Cocarboxylase dosage. Cocarboxylase - improves metabolism

The use of Cocarboxylase reduces the concentration of pyruvic and lactic acid, improves glucose processing, has a positive effect on the trophism of nerve tissues, normalizes functionality of cardio-vascular system. If the body is deficient in this substance, the level of pyruvic acid in the blood rises, which can lead to the development of acidosis.

Release form and composition

Pharmacological action - coenzyme, metabolic. Pharmacological group - conferments/metabolics, vitamin-like agents, vitamins.

Indications for use and price

The average price of cocarboxylase in ampoules and vials is 110-115 rubles. You can buy cocarboxylase in pharmacies.

The use of cocarboxylase and indications:

  • Diabetic, metabolic, respiratory acidosis(failures of the acid-base state, they appear as low rate blood pH level and bicarbonate concentration below normal.
  • Hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia (high and low level Sahara).
  • Pathological processes taking place in the body, accompanied by disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Diseases of this group can be hereditary and acquired. The most common are galactosemia, generalized glycogenosis, and diabetes mellitus.
  • Liver, respiratory, renal, heart failure. Relevant for acute and chronic form diseases.
  • Postinfarction cardiosclerosis- as a component complex treatment cordially vascular diseases, for more details on ).
  • Hepatic coma.
  • diabetic coma. (Very often occurs as a result of violations)
  • chronic alcoholism and acute poisoning alcohol.
  • Poisoning with drugs of the barbiturate group, foxglove.
  • Paratyphoid, scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid - as a component complex therapy.
  • Multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropathy.
  • Hypoxic perinatal encephalopathy, pneumonia, sepsis, respiratory failure in newborns.
  • Conditions accompanied by acidosis and hypoxia.
Cocarboxylase is a proven vitamin preparation. It is often used as an integral component of complex therapy. He hardly calls adverse reactions. When undergoing a course of treatment, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that the injections are painful.

Instructions for use and doses

Instructions for use of cocarboxylase injections and powders for solution preparation:

  • The drug Cocarboxylase is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously. The proportion of the drug is prescribed individually, based on the anamnesis, the patient's condition and the severity of the disease.
  • For adults, the drug is administered once - 50/100 mg. If necessary, as in the case of the development of a diabetic coma - once every two to three hours. In the future, the prescribed therapy is maintained - 50 mg daily.
  • With stable circulatory failure - strictly 50 mg two to three times daily, before taking digitalis preparations. The course of procedures is 15-30 days.
  • In diabetes mellitus - 100-1000 mg daily with a duration of 5-10 days, without stopping standard antidiabetic therapy.
  • At acute form renal or hepatic insufficiency, burns, intoxication 50-150 mg three times a day.
  • With multiple sclerosis and peripheral neuritis 50/100 mg daily for 30-45 days.


  • High sensitivity to the drug.
  • Hypovitaminosis of Vitamin B1.
  • Avitaminosis of Vitamin B1.

During pregnancy and children

For children, the drug is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously, except for newborn babies. They are administered sublingually.

These doses may be administered in two divided doses.

The drug "Cocarboxylase" during pregnancy

The remedy can be prescribed by a doctor in several cases:

  • Severe toxicity. In such conditions, widespread metabolic disorders are noted. The drug helps to improve carbohydrate metabolism, significantly stabilizing the woman's condition. It is usually prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment for toxicosis.
  • Fetoplacental insufficiency. Doctors most often prescribe a ten-day course of injections when the drug is administered intravenously. As a result, placental nutrition of the fetus is stabilized, uterine circulation improves.

Contraindications during pregnancy

  • Increased susceptibility to the drug.
  • Tendency to develop allergic reactions.

How to prevent cocarboxylase deficiency during pregnancy

The drug is an active form of vitamin B 1, therefore, in order to avoid deficiency, it is recommended to use foods with a high content of this substance: liver, cereals - buckwheat and oatmeal, pork, veal, cauliflower.

Cocarboxylase is a metabolic enzyme of natural origin. However, safety during pregnancy has been proven only theoretically, not one hundred percent. No long-term studies have been carried out on this subject.

Overdose and side effects

  • Symptomatic treatment is carried out, aimed at stabilizing cardiovascular activity and respiratory rhythm.
  • Cancellation of the drug.

As a rule, an overdose does not occur.

  • Skin itching, urticaria and others
  • In the case of intramuscular injection - swelling and itching at the injection site.


  • "Ferein cocarboxylase".
  • Improv Cocarboxylase.
  • "Cocarboxylase hydrochloride".
  • "Ellara cocarboxylase".

All drugs have exactly the same active ingredient and release form.

cocarboxylase and atp

  1. Therapy of tuberculosis in children of early and adolescence. Doctors often refer to the means of pathogenetic therapy those drugs that stimulate energy metabolism. scientific research has made it possible to establish that under the influence of tuberculosis intoxication or in oncology in the case of long-term chemotherapy, adverse changes develop in energy metabolic processes, in particular, in the heart muscle. With the development of pulmonary tuberculosis, hypoxia occurs, which leads to an increase in anaerobic glycolysis. As a result, incompletely oxidized products accumulate; therefore, it is advisable to use cocarboxylase and ATP in the complex treatment of patients.
  2. The drug has a positive effect on internal metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on myocardial trophism. When anti-tuberculosis drugs are combined with cocarboxylase and ATP, the symptoms of intoxication disappear much faster. The course is usually formed by 10-15 injections, depending on the severity of the disease.
  3. With multiple sclerosis part of the complex therapy is the alternation of injections of cocarboxylase and ATP.
A cardiovascular agent, the main active ingredient of which is referred to as cocarboxylase. In the human body, “Cocarboxylase” is formed from Thiamine and takes part in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Promotes the synthesis of acetyl-coenzyme A.


Maria Mikhailovna 33 years old

I had a very strong and debilitating toxicosis, the weight decreased by 6 kg, the doctor considered it necessary to prescribe cocarboxylase. The drug was administered intravenously and the suffering was alleviated after only ten injections. Then a healthy baby was born.

Victor Fedorovich 47 years old

I was prescribed the drug after suffering a cardiovascular disease. No special changes were noticed, but the doctor said that a positive trend is emerging.

Producer: Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPO "Microgen" Russia

ATC code: A11DA

Farm group:

Release form: Liquid dosage forms. Injection.

General characteristics. Compound:

Active substance: 50 mg cocarboxylase hydrochloride in 1 ampoule.

Excipients: sodium carbonate (sodium carbonate).

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. Cocarboxylase is a coenzyme of thiamine (vitamin B1), it is phosphorylated in the body to form mono-, di- and triphosphoric esters, it is part of the enzymes that catalyze the carboxylation and decarboxylation of alpha-keto acids, pyruvic acid.

Endogenous cocarboxylase is formed in the body from exogenous thiamine by phosphorylation, however, the properties of cocarboxylase do not fully correspond to the properties of thiamine and cannot be used for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and B1. Cocarboxylase improves glucose uptake, tissue trophism nervous system contributes to the normalization of the function of the cardiovascular system.

Reduces the level of lactic and pyruvic acids in the blood (an increase in the content of these acids leads to the development of acidosis and acidotic coma).

Indications for use:

Cocarboxylase is prescribed as part of the complex therapy of hepatic and diabetic precoma and coma, diabetic, chronic and disorders heart rate, peripheral neuritis.

For children, the drug is prescribed for the same indications. In newborns, the drug is also used as part of the complex therapy of conditions accompanied by hypoxia and acidosis, including newborns, hypoxic, circulatory failure,.

Important! Get to know the treatment

Dosage and administration:

Cocarboxylase is administered intramuscularly or intravenously (stream or drip).The contents of the ampoule (50 mg) are dissolved immediately before administration in 2 ml of water for injection. With intravenous jet administration, the volume is adjusted to 10-20 ml, with drip administration, up to 200-400 ml, adding 0.9% sodium chloride solution or dextrose (glucose) solution.

For heart rhythm disturbances: 100-200 mg per day for 15-30 days.

In chronic heart failure: 50 mg 2 hours before the use of digitalis preparations 2-3 times a day.

At diabetes(ketoacidosis, coma) the daily dose is 100 mg.

In acute renal and hepatic insufficiency, 100-150 mg is administered intravenously bolus 3 times a day or drip (previously dissolved in a 5% dextrose (glucose) solution), 100-150 mg per day.

With peripheral neuritis, it is prescribed intramuscularly at a dose of 50-100 mg per day for 1-1.5 months.

Children are administered intramuscularly, intravenously (drip or jet). Depending on the severity of the condition and clinical symptoms, 25 to 50 mg per day are prescribed. The course of treatment is from 3-7 to 15-30 days. Newborns are administered intravenously (slowly) 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight once a day.

Application Features:

Use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Data on the safety of the drug when used in pregnant women are not available. Due to the insufficient number of studies, the drug should not be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.

Precautions for use. Without features.

The effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms have not been studied.

Side effects:

Possible allergic reactions(urticaria,); at intramuscular injection- hyperemia, pruritus, swelling (at the injection site).

Interaction with other drugs:

Cocarboxylase enhances the cardiac effect of cardiac glycosides and improves their tolerability.


Hypersensitivity to the drug.


There is no information on overdose.

Storage conditions:

Store in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C.Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 3 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the package.

Leave conditions:

On prescription


Lyophilisate for solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration, 50 mg in ampoules.10 ampoules with instructions for use, ampoule knife or ampoule scarifier in a pack or cardboard box.5 ampoules with the drug, complete with 5 ampoules of water for injections of 2 ml each with instructions for use, an ampoule knife or an ampoule scarifier in a pack or cardboard box.5 ampoules with the drug and 5 ampoules with water for injections of 2 ml in separate blister packs. 1 blister pack with the drug and 1 blister pack with water for injection with instructions for use, ampoule knife or ampoule scarifier in a cardboard pack.When packing ampoules with a break ring or opening point, an ampoule knife or an ampoule scarifier is not included.

The drug Cocarboxylase is produced by many pharmaceutical companies in the form of a dry powder in ampoules. It belongs to the simple B vitamins.

Cocarboxylase in the form of lyophilisate (dry matter) for the preparation injection solution has two dosages:

The main component is cocarboxylase hydrochloride.

Manufacturers are different. Depending on the number of ampoules with the medicine (5, 10 or 20 pcs), each box contains the same number of ampoules with a solvent for the powder (2 ml of water for injection). Before introducing into the powder, this solvent must be added.

Pharmacological properties

In the body, thiamine (vitamin B1) is located mainly in the structure of the membranes nerve cells. Its role is to repair damage nerve fibers and supply them with energy. As a result of biochemical transformations, thiamine is converted into thiamine pyrophosphate or cocarboxylase.

The role of cocarboxylase:

  • participates in the processes of conducting nervous excitation through the cells of the nervous system;
  • is a coenzyme for many enzymatic reactions;
  • plays a key role in the Krebs cycle and provides energy to the nervous system;
  • takes part in the metabolism of serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which in turn are necessary for pain suppression, glutathione synthesis and antioxidant defense of the body;
  • participates in carbohydrate metabolism through the formation of acetyl coenzyme A;
  • indirectly helps to synthesize nucleic acids, proteins and fats;
  • improves the absorption of glucose;
  • normalizes the functions of the cardiovascular system.

The lack of cocarboxylase in the body leads to acidosis and acidotic coma due to an increase in the concentration of pyruvic and lactic acids in the blood.


  • acidosis of diabetic, metabolic and in case of insufficiency of the cardiac and respiratory systems;
  • serious violations in the work of the kidneys and / or liver;
  • cardiosclerosis after a heart attack;
  • violation of metabolic processes of carbohydrates;
  • heart attack;
  • angina pectoris in an unstable form;
  • ischemic heart disease in a chronic form;
  • diabetic and hepatic coma;
  • acute alcohol poisoning and its consequences;
  • a history of chronic alcoholism;
  • various infectious diseases;
  • sepsis followed by hypoxia and acidosis;
  • neuralgia.

It is used in neonatology for the listed conditions in infants.


Only the presence of an allergic reaction to the main component.

Side effects

  • skin rash, hives and itching;
  • with intramuscular injection: redness, itching, swelling at the injection site.


The instruction describes such ways of administering the drug:

  • into a vein;
  • newborns drip under the tongue.

The dose is determined by the doctor individually.

The average dose for an adult is 50-200 mg per day intravenously or intramuscularly.

With diabetes mellitus, acidosis, coma per day, you can use from 100 mg to 1 g of the drug.

Children daily doses: up to 3 months - 25 mg; at the age of 4 months to 7 years - 25-50 mg; 8-18 years - 50-100 mg. The course of treatment is 3-7 and up to 15 days.


As prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist for fetal hypoxia, with complex treatment of toxicosis.


Instructions for use do not describe such a state.

drug interaction

Cocarboxylase works especially favorably with cardiac glycosides (digoxin), enhancing its positive effect on the heart and reducing the toxicity of therapy.

Drugs that belong to the vitamin B1 group actively affect various functions of the body, interfering with metabolism and neuro-reflex regulation. They can cause a positive effect in various pathological processes and therefore are considered as pharmacotherapeutic substances.

Mechanism of action of cocarboxylase

Cocarboxylase - a vitamin-like drug, a coenzyme that improves metabolism and energy supply of tissues. It improves the metabolic processes of the nervous tissue, normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system. It is used in conditions requiring improved carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

In the body, cocarboxylase is formed from vitamin B1 (thiamine) and plays the role of a coenzyme. Coenzymes are one of the parts of enzymes - substances that accelerate all biochemical processes many times over; vitamins usually act as coenzymes. Cocarboxylase is a coenzyme of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism. In combination with protein and magnesium ions, it is part of the carboxylase enzyme, which has an active effect on carbohydrate metabolism, reduces the level of lactic and pyruvic acid in the body, and improves the absorption of glucose. All this contributes to an increase in the amount of energy released, and therefore, to the improvement of all metabolic processes in the body.

Vitamin B1, introduced into the body to participate in biochemical processes, must first be converted into cocarboxylase and only in this form already become a full participant in metabolism. Thus, cocarboxylase is a ready-made form of a coenzyme formed from vitamin B1 during its transformation in the body. But the biological properties of cocarboxylase do not fully coincide with the properties of vitamin B1, therefore, cocarboxylase is not used to treat diseases associated with a lack of this vitamin. It is used as one of the components of complex treatment for various diseases that require improved carbohydrate metabolism.

Cocarboxylase improves the absorption of glucose, metabolic processes in the nervous tissue, and contributes to the normalization of the work of the heart muscle.

Cocarboxylase deficiency causes an increase in blood acidity (acidosis), which leads to serious violations from all organs and systems of the body, can result in coma and death of the patient.

Cocarboxylase is produced in the form of a powder for injection in ampoules, in combination with a solvent.

Indications and contraindications for use

Cocarboxylase is prescribed as part of complex therapy for the following diseases and states:

  • with acidosis resulting from metabolic disorders in various diseases, for example, with hyperglycemic coma (loss of consciousness against a background of very high blood sugar);
  • with respiratory and pulmonary heart failure, including in newborns;
  • with chronic cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • at coronary disease heart, including in pre-infarction conditions, myocardial infarction and conditions after myocardial infarction;
  • with liver and kidney failure;
  • with acute and chronic alcoholism;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • with some intoxication medicines(cardiac glycosides and barbiturates);
  • at infectious diseases(diphtheria, scarlet fever and so on);
  • with various diseases of the nervous system (with pain and inflammation peripheral nerves, multiple sclerosis, and so on);
  • with brain damage in newborns associated with oxygen starvation;
  • in any pathological processes associated with impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

A contraindication for the use of cocarboxylase is hypersensitivity to the drug.

Side effects and signs of cocarboxylase overdose

Side effects of cocarboxylase can manifest themselves only in the form of allergic reactions: skin itching , edema and urticaria. There may also be local allergic reactions (at the injection site), which are manifested by redness, swelling and itching of the skin.

Cases of overdose usually do not occur, but if it does happen, then after discontinuation of the drug, treatment is carried out in accordance with the existing signs of overdose (symptomatic treatment), aimed at normalizing the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Composition and form of release of the drug

Lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration in the form of a hygroscopic white mass.

Excipients: sodium carbonate anhydrous - 8 mg.

50 mg - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.
50 mg - ampoules (5) - contour plastic pallets (1) - cardboard packs.
50 mg - ampoules (5) - contour plastic pallets (2) - cardboard packs.
50 mg - ampoules (5) in set. with solvent 2 ml amp. 5 pieces. - contour plastic pallets (1) - packs of cardboard.
50 mg - ampoules (5) - contour plastic pallets (10) - cardboard packs (for hospitals).
50 mg - ampoules (5) - contour plastic trays (20) - cardboard packs (for hospitals).
50 mg - ampoules (5) - contour plastic pallets (30) - cardboard packs (for hospitals).
50 mg - ampoules (5) - contour plastic trays (60) - cardboard packs (for hospitals).
50 mg - ampoules (5) - contour plastic pallets (100) - cardboard packs (for hospitals).

pharmachologic effect

Coenzyme formed in the body from. It has a metabolic effect, activates tissue metabolism. In the body, it is phosphorylated with the formation of mono-, di- and triphosphoric esters; cocarboxylase is part of the enzymes that catalyze the carboxylation and decarboxylation of keto acids, pyruvic acid, promotes the formation of acetyl-coenzyme A, which determines its participation in carbohydrate metabolism. Participation in the pentose cycle indirectly promotes the synthesis of nucleic acids, proteins and lipids.

Improves digestion, trophism of the nervous tissue, contributes to the normalization of the functions of the cardiovascular system.

Deficiency of cocarboxylase causes an increase in the level of pyruvic and lactic acids in the blood, which leads to acidosis and acidotic coma.


As part of combination therapy: metabolic acidosis, acidosis in hyperglycemic coma, acidosis in respiratory and pulmonary heart failure; chronic insufficiency, ischemic heart disease, unstable angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, postinfarction cardiosclerosis; hepatic and/or kidney failure, acute and chronic alcoholism, poisoning, intoxication with cardiac glycosides and barbiturates, infectious diseases(diphtheria, scarlet fever, paratyphoid), neuralgia, multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuritis.

In children in the neonatal period: perinatal hypoxic encephalopathy, respiratory failure, pneumonia, sepsis, hypoxia, acidosis.


Hypersensitivity to cocarboxylase.


Adults enter in / m or / in. The dose is 50-200 mg / day. In diabetes mellitus (acidosis, coma), the daily dose may be 0.1-1 g. The frequency and duration of use depends on the indications.