Health in English transcription and pronunciation. My Health - My health

Health- health

Healthy- healthy

To be sick

To be ill

To get better / to recover - recover

To be in good / bad shape - to be in good / bad shape

To feel pain- feel pain

To suffer from - suffer from something

To have a sore throat - sore throat

Runny nose- runny nose

To catch a cold

A bad cough

A heart attack

A rash

A stomach ache - pain in the abdomen

Headache - headache

Insomnia - insomnia

Food poisoning - food poisoning

Allergy- allergy

Fever- fever

High temperature- heat

Flu flu

Scratch - scratch

Feel shivery - feel chills

To faint - to faint

Nausea - nausea

To sneeze- sneeze

To lose consciousness- lose consciousness

To be clogged - stuffy nose

Spots- pimples

To burn oneself- get burned

To break one`s leg- break a leg

To dizzy - feel dizzy

To sweat- to sweat

Dialogues (dialogues)

- What's the matter with you?

I feel bad. I have a high temperature.

I think you should go to the doctor

OK. You're right

What happened to you?

I feel bad. My temperature is high

I think you should see a doctor

Good. You're right

- What's troubling you?

Doctor, I have a bad cough and headache

Let me examine you. I'll listen to your heart and take a pulse.

Take these pills three times a day.

thank you doctor

- What worries you?

Doctor, I have a bad cough and a headache.

Let me take a look at you. I will listen to your heart and measure the bullets


Take these pills 3 times a day

Thank you Doctor

- How`s your sister keeping?

She is getting better.

It's great. Tell her I hope we see soon


How is your sister feeling?

She is recovering

It's great. Tell her that I hope we see each other soon


- Are you ok?

no. I`m going down with the flu. I have a sore throat, a bad cough, my nose is clogged and I feel shivery

You should stay in a bad and drink a lot of tea

I`m going to shop. I`ll buy some medicines for you


Are you all right?

No. I'm getting the flu. I have a sore throat, a bad cough, my nose is stuffed up and I'm chilly

You should stay in bed and drink plenty of tea.

I'm going to shop. I will buy drugs for you


Good health is very important for very person. Still, sometimes we get ill, we call a doctor, and he examines us and diagnoses the illness. When we have a headache, a stomachache, a sore throat, a cold, or a pain in some parts of the body, we call a doctor. He takes our temperature and our pulse. He examines our heart, our lungs, our stomach or the part where we have pain, and tells us what the matter is with us. The doctor prescribes medicine, and gives us a prescription, which we take to the chemist's, who makes up the medicine.
If you follow the doctor's orders, you get better; if you disobey the doctor, you may get worse, and even die. We must obey the doctor, if we want to get better. If we have a temperature, we must stay in bed and take the medicine he prescribes. If we cannot get better at home, we must go to hospital. If we are too ill to walk, we go to hospital in the ambulance. we are strong again.
When we have a toothache, we go to the dentist's. He examines our teeth, finds the tooth which hurts us, stops or extracts it.
In our country health system incorporates a variety of medical institutions. The medical service is of two kinds. Some state establishments give their employees medical insurance cards. They guarantee the people free of charge medical assistance. Some medical establishments charge fees for treatment. They may be rather high, but our medical service now uses all modern equipment and medicines and provides qualified medical help to all people.


Good health is very important for any person. However, sometimes we get sick, and we call a doctor, he examines us and diagnoses diseases. When we have a headache, abdominal pain, sore throat, runny nose, or pain in some other part of the body, we call a doctor. It measures temperature and pulse. It examines our heart, lungs, our stomach or the part of the body where we have pain and tells us what is the matter with us. The doctor prescribes medicines and gives us a prescription, which we take to the pharmacy that makes the medicines.
If you follow the doctor's instructions, you get better, if you do not obey the doctor, you can get complications and even die. We must listen to the doctor if we want to get better. If you have fever, you must stay in bed and take the medicine he prescribed. If we don't get better at home we have to go to the hospital. If we are too sick to go, we go to the hospital in an ambulance. After our illness, we can go to a sanatorium to gain strength.
When we have a toothache, we go to the dentist. He examines our teeth, finds a tooth that hurts, fills or pulls it out.
The health care system of our country includes various medical institutions. Medical care is of two types. Some state institutions provide their employees with health insurance. It guarantees people free medical care. Some medical institutions charge a fee for treatment. It may be quite high, but our medical service currently uses modern equipment and medicines, and provides qualified medical care to all people.

There is a saying, wealth is nothing without health. And it is true because only healthy people can fully enjoy their lives. Healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular nowadays.

my healthy lifestyle

There are 3 main things in my healthy lifestyle: healthy eating, physical exercise and leisure activities. All together these components help me keep my body and mind in good condition.

healthy eating

Formation of right eating habits is one of the ways to have good health. There are enough fruits, vegetables, meat and fiber in my diet. I avoid overeating and drinking plenty of water.

physical exercise

Our body needs exercise. However, that does not imply spending 3 hours in a gym every day. We are all different. Some gruel themselves with heavy muscle-strengthening exercises, for others a short walk is enough. I like swimming and yoga. I also enjoy long walks in the fresh air.


While keeping our body healthy, we should not forget about our mind. Having a hobby or involving oneself in different leisure activities helps restore our mental health.

There are different types of leisure activities, from reading books and knitting to hiking and traveling. I recently discovered that I enjoy growing indoor plants and am very attracted by handmade works.

Human health

They say health is more valuable than money. And this is true, because only healthy people can fully enjoy life. Today healthy lifestyle life is gaining popularity.

My healthy lifestyle

My healthy lifestyle consists of three main components: healthy eating, physical exercise and rest. Together they help me keep my body and mind in good condition.


Developing healthy eating habits is one of the keys to good health. My diet contains a sufficient amount of fruits, vegetables, meat and fiber. I avoid overeating and drink plenty of water.

Physical exercise

Our body needs exercise. However, this does not include 3-hour daily workouts at the gym. We are all different. Some exhaust themselves with heavy strength exercises, while for others a short walk is enough. I love swimming and yoga. I also like to take long walks outdoors.


Taking care of our body, we should not forget about mental rest. Hobby or leisure helps us restore mental health.

There are many different types activities ranging from reading books and knitting to hiking and traveling. More recently, I have discovered that I love growing houseplants and am interested in handicrafts.

Healthy lifestyle - English topic with translation into Russian and useful expressions and related words. The text will help enrich vocabulary and prepare for the exam, OGE or other exams.

Modern life is very chaotic and stressful. That's why we should keep to a healthy lifestyle in order not to get depressed and not to feel bad. A healthy lifestyle consists of active mode of life, healthy diet, avoiding stress and absence of bad habits.

If you are active, you feel better. You may go to a gym or a swimming pool, do some other sport or simply walk more. Sport is a good way to reduce stress and improve your state of health. It is also possible to exercise or walk with someone. If you train with friends, you will enjoy yourself even more.

A diet is also very important. You should eat regularly and choose fresh and healthy food. It is essential to eat enough fruit, vegetables, and meat. Don't eat too much sugar or consume sweet fizzy drinks. Sugar affects your heart and can't fill you for a long time.

Finally, you should try to avoid stress or at least take it easy and don't be too nervous. Nervousness has a negative impact on our health and causes many diseases. So do the bad habits. Smoking and drinking too much alcohol can be very harmful.

Thus, it is not so difficult to lead a healthy life. It may become your good habit. As soon as you improve your quality of life, regulate your diet and physical exercises, you will see good results and feel yourself much better. You won't have an idea of ​​returning to your previous lifestyle anymore.


Modern life is very chaotic and full of stress. Therefore, we must adhere to a healthy lifestyle so as not to fall into depression and not have feeling unwell. A healthy lifestyle consists of an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, avoiding stress and the absence of bad habits.

If you are active, you feel better. You can go to the gym or pool, exercise, or just walk more. Sports - good way reduce stress and improve your health. You can also exercise or walk with someone. If you train with friends, you will enjoy the process even more.

Nutrition is also very important. You should eat regularly and choose fresh and healthy foods. It is important to eat enough fruits, vegetables and meat. Don't eat too much sugar and don't drink sugary sodas. Sugar affects the heart and cannot keep you full for a long time.

Finally, you should try to avoid stress, or at least not take it to heart and not be too nervous. Nervousness negatively affects our health and leads to many diseases. Just like bad habits. Smoking and drinking a large number alcohol can be harmful.

Thus, it is not so difficult to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. This can become your good habit. As soon as you improve the quality of your life, streamline your diet and exercise, you will see good results and feel much better. You won't even think of going back to your old way of life.

Useful words and expressions:

Active mode of life - active lifestyle

Healthy diet - proper nutrition

Absence of - the absence of something

To gruntle - improve mood

To consume - (y) consume

Fizzy drink - carbonated drink

To affect - influence, influence

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