Why does the child squint his eyes. How to behave if the child often blinks and squints

Inflamed red eyes in a child can be evidence of serious diseases, therefore, having noticed any changes, you need to urgently understand what is wrong and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

red eyes at baby- this is all the more a cause for concern for parents and a reason for contacting a specialist. Perhaps the redness of the child's eyes does not go away because he rubs them with his hands, but there are other, more serious reasons, so it is best to visit a doctor. You can not let the situation take its course if the child has a red eye for a week. This is a long time and consultation of a specialist in this case is necessary.

Red eyes in a child: causes

Why does the child have red eyes? Noticing deviations from the norm, parents must definitely find the causes of redness and immediately begin treatment. You can find and look at the red eyes of a child in a photo on the Internet to compare the signs of the disease. Pay attention to whether the child has red eyelids or redness in the corner of the eye. If the child has red eyes after sleeping, carefully examine him, perhaps the baby has begun to develop conjunctivitis.

Observe the behavior of the baby, maybe the child rubbed his eyes to redness when he cried. In this case, the problem is easy to solve: simple washing will help. cold water. But if a child has very red eyes, swelling, red blood vessels, eyes itch and fester? So the problem is much more serious.

Red white of the eye in a child without pus: causes

If the child has constantly red eyes, but there is no pus, then most likely it is either an allergic reaction, or the child was crying and rubbing his eyes. Perhaps he had just come from a walk, and there was a strong wind outside. Salt or chlorinated water in the eyes can also cause this effect. If the child's eye hurts and the whites turn red, this may have happened as a result of a foreign body entering the eye. In order to remove it, you need to rinse the eye from the outer to the inner corner, or remove the mote with a handkerchief previously soaked in water. If you can’t remove the mote on your own, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Parents of older children should immediately pay attention to how much time the child spends behind the screen of a computer monitor or TV. In a child of 5 or 6 years old, red eyes may well be due to overexertion. In addition to the computer, the state of the organs of vision can be affected by reading in the dark or lack of sleep. This causes the whites of the child's eyes to turn red. In addition, redness can indicate other diseases: beriberi or diabetes as well as vision problems.

Red eyes in a child after swimming

Red capillaries in the eyes of a child may be due to chlorine. If you notice that a child has red eyes after bathing, tearing accompanied by itching, this may well be a sign that the water in the pool is highly chlorinated.

But not only the pool can provoke redness, Red eyes in a child at sea are also a common occurrence. This is due to the negative effect of salt on the mucous membrane, so it is better to use glasses when diving that do not allow sea water to pass through.

Red purulent eyes in a child - a sign of conjunctivitis

A red eye in a child with pus may be an indicator of conjunctivitis, which occurs due to different reasons. Conjunctivitis may be different types e.g. allergic or bacterial. It is accompanied by purulent or mucous discharge, itching and photophobia. After sleeping, the baby's eyelids may be stuck together due to sticky secretions. Before you start treating conjunctivitis, you should determine its cause by contacting your doctor. Based on what caused the disease, the specialist will prescribe medication. If a child has a temperature and red eyes, then this may indicate conjunctivitis, which developed against the background of a cold.

Red eye in a newborn baby

red eyes at month old baby immediately cause concern to the mother, because the baby is still very tiny and it is urgent to identify the causes of the disease. A red eye in a child of 4 months or 6 months is also an unpleasant chore for parents, the baby cannot explain his feelings and it is best not to look for information on the network, but to contact a specialist who will conduct an examination. Usually, redness in infants is due to blockage of the tear duct. In this case, the doctor will prescribe a massage and tell you which antibacterial drops should be used.

The child's eyes are red and watery after a walk

Red eyes in a child who is 1 year old, 2 years old or 3 years old may also be due to climatic conditions. The white of the child's eye sometimes becomes red in strong winds or low temperatures. Usually, the red swollen eyes of a child in this case quickly return to normal after the baby gets home in the heat.

Red eyes in a child: allergies

If a child's eye becomes inflamed and red, it may be an allergic reaction. In this case help antihistamines, and the eyes can be washed with a decoction of chamomile or furacilin.

The eyes of the child inside may be red from the dust. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the room and carry out wet cleaning at home. Even if the child is a year old, red eyes can be an allergic reaction to dust.

Red eye in a child: drops and other medicines

Noticing a red eye in a child, how to drip so that recovery begins faster? Of course, it is best that the treatment of red eyes in a child is prescribed by a doctor, having established the causes. When it comes to bacterial or viral infection, your doctor may prescribe Tetracycline or Chloramphenicol.
What else can treat red eyes in a child? Often doctors recommend rinsing the eyes with chamomile or furatsilin. In case of allergies, antihistamines are prescribed that are suitable for age and individual indicators.

Red eye in a child: treatment

As you can see, a red spot in a child's eye can appear for various reasons, and it is very important to establish why this happened in order to quickly get rid of the problem. Treatment depends on the diagnosis and it is best to be prescribed by a doctor. You should not let the situation take its course and wait for the red eye to one year old baby will return to normal on its own.
For any problems with the eyes of the baby, you need to follow the strict observance of hygiene. You should not allow the baby to rub his eyes with his hands, do not allow contact with other children, conjunctivitis is a contagious disease.

Why does the child squint

Definitely answer the question "Why does the child squint?" sometimes it's not so easy. The fact that a child squints does not always indicate visual impairment. The reasons why a child squints, blinks often, rubs his eyes with his hand, etc. are very diverse. Often this behavior is caused by psychological discomfort, but in many cases the child squints precisely because of eye problems. But parents need to find out why the child is squinting.

Possible violations (why the child squints)

Parents are often surprised why children squint, but do not express complaints out loud, forgetting that babies, unlike adults, are not able to understand that something is wrong with their eyesight. This is especially true in cases where defects are congenital. Therefore, children of the younger age group and even preschoolers with such disorders simply habitually squint, trying to make out one or another object. In addition to nearsightedness, these symptoms may indicate problems such as:
  • spasms of accommodation
  • the child squints with other refractive errors (farsightedness, astigmatism)
  • allergic conjunctivitis
  • overdried mucous membrane of the eyes, etc.

What to do if the child squints? Why is the child squinting?

You should consult a doctor if:
  • the child drops things from his hands, often stumbles and is a little slow
  • child squints when looking into the distance
  • baby rubs eyes very often
  • the child squints and leans too close over notebooks and books.
If your baby is big enough, you can do some simple eye exams at home before going to the optometrist. For example, draw a circle with one closed eye, name letters or pictures located at some distance, etc. If the child squints, the visit to the ophthalmologist cannot be postponed.

Many parents of children At the age of 4-10 years, they suddenly begin to notice that the child has begun to blink frequently, close his eyes for no reason or take them to the side and up. Parents react to this behavior of the child in different ways: some simply do not pay much attention to it, believing that the child is simply grimacing; while others, on the contrary, begin to tightly control the behavior of the child, suggesting that frequent blinking, squinting and deviations in eye movement in children can be corrected by constantly prohibiting the repetition of a bad habit.

In fact behavior and those and other parents wrong. Both the indifference of parents and the strict control of the child's behavior can only worsen the situation. If parents constantly make remarks to the child: “Stop squinting your eyes”, “Stop blinking for no reason”, “Don’t roll your eyes up, it’s ugly”, then the child will try with all his might to suppress involuntary movements of the eyelids and eyes, which will lead to even more emotional stress and excitement. As a result of such nervous tension, any involuntary eye movements in a child will already become chronic, that is, beyond volitional control.

The reason for the frequent blinking, squinting and other unpleasant eye movements in children is a nervous tic or involuntary contraction of facial muscles. Parents should not ignore even minimal, rapidly passing tics in a child, as they signal that something is wrong with the child's nervous system. But it is also not correct to list all children who periodically have tics of various kinds as mentally ill.

Tiki can occur in all children, just not every parent knows how to behave so that the child can cope with them on his own. Very often, children appear with the beginning of the visit. kindergarten or schools. Not every child can calmly accept a change in the usual circumstance and an infusion into a new team.

Most children it is during these periods that strong emotional stresses occur, which lead to the occurrence of nervous tics. The trigger for the development of children's tics can also be problems in communicating with other children, a strict teacher or teacher, conflicts between parents in the presence of a child, too harsh upbringing, fear and other events in the child's life that from the point of view of parents do not deserve any attention. Fortunately, these tics are not physiological and are mostly temporary. With the right behavior of parents, they disappear without a trace in 80% of children by the age of 10.

Most cases of nervous eye tics appear in children who have inherited a predisposition to their development from their parents or relatives through several generations. If a child blinks and closes his eyes frequently, it is often found that one of his relatives also suffered from tics or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Mistakes in the upbringing of parents, such as a lack of communication, increased adherence to principles, severe punishment, excessive guardianship and uncompromisingness also provoke the development of nervous tics in children.

Some tics formed against the background of past diseases, taking medicines or head injury. Endless TV watching, excessive computer games, an unbalanced diet and a sedentary lifestyle are the most common causes, which contribute to the development of unpleasant blinking, squinting and involuntary eye movements of the child. Despite the fact that children's tics in most cases disappear after a while, the observation of the child by a neurologist is mandatory in all cases of their occurrence.

If a child began to blink frequently and close his eyes recently, then first visit an optometrist. Let him check the child's eyes for the absence of microtraumas, dry eyes, the presence foreign bodies and other deviations in the development of the organs of vision. Even if the speck is only in one eye, the child will blink both. Frequent blinking of the eyes in these cases stops immediately, as soon as the object interfering with the cornea of ​​​​the eye is eliminated.

When examined by experts tell them about the child's health, in particular, whether he has any allergic reactions and increased excitability. The doctor may recommend that the child be examined for a paroxysmal condition by electroencephalography and Doppler neurosonography. Very rarely, in children, both eyes involuntarily and convulsively twitch due to the development of a neurological pathology - blepharospasm or Mezhe's syndrome. These diseases, unfortunately, are not treatable and in particularly difficult cases can even lead to loss of vision.

Naturally, before starting the treatment of various involuntary eye movements of a child, which are especially disturbing to parents, first of all, it is necessary to exclude factors that provoke nervous tics. Family psychotherapy, analysis of intra-family relationships, revision of the diet and sleep of the child, the adequacy of his physical and mental stress, changing the attitude of parents to education are the most important steps for the success of treating children's tics.

Parents should remember that each of their affectionate words and attentive attitude to children's problems, the manifestation of parental love through joint activities helps the child cope with the accumulated nervous tension and eliminates anxiety. Medical treatment children's tics begin only when all methods of psychological correction have already been exhausted.

Blinking is a reflex contraction of the eyelids natural process which accompanies human life from birth. On average, people blink 20 times per minute. Blinking has a protective effect, moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eye and cleaning it from dust. If the baby blinks often, what to do and how to help the child? And why did he start squinting for no reason?

Why can a child often blink his eyes and squint?

Why does a child blink often, what does this behavior mean, and is it dangerous? The baby can blink and squint for various reasons. The age of the child is important. In infants and children 4-6 years old, the factors that cause pathology usually differ.

Parents should monitor the behavior of the baby and the possible manifestation of unnatural blinking. It can be separate (localized), that is, affecting only the eyelid, and can be combined with twitching of the muscles of the eyebrows, cheeks, arms or legs. Such details will help to correctly determine the source of the pathology. Therapy is directly related to it.

Causes related to the organs of vision

The main causes of an ophthalmic nature:

Causes of a neurological nature

What makes parents suspect a neurological cause? The child does not have any ophthalmic problems, and involuntary and frequent closing of the eyelids is present. The baby began to blink one or both eyes. Neurology is typical for children under the age of one, preschoolers and adolescents.

Tictic blinking is diagnosed in almost 18% of children. Most often, it does not require medication, but only specialist advice and lifestyle adjustments. Tic does not indicate that the child is mentally ill. It's a warning sign of congestion nervous system, which is temporarily unable to cope with its tasks.

Visually, a nervous tic may be no different from a normal blink. It is betrayed by frequency and irrelevance. Possible reasons neurological nature:

  1. traumatic brain injury;
  2. motor tic (uncontrolled spasm of the facial muscles of the face);
  3. congenital pathologies (birth trauma, etc.);
  4. genetic predisposition;
  5. atypical reaction immune system on an external or internal factor;
  6. stress or emotional upheaval.

Stress is the most common trigger. It is caused by severe fear, psychological overload, manifestation of anger, stressful situations in the family (quarrels, separation from loved ones), important events in life.

The occurrence of tics at the age of 3 years is more likely to be associated with the beginning of kindergarten attendance. From the age of 6 to 7, the cause of the problem is getting into school, especially if things don't go so smoothly. Experts even have a name for this phenomenon - "the tick of the first of September."

What are the accompanying symptoms?

Ophthalmic and neurological factors have completely different characteristics and associated symptoms. If the problem is directly in the eyes, the child feels pain, discomfort, and can explain his condition. With neurology, everything happens involuntarily, the baby is not able to control himself.

Possible concomitant symptoms with ophthalmic abnormalities:

  1. sensation of pain, burning, itching or discomfort;
  2. eyeball very red;
  3. increased tearing;
  4. excretion of exudate (with conjunctivitis);
  5. visual impairment, from which the child squints his eyes when he tries to consider something;
  6. extraneous spots appear before the eyes, which soon disappear, etc.

Additional neurological signs:

  • if the child is afraid, nervous or angry, he clenches his fists, sobs, often stammers or stutters, coughs or breathes heavily;
  • sometimes there is a shudder of the limbs;
  • motor tic is also manifested in other parts of the face - the corner of the mouth or the wings of the nose twitch.

Nervous tic treatment

If the baby began to blink his eyes often, how to help the child? Treatment is specific and depends on what specifically caused the tic. With excessive excitement, stress, fear or looseness of the nervous system, medication is rarely used.

It is necessary to follow the daily routine, ensure proper rest and parental care, a comfortable and calm atmosphere at home. The support of loved ones often completely solves the problem.

In severe pathologies, neurologists use several types of treatment:

  1. taking medication;
  2. the use of natural traditional medicine;
  3. special exercises or massage to relax and tone the eye muscles.

Medical approach

If the problem is serious illness, the neuropathologist in each case prescribes a complex of suitable drugs. When it comes to severe stress, emotional upheaval or nervous system instability, aggressive drugs are not used.

Light sedatives are also used. They are mostly natural, contain extracts or extracts of medicinal plants.

Traditional medicine

Folk recipes are used to calm and relax the nervous system:

Gymnastics and eye massage

When a child blinks his eyes frequently, he can be taught simple exercises. For preschoolers, present in the form of a game so that they are interested.

Gymnastics (performed in this order):

  1. Open your eyes wide, and then close your eyes sharply. Perform until tears flow. Gently wipe the tears, gently massaging the lower eyelid.
  2. Blink your eyes at a fast pace. The exercise resembles the flight of a butterfly.
  3. "The butterfly has flown away." Close the eyelids halfway and freeze in this position until they begin to twitch with tension. Then close the eyelids or open completely.

Parents can learn a simple scalp massage using a flat comb. All movements are performed smoothly and easily, necessarily alternate with stroking the hair and head.

Massage rules:

What to do if it is a violation of the functions of the organs of vision?

The first step is to contact a pediatric ophthalmologist for consultation and diagnosis. Serious ophthalmic disorders require medical intervention, but often parents can manage on their own.

With conjunctivitis, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal drops are prescribed (more details in the article:). For children, Tobrex, Levomycetin, decoctions of herbs or strong brew for washing are used. Overdried mucosa is moistened with drops, for example, "artificial tears".

It is also important to follow the daily routine, provide the baby with a good rest, do not let him watch TV for a long time or sit in front of the computer, regulate the time for using gadgets. Read and write only in good lighting at the table, maintaining a distance between the head and the book (notebook).

Preventive measures

Preventive actions:

  1. regularly visit an ophthalmologist to monitor the condition of the organs of vision;
  2. provide conditions for reading or writing (lighting, a comfortable table and chair);
  3. limit time for watching TV, working with a computer and playing with gadgets;
  4. create a safe and calm environment at home (no quarrels and screams);
  5. avoid stressful situations as much as possible;
  6. support the baby, give him enough attention;
  7. provide a good rest;
  8. make sure he doesn't get tired.

Of all eye diseases, the most common is myopia, or myopia (from the ancient Greek “squint my eyes”). This is a visual defect in which a person sees well near, but poorly - far away. According to Andrei Revta, an ophthalmologist at the Arkhangelsk Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital, examinations of children in grades 10-11 showed that every third graduate suffers from myopia. What to do if a child has this diagnosis and how to stop the progression of the disease - about this in an interview with him.

- Andrey Mikhailovich, what should I do if the child says: “I can’t see well in the distance”? Is it myopia?

It's not always myopia. Often this is a pre-myopic condition ("false myopia" ). The main thing in this situation is to diagnose in time given state, while the reverse development of myopia is possible by influencing the ciliary muscle.

Is it possible to prevent myopia?

– Prevention of myopia is a whole range of measures, including compliance with hygiene standards for lighting in classrooms and rooms, limiting and optimizing visual work at close range, increasing physical activity, and balanced nutrition. Excessive eye strain when working with a computer is one of the most significant risk factors in the development of myopia. Games on a mobile phone are especially detrimental to vision.

— Are there time limits when working with a computer?

- Of course, there are, and besides, they depend on the age of the child. Children up to three years it is generally not recommended to be near the computer! At the age of 4-7 years, it is allowed to work on a computer no more than 10 minutes 3 times a week, for students in grade 1, the recommended time for working on a computer is 10-15 minutes a day, for students in grades 2-5 - 15 minutes a day, grades 6-7 - 20 minutes a day, grades 8-9 - 25 minutes a day, grades 10-11 - 30 minutes in the first hour of classes and 20 minutes in the second. Students are not recommended to use the computer for more than 3 hours a day, while taking 10-minute breaks every hour.

-Are there other methods of prevention?

- Yes, these are drops that improve blood circulation in the ciliary muscle, and hardware treatment aimed at relieving its excessive tension (classes according to Avetisov-Mats, Volkov-Kolesnikova, on the Vizotronic apparatus), and physiotherapy, pursuing the same goals: electro - and magnetophoresis, laser stimulation of the ciliary muscle.

- And there are home preventive computer programs?

- Yes, there are such computer programs that can be purchased via the Internet: "Eye", "Relax", "Flower" and others.

- How much can all this stop the development of myopia?

- If myopia progresses to medium (3-6 diopters) and high (more than 6 diopters), dystrophic processes often develop (peripheral, less often central vitreochorioretinal degeneration), due to malnutrition of the retina, which in the future can lead to a significant decrease in vision and retinal detachment. Therefore, it is especially important to stop the progression of the disease. With rapidly progressing myopia, sclero-strengthening operations are indicated: specially designed grafts are implanted to the posterior pole of the eye.

At what age is sclero-strengthening surgery indicated?

The operation is indicated at any age and with any degree of myopia, while taking into account the progression gradient - more than 1.0 diopters per year. As a rule, sclero-strengthening operations are performed on children older than 10 years.

- Is this a safe operation?

– The operation is safe, allergic reactions are very rare.

- If, nevertheless, myopia progresses, which is better: contact lenses or glasses?

- Studies conducted in our country and abroad show that when wearing glasses, myopia progresses in 80% of patients, and when wearing lenses, only 10-20%. Wearing glasses or lenses is decided on an individual basis, based on the psychological and physical features child. Some children cannot wear lenses, others do not want to wear glasses.

- I heard there are also night lenses ...

- Yes, indeed, there are such lenses, they are called orthokeratological. These are rigid lenses that are worn at night during sleep, such lenses change the profile of the cornea, and myopic refraction is temporarily eliminated or reduced. Unfortunately, this effect is short-lived, usually no more than 2 days, and requires constant use.

- Why are some people prescribed glasses for distance, others - for constant wear?

- Glasses are prescribed for permanent wear with moderate and high degrees of myopia, as well as in cases where myopia is congenital or early acquired, and also if myopia is accompanied by severe astigmatism. This results in amblyopia, or lazy eye. This is a functional condition in which a properly selected spectacle or contact correction does not completely restore vision. Amblyopia is defined as visual acuity with a correction of less than 8 lines.

What sport is best for myopia?

- Any increase in motor activity has a beneficial effect on vision, but you should still prefer those sports where head injuries are excluded (swimming, running, tennis, badminton and others). In this case, the degree of myopia should also be taken into account. With high myopia, it is recommended to exclude jumps, crosses, competitions.

Prepared by Elena Antropova