When the gallbladder is removed for polyps. Polyps in the gallbladder

A polyp is a benign proliferation of the mucous membrane of hollow organs (intestines, bile and Bladder). In most cases, the formation has a spherical shape, and is attached to the wall with a long leg.

Polyps in gallbladder may be of several types:

  • cholesterol polyps. In this form, the mucosa of the bladder changes against the background of cholesterol accumulations and deposits;
  • inflammatory polyps. Acute reaction of the organ membrane to an increase granulation tissue;
  • bladder adenoma. Benign neoplasm against the background of growth of glandular tissue;
  • papillomas. benign tumor, manifested by papillae on the mucosa.

But the most common is the first type of polyps: cholesterol.

Adenoma and papilloma, despite the external good quality, can degenerate into malignant formations.

Clinical picture

The complexity of the disease is that the symptoms of polyps in the gallbladder may not appear at all. In half of the cases, the patient can only complain about a feeling of slight discomfort in the right hypochondrium, and this is at best.


As with other diseases of the gallbladder, the ultrasound examination plays a decisive role. At the same time, a certain rounded formation is detected in the gallbladder, associated with the wall of the bladder, and does not give an acoustic shadow.

On the image:

  1. polyp
  2. bubble cavity
  3. liver tissue


There is no other treatment than surgery for gallbladder polyps.

  1. If polyps have clinical manifestations, the gallbladder must be removed, regardless of the size of the polyps.
  2. Polyps larger than 10 mm should be removed, as they pose a significant risk of malignant transformation.
  3. Growing polyps should be removed. To determine whether polyps are growing, a follow-up ultrasound should be done. Polyps less than 10 mm in size with a stalk should be monitored at least once every 6 months for 2 years. Then control should be done once a year for life. If any of these follow-up studies reveal that the polyp is increasing in size, it should be removed.

In the event that the polyp does not have a stalk (polyp on a wide base), control should be done once every 3 months. This is due to the fact that such polyps are more prone to malignant degeneration than pedunculated polyps. After 2 years, control studies are also carried out a year later for life. If the polyp begins to grow, it should be removed.

It is believed that according to ultrasound, 6% of the population are diagnosed with polyps in the gallbladder. And in 80% of cases, they are found in women after 35 years. However, everyone knows that ultrasound diagnostics cannot always accurately determine the nature of the neoplasm tissue and there are a lot of cases when such a diagnosis is erroneously established, when in fact the patient does not have polyps in the gallbladder, but loose cholesterol stones, the growth dynamics of which must be monitored.

How are polyps in the gallbladder diagnosed?

Ultrasound is the most accessible and cheapest diagnostic method. In this case, the doctor detects single or multiple rounded formations that are associated with the wall of the gallbladder and there is no acoustic shadow. Another method, the most promising and interesting, is endoscopic ultrasonography.

This is a flexible endoscope with an ultrasonic sensor at the end, for examination, the patient needs to swallow the device, which falls into duodenum which is located near the gallbladder. This device uses frequencies 2 times higher than conventional ultrasound, so endoscopic ultrasonography shows a higher quality image, layering the walls of the gallbladder.

What are polyps?

The causes of gallstone polyps are still not known and are only theoretical guesses. According to many experts, polyps are asymptomatic, and if symptoms are present, the diagnosis should be reconsidered in favor of cholelithiasis, concomitant diseases digestive system, such as, for example, reactive pancreatitis, etc. Today, these neoplasms are divided into the following groups:

  • Cholesterol polyps are pseudotumors

It is cholesterol neoplasms that are taken on ultrasound for polyps. They represent the deposition of cholesterol as an elevation of the bladder mucosa. The accumulation of cholesterol occurs against the background of lipid metabolism disorders and often contain calcified inclusions, so they give the impression of gallbladder stones that are fixed to the walls.

  • Inflammatory polyps are also pseudotumors

These neoplasms are an inflammatory reaction of the bile mucosa, manifested by the growth of the internal tissue of the affected bladder.

  • Gallbladder adenoma, as well as papillomas and papillary neoplasms, are true polyps

it benign neoplasms, however, in 10-30% of patients their malignancy is observed, and often the development of such polyps is asymptomatic or a combination of cholelithiasis with chronic cholecystitis is possible (see also). The reasons for the development of oncology against the background of such neoplasms remain largely unclear.

The most common polyps are cholesterol ones, which can be treated conservatively.

There are two opinions of experts regarding what is considered cholesterol polyps of the gallbladder. Some argue that they can be in the form of inclusions that create a diffuse mesh, usually they are 1-2 mm, or be larger 2-4 mm and look like outgrowths from the submucosal layer of the bladder, while its ultrasonographic features are smooth contours and wide base. Larger cholesterol neoplasms from 3-4 mm to 5-7 mm can also be detected, they are located on a thin stem, with a smooth contour, do not give an acoustic shadow during the study, even larger - over 10 mm have a scalloped contour and this cholesterol polyp hypoechoic.

Another opinion of doctors is that 95% of polyps described on ultrasound are not actually they, but are considered loose cholesterol stones. Yes, indeed, on ultrasound they look like polyps, even as multiple ones, but they almost never give any pain, and if the patient complains of symptoms of cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, it is the stones that cause severe pain and ailments.

If there is the slightest chance of preserving the organ, they should always be used, in the presence of a polyp in the gallbladder, the treatment should not be aimed at 100% removal of the gallbladder. There are no useless organs in the body. By removing the bile store, from which bile flows through the duct to participate in digestion, significant changes occur in the entire process of digestion.

Therefore, if cholesterol polyps are detected by ultrasound, the doctor may recommend starting drug therapy, dissolve the stones with ursodeoxycholic or chenodeoxycholic acids (ursofalk, ursosan), that is, with special preparations for 2-3 months and do a control ultrasound. According to the result in dynamics, conclusions can be drawn, if there is a positive effect, then the dissolution of stones should be continued, if there is no positive dynamics, the issue of surgical treatment should be decided.

These conclusions are made by surgeons when, after surgical treatment of gallbladder polyps, the described polyps according to the results of ultrasound in 95% of cases were loose parietal cholesterol stones, which can give symptoms of gallstone disease.

Therefore, in agreement with the attending physician, it is possible to conduct courses with drugs that improve the rheology of bile and dilute bile (ursosan, ursosan, ursofalk). The course and dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the weight of the patient, and the treatment can also be supplemented with choleretic herbs, such as agrimony. In addition, you should follow a diet number 5, 4 meals a day.

However, of course, one should also remember about the possible malignancy of an adenomatous polyp, papilloma or papillary neoplasm. To do this, you should perform a control ultrasound every six months, preferably with the same specialist and on the same device. In the case of growth of the neoplasm by 2 mm per year, an operation is indicated, since the risk of its malignancy is high, in the absence of growth, continue monitoring. In each specific clinical case, only a doctor or a council of doctors determines the advisability of surgical removal of the gallbladder in the presence of polyps.

Symptoms of gallbladder polyps

As we wrote above, polyps are asymptomatic, there are no specific complaints in patients. Very rarely can be pain in the epigastric region or discomfort in the right hypochondrium, intolerance to certain types of food, and often they are found incidentally on ultrasound.

Polyp treatment

The opinion of most specialists when polyps are found in the gallbladder is an operation, that is, only a surgical intervention, 100% indications for which are:

  • A polyp less than 10 mm in size on a stalk is monitored every six months for 2 years and once a year for life, with its growth, removal is indicated. However, some doctors insist on the need for surgery immediately after the discovery of a large neoplasm.
  • With the development clinical symptoms polyps - removal is shown regardless of their size and type.
  • Any polyps larger than 10 mm are recommended to be removed due to the high risk of its degeneration into cancer.

Given the oncological tension, there is such a tactic for managing dubious clinical cases - it is based on constant monitoring of the size of even small polyps. If it is less than 1 mm, there are no indications for removal, but most doctors insist on monthly ultrasound control for 6 months, then every 3 months, then six months and then annually. We remind you that the rapid growth of a polyp is considered to be 2 mm during the year.

Among modern methods surgical intervention regarding the removal of a polyp or gallbladder, the following methods are distinguished:

  • LCE - Videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy - modern endoscopic technologies, the most sparing operations, but are performed only in certain cases (see)
  • OLCE - open laparoscopic cholecystectomy, performed from a mini-access, using the "Mini-Assistant" tools
  • Traditional cholecystectomy, TCE, is performed from an oblique or median laparotomy approach
  • Endoscopic polypectomy - the long-term results and consequences of such an operation are not deeply studied and so far it is not used often.


  • The frequency of gallbladder cancer is 0.27-0.41% among all cancers
  • It is 2 times more common in women than in men
  • Among oncology of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder cancer ranks 5th (after cancer of the stomach, pancreas, colon and rectum)
  • Among the oncology of the organs of the hepato-pancreato-duodenal zone - 2nd place after pancreatic cancer
  • The risk of development increases after 45-50 years, the peak incidence is 56-70 years
  • During operations on the biliary tract occurs in 1-5% of cases.

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Polyps in the gallbladder are pathological neoplasms on the walls of the mucous cavity, rushing to grow inside the organ. Each polyp has a stalk or a wide base and a body. Polypous structures in the cavity of the gallbladder differ in morphological terms, which is caused by the nature of the occurrence of foci. Treatment tactics include medical and surgical intervention.

Should a gallbladder polyp be removed?

Surgery is an undesirable outcome for any patient, so it is important to consider many risks when polyps appear.

  • On the one hand, clinicians tend to remove the smallest pathological growths everywhere because of the risk of malignancy.
  • On the other hand, it is recommended to refrain from surgery, to observe the state of the tumor during the year.

Such a difference in opinion is due to the fact that many polyps in the gallbladder are nothing more than the deposition of sand or stones, excess cholesterol. In other cases, polyps do occur, are accompanied by certain symptoms, and predetermine the prognosis for the patient.

Indications for removal

High oncogenic risks and the widespread spread of cancer are pushing surgeons to radically solve the problem at the very beginning.

Unconditional indications for surgical intervention are:

  • Multiple polyps of the gallbladder or diffuse polyposis;
  • Dynamic growth of the polyposis focus;
  • Large neoplasm, more than 2 cm;
  • The appearance of characteristic symptoms;
  • Burdened anamnesis in relation to diseases of the organ;
  • Oncological risks due to cases of cancer of the hepatobiliary system in close relatives.

Mechanical blockage of the ducts due to the growth of the polyp, infringement or torsion of the pedicle of the growth is also considered an indication for removal.

Regarding the growth criteria, the intensity of the increase in volume is also distinguished. So, if the polyp grows more than 2 mm per year, then a decision is made to remove the tumor.

Small polyp (up to 5 mm)

Is it necessary to perform an operation if the polyp is 5 mm, localized or the number of units in the polyposis focus is from 1 to 3 units? Usually, in such a situation, removal is postponed until the first characteristic symptoms appear. It is important to conduct an ultrasound of the gallbladder polyp once every 3 months. At the same time, blood and urine tests are taken, and the patient's condition is fully monitored.

Removal is only necessary in the following cases:

  1. malignancy- small polyps can also change according to the oncogenic type;
  2. blockage of the ducts- with localization in the lumen of the glands;
  3. Regular damage to the polyp in the presence of stones, inflammation.

The determining criterion in the removal of even small polyps is the effect on the functionality of the digestive system, the health of the hepatobiliary structures in general, and general state patient.

How to delete - basic methods

Removal of polyps in the gallbladder is an important aspect modern surgery and oncology. High oncological risks are due not only to heredity, but also to the constant impact of internal or external negative factors.

There are the following well-known methods for removing pathological foci:

  • Videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy (abbreviation LCE). The technique involves the removal of the organ by the latest endoscopic methods, at the early stages of the development of various complications associated not only with polyposis, but also with other diseases of the gallbladder. The technique is not used for advanced oncology.
  • Classic cholecystectomy (abbreviation TCE). The method of removal through abdominal surgical access by incision in the right hypochondrium or from the middle section abdominal cavity. In addition to the complications associated with all abdominal operations, the method is traumatic, leaves scars due to a deep skin incision, the white line of the abdomen, and the abdominal region.
  • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. It involves the removal of an organ without a deep incision. It is considered the golden mean in modern surgery. Surgical access is carried out by punctures in the abdominal cavity and the introduction of endoscopic instruments through them. The only drawback is the impossibility of completing the operation in 6% of all cases, which requires traditional cholecystectomy.

All these methods are used in order to remove the gallbladder.

With a complication of polyposis or with metastases, it is possible to remove lymph nodes, parts of the liver, and other neighboring organs.

Removal of polyps in the gallbladder without removal of the gallbladder - organ-preserving techniques

The main way to remove polyps without removing the organ itself is endoscopic polypectomy. The polyp is removed using a special diathermic loop. So, the growth is wrapped around the loop, the pathological focus is pulled together and cut off. At the same time, coagulation of the vessels takes place to prevent bleeding.

With a large polyp, its partial excision is carried out, and after the extraction of fragments and coagulation.

Unfortunately, this method of treatment is practically not used due to the lack of certainty in postoperative period. During the manipulation, the surface of the bladder is still damaged, complications develop, and new foci may appear in place of the scar tissue.

Thus, the treatment of multiple or diffuse polyps is effective only with cholecystectomy.

Preparatory stages

Preparation for any volume of surgical intervention begins on an outpatient basis. Given the possibility of a planned operation, patients usually have time to fully prepare for the upcoming manipulation.

Outpatient training includes the following steps:

  1. Decrease physical activity(in last days rest should be observed before manipulation in general);
  2. Diet correction, it is recommended to switch to medical nutrition a month before the operation;
  3. For 14 days, it is necessary to exclude the use of drugs that affect blood coagulation;
  4. Taking a course of antibiotic therapy with active inflammation;
  5. Cancellation of life-sustaining medications on the eve of surgery.

During the day of the operation, the patient moves to the clinic, where the last stage of preparation is carried out:

  • enema bowel cleansing,
  • determination with the type of drug for anesthesia,
  • the introduction of relaxing drugs to reduce the stress factor.

Simultaneously with outpatient training, a whole range of diagnostic measures is prescribed. Patients must pass all general clinical tests, undergo instrumental examination.

On the day of the operation, an additional physical examination of the patient is carried out for a possible deterioration in well-being, and they are prepared for the introduction of anesthesia.

How to remove - the course of the manipulation

All operations on the gallbladder, regardless of online access, are held under general anesthesia, according to vital indications.

An approximate algorithm for performing an abdominal operation is as follows:

  1. Introduction of anesthesia;
  2. An incision in the peritoneum or in the right hypochondrium up to 30 cm;
  3. Isolation of the gallbladder;
  4. Clamping of the ducts and blood vessels with a clip;
  5. Separation of the gallbladder from the liver;
  6. Stop bleeding (laser coagulation, ultrasound or catgut suture);
  7. Sewing up the surgical wound.

The total duration of the operating period is 60-90 minutes.

During laparoscopic cholecystectomy, surgical access is provided through several punctures, and a similar scenario is performed with special tools with regular monitoring of what is happening on the computer monitor. In some cases, they switch to the path of traditional cholecystectomy.

Possible Complications

Given the severity and sufficient volume of surgical intervention, the body is under severe stress associated with the removal of the organ.

In this regard, the following complications may develop:

  • Dysmotility of muscle structures small intestine;
  • Liquefaction of bile and greater susceptibility to bacterial damage;
  • Bile acid damage to mucous membranes digestive organs;
  • The development of chronic pathologies: colitis, enteritis, gastritis, esophagitis.

In the absence of the gallbladder, the compensatory capabilities of the body are activated, which help the patient recover as soon as possible. After the operation, a long drug treatment. It is important to comply with all the requirements of the doctor, protective regime, food discipline.

An important aspect of the postoperative period is the correction of nutrition. Compliance proper nutrition required throughout the life of the patient.

The normalization of the diet is due to the following features:

  • Now the bile secretion is sent directly to the intestinal sections;
  • A sharp decrease in the concentration of bile makes it difficult to digest food;
  • The activity of enzymes that are involved in the breakdown also decreases.

Diet is required to help the body digest the food it receives.

It is important to follow the three main rules of the late postoperative period:

  1. Eat only boiled or steamed food;
  2. Eat food in small portions, chewing slowly (you can gradually increase the number of servings);
  3. Gradually reduce the volume of servings while increasing the frequency of meals to 6-7.

All these rules allow the liver to prepare the necessary amount of enzymes that will digest the incoming food bolus.

Attention! If you continue to eat your usual food, neglect the rules of nutrition, then you can achieve serious complication- stagnation of bile in the ducts, the development of acute cholestasis.

Such a diet is indicated for 18 months to give the body the opportunity to adapt to a new state, to cope with the digestive processes according to the age needs of the patient. After a while, you can start eating lean meat, fish, avoiding smoked meats, pickles.

Physical activity is indicated 1-2 months after the operation. All this time it is better to observe the protective regime, to exclude hypothermia, viral and colds.

Additionally, a whole series of medications is prescribed to normalize and maintain the necessary balance of microflora in order to avoid secondary inflammatory processes. Patients are recommended to undergo diagnostics at least 2 times a year regarding the current clinical situation.

In women from 30 to 50 years old, polyps of the uterus and cervix are increasingly being diagnosed. If symptoms of pathology are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Folk remedies for polyps in the nose of a child right here. But keep in mind that the child's body may not respond to such treatment as expected.

Nutrition Features

In the early postoperative period, significant restrictions on food preferences are recommended. So, the food should be semi-liquid, frayed, in order to reduce any load on the intestines. Food is consumed warm, in small portions several times a day.

It is important to exclude fast food, heavy complex dishes, it is necessary to limit salt to 1 teaspoon per day. It is unacceptable to completely exclude salt because of the risks of developing electrolyte disorders.

The diet should be based on:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • meat and fish cutlets;
  • pureed or cereal side dishes;
  • slimy soups in low-fat broth.

From drinking, preference should be given to jelly, a decoction of rosehip berries, and herbal infusions. Security proper diet over several years will allow the body to quickly adapt to the new state and the changes that have occurred.

What else is important to know about the consequences of gallbladder removal, learn from this video:

Removal of polyps in the gallbladder is determined by vital indications. Despite the ubiquity of oncological diseases, each situation is considered from a variety of angles. If necessary, try to save the organ, but explain to patients the possible risks, consequences and benefits radical methods removal.

Can a uterine polyp come out with menstruation, read our article here.

Source: polipunet.ru

Polyps in the gallbladder are a common ailment. Approximately 10 percent of Russians find polyps in a particular organ. In the gallbladder, formations are detected during a preventive examination. The likelihood of suffering from the disease is much greater than the statistics say. Some people live with such neoplasms all their lives, completely unaware of their existence. For some, insidious polyps develop into oncology.

The insidiousness of polyps is that they do not declare themselves for many years. Or they cause symptoms that are similar to gastritis, indigestion, stomach ulcers, liver disease, cholelithiasis.

For example, here are the symptoms of polyposis:

  • nausea, and sometimes vomiting, after which it becomes easier;
  • pain in the hypochondrium;
  • hepatic colic;
  • jaundice;
  • bloating;
  • elevated temperature;
  • poor sleep, memory problems;
  • dark urine;
  • feeling of heaviness after eating.

What are polyps anyway? Peculiar neoplasms on the mucous membrane inside the gallbladder. These neoplasms can be large, small, single or multiple. They can only be detected by ultrasound.


An interesting fact: polyps are more common in women, and over the age of 35. And only in 20 percent of cases in men. Perhaps it depends on the fact that men are less likely than women to go to clinics for medical examinations. And neoplasms are detected more often with medical examinations. Be that as it may, the fact remains that women suffer from this disease 4 times more often.

And the causes of pathology are considered:

  • inflamed gallbladder;
  • stagnant bile;
  • impaired metabolic functions;
  • obesity;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

There is an opinion that the hereditary factor and genetic predisposition are most affected. If someone in the family had cancerous tumors, then the risk of neoplasms in the gallbladder increases significantly. And yet, experts say that several reasons play a role in polyposis at once: for example, heredity and at the same time stagnation of bile acquired due to strict diets or other reasons.

Types and diagnosis of polyps in the gallbladder

Polyps are divided into:

  • cholesterol (these are pseudopolyps). They are cholesterol deposits on the mucous membrane of the organ. Most often detected in men;
  • real, consisting of epithelial tissue. They also differ in papillomas and adenomatous papillomas - one of the most dangerous in terms of the risk of developing into an oncological disease.

Recognizing the disease only by the symptoms will not work. We need such studies as ultrasound and endoscopy. As well as methods of laboratory tests.

Ultrasound examination shows the gall sac as a dark oval mass. If there is a polyp in it, then it looks like a light formation starting from the wall and growing into the cavity. Endoscopic ultrasonography allows you to see the polyp in detail, since high-frequency ultrasound is used, the image image is clearer.

Another test could be CT scan. It gives a clear picture, determines the nature and location of polyps, the causes of their occurrence.

What is the danger of a gallbladder polyp?

Many people live their entire lives with a polyp in their gallbladder and die for other reasons. However, this is not a reason to calm down and not take action if nothing disturbs. A preventive examination at least once every two years is necessary. And if there are severe symptoms, it is necessary to check. After all, what is the danger of a gallbladder polyp? In 35 percent of cases, polyps turn into cancer. But even if you are lucky to avoid cancer, other consequences are also dangerous.

Among them:

  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • gangrenous cholecystitis;
  • liver abscess;
  • peritonitis (pus enters the peritoneum, often ends in death);
  • cholangitis (leads to sepsis).

The growths interfere with the normal outflow of bile. And this leads to cirrhosis of the liver, to osteoporosis.

How to treat polyps in the gallbladder without surgery?

Treatment of polyps without surgery is possible when it comes to pseudopolyps. That is, those that were formed as a result of the deposition of cholesterol. Exist medical preparations capable of dissolving polyps. But it still depends on the size of the neoplasms. Large ones, those that exceed one centimeter, are removed with the help of an operation.

Medical treatment of polyps in the gallbladder

As soon as it is precisely established that the polyps are of a cholesterol nature, the doctor prescribes medication. Such therapy allows you to reduce cholesterol and dissolve the formed growths in the gallbladder. For this, ursosan and henofalk are used. There are other similar drugs, for example, ursofalk. It also effectively destroys cholesterol deposits.

The dosage and duration of treatment depend on the degree of neglect of the disease, the age of the patient, his body weight and other factors. For example, for patients weighing from 60 to 70 kilograms, three ursosan capsules per day are enough. Those who weigh more may be given another extra capsule.

Noshpu is taken as a pain reliever. It eliminates spasms of the gallbladder, and the pain disappears. One tablet is enough for severe pain.

Such therapy lasts from three months to two years, it all depends on the size of the neoplasms. As a rule, during this period, with the help of dissolving medications, you can completely get rid of the disease without surgery. But, alas, sometimes the results are not what we would like. In this case, you still have to resort to surgical intervention.

Folk remedies

Ancient recipes are good as additional remedy. They allow you to stop the growth of neoplasms. A decoction of celandine is good in this regard. A tablespoon of grass is poured into a thermos and 1000 g of boiling water is poured. After an hour of infusion, they drink one hundred grams in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening before a meal. Such a course is carried out for a month, then a ten-day break is taken, and the course is repeated again. And so 90 days. Treatment of polyps in the gallbladder folk remedies doctors are said to be quite efficient. But in any case, you should consult with your doctor.

Diet for polyps in the gallbladder

When confirming the diagnosis, nutrition should be completely reconsidered. It should be rich in fiber. Coarse fibers of vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes restore metabolism well, promote the rapid absorption of fats.

The intake and type of fats should be monitored, as well as the balance of carbohydrates. Uncontrolled eating of fats leads to a situation where the gallbladder is not able to qualitatively process food. Fats are useful and harmful. Healthy are unsaturated fats, and harmful are saturated and modified (margarine, refined butter). These bad products are ideally banned altogether.

Eat a little and don't overeat before bed. Two-thirds of the meal should be non-starchy vegetables.

This diet must be followed for life. Polyps can even form again after removal.

The diet on the first day after the removal of neoplasms is even more strict. In the first 6 hours you can not eat or drink. Then, during the day, only drink mineral water without gas in small portions. In the next two weeks - only mashed vegetables cooked with steam - as a puree or soup.

When is it impossible to treat polyps in the gallbladder without surgery?

Surgery is more common. In some situations, there is even no other alternative.

It is when:

  • a polyp larger than a centimeter;
  • when the polyp was the result of another disease - cholecystitis, gastritis;
  • when growth of neoplasm is observed;
  • when a lot of polyps formed;
  • if plus to the polyp there is also cholelithiasis;
  • when someone in the family had cancer.

That is, the operation is indicated when there is a high risk of the polyp degenerating into an oncological disease, or into another dangerous condition.

A dangerous condition can also be considered the fact if the polyp creates significant discomfort, a violation of health. It means:

  • the transition of an ordinary polyp to an onco;
  • hepatic colic;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • purulent cholecystitis;
  • obstructed outflow of bile;
  • excess bilirubin.

Cancer of the gallbladder is a very dangerous condition in which only 15 percent of patients live up to a year. Thus, in case of suspicious neoplasms, the operation is carried out without delay.

Surgical interventions are most often laparoscopic, that is, with the least surgical interventions and rapid recovery after surgery. But sometimes you have to remove the gallbladder through a full incision. The operation is called an open cholecystectomy. They resort to this method of removing neoplasms when they reach large sizes - about two centimeters.

Prevention of polyps

Although polyposis is considered mainly a hereditary disease, a lot depends on the lifestyle of the patient.

Negative factors:

  • sedentary work, too few walks;
  • passion for too fatty, fried, spicy food;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • untreated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dry food, hastily, a long break between meals;
  • overweight.

It is important to change eating habits, in the nature of rest. Be more in the fresh air, move, take daily walks, fix health problems in time, be sure to undergo an annual preventive examination.


Who can argue with statistics? Every tenth inhabitant of our country has polyps in the gallbladder. Given that they are detected by ultrasound by chance, the figure will be much higher. The situation is aggravated by the fact that with this disease there are no specific symptoms. Some doctors say that a mandatory operation is required, others are less categorical. They argue that if you have gallbladder polyps, treatment without surgery is possible. Who is right in this situation? Let's try to figure it out.

Symptoms of gallbladder polyps

Gallbladder polyps are growths on the inner wall of the organ. When they are in the plural, it is polyposis. It is dangerous that these benign formations can develop into cancer. Unfortunately, they do not have pronounced symptoms. The appearance of pain on the right, in the hypochondrium, heaviness when eating, nausea - all the same is manifested in diseases of the liver, cholelithiasis. Diagnostics, except for ultrasound, does not exist, and formations are detected by chance.

Distribution have cholesterol polyps. Their reason is simple - cholesterol is deposited on the inner walls of the organ. In inflammatory formations, diseased tissue grows. Papillomas look like papillae. The most dangerous - adenomas - the growth of cancer cells. There are several reasons for this:

  • accumulation of cholesterol;
  • obesity;
  • taking hormones;
  • stagnation of bile;
  • eating fatty, fried foods.

Treatment without surgery

A single growth up to 5 millimeters is not dangerous. When their dimensions are from 5 to 10 millimeters, constant medical supervision is required. Therapy is needed in order to exclude an increase in growths. Prescribe medications: "Allochola", "Holenzima", bear bile. At the same time, a strict diet, treatment with folk remedies is recommended. See what the growth looks like in the photo.

When the formations increase in size, become more than 10 millimeters, an endoscopic gallbladder polypectomy is performed. During this operation, only the growth is removed, and the organ itself remains intact, continues to work normally. Only when the size of the formations is more than two centimeters, it is recommended to remove the diseased organ, because the likelihood of cancer is high. The operation is fast, after 2 days the patient continues outpatient treatment at home. By international classification ICD-10 diseases with such neoplasms have the code K80-K86.


In addition to taking medications, a diet is prescribed. With polyposis, she is very strict. The diet eliminates fatty and smoked foods, limits the use of sweets and honey, and reduces the amount of salt. The following products are completely excluded:

  • onion, garlic, radish;
  • fat meat;
  • legumes, spinach;
  • sour cream;
  • muffin;
  • pickles;
  • mushrooms;
  • strong coffee.

Diet for polyps in the gallbladder suggests fractional nutrition- five times a day. It is necessary to drink plenty of water, up to two liters, so that the bile becomes less thick. It is recommended to add bran rich in fiber to food. Allowed:

  • lean meat;
  • sweet fruits;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • kefir;
  • butter;
  • porridge on the water.

Folk remedies

If you have a polyp in the gallbladder, treatment with folk remedies will stop its increase. Excellent results are obtained by using a decoction of celandine. The course of treatment lasts one month, a break is made for 10 days, then the process continues, and so on for three months. To prepare the composition, a spoonful of celandine grass is poured into a thermos, a liter of boiling water is added. An hour lasts. It should be taken before meals, three times a day. Dosage - one hundred grams.

Can a gallbladder polyp be cured?

This disease cannot be completely cured. Growths do not disappear without a trace. They can only stop their growth. For this, early diagnosis is important. Only when you have captured the disease at the very beginning, and the formations are small, treatment is not excluded. Appoint medications, diet, treatment with folk remedies. In this case, periodic monitoring of ultrasound is mandatory.


Some experts tell you that surgery is required if there are neoplasms, while others say that it is possible to get by with treatment. Watch the video and you will get acquainted with the risk factors and causes of the disease. It will become clear to you under what conditions surgical intervention is necessary.