What is better jamet or Vityazevo reviews. Where is the best place to stay in Vityazevo or Dzhemet? Path of health and life

Two most interesting resort Krasnodar Territory located near the city of Anapa. Vityazevo and Dzhemete are becoming increasingly popular among tourists in our country. If you are going to go here on your vacation, then do not doubt what awaits you:

  1. Inexpensive trip to the seas;
  2. Promoting the development of tourism in Russia, indirectly contributing to the development of the economy of the Motherland;
  3. Opportunity to enjoy beautiful landscapes.

The question is where better rest in Vityazevo or Dzhemet is complex and ambiguous, because both resorts are beautiful and very similar. There are a serious number of similarities and at the same time differences in the features of the region. But still, we will try to figure out together with you where it is better to spend a vacation, but this is impossible to do without a detailed consideration of the features of each zone.

These resorts of the Black Sea will open for you the opportunity to take a fresh look at domestic tourism and finally make sure that the Russian land is truly beautiful. In addition, giving preference to resorts in your country, you do not have to worry about visas and air tickets at all, because you can use alternative and more affordable modes of transport, which will allow you to save a lot of money.

It is not easy to say unambiguously where it is better to rest on the sea in Vityazevo or Dzhemet, since these resorts are territorially located very close to each other. But some of the differences can be identified right now, and based on an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages, it will be possible to decide on the final choice.

Rest in Vityazevo

Vityazevo resort is located not far from the "civilization". It is quiet and incredibly beautiful here. At the same time, if you have your own transport, then you can easily go to a neighboring city to buy food or whatever. Due to the fact that the sea here is not deep and warms up quickly, and the beaches are sandy and clean, this resort is more suitable for families with children.

Vityazevo is famous for the presence of healing mud intended for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, those who suffer from diseases associated with professional activity, it will be useful to visit the local mud treatments, which will greatly facilitate the treatment process and help improve overall health.

The pride of the town is a very beautiful embankment. There are many photos on the network, as tourists have long chosen this place. The resort is also famous for its relic lake, which is extremely beautiful and enchanting.

There is a winery, a large number of shops and restaurants. As well as a park and water park for adults and children. So there is no need to judge the development of infrastructure.

This offer is right for you if you:

  1. Love peace and tranquility;
  2. Going on vacation with children;
  3. Do you want to receive high-quality sanatorium-resort treatment?

Holidays in Dzhemet

Dzhemete is a very nice and cozy abode for all tourists, regardless of their wealth. Due to its small size, good infrastructure, availability a large number entertainment and proximity to Anapa, it has become for many a favorite place for a family vacation.

The settlement is divided into two parts - Lower and Upper Dzhemete. Upper is considered a very affordable vacation spot with a beautiful clean beach. And on the territory of the Lower part there are sanatoriums with hydrogen sulfide mineral springs and balneological procedures.

It is believed that the composition of the sand on the beaches includes pure gold! Due to the close geographical location to Anapa, tourists can easily go on foot or by boat to see this beautiful city, as well as visit many sightseeing tours, the famous water park and oceanarium.

The lower part is famous for its vineyards, while the upper part is famous for its legends, stables and inn. In any case, the nature of these places enchants with its beauty, the sand with its whiteness, and the sea water with its warmth and transparency. Entertainment will be found for both children and young people.

What is interesting about the village:

  1. Democratic prices;
  2. A large number of water activities and attractions;
  3. The cleanliness of the beaches and the unique nature;

It is difficult to choose where it is better to rest in Vityazevo or in Dzhemet, because in both resorts every tourist will find something to see.


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Let's sort it out in order. Anapa or Vityazevo - where is it better to relax?

This question was asked to me by more than one person. Let's break it all down. I warn you that my opinion is based on personal experience and preferences. And it may be different from yours.

Anapa or Vityazevo- where is the best place to relax?

It's pretty hard to choose. How not to make a mistake with the choice?

Anapa and Vityazevo are very close, the geography and climate are practically the same. And there, and there - the sea, sandy beaches, drinking pump rooms.

Anapa is a city, Vityazevo is a village. It would seem that this is the only difference?

But what matters is the purpose for which you are traveling, alone or with children, in what season.

St. George's Church Vityazevo

Anapa or Vityazevo– where is the best beach? If you go purely with beach goals and nothing else, you should definitely choose Vityazevo. Especially if with children. Getting to the Vityazevsky beaches will be much easier and faster from any area, since the village is small. In addition, the sea in Vityazevo is cleaner than in Anapa. And there are fewer people.

Central beach Vityazevo

Anapa or Vityazevo– where is the best cultural program? If your goals are to broaden your horizons (tourist), if you want a rich cultural program, you should prefer Anapa. From the point of view of comfort, walks, shops - the city is also more interesting.

High bank with the Anapa lighthouse

But on the beaches there is literally nowhere for an apple to fall ...

Of course, the level of comfort of rest depends on the season.

You can come to Anapa year-round (there is a cultural program all year round, pump rooms, sanatoriums, many hotels work).

In Anapa you can relax all year round

There is nothing to do in Vityazevo from autumn to spring, many hotels are open only from May to October inclusive, and entertainment is closed for the winter.

You can relax in Vityazevo only in summer and early autumn

Anapa or Vityazevo- where is betterimprove health?(if the task is to heal). The choice of sanatoriums and boarding houses in the city is incomparably larger, and the price range is wider. You can choose a sanatorium, taking into account the specifics of diseases and the thickness of the wallet. Yes, and walking along the streets of Anapa is simply more pleasant than walking along the streets of Vityazevsky. And walks are an integral part of any treatment. This text is stolen from the Road of Peace website (website)!

There are more sights in Anapa and they are more interesting

Pros and cons of holidays in Anapa and Vityazevo

And now we list the disadvantages and advantages in brief. Anapa or Vityazevo - where is it better and by what criteria?

Advantages of Anapa:

a large selection of housing, respectively, prices are lower than in the neighboring village;

a beautiful promenade along which you can walk;

Embankment of Anapa

Embankment of Anapa. Scarlet Sails

many parks, shady streets;

White hat - a symbol of the resort Anapa

Aibolit - a symbol of Anapa's sanatoriums

rich cultural program (there are monuments of history and architecture, many museums, including the famous one);

Museum "Gorgippia" - a witness of the ancient era

Museum "Gorgippia"

The Anapa landscape is more interesting, the Caucasus Mountains already begin here, which can be seen from the Upper Embankment, or you can even take a walk;

View of the High Bank and Bald Mountain

bald mountain

from here it is easier to get to Sukko, Big Utrish and other interesting surroundings.


there are more people on the beaches;

the sea blooms more often and on a larger scale;

although the choice of cafes, canteens and restaurants is larger, catering in general is somewhat more expensive than in Vityazevo;

and the main disadvantage is not always tasty and high-quality food. We ate in different places and maybe we were very unlucky, but this disgusting food I have never tried anywhere in my life. And in one place they sold us completely missing food - this is beyond my understanding.

Fountain in the park of the 30th anniversary of the Victory

Pros of Vityazevo:

closer to the airport;

there are fewer people on the beaches than on the central beach of Anapa, you can always step aside and not lie 15 centimeters from your neighbor on the beach;

The beaches of Vityazevo are beautiful!

catering is cheaper;

Prices and food quality are good

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The wonderful resort of Anapa can offer excellent opportunities for recreation. But many prefer to settle not in Anapa itself, but in its suburbs or neighboring villages - Supsekh, Sukko, Bolshoy Utrish, Blagoveshchenskaya and Vityazevo. Let's talk about the latter in more detail. What to choose, Anapa or Vityazevo? What are the pros and cons of these resort towns? By the way, for comparison of these resorts, I do not take into account the Dzhemete area, which is located near Anapa (it even flows smoothly into it) - everything is a little different there than in Anapa itself, so we’ll talk about Dzhemete later.

Advantages of Anapa:

In Anapa more developed tourism, more nightclubs, bowling centers, large shopping malls. And Anapa is parks, alleys, convenient roads. In Vityazevo, this whole structure is absent - sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, squares. But there are a lot of ugly cafes and bazaar traders there. Yes and night life Anapa, IMHO, is better, well, or more diverse than in Vityazevo, and young people in Anapa will be more interesting.

-the sea in Anapa is slightly warmer than in Vityazevo. Since Anapa is located in a bay, the waters here are shallow, which means they are well warmed up. It is believed that the sea in Anapa is two to three degrees warmer than in other resorts in the Krasnodar Territory. When traveling with children, this is a definite plus. And yes, almost everywhere there is a gentle entrance to the water, convenient for kids.

Anapa - more green resort. Vityazevo is literally a bare steppe with a bunch of houses, there is not much greenery, and in Anapa there is nothing but an alley on Solovyanova!

Here you can find affordable housing close to the sea. In the Vityazevo Sea, it is like “across” the village, so most of the dwellings are located far from the sea. Stomping two and a half kilometers in the heat is somehow inconvenient, uncomfortable, hard, hot (especially with children), but coastal houses and hotels are expensive, well, or more expensive than in Anapa

- more fun for kids(There are three water parks in Anapa, including one mini-aqua park only for children, and one in Vityazevo for everyone. Vityazevo has a dolphinarium, but in Anapa the dolphinarium is combined with a zoo, a penguinarium and an aquarium. Plus a chic park of the 30th anniversary of the Victory with rides, crocodile farm, etc.)

- less mosquitoes. 90% of Vityazevo is a territory extended from the sea along the floodplains. And the floats are mosquitoes. And they bite badly! In Anapa, this is not observed.

There is beautiful embankment, with restaurants, bars and clubs on open terraces. In Vityazevo, there is no embankment as such, perhaps, Paralia, but it runs perpendicular to the sea, and this is not it!

From Anapa easier to drive to other beautiful beaches and places(for example, to the luxurious beaches of Bolshoi Utrish, Sukko, etc. Anapa is the golden mean for a mobile person!). No, of course, and from Vityazevo you can drive anywhere, on buses or minibuses. That's just stressful. And in the evening, after a study trip, returning to Vityazevo is somehow not very good: for example, in the evening you won’t leave Anapa on minibuses to Vityazevo, everyone is packed, and taxis are expensive. In general, returning from Anapa to Vityazevo at night is much more expensive than going to Vityazevo during the day from Anapa.

- more different beaches. Do you want sand, do you want pebbles or boulders. In Vityazevo there is a 10-kilometer beach strip, everything is approximately the same everywhere, and in Anapa there is a cheerful Central Beach, a beautiful Dzhemete beach, a pebble beach High coast, a luxurious closed "Golden Bay", and not far from the pebble Sukko.

Pros of Vityazevo:

- the beaches are more free, up to 300 meters wide, not like in Anapa, where you will literally walk on the head, especially on the Central Beach. And the sea! The sea in Anapa is simply teeming with people, even creepy. No, of course, you can swim on the wild Anapa beaches, but there are not always conditions there. Well, the beach in Vityazevo is ten times larger than the one in Anapa, it is equipped, so the people are comfortably located not on the head of their neighbor.

- beaches are cleaner. In Anapa, the sand is compacted to the state of almost asphalt in the central part, and the beaches there are very dirty. No one cleans up heaps of garbage (plastic cups are the most harmless thing in this dump). In Vityazevo somehow it’s better with this, probably because there are fewer people. The beach looks at least nicer. Well, entering the water here is extremely convenient for kids, in principle, just like in Anapa.

- it's calmer here. Anapa is visited annually by up to 4 million tourists who flood all private houses, hotels, campsites and sanatoriums. Is it necessary to think that it is crowded on the beach, and on the streets, and in general everywhere. Often you just won’t be able to sleep, because drunk tourists will hang around under the windows of your hotel or guesthouse. It’s also fun in Vityazevo, and there are more and more young people every year (especially after large open-airs began to be held here), you definitely won’t get bored there, everything is quite modern, but somehow it’s calmer in Vityazevo, which whether. Anapa is a city, albeit a small one, but still ... And Vityazevo is a suburb, where you somehow feel freer.

Cons of both resorts

blooming sea. Yes, these resorts are very close, and the problems of water pollution in these resorts are common.
I'm not talking about the fact that candy wrappers and cigarette butts thrown ashore by tourists turn out to be in the sea. A much more significant problem is sewage, which spoils the whole picture. Wastewater they are thrown directly into the sea, both in Anapa and Vityazevo, and, since Anapa is located in a bay, there are no special currents here, so all the bad accumulates faster, and things are worse. But, if the water began to bloom, then it will be bad for everyone. Sometimes there is a terrible smell. The sea is warm both there and there, and the constant sun and heat waters provoke the growth and reproduction of "protozoa" (I'm not talking about vacationers, but about algae).
True, perhaps due to the fact that Vityazevo is located at the exit of this bay, there are small currents that slightly carry away the dirt and algae that enter the water. Unfortunately, this trouble sometimes blows towards Anapa - that's another happiness for the city! In short, when the sea is covered with nasty green mud for several meters, it’s just a disaster, a swamp, phew, and in a couple of days the situation may not get better, but only get worse! So sit all ten days in anticipation of a clear sea. They say that algae in the sea is healthy, but not very pleasant. When you come out of the sea, your whole body is green, that's true. In this case, it is better to collect things and go to the nearest pebble beach in Sukko - there are no such problems there.


If you want a relaxing holiday a la "sleep-beach-lunch" - you are probably in Vityazevo. If parties and fun - better in Anapa. With children, nevertheless, in Anapa (but better in the Dzhemete area, it is calmer and cleaner there), in my opinion, it is somehow more fun there and the beaches are closer. But this is just my opinion, someone thinks that Vityazevo is much more suitable for a family vacation. Hotels, sanatoriums and boarding houses in Anapa and Vityazevo are equally good.

And in general, it is wrong to divide Vityazevo or Anapa, because these resorts are too close to each other, and, as for me, they are almost one whole. And there, and there - well. Therefore, if you have never been to Black Sea coast, it is worth visiting both cities, but first stop in Anapa. Fortunately, they are close - 13 kilometers from each other. Get to Vityazevo You can take a bus or fixed-route taxi from anywhere in the city:

- route number 128(Lenin st. (city center) - Krymskaya st. - bus station - Pionersky avenue - Dzhemete - Pionersky avenue - "Pearl of Russia" - Aquamarine park)

- route number 114(Lenin st. - Krymskaya st. - bus station - Pionersky avenue - Dzhemete - Pionersky avenue - Vityazevo village - Peschany village)

- route number 124(microdistrict 12 - Pionersky Ave. - Dzhemete - Vityazevo village - Vityazevo Winery)

- route number 134(microdistrict 3B - microdistrict 12 - Pionersky pr-t - Dzhemete - Vityazevo settlement - Vityaz recreation center).

From the train station Anapa to Vityazevo can be reached by number 100 or number 129, however, you will have to get to Pionersky Prospekt, and then transfer to the above buses.

By taxi it will, of course, be a little expensive, especially if you want to travel from Anapa to Vityazevo in the evening.

The distance from Vityazevo to Anapa can also be driven and in water transport. Since 2012, a sea pier has been operating in Vityazevo, from where pleasure boats leave for Anapa and vice versa several times a day. At the same time and sea adventure!

Where is it better to relax - in the city of Anapa or in Dzhemet?

Marvelous! This question comes up quite often. But finally decided by those who preferred Dzhemete to other places of rest on the Black Sea and Azov coasts and who come here for rest and treatment constantly from year to year.

Dzhemete from Adyghe - golden sands, gold placer

And our main river Kuban left them as a good memory of itself to the locals, which flowed along the Black Sea coast hundreds and hundreds of years ago and flowed into the Black Sea. Then she suddenly became capricious, abruptly changed course. Rushed into the arms of the Sea of ​​Azov. So they appeared at the mountain of golden sand. They stretch, count, for forty kilometers from the Anapka River to the village of Blagoveshchenskaya on the now famous. However, she was well known in the world even in times far from us. Both Pushkin and Lermontov created their poems there. And the best museums of the world consider it an honor to show the canvases of the great marine painter Aivazovsky to the public in their halls.

We also recall that since 2010, the Taman Peninsula has become the fifth resort area of ​​the Kuban due to the discovery of abundant deposits of therapeutic mud there. From more than three dozen mud volcanoes, salt lakes, estuaries (silt deposits), it is supplied not only to the health resorts of the region, but also beyond. Heals and skin diseases, and ailments of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatism and sciatica, and other human sores. From Dzhemete to Taman is within easy reach. As for the golden beaches of the resort themselves, there is nothing even close to that, for example, in the same Europe. That is why Dzhemete resort is truly unique!

Coast like in the desert with dunes

And this is the main wealth of Dzhemete, its unique attraction. After all, the dunes here are the highest, if we take into account all the sandy beaches of the All-Russian health resort for children and families rest and treatment. In other places, and specifically near the village itself, they rise twelve or more meters. Can you imagine how much fun it is for kids? After all, the Anapa resort area was created to a greater extent as a children's one. It is not for nothing that our main avenue is called Pionersky. By the way, earlier it was called Dzhemetinsky highway. In some places, the dunes are overgrown with local olives and even relic trees, giving a dense shade in the heat. Under their crowns, a whole family or corporate party will be completely accommodated. At noon you can set the table. Have a bite. And when the heat subsides, swim again and sunbathe. Dzhemete has wide beaches - one hundred or more meters. Their length is about ten kilometers. The bottom is flat sandy and shallow. From the shore into the sea, you have to walk not a single dozen meters so that you become top-notch. And it's safe for children and adults who can't swim. The swimming season lasts from May to October. In summer, the air warms up over thirty, and the water over twenty-five. A lot of water entertainment - catamarans, "bananas", "tablets", flights over the waves on parachutes. The sanatorium "Ellada" overlooks the beaches of Dzhemete - one of the most popular on the entire Black Sea coast. Next to the "Crystal", which is adjacent to the health resort of the Ministry of Defense, etc. You should have seen with what pleasure the boys and girls chase each other along the dunes, after brisk and curious lizards in relation to the resort guests! There are several children's health camps in Dzhemet. There is no limit to the delights of swimming in blue waves, sunbathing under the sun, sports games on the shore.

From Dzhemete within easy reach to Anapa!

Indeed, the resort is located in the middle of Pioneer Avenue. The Anapa bus station is five kilometers away. The same amount to Vityazevo, in the vicinity of which there is an international airport, reconstructed and hosting all types of aircraft. In the high season, they arrive daily at the air harbor for four dozen. They sit down, flying over the sea, and tourists watch them with curiosity. And air passengers, in turn, look from heaven at the sea and beaches with vacationers. And their hearts sweetly freeze in anticipation of a quick swim in the warm waves. By the way, Dzhemete has its own pier, where pleasure boats moor. On them you can make a trip to Bolshoi Utrish with its famous on the high seas and theater. You will be simply fascinated by the performances of dolphins, seals, walruses. And towards the end, bottlenose dolphins deftly slip out onto the platform and with great joy pose with you for a camera or TV camera. At the same time, seals, leaning on their tail, diligently applaud everything that happens with their flippers. By the way, Dzhemete is divided into Upper and Lower. The first is located between the railway station (one and a half kilometers from the village) and Vityazevo. The lower one is between the Chembursky lake and the sea itself. No problem with a roof over your head. You can rent a hotel room, a room in a guest house, and an apartment - a turnkey house or apartment. Vityazevo has a tent camp and a nudist beach. So, if you have a personal car, you want to sunbathe, what your mother gave birth to - you have a direct road there!

Path of health and life

This is exactly what they optimistically call the stretch of coast between the Anapka and Dzhemete rivers, five kilometers long. Come here early in the high season. After five, the shore resembles a busy street. And, in both directions. Nordic walking is popular. With ski poles, you can see very young guys, girls, and ladies of respectable age and their companions. Someone is engaged in fast running, the other is jogging. Others easily overcome the dunes. Still others are engaged in physical education at the edge of the sea. Ask! And it turns out that among the lovers healthy lifestyle There are also indigenous Anapchans and Dzhemetians of life, but there are also many tourists who have settled down for rest and treatment directly in Dzhemet or in sanatoriums, boarding houses, and recreation centers in the vicinity of the popular resort. And, as a rule, in the mornings along the coast, led by coaches, whole detachments from children's camps run. And then those, others and thirds have mandatory water procedures. Well, why not buzz! And it is possible only on sandy beaches. Try to run around Sochi on the pebbles!? And here is soft warm sand, and the sea is a step away. He heated himself up, then dived into the waves - a good mood and cheerfulness for the whole day!

A stone's throw

Alas, there are not so many rich people in Russia. The bulk are average. With sin in half, she collected money for a trip to the sea. You can save money in Jemet. For example, if you settle in the private sector or in a guest house with a shared kitchen. And what? I went to the market or to the store, bought myself what I needed and cheaper, and personally cooked breakfast, lunch, dinner for myself, my girlfriend, friend, family. There is no special hassle with food. Food, vegetables, fruits are within walking distance and much cheaper than in Anapa itself. It is also important to say that in Dzhemet it is somehow calmer, there is less noise of the city, annoying fuss. And in the evenings, in general, God's grace: the moonlit path, bright stars, the slight sound of the waves, and the air?! Pure, infused with sea salts. Breathe - don't breathe! After sunbathing and swimming in the sea, you can go to a cafe or restaurant in the evening. They are in abundance in Jemet. Everyone has their own cuisine, original drinks, wished - you will be served to taste the famous Kuban wines. Karaoke, discos, dance floors - everything that is called, as in best houses London! - with humor and an emphasis on the letter O after L.

Kursovka will help

We came to rest. But suddenly there was a desire to check the state of one's health, to receive medical treatment, and money was running out, not up to expensive vouchers to a sanatorium. It's okay - it will be typed into the coursework ?! And according to it, they will check you and prescribe treatment, which you will go through here at a convenient time for you. Many sanatoriums and boarding houses in the Anapa resort area are open all year round. Well, for example, you came to rest in December privately. And I want to sunbathe and swim in the sea, but it’s still winter. There is a way out - the same sanatorium "Ellada" sells subscriptions to a heated pool, while sea ​​water. Swim to your health! And you can get a tan in the solarium. Or during the December windows, when the clouds in the sky suddenly disperse, the air warms up to fifteen and above. We took refuge in a secluded place under the protection of the dunes - it will become hot: our sun shines all 280 days a year and even in winter it may well burn.

And what about in Anapa meanwhile?

It is the center of the resort area. At the same time, if in Dzhemet the beaches are only sandy, then in Anapa there are small and large pebbles and rocky ones. By the way, they do not have damask, which annoys vacationers, especially when it starts to rot. This happens in Jemet. But the technique of seaweed regularly cleans. Although, as experts emphasize, they are good for health. Even balms based on them are produced. And it also happens like this - you walk along the coast and suddenly at the water's edge you see a resting person from head to toe covered with damask. Does it right! Applications help with skin diseases, radiculitis, rheumatism - they contain almost the entire periodic table! Take a look at the dumps of damask with sand, removed from the beaches by autumn! In the spring, they have meter-long grass and shrubs. They are growing like crazy!

Entertainment darkness!

Anapa itself in the high season - concert after concert of Russian show business artists on the Summer Stage - Vaenga, Stas Mikhailov, Orbakaite, "Basta", the ballet "Todas", the Turetsky choir - streets, squares and avenues are full of posters. Including with tours of leading theaters from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. Famous circuses of the Fatherland and the world come every year. In the "World of Cinema" films of the most different countries. Note - in different formats "D". And how many shopping and entertainment complexes are there in Anapa?! There will be free time - be sure to look at the "Red Square"! Get lost. It was built on a grand scale: eight dozen stores with goods from all over the world, six modern cinema halls, a cafe, a restaurant, a children's slot machine hall, a huge Magnit supermarket. Sometimes you pass by the parcel office of the Main Post Office - it opens at eight, and already at half past seven the queue! And all because they bought a lot of European and other goods at the resort in shopping and entertainment complexes, it’s too lazy to bring with them, it’s better to send parcels. So they stand in the cool before heading to the beach, to the sea!

In the Anapa resort area there are more than two hundred sanatoriums, boarding houses, children's health camps, most of which are within the city, and there are especially many of them on Pionersky Prospekt. Apart from recreation centers, campsites, tent cities and so on. It has a huge number of hotels, inns, guest houses, mini-hotels, private sector, cafes, restaurants, canteens, markets, shops. That is, all conditions for rest and treatment for our guests, including foreign ones, have been created .. But how noisy the city is! In practice, life in it does not stop during the high season. It continues from early morning and until the next morning. Everything is on fire, rides, cafes, restaurants, discos, karaoke, night and other clubs are open all night. It is not even six yet, the sun is just rising, and crowds of those who have rested to their fullest are drawn to the city, and not only young, but also at a very respectable age. And they are met by tourists who managed to rest during the night - with inflatable mattresses, mats, bedspreads and other things - to the sea, to the beach. And so from day to day! From May to the end of October! It's crazy, especially for those who love peace and quiet and fled on vacation from the hustle and bustle to be alone with nature for a while, away from the noise of the city. In this regard, where is it better in the summer - in Dzhemet or in Anapa itself? Many, like our famous Dmitry Vasilyevich Pilenko, choose the first option. And what? They basically have nothing to lose! After all, Dzhemete is essentially Anapa. Only one of its outskirts. At the same time, from the resort on the gold placer, wherever you wish to go, it’s a stone’s throw - ten, fifteen minutes at most by regular passenger bus, and you are in the very center of Anapa, a little more - and in front of you is Sukko with the famous children's health center " Smena", which filmed a series of the Yeralash magazine, popular with children and adults, and in the vicinity of which Cypress Lake, covered with legends, the Soaring Eagle monument, which marks the beginning at the All-Russian health resort of the Great Caucasus Mountains. Almost opposite Dzhemete, if you drive along Pionersky Prospekt, there is a second dolphinarium along with an oceanarium, where dolphins and other marine animals perform to the public all year round. Everything is nearby - the popular urban water park "Golden Beach" and the open-air museum "Gorgippia". As well as from Anapa, from Dzhemete you can quickly go to Taman, to the same fantastically beautiful Lotus Valley or mud volcanoes, the Cossack village "Ataman" and even beyond the Anapa resort area, to the same Sochi or Gelendzhik. The main advantage of Dzhemete over Anapa is a calmer, measured life. Dzhemete is more of a rural landscape than skyscrapers, this is the, conditionally, ancient Anapa, which is nostalgic for locals and tourists who knew and visited the resort city many years ago. Those who are accustomed to the noise of the city, and they rather like the way of life in megacities, please, settle down for a vacation, a vacation in Anapa itself. We assure you - and here and there you will be sincerely welcome!

A bit of history

Under the patronage of Lieutenant General Dmitry Pilenko

The life and development of Anapa, as a resort city, is associated with many outstanding people in the Fatherland. And in particular, with Dmitry Vasilyevich Pilenko, whose official position at that time, far from us, was - the first head of the Black Sea District, which included three departments: Novorossiysk, Velyaminovskiy (Tuapse) and Dakhovsky (now Sochi). Of his sixty-five years, he gave two dozen to the Caucasus and eighteen of them directly to Anapa. He was buried next to her - March 8, 1895 in his estate Khan-Chakrak, which is translated from the local dialect as "Golden Spring". How did Pilenko gain fame in our area? First of all, by being at the origins of the resettlement of Russian-speaking people from Russia and abroad to the Black Sea region for its intensive development, in fact, paradise lands: Dmitry Vasilyevich can be called a pioneer in the cultivation of grapes and tobacco in the Kuban: he is one of the authors of the master plans for the development of Anapa and Novorossiysk : it was he who came up with the idea and implementation of the emergence of royal estates in the vicinity of Abrau and Durso (1870): a retired lieutenant general is the founder of the current Yurovka farm, which then bore his name: it was with his light hand that St. Onufrievsky was built in Anapa ( 1874) and St. Osievsky (1893-1900) churches, and in the then Sochi - the church of St. Michael. This is, so to speak, the preamble. And most importantly, it was Dzhemete that Dmitry Pilenko chose as the place for the construction of his estate, categorically refusing Sochi, which was offered to him. And no matter how he was dissuaded from "an ill-conceived undertaking", he stubbornly stood his ground - no one can find a better place on the entire Black Sea coast anywhere! Thanks to Dmitry Vasilievich, the now famous resort appeared near Anapa, which is a favorite even in Europe. And in the past (two hundred years ago), we recall, Dzhemete was a military settlement that defended the road from Taman to Anapa from fierce raids of the Circassians.

Maria with her husband and one and a half year old daughter visited the Vityazevo resort in August. In this article - her experience in organizing family holidays and leisure in the village, a selection of places to stay, tips on saving and planning.

August is rightfully considered best time for holidays with children. We decided to check if this is the case.

Of the pros this season:

  • The water in the sea is warm and does not cool down until early morning.
  • The sun is no longer as scorching as in July, and spending time outside is much more comfortable, especially for a child.
  • Many vacationers with children - the child will have company. And so it happened with us: one and a half year old Nadya “made friends” with roommates from one to five years old.

Of the minuses August:

  • The water in the sea blooms and is already quite dirty. Unfortunately, most tourists do not consider it their duty to walk with garbage and leftovers to the urn, and bottles, corn cobs, watermelon peels, and cigarette butts fall into the water. Of course, all this is removed, but the impression is spoiled.
  • There are a lot of algae on the shore, they are also removed, but they manage to accumulate during the day. The child was very afraid of them.
  • Water smells unpleasant as a result of flowering. But this is perceptible only by people with a good sense of smell. Most did not feel this smell.


Vityazevo, in my opinion, is a very inconvenient village for a resort area. It is somehow absurdly elongated, with an inconvenient location of public buildings and shops.

Houses in the immediate it is not near the sea.

Go to the beach at best 15-20 minutes. A double room at such a distance costs from a thousand to five thousand, depending on the availability of parking, a swimming pool in the yard, a toilet and a shower in the room.

At worst, you will have to take a minibus the same 20 minutes, or even half an hour. A double room will cost from five hundred rubles to two thousand.

We drove around the village for half a day in search of housing. They offered us everything - from luxurious three-story mansions with excellent repairs, air conditioning, a refrigerator, a microwave in the room and such infrastructure that you don’t have to leave the yard (a store, a swimming pool and a cafe on site) to rickety sheds, where a bed with armored mesh and a rickety plastic table, and the door is locked with a hook.

We settled in a 20-minute walk from the sea on the third floor of a home hotel. Shower and toilet - on the floor, a kitchen with two stoves and utensils - too.

A big plus - smokers were given a place outside the yard in order to smoke without disturbing anyone, and in the house, on the balconies and in the yard, the owners stopped smoking.

The road to the beach goes through the market. They sell everything from clothes to ready meals. And they cook food right here in the market. Therefore, on the way from the beach, like it or not, you breathe in the smells of all these “fresh kebabs” and “delicious kebabs”.

The table below shows accommodation options for a family of two with a child (an extra bed is required per child) in July 2018 - from the most budgetary to the luxury level. The price is per day.

Name and contacts Price for 2018 (family room) Food Beach What is for children


Sanatorium Aquamarine From 6295 Breakfast, lunch and dinner included Private beach area Baby carriage

Outdoor playground

Indoor play area

Board games and/or puzzles

Children's books, music or films

Board games and/or puzzles

animation staff

Boarding house Chernomorsky 3000 Breakfast, lunch and dinner included Public 600 meters Children playground
Pension Golden Lily

Gorny lane 2, Vityazevo, Russia

4500 Includes breakfast, lunch, dinner Public 8 minutes walk Baby carriage

Outdoor playground

Indoor play area

Ithaca Hotel 3100 Not Public · No
Hotel Coral 3700 Breakfast for 150 rubles Beach first line Protective covers on sockets

Children playground

Marina Hotel 4000 Breakfast for 450 rubles Private beach area Children playground


Babysitting / childcare services

animation staff

Golden Dunes

Silver Street / Light 9/11

From 4343-8449 Breakfast at the price of 300 rubles Private beach area Baby carriage

Children's menu

Hotel French Quarter From 5950 All inclusive Private beach area Baby carriage

Children's TV channels

Safety barriers for children

Outdoor playground

Indoor play area

Board games and/or puzzles

Babysitting / childcare services (additional charge)

Children's swimming pool

Children's menu

animation staff

Guest House Assol 2400 Breakfast Public 10-15 minutes walk Outdoor playground

Children's swimming pool

Guest house Alex 1600 No Public · Children's swimming pool

Children's TV channels


Aleksandriyskiy proezd 2

2300 Not Public High chair for a child

Food: cafes, canteens, shops

We cooked breakfast at home. Products were purchased from local shops. The prices in them did not differ much from the prices of our city (we are from Rostov-on-Don). Some are cheaper, some are more expensive. The price range is up to ten rubles.

On the way to the beach there are several inexpensive eateries, cafes, canteens. You can dine with three courses (the first, the second with a side dish and a salad) and you can drink a drink from 500 to 2000 rubles from a person. We took half the portion for the child, the waiters and sellers were always loyal to that. On average, it cost us 600-800 rubles per adult and about 200-300 rubles per child.

Dinner was bought in kiosks of finished products or fried shish kebabs, baked potatoes. Grandmother bought dairy products for dinner at the store and fruits at the market. Daughter we took or ready children food such as mashed potatoes and cereals, or cooked themselves.


There is only one beach in the village. Infrastructure is practically non-existent. Fortunately, there was a wooden flooring right up to the water, because it is inconvenient to walk along the deep hot sand.

Urns somewhere at the very beginning of the beach. All rubbish had to be carried with you.

Advantages of the beach:

  • Sand. We, adults, like pebbles more, but my daughter enthusiastically played with mold toys and built castles.
  • The sea, even at a decent distance from the shore, is quite shallow. For adults, again, it is inconvenient, but for a child, that’s it. You can splash freely and we were not afraid that after a few steps a great depth would begin.
  • Availability of awnings from the sun.

Disadvantages of the beach:

  • The beach is not located along the edge of the coast, but goes to the sea in a long wide wedge. Very long! As a result, the water does not squeeze between towels and sunbeds, while the beach is completely empty. Who wants to swim in the sun for fifteen minutes, and then back to their things.
  • Due to the fact that the beach is not wide, the swimming area is also small. During the “peak hours” (10-12 o’clock) we poured water into the children’s inflatable pool for our daughter so that she would not be trampled into the sea.


There is nothing to walk and see in Vityazevo itself. Nothing to entertain the kids either.

In fact, there is still something in Vityazevo - we wrote in detail about all the sights and entertainment. But, compared with Anapa, and the truth is not much.

We went (fortunately, we have our own car). We visited a dolphinarium and a mobile zoo on Pionersky Prospekt.

The only place suitable for walking is the Parallia embankment. On it, from children's entertainment, there is a Ferris wheel. And that's it.

With nothing to do, we bought tickets and sat in a booth with our daughter. In vain, she was terribly frightened and sobbed all the time while the wheel was making a turn.

Then we didn’t even go past this carousel in order to injure her.

We spent our evenings in the courtyard of our home hotel. The owner of the hotel equipped the yard with a playground with swings, ropes and rope ladders.

The roads there are completely unsuitable for mothers with strollers. The sidewalks are narrow and high, sometimes the school had to be lifted by hand, because there is no smooth descent. The stroller interferes with passers-by, they cannot get around it, since they will have to go down from the sidewalk to a rather busy roadway.

When you go on vacation with a child, be sure to take a first aid kit with you. Medicines at resorts are expensive, antipyretics are three (!) times more expensive than at home, and antiviral drugs are five times more expensive.

Unfortunately, my daughter got sick. " ambulance» When calling for a temperature of 39 C in a one and a half year old child, we waited from 17 to 23 hours.

The next day, at the local dispensary, we were denied admission under the policy, saying that there was no pediatrician. But after paying at the reception desk, the pediatrician was found and received us, advising us to go home and be treated there. For an additional fee, he prescribed an antiviral.

What should I take with me when traveling with a child?

  • Medications for the child (check with the pediatrician for a list)

Antipyretic in suspension or syrup (if there is no refrigerator, the candles will melt, and it is inconvenient to give the pill to the baby) - paracetamol, nurofen;
- Antiviral in syrup - cytovir;
- Enterosorbent in case of food poisoning - enterosgel;
- In case of diarrhea and vomiting - syrups of the appropriate action - stopdiar and motilium;
- Hemostatic (dicynone in ampoules) and dressing materials (bandage, cotton pads, adhesive plaster),
- Hand sanitizer and wet wipes.

  • The child needs a lot of drinking water on the road for a walk. It is water, not juice or milk.
  • Quick snack.

For kids - puree in jars or soft bags, vegetable or fruit. On the road, milk, meat and fish puree is poorly tolerated.
- For older children - vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread, but not chips, crackers or other snacks.

  • A set of change of clothes in a minute's availability, including underwear and shoes. A kid can wet himself on the road or relieve himself more seriously, and any child can sway until he vomits.
  • Toys (large ones so that you can easily find and pick them up), coloring with a tied pencil (for older children, you can not tie a pencil), new or, conversely, your favorite books with bright pictures.
  • A terry towel on the seat and an oilcloth under the sheet, even for children who know the toilet. New surroundings and the stress of travel can dull the sensation of urges.


    We rested in Vityazevo in early September 2017 as a family with two children (4 years and six months). I want to say right away that we built our vacation as follows - 4 days in Anapa itself, 6 days in Vityazevo. In Anapa, they lived in the guest house Petrostil, the mistress of Juliet. Room with air conditioning, refrigerator and TV, shower and toilet in the room cost us 2000 rubles (triple) breakfast included. The breakfast was very poor, we left hungry. The room was not cleaned even once during the 4 days of stay. From the furniture there are two single beds, composed into a double and a folding chair-bed for a child, a small wardrobe for clothes, a table with a mirror and a small floor refrigerator, air conditioning. For 4 days in Anapa, we rested on the Central Beach (I must say right away, a terribly dirty sandy beach, a bunch of algae on the shore that no one cleans up, the sea stinks of these rotting algae). I had to go through the floating algae deep into the sea to swim. Children were afraid of algae floating in the water. The guest house is located right in the center of Anapa, you can rent baby strollers. On the territory of the guest house there are tables under a canopy and chairs, a playground is represented by a plastic swing for children under 3 years old and a slide for the same age + a plastic house. In the center there is a singing fountain, an amusement park, all kinds of entertainment. We visited an upside-down house with the children (a flip house), ordered a portrait of the youngest child (by the way, an A3 portrait in pencil cost 500 rubles. In Koktebel, 2 years ago, they paid 5,000 rubles for a family portrait of a slightly larger size). We took the children to the exotarium, rode the carousels, visited the Nemo Dolphinarium (by the way, I highly recommend it - it was impressive). For fruit went with the children to the market, 5 minutes from the guest house. You can also buy fish there, for those who love it. This guest house is well located. Anapa itself was liked only by the infrastructure, the beach is disgusting. For 4 days we visited with the children everything they wanted and what was interesting. But for 6 days of stay in Vityazevo, the picture is completely opposite. We lived at the Dolce Vita Hotel, South Avenue 7. The very center of Vityazevo. To the sea 15 minutes with two children slowly through all the tents and taking pictures with statues of Greek gods, passing through Paralia. A stroller for a small child is included with the hotel service. We used wheelchairs for free and with pleasure. The sea, by the way, is the cleanest!!! There were no algae at all - I can’t even believe it compared with Anapa. The beach is more like a wild one with sand dunes, very wide. The sunbeds were always free. The sea with a smooth dive is quite large in shallow water, which is a plus when relaxing with children. Children splashed in the sea with pleasure, and even on days when there were huge waves (jumping on the waves with my daughter). We rested in Koktebel 2 times and caught both times intestinal infection , since the sea is still dirtier, although the beach is clean pebbly. Resting in Vityazevo, everything went off without illness. Triple room without a balcony (ground floor) with all amenities — 2300 rubles per day (TV, air conditioning, excellent interior, refrigerator, excellent furniture in the rooms — a double euro bed and a single bed for a child). The absence of a balcony did not bother us at all, we dried things on the street on clotheslines. The only thing was that we had to close the window in the evening when we went to bed (noisy by the pool), but with the air conditioning this minus was not felt. Breakfast was not included and it pleased after Anapa))) Its own dining room at the hotel, the prices are very reasonable, the menu is varied. There is a shop at the hotel and a cafe where you can order sushi and pizza. The pizza is delicious and thin. On the territory there is a heated swimming pool and a full-fledged playground. And what is VERY important when relaxing with children every other day there is animation for children at 20 o'clock. This allows adults to relax carefree on the outdoor terrace located on the roof of the cafe and enjoy a VERY delicious barbecue cooked in their own barbecue and night views of Vityazevo. And there is something to see in the evening! All Paralia with darkness lights up with all sorts of illuminations. And you can take part in an animated performance together with the children. Animations are in no way inferior to Turkey and Egypt. Comparison rooms were cleaned every day. By the end of your stay at this hotel, you could take home a whole suitcase of toilet paper if you wanted. They brought a roll every other day, even if it was not needed. The bed linen was changed every day and the room was cleaned. The staff is VERY accommodating and accommodating. We went to the sea every other day as it was not possible to get the children out of the pool. The pool has a children's area, hydromassage. Around the perimeter of the pool there are sun loungers and chairs for those who want to sunbathe. Coming out of the gate of the hotel immediately tent, where they sell boiled corn, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Everything you need for a comfortable family holiday is within walking distance. The cost of food in a cafe is varied, it all depends on your desire and preferences. The price starts from 200 rubles. We were very satisfied with Vityazevo, we advise all our friends and relatives. This year we are going there, Dolce Vita wait for us!!! This year we plan to visit the water park. We will go in September with a slightly larger group. By the way, the hotel has a free shuttle service from Anapa railway station. We also left by car, ordered by the girls at the reception, but at our own expense))) In general, we had something to compare with and were pleasantly surprised by the service of the Vityazevo hotel.

    We rested in Vityazevo in the summer of 2017 with my husband and 1.5 year old child. We all really enjoyed it! We went to eat at the buffet, much cheaper than eating in ordinary cafes, but what a delicious treat! And the hotel was good, close to the sea, and reasonable price compared to neighboring hotels. We are thinking of going again this year.

  • I read the review and immediately caught my eye, about the fact that everything is far from the sea. it is not true. We have been resting for 3 years in Vityazevo, this year will be the fourth. There are hotels on the first line, just open the map and see, for example, we are relaxing on Golden Sands Street - 2 minutes to the sea at a leisurely pace with children and a stroller.
    I really like the village itself, the chic sand, they clean it 2 times a day, I personally observe it every year. Yes, and everything that is tedious for relaxation is in the village, you don’t have to go anywhere to go to a water park or a dolphinarium, for example, not like in similar villages on the coast. But at the same time, this is not a big resort city like Sochi, Gelendzhik or Anapa itself, less people, big beach. In general, we like it there and recommend to all friends and relatives)

  • We were in Vityazevo three years ago with a friend and children. My friend has been there twice before. You can get to Anapa by minibus - I liked that the minibuses have air conditioning. Lived 10 minutes walk to the sea in the private sector. I liked everything, except for the beach, indeed, as they wrote above, there is nowhere to fall on an apple, You can’t lie on the bedspread - in two minutes there will be a full mouth and nose of sand, as they walk almost on their heads. Pros: There is an amusement park and a great water park.

    We rested as a family in August in the village of Vityazevo. Of the pluses, I can note a large sandy beach, this is a great option for relaxing with a child. When we rested, the sea near the shore was blooming and everything was in algae, but if you swim away, it was clean. We lived in the private sector and it took us 20 minutes to walk to the sea, but we love hiking and this is not a problem for us. While walking to the sea passed many different tents with souvenirs. We were in the season, so there were a lot of people on the beach, but it felt like there was nowhere for an apple to fall. There are many different slides for children on the beach and a lot of entertainment, for example, you can ride a banana, etc. I advise families with children and with a small budget to stay in Vityazevo.

    Rested with the weather in September. They drove like savages, that is, they bought only train tickets, but wrote out a bunch of phone numbers for mini-hotels. The station is very strange, at the entrance there is a queue to scan things, while walking around 2 meters and you will pass quietly without any scanners. There are a lot of private traders at the station who shamelessly charge a huge amount for a taxi. We arrived on a regular bus. The central beach left a feeling of dirt, however, between the fenced camps there are passages to their beaches, which are empty during a quiet hour, they had a great rest there. We lived in a cottage, rented a room, there was a pool in the yard, it cost 3,000 rubles for 4 days for 4, though we cooked ourselves. If buying food near the beaches is unrealistically expensive, it was cheaper to go to any canteen - fortunately there are a lot of them and eat calmly. And in the private sector where we lived, the prices were already acceptable. True range of local shops was very strange. Resting with children is a great place, if you don’t travel at the peak, it’s quiet. calm, friendly. I'm happy

  • We were in Vityazevo in 2008, at the end of May - beginning of June before the official opening of the season. I am with an eight-year-old son and a friend with a toddler of one and a half years. The sea had not bloomed yet, the water temperature for us northerners (and we are from the Far North) was quite normal. My eight year old son didn't want to get out of the water. They built sand castles, dug into the sand, bathed. in the small pool at the hotel (more precisely, the guest house) taught him to swim. There was nothing to entertain the child there, of course. Local businessmen have installed an inflatable slide, a child slides down into the mini-pool. Ten minutes - fifty rubles was for that money, pure ruin. We went to Utrish and saw dolphins. Meals were at the guest house, in their own cafe, the woman cook prepared well, and everything was always fresh. For us it was important. The air conditioner in the room worked. We were saved, the heat was strong. We went swimming in the sea early in the morning and in the evening, sat out in the room during the day. Not particularly impressed, will not go there again.

    My husband and 4-year-old son and I went to rest in Vityazevo in the summer (August) of 2016. We rented a room in a private house. The beach was reached in 10-15 minutes. Memories remain unforgettable. In a simple village by the sea, such chic architecture! The sand is warm and soft. The only thing I didn't like was a bag of mayonnaise floating in the sea after a small storm. Otherwise, I liked everything. By right, Vityazevo can be considered a children's resort. All conditions for children are fully created, only an amusement park and a water park are worth something! Our son really liked and remembered the resort. I think we will go there again in the near future.

  • Last summer, we rested in Vityazevo with my sister and nephew, a schoolgirl. They lived in the private sector, rented a room in a private house, living in this format is relatively inexpensive. The house is well-maintained, the room is large, the only drawback was the long road to the beach. So those who lived in hotels near Paralia benefited: not far from the beach, and there is where to take a walk in the evening. We liked the amusement park, the child rode almost all of them. In many ways, rest depends on the mood - if you only lie on the beach during the day, and in the evening wander around the village or sit at home, then you are unlikely to enjoy your vacation. In addition, there really is nothing to do in the village itself. And since there are really a lot of children here, Vityazevo is rightfully considered a children's resort, and many children are brought here for treatment, especially with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Alas, the blooming sea spoils the impression very much, it may be worth going early, in May-June, while the water is clear.

    It seems to me that Vityazevo is a very good option for a holiday with kids, and for adults, you can easily get to Anapf. We lived in the "Laguna", in general, everything was fine. I am glad that even Russian resorts, let's say, of the second circle, are already offering all the benefits of civilization with might and main, like wifi and transfers from airports and train stations. Perhaps, I will attribute the very presence of a bunch of children to the minuses - one fell ill, it spread to everyone. In Sochi, many are afraid of rotovirus, something similar happened in Vityazevo last year, but they arrived in August and found it all only according to other vacationers

    It was the first time in Vityazevo 12 years ago, I was 18 years old then ... at that time, it seemed to me that this is a heavenly place (I myself am from Siberia) and one view of hanging vineyards, trees strewn with cherries and apricots struck me! I thought it was very clean and beautiful! And with these memories, my husband and 3-year-old son and I went on vacation in 2015.) My daughter was 1.5 years old at that moment, we left her with her grandmother, which I never regretted! It’s very inconvenient with kids there, they can really trample on the beach ... it’s very difficult to follow the child in this crowd, you have to be close by. They also rested in August, and it was even disgusting to go into the water itself, a huge layer of greenery on the shore. On the third day of arrival, the child fell ill, a strong cough began at night (we often have laryngitis, sometimes only an injection helps) they called an ambulance, we were immediately told that we would have to wait a very long time, they advised us to come ourselves, so we did, they helped us, even without Polis, they gave me an injection and gave me more medicine for inhalation at night, for which I was very grateful.
    The only thing I liked was the accommodation that I myself found and booked in advance on the Internet, a home hotel with a swimming pool, where we spent most of the time. And yet, my son and I were delighted with the dolphinarium! In the Vityazevo park there are not particularly attractions for kids, but for some reason there is a lot of money left there) I liked the water park in the village, everything was done very cool for the kids!
    But in general, I don’t want to go there anymore, the feeling of a huge bazaar, a dirty sea and an anthill on the beach!