Unusual food: the most disgusting dishes in the world. Unusual food: the most disgusting dishes in the world Top 10 most disgusting

Exquisite delicacy or just a disgusting dish? In pursuit of unusual taste sensations, people choose not the most The best way prepare a special dinner. Humanity will always be in search of something new and unusual. Some dishes have existed for centuries and millennia, some have been invented recently. Many people will say that it is inhumane to use animals "like that", and they will be right. It is worth considering that many peoples adhere to their traditions and for them a lot looks quite normal. Today we will talk about the most disgusting dishes that are prepared in different parts of our planet.

The title will intrigue everyone. No, this dish does not languish for a hundred years. An ordinary duck (chicken) egg is coated with ash, as well as lime, several types of tea, salt, and wrapped in rice husks and clay. After that, for 4 months, the delicacy is stored in the ground. After a while, it is dug up and served in a purified form. Subsequently, the egg acquires a jelly-like texture and is black in color.

tuna eye

The tuna eye is quite large and is sold in almost every supermarket in Japan. Why true gourmets like it so much, many people are not able to understand. Finding such a delicacy outside of Japan is very difficult. The tuna eye is used raw, it is simply swallowed almost whole. The Japanese claim that it is very good for health and improves immunity. They advise eating this dish at least several times a week.

Pig brain

Pig brains soaked in milk are sold sealed in cans. For us, the brain of a pig is nothing special, but for true gourmets, this dish has excellent taste. It is not worth abusing such food because of the high level of cholesterol, which is almost a thousand times higher than daily allowance determined by nutritionists.
This Chinese dish was created for the nobility, it is prepared extremely rarely. The main ingredient is unborn rats. The method of preparation consists in cutting a live rat, which is in the last stage of pregnancy. After that, live rat pups are laid out on a plate and poured with creamy sauce. The rat makes the first squeak when squeezed with chopsticks, the second is dipped into a creamy sauce, the third is directly in the person's mouth before death.

Balut (balut)

Only a true connoisseur of the exotic will try such a dish. Southeast Asia is especially famous for its disgusting delicacies. In front of you is a boiled duck egg, it would seem that there is nothing strange here. But! Inside such an egg is a fruit that has already practically formed. Gourmets describe the taste as fried chicken liver. The egg can be eaten raw, pouring soy sauce. Such a dish is considered very nutritious, quickly saturates and satisfies the needs. human body in vitamins.

Seal stuffed with seagulls

Another exotic dish that can shock, cause disgust and gag. The seal stuffed with plucked gulls is especially loved by gourmets. This dish is served raw. The method of preparing exotics: the unpeeled belly of a seal is stuffed with seagulls, then placed in a freezer and kept there for eight months. The finished dish tastes like old hard cheese.
This is one of the most cruel and disgusting dinners ever. There is a legend, rumors that monkey brains are served in "working order". No serious source has confirmed this information. A small animal is drugged with vodka, firmly fixed under the table. Half of the monkey's head is on the table. Then they make a hole in her skull, then eat the brains of a still living animal. The consumption of cooked monkey brains did occur, but such a meal was not common.

Kopi Luwak

Coffee that has a very unusual processing is called Kopi Luwak. What is the feature? The fact is that this coffee is first eaten by a small animal musang. The excrement containing the grains is then washed and dried in the sun. The pleasure of drinking such coffee is not cheap. Gourmets claim that after drinking such coffee, a great aftertaste remains.
In Ireland, there is an unusual traditional dish - haukarl. The main ingredient of the dish is the polar shark. Fish meat is very dangerous and toxic due to the high levels of ammonia. But if this meat is left to rot in the gravel for two months, it becomes edible. But it is worth waiting another 7 months for the taste to become aggravated. When the time comes, the meat is covered with a thick crust, which must be peeled off before serving.

human placenta

The human placenta is eaten in many countries of the world - in Europe and the USA, in Mexico and on the Hawaiian Islands. A lot of dishes and even cocktails are prepared from the human placenta. Gourmets claim that they love to eat this dish not only because of its taste, but because it is very healthy, helps with infertility and removes depression.

Would you eat fried cricket drenched in spiced sauce? How about a fried tarantula? Most Westerners would probably refuse outright. But what if we tell you that these two dishes are popular in some countries? And, just imagine, there are many people who will say that they are actually very tasty!

It's hard to believe and hard to understand, but these are just two of the 25 weirdest foods on our list today. Do you consider yourself a foodie? Find out if you could dare to try some of these incredible dishes?! And now we are talking about cuisines and dishes that absolutely do not coincide with our taste preferences and are completely alien to us.

Some of them will make you laugh, others will make you cry, and there are others that will leave you in amazement. So, today you will learn about 25 incredible dishes that people actually like!

25. Yin Yang fish

This seafood dish is deep-fried fish that is still alive after cooking. The dish is especially popular in Taiwan and China, but has received condemnation and harsh criticism for its cruelty.

24. Witchety Grub

One of the most famous foods and also one of the most elusive. Witchetty Grub is a whitish, wood-eating, edible moth larva found only in central Australia.

23. Tuna Eyeball

They say, eyeballs Tuna tastes like squid and is considered quite a tasty dish in Japan. In addition, tuna eyeballs contain dehydroepiandrosterone, as well as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that our brain needs to function properly. So if you can accept the fact that your food will be looking at you, you can put it in your mouth and swallow it, then tuna eyeballs are for you!

22. Deep-fried Rattlesnake (Southern Fried Rattlesnake)

A favorite dish in the Southwestern United States, fried rattlesnake is said to taste like frog legs. Experts advise to pour boiling water over meat before cooking. Then dip the meat in the egg, sprinkle with a mixture of salt, flour and breadcrumbs and send to fry in oil.

21. Milk (Shirako)

Moloka is a Japanese delicacy that is sure to never catch on in the West. "Why?", you ask. Because milk is the seminal fluid of cod fish, salmon, fugu and squid. It is reportedly a highly nutritious, high-protein, oily and creamy dish.

20. Sannakji

Sannakji is the perfect dish for extreme food lovers traveling in Korea. This delicacy is a live baby octopus sprinkled with sesame oil, cut into pieces. So, as you understand, when serving a dish, it still moves. It is served immediately upon preparation and yes, in case you were wondering, there have been several cases of people being suffocated when eating sannakji (the animal's muscles are still contracting when eaten).

19. Pig's Blood

In Hungary, when a pig is slaughtered, its blood is fried with onions and served for breakfast with warm, fresh bread.

18. Mongolian Boodog

This quirky Mongolian dish is made from a marmot or goat cooked in its own skin with hot stones in the stomach.

17. Millennium egg / Pidan

The name of this dish can be misleading as the eggs are not that old. However, the dish is still prepared by storing the eggs in a mixture of ash, salt, quicklime, rice husks and clay for weeks to months. As you can imagine, the "aroma" of this dish is quite palpable.

16. Kiviak

Kiwiak is a traditional Eskimo dish from Greenland, which is made from auks (a family of seabirds) that fit into the skin of a seal (about 400 birds), then air is released from the skin, it is sealed with lard and placed under the ground under a press for 3-18 months . During this time, the bird is fermented, and then its meat is eaten during festive feasts on birthdays or weddings.

15. Jing Leed

Jing lid is one of the most common snacking insects in Thailand. These are 4 cm fried crickets seasoned with Golden Mountain Thai soy sauce and pepper. Those who have tried this appetizer say that it is very tasty!

14. Fugu

This dish isn't as nasty or repulsive as many of the ones listed here, but it's one of the deadliest foods (and people keep eating it!). AT gallbladder, liver, skin and roe of fish contains lethal dose tetrodotoxin, which is 1200 times more toxic than cyanide. The poison is so strong that its lethal dose is less than a pinhead, and one fish is enough to kill 30 people.

13. Frog legs

Those who have tried them claim that they resemble chicken in texture and fish in taste.

12 Fried tarantulas

In many parts of the world, the vast majority of people are either afraid of tarantulas or disgusted by them. However, in Cambodia it is a widely known specialty. They are literally "burned on fire" and soaked in oil.

11. Escamoles

"Escamoles" (in translation, the name means "ant eggs") are edible ant larvae that live in the roots of the blue agave. This dish has been popular in Mexico since the Aztecs. Despite its popularity among the local population, it is not in demand among tourists.

10. Durian

Found naturally in Malaysia and Indonesia, the durian is perhaps the most divisive fruit in the world. Either someone really likes it, or they really don't like it. Those who don't like it describe the taste of durian as "completely rotten to a mushy state."

It also emits a scent described as "pork shit, turpentine and onion garnished with a workout sock". The smell is so pungent that many hotels and public establishments in Southeast Asia ban durians from their premises.

9. "Dragon in the Flame of Desire" (Dragon in the Flame of Desire)

It probably sounds a bit impressive and maybe even exotic, but the fantasy name of the dish actually masks its quirky feature. The most famous dish on the menu at Beijing's Guolizhuang Restaurant, "Dragon in the Flame of Passion," is a fried yak penis intricately served on a large plate.

8. Crocodile

We all know that shoes and bags are sewn from crocodile skin, but in some parts of the world, such as Australia and Africa, these reptiles are also an excellent dish ... so they say. According to rumors, it tastes like a cross between chicken and crab.

7 Cobra Heart

This dish is definitely not for the faint of heart, because "Cobra Heart" is a dish from the northern part of Vietnam, consisting of the blood and still beating heart of a cobra (you read that correctly, a living cobra heart). The full meal includes a cobra's heart dipped in a glass of blood and poison liquor, followed by several courses made from the remains of a heartless cobra.

6. Casu Marzu

You have heard about Casu Marzu (rotten cheese) more than once. This is a traditional sheep's cheese made by the locals in Sardinia, Italy. In the production of cheese, it is left outside, allowing the flies to lay their eggs in it. The larvae break down fats, due to which it is fermented. Needless to say, it's almost useless to get rid of swarming grubs before eating cheese, because it's literally teeming with them.

5. Bushmeat

The term "bushmeat" refers to the meat of wild animals caught in such developing regions of the planet as West Africa. This really strange dish is prepared from wild animals, including bats, rats, monkeys and others, whose meat is smoked, dried or salted.

4. Blyudplattar (Blodplättar)

Blüdplattar is a rather interesting variant of Swedish pancakes made with pig's blood, milk, rye flour, molasses, onion and butter. What's not to love, right?

3. Bird's Nest Soup

This Asiatic is made from the nest of the salangana bird, which builds its nests using its own sticky saliva. In other words, the one who ordered this dish, in fact, will eat bird saliva.

2. Bondeki (Beondegi)

Bondeki (Korean for "chrysalis") are steamed or boiled silkworm pupae, which are then seasoned with spices and eaten as a snack. Oddly enough, the dish is one of the most popular in Korean cuisine.

1. Balut

This popular Filipino dish consists of a fully formed duck embryo boiled alive and then eaten in the egg. An 18-day-old fertilized duck egg has outraged even the most intrepid foodies, earning it top spot on the "most disgusting or bizarre food" list.

Top 10 most disgusting dishes.

If you are hungry now or planning to eat in the near future, we strongly recommend that you do not look at this selection, which contains photos of the most disgusting foods on the planet.

Kopalhem, aka rotten deer
The decomposed corpses of animals like to eat almost everything northern peoples. The recipes for this wonderful dish are not much different from each other - the animal is buried in the ground, and after a few months they are dug up.

Escamoles are ant larvae of the genus Liometopum found on agave roots. In Mexican cuisine, escamoles are considered a delicacy, sometimes referred to as "insect caviar". This dish with the consistency of cottage cheese tastes like butter, with a nutty flavor. To get an escamoles, you need to dig to a depth of 8 meters, where there are ant nests full of larvae.

This Swedish national product is a canned pickled herring that smells so good that it's usually eaten outdoors because of its stench. The recipe for this dish is as follows: gutted herring, but with appendix and caviar, is placed in vats of brine to remove blood and fat. Then the herring is salted, placed in an open dish and left to sour.

Philippine national fast food. A duck egg is taken with an almost formed duckling, and then boiled. Then a hole is made in the shell through which you can drink the finished broth. Sometimes a street food vendor serves balut with salt and onion sauce. Despite the presence of an embryo, balut tastes like an ordinary egg.

centennial eggs
Centenary eggs are a Chinese dish made from duck, chicken or quail eggs that are aged in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, lime and rice straw for a period of weeks to months.

Natto are fermented soybeans. For their preparation, a hay stick is added to a vat of fresh beans, which activates the fermentation process. Over the course of a day, soybeans go from good, hard beans to a slimy, filamentous mass with a powerful ammonia smell.

blood soup
The soup, which is popular in Northern Vietnam where it is consumed with alcoholic beverages, is made from the fresh blood of ducks, geese or pigs, with the addition of nuts and aromatic herbs. The soup has a very strange texture and metallic taste. Tourists are usually discouraged from drinking it due to the risk of contracting H5N1 avian influenza.

tuna eye
This miracle of culinary art can only be found in Japan. And the only one possible way eat this mucus-covered glassy thing - swallow it immediately as soon as it gets into your mouth, and try not to think about it again.

Seal stuffed with seagulls
Kiviak - a carcass of a seal stuffed with seagulls - is considered one of the most delicious dishes of the subarctic peoples, put on the Christmas table. For its preparation, a decapitated seal carcass is required, the uncleaned belly of which is filled with already plucked gulls.

The semi-finished product is placed in permafrost for seven months. During all this time, the enzymes of the decaying bird corpses will work hard with the seal intestines. To taste, this combination of winged and pinniped is similar to a sharp, sharp old cheese.

The third and final squeak is heard when the little rat begins to chew. It was this dish that inspired many of the great Chinese poets. And without exception, all Chinese emperors enjoyed this luxury on especially solemn occasions.

Going on a trip, many tend to try local delicacies, not thinking about the fact that exotic dishes can be extremely dangerous to health. However, we are already accustomed to the fact that everything that is healthy is not always as tasty as we would like. Below is a list of the ten most disgusting and horrible foods in the world.

10 Milk

Tears off the top ten most disgusting dishes in the world seminal fluid and glands of male fish and mollusks - milk. In many cuisines of the world are considered
delicacy. Milk can be fried or boiled, they are also used as minced meat, for preparing various sauces, etc.

9 Smalahov

Smalahove is a traditional western Norwegian dish of cooked sheep's head served with mashed rutabagas or potatoes. Initially, this dish was considered the food of the poor, but today it is a delicacy. Since 1998, following a European Union directive, Smalahove has only been made from the heads of lambs.

8 Sannakji

Sannakji is a Korean dish made from live octopus seasoned with sesame oil. The octopus is cut into small pieces (sometimes served whole) and served immediately, so that the pieces are still moving. However, care should be taken when eating sannakji, as when eating, the octopus muscles still contract and can block the air supply, thereby causing suffocation. In 2008, one such incident occurred in the city of Gwangju.

7 Prairie Oyster

Seventh place in the list of the most disgusting dishes in the world is occupied by Prairie Oyster - a dish of bull, pig or lamb testicles, widespread in many countries, especially in Asia, North America and North Africa. This delicacy is often served as an appetizer.

6 Hasma

Khasma is a dish of dried fallopian tubes of a frog, usually a Far Eastern frog (Rana chensinensis). This is a dessert that is popular in China and Central Asia. Initially, it was prepared only for emperors. Hasma is believed to improve skin color and have a healing effect on the lungs and kidneys.

5 Bat Soup

Bat soup is very popular in Thailand, Palau and some other countries in Southeast Asia. Depending on the region, the cooking recipe may vary, but the main ingredient is always the same - a bat. By the way, the taste of the soup changes every time, as it depends on what the animal ate before death.

4 Stinky Tofu

Fourth place in the ranking is occupied by a dish called "stinky tofu" - a kind of cheese made from bean curd, which has a very strong specific smell. This disgusting delicacy is popular in the countries of the East and Southeast Asia, especially in China, Malaysia, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

3 Nest Soup

In third place in the ranking of the most disgusting delicacies is “nest soup”. This is a nasty dish whose main ingredient is edible nests made from the saliva of some species of salangans. In China, Vietnam and Malaysia, it is considered an expensive delicacy.

2 Balut

Balut is a boiled duck egg, inside of which the embryo of a bird with cartilage, beak, plumage and so on has already fully formed. It is a traditional dish consumed in Southeast Asia, especially in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines, and to a lesser extent China. It is the national dish of the Philippines. He is often credited healing properties, in particular, it is believed that balut has a positive effect on potency. The taste of this delicacy is reminiscent of boiled beef liver.

1 Casu marzu

The most disgusting dish in the world is casu marzu, a type of cheese produced on the island of Sardinia. Known for containing live cheese fly larvae. Casu marzu is made from another type of cheese - Sardinian pecorino, bringing it to a state of decay caused by the digestive activity of the larvae. These larvae, if disturbed, are able to jump up to 15 cm, so it is recommended to protect your eyes when eating this delicacy.

Unusual food: the most disgusting dishes in the world

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Sometimes you can be horrified to find out what people eat. Man is a terrible omnivore. But what he sometimes chooses for himself as food is simply disgusting. We will tell you about the most disgusting dishes that are prepared in some countries and served as a delicacy.

Kas Marz

It is also called "larval cheese". Casu marzu is a cheese made in Sardinia from goat's milk. At the very beginning of the fermentation of cheese, larvae of cheese flies are introduced into it. Within weeks, the larvae grow and feed there. After the fats are destroyed, the cheese acquires a special taste. When it comes time to eat the ripened cheese, the larvae are carefully removed, although some prefer to eat them straight, believing that they add a savory note to the cheese.

You'll be sure you've been served a hard-boiled egg until you start peeling it. It's actually a hard-boiled duck embryo. Balut is considered a delicacy in many Asian countries. This dish is prepared like this. The fertilized duck egg is left for eight days in a warm place to develop the embryo, then it is thrown into boiling water and served with a pinch of salt and a slice of lemon.

In principle, these are offal, ground, salted, seasoned with spices and preservatives. This is not a stew in our understanding, but most likely raw liver sausage.

Half-rotten salmon heads

Also called "stinky heads", these heads must lie in the damp earth for several weeks until fully cooked. They are dug up a few days before complete decomposition and prepared from them as "baked stinky fish." Serve chilled.

it favorite dish northern americans. It is not difficult to cook it: catch an elk; cut off his nose; scald it with boiling water to make it easier to remove the skin from it; and cook the meat with spices until it begins to disintegrate into a jelly-like mass. Pour this liquid into a mold, cool and serve.

This is another most disgusting delicacy in the world. A dish from Thailand , bat soup is a wonderful work of art that involves boiling the meat until tender . Then it is ground with herbs and the soup is ready. The bat soup came from Palau, United States.

You can enjoy its taste while the little head looks right at you. This dish can kill you or make you sick, as bats are known to carry a lot of diseases.

In China, this dessert is considered the perfect end to a meal. Hasma is prepared from the reproductive organs of reptiles. In water, they swell by 10-15 times; when boiled quickly, a little sugar is added to add sweetness.


A traditional Scottish dish is nothing more than just a type of sausage. Haggis is made from sheep's lungs, liver and heart. And although all this does not look very appetizing, the Scots give a tooth that if you try haggis at least once, you will ask for more.

Chicken scallop dishes are very popular in France and Italy. They prepare savory sauces and broths.

The blood of pigs or cattle is collected and coagulated, then oatmeal or barley and sweet potatoes are added to this mass. It is stuffed with a pig or cow intestine, boiled. The dish is served on the table laid in the form of a spiral. Many people prefer to eat such black pudding along with the skin formed from the intestines during cooking.