My future topic with translation. my future profession

Topic by English language with a translation on the topic My future profession doctor (My Future Profession Doctor) talk about one of the most important professions. The topic can be used when talking about your future profession or if you have a doctor in the family, English topic on the profession of a doctor will help to tell about the work of your relative.

At school, we often discuss with friends what we want to become, very often students dream of such a noble and necessary profession. English topic doctor profession would be useful for such discussions.


My Future Profession Doctor

There are many interesting professions, doctor is one of them. It is a necessary and noble profession, that is why I want to be a doctor.

To become a doctor I need to read a lot of specialized literature and to study hard, especially in biology and chemistry. This profession requires great responsibility because doctors deal with the most precious things people have - their lives and their health.

Doctors not only operate people and prescribe medicine, but they must also listen to their parents, check them up and sometimes make quick and important decisions. A doctor has to be a kind and attentive person, because if patients trust their doctor it is easier to work.

Sometimes working day continues even after a doctor comes home from the hospital. Relatives, friends or neighbors often ask for medical advice, example how to lower the kid`s temperature.

There are different types of doctors: cardiologists, gastroenterologists, pediatricians, traumatologists and many others.

My father is a surgeon, he works in a hospital. Sometimes I visit him at the hospital and watch him working. My father tells me a lot of stories about doctors and their profession. He is a much-respected man and I am happy that I have such a good example in my family, I will do my best to become a good doctor just like my father.


My future profession is a doctor

There are many interesting professions and the doctor is one of them. This is a necessary and noble profession, so I want to become a doctor.

In order to become a doctor, I have to read a lot of specialized literature and study hard, especially in chemistry and biology. This profession requires a huge responsibility because doctors deal with the most precious thing people have - their lives and health.

Doctors not only operate and prescribe drugs, they also have to listen to patients, examine them, and sometimes make quick and important decisions. The doctor should be a kind and considerate person, because if patients trust the doctor, then work is much easier.

Sometimes the working day goes on even when the doctor comes home from the hospital. Relatives, friends, or neighbors often ask for medical advice, such as how to bring down a child's fever.

There are different types of doctors: cardiologists, gastroenterologists, pediatricians, traumatologists and many others.

My father is a surgeon, he works in a hospital. Sometimes I visit him in the hospital and see how he works. Dad tells a lot of stories about doctors and their profession. He is a very respected person and I am happy that my family has such a good example.
I will do my best to be as good a doctor as my father.

There are a lot of interesting and useful professions. I am going to become a teacher. I suppose my future profession to be one of the most important nowadays.

My future specialty is English (Literature, Russian, History, Geography). I love children very much and to become a teacher has been my dream since my early childhood.

To teach and to bring up children is the most important and noble thing, to my mind. I am eager to get the proper education to be able to do my best to teach my future pupils my favorite subject. I "ll try not only to help them to master it. I" ll try to help them to become good and clever people, to be honest, kind and noble.

Children are our future and I want them to be really good and educated people. Of course, the profession of a teacher is not an easy one. It demands a lot of knowledge, a lot of tenderness of feeling and sometimes a lot of patience. But I hope that I "ll be a good teacher and that my pupils will like me and my subject.

Translation of the text: My future profession

There are many interesting and useful professions. I'm going to become a teacher. I assume that my future profession will be one of the most important at present.

My future specialty is English (Literature, Russian, History, Geography). I love children very much and becoming a teacher has been my dream since my early childhood.

Teaching and raising children is the most important and noble thing, in my opinion. I strive to get a proper education to be able to do my best to teach my future students my favorite subject. I will try not only to help them deal with it. I will try to help them become good and smart people, honestly, kind and noble.

Children are our future and I want them to be really good and educated people. Of course, teaching is not an easy profession. It requires a lot of knowledge, a lot of tenderness of feeling and sometimes a lot of patience. But I hope that I will be a good teacher and that my students will love me and my subject.

1. 100 topics of oral English (V. Kaverina, V. Boyko, N. Zhidkih) 2002
2. English for schoolchildren and applicants to universities. Oral exam. Topics. Reading texts. Exam questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalchenko I.A., Myltseva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English language, 120 conversation topics. (Sergeev S.P.)

All sections:

The choice of one's future profession is a very important step. Quite often, work becomes a significant part of our life and takes most of our time. Many people don't like what they do to earn money. It makes them tired and depressed. And I want to feel happy every working day, so I am going to choose a profession that is interesting to me.

At the moment I go to school. I am seventeen years old and this is my last year. I've been thinking about my future profession for the last months a lot. Now finally it seems that I know what to do. My passion is music and I am going to become a musician.

My parents didn't approve this decision, because I don't have any music education. I didn't go to music school, I took no private music lessons. But in my opinion, it isn't a problem. Last summer I bought an electric guitar and started to learn to play by myself. There are plenty of video lessons on the Internet. They help me to develop my technique and I see my progress.

At the same time, I started to learn music theory and solfeggio. I downloaded best tutorials from the web and organized my own lessons in the evenings. Usually I spend one or two hours learning music and two or three hours practicing on the guitar every day. So it's quite a lot of work to do regularly. But I never get tired, because I enjoy what I do and I appreciate the results.

I am going to enter University of Culture and Arts in my city. There is always a big competition there, but I think my chances are high. I will take a couple of lessons with one of their music teachers. Thus I will make sure that I am ready for the entrance exams. It is still a long way to go before I get ready; I will have to continue my everyday lessons until the end of the schoolyear. The success depends only on me and I am going to work hard towards my goal.

Choosing a future profession is a very important step. Often, work becomes a significant part of our lives and takes up most of our time. A lot of people don't like what they do to make money. Because of this, they get tired and depressed. And I want to feel happy every working day, so I'm going to choose a profession that interests me.

Now I go to school. I am seventeen years old and this is my last year of study. In recent months, I have been thinking a lot about my future profession. Now it looks like I finally know what to do. My passion is music and I'm going to be a musician.

My parents didn't approve of this decision because I don't have any musical education. I did not go to music school, did not study with tutors. But, in my opinion, this is not a problem. Last summer I bought an electric guitar and began to learn to play on my own. There are many video tutorials on the Internet. They help me develop my technique and I see my progress.

At the same time, I started learning music theory and solfeggio. I downloaded the best textbooks from the Internet and organized self-guided lessons for myself in the evenings. I usually study music theory for one or two hours every day and practice guitar for two or three hours. So I regularly do a lot of work. But I never get tired because I enjoy what I do and I am happy with the result.

I am going to enter the University of Culture and Arts in my city. There is always a big competition, but I think my chances are high. I'll take a couple of lessons from one of their teachers. That way I can make sure I'm ready for the entrance exams. There is still a long way to go before I am ready; I will have to continue my daily studies until the end of the school year. Success depends only on me, and I will work hard to achieve my goal.

When a young man starts to think about a future career, he imagines a very glorious picture. But a person gets older he faces real life with his problems. After graduation from the Institute young specialists don’t have many variants. The most common one is to get work as a manager.

As for me, I don't want to spend all the time in a stuffy office full of computers and printers. I believe that I will never impose unnecessary goods, compose boring reports, and be on phone all day. I understand that modern life could be more difficult without managers, but this kind of work not for me. We have one life and we ought to spend it wisely. I'm sure that in the future I'll ask myself what I've achieved. I believe that any person is born to fulfill some goals, which nobody else, but himself, could define. So as sooner I define my goals as happier I will be.

I’m leaving school at the end of the spring and I always think about an educational institution which I need to choose. I think the ideal option for me will be any Choreographic Academy. I have been dancing all since I was five and I can't imagine my future life without choreography. Dancing is the best way to express myself, to capture my emotions and thoughts to people. I adore dancing. When I'm engrossed in creation, I don't think about my school problems and everyone around. I call it "inspiration". I feel that a real connection between me and the Universe. So I just pick up some ideas and express them through dance using my body and emotions.

If I tell my friends or parents about this plan, perhaps they will say that I am aspiring to be famous. By no means, fame is a heavy burden. There is an important difference between the desire to be a famous artist and the desire not to be forgotten dancer. I don "t think the people of art are exceptional. If an architect creates buildings that will stand for many years, people will be thankful for his great work. If the writer's novels are read in three hundred years, it will be wonderful. If a dancer's creation will be remembered next generations, he will live in human hearts.

Any career should make the human who has chosen it satisfied. Otherwise, working routine will be an excruciation and nothing else. I really don't want to write reports and answer the phone sitting in the office all day. I want my profession to make me happy, and I want to see happy people around me.

Now I have to think about my entrance exams. They are not so easy. I believe that my dream to become a great dancer will come true and I will be able to share the pleasure of dancing with other people.

When a young man thinks about his future career, he presents a very glorious picture. But as soon as a person gets older, he is faced with real life and its problems. After graduating from the Institute, a young professional does not have many options. Most often he gets a job as a manager.

As for me, I don't want to spend all my time in a stuffy office with lots of computers and printers. I believe that I will never push unnecessary products, write boring reports and talk on the phone all day long. I understand that modern life would be difficult without managers, but this kind of work is not for me. We only have one life and we should spend it wisely. I am sure that in the future I will ask myself what I have achieved. I think that any person is born to fulfill certain goals that no one except him can determine. Therefore, the sooner I decide on a goal, the happier I will be.

I'm finishing school at the end of spring and I'm thinking all the time about the school I should choose. I think the ideal option for me would be some Choreographic Academy. I have been dancing since the age of five, and I cannot imagine my life without choreography. Dance - The best way express myself, convey my emotions and thoughts to people. I love dancing. When I'm immersed in creativity, I don't think about my school problems and the people around me. I call it "inspiration". I feel a real connection between me and the universe. I just pick the right ideas and express them through dance, using my body and emotions.

If I tell my friends and parents about my plan, they might say that I aspire to be famous. Without a doubt, fame is a heavy burden. There is an important difference between wanting to be a famous artist and not wanting to be a forgotten dancer. I don't think that people of art are extraordinary. If an architect creates buildings that will last for many years, people will be grateful for his work. If the novels of the writer will be read in three hundred years, it will be wonderful. If the dancer's work is remembered by the next generations, he will continue to live in the hearts of people.

Any career should make the person who chooses it satisfied. On the other hand, work can become torture and nothing more. I really don't want to write reports and answer the phone while sitting in the office all day. I want my profession to make me happy and I want to see happy people around me.

Next year my class will graduate from a high school. So the question what I would like to become is on all students" minds. Every job has its own difficulties and interesting moments. No doubt, all professions are very important in life. But it is not an easy thing to choose the right one, the most suitable one, because we must take into consideration too many factors.

For me the end of the school is a very serious step in my life, the beginning of an independent life, and the time of more difficult exams. I do want to choose the right road in my life which will help me to be the best in my work and life.

Everybody, each girl and boy, has the opportunity to use the education they received at school in their future studying. Some of them will prefer to work in plants or factories, some of them will take part in building new towns or constructions, others will take care of people or work at school. Men often choose men’s professions such as a police officer, a fireman, an engineer and others. More feminine professions are a nurse, a teacher, an accountant etc.

What about me, I hope I have already made my choice. I would like to become a midwife. My mom is a qualified midwife and a highly experienced nurse. She told me a lot about her work. Even at the age of 10 I decided to follow my mom's footsteps.


AT next year my class is graduating from school. So the question of who I would like to become is in the mind of every student. Each work has its own difficulties and is interesting in its own way. Undoubtedly, all professions are very important in life. But it is not easy to choose the right one, the most suitable one, because there are too many factors to consider. We must not forget about our mindset and personal preferences and, of course, the requirements of society and the needs of people.

For me, graduating from school is a very serious step in life, the beginning of an independent life, and the time for more difficult exams. I want to choose the right path in life that will help me be the best at my job and in life.

Everyone, every girl and every boy, has the opportunity to use the education they received at school in their further studies. Some of them will choose to work in factories or factories, some of them will take part in the construction of new cities or structures, others will take care of people or work at a school. Men often choose men's professions such as policeman, fireman, engineer and others. More feminine professions - nurse, teacher, accountant, etc.

As for me, I hope I have already made my choice. I want to become a midwife. My mother is a qualified midwife and an experienced nurse. She told me a lot about her work. Already at the age of 10, I decided to follow in the footsteps of my mother.

Useful phrases:

To graduate from - finish school, graduate

to take into consideration - take into account

the requirements of our society - the requirements of our society

the opportunity

plants - plants

factories - factories


a police officer

a fireman - fireman

a nurse - a nurse

an accountant - accountant

a midwife - midwife

to follow somebody's footsteps - follow in someone's footsteps.