. The event is completely painless. Only in certain cases additional injections are needed.

It is also completely unnecessary to prepare for an ultrasound examination of the blood vessels of the legs. The patient may not restrict himself in food before the examination and not stop taking daily medications.

Since the procedure takes a rather long period, the patient is allowed to eat something before the process itself, and this will not affect the results. You can wear a skirt or comfortable pants.

The purpose of such an event

Ultrasound of the lower extremities always adheres to certain goals:

  • see the patency of the vessels, as well as the capacity of the entire venous system;
  • examine general state tissues and veins;
  • check venous blood flow.

In order for the procedure for checking the vessels of the legs to give good results, the study must be performed in three positions: lying on your back, stomach and standing. You can watch how ultrasound of the lower extremities is done . The photo below shows the procedure.

What diseases can be found out after ultrasound?

The event of examining the blood vessels of the legs helps to determine many different ailments:

  1. Persistent venous insufficiency.
  2. Phlebothrombosis (formation of blood clots in the deep venous system).
  3. Varicose disease.
  4. Valvular insufficiency of subcutaneous, perforating and deep veins.
  5. Thrombophlebitis (development of blood clots in external veins).

Where can you get tested?

In order to find out exactly where the ultrasound diagnosis of the blood vessels of the lower extremities is performed, you should contact a vascular surgeon. The doctor can independently conduct it in a specialized center or a multidisciplinary clinic or advise a specialist in whom he has confidence. It is also possible to perform an ultrasound examination of the legs absolutely free of charge in the Department of Vascular Surgery of the Central State Hospital.

For a fee, you can go through an examination at the nearest phlebological center, finding out the price for the event by phone. The cost of such a diagnosis will depend on which particular blood vessels will be examined.

Now many have become aware of how and where ultrasound of the lower extremities is done. It remains only to decide on the place of its holding.

Under ultrasound vascular system legs involve a procedure for examining the anatomy of the veins and arteries, assessing their functioning, the condition of the valves and the characteristics of blood flow. The technique makes it possible not only to find out why blood circulation suffers in a particular part of the vessel, but also to identify inflammation or blood clots. Ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities is an important procedure for diagnosing existing problems and helps in planning the right treatment.

To study the vessels of the lower extremities, a procedure is used, which is based on the Doppler effect. In medicine, it means the reflection of ultrasonic radiation from red blood cells flowing through the vessels.

As a result of the Doppler examination, the doctor gets an idea about the features of the passage of the vascular cord, the speed of blood flow and other nuances of the functioning of the veins and arteries of the legs.

So, what are the types of research, and what do they show?


The term “USDG” means “doppler ultrasound”. This is a technique commonly used for:

  • setting the patency of deep vascular collectors;
  • assessment of the state of superficial veins;
  • diagnostics of the state of valves, including valves of typical main components of the venous system, that is, vein perforators.


Duplex scanning combines the principles of Doppler and conventional examination methods and performs the following functions:

  • studies the operation of vein valves in real time;
  • makes it possible to assess the condition of the vascular walls;
  • allows you to analyze the patency of deep and superficial veins;
  • calculates the presence and localization of blood clots.

Technologically, the method remains the most popular and accurate way to evaluate the work of the venous system in all respects.

Online Scan

Scanning in online mode is a complex that combines ultrasound and ultrasound. It is intended to determine:

  • condition of the walls of arteries and veins;
  • valve health assessments;
  • patency of vascular collectors;
  • conditions of the veins connecting superficial vessels with deep ones;
  • the presence of blood clots and their characteristics, including size and location;
  • the degree of occlusion of the vessel.

Ultrasound with color mapping

Most modern method study of the veins and arteries of the legs, it is distinguished by the color selection of the speed of blood flow in different areas. For example, shades of red characterize the flow of blood to the sensor, and blue tones characterize the flow directed away from the sensor.

Important! The brighter the color, the faster the blood flow.

AT modern diagnostics arterial-venous pathologies, the popularity of this method is growing due to its high information content and simplicity.


When referring to ultrasound of the veins and arteries of the legs (as well as others, as a rule), there is no need to carry out preliminary preparation for the procedure - it is not required.

How do they do it?

How is the diagnosis of deep veins and arteries of the legs performed?

Video 1. The procedure for ultrasound diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities.

Ultrasound examination of the vessels is as follows:

  1. The patient enters the ultrasound diagnostic room, provides the doctor with a referral and frees the veins of the lower extremities. That is, he takes off his tights or trousers, remaining in his underwear. The diagnostician applies a little bit of conductive gel to the legs, which will provide better adhesion of the sensor to the skin surface.
  2. During the manipulation, the doctor can change the frequency of the sensor for better visualization of deep vessels, but the patient will not feel it.
  3. The difference between ultrasound is that during the examination, the doctor will measure the pressure in both the upper and lower extremities. During the procedure, the patient will change his position from sitting to lying down and vice versa.
  4. During the examination of the veins of the legs, they are first examined in the position of the patient lying down, then he will be asked to stand up. In addition, as part of the survey special tests are carried out to determine the blood flow between superficial and deep vessels. The test consists in a deep breath, without interrupting which, you need to make a straining effort.
  5. The deep veins of the legs are examined in traditional and color modes. For a better examination, the patient is asked not only to perform stress tests, but also to palpate the areas of the veins with different intensity. Such tests (like the ultrasound itself) are performed in different positions: lying on your back or stomach, as well as standing.


In addition to indications for ultrasound of the vessels of the legs, there are contraindications.

Contraindications to duplex vascular examination are associated with the relatively long duration of the procedure - it takes about 40 minutes.

Photo 1. Thrombus on ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities.

It may happen that this examination turns out to be secondary and the study of adjacent tissues or internal organs.

Important! It is not necessary to conduct an ultrasound in the area of ​​​​the veins of the lower extremities if the skin is broken or affected.

The main contraindications to the study of blood vessels by the duplex method are:

  • acute infectious processes;
  • any diseases accompanied by open wounds on the skin at the location of the sensor;
  • burns;
  • emergency conditions;
  • mental illness that makes it impossible to carry out the procedure.
  • excessive fullness;
  • bloating;
  • cystitis and some diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • lymphostasis, causing severe swelling of the extremities.

Pros and cons

The advantages of the ultrasound method for studying limbs are:

  • absence of pain;
  • non-invasiveness, that is, the absence of punctures and other damage to the skin;
  • economic availability of the procedure;
  • ease of implementation;
  • no radiation or ionizing load;
  • linking the picture of the study to real time;
  • the ability to conduct a biopsy under ultrasound control;
  • good visibility of all soft tissue features;
  • the possibility of repeated repetition (for example, along the way medical therapy to control its effectiveness).

However, this innovative procedure also has negative points:

  • there is not enough data for a complete diagnosis;
  • an adequate assessment of small vascular formations is not always possible;
  • with atherosclerotic changes, the patency of the ultrasound wave may be impaired;
  • is not a substitute for angiography;
  • carried out on old equipment or with insufficient qualifications of the doctor, the procedure may have a low diagnostic value.

It is important to note that sonologists strongly recommend periodically examining blood vessels, especially for patients who, by virtue of their profession, spend a lot of time on their feet .

also in increased attention need arteries and veins in patients with overweight and adherence to cigarettes. Timely prevention will help reduce the likelihood of developing vein diseases.

How much is the best place to do it?

It is best to contact the attending vascular surgeon, who will recommend a good specialist or tell you where and at what time he himself conducts ultrasound examinations.

In the conditions of the department of vascular pathologies, ultrasound can be done free of charge, as prescribed by the surgeon. For a fee, in the absence of a referral, ultrasound examination of the extremities is carried out in phlebological clinics or multidisciplinary medical centers. You can find out the cost of the survey from the administrator by phone or in person. But it is better to refuse to conduct ultrasound of blood vessels in the offices of small diagnostic points, where any organs are examined.

Reference! The price of ultrasound will depend on the characteristics of the procedure, on which vessels the patient needs to examine.

For example, with ultrasound of the legs, the price will be from 1300 to 3500 rubles, and duplex angioscanning will cost 800 - 5000 rubles, color scanning by the duplex method - from 900 to 6500 rubles. On average, the cost of examining the vascular parts of the legs using ultrasound will cost about 2 thousand rubles.

There are also portable ultrasound machines, so that ultrasound can be performed at home: this path, of course, requires specific knowledge. But still it is better to entrust this matter to a specialist.


Any patient, if indicated, can safely undergo angioscanning of blood vessels, because this manipulation is safe and painless. It does not require preparation and allows an hour after the start of the examination to know exactly how healthy the vessels are.

Vascular ultrasound (doppler ultrasound) is a non-invasive way to assess blood flow using ultrasound. With its help, a specialist assesses the state of the vascular bed, the direction, speed of moving blood, may suspect the presence of obstacles (blood clots, clots, tumors) and refer for a consultation with a specialized specialist. In the Alfa-Health Center multidisciplinary clinic, diagnostics are carried out using expert-level equipment. Patients quickly receive the results of the transcript of the study and can use other medical services.

Our advantages

Choosing the Alfa Health Center clinic for ultrasound of the vessels of the legs in Moscow, patients can appreciate the following advantages:

  • First class equipment. Our diagnosticians work on ultrasound scanners manufactured by General Electric. This allows you to get ultra-accurate examination results and identify signs of diseases on early stage development.
  • Study safety. Ultrasound is recognized as safe for health. Experts have established that it does not have a negative effect on internal organs and systems and can be used without restrictions on age and well-being.
  • Early diagnosis of diseases. Ultrasound can detect the slightest change in the work of soft tissue structures, internal organs, preventing the disease from progressing imperceptibly and giving complications.

Indications for vascular ultrasound

  • with headaches;
  • dizziness, faintness;
  • the development of atherosclerosis, increased cholesterol levels;
  • heart diseases;
  • pathology of the veins of the lower extremities;
  • suspected aortic aneurysm;
  • cramps of the extremities, edema, chilliness;
  • susceptibility to trophic ulcers.

Ultrasound examination greatly facilitates the diagnosis of specialists in the field of cardiology and vascular surgery. Some diseases directly threaten the patient's life (aortic aneurysm, atherosclerosis), require timely detection and qualified medical care.
Ultrasound vascular dopplerography is used as a preventive method of examination in patients with diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, Raynaud's disease, thrombophlebitis. Ultrasound is recommended for patients after operations on vessels and veins.

Features of the ultrasound of the vessels and preparation for the study

Ultrasonic dopplerography of vessels is performed without complex preparation. The study is carried out on an empty stomach. If the patient is to undergo an ultrasound scan of the abdominal aorta, digestive organs, then 3-5 days before the procedure, you should not eat food that provokes flatulence:

  • fresh cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • pastries, bread;
  • pasta;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sweets.

Additionally, it is recommended to use enterosorbents and agents that prevent bloating. The presence of gases can lead to inaccurate test results. On the eve, you can do a cleansing enema or take a drug that cleanses the intestines before diagnostic procedures.
The examination is carried out in a standing or lying position. The specialist applies a gel to the skin in the area under study and uses a transducer to obtain an image of the Doppler curve. During the study, it is permissible to use functional tests: the doctor may ask the patient to change the rhythm of breathing, cough, turn his head. The procedure takes 30-40 minutes. The specialist provides a transcript of the results within 15 minutes.
Choosing an ultrasound method
Depending on the area of ​​study of blood flow, the following types of vascular ultrasound are distinguished.

  • Intraorgan dopplerography - assessment of the blood flow of internal organs.
  • dopplerography main vessels includes ultrasound of the thoracic and abdominal aorta, extracranial vessels.
  • Dopplerography of peripheral vessels - ultrasound of the vessels of the legs and arms.

The ultrasound method is selected by the doctor depending on the patient's complaints and the results of the examination. Dopplerography is often used in complex diagnostics, complements such studies as MRI, CT, angiography, duplex scanning.
Ultrasound of extracranial vessels. The method is used to assess blood flow in the carotid and vertebral arteries. The specialist examines the blood circulation of the vessels that are located at the level of the neck and do not enter the cranial cavity. Ultrasound of extracranial vessels is used for signs of compression of the vertebral artery in patients with osteochondrosis cervical, congenital and acquired curvature, frequent headaches, dizziness and unsteady gait.
Ultrasound of intracranial vessels. The method is used to assess blood flow in intracranial vessels. Ultrasound of intracranial vessels is most often used to diagnose the causes of headaches, dizziness, facial numbness, and visual impairment. There are also emergency indications for this procedure: suspicion of an aneurysm and acute thrombosis.
The state of extra- and intracranial vessels is closely related. If there are problems with the functioning of one group, the problem may concern another.
Ultrasound of the veins of the lower and upper extremities. Dopplerography is used for pathologies of the venous system. The method is widely used by phlebologists for making an accurate diagnosis, examining patients with varicose veins, valvular insufficiency. Regular prophylactic ultrasound of the vessels of the legs in Moscow helps prevent the formation of thrombosis.
Ultrasound of the abdominal aorta. Using ultrasound, specialists analyze the blood flow in the abdominal and thoracic aorta and their branches. Patients are referred for examination in case of suspected aneurysm, stenosing lesions of the arteries, in preparation for an angiosurgery.
Vascular ultrasoundhearts. It is carried out during scanning of heart structures using high-frequency ultrasound waves (EchoCG) and allows you to assess the state of blood supply, detect areas with slow blood flow and take active measures to eliminate violations.
Dopplerography of the vessels of the abdominal cavity. During the study, the specialist studies the blood circulation of the abdominal aorta, iliac artery, inferior vena cava, hepatic and splenic arteries, celiac trunk. With the help of ultrasound diagnostics, it is possible to detect changes in the structure vascular wall and circulatory disorders of the digestive system.
Dopplerography of the renal vessels. Ultrasound of the vessels of the kidneys is used to assess the condition of the arteries of the kidneys, determine the quality of blood flow and the functionality of the organ.
Our specialists will select a convenient time for the examination, answer all questions and give recommendations on preparing for an ultrasound scan.

Pathologies of the lower extremities occupy a leading place in the pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. This is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the human skeleton, due to which significant stress is placed on the legs. Standing work, excessive physical activity, injuries - all this leads to dysfunction not only of the muscles of the lower extremities, but also of blood vessels.

In order to accurately determine the localization of the lesion, a diagnostic technique such as ultrasound scanning is used. It consists in the reflection of waves from tissues human body and playback on the screen through the sensor.

It's absolutely safe way research, in which it is not necessary to surgically introduce into the organs. In addition, the machines are now in every clinic, which contributes to the widespread use of scanning.

Indications for a scan

The price for such a study is often low, so that the average patient can afford it. Feedback on ultrasound scanning is only positive.

In order to undergo this procedure, you must have a referral from a doctor. They can be a vascular surgeon, phlebologist or doctor general practice.

It is not advisable to go through this procedure on your own without a medical consultation, since sometimes you can get by with functional tests. Or the lesions will be clear to the doctor and without additional diagnosis in case of a superficial defect.

Ultrasound of the veins and arteries of the lower extremities is prescribed if the patient has such clinical symptoms, how:

  1. Edema syndrome, which is localized on the feet, ankles or legs. Often it manifests itself at the end of the day, in the late afternoon, especially after a hard day with physical activity to the lower limbs.
  2. Violation of nerve conduction in the legs - creeping crawling, unpleasant tingling, numbness of the feet and legs, changes in temperature sensitivity.
  3. Defects in superficial veins that are visible to the naked eye - capillary dilatation microvasculature having names spider veins, as well as painful nodes, petechiae and ecchymosis.
  4. Change in skin color. This may be pallor, redness, cyanosis, or a purplish hue. Localization is also different - on the feet, legs or thighs.
  5. Violation of tissue regeneration, which consists in increased bleeding time and long healing of even minor injuries. This group also includes the appearance trophic ulcers on the legs, difficult to treat.
  6. A decrease in the temperature of the skin of the lower extremities, as well as a feeling of fatigue in them even with a slight load.
  7. Pain that appears day and night is accompanied by a convulsive syndrome that captures the muscles of the lower leg.

Signs such as a decrease in the density of the hairline and unbearable itching also serve as an indication for the study.

Types of ultrasound

Despite the apparent simplicity, ultrasound of the vessels of the legs can be different. AT modern medicine There are three types of scanning - classic, duplex and triplex.

A standard study, or classical two-dimensional diagnostics, can help determine the functional capacity of the blood flow. Its task is to determine the rate of blood flow in the vascular bed.

This method is used most often in comparison with others, since it is the simplest and most convenient to decrypt. It is suitable for examination of both veins and arteries. Devices for such scanning are very compact and can be carried from place to place.

The duplex method is a combined method that includes the previous diagnostics and a color mode that allows you to determine not only the speed of blood flow, but also its direction. In order to distinguish between them, color scanning was developed - so each direction has its own color.

Triplex scanning is the most progressive among the others, as it is based on the construction of a three-dimensional model of the vessel under study.

However, the disadvantage of this mode is the inability to determine the direction and speed of blood flow, so it is used only in combination with the previous methods.

Preparing to Scan

In order for the study to be as informative as possible, it is necessary to follow simple rules. They are easy to perform and do not require special skills in preparation, but they will ensure the accuracy of the scan.

First of all, before ultrasound of the arteries and you need to abandon bad habits, which can affect the result of the study, which shows the speed of blood flow. Drinking alcohol is prohibited for 48 hours, and smoking is prohibited the day before the study.

72 hours before the scan, you should refuse medicines that affect the blood system and venous outflow in particular. If medicines are urgently needed and refusing them threatens to develop serious complications, then it is worth notifying the diagnostician about this in order to avoid errors when deciphering the study.

Immediately before the study, it is required to carry out a personal hygiene procedure and remove hair from the study site.

There are no contraindications to the procedure.

Research methodology

Scanning is performed with the patient sitting, lying down or standing - it depends on the area to be examined. Also, the doctor may ask you to change the position from time to time to conduct the so-called functional tests, in which you can see the work of the venous valves in different conditions.

In order to ensure the best contact of the sensor with the skin, a special hypoallergenic gel is used, which is applied to the area being examined. This will help to remove errors due to contact with excess hairs.

To start work, the sensor is activated, after which ultrasonic waves enter the tissues. They absolutely do not harm the body. Reflected from the walls of the vessels, the waves fall on the sensor, which transfers them to the display. The doctor then makes a decryption.

It is impossible to examine the very wall of the vessel - it only reflects the waves. The blood flow, as well as pathological formations, such as malignant and benign tumors, cholesterol accumulations, thrombosis and strictures.

More research is needed to get the full picture.

What can be revealed with a scan?

When conducting a study, the doctor draws attention to certain parameters that are important in the diagnosis. various diseases.

The ankle-brachial complex is determined by the ratio of the systolic pressure on the left shoulder and leg. With the normal functioning of the circulatory system, it is at least 0.9. In the presence of pathology, the index decreases. A value of 0.3 is critical and indicates that such a complication as a trophic ulcer may develop.

The speed of blood movement through the vessels is also important in diagnosis. The artery of the leg has it at least 100 centimeters per second. If this indicator decreases, this indicates the presence of an obstruction in the vessel and the development of ischemia.

The doctor also measures the thickness of the choroid with inside which does not exceed 1 mm. Its expansion in the artery indicates the presence of atherosclerosis.

When scanning with an ultrasonic sensor, the following pathologies can be detected:

  • Deep varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • Inflammation of the vascular wall, for example;
  • Chronic or acute venous insufficiency;
  • The presence of valvular defects in the vein system, which may indicate varicose veins;
  • The development of thrombosis in the veins or atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries;
  • Raynaud's syndrome, or obliterating endarteritis;
  • Arterial aneurysms are stratification of the vascular wall, often observed in large arteries, such as the femoral.

Sometimes it happens that the ultrasound method cannot give an unambiguous answer in pathology, then the doctor prescribes computed tomography or magnetic resonance therapy - this will help him clarify the diagnosis.

How an ultrasound of the lower extremities is performed is described in the video in this article.

In order to assess the condition of the vascular valves and the blood flow of the veins of the legs, an ultrasound procedure of the veins of the lower extremities is performed.

Ultrasound Dopplerography (USDG of the veins of the lower extremities) makes it possible to reliably and quickly assess the condition of the main venous trunks and identify pathological veno-venous refluxes (places of blood reflux from deep veins into superficial ones).

The method is also able to assess the condition of the venous walls, valves, detect a thrombus, and also determine the speed of blood flow using color staining.

Of great importance for the diagnosis of the condition of the veins is the assessment of the work of the venous valves. Violation of the venous valves leads to the appearance of varicose veins, which is why it is so important to diagnose problems in time.

The operation of the valves is assessed using the Valsava test, when the patient takes a deep breath and holds his breath.

The possibilities of ultrasound examination of the veins of the lower extremities are limited in the study of perforating and deep veins.

The network of antenatal clinics MEDOC provides its patients with medical services High Quality. This applies primarily to diagnostic studies.

Our advantages:

    modern equipment that meets international standards;

    qualified specialists with extensive experience;

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  • Special preparation for the procedure is not required.


    constant feeling of tiredness when walking;

    pain sensation in the legs, a feeling of heaviness, which increases towards evening;

    change in the color of the legs, redness or the acquisition of a bluish or purple hue (these changes can be either temporary or permanent);

    swelling of the legs;

    feeling of numbness and tingling;

    enlargement and bulging of the veins in the legs;

    the appearance of trophic ulcers;

    night cramps;

    constant state of "cold feet".

In addition, ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities is performed in order to dynamically monitor chronic diseases:

    varicose veins;


    venous insufficiency.

Ultrasound of the lower extremities is used to assess the condition of the vessels, their patency and determine the speed of blood flow. The principle of operation of ultrasound is to register vibrations of ultrasonic waves that are reflected from moving objects. Registration of these oscillations occurs with the help of special sensors that can transmit an image of the blood flow. Correctly using the results of ultrasound, the doctor can determine the degree vascular pathology, detecting it in the early stages of the onset and development of the disease.

The main advantages of ultrasound:

  • absolute security for human health,
  • efficiency in obtaining data on the condition of the veins of the lower extremities,
  • lack of special training before survey,
  • high accuracy of the result of assessing the vessels of the lower extremities,
  • reasonable cost, quite affordable for many patients.

Indications for the diagnosis of blood vessels in the legs

Symptoms that indicate the need for ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities:

  • pain in the legs when exercising or walking,
  • numbness and tingling of the legs,
  • frequent swelling of the lower extremities,
  • color changes skin on foot,
  • muscle cramps in the leg area.

Diseases determined by ultrasound

With the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the doctor can identify the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, which develops due to partial or complete cessation of the blood supply to the lower extremities due to blockage of the veins by atherosclerotic plaques or blood clots;
  • varicose veins veins, arising from the gradual thinning of the venous wall and the formation of small nodes as a result of a gross pathology of the venous walls;
  • acute and chronic thrombophlebitis, which develops due to the formation of a thrombus in the lumen of a vein against the background of inflammation or damage to the venous wall;
  • deep vein thrombosis, in which blood clots, contributing to the blockage of blood vessels and leading to a violation of the rheological properties of the blood.

Preparation for ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound of the lower extremities does not require any complex preparation. It is enough for the patient to give up smoking, as well as drinking strong coffee and tea, a few hours before the procedure. The fact is that this may affect the accuracy of the results, since these drinks affect circulatory system human body.

Procedure for performing an ultrasound examination

The examination is carried out when the patient lies on the couch. Immediately before the procedure, the doctor applies a special gel to the patient's skin. This is done in order to ensure closer skin contact with the device's sensor. After installing the sensor, the doctor begins to study data on the speed of blood passing through the walls of the deep vessels of the lower extremities. This procedure does not cause discomfort or any pain. If the vessels have any deviations from the norm, then the doctor, based on the results of the examination, issues a conclusion to the patient.

Examination of the veins of the lower extremities in Moscow

The network of antenatal clinics Medok performs a professional examination of the vessels of the lower extremities in Moscow. When the patient is interested Additional Information about ultrasound of the veins and vessels of the lower extremities: the price or the timing of the results, he can seek help from our consultants. Each patient who wants to do an ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities can count on an attentive attitude and a high level of service. We have experienced specialists who will answer in detail all your questions regarding the price of diagnostics and tell you how to properly prepare for the vein examination procedure.